path: root/reladminif/dbref.hh
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1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reladminif/dbref.hh b/reladminif/dbref.hh
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index 0000000..35065a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reladminif/dbref.hh
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+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * DBRef is a smart pointer for managing objects derived from
+ * the DbObject class.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************/
+#ifndef _DBREF_HH_
+#define _DBREF_HH_
+class DBHierIndex;
+class DBRCIndexDS;
+class DBTCIndex;
+class BLOBTile;
+class InlineTile;
+class DBTile;
+class OId;
+class DBObject;
+class r_Error;
+class IndexDS;
+class HierIndexDS;
+class DBMDDObj;
+template <class T> class DBRef;
+#include "oidif.hh"
+//@ManMemo: Module: {\bf reladminif}.
+DBRef is a smart pointer class operating on classes derived from DbObject. A smart
+pointer to an object with a known id is created using DBRef<T>(id). The object
+managed by a given smart pointer can be changed (rebinding) by using the assignment
+All access methods may throw database related r_Errors.
+#define DBOBJID_NONE OId()
+template <class T>
+class DBRef
+ {
+ public:
+ DBRef(void);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Default constructor. Object must be assigned a value before the first dereferencing.
+ */
+ DBRef(const OId &id);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Id-constructor, binds smart pointer to object with the given id (must only be unique
+ within class T, not within all classes derived from DbObject).
+ */
+ DBRef(OId::OIdPrimitive id);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Id-constructor, binds smart pointer to object with the given id (must only be unique
+ within class T, not within all classes derived from DbObject).
+ */
+ DBRef(const DBRef<T> &src);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Copy-constructor, binds smart pointer to the same object src is bound to.
+ */
+ DBRef(T *ptr);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Object-constructor, binds smart pointer explicitly to the object ptr.
+ */
+ ~DBRef(void);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Destructor: decrements reference count for the object that was managed by this
+ smart pointer.
+ */
+ bool operator<(const DBRef<T>& other) const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Returns true if me.operator==(other) returns -1
+ */
+ int operator==(const DBRef<T> &src) const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Comparison operator:
+ Returns:
+ -1 if this is not initialised and src is initialised
+ -1 if persistent and objId < src.objId
+ -1 if transient and src is persistent
+ -1 if transient and object < src.object
+ 0 if persistent and src persistent and myOId == src.myOId
+ 0 if transient and src transient and object == src.object
+ 0 if this is not initialised and src is not initialised
+ +1 if persistent and objId > src.objId
+ +1 if persistent and src is transient
+ +1 if transient and object > src.object
+ -1 if this is initialised and src is not initialised
+ */
+ DBRef<T> &operator=(const DBRef<T> &src);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Assignment operator: removes old binding and rebinds to the same object managed by src.
+ */
+ DBRef<T> &operator=(T *ptr);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Assignment operator: removes old binding and rebinds to object ptr.
+ */
+ T *operator->(void) throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Dereferencing operator -> for accessing the managed object's members.
+ */
+ const T *operator->(void) const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Dereferencing operator -> for accessing the managed object's members.
+ */
+ T &operator*(void) throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Dereferencing operator * for accessing the managed object.
+ */
+ const T &operator*(void) const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Dereferencing operator * for accessing the managed object.
+ */
+#ifndef __GNUG__
+ T &operator[](int idx) const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Dereferencing operator [] for accessing array objects.
+ */
+ T *ptr(void) throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Returns pointer to managed object.
+ */
+ const T *ptr(void) const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Returns pointer to managed object.
+ */
+ OId getOId(void) const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Returns id of managed object
+ */
+ void delete_object(void);
+ /*@Doc:
+ deletes the object from database if it is valid else throws an exception.
+ */
+ bool is_null(void) const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Returns false if valid binding exists, true otherwise.
+ this method may instantiate an object from the database
+ */
+ bool is_valid(void) const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Returns true if valid binding exists, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool isInitialised() const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Returns true if OId is valid or the pointer is valid, false otherwise
+ */
+ void release();
+ /*@Doc:
+ releases this DBRef pointer and refcount to its object
+ */
+ operator DBRef<DBObject>() const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. works allways.
+ */
+ operator DBRef<BLOBTile>() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of OId::BLOBOID.
+ */
+ operator DBRef<DBTile>() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of OId::BLOBOID or OId::INLINETILEOID.
+ */
+ operator DBRef<InlineTile>() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of OId::INLINETILEOID.
+ */
+ operator DBRef<DBHierIndex>() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of OId::MDDHIERIXOID.
+ */
+ operator DBRef<DBTCIndex>() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of OId::INLINEIXOID.
+ */
+ operator DBRef<DBRCIndexDS>() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of OId::MDDRCIXOID.
+ */
+ operator IndexDS*() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of any valid index.
+ */
+ operator HierIndexDS*() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ cast operator. checks it the objects type is of any valid hierarchical index.
+ */
+ operator T*() throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ */
+ operator const T*() const throw (r_Error);
+ /*@Doc:
+ */
+ static void setPointerCaching(bool useIt);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Make the dbref store and use pointers.
+ If set to false the DBRef will always ask the objectbroker.
+ May be set at any time to false.
+ Only between transactions may it be set to true.
+ */
+ static bool getPointerCaching();
+ /*@Doc:
+ returns pointerCaching
+ */
+ private:
+ mutable T *object;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Pointer to the managed object or 0 if no binding exists.
+ */
+ OId objId;
+ /*@Doc:
+ id of managed object.
+ */
+ bool pointerValid;
+ /*@Doc:
+ whenever a smartpointer is initiaised by a pointer, this attribute is set to true.
+ this is neccessary for disabled pointer caching.
+ */
+ static bool pointerCaching;
+ };
+template <class T> bool operator< (const DBRef<T> &me, const DBRef<T> &him);
+#ifdef __EXECUTABLE__
+#include ""