path: root/src/yum/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/yum/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/src/yum/test/ b/src/yum/test/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d81955..0000000
--- a/src/yum/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-dir=`dirname $0`
-[ -z "$dir" ] && dir=.
-. $dir/
-declare -A pkg1 pkg2
-if [[ "$fedora_release" = 16 ]]; then
- pkg1=( \
- [name]=python-xlib-doc
- [epoch]=0 \
- [ver]=0.15 \
- [rel]=0.6.rc1.fc16 \
- [arch]=noarch \
- [updatable]=0 \
- )
- pkg2=( \
- [name]=ruby-ri \
- [epoch]=0 \
- [ver]= \
- [rel]=1.fc16 \
- [arch]=x86_64 \
- [updatable]=1 \
- [up_epoch]=0 \
- [up_ver]= \
- [up_rel]=2.fc16 \
- )
-elif [[ "$fedora_release" = 17 ]]; then
- pkg1=( \
- [name]=python-xlib-doc
- [epoch]=0 \
- [ver]=0.15 \
- [rel]=0.6.rc1.fc17 \
- [arch]=noarch \
- [updatable]=0 \
- )
- pkg2=( \
- [name]=slv2 \
- [epoch]=0 \
- [ver]=0.6.6 \
- [rel]=8.fc17 \
- [arch]=x86_64 \
- [updatable]=1 \
- [up_epoch]=0 \
- [up_ver]=0.6.6 \
- [up_rel]=9.fc17 \
- )
-elif [[ -z "$fedora_release" ]]; then
- echo "failed to get Fedora release number!" 2>&1
- exit 1
- echo "no packages defined for Fedora release $fedora_release" 2>&1
- exit 1
-keys=(name epoch ver rel arch updatable up_epoch up_ver up_rel)
-make_inst_keys() {
- # accepts arguments: name, epoch, ver, rel, arch
- # in this order
- local path='Name="%s",SoftwareElementID="%s",SoftwareElementState="%s",'
- path+='TargetOperatingSystem="%s",Version="%s"'
- printf $path $1 `make_nevra "$@"` 2 36 $3
-test_install() {
- local name epoch ver rel arch updatable up_epoch up_ver up_rel;
- read name epoch ver rel arch updatable \
- up_epoch up_ver up_rel <<< "$@"
- echo "********************************************************************"
- echo " * TEST INSTALL"
- nevra_arr=($name $epoch $ver $rel $arch)
- nevra=`make_nevra ${nevra_arr[@]}`
- echo -n "$nevra is "
- [ "$updatable" == 0 ] && echo -n "not "
- echo -n "updatable and "
- is_installed $name || echo -n "not "
- echo "installed"
- if is_installed $name; then
- echo "removing package \"${nevra}\" with rpm"
- remove $name
- fi
- local keys=`make_inst_keys ${nevra_arr[@]}`
- local url="$url/$op.${keys}"
- echo "trying to get instance"
- if ! wbemerr gi "$url" |& \
- grep -q '\<SoftwareElementState="\?1"\?'; then
- echo "wrong SoftwareElementState"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "installing $CLASS_NAME: $url"
- if ! wbemerr cm "$url" Install |& \
- grep -q '\<Install:\s*1\s\+Installed'; then
- echo "wrong return code"
- exit 1
- fi
- if is_installed $name; then
- echo "successful installation"
- else
- echo "package not installed"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "checking get instance"
- if ! wbemerr gi "$url" |& \
- grep -q '\<SoftwareElementState="\?2"\?'; then
- echo "wrong SoftwareElementState"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "testing installation of already installed package"
- if ! wbemcli cm "${url}" Install |& \
- grep -q '\<Install:\s*0\s\+Installed'; then
- echo "wrong return code"
- exit 1
- fi
-test_update() {
- read name epoch ver rel arch updatable \
- up_epoch up_ver up_rel <<< "$@"
- echo "********************************************************************"
- echo " * TEST UPDATE"
- if [ "$updatable" == 0 ]; then
- echo "package not updatable"
- exit 1
- fi
- nevra_arr=($name $epoch $ver $rel $arch)
- nevra=`make_nevra ${nevra_arr[@]}`
- echo -n "$nevra is "
- [ "$updatable" == 0 ] && echo -n "not "
- echo -n "updatable and "
- is_installed $name || echo -n "not "
- echo "installed"
- if is_installed $name; then
- echo "removing package \"${name}\" with rpm"
- remove $name
- fi
- local keys=`make_inst_keys ${nevra_arr[@]}`
- local package_url="$url/$op.$keys"
- echo "intalling older package with $CLASS_NAME: $package_url"
- wbemerr cm "$package_url" Install
- if is_installed $name; then
- echo "successful installation"
- else
- echo "package not installed"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "updating with LMI_YumInstalledPackage.Update()"
- local installed_keys="Software=$op.$keys,System=$computer_system_op"
- local installed_url="$url/`make_op LMI_YumInstalledPackage $installed_keys`"
- if ! wbemerr cm "$installed_url" "Update" | \
- grep -q '\<Update:\s*1\s\+Installed'; then
- echo "wrong return code"
- exit 1
- fi
- if is_installed_nevra $name $up_epoch $up_ver $up_rel $arch; then
- echo "successful update"
- else
- echo "update failed"
- exit 1
- fi
- keys=`make_inst_keys $name $up_epoch $up_ver $up_rel $arch`
- installed_keys="Software=$op.$keys,System=$computer_system_op"
- local installed_url2="$url/`make_op LMI_YumInstalledPackage $installed_keys`"
- echo "trying to update once more to: $installed_url2"
- if ! wbemerr cm "$installed_url2" "Update" | \
- grep -q '\<Update:\s*0\s\+Installed'; then
- echo "wrong return code"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "removing updated package"
- wbemerr di "$installed_url2"
- if is_installed $name; then
- echo "failed to remove ${name}"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "success"
- fi
- echo "installing older package"
- install_pkg "$@" || exit 1
- echo "trying to update to not existing version-release"
- wbemerr cm "$installed_url" "Update.Version=\"not-existing-version\"" |&
- grep -q CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND && echo "ok" || echo "failed"
- echo "trying to update to the same version-release"
- wbemerr cm "$installed_url" \
- "Update.Version=\"${ver}\",Release=\"${rel}\"" | \
- grep -q '\<Update:\s*0\s\+Installed' || \
- echo "wrong return code"
- if is_installed_nevra $name $epoch $ver $rel $arch; then
- echo "success"
- else
- echo "failed"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "trying to update to the specific version"
- wbemerr cm "$installed_url" \
- "Update.Version=\"${up_ver}\",Release=\"${up_rel}\"" |
- grep -q '\<Update:\s*1\s\+Installed' || \
- echo "wrong return code"
- if is_installed_nevra $name $up_epoch $up_ver $up_rel $arch; then
- echo "success"
- else
- echo "failed"
- exit 1
- fi
-test_remove() {
- read name epoch ver rel arch updatable \
- up_epoch up_ver up_rel <<< "$@"
- echo "********************************************************************"
- echo " * TEST REMOVE"
- nevra_arr=($name $epoch $ver $rel $arch)
- nevra=`make_nevra ${nevra_arr[@]}`
- if ! is_installed $name; then
- echo "installing package \"${nevra}\" with yum"
- install_pkg "$@" || exit 1
- fi
- local keys=`make_inst_keys ${nevra_arr[@]}`
- local installed_keys="Software=$op.$keys,System=$computer_system_op"
- local installed_url="$url/`make_op LMI_YumInstalledPackage $installed_keys`"
- wbemerr di "$installed_url"
- if is_installed $name; then
- echo "failed to remove ${name}"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "success"
- fi
- local url="$url/$op.$keys"
- if ! wbemerr gi "$url" |& \
- grep -q '\<SoftwareElementState="\?1"\?'; then
- echo "wrong SoftwareElementState"
- exit 1
- fi
-for p in 1 2
- declare -a args
- for ((i=0; i < ${#keys[@]}; i++)) do
- key=${keys[$i]}
- eval "args[\$i]=\${pkg${p}[\$key]}"
- done
- test_install "${args[@]}"
- test_remove "${args[@]}"
- eval "updatable=\${pkg${p}[updatable]}"
- [ "$updatable" == 1 ] && test_update "${args[@]}"