path: root/src/libs/indmanager/ind_manager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/indmanager/ind_manager.h')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/indmanager/ind_manager.h b/src/libs/indmanager/ind_manager.h
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index 0000000..4ad2ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/indmanager/ind_manager.h
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+ * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors: Roman Rakus <>
+ */
+#ifndef __IND_MANAGER_H__
+#define __IND_MANAGER_H__
+ * Limitations:
+ * * Queries *
+ * - supports only DMTF:CQL query language
+ * - select expression has to have ISA predicatea
+ *
+ * * Indication types *
+ * - supports only CIM_InstCreation, CIM_InstDeletion, CIM_InstModification
+ */
+#include <cmpi/cmpidt.h>
+#include <cmpi/cmpift.h>
+#include <cmpi/cmpimacs.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+ * Usage:
+ * 1) Define the following callback functions:
+ * IMInstGather
+ * Used only when not using polling
+ * In this function you should set old and/or new pointers to CMPIInstance.
+ * These instances will be send as part of indication.
+ * The table bellow show which pointers have to be set and are used
+ * indication type old instance new instance
+ * --------------------------------------------------------
+ * IM_IND_CREATION NULL instance w/ new values
+ * IM_IND_DELETION instance w/ old values NULL
+ * IM_IND_MODIFICATION instance w/ old values instance w/ new values
+ *
+ * You can use data (see below) pointer to pass any data
+ *
+ * This function is reentrant. When you return true, the function is called
+ * again. Return false, when you don't want to be called again.
+ *
+ * IMFilterChecker
+ * In this function implement checking of filter. Passed filter should be
+ * checked. Return true when filter is allowed, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * IMEventWatcher
+ * This is supposed to be blocking function. Returning the true will inform
+ * the indication manager that the event has occured. You can set data for
+ * further processing in IMInstGather.
+ *
+ * 2) Create manager object using im_create_manager() during provider init
+ * 3) Call other functions as necessary
+ * im_destroy_manager() in provider cleanup
+ * im_verify_filter() in provider's authorize filter (also in activate filter)
+ * im_add_filter() in provider's activate filter
+ * im_remove_filter() in provider's deactivate filter
+ * im_start_ind() in provider's enable indications
+ * im_stop_ind() in provider's disable indications
+ */
+// forward definitions
+typedef struct _IMManager IMManager;
+// callback functions
+typedef bool (*IMInstGather) (const IMManager *manager, CMPIInstance **old, CMPIInstance **new, void *data);
+typedef bool (*IMFilterChecker) (const CMPISelectExp *filter);
+typedef bool (*IMEventWatcher) (void **data);
+// Indication types
+// Only one type supported per instance of manager
+typedef enum {
+ // for instance indications
+ IM_IND_CREATION, // instance creation
+ IM_IND_DELETION, // instance deletion
+ IM_IND_MODIFICATION, // instance modification
+} IMIndType;
+ * Definition of IMFilter
+ * Linked list of all filters
+ */
+typedef struct _IMFilter {
+ struct _IMFilter *next;
+ char *select_exp_string;
+ CMPIObjectPath *op;
+} IMFilter;
+typedef struct _IMFilters {
+ IMFilter *first;
+ char *class_name;
+} IMFilters;
+ * Linked list of polled enumeration pairs of instances
+ * enumerations are converted to arrays
+ */
+typedef struct _IMEnumerationPair {
+ struct _IMEnumerationPair *next;
+ CMPIObjectPath *op;
+ CMPIArray *prev_enum;
+ CMPIArray *this_enum;
+ unsigned ref_count;
+} IMEnumerationPair;
+typedef struct _IMEnumerations {
+ IMEnumerationPair *first;
+} IMEnumerations;
+struct _IMManager {
+ // callback functions
+ IMEventWatcher watcher;
+ IMInstGather gather;
+ IMFilterChecker f_checker;
+ // filters container
+ IMFilters *filters;
+ const char** f_allowed_classes;
+ // others
+ IMIndType type;
+ bool running;
+ bool polling;
+ bool cancelled;
+ const CMPIBroker *broker;
+ const CMPIContext *ctx_main; /* main thread */
+ CMPIContext *ctx_manage; /* manage thread */
+ IMEnumerations *enums;
+ // threading
+ pthread_t _t_manage;
+ pthread_mutex_t _t_mutex;
+ pthread_cond_t _t_cond;
+ // passed data, used for communication between gather/watcher/etc.
+ void *data;
+typedef enum {
+ IM_ERR_GATHER, // bad or null gather callback
+ IM_ERR_FILTER_CHECKER, // bad or null filter checker callback
+ IM_ERR_WATCHER, // bad or null watcher callback
+ IM_ERR_MALLOC, // memory allocation error
+ IM_ERR_FILTER, // bad or null filter
+ IM_ERR_MANAGER, // bad or null manager
+ IM_ERR_BROKER, // bad or null broker
+ IM_ERR_CONTEXT, // bad or null context
+ IM_ERR_SELECT_EXP, // bad or null select expression
+ IM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, // specified data were not found
+ IM_ERR_THREAD, // some error on threading
+ IM_ERR_CMPI_RC, // CMPI status not OK
+ IM_ERR_OP, // bad or null object path
+ IM_ERR_CANCELLED, // job has been cancelled
+} IMError;
+// Create manager with given properties and callbacks.
+// gather may not be specified if you want to use polling
+// Return newly created IMManager or NULL and appropiate IMError is set
+IMManager* im_create_manager(IMInstGather gather, IMFilterChecker f_checker,
+ bool polling, IMEventWatcher watcher,
+ IMIndType type, const CMPIBroker *broker,
+ IMError *err);
+// Destroy given manager.
+// Return true when ok or false and IMError is set
+bool im_destroy_manager(IMManager *manager, const CMPIContext *ctx,
+ IMError *err);
+// Call verification callback on given manager and filter.
+// Return true if filter is verified. False if not.
+// IMError will be set to to other value than IM_ERR_OK
+// if verification failed
+bool im_verify_filter(IMManager *manager, const CMPISelectExp *filter,
+ const CMPIContext *ctx, IMError *err);
+// add given filter to manager.
+// Return true when all is ok, otherwise false and IMError
+// is as appropriate.
+bool im_add_filter(IMManager *manager, CMPISelectExp *filter,
+ const CMPIContext *ctx, IMError *err);
+// Remove given filter from manager.
+// Return true when removed, false if not and appropriate IMError is set.
+bool im_remove_filter(IMManager *manager, const CMPISelectExp *filter,
+ const CMPIContext *ctx, IMError *err);
+// Register list of classes to be used with a default filter checker
+// when callback not given during im_create_manager()
+// The allowed_classes array should be kept accessible all the time
+bool im_register_filter_classes(IMManager *manager,
+ const char** allowed_classes, IMError *err);
+// Start indications.
+// Return true when correctly started, false if not and
+// appropriate IMError is set,
+bool im_start_ind(IMManager *manager, const CMPIContext *ctx, IMError *err);
+// Stop indications.
+// Return true when correctly stopped, false if not and
+// appropriate IMError is set,
+bool im_stop_ind(IMManager *manager, const CMPIContext *ctx, IMError *err);
+#endif /* __IND_MANAGER_H__ */