path: root/silpa/common
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authorSanthosh Thottingal <>2009-07-19 18:22:04 +0530
committerSanthosh Thottingal <>2009-07-19 18:22:04 +0530
commit05f7f938168f9b3195c9b101f4b98f298ab2e981 (patch)
tree8c6b80ac93eb1c04607db04f7ca6defd663dd3ef /silpa/common
parenta6ec66bcd94b6ab7b1a0aeee5fabb4dbdf7ed50e (diff)
Templating Library
Diffstat (limited to 'silpa/common')
1 files changed, 1130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silpa/common/ b/silpa/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5acf21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# PyMeld is released under the terms of the MIT License:
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Entrian Solutions Ltd.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+r"""A simple, lightweight system for manipulating HTML (and XML, informally)
+using a Pythonic object model. `PyMeld` is a single Python module,
+_PyMeld.py_. This beta version requires Python 2.2 or above, but the
+final production version may work with previous releases of Python (with
+slightly limited features) if there's sufficient demand.
+ o Allows program logic and HTML to be completely separated - a graphical
+ designer can design the HTML in a visual HTML editor, without needing to
+ deal with any non-standard syntax or non-standard attribute names. The
+ program code knows nothing about XML or HTML - it just deals with objects
+ and attributes like any other piece of Python code.
+ o Designed with common HTML-application programming tasks in mind.
+ Populating an HTML form with a record from a database is a one-liner
+ (using the `%` operator - see below). Building an HTML table from a set
+ of records is just as easy, as shown in the example below.
+ o No special requirements for the HTML/XML (or just one: attribute values
+ must be quoted) - so you can use any editor, and your HTML/XML doesn't
+ need to be strictly valid.
+ o Works by string substitution, rather than by decomposing and rebuilding the
+ markup, hence has no impact on the parts of the page you don't manipulate.
+ o Does nothing but manipulating HTML/XML, hence fits in with any other Web
+ toolkits you're using.
+ o Tracebacks always point to the right place - many Python/HTML mixing
+ systems use exec or eval, making bugs hard to track down.
+*Quick overview*
+A `PyMeld.Meld` object represents an XML document, or a piece of one.
+All the elements in a document with `id=name` attributes are made available
+by a Meld object as ``. The attributes of elements are available
+in the same way. A brief example is worth a thousand words:
+>>> from PyMeld import Meld
+>>> xhtml = '''<html><body>
+... <textarea id="message" rows="2" wrap="off">Type your message.</textarea>
+... </body></html>'''
+>>> page = Meld(xhtml) # Create a Meld object from XHTML.
+>>> print page.message # Access an element within the document.
+<textarea id="message" rows="2" wrap="off">Type your message.</textarea>
+>>> print page.message.rows # Access an attribute of an element.
+>>> page.message = "New message." # Change the content of an element.
+>>> page.message.rows = 4 # Change an attribute value.
+>>> del page.message.wrap # Delete an attribute.
+>>> print page # Print the resulting page.
+<textarea id="message" rows="4">New message.</textarea>
+So the program logic and the HTML are completely separated - a graphical
+designer can design the HTML in a visual XHTML editor, without needing to
+deal with any non-standard syntax or non-standard attribute names. The
+program code knows nothing about XML or HTML - it just deals with objects and
+attributes like any other piece of Python code. Populating an HTML form with
+a record from a database is a one-liner (using the `%` operator - see below).
+Building an HTML table from a set of records is just as easy, as shown in the
+example below:
+*Real-world example:*
+Here's a data-driven example populating a table from a data source, basing the
+table on sample data put in by the page designer. Note that in the real world
+the HTML would normally be a larger page read from an external file, keeping
+the data and presentation separate, and the data would come from an external
+source like an RDBMS. The HTML could be full of styles, images, anything you
+like and it would all work just the same.
+>>> xhtml = '''<html><table id="people">
+... <tr id="header"><th>Name</th><th>Age</th></tr>
+... <tr id="row"><td id="name">Example name</td><td id="age">21</td></tr>
+... </table></html>'''
+>>> doc = Meld(xhtml)
+>>> templateRow = doc.row.clone() # Take a copy of the template row, then
+>>> del doc.row # delete it to make way for the real rows.
+>>> for name, age in [("Richie", 30), ("Dave", 39), ("John", 78)]:
+... newRow = templateRow.clone()
+... = name
+... newRow.age = age
+... doc.people += newRow
+>>> print re.sub(r'</tr>\s*', '</tr>\n', str(doc)) # Prettify the output
+<html><table id="people">
+<tr id="header"><th>Name</th><th>Age</th></tr>
+<tr id="row"><td id="name">Richie</td><td id="age">30</td></tr>
+<tr id="row"><td id="name">Dave</td><td id="age">39</td></tr>
+<tr id="row"><td id="name">John</td><td id="age">78</td></tr>
+Note that if you were going to subsequently manipulate the table, using
+PyMeld or JavaScript for instance, you'd need to rename each `row`, `name`
+and `age` element to have a unique name - you can do that by assigning
+to the `id` attribute but I've skipped that to make the example simpler.
+As the example shows, the `+=` operator appends content to an element -
+appending `<tr>` elements to a `<table>` in this case.
+*Shortcut: the % operator*
+Using the ` = value` syntax for every operation can get tedious, so
+there are shortcuts you can take using the `%` operator. This works just like
+the built-in `%` operator for strings. The example above could have been
+written like this:
+>>> for name, age in [("Richie", 30), ("Dave", 39), ("John", 78)]:
+... doc.people += templateRow % (name, age)
+The `%` operator, given a single value or a sequence, assigns values to
+elements with `id`s in the order that they appear, just like the `%` operator
+for strings. Note that there's no need to call `clone()` when you're using
+`%`, as it automatically returns a modified clone (again, just like `%` does
+for strings). You can also use a dictionary:
+>>> print templateRow % {'name': 'Frances', 'age': 39}
+<tr id="row"><td id="name">Frances</td><td id="age">39</td></tr>
+The `%` operator is really useful when you have a large number of data items
+- for example, populating an HTML form with a record from an RDBMS becomes a
+Note that these examples are written for clarity rather than performance, and
+don't necessarily scale very well - using `+=` to build up a result in a loop
+is inefficient, and PyMeld's `%` operator is slower than Python's built-in
+one. See `toFormatString()` in the reference manual for ways to speed up this
+kind of code.
+*Element content*
+When you refer to a named element in a document, you get a Meld object
+representing that whole element:
+>>> page = Meld('<html><span id="x">Hello world</span></html>')
+>>> print page.x
+<span id="x">Hello world</span>
+If you just want to get the content of the element as string, use the
+`_content` attribute:
+>>> print page.x._content
+Hello world
+You can also assign to `_content`, though that's directly equivalent to
+assigning to the tag itself:
+>>> page.x._content = "Hello again"
+>>> print page
+<html><span id="x">Hello again</span></html>
+>>> page.x = "Goodbye"
+>>> print page
+<html><span id="x">Goodbye</span></html>
+The only time that you need to assign to `_content` is when you've taken a
+reference to an element within a document:
+>>> x = page.x
+>>> x._content = "I'm back"
+>>> print page
+<html><span id="x">I'm back</span></html>
+Saying `x = "I'm back"` would simply re-bind `x` to the string `"I'm back"`
+without affecting the document.
+*Version and license*
+This is version 2.1.4 of _PyMeld.py_, Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Entrian
+Solutions. It is Open Source software released under the terms of the MIT
+__version__ = "2.1.4"
+__author__ = "Richie Hindle <>"
+import sys, string, re
+from types import StringType, UnicodeType
+# Entrian.Coverage: Pragma Stop
+ True, False, bool
+except NameError:
+ True = 1
+ False = 0
+ def bool(x):
+ return not not x
+# Entrian.Coverage: Pragma Start
+# Regular expressions for tags and attributes.
+openTagRE = re.compile(r"""(?ix) # Case-insensitive, verbose
+ <(?P<tag>[-a-z0-9_:.]+) # Tag opens; capture its name
+ (?:\s+[-a-z0-9_:.]+=(?P<quote1>["']).*?(?P=quote1))* # Attributes
+ \s*/?> # Tag closes
+ """)
+openIDTagRE = r"""(?ix) # Case-insensitive, verbose
+ <(?P<tag>[-a-z0-9_:.]+) # Tag opens; capture its name
+ (?:\s+[-a-z0-9_:.]+=(?P<quote1>["']).*?(?P=quote1))* # Attributes before id
+ \s+id=(?P<quote2>["'])(?P<id>%s)(?P=quote2) # The 'id' tag
+ (?:\s+[-a-z0-9_:.]+=(?P<quote3>["']).*?(?P=quote3))* # Attributes after id
+ \s*/?> # Tag closes
+ """
+attributeRE = r"""(?ix)
+ (?P<space>\s+)
+ (?P<name>%s)=(?P<quote>["'])(?P<value>.*?)(?P=quote)
+ """
+idRE = re.compile(r"""(?i)\s+id=(?P<quote>["'])(?P<id>.*?)(?P=quote)""")
+def _findIDMatch(id, text):
+ """Work around a possible RE bug:
+ > m ="<\w+(?:\s\w+='.*?')*\sid='x'>", "<A a='b'><B c='d' id='x'>")
+ > m.span()
+ (0, 25)
+ """
+ # To repeat the bug: return % id, text)
+ # The fix: check whether you can match again, *within* the original match.
+ thisRE = openIDTagRE % id
+ start = 0
+ match =, text)
+ prevMatch = match
+ while match:
+ prevMatch = match
+ start = prevMatch.span()[0] + 1
+ match =, '.' * start + text[start:prevMatch.end()])
+ return prevMatch
+class _MarkupHolder:
+ """Keeps hold of the markup string, so that it can be shared between
+ multiple Meld objects."""
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ self.count = 0
+ self.s = s
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ if name == 's':
+ self.__dict__['count'] = self.count + 1
+READ_ONLY_MESSAGE = "You can't modify this read-only Meld object"
+class ReadOnlyError(Exception):
+ """Raised if you try to modify a readonly Meld object."""
+ pass
+class Meld:
+ """Represents an XML document, or a fragment of one. Pass XML/XHTML
+ source to the constructor. You can then access all the elements with
+ `id="name"` attributes as ``, and all the attributes of the
+ outermost element as `object.attribute`."""
+ def __init__(self, source,
+ readonly=False, replaceUnderscoreWithDash=False):
+ """Creates a `Meld` from XML source. `readonly` does what it
+ says. replaceUnderscoreWithDash lets you write code like this:
+ >>> html = '<html><div id="header-box">xxx</div></html>'
+ >>> meld = Meld(html, replaceUnderscoreWithDash=True)
+ >>> meld.header_box = "Yay!"
+ >>> print meld.header_box
+ <div id="header-box">Yay!</div>
+ >>> del meld.header_box
+ >>> print meld
+ <html></html>
+ """
+ # Store the options and the markup.
+ self._readonly = readonly
+ self._dashes = replaceUnderscoreWithDash
+ if source is not None:
+ # This is a container-style Meld, representing the whole thing.
+ if isinstance(source, StringType) or isinstance(source, UnicodeType):
+ self._markup = _MarkupHolder(source)
+ self._lastUpdate = -1
+ self._name = None
+ # No call to `self._updatePositions()` 'cos it's done lazily.
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Melds must be constructed from strings"
+ def _makeChild(self, name, start):
+ """Alternative constructor for internal use: makes a child Meld
+ for a named element. `start` is a shortcut - everywhere where this
+ is used, we've already found the starting position of the child
+ element as a side effect of determining that the element exists."""
+ newObject = Meld(None, self._readonly, self._dashes)
+ newObject._markup = self._markup
+ newObject._lastUpdate = -1
+ newObject._name = name
+ newObject._updatePositions(start)
+ return newObject
+ def _updatePositions(self, start=None):
+ """Finds the start and end positions of the start and end tag in
+ the markup. If the caller happens to know where the start tag starts,
+ he can pass it in to save time."""
+ if self._lastUpdate == self._markup.count:
+ return
+ # Find the start tag.
+ if self._name is None:
+ # This is a container-style Meld, representing the whole thing.
+ # Look for the first opening element - we'll treat that as the
+ # defining element, in the absence of an `id`.
+ match =, self._markup.s)
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError, "This isn't any form of markup I recognize"
+ self._tagName ='tag')
+ self._openStart = match.start()
+ self._openEnd = match.end()
+ else:
+ # Find the start tag.
+ if start is None:
+ match = _findIDMatch(self._name, self._markup.s)
+ self._tagName ='tag')
+ self._openStart = match.start()
+ self._openEnd = match.end()
+ else:
+ match =, self._markup.s[start:])
+ self._tagName ='tag')
+ self._openStart = start + match.start()
+ self._openEnd = start + match.end()
+ # Now find the end tag in the rest of the HTML. Most of this code
+ # deals with nested tags - counting up nested opening tags and
+ # counting down the closing tags until it gets to zero.
+ rest = self._markup.s[self._openEnd:]
+ depth = 1
+ pos = 0
+ while 1:
+ openMatch ='(?i)<%s(>|\s)' % self._tagName, rest[pos:])
+ closeMatch ='(?i)</%s>' % self._tagName, rest[pos:])
+ if not closeMatch:
+ # There's no matching closing tag.
+ self._closeStart = self._closeEnd = self._openEnd
+ break
+ elif not openMatch:
+ if depth == 1:
+ # We've found the matching closing tag.
+ self._closeStart = self._openEnd + pos + closeMatch.span()[0]
+ self._closeEnd = self._openEnd + pos + closeMatch.span()[1]
+ break
+ else:
+ # We've found a closing tag, but it's for a nested opening tag.
+ depth = depth - 1
+ pos = pos + closeMatch.span()[1]
+ elif openMatch.span()[0] < closeMatch.span()[0]:
+ # We've found a nested opening tag.
+ depth = depth + 1
+ pos = pos + openMatch.span()[1]
+ else: # closeMatch.span()[0] < openMatch.span()[0]
+ depth = depth - 1
+ if depth == 0:
+ # We've found the matching closing tag.
+ self._closeStart = self._openEnd + pos + closeMatch.span()[0]
+ self._closeEnd = self._openEnd + pos + closeMatch.span()[1]
+ break
+ else:
+ # We've found a closing tag but it's for a nested opening tag.
+ pos = pos + closeMatch.span()[1]
+ self._lastUpdate = self._markup.count
+ def _findElementFromID(self, nodeID):
+ """Returns the start position of the element with the given ID,
+ or None."""
+ self._updatePositions()
+ # For the outermost element, include that element (otherwise you
+ # couldn't access it by ID). For all other elements, don't do that,
+ # because you couldn't access nested elements with the same name.
+ if self._name is None:
+ start = self._openStart
+ subset = self._markup.s[start:self._closeEnd]
+ else:
+ start = self._openEnd
+ subset = self._markup.s[start:self._closeStart]
+ match = _findIDMatch(nodeID, subset)
+ if match:
+ return start + match.start()
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _quoteAttribute(self, value):
+ """Minimally quotes an attribute value, using `&quot;`, `&amp;`,
+ `&lt;` and `&gt;`."""
+ value = value.replace('"', '&quot;')
+ value = value.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
+ value = re.sub(r'&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;)', '&amp;', value)
+ return value
+ def _unquoteAttribute(self, value):
+ """Unquotes an attribute value quoted by `_quoteAttribute()`."""
+ value = value.replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&amp;', '&')
+ return value.replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&gt;', '>')
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ """`object.<name>`, if this Meld contains an element with an `id`
+ attribute of `name`, returns a Meld representing that element.
+ Otherwise, `object.<name>` returns the value of the attribute with
+ the given name, as a string. If no such attribute exists, an
+ AttributeError is raised.
+ `object._content` returns the content of the Meld, not including
+ the enclosing `<element></element>`, as a string.
+ >>> p = Meld('<p style="one">Hello <b id="who">World</b></p>')
+ >>> print p.who
+ <b id="who">World</b>
+ >>> print
+ one
+ >>> print p._content
+ Hello <b id="who">World</b>
+ >>> print p.who._content
+ World
+ """
+ if name == '_content':
+ self._updatePositions()
+ return self._markup.s[self._openEnd:self._closeStart]
+ elif name[0] == '_':
+ try:
+ return self.__dict__[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ if self._dashes:
+ name = string.replace(name, '_', '-')
+ self._updatePositions()
+ start = self._findElementFromID(name)
+ if start is not None:
+ return self._makeChild(name, start)
+ openTag = self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._openEnd]
+ match = % name, openTag)
+ if match:
+ return self._unquoteAttribute('value'))
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "No element or attribute named %r" % name
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ """`object.<name> = value` sets the XML content of the element with an
+ `id` of `name`, or if no such element exists, sets the value of the
+ `name` attribute on the outermost element. If the attribute is not
+ already there, a new attribute is created.
+ >>> p = Meld('<p style="one">Hello <b id="who">World</b></p>')
+ >>> p.who = "Richie"
+ >>> = "two"
+ >>> p.align = "center"
+ >>> = "newwho"
+ >>> print p
+ <p align="center" style="two">Hello <b id="newwho">Richie</b></p>
+ """
+ if name[0] == '_' and name != '_content':
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ return
+ if self._readonly:
+ raise ReadOnlyError, READ_ONLY_MESSAGE
+ if self._dashes:
+ name = string.replace(name, '_', '-')
+ self._updatePositions()
+ if not isinstance(value, StringType) or isinstance(value, UnicodeType):
+ value = str(value)
+ if name == '_content':
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:self._openEnd] + \
+ value + \
+ self._markup.s[self._closeStart:]
+ return
+ start = self._findElementFromID(name)
+ if start is not None:
+ child = self._makeChild(name, start)
+ if self._markup.s[child._openStart:child._closeEnd] == value:
+ return # `x.y = x.y`, as happens via `x.y += z`
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:child._openEnd] + \
+ value + \
+ self._markup.s[child._closeStart:]
+ else:
+ # Set the attribute value.
+ openTag = self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._openEnd]
+ attributeMatch = % name, openTag)
+ escapedValue = self._quoteAttribute(value)
+ if attributeMatch:
+ # This is a change to an existing attribute.
+ attributeStart, attributeEnd = attributeMatch.span()
+ quote ='quote')
+ newOpenTag = openTag[:attributeStart] + \
+ '%s%s=%s%s%s' % ('space'),
+ quote, escapedValue, quote) + \
+ openTag[attributeEnd:]
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:self._openStart] + \
+ newOpenTag + \
+ self._markup.s[self._openEnd:]
+ else:
+ # This is introducing a new attribute.
+ newAttributePos = self._openStart + 1 + len(self._tagName)
+ newAttribute = ' %s="%s"' % (name, escapedValue)
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:newAttributePos] + \
+ newAttribute + \
+ self._markup.s[newAttributePos:]
+ if string.lower(name) == 'id':
+ self._name = value
+ def __delattr__(self, name):
+ """Deletes the named element or attribute from the `Meld`:
+ >>> p = Meld('<p style="one">Hello <b id="who">World</b></p>')
+ >>> del p.who
+ >>> del
+ >>> print p
+ <p>Hello </p>
+ """
+ if name == '_content':
+ self._updatePositions()
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:self._openEnd] + \
+ self._markup.s[self._closeStart:]
+ return
+ if name[0] == '_':
+ try:
+ del self.__dict__[name]
+ return
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ if self._readonly:
+ raise ReadOnlyError, READ_ONLY_MESSAGE
+ if self._dashes:
+ name = string.replace(name, '_', '-')
+ self._updatePositions()
+ start = self._findElementFromID(name)
+ if start is not None:
+ child = self._makeChild(name, start)
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:child._openStart] + \
+ self._markup.s[child._closeEnd:]
+ return
+ # Look for an attribute of this name.
+ openTag = self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._openEnd]
+ attributeMatch = % name, openTag)
+ if attributeMatch:
+ attributeStart, attributeEnd = attributeMatch.span()
+ newOpenTag = openTag[:attributeStart] + openTag[attributeEnd:]
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:self._openStart] + \
+ newOpenTag + \
+ self._markup.s[self._openEnd:]
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "No element or attribute named %r" % name
+ def __mod__(self, values):
+ """`object % value`, `object % sequence`, or `object % dictionary` all
+ mimic the `%` operator for strings:
+ >>> xml = '<x><y id="greeting">Hello</y> <z id="who">World</z></x>'
+ >>> x = Meld(xml)
+ >>> print x % ("Howdy", "everybody")
+ <x><y id="greeting">Howdy</y> <z id="who">everybody</z></x>
+ >>> print x % {'who': 'all'}
+ <x><y id="greeting">Hello</y> <z id="who">all</z></x>
+ Assignment for sequences happens in the same order that nodes with
+ 'id' attributes appear in the document, not including the top-level
+ node (because if the top-level node were included, you'd only ever
+ be able to assign to that and nothing else):
+ >>> xml = '''<a id="a">
+ ... <b> <!-- `b` has no ID, hence is ignored. -->
+ ... <c id="c">First one</c>
+ ... <d id="d">Second one</d>
+ ... </b>
+ ... <e id="e">Third one; the content includes 'f':
+ ... <f id="f">Removed when 'e' is assigned to</f>
+ ... </e>
+ ... </a>'''
+ >>> a = Meld(xml)
+ >>> print a % ('One, with a <z id="new">new</z> node', 'Two', 'Three')
+ <a id="a">
+ <b> <!-- `b` has no ID, hence is ignored. -->
+ <c id="c">One, with a <z id="new">new</z> node</c>
+ <d id="d">Two</d>
+ </b>
+ <e id="e">Three</e>
+ </a>
+ Giving the wrong number of elements to `%` raises the same exceptions
+ as the builtin string `%` operator. Unlike the builtin `%` operator,
+ dictionaries don't need to specify all the keys:
+ >>> print x % "Howdy"
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TypeError: not enough arguments
+ >>> print x % ("Howdy", "everybody", "everywhere")
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TypeError: not all arguments converted
+ >>> print x % {"greeting": "Howdy"}
+ <x><y id="greeting">Howdy</y> <z id="who">World</z></x>
+ """
+ # Figure out whether we have a dictionary, a sequence, or a lone value.
+ new = self.clone()
+ new._updatePositions()
+ if hasattr(values, 'values') and callable(values.values):
+ # It's a dictionary.
+ keys = values.keys()
+ sequence = values.values()
+ elif hasattr(values, '__getitem__') and \
+ not isinstance(values, StringType) or isinstance(values, UnicodeType):
+ # It's a sequence.
+ keys = None
+ sequence = list(values)
+ else:
+ # Assume it's a plain value.
+ keys = None
+ sequence = [values]
+ # If we've derived a set of keys, just assign the values.
+ if keys:
+ for key, value in zip(keys, sequence):
+ if self._dashes:
+ key = string.replace(key, '_', '-')
+ if not isinstance(value, StringType) or isinstance(value, UnicodeType):
+ value = str(value)
+ start = new._findElementFromID(key)
+ if start is not None:
+ child = new._makeChild(key, start)
+ new._markup.s = new._markup.s[:child._openEnd] + \
+ value + \
+ new._markup.s[child._closeStart:]
+ else:
+ # No keys, so set the values in the order they appear. We
+ # reverse the sequence so we can use pop().
+ sequence.reverse()
+ pos = new._openEnd
+ while sequence:
+ value = sequence.pop()
+ if not isinstance(value, StringType) or isinstance(value, UnicodeType):
+ value = str(value)
+ subset = new._markup.s[pos:new._closeStart]
+ match = _findIDMatch('[^\'"]*', subset)
+ if not match:
+ # We've run out of elements with `id` attributes.
+ raise TypeError, "not all arguments converted"
+ child = new._makeChild('id'), pos+match.start())
+ new._markup.s = new._markup.s[:child._openEnd] + \
+ value + \
+ new._markup.s[child._closeStart:]
+ addedSize = len(value) - (child._closeStart - child._openEnd)
+ new._closeStart += addedSize
+ new._closeEnd += addedSize
+ pos = child._closeEnd + addedSize
+ subset = new._markup.s[pos:new._closeStart]
+ match = _findIDMatch('[^\'"]*', subset)
+ if match:
+ raise TypeError, "not enough arguments"
+ return new
+ def toFormatString(self, useDict=False):
+ r"""Converts a Meld object to a string, with the contents of any tags
+ with `id` attributes replaced with `%s` or `%(id)s`. This lets you
+ use Python's built-in `%` operator rather than PyMeld's, which can
+ speed things up considerably when you're looping over a lot of data.
+ Here's the example from the main documentation, speeded up by using
+ `toFormatString()` and by avoiding repeated use of the `+=` operator:
+ >>> xhtml = '''<html><table id="people">
+ ... <tr id="header"><th>Name</th><th>Age</th></tr>
+ ... <tr id="row"><td id="name">Example</td><td id="age">21</td></tr>
+ ... </table></html>'''
+ >>> doc = Meld(xhtml)
+ >>> rowFormat = doc.row.toFormatString()
+ >>> rows = []
+ >>> for name, age in [("Richie", 30), ("Dave", 39), ("John", 78)]:
+ ... rows.append(rowFormat % (name, age))
+ >>> doc.people = '\n' + doc.header + ''.join(rows)
+ >>> print re.sub(r'</tr>\s*', '</tr>\n', str(doc)) # Prettify
+ <html><table id="people">
+ <tr id="header"><th>Name</th><th>Age</th></tr>
+ <tr id="row"><td id="name">Richie</td><td id="age">30</td></tr>
+ <tr id="row"><td id="name">Dave</td><td id="age">39</td></tr>
+ <tr id="row"><td id="name">John</td><td id="age">78</td></tr>
+ </table></html>
+ So the inner loop no longer contains any PyMeld calls at all - it only
+ manipulates strings and lists. Here's what `doc.row.toFormatString()`
+ actually returns - note that this is a string, not a PyMeld object:
+ >>> print doc.row.toFormatString()
+ <tr id="row"><td id="name">%s</td><td id="age">%s</td></tr>
+ You can ask for a format string that expects a dictionary rather than
+ a tuple using the `useDict` parameter:
+ >>> print doc.row.toFormatString(useDict=True)
+ <tr id="row"><td id="name">%(name)s</td><td id="age">%(age)s</td></tr>
+ If your markup contains `%` symbols, they are correctly quoted in the
+ resulting format string:
+ >>> doc = Meld("<html><p>10% <span id='drink'>gin</span>.</p></html>")
+ >>> print doc.toFormatString()
+ <html><p>10%% <span id='drink'>%s</span>.</p></html>
+ >>> print doc.toFormatString() % 'vodka'
+ <html><p>10% <span id='drink'>vodka</span>.</p></html>
+ """
+ # Build a dictionary mapping from all the possible keys to special
+ # marker values. It doesn't matter if there's some text with `id='x'`
+ # in there, because it will just be ignored.
+ self._updatePositions()
+ content = self._markup.s[self._openEnd:self._closeStart]
+ quotesAndKeys = re.findall(r'\bid=(["\'])([^"\']+)\1', content)
+ keysToMarkers = {}
+ for unusedQuote, key in quotesAndKeys:
+ if self._dashes:
+ key = string.replace(key, '-', '_')
+ keysToMarkers[key] = ":PyMeldMarker'%s':" % key
+ # Now use the PyMeld `%` operator to populate the tags.
+ format = str(self % keysToMarkers)
+ # Convert the resulting marked-up string to a format string, by
+ # quoting all the % characters then inserting %s directives.
+ format = string.replace(format, '%', '%%')
+ if useDict:
+ return re.sub(r":PyMeldMarker'([^']+)':", r'%(\1)s', format)
+ else:
+ return re.sub(r":PyMeldMarker'[^']+':", r'%s', format)
+ def clone(self, readonly=0, replaceUnderscoreWithDash=False):
+ """Creates a clone of a `Meld`, for instance to change an attribute
+ without affecting the original document:
+ >>> p = Meld('<p style="one">Hello <b id="who">World</b></p>')
+ >>> q = p.clone()
+ >>> q.who = "Richie"
+ >>> print q.who
+ <b id="who">Richie</b>
+ >>> print p.who
+ <b id="who">World</b>
+ """
+ self._updatePositions()
+ markup = self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._closeEnd]
+ return Meld(markup, readonly, replaceUnderscoreWithDash)
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ """`object1 + object2` turns both objects into strings and returns the
+ concatenation of the strings:
+ >>> a = Meld('<html><span id="x">1</span></html>')
+ >>> b = Meld('<html><span id="y">2</span></html>')
+ >>> c = Meld('<html><span id="z">3</span></html>')
+ >>> print a + b
+ <html><span id="x">1</span></html><html><span id="y">2</span></html>
+ >>> print a.x + b.y + c.z
+ <span id="x">1</span><span id="y">2</span><span id="z">3</span>
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, Meld):
+ other._updatePositions()
+ other = other._markup.s[other._openStart:other._closeEnd]
+ self._updatePositions()
+ return self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._closeEnd] + other
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ """See `__add__`"""
+ # The case where `other` is a Meld can never happen, because
+ # __add__ will be called instead.
+ self._updatePositions()
+ return other + self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._closeEnd]
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ """`object1 += object2` appends a string or a clone of a Meld to
+ the end of another Meld's content. This is used to build things
+ like HTML tables, which are collections of other objects (eg. table
+ rows). See *Real-world example* in the main documentation."""
+ if self._readonly:
+ raise ReadOnlyError, READ_ONLY_MESSAGE
+ if isinstance(other, Meld):
+ other._updatePositions()
+ other = other._markup.s[other._openStart:other._closeEnd]
+ self._updatePositions()
+ self._markup.s = self._markup.s[:self._closeStart] + \
+ other + \
+ self._markup.s[self._closeStart:]
+ return self
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns the XML that this `Meld` represents. Don't call
+ this directly - instead convert a `Meld` to a string using
+ `str(object)`. `print` does this automatically, which is why
+ none of the examples calls `str`."""
+ self._updatePositions()
+ if self._name is None:
+ return str(self._markup.s)
+ else:
+ return str(self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._closeEnd])
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """Returns the XML that this `Meld` represents. Don't call
+ this directly - instead convert a `Meld` to unicode using
+ `unicode(object)`. `print` does this automatically, which is why
+ none of the examples calls `str`. Note that PyMeld's ability to
+ handle Unicode is largely untested."""
+ self._updatePositions()
+ return unicode(self._markup.s[self._openStart:self._closeEnd])
+# Extra tests, for features that aren't tested by the (visible) docstrings:
+__test__ = {
+'entities and charrefs': """
+>>> page = Meld('''<html><body>&bull; This "and&#160;that"...
+... <span id="s" title="&quot;Quoted&quot; & Not">x</span></body></html>''')
+>>> print page.s.title
+"Quoted" & Not
+>>> page.s.title = page.s.title # Accept liberally, produce strictly.
+>>> print page
+<html><body>&bull; This "and&#160;that"...
+<span id="s" title="&quot;Quoted&quot; &amp; Not">x</span></body></html>
+>>> page.s.title = page.s.title + " <>"
+>>> print page.s.title
+"Quoted" & Not <>
+>>> print page.s
+<span id="s" title="&quot;Quoted&quot; &amp; Not &lt;&gt;">x</span>
+'assigning to _content': """
+>>> page = Meld('''<html><span id="s">Old</span></html>''')
+>>> page.s._content = "New"
+>>> print page
+<html><span id="s">New</span></html>
+>>> page._content = "All new"
+>>> print page
+<html>All new</html>
+'deleting _content': """
+>>> page = Meld('''<html><span id="s">Old</span></html>''')
+>>> del page.s._content
+>>> print page
+<html><span id="s"></span></html>
+'constructing from an unknown type': """
+>>> page = Meld(1)
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+TypeError: Melds must be constructed from strings
+'accessing a non-existent attribute': """
+>>> page = Meld('<html><body id="body"></body></html>')
+>>> print page.spam
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AttributeError: No element or attribute named 'spam'
+>>> del page.spam
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AttributeError: No element or attribute named 'spam'
+>>> print page.body.spam # For non-container Melds
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AttributeError: No element or attribute named 'spam'
+>>> del page.body.spam # For non-container Melds
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AttributeError: No element or attribute named 'spam'
+'add new things':"""
+>>> page = Meld('''<html><textarea id="empty"></textarea></html>''')
+>>> page.empty = "Not any more"
+>>> page.empty.cols = 60
+>>> print page
+<html><textarea cols="60" id="empty">Not any more</textarea></html>
+'readonly': """
+>>> page = Meld('''<html><span id='no'>No!</span></html>''', readonly=True)
+>>> = "Yes?"
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ReadOnlyError: You can't modify this read-only Meld object
+>>> = "Yes?"
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ReadOnlyError: You can't modify this read-only Meld object
+>>> += "More?"
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ReadOnlyError: You can't modify this read-only Meld object
+>>> del
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ReadOnlyError: You can't modify this read-only Meld object
+'copy from one to another': """
+>>> a = Meld('<html><span id="one">One</span></html>')
+>>> b = Meld('<html><span id="two">Two</span></html>')
+>>> = b.two
+>>> print a
+<html><span id="one"><span id="two">Two</span></span></html>
+>>> b.two = "New"
+>>> print a # Checking for side-effects
+<html><span id="one"><span id="two">Two</span></span></html>
+'mixed-type add, radd and iadd': """
+>>> a = Meld('<html><span id="one">1</span></html>')
+>>> print + "x"
+<span id="one">1</span>x
+>>> print "x" +
+x<span id="one">1</span>
+>>> += "y<z></z>"
+>>> print a
+<html><span id="one">1y<z></z></span></html>
+'access top-level element': """
+>>> d = Meld("<x id='x'>spam</x>")
+>>> print d.x
+<x id='x'>spam</x>
+'access nested element with same name': """
+>>> d = Meld("<x id='x'><x id='x'>spam</x></x>")
+>>> print d.x.x
+<x id='x'>spam</x>
+>>> d = Meld("<outer><x id='x'><x id='x'>spam</x></x></outer>")
+>>> print d.x.x
+<x id='x'>spam</x>
+# This is just a smoke-test; proper Unicode support is untested, though
+# the code does attempt to be unicode-friendly.
+'unicode': r"""
+>>> u = Meld(u'<html><span id="one">One</span></html>')
+>>> a = Meld('<html><span id="two">Two</span></html>')
+>>> = a.two
+>>> print repr(unicode(u))
+u'<html><span id="one"><span id="two">Two</span></span></html>'
+>>> a.two = Meld(u'<x a="Unicode Value"/>')
+>>> print a
+<html><span id="two"><x a="Unicode Value"/></span></html>
+'private attributes': """
+>>> page = Meld('<html>x</html>')
+>>> page._private = "Spam"
+>>> print repr(page._private)
+>>> print page
+>>> del page._private
+>>> print repr(page._private)
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AttributeError: _private
+>>> del page._private
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AttributeError: _private
+>>> print page
+'no markup': """
+>>> page = Meld("Hello world")
+>>> print page.spam
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ValueError: This isn't any form of markup I recognize
+'nesting': """
+>>> page = Meld('''<html>
+... <span id="all">Hello
+... <span id="who">World
+... <span id='extra'>and friends</span>
+... </span>!
+... <span id="goodbye">Goodbye</span>
+... </span>
+... </html>''')
+>>> print page.all
+<span id="all">Hello
+ <span id="who">World
+ <span id='extra'>and friends</span>
+ </span>!
+ <span id="goodbye">Goodbye</span>
+>>> print page.extra
+<span id='extra'>and friends</span>
+'re-bug': """
+>>> page = Meld("<A a='a'><B b='b'><C c='c' id='x'></C></B></A>")
+>>> print page.x # Was "<B b='b'><C c='c' id='x'></C></B>"
+<C c='c' id='x'></C>
+'underscores': """
+>>> html = '<html><div id="header-box" dash-attr="_">xxx</div></html>'
+>>> meld = Meld(html, replaceUnderscoreWithDash=True)
+>>> print meld % {'header_box': 'Mod'}
+<html><div id="header-box" dash-attr="_">Mod</div></html>
+>>> print meld.toFormatString(useDict=True)
+<html><div id="header-box" dash-attr="_">%(header_box)s</div></html>
+>>> meld.header_box = 'yyy'
+>>> meld.header_box.dash_attr = '___'
+>>> print meld
+<html><div id="header-box" dash-attr="___">yyy</div></html>
+'doctype': """
+>>> html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "abc" "xyz">\\n<html><x id="y">z</x></html>'
+>>> meld = Meld(html)
+>>> meld.a = 'a'
+>>> meld.y = 'b'
+>>> print meld
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "abc" "xyz">\n<html a="a"><x id="y">b</x></html>
+'eichin-bug': """
+>>> page = Meld('''<table><tr><td
+... id="Instance_1_0">label</td><td id="Instance_1_1"></td><td
+... id="Instance_1_2"></td><td id="Instance_1_3"> </td><td class="running"
+... id="Instance_1_4">Running</td></tr>
+... </table>''')
+>>> print page.Instance_1_4
+<td class="running"
+# Entrian.Coverage: Pragma Stop
+def test():
+ """Tests the `PyMeld` module, performing code coverage analysis if
+ `Entrian.Coverage` is available. Returns `(failed, total)`, a la
+ `doctest.testmod`."""
+ import doctest
+ try:
+ from Entrian import Coverage
+ Coverage.start('PyMeld')
+ except ImportError:
+ Coverage = False
+ ## # Profiling.
+ ## import PyMeld
+ ## import profile, pstats
+ ##"import doctest, PyMeld; result = doctest.testmod(PyMeld)", "rjh")
+ ## s = pstats.Stats("rjh")
+ ## s.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats()
+ ## # Cheap benchmark, for comparing new versions with old.
+ ## import PyMeld
+ ## for i in range(100):
+ ## reload(doctest)
+ ## result = doctest.testmod(PyMeld)
+ import PyMeld
+ result = doctest.testmod(PyMeld)
+ if Coverage:
+ analysis = Coverage.getAnalysis()
+ analysis.printAnalysis()
+ return result
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ failed, total = test()
+ if failed == 0: # Else `doctest.testmod` prints the failures.
+ print "All %d tests passed." % total