Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add the missing EPL license header.HEADmasterRoland Grunberg2013-10-105-0/+30
* Add prefix for lookup path of o.e.equinox.launcher jar.Roland Grunberg2013-10-091-1/+1
* Small cleanup.Roland Grunberg2013-10-082-2/+2
| | | | | - Rename to eclipse-runTestBundles - Remove unnecessary values in alltest.xml
* Add basic support for non-default test includes.Roland Grunberg2013-10-081-3/+15
* Handle case where multiple symlinked jars provide same OSGi bundle.Roland Grunberg2013-10-082-1/+7
| | | | | | | When all system OSGi bundles are symlinked, there is a chance that multiple locations may provide the same OSGi bundle. Although this is a violation of expected guidelines, handle this case anyways. Also suppress excessively verbose output.
* Remove dependence on Tycho by using Eclipse's Equinox Launcher.Roland Grunberg2013-09-092-14/+2
| | | | | | Instead of the equinox launcher from /usr/share/java/tycho/ use the one provided by Eclipse in /usr/lib*/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar.
* Fix individual test class pattern matching and create a run script.Roland Grunberg2013-09-043-2/+19
| | | | | - Classes of the form '.+TestBar.+\.class' should not be matched. - A run script to perform all preparations, and running of tests.
* Use artifactId from pom instead of Bundle-SymbolicName from manifest.Roland Grunberg2013-08-301-1/+1
| | | | | | The manifest format can be difficult to parse in certain cases so use the artifactId from the pom. These two fields should be identical for most projects.
* Install extra IUs in tycho-surefire-plugin's dependency configuration.Roland Grunberg2013-08-301-7/+36
| | | | | | | Any IUs found in tycho-surefire-plugin's dependency configuration may be needed for testing purposes. Ideally these should be installed only for the test bundle that requires them but doing so would be more complicated. We install the IUs for all test bundles.
* Use 'dir' bundle shape for test bundles and mimic Tycho's test setup.Roland Grunberg2013-08-294-2/+159
| | | | | | | | - Eclipse test bundles should have a directory bundle shape (Eclipse-BundleShape: dir) - Eclipse test bundles' contents should be unpacked/placed into the directory from which the test suite is run to permit tests that access their test bundle resources improperly to pass.
* Initial Commit.Roland Grunberg2013-08-285-0/+390