diff options
authorPaul W. Frields <>2007-03-09 01:16:05 +0000
committerPaul W. Frields <>2007-03-09 01:16:05 +0000
commited9d95b103a72465e2c81e66a43647e481e3dab7 (patch)
parentdef7fb2d8cb5b6d1a81187da58eae448885d2ee5 (diff)
Yay, segmentedlists for everyone!
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/en_US/module-struct.xml b/en_US/module-struct.xml
index 8e67b91..400df6b 100644
--- a/en_US/module-struct.xml
+++ b/en_US/module-struct.xml
@@ -41,48 +41,62 @@
`-- Makefile]]></computeroutput></screen>
- <formalpara>
- <title>Primary language directory (required)</title>
- <para>This is the only directory absolutely required. It is named for the
- original language of the document, such as <filename
- class="directory">en_US</filename> (US English). The primary language
- does not have to be US English; all languages are supported. This
- directory contains all the XML source for the actual document, as well
- as XML source for document-specific
- <firstterm>entities</firstterm><footnote>
- <para>Think of an XML entity as a predefined snippet of information.
- It can represent a chunk of XML source, or simply a word or
- character. If the information changes, it need be replaced only
- once, in the definition, to fix all usage.</para>
- </footnote>.
- </para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title>Graphics directory (optional)</title>
- <para>The <filename class="directory">figs/</filename> directory is an
- optional directory where graphics for the document should be stored. If
- graphics are screenshots that are particular to a language, the
- <filename class="directory">figs/</filename> directory can and should be
- stored in a language directory.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title>Translation (PO) directory (optional)</title>
- <para>The <filename class="directory">po/</filename> directory contains
- specially formatted files created and used by translators. The &FDP;
- build tools use these files to create translated versions of documents.
- The translated documents are not stored in CVS; they are created as
- needed from these PO files.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title>Makefile (required)</title>
- <para>The <filename>Makefile</filename> controls the build process. Its
- content is discussed in <xref linkend="ex-makefile"/>.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><filename>rpm-info.xml</filename> (required)</title>
- <para>The <filename>rpm-info.xml</filename> file contains document
- specific metadata</para>
- </formalpara>
+ <segmentedlist id="sg-module-contents">
+ <title>CVS Module Contents</title>
+ <segtitle>Component</segtitle>
+ <segtitle>Type</segtitle>
+ <segtitle>Usage Notes</segtitle>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg>Primary language directory</seg>
+ <seg>required</seg>
+ <seg>This is the only directory absolutely required. It is named
+ for the original language of the document, such as <filename
+ class="directory">en_US</filename> (US English). The
+ primary language does not have to be US English; all languages
+ are supported. This directory contains all the XML source for
+ the actual document, as well as XML source for
+ document-specific <firstterm>entities</firstterm><footnote>
+ <para>Think of an XML entity as a predefined snippet of
+ information. It can represent a chunk of XML source, or
+ simply a word or character. If the information changes, it
+ need be replaced only once, in the definition, to fix all
+ usage.</para>
+ </footnote>.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg>Graphics directory</seg>
+ <seg>optional</seg>
+ <seg>The <filename class="directory">figs/</filename> directory
+ is an optional directory where graphics for the document
+ should be stored. If graphics are screenshots that are
+ particular to a language, the <filename
+ class="directory">figs/</filename> directory can and should
+ be stored in a language directory.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg>Translation (PO) directory</seg>
+ <seg>optional</seg>
+ <seg>The <filename class="directory">po/</filename> directory
+ contains specially formatted files created and used by
+ translators. The &FDP; build tools use these files to create
+ translated versions of documents. The translated documents are
+ not stored in CVS; they are created as needed from these PO
+ files.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg>Makefile</seg>
+ <seg>required</seg>
+ <seg>The <filename>Makefile</filename> controls the build
+ process. Its content is discussed in <xref
+ linkend="ex-makefile"/>.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><filename>rpm-info.xml</filename></seg>
+ <seg>required</seg>
+ <seg>The <filename>rpm-info.xml</filename> file contains
+ document specific metadata</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ </segmentedlist>
<section id="ch-getting-files-build-system">
<title>The Document Build System</title>
@@ -109,7 +123,7 @@
<example id="ex-makefile">
<title>Sample Document Makefile</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[DOCBASE = example-doc
OTHERS = de pt
DOC_ENTITIES = doc-entities
@@ -125,48 +139,54 @@ include ../docs-common/Makefile.common]]></programlisting>
such as the <command>XMLFILES_template</command> stanza. An
explanation for this template appears a few paragraphs
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">DOCBASE</systemitem></title>
- <para>This variable contains the name for the main (parent) XML
- document. Follow convention by naming your document after the
- module name.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">PRI_LANG</systemitem></title>
- <para>This variable contains the ISO code for the original
- version of the document, such as
- <systemitem>en_US</systemitem>.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">OTHERS</systemitem></title>
- <para>This variable contains a listing of ISO codes for any
- other versions into which the document has been translated.
- The module must contain a <filename
- class="directory">po/</filename> directory and a PO file for
- any indicated additional languages.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">DOC_ENTITIES</systemitem></title>
- <para>This variable contains a listing of any files containing
- entity definitions. The &FDP; uses a special XML format to
- record document-specific entities, so they can be translated and
- built on the fly like any other XML document. An example is
- shown later in this guide. <!-- need xref here --></para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem
- class="macro">XMLFILES_template</systemitem></title>
- <para>This template allows the build tools to work with the
- document in multiple languages once it is translated. The
- <systemitem class="macro">${1}</systemitem> marking is a
- variable used to substitute the appropriate language. This
- template is not terribly complicated. For a new module,
- duplicate this section exactly except for the actual
- filenames. Prepend the text <systemitem
- class="macro">${1}/</systemitem>, in place of the language
- code directory name, to each filename in your document.
- </para>
- </formalpara>
+ <segmentedlist id="sg-makefile-variables">
+ <title>Makefile Variables</title>
+ <segtitle>Variable</segtitle>
+ <segtitle>Explanation</segtitle>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">DOCBASE</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This variable contains the name for the main (parent) XML
+ document. Follow convention by naming your document after
+ the module name.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">PRI_LANG</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This variable contains the ISO code for the original
+ version of the document, such as
+ <systemitem>en_US</systemitem>.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">OTHERS</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This variable contains a listing of ISO codes for any
+ other versions into which the document has been translated.
+ The module must contain a <filename
+ class="directory">po/</filename> directory and a PO file
+ for any indicated additional languages.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">DOC_ENTITIES</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This variable contains a listing of any files containing
+ entity definitions. The &FDP; uses a special XML format to
+ record document-specific entities, so they can be translated
+ and built on the fly like any other XML document. An
+ example is shown later in this guide. <!-- need xref here
+ --></seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem
+ class="macro">XMLFILES_template</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This template allows the build tools to work with the
+ document in multiple languages once it is translated. The
+ <systemitem class="macro">${1}</systemitem> marking is a
+ variable used to substitute the appropriate language. This
+ template is not terribly complicated. For a new module,
+ duplicate this section exactly except for the actual
+ filenames. Prepend the text <systemitem
+ class="macro">${1}/</systemitem>, in place of the language
+ code directory name, to each filename in your document.
+ </seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ </segmentedlist>
<title>Files Exempt From Listing</title>
<para>Do not include the document-specific entities XML file or
@@ -233,54 +253,59 @@ include ../docs-common/Makefile.common]]></programlisting>
To render the <abbrev>XML</abbrev> document into another format,
use one of the following <command>make</command> targets:
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">html</systemitem></title>
- <para>This target builds the "chunked" <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>
- document for each defined translation. Output is placed in a
- separate directory named <filename class="directory"><systemitem
- class="macro">${DOCBASE}</systemitem>-<systemitem
- class="macro">${LANG}</systemitem>/</filename>. Each
- document section is a separate file within that
- directory.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem
- class="macro">html-nochunks</systemitem></title>
- <para>This target builds the "non-chunked" <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>
- document for each defined translation. Output is placed in a
- single file: <filename><systemitem
- class="macro">${DOCBASE}</systemitem>-<systemitem
- class="macro">${LANG}</systemitem>.html</filename>; no other
- files are created.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">pdf</systemitem></title>
- <para>This target builds only the <abbrev>PDF</abbrev> document
- for all document languages. <abbrev>PDF</abbrev> production is
- currently erratic and may not work for your document.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">tarball</systemitem></title>
- <para>This target builds only the <command>tar(1)</command>
- archive for all document languages.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">all</systemitem></title>
- <para>This target builds all targets listed above.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">clean</systemitem></title>
- <para>This target deletes any temporary, or generated files, but
- does <emphasis>not</emphasis> erase any <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>,
- <abbrev>PDF</abbrev>, or archive files.</para>
- </formalpara>
- <formalpara>
- <title><systemitem class="macro">distclean</systemitem></title>
- <para>This target erases all <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>,
- <abbrev>PDF</abbrev>, and archive files. This target
- automatically invokes the <filename>clean</filename> target as
- well.</para>
- </formalpara>
+ <segmentedlist>
+ <title>Build Targets</title>
+ <segtitle>Target</segtitle>
+ <segtitle>Explanation</segtitle>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">html</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This target builds the "chunked" <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>
+ document for each defined translation. Output is placed in a
+ separate directory named <filename
+ class="directory"><systemitem
+ class="macro">${DOCBASE}</systemitem>-<systemitem
+ class="macro">${LANG}</systemitem>/</filename>. Each
+ document section is a separate file within that
+ directory.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">html-nochunks</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This target builds the "non-chunked" <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>
+ document for each defined translation. Output is placed in a
+ single file: <filename><systemitem
+ class="macro">${DOCBASE}</systemitem>-<systemitem
+ class="macro">${LANG}</systemitem>.html</filename>; no
+ other files are created.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">pdf</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This target builds only the <abbrev>PDF</abbrev> document
+ for all document languages. <abbrev>PDF</abbrev> production is
+ currently erratic and may not work for your document.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">tarball</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This target builds only the <command>tar(1)</command>
+ archive for all document languages.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">all</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This target builds all targets listed above.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">clean</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This target deletes any temporary, or generated files, but
+ does <emphasis>not</emphasis> erase any <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>,
+ <abbrev>PDF</abbrev>, or archive files.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ <seglistitem>
+ <seg><systemitem class="macro">distclean</systemitem></seg>
+ <seg>This target erases all <abbrev>HTML</abbrev>,
+ <abbrev>PDF</abbrev>, and archive files. This target
+ automatically invokes the <filename>clean</filename> target as
+ well.</seg>
+ </seglistitem>
+ </segmentedlist>
<title>Adding or Changing Targets</title>