path: root/servercomm/servercomm.hh
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1 files changed, 1120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/servercomm/servercomm.hh b/servercomm/servercomm.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d34e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servercomm/servercomm.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ * INCLUDE: servercomm.hh
+ *
+ * MODULE: servercomm
+ * CLASS: ServerComm
+ *
+ * None
+#ifndef _SERVERCOMM_
+#define _SERVERCOMM_
+// Put it in front of any typedef bool ... because o2 is using bool as a variable.
+// #include "o2template_CC.hxx"
+#include <list>
+#include <rpc/rpc.h>
+#include "raslib/error.hh"
+#include "raslib/oid.hh"
+#include "raslib/minterval.hh"
+#include "reladminif/adminif.hh"
+#include "reladminif/databaseif.hh"
+#include "reladminif/transactionif.hh"
+#include "relcatalogif/basetype.hh"
+#include "servercomm/callbackmgr.hh"
+#ifndef _RPCIF_
+ #define _RPCIF_
+ #include "clientcomm/rpcif.h"
+#ifdef DECALPHA
+#include <rpc/svc.h>
+// forward declarations
+class QtData;
+class MDDObj;
+class MDDCollIter;
+class MDDColl;
+class RMTimer;
+class r_Parse_Params;
+//@ManMemo: Module: {\bf servercomm}
+ The class servercomm describes the one and only server communication object
+ that can exist in a RasDaMan RPC server. It manages listening for client and
+ maps incoming calls to the respective remote procedures (which reside in the
+ file These remote procedures are global functions
+ which mainly concern with RPC call processing and finally call the methods
+ of this servercomm class to forward client requests.
+class ServerComm
+ public:
+ /// the class defines an entry of the client table
+ class ClientTblElt
+ {
+ public:
+ /// default constructor
+ ClientTblElt( const char* clientIdText, unsigned long clientId );
+ /**
+ Default constructor that takes the information to be placed in the
+ clientIdText field of the client table entry and the unique ID to
+ be placed in the clientId field.
+ */
+ /// destructor
+ ~ClientTblElt();
+ /// release client context
+ void release();
+ /**
+ Releasing the client context means to decrease the currentUsers counter
+ and to update lastActionTime.
+ */
+ void endRequest();
+ /// releases transfer collection/iterator
+ void releaseTransferStructures();
+ /**
+ The method releases transfer collection and iterator. As the collection is a
+ persistent one, care has to be taken that creation and deletion is done
+ within the same transaction.
+ */
+ /// unique client identification assigned by the server
+ unsigned long clientId;
+ /// counter indicating the number of current users
+ unsigned int currentUsers;
+ /// binding information about the client (IP address and TCP port number)
+ char* clientIdText;
+ /// Name of the client user name (if available)
+ char* userName;
+ /// Name of the actual database (if one is open)
+ char* baseName;
+ /// time when the database was opened (for curiosity purposes)
+ unsigned long creationTime;
+ /// time of the client's last action (for garbage collection purposes)
+ unsigned long lastActionTime;
+ /// convert raw array data to this data format before transfer
+ r_Data_Format transferFormat;
+ char* transferFormatParams;
+ /// send data to client in the exact transfer format
+ int exactFormat;
+ /// store array data in this data format in the database
+ r_Data_Format storageFormat;
+ char* storageFormatParams;
+ /// the tile data converted into the transfer format, if required
+ void* encodedData;
+ unsigned long encodedSize;
+ /// for establishing the compression ratio
+ unsigned long totalRawSize;
+ unsigned long totalTransferedSize;
+ /// pointer to an MDD collection
+ MDDColl* transferColl;
+ /**
+ For collection of MDD constants with an update query.
+ */
+ /// pointer to an iterator for collection transferColl
+ MDDCollIter* transferCollIter;
+ /// pointer to the query result which is currently in transfer
+ std::vector<QtData*>* transferData;
+ /**
+ For the result of the last query (NULL if the result is completely delivered to the client).
+ */
+ /// point to an iterator for transfer data
+ std::vector<QtData*>::iterator* transferDataIter;
+ /// pointer to a persistent MDD object for tile based transfers
+ MDDObj* assembleMDD;
+ /// pointer to an MDD object for tile base transfer
+ MDDObj* transferMDD;
+ /// std::vector storing tiles of actual MDD for transfer
+ std::vector< Tile* >* transTiles;
+ /// iterator for the std::vector above
+ std::vector< Tile* >::iterator* tileIter;
+ /// std::vector storing pointers to transient tiles
+ std::vector< Tile* >* deletableTiles;
+ /**
+ The tiles referenced by these pointers are border tiles dynamically created in getNextMDD().
+ They do not belong to any MDD object, and, therefore, they have to be deleted explicitly.
+ */
+ /// bytes to transfer in actual tile (valid only if tile is larger than {\tt MAXTRANSBYTES})
+ unsigned long bytesToTransfer;
+ /// std::vector of persistent MDD collections in use
+ std::vector< MDDColl* >* persMDDCollections;
+ /// object representing the actual database
+ DatabaseIf database;
+ /// object representing the actual transaction (only one at a time possible)
+ TransactionIf transaction;
+ /// pointer to a timer for recording transaction time
+ RMTimer* taTimer;
+ /// pointer to a timer for recording transfer time
+ RMTimer* transferTimer;
+ /// pointer to a timer for recording evaluation time
+ RMTimer* evaluationTimer;
+ /// parameter object
+ r_Parse_Params *clientParams;
+ private:
+ /// empty private definition prevents of using the copy constructor
+ ClientTblElt( const ClientTblElt& ){};
+ };
+ /// default constructor
+ ServerComm();
+ /// constructor getting the client time out and the time interval for management routines, together with listen port, rasmgr host and port and the server name
+ ServerComm( unsigned long timeOut, unsigned long managementInterval , unsigned long listenPort, char* rasmgrHost, unsigned int rasmgrPort, char* serverName);
+ /// destructor
+ virtual ~ServerComm();
+ /// forces the server to listen for client calls
+ virtual void startRpcServer() throw( r_Error );
+ /// stops the server
+ virtual void stopRpcServer();
+ // informs RasMGR:
+ void informRasMGR(int);
+ #define SERVER_DOWN 0
+ // 2 is server crushed, but it's generated by rasmgr!
+ // regularly signal the rasmgr that we are available
+ /// adds an entry to the client table (used in RasServerEntry)
+ void addClientTblEntry( ClientTblElt *context ) throw ( r_Error );
+ /**
+ Adds the context entry passed to the client table.
+ Throws an exception if context==NULL.
+ */
+ /// deletes an entry of the client table (must be public because it is used in the global garbage collection function)
+ unsigned short deleteClientTblEntry( unsigned long ClientId );
+ /**
+ Deletes the entry of the client table corresponding to the given client id.
+ If no corresponding id is found, false is returned.
+ */
+ // quick hack function used when stopping server to abort transaction and close db
+ void abortEveryThingNow();
+ /// print server status with client table content to {\tt s}
+ virtual void printServerStatus( ostream& s=cout );
+ /// get server status
+ virtual void getServerStatus( ServerStatRes &returnStruct );
+ /// the client table which holds information about the calling clients
+ static std::list<ClientTblElt*> clientTbl;
+ /// last used client ID (this is increased by one to get the clientId for the next client)
+ static unsigned long clientCount;
+ /// inactivity timeout in seconds after which pending client data is deleted
+ const unsigned long clientTimeout;
+ /// do a garbage collection every {\tt garbageCollectionInterval} seconds (ONC RPC only)
+ const unsigned long garbageCollectionInterval;
+ /// flag for active o2 transaction (stores the clientID of the owner of the active transaction, or 0 if none open)
+ unsigned long transactionActive;
+ /// memory used by malloc in ordinary blocks (set in dumpClientTable)
+ long memUsed;
+ /// stores a pointer to the actual servercomm object, only one can exist at a time
+ static ServerComm* actual_servercomm;
+ /**
+ the callback manager object for garbage collection, license check, ...
+ Always instantiated with default size, resized on startup if required.
+ */
+ CallBackManager callback_mgr;
+ //@Man: Communication methods
+ //@{
+ ///
+ /// process the client's alive signal
+ virtual unsigned short aliveSignal( unsigned long client );
+ /**
+ The method take the alive signal of a client and updates the last action time.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successfull\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// open database
+ virtual unsigned short openDB( unsigned long callingClientId, const char* dbName, const char* userName );
+ /**
+ The method opens the database with {\tt dbName}. The return value means the following:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && database successfully opened\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && database does not exist\\
+ 3 && database is already open\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// close current database
+ virtual unsigned short closeDB( unsigned long callingClientId );
+ /**
+ The return value has the following meaning:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// create a database
+ virtual unsigned short createDB( char* name );
+ /// destroy a database
+ virtual unsigned short destroyDB( char* name );
+ ///
+ /// open transaction
+ virtual unsigned short beginTA( unsigned long callingClientId, unsigned short readOnly=0 );
+ /**
+ The return value has the following meaning:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && other transaction already active\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// commit current transaction
+ virtual unsigned short commitTA( unsigned long callingClientId );
+ /**
+ The return value has the following meaning:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// abort current transaction
+ virtual unsigned short abortTA( unsigned long callingClientId );
+ /**
+ The return value has the following meaning:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// is transaction open currently?
+ /**
+ The return value has the following meaning:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ true && a transaction is open\\
+ false && no transaction is open\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ virtual bool isTAOpen( unsigned long callingClientId );
+ ///
+ /// executes a retrieval query and prepares the result for transfer with \Ref{getNextMDD}.
+ virtual unsigned short executeQuery( unsigned long callingClientId, const char* query, ExecuteQueryRes &returnStructure );
+ /**
+ Executes a query and puts the result in the actual transfer collection.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id
+ for which the query should be executed. The second parameter is the
+ query itself represented as a string.
+ Return values
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful - result collection holds MDD elements\\
+ 1 && operation was successful - result collection holds non-MDD elements\\
+ 2 && operation was successful - result collection has no elements\\
+ 3 && client context not found\\
+ 4 && parse errror\\
+ 5 && execution error\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Communication protocol (return value = 0)
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \Ref{executeQuery} && \\
+ -> && \Ref{getNextMDD} \\
+ && -> && \Ref{getNextTile} \\
+ && && : \\
+ && :\\
+ \Ref{endTransfer} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Communication protocol (return value = 1)
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \Ref{executeQuery} && \\
+ -> && \Ref{getNextElement} \\
+ && :\\
+ \Ref{endTransfer} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// get the domain of the next MDD of the actual transfer collection
+ virtual unsigned short getNextMDD( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ r_Minterval &mddDomain,
+ char* &typeName,
+ char* &typeStructure,
+ r_OId &oid,
+ unsigned short &currentFormat );
+ /**
+ The Method gets the domain of the next MDD of the actual transfer collection.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id. The second parameter returns the
+ domain of the MDD to be transfered. {\tt typeName} returns the name of the
+ MDD type and its structure.
+ Transfer of MDD data is tile-based using the method \Ref{getNextTile}.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful, at least one MDD is left in the transfer collection\\
+ 1 && nothing left in the transfer collection\\
+ 2 && client context not found, no tiles in the MDD object, no actual transfer collection \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// get the next scalar element in the actual transfer collection.
+ virtual unsigned short getNextElement( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ char* &buffer,
+ unsigned int &bufferSize );
+ /**
+ The Method gets the next non-MDD element in the actual transfer collection.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id. The second parameter returns a
+ pointer to the memory occupied by the next element and the third one delivers
+ the size of the buffer.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful, at least one element is left in the transfer collection\\
+ 1 && operation succesful, nothing left in the transfer collection\\
+ 2 && client context not found, no tiles in the MDD object, no actual transfer collection \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// get an MDD by OId
+ virtual unsigned short getMDDByOId( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ r_OId &oid,
+ r_Minterval &mddDomain,
+ char* &typeName,
+ char* &typeStructure,
+ unsigned short &currentFormat );
+ /**
+ The Method gets an MDD by OId {\tt oid}. If the MDD is found, it is initialized as transfer
+ object and can be picked up by \Ref{getNextTile} calls (tile-based transfer).
+ Additionally, the method returns domain, type name, and type structure of the found MDD
+ object by reference parameters.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && object with this oid not found\\
+ 3 && object has no tiles
+ \end{tabular}
+ Communication protocol
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \Ref{getMDDByOId} \\
+ -> && \Ref{getNextTile} \\
+ && : \\
+ \Ref{endTransfer} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// get next tile of the actual MDD of the actual transfer collection
+ virtual unsigned short getNextTile( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ RPCMarray** rpcMarray );
+ /**
+ The Method gets the next tile of the actual MDD of the actual transfer collection.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id. The second parameter is the
+ RPC representation of the Marray representing the tile. If a tile is too large to be
+ transferred in one piece, the data is split. To get the rest of the data, consecutively
+ use this method.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful, no further MDDs are left\\
+ 1 && operation was successful, at least one MDD is left in the transfer collection\\
+ 2 && operation was successful, at least one tile is left in the actual MDD\\
+ 3 && operation was successful, at least one block is left in the actual tile\\
+ 4 && client context not found, no tiles in the MDD object, no actual transfer collection \\
+ && or nothing left in the collection\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Examples of valid return value chains:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item To be transferred: 1 MDD consisting of 1 tile (which is too large)\\
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ 3 ->...-> 3 -> 0
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \item To be transferred: 1 MDD consisting of 2 tiles (the first is too large)\\
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ 3 ->...-> 3 -> 2 -> 0
+ |--------------| |
+ 1st tile 2nd tile
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \item To be transferred: 2 MDDs, each consisting of 1 tile (none too large)\\
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ 1 -> 0
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \item To be transferred: 3 MDDs, the first (A) consisting of 1 tile (not too large),\\
+ the second (B) consisting of 2 tiles (B1, B2, of which the first is too large),
+ the third (C) consisting of 2 tiles (C1, C2, of which the second is too large),
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ 1 -> 3 ->...-> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 ->...-> 3 -> 0
+ | |--------------| | | |--------------|
+ | B1 B2 C1 C2
+ | |-------------------| |-------------------|
+ A B C
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \end{itemize}
+ */
+ /// process the client's alive signal
+ virtual unsigned short endTransfer( unsigned long client );
+ /**
+ The method terminates a transfer session and releases all transfer structures.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successfull\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// prepares transfer of MDD constants and execution of update query
+ virtual unsigned short initExecuteUpdate( unsigned long callingClientId );
+ /**
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Communication protocol
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \Ref{initExecuteUpdate} && \\
+ -> && \Ref{startInsertTransMDD} \\
+ && -> && \Ref{insertTile} \\
+ && && :\\
+ && \Ref{endInsertMDD}\\
+ && :\\
+ \Ref{executeUpdate} && \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Note: Method \Ref{executeUpdate} can be invoked without the \Ref{initExecuteUpdate}
+ prolog in case of no constant MDD objects.
+ */
+ /// executes an update query
+ virtual unsigned short executeUpdate( unsigned long callingClientId, const char* query, ExecuteUpdateRes &returnStructure );
+ /**
+ Executes an update query.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id
+ for which the query should be executed. The second parameter is the
+ query itself represented as a string.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && parse errror\\
+ 3 && execution error\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// prepares an MDD (transient) for transfer of tiles
+ virtual unsigned short startInsertTransMDD( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ r_Minterval &domain,
+ unsigned long typeLength,
+ const char* typeName );
+ /**
+ Creates an object for tile based transfer with method \Ref{insertTile}.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id for which the MDD should be created.
+ The second parameter is the
+ name of the collection to insert the MDD object. The third parameter holds the
+ spatial domain of the following MDD object and {\tt typeLength} specifies the size of
+ the base type in bytes. The last one gives the type structure as string representation.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && MDD type name not found\\
+ 3 && MDD and its type are incompatible\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// create a new persistent MDD object for tile based transfers
+ virtual unsigned short startInsertPersMDD( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* collName,
+ r_Minterval& domain,
+ unsigned long typeLength,
+ const char* typeName,
+ r_OId& oid );
+ /**
+ Creates an object for tile based transfer with method \Ref{insertTile} to be
+ inserted into the specified MDD collection.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt collName} && name of the collection to insert the MDD object\\
+ {\tt domain} && spatial domain\\
+ {\tt typeLength} && size of base type in bytes\\
+ {\tt typeName} && type structure as string representation\\
+ {\tt oid} && object identifier\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && MDD type name not found\\
+ 3 && types of MDD and collection are incompatible\\
+ 4 && MDD and its type are incompatible\\
+ 5 && collection does not exist\\
+ 6 && creation of persistent object failed\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Communication protocol
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \Ref{startInsertPersMDD} && \\
+ -> && \Ref{insertTile} \\
+ && :\\
+ \Ref{endInsertMDD} && \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// insert a tile into a persistent MDD object
+ virtual unsigned short insertTile( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ int isPersistent,
+ RPCMarray* rpcMarray );
+ /**
+ Inserts a tile into the current MDD object.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt isPersistent} && determines wheather it is a persistent or a transient tile\\
+ {\tt rpcMarray} && RPC representation of the tile\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && base type name of inserting tile is not supported\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ // inserts a tile into a persistent MDD object splitting it up according to
+ // parameter tileSize
+ virtual unsigned short insertTileSplitted( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ int isPersistent,
+ RPCMarray* rpcMarray,
+ r_Minterval* tileSize );
+ /**
+ Splits and inserts a tile into the current MDD object.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt isPersistent} && determines wheather it is a persistent or a transient tile\\
+ {\tt rpcMarray} && RPC representation of the tile\\
+ {\tt tileSize} && r_Minterval specifying the tile-size\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && base type name of inserting tile is not supported\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// finnishes the MDD creation and inserts the MDD into the collection
+ virtual unsigned short endInsertMDD( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ int isPersistent );
+ /**
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt isPersistent} && determines wheather it is a persistent or a transient MDD\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// insert object into collection
+ virtual unsigned short insertMDD( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* collName,
+ RPCMarray *rpcMarray,
+ const char* typeName, r_OId& oid );
+ /**
+ Inserts an object into an MDD collection. It is transfered in one piece.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt collName} && name of the collection to insert the MDD object\\
+ {\tt rpcMarray} && RPC representation of the MDD object\\
+ {\tt typeName} && type structure as string representation\\
+ {\tt oid} && object identifier\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && MDD type name not found\\
+ 3 && types of MDD and collection are incompatible\\
+ 4 && MDD and its type are incompatible\\
+ 5 && collection does not exist\\
+ 6 && creation of persistent object failed\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// prepare an MDD collection for transfer with getNextMDD()
+ virtual unsigned short getCollByName( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* collName,
+ char* &typeName,
+ char* &typeStructure,
+ r_OId &oid );
+ /**
+ ATTENTION: This function is not used at the moment. It hast
+ to be adapted to transferData.
+ Prepares an MDD collection for transfer with getNextMDD().
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt collName} && name of the collection to be got\\
+ {\tt typeName} && returns name of the collection type\\
+ {\tt typeStructure} && returns structure of the collection type\\
+ {\tt oid} && returns oid of the collection\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ The first parameter is the unique client id. The second parameter is the
+ name of the collection to get. {\tt typeName} returns the name of the
+ collection type and {\tt typeStructure} its type structure.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful - collection has some elements\\
+ 1 && operation was successful - collection has no elements\\
+ 2 && collection is not known\\
+ 3 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// prepare an MDD collection for transfer with getNextMDD()
+ virtual unsigned short getCollByOId( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ r_OId &oid,
+ char* &typeName,
+ char* &typeStructure,
+ char* &collName );
+ /**
+ ATTENTION: This function is not used at the moment. It hast
+ to be adapted to transferData.
+ Prepares an MDD collection for transfer with \Ref{getNextMDD}.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt oid} && oid of the collection to be got\\
+ {\tt typeName} && returns name of the collection type\\
+ {\tt typeStructure} && returns structure of the collection type\\
+ {\tt collName} && returns name of collection\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful - collection has some elements\\
+ 1 && operation was successful - collection has no elements\\
+ 2 && collection is not known\\
+ 3 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// gets oids of the collection specified by name
+ virtual unsigned short getCollOIdsByName( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* collName,
+ char* &typeName,
+ char* &typeStructure,
+ r_OId &oid,
+ RPCOIdEntry* &oidTable,
+ unsigned int &oidTableSize );
+ /**
+ Gets the collection of oids of the collection with {\tt collName}.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt collName} && name of the collection to be got\\
+ {\tt typeName} && returns name of the collection type\\
+ {\tt typeStructure} && returns structure of the collection type\\
+ {\tt oid} && returns object identifier\\
+ {\tt oidTable} && returns an array of pointers to oids\\
+ {\tt oidTableSize} && returns the no of elements in the table\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful - collection has some elements\\
+ 1 && operation was successful - collection has no elements\\
+ 2 && collection is not known\\
+ 3 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// gets oids of the collection specified by name
+ virtual unsigned short getCollOIdsByOId( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ r_OId &oid,
+ char* &typeName,
+ char* &typeStructure,
+ RPCOIdEntry* &oidTable,
+ unsigned int &oidTableSize,
+ char* &collName );
+ /**
+ Gets the collection of oids of the collection with {\tt collName}.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt oid} && oid of the collection to be got\\
+ {\tt typeName} && returns name of the collection type\\
+ {\tt typeStructure} && returns structure of the collection type\\
+ {\tt oidTable} && returns an array of pointers to oids\\
+ {\tt oidTableSize} && returns the no of elements in the table\\
+ {\tt collName} && returns name of collection\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful - collection has some elements\\
+ 1 && operation was successful - collection has no elements\\
+ 2 && collection is not known\\
+ 3 && client context not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// create new MDD collection
+ virtual unsigned short insertColl( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* collName,
+ const char* typeName,
+ r_OId& oid );
+ /**
+ Creates a new MDD collection.
+ Parameters
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ {\tt callingClientId} && unique client id of the calling client\\
+ {\tt collName} && name of the collection to be created\\
+ {\tt typeName} && name of the collection type\\
+ {\tt oid} && object identifier\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && collection type name not found\\
+ 3 && collection name exists already in the db
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// delete MDD collection
+ virtual unsigned short deleteCollByName( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* collName );
+ /**
+ Deletes an MDD collection. The first parameter is the unique client id
+ for which the collection should be deleted. The second parameter is the
+ name for the collection to be deleted.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && collection with name does not exist\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// delete object by oid
+ virtual unsigned short deleteObjByOId( unsigned long callingClientId, r_OId& oid );
+ /**
+ Deletes the object with {\tt oid}.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id for which the object should be
+ deleted.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && object with oid does not exist\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// remove object specified by oid from collection specified by name
+ virtual unsigned short removeObjFromColl( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* collName, r_OId& oid );
+ /**
+ The method removes the object with {\\t oid} from collection with {\tt collName}.
+ The first parameter is the unique client id for which the object should be removed.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && specified collection does not exist\\
+ 3 && specified object does not exist in the collection\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ ///
+ /// get new object identifier
+ virtual unsigned short getNewOId( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ unsigned short objType, r_OId& oid );
+ /**
+ Creates a new oid and gives it back by the refernce parameter {\tt oid}.
+ {\tt objType} determines the type of object for which that oid is allocated. The folowing
+ values are supported: 1 = MDD, 2 = Collection.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && error while creating oid\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// get type of object by oid
+ virtual unsigned short getObjectType( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ r_OId& oid, unsigned short &objType );
+ /**
+ Determines the type of the object indicated by {\tt oid}. The type is returned by the
+ reference parameter {\tt objType}. The folowing types are supported: 1 = MDD, 2 = Collection.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && oid not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// get type structure of a type name
+ virtual unsigned short getTypeStructure( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ const char* typeName,
+ unsigned short typeType,
+ char* &typeStructure);
+ /**
+ Determines the type structure of the type specified by {\tt typeName}. The type
+ either can be a set type (typeType=1), an mdd type (typeType=2), or a base type
+ (typeType = 3).
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && type name not found\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// set the data format used for transferring data to the client
+ virtual unsigned short setTransferMode( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ unsigned short format, const char* formatParams );
+ /**
+ Sets the data format used by the server to transfer data to the client to
+ format which is of type r_Data_Format.
+ Return values:
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 0 && operation was successful\\
+ 1 && client context not found\\
+ 2 && unknown or unsupported data format\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ */
+ /// set the data format for storing data into the database
+ virtual unsigned short setStorageMode( unsigned long callingClientId,
+ unsigned short format, const char *formatParams );
+ /**
+ return values exactly like setTransferMode()
+ */
+ ///
+ //@}
+ /// returns a pointer to the context of the calling client, 0 it there is no context
+ virtual ClientTblElt* getClientContext( unsigned long ClientId );
+ /**
+ Returns a pointer to the context of the calling client. This is done by
+ searching the client table maintained by the server for the given client id.
+ If there is no context corresponding to the client id, 0 is returned.
+ Attention: After a client context was successfully received it has to be
+ released using its member function release();
+ */
+ // get, set and clear extended error info.
+ const char *getExtendedErrorInfo();
+ void setExtendedErrorInfo(const char*);
+ void clearExtendedErrorInfo();
+ void clientEndRequest();
+ // constant for clientID
+ static const char* HTTPCLIENT;
+ private:
+ /// copy constructor is private and therefore can not be used
+ ServerComm( const ServerComm& );//and then why this? : clientTimeout(3600), garbageCollectionInterval(600){;};
+ protected:
+ /// make sure a tile has the correct data format, converting if necessary
+ static int ensureTileFormat( r_Data_Format &hasFmt, r_Data_Format needFmt,
+ const r_Minterval &dom, const BaseType *type,
+ char *&data, unsigned long &size, int repack,
+ int owner, const char *params = NULL);
+ ///returns the following:
+ static const int ENSURE_TILE_FORMAT_OK;
+ static const int ENSURE_TILE_FORMAT_BAD;
+ /// pointer to the actual administration interface object
+ AdminIf* admin;
+ char *errorText;
+ unsigned long listenPort;
+ char* rasmgrHost;
+ unsigned int rasmgrPort;
+ char* serverName;
+ bool isHttpServer;
+ //this trick didn't work and we are out of time
+ // ClientTblElt *uniqueClientContext;
+/// indirect caller for rpcif_1
+void rpcif_1_caller(struct svc_req *rqstp,SVCXPRT *transp);
+*** This class shouldn't be here, later it will be put in its own file
+class AccessControl
+ {
+ public:
+ AccessControl();
+ ~AccessControl();
+ void initSyncro(const char *);
+ void setServerName(const char *serverName);
+ void resetForNewClient();
+ int crunchCapability(const char*);
+ /* 0 - ok
+ 804 - capability refused
+ */
+ void wantToRead(); // both throw
+ void wantToWrite();
+ bool isClient();
+ private:
+ int messageDigest(const char *input,char *output,const char *mdName);
+ double initDeltaT;
+ char serverName[100];
+ bool okToRead;
+ bool okToWrite;
+ bool weHaveClient;
+ };
+extern AccessControl accessControl;
+#include "servercomm.icc"