path: root/vagrant/gluster
diff options
authorJames Shubin <>2014-01-21 04:05:59 -0500
committerJames Shubin <>2014-01-21 04:10:52 -0500
commitbee4993d4304730da27424dbdc73819b99d8ab5b (patch)
tree511990c327380c8b98834c37e9cf72a04aa05081 /vagrant/gluster
parentbafb07e8e289afc2d55a3a0777d7d9bee6e025a2 (diff)
Disable cachier by default until author is more responsive.
Cachier needs at least one patch to work properly with vagrant-libvirt. This patch is: The author has said he likes the patch, but has seemingly gone awol. Until this is merged or gets a new maintainer, we'll disable cachier.
Diffstat (limited to 'vagrant/gluster')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/vagrant/gluster/Vagrantfile b/vagrant/gluster/Vagrantfile
index 2451e7b..a36dffd 100644
--- a/vagrant/gluster/Vagrantfile
+++ b/vagrant/gluster/Vagrantfile
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ offset = 100 # start gluster hosts after here
count = 4 # default number of gluster hosts to build
version = '' # default gluster version (empty string means latest!)
firewall = false # default firewall enabled (FIXME: default to true when keepalived bug is fixed)
+cachier = false # default cachier usage (FIXME: default to true when patches are upstream)
# ARGV parsing
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ if File.exist?(f)
count = settings[:count]
version = settings[:version]
firewall = settings[:firewall]
+ cachier = settings[:cachier]
# ARGV parser
@@ -104,13 +106,24 @@ while skip < ARGV.length
firewall = true
+ elsif ARGV[skip].start_with?(arg='--gluster-cachier=')
+ v = ARGV.delete_at(skip).dup
+ v.slice! arg
+ cachier = v.to_s # set cachier flag
+ if ['false', 'no'].include?(cachier.downcase)
+ cachier = false
+ else
+ cachier = true
+ end
else # skip over "official" vagrant args
skip = skip + 1
# save settings (ARGV overrides)
-settings = {:count => count, :version => version, :firewall => firewall}
+settings = {:count => count, :version => version, :firewall => firewall, :cachier => cachier}, 'w') do |file|
file.write settings.to_yaml
@@ -177,18 +190,20 @@ Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# cache
- # TODO: this doesn't cache metadata, full offline operation not possible
- config.cache.auto_detect = true
- config.cache.enable :yum
- #config.cache.enable :apt
- if not ARGV.include?('--no-parallel') # when running in parallel,
- config.cache.scope = :machine # use the per machine cache
+ if cachier
+ # TODO: this doesn't cache metadata, full offline operation not possible
+ config.cache.auto_detect = true
+ config.cache.enable :yum
+ #config.cache.enable :apt
+ if not ARGV.include?('--no-parallel') # when running in parallel,
+ config.cache.scope = :machine # use the per machine cache
+ end
+ config.cache.enable_nfs = true # sets nfs => true on the synced_folder
+ # the nolock option is required, otherwise the NFSv3 client will try to
+ # access the NLM sideband protocol to lock files needed for /var/cache/
+ # all of this can be avoided by using NFSv4 everywhere. die NFSv3, die!
+ config.cache.mount_options = ['rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp', 'nolock']
- config.cache.enable_nfs = true # sets nfs => true on the synced_folder
- # the nolock option is required, otherwise the NFSv3 client will try to
- # access the NLM sideband protocol to lock files needed for /var/cache/
- # all of this can be avoided by using NFSv4 everywhere. die NFSv3, die!
- config.cache.mount_options = ['rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp', 'nolock']
# vip