path: root/rnprotocol/rnprotocol.hh
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1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rnprotocol/rnprotocol.hh b/rnprotocol/rnprotocol.hh
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+++ b/rnprotocol/rnprotocol.hh
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+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "network/akgnetwork.hh"
+#ifdef AFTERV52
+ #include "akglogging.hh"
+ #include "rnpexception.hh"
+ #define AKGLOGLN(a,b,c)
+namespace rnp
+ {
+//using namespace akg;
+/** If nothing else is specified, this is the size of the RNP buffers
+ It is enough as long as you dont send large opaque data */
+/// The basic type used in RNP. It is always 32-bit long
+typedef int RnpQuark;
+/** Class Rnp contains definitions and general helper functions for RNP
+class Rnp
+ {
+ public:
+ /** The 32-bit protocol ID. value 25112001, stored always little endian.
+ In big endian this is 0xc12d7f01.
+ */
+ static const RnpQuark rnpProtocolId;//always little endian!!!
+ enum Endianness
+ {
+ bigEndian = 0,
+ littleEndian = 1
+ };
+ enum FragmentType
+ {
+ fgt_None = 0,
+ fgt_Command,
+ fgt_OkAnswer,
+ fgt_Error,
+ fgt_DiscardedRequest,
+ //...
+ // to know how many where defined
+ fgt_HowMany
+ };
+ enum DataType
+ {
+ dtt_None = 0,
+ dtt_Asciiz = 1,
+ dtt_Int32 = 2,
+ dtt_Float32 = 3,
+ dtt_Double64 = 4,
+ dtt_Opaque = 5,
+ dtt_NullPtr = 6, // NULL pointer
+ //...
+ // to know how many where defined
+ dtt_HowMany
+ };
+ // the type of the error, so the receiver can rebuild it
+ enum ErrorType
+ {
+ ert_Unknown = 0, // unknown error type, no exception, something else
+ ert_StlException, // ... has a "what()" - member
+ ert_AkgSerializable, // akg serializable exception, we don't carry usual exceptions!
+ ert_Other, // other exceptions
+ ert_HowMany
+ };
+ enum ErrorParam
+ {
+ erp_None = 0,
+ erp_whatValue = 1, // used by "exception"
+ erp_Key = 2, // key of "akgexception"
+ erp_Value = 3, // value of "akgexception"
+ erp_HowMany
+ };
+ /// Functions to get the names of the various elements
+ static const char* getFragmentTypeName(RnpQuark) throw();
+ static const char* getDataTypeName(RnpQuark) throw();
+ static const char* getEndiannessName(Endianness) throw();
+ static const char* getErrorTypeName(RnpQuark) throw();
+ static const char* getErrorParamName(RnpQuark) throw();
+ /** Every server has his own command set, each with parameters
+ Define your own functions to get names for this elements */
+ virtual const char* getParameterTypeName(RnpQuark) const throw() =0;
+ virtual const char* getCommandName(RnpQuark) const throw() =0;
+ /// Helper functions for endianness
+ static RnpQuark swapBytes(RnpQuark) throw();
+ static Endianness detectHostEndianness() throw();
+#ifdef AFTERV52
+ /// Log connection for the whole RNP module
+ static AkgLogConnection logConn;
+ protected:
+ /// Arrays containing the names of the various elements
+ static const char* undefValue;
+ static const char* endiannessNames[2];
+ static const char* fragmentTypeNames[fgt_HowMany];
+ static const char* dataTypeNames[dtt_HowMany];
+ static const char* errorTypeNames[ert_HowMany];
+ static const char* errorParamNames[erp_HowMany];
+ };
+struct RnpFragmentHeader;
+/** The header of the RNP message. Always 64 bytes long
+struct RnpHeader
+ {
+ RnpQuark protocolId;
+ char messageEndianness;
+ char desiredEndianness;
+ char majorVersion;
+ char minorVersion;
+ RnpQuark totalMessageLength;
+ RnpQuark nrFragments;
+ RnpQuark serverType;
+ RnpQuark authInfoStart;
+ RnpQuark authInfoLength;
+ RnpQuark comprInfoStart;
+ RnpQuark comprInfoLength;
+ RnpQuark dataStart;
+ RnpQuark dataLength;
+ RnpQuark _unused[5];
+ // sizeof = 64
+ /// Returns 'true' if this is a valid RNP header
+ bool isRnpMessage() const throw();
+ /// Returns the message endianness
+ Rnp::Endianness getEndianness() const throw();
+ /// Returns the total length of the message, regardless of endianness
+ RnpQuark getTotalLength() const throw();
+ /** Changes the endianness of the header to the specified one
+ Returns 'true' if a change was necessary */
+ bool changeEndianness(Rnp::Endianness) throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the first fragment. Header has to be in host endianness
+ RnpFragmentHeader* getFirstFragment() const throw();
+ };
+/** The header of parameters. Size is 16.
+ The parameter has a header like this and then the data
+struct RnpParameter
+ {
+ /// The logical type of the parameter. Server dependent
+ RnpQuark paramType;
+ /// The data type of the parameter. One of Rnp::DataType
+ RnpQuark dataType;
+ /// The length of the data
+ RnpQuark dataLength;
+ /// Total length of teh parameter, header + data + alignment bytes
+ // (Length is always 4bytes aligned!, at least Sun requires it)
+ RnpQuark totalLength;
+ /// Returns a pointer to the next parameter
+ RnpParameter* getNextParameter() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the parameter data
+ void* getData() const throw();
+ /// Returns the length of the parameter data
+ RnpQuark getDataLength() const throw();
+ /** Changes the endianness of the parameter. Since there is no info
+ about the current endianness, be carefull when you use it.
+ It also changes the endianness of the data, except when it is
+ opaque data.*/
+ void changeToHostEndianness() throw();
+ void changeToPartnerEndianness() throw();
+ RnpQuark computeTotalAlignedLength() throw();
+ RnpQuark getPaddLength() const throw();
+ };
+/** The header of fragments. Size is 16.
+ Every fragment has a header like this and a number of parameters
+struct RnpFragmentHeader
+ {
+ /// The type of the fragment. One of Rnp::FragmentType
+ RnpQuark fragmType;
+ /// The command. Server dependent
+ RnpQuark command;
+ /// Number of parameters
+ RnpQuark nrParams;
+ /// Total length of the fragment, this header + all parameters
+ RnpQuark totalLength;
+ /// Returns a pointer to the next fragment
+ RnpFragmentHeader* getNextFragment() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the first parameter of this fragment
+ RnpParameter* getFirstParameter() const throw();
+ /** Changes the endianness of the fragment. Since there is no info
+ about the current endianness, be carefull when you use it */
+ void changeEndianness() throw();
+ };
+/** Class for encoding a RNP message. It has support for the header of the
+ embedding protocol and for the endianness of the partner. The rest is for
+ creating the message into a akg::CommBuffer, which can be internal or external.
+ The buffer has to be big enough, the size is not adapted
+class RnpProtocolEncoder
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Default constructor
+ RnpProtocolEncoder() throw();
+ /// Destructor
+ ~RnpProtocolEncoder() throw();
+ /// Sets an external buffer as work buffer.
+ void setBuffer(akg::CommBuffer*) throw();
+ /// Allocates an internal buffer as work buffer
+ bool allocateBuffer(int maxMessageLength) throw();
+ /** resizes the internal buffer, so the new buffer can hold the actual data plus
+ the requested difference. Additionally we allocate also RNP_DEFAULTBUFFERSIZE bytes
+ Assert: commBuffer != 0 , differenceSize >= 0*/
+ bool adjustBufferSize(int differenceSize) throw();
+ int getBufferSize() throw();
+ /** Makes the necessary initializations for a new message.
+ Takes as parameter the type of the destination server and allocates
+ space for an embedding protocol header
+ Assert: commBuffer != NULL, meaning there is a valid working buffer
+ IMPORTANT: Be aware that all this functions for creating the
+ message have to be called in the correct order, otherwise undefined
+ results may occur!
+ */
+ void startMessage(RnpQuark serverType, int carrierHeaderSize = 0) throw();
+ /** Sets the desired endianness for the answer. Servers have to use
+ this endianness when they answer, clients might use it for the next
+ requests
+ */
+ void setDesiredEndianness(Rnp::Endianness) throw();
+ /** Sets the final endianness for the message. 'endMessage()' is the one
+ who changes the endianness to the final one
+ */
+ void setFinalEndianness(Rnp::Endianness) throw();
+ /// Starts a new fragment.
+ void startFragment(Rnp::FragmentType, RnpQuark command) throw();
+ /// Adds a string parameter to the current fragment
+ void addStringParameter(RnpQuark parameterType, const char*) throw();
+ /// Adds an int parameter to the current fragment
+ void addInt32Parameter(RnpQuark parameterType, int) throw();
+ /// Adds a float parameter to the current fragment
+ void addFloat32Parameter(RnpQuark parameterType, float) throw();
+ /// Adds a double parameter to the current fragment
+ void addDouble64Parameter(RnpQuark parameterType, double) throw();
+ /// Adds an opaque parameter to the current fragment
+ void addOpaqueParameter(RnpQuark parameterType, const void*, int size) throw();
+ /// Ends the current fragment
+ void endFragment() throw();
+ /// Ends the message and, if necessary, changes the endianness
+ akg::CommBuffer* endMessage() throw();
+ /// Returns the size of the reserved space for the embedding carrier header
+ int getCarrierHeaderSize() throw();
+ protected:
+ akg::CommBuffer *commBuffer;
+ private:
+ /// Helper function to add a parameter to the current fragment
+ void addParameter(RnpQuark parameterType, Rnp::DataType, const void *data, int length) throw();
+ /// The function which does the endianness change
+ bool changeToPartnerEndianness(Rnp::Endianness) throw();
+ bool allocated;
+ int carrierHeaderSize;
+ Rnp::Endianness finalEndianness;
+ RnpHeader *rnpHeader;
+ RnpFragmentHeader *currFragment;
+ RnpParameter *currParameter;
+ };
+/** Class for decoding a RNP message. The buffer is always an external one
+ Decoding the messsage means also changing the endianness to the host endianness
+class RnpProtocolDecoder
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Default constructor
+ RnpProtocolDecoder() throw();
+ /** Takes the buffer and decodes it, provided it is a RNP message
+ Returns 'false' if it is not a RNP message, or the message is corrupt
+ (for now, if the endianness is not the one of the host, no integrity
+ verification is done. In this case endianness is changes, but if the
+ message is corrupt...bang!!). Later this will have to throw something
+ */
+ bool decode(akg::CommBuffer*) throw();
+ /// Returns the code of the destination server
+ RnpQuark getDestinationServerType() const throw();
+ /// Returns the desired endianness
+ Rnp::Endianness getDesiredEndianness() const throw();
+ /// Returns the original endianness of the message
+ Rnp::Endianness getOriginalEndianness() const throw();
+ /// Returns the total message length
+ int getMessageLength() const throw();
+ /// Returns the version of the message
+ int getMessageVersion() const throw();
+ /// Returns the number of fragments contained in the message
+ RnpQuark countFragments() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the first fragment
+ const RnpFragmentHeader* getFirstFragment() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the next fragment
+ const RnpFragmentHeader* getNextFragment() const throw();
+ /// Returns the type of the current fragment
+ RnpQuark getFragmentType() const throw();
+ /// Returns the name of type of the current fragment
+ const char* getFragmentTypeName() const throw();
+ /// Returns the command of the current fragment
+ RnpQuark getCommand() const throw();
+ /// Returns the number of parameters of the current fragment
+ int countParameters() const throw();
+ /// Returns the length of the current fragment
+ RnpQuark getFragmentLength() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the first parameter of the current fragment
+ const RnpParameter* getFirstParameter() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the next parameter of the current fragment
+ const RnpParameter* getNextParameter() const throw();
+ /// Returns the logical type of the current parameter
+ RnpQuark getParameterType() const throw();
+ /// Returns the data type of the current parameter
+ RnpQuark getDataType() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the data of the current parameter, can't be NULL
+ const void* getData() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the data of the current parameter, as string-asciiz (assert!) (can be NULL)
+ const char* getDataAsString() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the data of the current parameter, as integer (assert!)
+ int getDataAsInteger() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the data of the current parameter, as float (assert!)
+ float getDataAsFloat() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the data of the current parameter, as double (assert!)
+ double getDataAsDouble() const throw();
+ /// Returns a pointer to the data of the current parameter, as const void* (assert!) (can be NULL)
+ const void* getDataAsOpaque() const throw();
+ /// Returns the length of the data of the current parameter
+ int getDataLength() const throw();
+ private:
+ akg::CommBuffer *commBuffer;
+ Rnp::Endianness originalEndianness;
+ mutable RnpHeader *rnpHeader;
+ mutable RnpFragmentHeader *currFragment;
+ mutable int currFragmentIdx;
+ mutable RnpParameter *currParameter;
+ mutable int currParameterIdx;
+ /// Helper function to print a RNP header
+ void printRnpHeader(RnpHeader*) const throw();
+ /// Tests the integrity of the message
+ bool testIntegrity() const throw();
+ /// Returns 'true' if the message is a RNP message
+ bool isRnpMessage() const throw();
+ /// Changes the endianness of the message to the message of the host
+ bool changeToHostEndianness() throw();
+ };
+} //namespace