path: root/controller/share/dtf-controller/ansible/playbooks/fedora.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'controller/share/dtf-controller/ansible/playbooks/fedora.yml')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/controller/share/dtf-controller/ansible/playbooks/fedora.yml b/controller/share/dtf-controller/ansible/playbooks/fedora.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215e048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/share/dtf-controller/ansible/playbooks/fedora.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+- name: self-standing testsuite
+ remote_user: root
+ gather_facts: False
+ hosts: localhost
+ vars_files:
+ - "{{ opt_credsfile }}"
+ - "{{ opt_generated_vars }}"
+ tasks:
+ - name: generate builder name
+ local_action: shell echo `dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=10 | md5sum ; echo DBTESTS`
+ register: vm_name
+ - debug: msg="osusername={{ os_username }}"
+ - name: spin it up
+ local_action: nova_compute auth_url={{os_auth_url}}
+ flavor_id={{os_flavor_id}} image_id="{{ os_image_id }}" key_name={{ os_keypair }}
+ login_password={{os_nova_password}} login_tenant_name="{{os_tenant_name}}"
+ login_username={{os_username}} security_groups={{os_security_group}}
+ wait=yes name="{{vm_name.stdout}}" wait_for=600
+ register: nova
+ - debug: msg="{{ }}"
+ # This is ugly as hell... Hopefully nothing will be changing.
+ - local_action: command echo "{{[os_network_dev][1].addr }}"
+ register: machine_ip
+ - debug: msg="{{ machine_ip.stdout }}"
+ - name: wait for the host to be hot
+ local_action: wait_for host={{ machine_ip.stdout }} port=22 delay=5 timeout=600
+ - local_action: shell {{ config_libexecdir }}/dtf-wait-for-ssh "root@{{ machine_ip.stdout }}"
+ - name: add it to the special group
+ local_action: add_host hostname={{ machine_ip.stdout }}
+ groupname=temp_group
+- hosts: temp_group
+ user: root
+ gather_facts: False
+ vars_files:
+ - "{{ opt_credsfile }}"
+ - "{{ opt_generated_vars }}"
+ tasks:
+ - copy: src={{ opt_workdir }}/{{ opt_testsuite_name }}.tar.gz
+ dest=/root/{{ opt_testsuite_name }}.tar.gz
+ - include: "{{ config_ansibleplaybooksdir }}/include/beakerlib.yml"
+ - include: "{{ config_ansibleplaybooksdir }}/include/prepare-testenv.yml"
+ - include: "{{ config_ansibleplaybooksdir }}/include/additional-packages.yml"
+ when: dtf_rpm_files_list is defined
+ - shell: cd /root && tar -xf {{ opt_testsuite_name }}.tar.gz
+ - shell: cd /root/{{ opt_testsuite_name }}&& ./run &>/var/tmp/dtf-run.overview
+ register: test_result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ - include: "{{ config_ansibleplaybooksdir }}/include/download-results.yml"
+ - name: stop the vm
+ shell: echo "not implemented yet"
+ when: test_result.rc == 0