path: root/lib/extras/extras/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/extras/extras/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/lib/extras/extras/ b/lib/extras/extras/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f1662588a..0000000000
--- a/lib/extras/extras/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 extras developers. See LICENSE for details.
-"""Extensions to the Python standard library."""
-import sys
-__all__ = [
- 'safe_hasattr',
- 'try_import',
- 'try_imports',
- ]
-# same format as sys.version_info: "A tuple containing the five components of
-# the version number: major, minor, micro, releaselevel, and serial. All
-# values except releaselevel are integers; the release level is 'alpha',
-# 'beta', 'candidate', or 'final'. The version_info value corresponding to the
-# Python version 2.0 is (2, 0, 0, 'final', 0)." Additionally we use a
-# releaselevel of 'dev' for unreleased under-development code.
-# If the releaselevel is 'alpha' then the major/minor/micro components are not
-# established at this point, and will use a version of next-$(revno).
-# If the releaselevel is 'final', then the tarball will be major.minor.micro.
-# Otherwise it is major.minor.micro~$(revno).
-__version__ = (0, 0, 3, 'final', 0)
-def try_import(name, alternative=None, error_callback=None):
- """Attempt to import ``name``. If it fails, return ``alternative``.
- When supporting multiple versions of Python or optional dependencies, it
- is useful to be able to try to import a module.
- :param name: The name of the object to import, e.g. ``os.path`` or
- ``os.path.join``.
- :param alternative: The value to return if no module can be imported.
- Defaults to None.
- :param error_callback: If non-None, a callable that is passed the ImportError
- when the module cannot be loaded.
- """
- module_segments = name.split('.')
- last_error = None
- while module_segments:
- module_name = '.'.join(module_segments)
- try:
- module = __import__(module_name)
- except ImportError:
- last_error = sys.exc_info()[1]
- module_segments.pop()
- continue
- else:
- break
- else:
- if last_error is not None and error_callback is not None:
- error_callback(last_error)
- return alternative
- nonexistent = object()
- for segment in name.split('.')[1:]:
- module = getattr(module, segment, nonexistent)
- if module is nonexistent:
- if last_error is not None and error_callback is not None:
- error_callback(last_error)
- return alternative
- return module
-_RAISE_EXCEPTION = object()
-def try_imports(module_names, alternative=_RAISE_EXCEPTION, error_callback=None):
- """Attempt to import modules.
- Tries to import the first module in ``module_names``. If it can be
- imported, we return it. If not, we go on to the second module and try
- that. The process continues until we run out of modules to try. If none
- of the modules can be imported, either raise an exception or return the
- provided ``alternative`` value.
- :param module_names: A sequence of module names to try to import.
- :param alternative: The value to return if no module can be imported.
- If unspecified, we raise an ImportError.
- :param error_callback: If None, called with the ImportError for *each*
- module that fails to load.
- :raises ImportError: If none of the modules can be imported and no
- alternative value was specified.
- """
- module_names = list(module_names)
- for module_name in module_names:
- module = try_import(module_name, error_callback=error_callback)
- if module:
- return module
- if alternative is _RAISE_EXCEPTION:
- raise ImportError(
- "Could not import any of: %s" % ', '.join(module_names))
- return alternative
-def safe_hasattr(obj, attr, _marker=object()):
- """Does 'obj' have an attribute 'attr'?
- Use this rather than built-in hasattr, as the built-in swallows exceptions
- in some versions of Python and behaves unpredictably with respect to
- properties.
- """
- return getattr(obj, attr, _marker) is not _marker