path: root/src/storage/phrase_index.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/storage/phrase_index.h')
1 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/storage/phrase_index.h b/src/storage/phrase_index.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1dad0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/storage/phrase_index.h
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+ * libpinyin
+ * Library to deal with pinyin.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Peng Wu
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "novel_types.h"
+#include "chewing_key.h"
+#include "pinyin_parser2.h"
+#include "pinyin_phrase2.h"
+#include "memory_chunk.h"
+#include "phrase_index_logger.h"
+ * Phrase Index File Format
+ *
+ * Indirect Index: Index by Token
+ * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ * + Phrase Offset + Phrase Offset + Phrase Offset + ...... +
+ * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ * Phrase Content:
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ * + Phrase Length + number of Pronunciations + Uni-gram Frequency+
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ * + Phrase String(UCS4) + n Pronunciations with Frequency +
+ * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ */
+namespace pinyin{
+/* Store delta info by phrase index logger in user home directory.
+ */
+const size_t phrase_item_header = sizeof(guint8) + sizeof(guint8) + sizeof(guint32);
+ * PhraseItem:
+ *
+ * The PhraseItem to access the items in phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+class PhraseItem{
+ friend class SubPhraseIndex;
+ friend bool _compute_new_header(PhraseIndexLogger * logger,
+ phrase_token_t mask,
+ phrase_token_t value,
+ guint32 & new_total_freq);
+ MemoryChunk m_chunk;
+ bool set_n_pronunciation(guint8 n_prouns);
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::PhraseItem:
+ *
+ * The constructor of the PhraseItem.
+ *
+ */
+ PhraseItem(){
+ m_chunk.set_size(phrase_item_header);
+ memset(m_chunk.begin(), 0, m_chunk.size());
+ }
+#if 0
+ PhraseItem(MemoryChunk & chunk){
+ m_chunk.set_content(0, chunk->begin(), chunk->size());
+ assert ( m_chunk.size() >= phrase_item_header);
+ }
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::get_phrase_length:
+ * @returns: the length of this phrase item.
+ *
+ * Get the length of this phrase item.
+ *
+ */
+ guint8 get_phrase_length(){
+ char * buf_begin = (char *)m_chunk.begin();
+ return (*(guint8 *)buf_begin);
+ }
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::get_n_pronunciation:
+ * @returns: the number of the pronunciations.
+ *
+ * Get the number of the pronunciations.
+ *
+ */
+ guint8 get_n_pronunciation(){
+ char * buf_begin = ( char *) m_chunk.begin();
+ return (*(guint8 *)(buf_begin + sizeof(guint8)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::get_unigram_frequency:
+ * @returns: the uni-gram frequency of this phrase item.
+ *
+ * Get the uni-gram frequency of this phrase item.
+ *
+ */
+ guint32 get_unigram_frequency(){
+ char * buf_begin = (char *)m_chunk.begin();
+ return (*(guint32 *)(buf_begin + sizeof(guint8) + sizeof(guint8)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::get_pronunciation_possibility:
+ * @options: the pinyin options.
+ * @keys: the pronunciation keys.
+ * @returns: the possibility of this phrase item pronounces the pinyin.
+ *
+ * Get the possibility of this phrase item pronounces the pinyin.
+ *
+ */
+ gfloat get_pronunciation_possibility(pinyin_option_t options,
+ ChewingKey * keys){
+ guint8 phrase_length = get_phrase_length();
+ guint8 npron = get_n_pronunciation();
+ size_t offset = phrase_item_header + phrase_length * sizeof (ucs4_t);
+ char * buf_begin = (char *)m_chunk.begin();
+ guint32 matched = 0, total_freq =0;
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < npron ; ++i){
+ char * chewing_begin = buf_begin + offset +
+ i * (phrase_length * sizeof(ChewingKey) + sizeof(guint32));
+ guint32 * freq = (guint32 *)(chewing_begin +
+ phrase_length * sizeof(ChewingKey));
+ total_freq += *freq;
+ if ( 0 == pinyin_compare_with_ambiguities2
+ (options, keys,
+ (ChewingKey *)chewing_begin,phrase_length) ){
+ matched += *freq;
+ }
+ }
+#if 1
+ /* an additional safe guard for chewing. */
+ if ( 0 == total_freq )
+ return 0;
+ /* used preprocessor to avoid zero freq, in gen_chewing_table. */
+ gfloat retval = matched / (gfloat) total_freq;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::increase_pronunciation_possibility:
+ * @options: the pinyin options.
+ * @keys: the pronunciation keys.
+ * @delta: the delta to be added to the pronunciation keys.
+ *
+ * Add the delta to the pronunciation of the pronunciation keys.
+ *
+ */
+ void increase_pronunciation_possibility(pinyin_option_t options,
+ ChewingKey * keys,
+ gint32 delta);
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::get_phrase_string:
+ * @phrase: the ucs4 character buffer.
+ * @returns: whether the get operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Get the ucs4 characters of this phrase item.
+ *
+ */
+ bool get_phrase_string(ucs4_t * phrase);
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::set_phrase_string:
+ * @phrase_length: the ucs4 character length of this phrase item.
+ * @phrase: the ucs4 character buffer.
+ * @returns: whether the set operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Set the length and ucs4 characters of this phrase item.
+ *
+ */
+ bool set_phrase_string(guint8 phrase_length, ucs4_t * phrase);
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::get_nth_pronunciation:
+ * @index: the pronunciation index.
+ * @keys: the pronunciation keys.
+ * @freq: the frequency of the pronunciation.
+ * @returns: whether the get operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Get the nth pronunciation of this phrase item.
+ *
+ */
+ bool get_nth_pronunciation(size_t index,
+ /* out */ ChewingKey * keys,
+ /* out */ guint32 & freq);
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::add_pronunciation:
+ * @keys: the pronunciation keys.
+ * @delta: the delta of the frequency of the pronunciation.
+ * @returns: whether the add operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Add one pronunciation.
+ *
+ */
+ bool add_pronunciation(ChewingKey * keys, guint32 delta);
+ /**
+ * PhraseItem::remove_nth_pronunciation:
+ * @index: the pronunciation index.
+ *
+ * Remove the nth pronunciation.
+ *
+ * Note: Normally don't change the first pronunciation,
+ * which decides the token number.
+ *
+ */
+ void remove_nth_pronunciation(size_t index);
+ bool operator == (const PhraseItem & rhs) const{
+ if (m_chunk.size() != rhs.m_chunk.size())
+ return false;
+ return memcmp(m_chunk.begin(), rhs.m_chunk.begin(),
+ m_chunk.size()) == 0;
+ }
+ bool operator != (const PhraseItem & rhs) const{
+ return ! (*this == rhs);
+ }
+ * In Sub Phrase Index, token == (token & PHRASE_MASK).
+ */
+ * SubPhraseIndex:
+ *
+ * The SubPhraseIndex class for internal usage.
+ *
+ */
+class SubPhraseIndex{
+ guint32 m_total_freq;
+ MemoryChunk m_phrase_index;
+ MemoryChunk m_phrase_content;
+ MemoryChunk * m_chunk;
+ void reset(){
+ m_total_freq = 0;
+ m_phrase_index.set_size(0);
+ m_phrase_content.set_size(0);
+ if ( m_chunk ){
+ delete m_chunk;
+ m_chunk = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::SubPhraseIndex:
+ *
+ * The constructor of the SubPhraseIndex.
+ *
+ */
+ SubPhraseIndex():m_total_freq(0){
+ m_chunk = NULL;
+ }
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::~SubPhraseIndex:
+ *
+ * The destructor of the SubPhraseIndex.
+ *
+ */
+ ~SubPhraseIndex(){
+ reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::load:
+ * @chunk: the memory chunk of the binary sub phrase index.
+ * @offset: the begin of binary data in the memory chunk.
+ * @end: the end of binary data in the memory chunk.
+ * @returns: whether the load operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Load the sub phrase index from the memory chunk.
+ *
+ */
+ bool load(MemoryChunk * chunk,
+ table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t end);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::store:
+ * @new_chunk: the new memory chunk to store this sub phrase index.
+ * @offset: the begin of binary data in the memory chunk.
+ * @end: the end of stored binary data in the memory chunk.
+ * @returns: whether the store operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Store the sub phrase index to the new memory chunk.
+ *
+ */
+ bool store(MemoryChunk * new_chunk,
+ table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t & end);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::diff:
+ * @oldone: the original content of sub phrase index.
+ * @logger: the delta information of user self-learning data.
+ * @returns: whether the diff operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Compare this sub phrase index with the original content of the system
+ * sub phrase index to generate the logger of difference.
+ *
+ * Note: Switch to logger format to reduce user space storage.
+ *
+ */
+ bool diff(SubPhraseIndex * oldone, PhraseIndexLogger * logger);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::merge:
+ * @logger: the logger of difference in user home directory.
+ * @returns: whether the merge operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Merge the user logger of difference with this sub phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ bool merge(PhraseIndexLogger * logger);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::get_range:
+ * @range: the token range.
+ * @returns: whether the get operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Get the token range in this sub phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ int get_range(/* out */ PhraseIndexRange & range);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::get_phrase_index_total_freq:
+ * @returns: the total frequency of this sub phrase index.
+ *
+ * Get the total frequency of this sub phrase index.
+ *
+ * Note: maybe call it "Zero-gram".
+ *
+ */
+ guint32 get_phrase_index_total_freq();
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::add_unigram_frequency:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @delta: the delta value of the phrase token.
+ * @returns: the status of the add operation.
+ *
+ * Add delta value to the phrase of the token.
+ *
+ * Note: this method is a fast path to add delta value.
+ * Maybe use the get_phrase_item method instead in future.
+ *
+ */
+ int add_unigram_frequency(phrase_token_t token, guint32 delta);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::get_phrase_item:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @item: the phrase item of the token.
+ * @returns: the status of the get operation.
+ *
+ * Get the phrase item from this sub phrase index.
+ *
+ * Note:get_phrase_item function can't modify the phrase item size,
+ * but can increment the freq of the special pronunciation,
+ * or change the content without size increasing.
+ *
+ */
+ int get_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem & item);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::add_phrase_item:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @item: the phrase item of the token.
+ * @returns: the status of the add operation.
+ *
+ * Add the phrase item to this sub phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ int add_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem * item);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::remove_phrase_item:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @item: the removed phrase item of the token.
+ * @returns: the status of the remove operation.
+ *
+ * Remove the phrase item of the token.
+ *
+ * Note: this remove_phrase_item method will substract the unigram
+ * frequency of the removed item from m_total_freq.
+ *
+ */
+ int remove_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, /* out */ PhraseItem * & item);
+ /**
+ * SubPhraseIndex::mask_out:
+ * @mask: the mask.
+ * @value: the value.
+ * @returns: whether the mask out operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Mask out the matched phrase items.
+ *
+ */
+ bool mask_out(phrase_token_t mask, phrase_token_t value);
+ * FacadePhraseIndex:
+ *
+ * The facade class of phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+class FacadePhraseIndex{
+ guint32 m_total_freq;
+ SubPhraseIndex * m_sub_phrase_indices[PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT];
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::FacadePhraseIndex:
+ *
+ * The constructor of the FacadePhraseIndex.
+ *
+ */
+ FacadePhraseIndex(){
+ m_total_freq = 0;
+ memset(m_sub_phrase_indices, 0, sizeof(m_sub_phrase_indices));
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::~FacadePhraseIndex:
+ *
+ * The destructor of the FacadePhraseIndex.
+ *
+ */
+ ~FacadePhraseIndex(){
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i){
+ if ( m_sub_phrase_indices[i] ){
+ delete m_sub_phrase_indices[i];
+ m_sub_phrase_indices[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::load_text:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index to be loaded.
+ * @infile: the textual format file of the phrase table.
+ * @returns: whether the load operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Load one sub phrase index from the textual format file.
+ * Note: load sub phrase index according to the config in future.
+ *
+ */
+ bool load_text(guint8 phrase_index, FILE * infile);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::load:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index to be loaded.
+ * @chunk: the memory chunk of sub phrase index to be loaded.
+ * @returns: whether the load operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Load one sub phrase index from the memory chunk.
+ *
+ */
+ bool load(guint8 phrase_index, MemoryChunk * chunk);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::store:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index to be stored.
+ * @new_chunk: the memory chunk of sub phrase index to be stored.
+ * @returns: whether the store operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Store one sub phrase index to the memory chunk.
+ *
+ */
+ bool store(guint8 phrase_index, MemoryChunk * new_chunk);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::unload:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index to be unloaded.
+ * @returns: whether the unload operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Unload one sub phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ bool unload(guint8 phrase_index);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::diff:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index to be differed.
+ * @oldchunk: the original content of sub phrase index.
+ * @newlog: the delta information of user self-learning data.
+ * @returns: whether the diff operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Store user delta information in the logger format.
+ *
+ * Note: the ownership of oldchunk is transfered here.
+ *
+ */
+ bool diff(guint8 phrase_index, MemoryChunk * oldchunk,
+ MemoryChunk * newlog);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::merge:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index to be merged.
+ * @log: the logger of difference in user home directory.
+ * @returns: whether the merge operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Merge the user logger of difference with the sub phrase index.
+ *
+ * Note: the ownership of log is transfered here.
+ *
+ */
+ bool merge(guint8 phrase_index, MemoryChunk * log);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::merge_with_mask:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index to be merged.
+ * @log: the logger of difference in user home directory.
+ * @mask: the mask.
+ * @value: the value.
+ * @returns: whether the merge operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Merge the user logger of difference with mask operation.
+ *
+ * Note: the ownership of log is transfered here.
+ *
+ */
+ bool merge_with_mask(guint8 phrase_index, MemoryChunk * log,
+ phrase_token_t mask, phrase_token_t value);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::compact:
+ * @returns: whether the compact operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Compat all sub phrase index memory usage.
+ *
+ */
+ bool compact();
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::mask_out:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index.
+ * @mask: the mask.
+ * @value: the value.
+ * @returns: whether the mask out operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Mask out the matched phrase items.
+ *
+ * Note: should call compact() after the mask out operation.
+ *
+ */
+ bool mask_out(guint8 phrase_index,
+ phrase_token_t mask, phrase_token_t value);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::get_sub_phrase_range:
+ * @min_index: the minimal sub phrase index.
+ * @max_index: the maximal sub phrase index.
+ * @returns: the status of the get operation.
+ *
+ * Get the minimum and maximum of the sub phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ int get_sub_phrase_range(guint8 & min_index, guint8 & max_index);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::get_range:
+ * @phrase_index: the index of sub phrase index.
+ * @range: the token range of the sub phrase index.
+ * @returns: the status of the get operation.
+ *
+ * Get the token range of the sub phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ int get_range(guint8 phrase_index, /* out */ PhraseIndexRange & range);
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::get_phrase_index_total_freq:
+ * @returns: the total freq of the facade phrase index.
+ *
+ * Get the total freq of the facade phrase index.
+ *
+ * Note: maybe call it "Zero-gram".
+ *
+ */
+ guint32 get_phrase_index_total_freq(){
+ return m_total_freq;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::add_unigram_frequency:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @delta: the delta value of the phrase token.
+ * @returns: the status of the add operation.
+ *
+ * Add delta value to the phrase of the token.
+ *
+ */
+ int add_unigram_frequency(phrase_token_t token, guint32 delta){
+ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token);
+ SubPhraseIndex * sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index];
+ if ( !sub_phrase )
+ m_total_freq += delta;
+ return sub_phrase->add_unigram_frequency(token, delta);
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::get_phrase_item:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @item: the phrase item of the token.
+ * @returns: the status of the get operation.
+ *
+ * Get the phrase item from the facade phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ int get_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem & item){
+ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token);
+ SubPhraseIndex * sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index];
+ if ( !sub_phrase )
+ return sub_phrase->get_phrase_item(token, item);
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::add_phrase_item:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @item: the phrase item of the token.
+ * @returns: the status of the add operation.
+ *
+ * Add the phrase item to the facade phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ int add_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem * item){
+ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token);
+ SubPhraseIndex * & sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index];
+ if ( !sub_phrase ){
+ sub_phrase = new SubPhraseIndex;
+ }
+ m_total_freq += item->get_unigram_frequency();
+ return sub_phrase->add_phrase_item(token, item);
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::remove_phrase_item:
+ * @token: the phrase token.
+ * @item: the removed phrase item of the token.
+ * @returns: the status of the remove operation.
+ *
+ * Remove the phrase item of the token.
+ *
+ */
+ int remove_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem * & item){
+ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token);
+ SubPhraseIndex * & sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index];
+ if ( !sub_phrase ){
+ }
+ int result = sub_phrase->remove_phrase_item(token, item);
+ if ( result )
+ return result;
+ m_total_freq -= item->get_unigram_frequency();
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::prepare_ranges:
+ * @ranges: the ranges to be prepared.
+ * @returns: whether the prepare operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Prepare the ranges.
+ *
+ */
+ bool prepare_ranges(PhraseIndexRanges ranges) {
+ /* assume memset(ranges, 0, sizeof(ranges)); */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i) {
+ GArray * & range = ranges[i];
+ assert(NULL == range);
+ SubPhraseIndex * sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[i];
+ if (sub_phrase) {
+ range = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PhraseIndexRange));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::clear_ranges:
+ * @ranges: the ranges to be cleared.
+ * @returns: whether the clear operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Clear the ranges.
+ *
+ */
+ bool clear_ranges(PhraseIndexRanges ranges) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i) {
+ GArray * range = ranges[i];
+ if (range) {
+ g_array_set_size(range, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::destroy_ranges:
+ * @ranges: the ranges to be destroyed.
+ * @returns: whether the destroy operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Destroy the ranges.
+ *
+ */
+ bool destroy_ranges(PhraseIndexRanges ranges) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i) {
+ GArray * & range = ranges[i];
+ if (range) {
+ g_array_free(range, TRUE);
+ range = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::prepare_tokens:
+ * @tokens: the tokens to be prepared.
+ * @returns: whether the prepare operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Prepare the tokens.
+ *
+ */
+ bool prepare_tokens(PhraseTokens tokens) {
+ /* assume memset(tokens, 0, sizeof(tokens)); */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i) {
+ GArray * & token = tokens[i];
+ assert(NULL == token);
+ SubPhraseIndex * sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[i];
+ if (sub_phrase) {
+ token = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(phrase_token_t));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::clear_tokens:
+ * @tokens: the tokens to be cleared.
+ * @return: whether the clear operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Clear the tokens.
+ *
+ */
+ bool clear_tokens(PhraseTokens tokens) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i) {
+ GArray * token = tokens[i];
+ if (token) {
+ g_array_set_size(token, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::destroy_tokens:
+ * @tokens: the tokens to be destroyed.
+ * @returns: whether the destroy operation is successful.
+ *
+ * Destroy the tokens.
+ *
+ */
+ bool destroy_tokens(PhraseTokens tokens) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i) {
+ GArray * & token = tokens[i];
+ if (token) {
+ g_array_free(token, TRUE);
+ token = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * FacadePhraseIndex::create_sub_phrase:
+ * @index: the phrase index to be created.
+ * @returns: the result of the create operation.
+ *
+ * Create the sub phrase index.
+ *
+ */
+ int create_sub_phrase(guint8 index) {
+ SubPhraseIndex * & sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index];
+ if (sub_phrase) {
+ }
+ sub_phrase = new SubPhraseIndex;
+ return ERROR_OK;
+ }
+PhraseIndexLogger * mask_out_phrase_index_logger
+(PhraseIndexLogger * oldlogger, phrase_token_t mask, phrase_token_t value);