path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765fd05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# XSLT processing setup:
+# =====================
+# As this setup may change based on your install and distro, I put
+# all this into a separate file. This one is an example (the one
+# I use) and must be modified to fit your config.
+# By keeping it separate, we can modify the main Makefile without
+# breaking the config and avoid the switches.
+# For now it only supports Saxon+Fop+Jai+Java. I would like to include
+# the support for xsltproc (sablotron and xalan) for HTML output only.
+# If someone has the time and wants to add this, go ahead!
+# The difference between and is that the former
+# one has been adjusted to meet the requirements of the Fedora Linux
+# distribution. Only the latter one is used by Makefile, however.
+# JAVA: for Saxon (xslt processor) and FOP (PDF generator)
+JAVA_HOME ?= /usr/bin
+# XSLT processors: Saxon.
+SAXON_HOME ?= /usr/share/java
+SAXON_JAR ?= $(SAXON_HOME)/saxon.jar:$(SAXON_HOME)/saxon-jdom.jar
+# XML catalog resolver and setting: for Saxon only
+RES_CLASSPATH ?= /usr/share/java/xml-commons-resolver.jar
+# DOCBOOK XSL extension for Saxon:
+EXT_CLASSPATH ?= $(SAXON_HOME)/saxon-6.5.5.jar
+# Formatting object processor: PDF generation only
+FOP_HOME ?= /usr/share/java
+FOP_CLASSPATH ?= $(FOP_CLASSPATH):$(FOP_HOME)/avalon-framework.jar
+# JAI: Java Advance Image lib: Saxon only
+JAIHOME ?= /usr/share/jai-bin
+JAI_CLASSPATH ?= $(JAIHOME)/lib/jai_core.jar:$(JAIHOME)/lib/jai_codec.jar:$(JAIHOME)/lib/mlibwrapper_jai.jar
+# Final CLASSPATH for java:
+# Bin libraries: for JAI
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH += /opt/jai-bin/lib
+# Extra options for catalog handling:
+#CATALOG_OPTS = "-x -y -r"
+# DocBook stylesheets: common to all XSLT processors:
+DOCBOOK_XSL ?= /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets
+# Make the HTML
+HTML_CMD = $(JAVACMD) -cp "$(EXT_CLASSPATH)" com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \
+ -o $@ \
+ $< \
+# root.filename=all_in_one_page