path: root/tilemgr/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tilemgr/test/')
1 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tilemgr/test/ b/tilemgr/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b9149c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tilemgr/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * accesses data from a RasDaMan database according to the options
+ * specified in an input file. Optionally outputs timing and size
+ * information.
+ *
+ * test_access reads from a text file a database name, and mddcolls
+ * names and for each one of them, it either reads a PersMDDColl and
+ * prints the status of all the mddobjs it contains (or part of them)
+ * or it deletes the MDDObjs.
+ * The program is able to print the tiles contents, show the accessing
+ * time and the sizes of each MDDObject.
+ * The input file has to start with the line:
+ * 'Database: <database name> '
+ * and after it, for every MDDCollection, the line:
+ * 'MDDColl: <mddcoll name> '
+ * which can be followed by the line:
+ * ' intersect: <domain> '
+ * or by the line:
+ * ' pointQuery: <domain> '
+ * in this case, the cell with address equal to the origin of the
+ * tile is accessed.
+ * which causes printing only the status of the mddobjs which
+ * intersect with <domain>.
+ * Options and arguments are described in the printUsage( ) function.
+ *
+ * Example input file :
+ * Database: SMRasDaBase
+ * MDDColl: Images2DA
+ * intersect: [0:29,9:19]
+ * MDDColl: Toms3DA
+ *
+ *
+ * In this version, the -r option deletes whole collections only.
+ * To be extended in the future to delete selected objects and/or
+ * selected parts of objects.
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#define __EXECUTABLE__
+#ifdef __GNUG__
+#include "server/template_inst.hh"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include <fstream.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vector.h>
+#ifdef BASEDB_O2
+#include "o2template_CC.hxx" // declaration of O2 ref and coll classes
+#include "raslib/rminit.hh"
+#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh"
+#include "typefactory.hh"
+#include "ulongtype.hh" // from the catalogif base DBMS interface module
+#include "mddmgr/persmddcoll.hh"
+#include "mddmgr/persmddobj.hh"
+#include "mddmgr/persmddcolliter.hh"
+#include "adminif.hh"
+#include "databaseif.hh"
+#include "transactionif.hh"
+#include "compression/tilecompression.hh"
+extern char* myExecArgv0 = "";
+#define MAX 256
+ifstream testfile;
+void testAccessing( char* persMDDCollName, char* search,
+ int printTilesContents, int timeAccess,
+ int printSizes, int printCompression );
+void intersectOption( char* search,
+ PersMDDColl* accessedColl,
+ int printTilesContents,
+ int timeAccess,
+ int printSizes );
+void pointQueryOption( char* search,
+ PersMDDColl* accessedColl,
+ int timeAccess,
+ int printSizes );
+void testDeleteColls( DatabaseIf* db, char* persMDDCollName,
+ char* search, int timeAccess, int printSizes );
+int checkArguments( int argc, char** argv, const char* searchText,
+ int& optionValueIndex );
+void printUsage( );
+ * Function name.: int main (int argc, char** argv)
+ *
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * argc: number of arguments given to program
+ * argv: array of char* with arguments
+ * Return value..: exit status
+ * Description...: none
+ **********************************************************************/
+main( int argc, char** argv)
+ // variables representing O2 database, test file, ta and session
+ DatabaseIf database;
+ TransactionIf ta;
+ // static char O2BenchSchemaName[] = "SMRasDaSchema";
+ static char O2BenchDBName[MAX];
+ char mc_name[MAX],search[MAX];
+ int printTilesContents = 0;
+ int timeAccess = 0;
+ int printSizes = 0;
+ int printCompression = 0;
+ int deleteColls = 0;
+ int i, optionValueIndex;
+ // don't forget to initialize before using AdminIf!
+ myExecArgv0 = argv[0];
+ AdminIf* myAdmin = AdminIf::instance();
+ // is help is needed
+ if (checkArguments (argc, argv, "-h", optionValueIndex))
+ {
+ printUsage( );
+ delete myAdmin;
+ exit( 0 );
+ }
+ // openning the test file
+ if (checkArguments (argc, argv, "-f", optionValueIndex))
+ {
+ for (i = 0; argv[optionValueIndex][i+1] != '\0'; i++)
+ search[i] = argv[optionValueIndex][i+2];
+ (search);
+ if (!testfile)
+ {
+ cout << "cannot open this file" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ printUsage( );
+ /*
+ {
+ cout << "Please write: test_access -f<testfile-name>" << endl;
+ cout << "Or maybe: test_access -h for help...." << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ */
+ // updating the flag of printing the tiles
+ if (checkArguments (argc, argv, "-p", optionValueIndex))
+ printTilesContents = 1;
+ // updating the flag of timming the access
+ if (checkArguments (argc, argv, "-t", optionValueIndex))
+ timeAccess = 1;
+ // updating the flag of printing the sizes of mddobjs
+ if (checkArguments (argc, argv, "-s", optionValueIndex))
+ printSizes = 1;
+ // updating the flag of deletion
+ if (checkArguments (argc, argv, "-r", optionValueIndex))
+ deleteColls = 1;
+ // updating the flag of compression
+ if (checkArguments (argc, argv, "-c", optionValueIndex))
+ printCompression = 1;
+ // reading data-base name
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ while ((!strstr (search, "Database")) && (!testfile.eof ( )))
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ testfile >> O2BenchDBName;
+ // connect to the database
+ cout << "Connecting to database " << O2BenchDBName
+ << "..." << endl;
+ (O2BenchDBName);
+ // searching for mddcalls
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ while (!testfile.eof ( ))
+ {
+ ta.begin ( &database );
+ // searching for mddcall
+ while ((!strstr (search, "MDDColl")) && (!testfile.eof ( )))
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ if (strstr (search, "MDDColl"))
+ {
+ testfile >> mc_name;
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ if (!deleteColls)
+ testAccessing (mc_name, search, printTilesContents, timeAccess,
+ printSizes, printCompression);
+ else
+ testDeleteColls(&database, mc_name, search, timeAccess, printSizes);
+ }
+ ta.commit( );
+ }
+ cout << endl<< "Ending O2 session..." << endl;
+ database.close( );
+ testfile.close( );
+ delete myAdmin;
+ * Function......:
+ * testAccessing( char* persMDDCollName, char* search,
+ * int printTilesContents, int timeAccess,
+ * int printSizes)
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * persMDDCollName: the MDDColl name
+ * search: for searching the words from the file
+ * printTilesContents: the flag of printing the tiles
+ * timeAccess: the flag of timming the access
+ * Return value..: none
+ * Description...: reads DirTilesIx's and shows contents
+ **********************************************************************/
+void testAccessing( char* persMDDCollName, char* search,
+ int printTilesContents, int timeAccess,
+ int printSizes, int printCompression)
+ PersMDDObj* accessedObj;
+ PersMDDColl* accessedColl;
+ cout << endl << endl << "....testAccessing " << persMDDCollName << endl;
+ try
+ {
+ accessedColl = new PersMDDColl(persMDDCollName);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ cout << " Error: exception caught when trying to access collection ";
+ cout << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // To test PersMDDColl::printStatus( )
+ // accessedColl->printStatus( );
+ // To test PersMDDObj::printStatus( ), MDDCollIter::createIterator( ) and
+ // MDDCollIter methods :
+ // cout << " Iterating through the collection with PersMDDCollIter " << endl;
+ // MDDCollIter* objsIt = accessedColl->createIterator( );
+ // the regular option of showing the contents
+ if ((strstr (search, "MDDColl")) || (testfile.eof ( )))
+ {
+ cout << " Iterating through the collection with PersMDDCollIter " << endl;
+ MDDCollIter* objsIt = accessedColl->createIterator( );
+ for( int i = 1 ; objsIt->notDone( ); i++, objsIt->advance( ))
+ {
+ accessedObj = (PersMDDObj*) objsIt->getElement();
+ cout << endl << endl << " --" << i << ". MDD object in set:" << endl;
+ if (printTilesContents && timeAccess)
+ {
+ vector<Tile*>* TileVector;
+ // start counter
+ RMInit::dbgOut.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf());
+ RMTimer* Counter = new RMTimer("PersMDDObj", "getTiles");
+ TileVector = accessedObj->getTiles ( );
+ // stop counter
+ cout << "The time of accessing by ";
+ delete Counter;
+ vector<Tile*> ::iterator t;
+ for (t = TileVector->begin ( ); t != TileVector->end ( ); t++)
+ {
+ (*t)->printStatus( );
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ TileVector->erase( TileVector->begin(), TileVector->end() );
+ delete TileVector;
+ }
+ else if (printTilesContents && !timeAccess)
+ {
+ vector<Tile*>* TileVector;
+ TileVector = accessedObj->getTiles ( );
+ vector<Tile*> ::iterator t;
+ for (t = TileVector->begin ( ); t != TileVector->end ( ); t++)
+ {
+ (*t)->printStatus( );
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ TileVector->erase( TileVector->begin(), TileVector->end() );
+ delete TileVector;
+ }
+ else if (!printTilesContents && timeAccess)
+ {
+ // start counter
+ RMInit::dbgOut.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf());
+ RMTimer* Counter = new RMTimer("PersMDDObj", "printStatus");
+ accessedObj->printStatus ( );
+ // stop counter
+ cout << endl << "The time of accessing by ";
+ delete Counter;
+ }
+ else if (!printTilesContents && !timeAccess)
+ {
+ accessedObj->printStatus ( );
+ }
+ if (printSizes)
+ {
+ // printing the sizes of the mddobj
+ cout << endl << "The logical-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getLogicalSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The physical-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getPhysicalSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The physical-cells-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getPhysicalCellsSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The index-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getIxSize ( ) << endl;
+ }
+ if (printCompression)
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ unsigned long totalSize = 0;
+ vector<Tile*>* TileVector;
+ TileVector = accessedObj->getTiles ( );
+ vector<Tile*> ::iterator t;
+ for (t = TileVector->begin ( ); t != TileVector->end ( ); t++)
+ {
+ cout << ++i << ". ";
+ if( (*t)->getDataFormat() == r_ZLib )
+ {
+ totalSize += (*t)->getPhysicalSize( );
+ cout << "Size of compressed tile: "
+ << (*t)->getPhysicalSize( ) << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "Tile not compressed! Size: " << (*t)->getSize() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ TileVector->erase( TileVector->begin(), TileVector->end() );
+ delete TileVector;
+ if(totalSize != 0)
+ cout << "Total size of compressed tiles: " << totalSize << endl;
+ }
+ } // for objsIt loop
+ delete objsIt;
+ } // if MDDColl
+ // the intersect option
+ else if (strstr (search, "intersect"))
+ {
+ intersectOption( search, accessedColl, printTilesContents, timeAccess, printSizes);
+ }
+ else if (strstr (search, "pointQuery"))
+ {
+ pointQueryOption( search, accessedColl, timeAccess, printSizes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "don't know what is this..." << endl;
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ }
+ accessedColl->releaseAll( );
+ delete accessedColl;
+intersectOption( char* search,
+ PersMDDColl* accessedColl,
+ int printTilesContents,
+ int timeAccess,
+ int printSizes )
+ PersMDDObj* accessedObj;
+ int cont = 1;
+ for ( ; cont == 1 ; ) // intersect loop
+ {
+ testfile.get (search, MAX, '[');
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ']');
+ strcat (search, "]");
+ cout << " Iterating through the collection with PersMDDCollIter " << endl;
+ MDDCollIter* objsIt = accessedColl->createIterator( );
+ for( int i = 1 ; objsIt->notDone( ); i++, objsIt->advance( ))
+ {
+ accessedObj = (PersMDDObj*) objsIt->getElement();
+ cout << endl << endl << " --" << i << ". MDD object in set:" << endl;
+ r_Minterval interval (search);
+ cout << "Intersecting to "<< interval << endl;
+ vector<Tile*>* TileVector;
+ vector<Tile*> ::iterator t;
+ RMTimer* Counter;
+ if ( timeAccess )
+ {
+ // start counter
+ // RMInit::dbgOut = cout.rdbuf();
+ RMInit::bmOut << "Intersect Region " << interval << " " << "\t";
+ // Counter = new RMTimer(" PersMDDObj", "intersect");
+ }
+ TileVector = accessedObj->intersect (interval);
+ if ( printTilesContents )
+ {
+ int j = 1;
+ for (t = TileVector->begin ( ); t != TileVector->end ( ); t++, j++)
+ {
+ cout << "Tile "<< j <<": "<<endl;
+ (*t)->printStatus( );
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int j = 1;
+ for (t = TileVector->begin ( ); t != TileVector->end ( ); t++, j++)
+ cout << "Tile " << j << ": " << (*t)->getDomain ( ) << endl;
+ }
+ // ?? TileVector->erase( );
+ delete TileVector;
+ if (printSizes)
+ {
+ // printing the sizes of the mddobj
+ cout << endl << "The logical-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getLogicalSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The physical-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getPhysicalSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The physical-cells-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getPhysicalCellsSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The index-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getIxSize ( ) << endl;
+ }
+ } // for objsIt loop
+ delete objsIt;
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ cout << search << endl;
+ if ( !strstr( search, "intersect") )
+ cont = 0;
+ // cout << " cont "<< cont << endl;
+ } // for cont loop
+pointQueryOption( char* search,
+ PersMDDColl* accessedColl,
+ int timeAccess,
+ int printSizes )
+ PersMDDObj* accessedObj;
+ int cont = 1;
+ for ( ; cont == 1 ; ) // intersect loop
+ {
+ testfile.get (search, MAX, '[');
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ']');
+ strcat (search, "]");
+ cout << " Iterating through the collection with PersMDDCollIter " << endl;
+ MDDCollIter* objsIt = accessedColl->createIterator( );
+ for( int i = 1 ; objsIt->notDone( ); i++, objsIt->advance( ))
+ {
+ accessedObj = (PersMDDObj*) objsIt->getElement();
+ cout << endl << endl << " --" << i << ". MDD object in set:" << endl;
+ r_Minterval interval (search);
+ r_Point pnt = interval.get_origin( );
+ cout << "Point query to "<< pnt << endl;
+ RMTimer* Counter;
+ if ( timeAccess )
+ {
+ // start counter
+ RMInit::bmOut << "Intersect Region " << interval << " " << "\t";
+ // Counter = new RMTimer(" PersMDDObj", "intersect");
+ }
+ char* result = accessedObj->pointQuery(pnt);
+ if ( result )
+ cout << "Result of point query : "<< long(*result) <<endl;
+ else
+ cout << "Null pointer returned from pointQuery!!!! "<< endl;
+ if (printSizes)
+ {
+ // printing the sizes of the mddobj
+ cout << endl << "The logical-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getLogicalSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The physical-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getPhysicalSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The physical-cells-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getPhysicalCellsSize ( ) << endl;
+ cout << "The index-size of the mddobj: " << accessedObj->getIxSize ( ) << endl;
+ }
+ } // for objsIt loop
+ delete objsIt;
+ testfile.getline (search, MAX, ':');
+ cout << search << endl;
+ if ( !strstr( search, "pointQuery") )
+ cont = 0;
+ // cout << " cont "<< cont << endl;
+ } // for cont loop
+ * Function......:
+ * testDeleteColls( DatabaseIf* db, char* persMDDCollName,
+ * char* search, int timeAccess,int printSizes )
+ *
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * persMDDCollName: the MDDColl name
+ * search: for searching the words from the file
+ * printTilesContents: the flag of printing the tiles
+ * timeAccess: the flag of timming the access
+ * Return value..: none
+ * Description...: reads DirTilesIx's and shows contents
+ **********************************************************************/
+void testDeleteColls( DatabaseIf* db, char* persMDDCollName,
+ char* search, int timeAccess, int printSizes)
+ // PersMDDObj* accessedObj;
+ PersMDDColl* accessedColl;
+ /*
+ cout << endl << endl << "... Destroying root collection "
+ << persMDDCollName << endl;
+ PersMDDColl::destroyRoot( persMDDCollName, db );
+ */
+ cout << endl << endl << "....testAccessing " << persMDDCollName << endl;
+ try
+ {
+ accessedColl = new PersMDDColl( persMDDCollName );
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ cout << " Error: exception caught when trying to access collection ";
+ cout << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ accessedColl->removeAll( );
+ accessedColl->releaseAll( );
+ cout << endl << endl << "... Destroying root collection "
+ << persMDDCollName << endl;
+ PersMDDColl::destroyRoot( persMDDCollName, db );
+ * Function......: checkArguments (int argc, char** argv,
+ * const char* searchText,
+ * int& optionValueIndex)
+ *
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * argc: number of arguments given to program
+ * argv: array of char* with arguments
+ * searchText: the desire option
+ * optionValueIndex: the index of the found option
+ * Return value..: int
+ * Description...: searching an option in the accexuting line
+ **********************************************************************/
+int checkArguments (int argc, char** argv, const char* searchText,
+ int& optionValueIndex)
+ int found = 0;
+ int i = 1;
+ while (!found && i < argc)
+ {
+ found = !strncmp (searchText, argv[i], 2);
+ if (!found)
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (found)
+ optionValueIndex = i;
+ else
+ optionValueIndex = 0;
+ return found;
+void printUsage( )
+ cout << endl << "Usage: " << endl;
+ cout << "test_access -h" << endl;
+ cout << "test_access -f<file> [-t] [-p] [-s]" << endl;
+ cout << "test_access -f<file> -r " << endl;
+ cout << " -h ... this help" << endl;
+ cout << " -p ... for printing tiles contents" << endl;
+ cout << " -t ... for timming the access" << endl;
+ cout << " -s ... for printing the sizes of mddobjs" << endl;
+ cout << " -f<file> ... for the name of the text file" << endl;
+ cout << " -r ... for deleting the collections listed in <file>" << endl;
+ cout << " -c ... for printing info on compressed tiles";
+ cout << endl << endl;