path: root/rasodmg/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rasodmg/')
1 files changed, 709 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rasodmg/ b/rasodmg/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78f3d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rasodmg/
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ * MODULE: rasodmg
+ * CLASS: r_PolygonCutOut
+ *
+ *
+ * This class is intended to perform the polygon cut out operation
+ * Except for the r_PolygonCutOut class, everything else is just
+ * for internal use
+ * Attention: this version works good (I hope :-) but has just a tiny geometrical problem:
+ * as usual in discrete space, lines are build up by little horiontal segments.
+ * Edges are considered to be inside, except the first little segment of a line.
+ * This is only for avoiding a bigger problem, I will develop a better algorythm
+This module is intended to perform polygon cut out operation. It supports the exact ESRI specifications
+regarding "clean" polygons, this means: not self intersecting, closed, if you walk from an point to the
+next of edge the inside is on the right. It also supports multiple rings, but the outer one has to have
+the "inside" inside.
+Don't forget that the rasdaman coordinates are with x left->right and y top->down, or at least
+I have considered them so because of the usual coordinates of tiffs
+static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)rasodmg, r_PolygonCutOut: $Id:,v 1.11 2002/10/09 09:58:05 hoefner Exp $";
+#include "rasodmg/polycutout.hh"
+#include "rasodmg/marray.hh"
+#include "raslib/miter.hh"
+#include <math.h>
+r_SegmentIterator::r_SegmentIterator(r_Point &s,r_Point &e)
+ {
+ start = s;
+ end = e;
+ reset();
+ }
+void r_SegmentIterator::reset()
+ {
+ dx = end[0] - start[0];
+ dy = end[1] - start[1];
+ if( dx >= 0)
+ { if( dy >= 0 )
+ { if( dx >= dy ) { cadran = 0;}
+ else { cadran = 1; swap(dx,dy);}
+ }
+ else
+ { dy = -dy;
+ if( dx >= dy ) { cadran = 7;}
+ else { cadran = 6; swap(dx,dy);}
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { dx = -dx;
+ if( dy >= 0 )
+ { if( dx >= dy ) { cadran = 3;}
+ else { cadran = 2; swap(dx,dy);}
+ }
+ else
+ { dy = -dy;
+ if( dx >= dy ) { cadran = 4;}
+ else { cadran = 5; swap(dx,dy);}
+ }
+ }
+ cx = 0;
+ cy = 0;
+ beta = 0;
+// std::cout<<"reset: ["<<start<<','<<end<<"] cadran="<<cadran<<" dx="<<dx<<" dy="<<dy<<std::endl;
+ }
+r_Point r_SegmentIterator::next()
+ {
+ r_Point resultat = createCurrentPoint();
+ //prepare next
+ cx++;
+ beta += dy;
+ if( (beta<<1) > dx ) { beta -= dx; cy++;}
+ return resultat;
+ }
+bool r_SegmentIterator::hasMore()
+ {
+// std::cout<<"hasMore: cx="<<cx<<" lim="<<dx+1<<std::endl;
+ return (cx <= dx ) ? true : false;
+ }
+int r_SegmentIterator::cosFunc() // limited use,1000 * cos(alfa)
+ { // use local variables
+ double ldx = end[0] - start[0];
+ double ldy = end[1] - start[1];
+ double num = ldx*ldx + ldy*ldy;
+ if(num == 0) return 0;
+ return (1000 * ldx)/sqrt(num);
+ }
+void r_SegmentIterator::swap(r_Range &x, r_Range &y)
+ {
+ r_Range temp = x;
+ x=y;
+ y=temp;
+ }
+r_Point r_SegmentIterator::createCurrentPoint()
+ {
+// std::cout<<" cCP: "<<cx<<':'<<cy<<std::endl;
+ r_Range rcx = cx;
+ r_Range rcy = cy;
+ switch(cadran)
+ { case 0: break;
+ case 1: swap(rcx,rcy); break;
+ case 2: swap(rcx,rcy); rcx=-rcx; break;
+ case 3: rcx=-rcx; break;
+ case 4: rcx=-rcx; rcy=-rcy; break;
+ case 5: swap(rcx,rcy); rcx=-rcx; rcy=-rcy; break;
+ case 6: swap(rcx,rcy); rcy=-rcy; break;
+ case 7: rcy=-rcy; break;
+ }
+ //std::cout<<"cCP: cx="<<cx<<" cy="<<cy<<" rx="<<rcx<<" ry="<<rcy<<" cadran="<<cadran<<std::endl;
+ return r_Point(start[0] + rcx, start[1] + rcy);
+ }
+ {
+ a = b = c = 0;
+ }
+r_Line::r_Line(double nA,double nB,double nC)
+ {
+ a = nA; b = nB; c = nC;
+ }
+r_Line::r_Line(r_Point &s,r_Point &e)
+ {
+ a = e[1] - s[1];
+ b = s[0] - e[0];
+ c = (double)e[0]*(double)s[1] - (double)s[0]*(double)e[1];
+ }
+double r_Line::getA() { return a; }
+double r_Line::getB() { return b; }
+double r_Line::getC() { return c; }
+float r_Line::ecuatia(r_Point &p)
+ {
+ return a * p[0] + b * p[1] + c;
+ }
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,r_Line &l)
+ {
+ return os<<"{L"<<l.a<<','<<l.b<<','<<l.c<<'}';
+ }
+ {
+ table = 0;
+ usedCount = 0;
+ mArray = 0;
+ imgWidth = 0;
+ imgHeight = 0;
+ imgX = 0;
+ imgY = 0;
+ tableWidth = 0;
+ tableHeight = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ clearTables();
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::setMArray(r_GMarray& myArray)
+ {
+ mArray = &myArray;
+ r_Minterval currDomain;
+ currDomain = mArray->spatial_domain();
+ imgX = currDomain[0].low();
+ imgY = currDomain[1].low();
+ imgWidth = currDomain[0].get_extent();
+ imgHeight = currDomain[1].get_extent();
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::addPolygon(const r_Polygon &p)
+ {
+ polygons.push_back(p);
+ }
+bool r_PolygonCutOut::compute()
+ {
+//std::cout<<"PCO: compute in"<<std::endl;
+ if(!imgWidth || !imgHeight || polygons.size()==0) return false;
+//std::cout<<"PCO: initTable - in"<<std::endl;
+ initTable();
+//std::cout<<"PCO: initTable - out"<<std::endl;
+ list<r_Polygon>::iterator polyIter = polygons.begin();
+ for(int i = 0; i < polygons.size(); i++, polyIter++)
+ {
+ r_Polygon &currPolygon = *polyIter;
+ const std::vector<r_Edge>& edges = currPolygon.getEdges();
+ std::vector<r_Edge>::const_iterator edgeIterator = edges.begin();
+ for(int j = 0; j < edges.size(); j++,edgeIterator++)
+ {
+ r_Point start = edgeIterator->getStart();
+ r_Point end = edgeIterator->getEnd();
+ if(start == end) continue; //avoid such edges, causes problems
+ int inside = -computeInside(start,end); // minus because rasdaman coord are flipped
+ // we have to see if this is correct like this or not
+ //std::cout<<"compute edge "<<j<<" ["<<start<<"-"<<end<<"] inside="<<inside<<std::endl;
+ if(inside == 0 ) computeOneHorSegment(start,end);
+ else computeOneSegment(start,end,inside);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int line=0;line<tableHeight;line++)
+ { ordonateLine(line);
+ minimizeLine(line);
+ }
+// std::cout<<"PCO: compute out"<<std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+bool r_PolygonCutOut::initTable()
+ {
+ clearTables();
+ tableWidth = computeTableWidth();
+ tableHeight= imgHeight;
+//std::cout<<"PCO: initTable: "<<tableWidth<<','<<tableHeight<<std::endl;
+ table = new TablePoint[tableWidth*tableHeight];
+ usedCount = new int[tableHeight];
+ // if(table==NULL || usedCount==NULL) std::cout<<"sunt nule"<<std::endl;
+ for(int i=0;i<tableWidth*tableHeight;i++)
+ {
+ table[i].x =-1;
+ table[i].inside= 0;
+ table[i].cosFunc= 0;
+ }
+ for(int j=0;j<tableHeight;j++)
+ usedCount[j]=0;
+ return true;
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::clearTables()
+ {
+ if(table) delete[] table;
+ table = NULL;
+ if(usedCount) delete[] usedCount;
+ usedCount =NULL;
+ }
+int r_PolygonCutOut::computeTableWidth()
+ {
+ // once it was: tableWidth = poly->getCountNodes() + poly->countHorizontalEdges() + 2;
+ list<r_Polygon>::iterator iter=polygons.begin();
+ int nodes = 0;
+ int horizEdges = 0;
+ for(int i=0;i<polygons.size();i++, iter++)
+ {
+ r_Polygon &polygon = *iter;
+ nodes += polygon.countEdges();
+ horizEdges += polygon.countHorizontalEdges();
+ }
+ return nodes + horizEdges; // niet + 2;
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::ordonateLine(int line)
+ {
+ int count=usedCount[line];
+ TablePoint *tLine = &getTP(line,0);
+ bool change=false;
+ do{
+ change=false;
+ for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
+ { bool swap=false;
+ if(tLine[i].x > tLine[i+1].x) swap=true;
+ if(tLine[i].x == tLine[i+1].x &&
+ tLine[i].inside != tLine[i+1].inside &&
+ tLine[i].cosFunc > tLine[i+1].cosFunc)
+ swap=true;
+ if(swap)
+ { TablePoint temp = tLine[i];
+ tLine[i] = tLine[i+1];
+ tLine[i+1] = temp;
+ change = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }while(change);
+ for(int j=0;j<count-1;j++)
+ { if(tLine[j] == tLine[j+1])
+ tLine[j].inside=0;
+ }
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::minimizeLine(int line)
+ {
+ int count=usedCount[line];
+ if(count <= 2) return; //nothing to do
+ int inside = 0;
+ TablePoint *tLine = &getTP(line,0);
+ int level=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
+ {
+ if(level==0) { inside=tLine[i].inside;
+ level++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(tLine[i].inside==inside) level++;
+ else level--;
+ if(level!=0) tLine[i].inside=0; // means disabled
+ }
+ int s,d;
+ for(s=0,d=0;s<count;s++)
+ {
+ if(tLine[s].inside==0) continue;
+ if(s!=d) tLine[d]=tLine[s];
+ d++;
+ }
+ usedCount[line]=d;
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::computeOneSegment(r_Point start, r_Point end, int inside)
+ {
+ int lastLine = -1;
+ int lastX = -1;
+ r_SegmentIterator segiter(start,end);
+ int cosFunc=segiter.cosFunc();
+ int cosNow = cosFunc; // first point: cosFunc, lastPoint -cosFunc, rest 0
+ bool firstLine = true;
+ bool lastPoint = false;
+ // this firstLine-lastPoint are here only top be sure that the first and the last point are in the table
+ // and not replaced by neighbours
+ while(segiter.hasMore())
+ { r_Point cp =;
+ if(segiter.hasMore()==false) // last point
+ {
+ cosNow=-cosFunc;
+ lastPoint = true;
+ }
+ r_Range coordX = cp[0];
+ r_Range coordY = cp[1];
+ int tableLine = coordY - imgY;
+ if(tableLine>=0 && tableLine < tableHeight)
+ {
+ if(tableLine != lastLine)
+ { addPoint(tableLine,coordX,inside,cosNow);
+ if(lastLine != -1) firstLine = false;
+ }
+ else if(firstLine == false)
+ {
+ if(inside > 0 && coordX < lastX) replacePoint(tableLine,coordX,inside,cosNow);
+ else if(inside < 0 && coordX > lastX) replacePoint(tableLine,coordX,inside,cosNow);
+ else if(lastPoint) replacePoint(tableLine,coordX,inside,cosNow);
+ }
+ }
+ cosNow = 0;
+ lastLine = tableLine;
+ lastX = coordX;
+ }
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::computeOneHorSegment(r_Point start, r_Point end)
+ {
+ r_SegmentIterator segiter(start,end);
+ int cosFunc=segiter.cosFunc();
+ r_Range startX = start[0];
+ r_Range endX = end[0];
+ r_Range commonY = start[1];
+ int tableLine = commonY - imgY;
+ if(tableLine>=0 && tableLine < tableHeight)
+ {
+ if(startX <= endX)
+ { addPoint(tableLine,startX, 1, cosFunc);
+ addPoint(tableLine,endX, -1,-cosFunc);
+ }
+ else { // in this case cosFunc < 0
+ addPoint(tableLine,endX, 1,-cosFunc);
+ addPoint(tableLine,startX,-1, cosFunc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int r_PolygonCutOut::computeInside(r_Point start, r_Point end)
+ {
+ r_Line line(start,end);
+ r_Point control(start[0]+1,start[1]);
+ float f = line.ecuatia(control);
+ if(f==0) return 0;
+ if(f<0 ) return -1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+r_PolygonCutOut::TablePoint& r_PolygonCutOut::getTP(int line, int column)
+ {
+ TablePoint *tp = table + (line * tableWidth + column);
+ return *tp;
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::print(int onlyLine)
+ {
+ std::cout<<"r_PolygonCutOut::print: "<<tableWidth<<':'<<tableHeight<<std::endl;
+ if(onlyLine==-1) // print all
+ {
+ for(int i=0;i<tableHeight;i++)
+ printLine(i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(0<=onlyLine && onlyLine <tableHeight) printLine(onlyLine);
+ else std::cout<<"Line "<<onlyLine<<" doesn't exist"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::printLine(r_Range line)
+ {
+ int count=usedCount[line];
+ TablePoint *tp = &getTP(line,0);
+ std::cout<<"line "<<line<<'('<<count<<") ";
+ for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
+ { char inside='0';
+ if(tp[i].inside==-1) inside='-';
+ if(tp[i].inside==1 ) inside='+';
+ std::cout<<'['<<tp[i].x<<','<<inside<<','<<tp[i].cosFunc<<']';
+ }
+ std::cout<<std::endl;
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::addPoint(int tableLine,r_Range coordX, int inside,int cosFunc)
+ {
+ int which = usedCount[tableLine];
+ TablePoint *tp = &getTP(tableLine,which);
+ tp->x = coordX;
+ tp->inside = inside;
+ tp->cosFunc = cosFunc;
+ usedCount[tableLine]++;
+ }
+void r_PolygonCutOut::replacePoint(int tableLine,r_Range coordX,int inside, int cosFunc)
+ {
+ int which = usedCount[tableLine]-1;
+ TablePoint *tp = &getTP(tableLine,which);
+ tp->x = coordX;
+ tp->inside = inside;
+ tp->cosFunc = cosFunc;
+ }
+bool r_PolygonCutOut::TablePoint::operator==(r_PolygonCutOut::TablePoint &tp)
+ { return (x==tp.x && inside==tp.inside) ? true: false;
+ }
+// debug only int lastline = -1;
+r_PolygonCutOut::eraseLine( r_Range x1, r_Range x2, r_Range y, const string& bgr ) throw(r_Error)
+ // can heapen if we are outside the domain of the array
+ if(x2 < x1) return;
+ //if(lastline != y && x1 != 0)
+ // std::cout<<"Erasing line: y="<<y<<" ["<<x1<<","<<x2<<"]"<<std::endl;
+ //lastline = y;
+ r_Minterval eraseDom(2);
+ eraseDom << r_Sinterval(x1, x2) << r_Sinterval(y, y);
+ r_Minterval arrayDom = mArray->spatial_domain();
+ r_Bytes typeSize = mArray->get_type_length();
+ r_Bytes bgrSize = bgr.size();
+ const char *bgrContent=bgr.c_str();
+ char *currCell=NULL;
+ // Grrr. In RasDaMan the y are stored close together. So the whole fillPolygon
+ // should have been organised by x instead of y. Well, for now I just use an
+ // r_Miter here.
+ r_Miter eraseIter( &eraseDom, &arrayDom, typeSize, mArray->get_array() );
+ while( !eraseIter.isDone() ) {
+ currCell = eraseIter.nextCell();
+ // FIXME This potentially wont work for all types. I just set every byte to 0.
+ if(bgr.empty())
+ memset(currCell, 0, typeSize);
+ else
+ {
+ if( typeSize != bgrSize)
+ throw r_Error( r_Error::r_Error_TypeInvalid );
+ memmove(currCell, bgrContent, bgrSize);
+ }
+ }
+r_PolygonCutOut::fillMArrayOutside(const string& bgr ) throw(r_Error)
+ if( compute() == false ) return false;
+ r_Minterval currDomain = mArray->spatial_domain();
+ r_Range imgMinX = imgX;
+ r_Range imgMaxX = currDomain[0].high();
+ for(int lineY = 0; lineY < tableHeight ; lineY++)
+ {
+ r_Range coordY = imgY + lineY;
+ int countUsed = usedCount[lineY];
+ if(countUsed==0)
+ { // polygon didn't touch this line, so all line is outside
+ eraseLine(imgMinX, imgMaxX, coordY, bgr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ TablePoint *tp = &getTP(lineY, 0);
+ r_Range xLeft = imgMinX-1;
+ r_Range xRight = imgMaxX+1;
+ bool erase = false;
+ if( tp[countUsed-1].x < imgMinX)
+ { // the whole polygon is on the left of this line so we have to erase the whole line
+ eraseLine( imgMinX, imgMaxX, coordY, bgr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( tp[0].x > imgMaxX)
+ { // the whole polygon is on the right of this line so we have to erase the whole line
+ eraseLine( imgMinX, imgMaxX, coordY, bgr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<countUsed; i++, tp++)
+ {
+ if(tp->x < imgMinX) continue;
+ if(tp->inside == -1)
+ { // inside is <-, so outside is ->
+ xLeft = tp->x;
+ if(xLeft > imgMaxX) break;
+ if(i == countUsed-1)
+ { xRight = imgMaxX+1; erase = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tp->inside == 1)
+ { // inside is ->, so outside is <-
+ xRight = tp->x > imgMaxX ? imgMaxX+1 : tp->x;
+ erase = true;
+ }
+ if(erase)
+ { eraseLine( xLeft+1, xRight-1, coordY, bgr);
+ erase = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clearTables();
+ return true;
+ }
+ Attention, this two functions look very similar, but with have significant differences
+ One of them is the absence of some -1 or +1 in the next function. This is important
+ because we consider the edges to be "inside", and the edges are in the table, so
+ erasing the inside is erase [start,end] and erasing the outside is erase [start+1,end-1]
+r_PolygonCutOut::fillMArrayInside(const string& bgr ) throw(r_Error)
+ if( compute() == false ) return false;
+ r_Minterval currDomain = mArray->spatial_domain();
+ r_Range imgMinX = imgX;
+ r_Range imgMaxX = currDomain[0].high();
+ for(int lineY = 0; lineY < tableHeight ; lineY++)
+ {
+ r_Range coordY = imgY + lineY;
+ int countUsed = usedCount[lineY];
+ if(countUsed==0)
+ { // polygon didn't touch this line, so all line is outside
+ continue;
+ }
+ TablePoint *tp = &getTP(lineY, 0);
+ r_Range xLeft = imgMinX;
+ r_Range xRight = imgMaxX;
+ bool erase = false;
+ if( tp[countUsed-1].x < imgMinX)
+ { // the whole polygon is on the left of this line so we have to erase the whole line
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( tp[0].x > imgMaxX)
+ { // the whole polygon is on the right of this line so we have to erase the whole line
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<countUsed; i++, tp++)
+ {
+ if(tp->x < imgMinX) continue;
+ if(tp->inside == 1)
+ { // inside is ->, so outside is <-
+ xLeft = tp->x;
+ if(xLeft > imgMaxX) break;
+ if(i == countUsed-1)
+ { xRight = imgMaxX; erase = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tp->inside == -1)
+ { // inside is <-, so outside is ->
+ xRight = tp->x > imgMaxX ? imgMaxX : tp->x;
+ erase = true;
+ }
+ if(erase)
+ { eraseLine( xLeft, xRight, coordY, bgr);
+ erase = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clearTables();
+ return true;
+ }