path: root/java/rasj/
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+package rasj;
+import java.lang.*;
+import java.util.*;
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+/** ***********************************************************
+ * <pre>
+ *
+ * The spatial domain of an MDD is represented by an object
+ * of class RasMInterval. It specifies lower and upper bound
+ * of the point set for each dimension of an MDD. Internally,
+ * the class is realized through an array of intervals of type
+ * RasSInterval.
+ *
+ * For the operations union, difference, and intersection the
+ * dimensionalties of the operands must be equal, otherwise an
+ * exception is raised. The semantics of the operations are
+ * defined as follows for each dimension:
+ *
+ * | ... fixed bound
+ * -* ... open bound
+ *
+ *
+ * class orientation union difference intersection
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * 1 |-a-| |-b-| error a error
+ *
+ * 2 |-a-| [a1,b2] [a1,b1] [b1,a2]
+ * 2 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 3 |--a--| a error b
+ * 3 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 4 |-b-| [b1,a2] [b2,a2] [a1,b2]
+ * 4 |-a-|
+ *
+ * 5 |--b--| b error a
+ * 5 |-a-|
+ *
+ * 6 |-b-| |-a-| error a error
+ *
+ * 7 |-a-|-b-| [a1,b2] a [a2,a2]
+ *
+ * 8 |-b-|-a-| [b1,a2] a [b2,b2]
+ *
+ * 9 |--a--| a [a1,b1] b
+ * 9 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 10 |--a--| a [b2,a2] b
+ * 10 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 11 |-a-| a error a
+ * 11 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 12 |--b--| b error a
+ * 12 |-a-|
+ *
+ * 13 |--b--| b error a
+ * 13 |-a-|
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 14 |--a--* a error b
+ * 14 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 15 |--a--* a [b2,a2] b
+ * 15 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 16 |-b-| |-a-* error a error
+ *
+ * 17 |-b-|-a-* [b1,a2] a [b2,b2]
+ *
+ * 18 |--a--* [b1,a2] [b2,a2] [a1,b2]
+ * 18 |-b-|
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 19 *--a--| a error b
+ * 19 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 20 *--a--| a [a1,b1] b
+ * 20 |-b-|
+ *
+ * 21 *-a-| |-b-| error a error
+ *
+ * 22 *-a-|-b-| [a1,b2] a [a2,a2]
+ *
+ * 23 *--a--| [a1,b2] [a1,b1] [b1,a2]
+ * 23 |-b-|
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 24 |--b--* b error a
+ * 24 |-a-|
+ *
+ * 25 |--b--* b error a
+ * 25 |-a-|
+ *
+ * 26 |-a-| |-b-* error a error
+ *
+ * 27 |-a-|-b-* [a1,b2] a [a2,a2]
+ *
+ * 28 |--b--* [a1,b2] [a1,b1] [b1,a2]
+ * 28 |-a-|
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 29 *--b--| b error a
+ * 29 |-a-|
+ *
+ * 30 *--b--| b error a
+ * 30 |-a-|
+ *
+ * 31 *-b-| |-a-| error a error
+ *
+ * 32 *-b-|-a-| [b1,a2] a [b2,b2]
+ *
+ * 33 *--b--| [b1,a2] [b2,a2] [a1,b2]
+ * 33 |-a-|
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 34 *-a-| |-b-* error a error
+ *
+ * 35 *-a-|-b-* [a1,b2] a [a2,a2]
+ *
+ * 36 *-a-| [a1,b2] [a1,b1] [b1,a2]
+ * 36 |-b-*
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 37 *-b-| |-a-* error a error
+ *
+ * 38 *-b-|-a-* [b1,a2] a [b2,b2]
+ *
+ * 39 *-b-| [b1,a2] [a1,b1] [a1,b2]
+ * 39 |-a-*
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 40 *-a-| b error a
+ * 40 *-b-|
+ *
+ * 41 *-a-| a error a
+ * 41 *-b-|
+ *
+ * 42 *-b-| a [b2,a2] b
+ * 42 *-a-|
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * 43 |-a-* a [a1,b1] b
+ * 43 |-b-*
+ *
+ * 44 |-a-* a error a
+ * 44 |-b-*
+ *
+ * 45 |-b-* b error a
+ * 45 |-a-*
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------
+ * 46 *-a-* |-b-| a error b
+ *
+ * 47 *-b-* |-a-| b error b
+ *
+ * 48 *-a-* a [b2,a2] b
+ * 48 *-b-|
+ *
+ * 49 *-a-* a [a1,b1] b
+ * 49 |-b-*
+ *
+ * 50 *-b-* b error a
+ * 50 *-a-|
+ *
+ * 51 *-b-* b error a
+ * 51 |-a-*
+ *
+ * 52 *-a-* a error a
+ * 52 *-b-*
+ *
+ * Attention: The difference operation has to be reconsidered in future
+ * concerning a discrete interpretation of the intervals.
+ *
+ * The closure operation defines an interval which is the smallest
+ * interval containing the two operands.
+ * The method intersectsWith() returns false in the error cases of the
+ * intersection operation and true otherwise.
+ *
+ * * @version $Revision: 1.15 $
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * </pre>
+ *********************************************************** */
+public class RasMInterval
+ static final String rcsid = "@(#)Package rasj, class RasMInterval: $Header: /home/rasdev/CVS-repository/rasdaman/java/rasj/,v 1.15 2003/12/10 21:04:23 rasdev Exp $";
+ /** array for storing the intervals */
+ protected RasSInterval[] intervals;
+ /** dimensionality of the domain */
+ protected int dimensionality;
+ /** number of components initialized already */
+ protected int streamInitCnt;
+ /**
+ * Constructor getting dimensionality for stream initializing.
+ * @param dim the dimensionality of this MInterval
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval(int dim)
+ {
+ dimensionality = dim;
+ streamInitCnt = 0;
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[dimensionality];
+ for(int i=0; i<dim; i++)
+ intervals[i] = new RasSInterval();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor taking a string representation (for example "[1:255, 1:200]").
+ * @param mIntStr a string specifying the MInterval
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval(String mIntStr) throws RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ dimensionality = 1;
+ streamInitCnt = 0;
+ if(mIntStr.trim().charAt(0) != '[')
+ {
+ // error
+ dimensionality = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /** for parsing the string */
+ StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(mIntStr.trim(), "[:,]");
+ String strCurTok = null;
+ /** calculate dimensionality */
+ dimensionality = strTok.countTokens()/2;
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ RasSInterval sint = new RasSInterval();
+ strCurTok = strTok.nextToken();
+ if(strCurTok.equals("*"))
+ {
+ sint.setLow('*');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sint.setLow(Long.parseLong(strCurTok.trim()));
+ }
+ strCurTok = strTok.nextToken();
+ if(strCurTok.equals("*"))
+ {
+ sint.setHigh('*');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sint.setHigh(Long.parseLong(strCurTok.trim()));
+ }
+ intervals[i] = sint;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method for stream initialization with intervals.
+ * @param newInterval the interval that has to be streamed
+ **/
+ public void stream(final RasSInterval newInterval) throws RasStreamInputOverflowException
+ {
+ if(streamInitCnt >= dimensionality)
+ throw new RasStreamInputOverflowException();
+ intervals[streamInitCnt++] = newInterval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method for stream initialization with point intervals.
+ * @param p the point interval that has to be streamed
+ **/
+ public void stream(long p) throws RasStreamInputOverflowException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(streamInitCnt >= dimensionality)
+ throw new RasStreamInputOverflowException();
+ intervals[streamInitCnt++] = new RasSInterval(p, p);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Default constructor.
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval()
+ {
+ dimensionality = 0;
+ streamInitCnt = 0;
+ intervals = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor.
+ * @param mInterval the MInterval that is to be copied
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval(final RasMInterval mInterval)
+ throws RasStreamInputOverflowException, RasIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ dimensionality = mInterval.dimension();
+ streamInitCnt = mInterval.streamInitCnt;
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ intervals[i] = new RasSInterval(mInterval.item(i));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines if the self mInterval intersects with the delivered one.
+ * @param mInterval the MInterval to be intersected
+ **/
+ public boolean intersectsWith(final RasMInterval mInterval)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ boolean result = true;
+ if(dimensionality != mInterval.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( dimensionality, mInterval.dimension());
+ /** none of the interval pairs are allowed to be disjoint */
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ if(0 == intervals[i].intersectsWith(mInterval.item(i)) || -1 == intervals[i].intersectsWith(mInterval.item(i)))
+ {
+ result = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read access the i-th interval.
+ * @param i the dimension to be read
+ **/
+ public RasSInterval item(int i) throws RasIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ if(i < 0 || i >= dimensionality)
+ throw new RasIndexOutOfBoundsException(0, dimensionality-1, i);
+ return intervals[i];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write access to the i-th interval.
+ * @param i the dimension that is to be accessed
+ * @param value the interval that is to be assigned to the specified dimension
+ **/
+ public void setItem(int i, RasSInterval value) throws RasIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ if(i < 0 || i >= dimensionality)
+ throw new RasIndexOutOfBoundsException(0, dimensionality-1, i);
+ intervals[i] = value;
+ }
+ /*
+ * set MInterval
+ public final RasMInterval setTo(final RasMInterval mInterval)
+ throws RasStreamInputOverflowException, RasIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ if(this != mInterval)
+ {
+ if((intervals != null) && dimensionality != mInterval.dimension())
+ {
+ intervals = null;
+ }
+ dimensionality = mInterval.dimension();
+ streamInitCnt = mInterval.streamInitCnt;
+ if(intervals == null)
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ intervals[i] = new RasSInterval(mInterval.item(i));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ */
+ /**
+ * Method for testing equality of two MIntervals. Two domains are equal
+ * if they have the same number of dimensions and each dimension has the
+ * same lower and upper bounds.
+ * @param mint the MInterval that is compared to this MInterval
+ * @return true if the two MIntervals are equal
+ **/
+ public boolean equals(final RasMInterval mint)
+ {
+ boolean returnValue = false;
+ try {
+ if(dimensionality == mint.dimensionality)
+ {
+ returnValue = true;
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality && returnValue ; i++)
+ returnValue &= (intervals[i] == mint.item(i));
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method for testing inequality. This is the negation of the equals method.
+ * @param mint the MInterval that is compared to this MInterval
+ * @return true if the two MIntervals are not equal
+ **/
+ public boolean notEquals(final RasMInterval mint)
+ {
+ return !equals(mint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method for testing if this interval covers the given point.
+ * @param pnt the point to be tested
+ * @return
+ * <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>-1</B></TD><TD> if the point has not the same dimensionality</TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>1</B></TD><TD> if the point is covered by this MInterval</TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>0</B></TD><TD> if the point is not covered</TD></TR>
+ * </TABLE>
+ **/
+ public final int covers(RasPoint pnt)
+ {
+ if (dimensionality != pnt.dimension())
+ return -1;
+ try {
+ for (int i = 0; i < pnt.dimension(); i++)
+ {
+ if ((intervals[i].isLowFixed() && pnt.item(i) < intervals[i].low()) ||
+ (intervals[i].isHighFixed() && pnt.item(i) > intervals[i].high()))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // This cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","covers(RasPoint pnt)",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method for testing if this interval covers the given interval.
+ * @param inter2 the MInterval to be tested
+ * @return
+ * <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>-1</B></TD><TD> if the point has not the same dimensionality</TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>1</B></TD><TD> if the point is covered by this MInterval</TD></TR>
+ * <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>0</B></TD><TD> if the point is not covered</TD></TR>
+ **/
+ public int covers(RasMInterval inter2)
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != inter2.dimension())
+ return -1;
+ try {
+ for (int i = 0; i < dimensionality ; i++)
+ {
+ if (
+ ( intervals[i].isLowFixed() &&
+ (!(inter2.item(i).isLowFixed()) ||
+ intervals[i].low() > inter2.item(i).low() // both lows fixed here
+ )
+ ) || // end of lows check
+ ( intervals[i].isHighFixed() &&
+ (!(inter2.item(i).isHighFixed()) ||
+ intervals[i].high() < inter2.item(i).high() // both highs fixed here
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch( RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this can not occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","covers(RasMInterval inter2)",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the dimensionality of this MInterval.
+ * @return the dimensionality of this MInterval
+ **/
+ public int dimension()
+ {
+ return dimensionality;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the point with the lowest coordinates in every dimension.
+ * @return the origin of this MInterval (the point with the lowest coordinates)
+ **/
+ public RasPoint getOrigin()
+ {
+ try {
+ int i;
+ RasPoint pt = new RasPoint(dimensionality);
+ for(i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ return pt;
+ }
+ catch(RasStreamInputOverflowException e) {
+ // This cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","getOrigin()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the point with the highest coordinates in every dimension.
+ * @return the point with the highest coordinates in this MInterval
+ **/
+ public RasPoint getHigh()
+ {
+ try {
+ int i;
+ RasPoint pt = new RasPoint(dimensionality);
+ for(i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ return pt;
+ }
+ catch(RasStreamInputOverflowException e) {
+ // This cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","getHigh()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the size of this MInterval as a point, that means the point specifies the extent
+ * of this MInterval ( i.e. high() - low() ) in each dimension.
+ * @return the size of this MInterval
+ **/
+ public RasPoint getExtent()
+ {
+ try {
+ int i;
+ RasPoint pt = new RasPoint(dimensionality);
+ for(i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+[i].high() - intervals[i].low() + 1);
+ return pt;
+ }
+ catch(RasStreamInputOverflowException e) {
+ // This cannot occur (theoretically)
+ System.err.println("Error in method RasMInterval.getExtent()");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method checks if this MInterval is mergeable with another MInterval.
+ * Two RasMIntervals are "mergeable" if they have the same low() and high()
+ * values in all dimensions except in one where they differ by one point,
+ * this is, a.low()==b.high()+1 or b.low()==a.high()+1. For instance, the
+ * following two blocks are mergeable:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * +-------------+---------------------------------------+
+ * | A | B |
+ * +-------------|---------------------------------------|
+ *
+ * and the following two are not:
+ *
+ * +-------------+-------------------------+
+ * | | B |
+ * | A +-------------------------+
+ * +-------------+
+ *
+ * </pre>
+ * @param b the MInterval to be checked
+ * @return true if the two intervalls are mergeable
+ **/
+ public boolean isMergeable(final RasMInterval b)
+ {
+ final RasMInterval a = this; // An alias to this object
+ // The blocks must have the same dimensionality to be mergeable
+ if (a.dimensionality != b.dimensionality)
+ return false;
+ // Count the number of adjacent frontiers
+ int onesDifferences = 0;
+ // Is Mergeable variable
+ boolean isMerg = true;
+ // For all dimensions
+ try {
+ for (int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ if (a.item(i).low() != b.item(i).low()) // Diferente origins
+ {
+ if ((a.item(i).low() == b.item(i).high()+1) || // If borders are adjacent
+ (b.item(i).low() == a.item(i).high()+1))
+ {
+ ++onesDifferences; // Update counter
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isMerg = false; // Else non-mergeable blocks
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else // Same origins
+ {
+ if (a.item(i).high() != b.item(i).high()) // Check ending
+ {
+ isMerg = false; // Not the same, can't be
+ break; // mergeable
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isMerg && (onesDifferences!=1)) // Only one adjacent borded
+ isMerg = false; // allowed
+ return isMerg; // Return result
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // This cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","isMergeable()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This methods translates the current MInterval by a point.
+ * It adds the coordinates of the given point to the lower bounds of the
+ * current MInterval. This operation is only legal if all lower bounds are
+ * fixed and the point has the same dimension as the MInterval!<P>
+ * Note that this method modifies the current MInterval. If you want to
+ * get a new MInterval, use the {@link #createTranslation(RasPoint) createTranslation} method
+ * instead.<P>
+ * @param t the point to be added
+ * @return the current MInterval
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval translate(RasPoint t)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ int i;
+ if(dimensionality != t.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException(dimensionality, t.dimension());
+ try {
+ for(i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ intervals[i].setInterval(intervals[i].low() + t.item(i),
+ intervals[i].high() + t.item(i));
+ }
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannor occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","translate()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method returns a new MInterval resulting from a translation of the current
+ * MInterval by the given point.
+ * It creates a copy of the current MInterval and adds the coordinates of the given
+ * point to its lower bounds.<P>
+ * This operation is only legal if all lower bounds are
+ * fixed and the point has the same dimension as the MInterval!<P>
+ * @param t the point to be added
+ * @return the new MInterval
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval createTranslation(RasPoint t)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != t.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException(dimensionality, t.dimension());
+ RasMInterval result = new RasMInterval(dimensionality);
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ result.intervals[i].setInterval(intervals[i].low() + t.item(i),
+ intervals[i].high() + t.item(i));
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createTranslation()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the union of two MIntervals. This is only possible for two MIntervals
+ * having the same dimensionality.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createUnion(RasMInterval) createUnion} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint1 the first MInterval
+ * @param mint2 the second MInterval
+ * @return the current MInterval (representing the union of mint1 and mint2)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval unionOf(final RasMInterval mint1, final RasMInterval mint2)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(mint1.dimension() != mint2.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( mint1.dimension(), mint2.dimension());
+ // cleanup + initializing of this
+ dimensionality = mint1.dimension();
+ streamInitCnt = dimensionality;
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ intervals[i] = new RasSInterval();
+ intervals[i].unionOf(mint1.item(i), mint2.item(i));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","unionOf()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the union of the current MIntervall with another one.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createUnion(RasMInterval) createUnion} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint the MInterval to be used for the union
+ * @return the current MInterval (after the union with mint)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval unionWith(final RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ intervals[i].unionWith(mint.item(i));
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","unionWith()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This methdod provides just another name for the
+ * unionWith method and might not be supported in future versions. Please
+ * use {@link #unionWith(RasMInterval) unionWith} instead.
+ * @param mint the MInterval to be added
+ * @return the current MInterval after adding mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval addToSelf(final RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ return unionWith(mint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a new MInterval calculated from a union of the current MInterval
+ * and the given one.
+ * @param mint the MInterval to be unioned with this MInterval
+ * @return the union of this MInterval and mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval createUnion(final RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ RasMInterval result = new RasMInterval(dimensionality);
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ return result;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createUnion()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ catch(RasStreamInputOverflowException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createUnion()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This methdod provides just another name for the
+ * createUnion method and might not be supported in future versions. Please
+ * use {@link #createUnion(RasMInterval) createUnion} instead.
+ * @param mint the MInterval to be added
+ * @return the current MInterval after adding mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval add(final RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ return createUnion(mint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the difference of two MIntervals.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createDifference(RasMInterval) createDifference} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint1 the first MInterval
+ * @param mint2 the second MInterval
+ * @return the current MInterval (representing the difference of mint1 and mint2)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval differenceOf(final RasMInterval mint1, final RasMInterval mint2)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(mint1.dimension() != mint2.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( mint1.dimension(), mint2.dimension());
+ // cleanup + initializing of this
+ dimensionality = mint1.dimension();
+ streamInitCnt = dimensionality;
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ intervals[i] = new RasSInterval();
+ intervals[i].differenceOf(mint1.item(i), mint2.item(i));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","differenceOf()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the difference of the current MInterval and the given one.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createDifference(RasMInterval) createDifference} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for building the difference
+ * @return the current MInterval (representing the difference of this MInterval and mint)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval differenceWith(final RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException(dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ intervals[i].differenceWith(mint.item(i));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","differenceWith()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This methdod provides just another name for the
+ * differenceWith method and might not be supported in future versions. Please
+ * use {@link #differenceWith(RasMInterval) differenceWith} instead.
+ * @param mint1 the MInterval used for building the difference
+ * @return the difference of this MInterval and mint2
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval diffFromSelf(RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ return differenceWith(mint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a new MInterval calculated from a difference of the current MInterval
+ * and the given one.
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for calculating the difference with the current MInterval
+ * @return the difference of this MInterval and mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval createDifference(RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException(dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ RasMInterval result = new RasMInterval(dimensionality);
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ return result;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createDifference()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ catch(RasStreamInputOverflowException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createDifference()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This methdod provides just another name for the
+ * createDifference method and might not be supported in future versions. Please
+ * use {@link #createDifference(RasMInterval) createDifference} instead.
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for calculating the difference with the current MInterval
+ * @return the difference of this MInterval and mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval diff(RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ return createDifference(mint);
+ }
+ // Methods/Operators for the intersection operation:
+ /**
+ * This method calculates the intersection of two MIntervals. This is only possible if the
+ * two MIntervals have the same dimensionality.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createIntersection(RasMInterval) createIntersection} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint1 the first MInterval
+ * @param mint2 the second MInterval
+ * @return the current MInterval (representing the intersection of mint1 and mint2)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval intersectionOf(RasMInterval mint1, RasMInterval mint2)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(mint1.dimension() != mint2.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( mint1.dimension(), mint2.dimension());
+ // cleanup + initializing of this
+ dimensionality = mint1.dimension();
+ streamInitCnt = dimensionality;
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ intervals[i] = new RasSInterval();
+ intervals[i].intersectionOf(mint1.item(i), mint2.item(i));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","intersectionOf()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the intersection of the current MInterval and the given one.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createIntersection(RasMInterval) createIntersection} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for building the intersection
+ * @return the current MInterval (representing the intersection of this MInterval and mint)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval intersectionWith(RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException(dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ intervals[i].intersectionWith(mint.item(i));
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","intersectionWith()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This methdod provides just another name for the
+ * intersectionWith method and might not be supported in future versions. Please
+ * use {@link #intersectionWith(RasMInterval) intersectionWith} instead.
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for building the intersection
+ * @return the intersection of this MInterval and mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval multWithSelf(RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ return intersectionWith(mint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a new MInterval calculated from the intersection of the current MInterval
+ * and the given one.
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for calculating the intersection with the current MInterval
+ * @return the intersection of this MInterval and mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval createIntersection (RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ RasMInterval result = new RasMInterval(dimensionality);
+ try {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ return result;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createIntersection()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ catch(RasStreamInputOverflowException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createIntersection()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated This methdod provides just another name for the
+ * createIntersection method and might not be supported in future versions. Please
+ * use {@link #createIntersection(RasMInterval) createIntersection} instead.
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for calculating the intersection with the current MInterval
+ * @return the intersection of this MInterval and mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval mult(final RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ return createIntersection(mint);
+ }
+ // Methods/Operators for the closure operation:
+ /**
+ * Calculates the closure of two MIntervals.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createClosure(RasMInterval) createClosure} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint1 the first MInterval
+ * @param mint2 the second MInterval
+ * @return the current MInterval (representing the closure of mint1 and mint2)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval closureOf(RasMInterval mint1, RasMInterval mint2)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(mint1.dimension() != mint2.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( mint1.dimension(), mint2.dimension());
+ // cleanup + initializing of this
+ dimensionality = mint1.dimension();
+ streamInitCnt = dimensionality;
+ intervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ try
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ intervals[i] = new RasSInterval();
+ intervals[i].closureOf(mint1.item(i), mint2.item(i));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","closureOf()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the closure of the current MInterval and the given one.
+ * <P>Note that this operation modifies the current object. If you want to get a new MInterval,
+ * use {@link #createClosure(RasMInterval) createClosure} instead.</P>
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for building the closure
+ * @return the current MInterval (representing the closure of this MInterval and mint)
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval closureWith(final RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ try
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ intervals[i].closureWith(mint.item(i));
+ return this;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","closureWith()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a new MInterval calculated from the closure of the current MInterval
+ * and the given one.
+ * @param mint the MInterval used for calculating the closure with the current MInterval
+ * @return the closure of this MInterval and mint
+ **/
+ public RasMInterval createClosure(RasMInterval mint)
+ throws RasDimensionMismatchException, RasResultIsNoIntervalException
+ {
+ if(dimensionality != mint.dimension())
+ throw new RasDimensionMismatchException( dimensionality, mint.dimension());
+ RasMInterval result = new RasMInterval(dimensionality);
+ try
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ return result;
+ }
+ catch(RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createClosure()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ catch(RasStreamInputOverflowException e) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ throw new RasClientInternalException("RasMInterval","createClosure()",e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ // Methods for internal use only:
+ /**
+ * Calculates the number of cells.
+ **/
+ long cellCount()
+ {
+ long cellCount=1;
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ cellCount *= intervals[i].high() - intervals[i].low() + 1;
+ return cellCount;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the offset in cells for one dimensional (linear) access to
+ * the given point (dimension ordering is high first).
+ **/
+ long cellOffset( final RasPoint point)
+ throws RasIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ long offset = 0;
+ // calculate offset
+ for(i = 0; i < dimensionality - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if(point.item(i) < intervals[i].low() || point.item(i) > intervals[i].high())
+ throw new RasIndexOutOfBoundsException(intervals[i].low(), intervals[i].high(), point.item(i) );
+ offset = (offset + point.item(i) - intervals[i].low()) * (intervals[i+1].high() - intervals[i+1].low() + 1);
+ }
+ // now i = dimensionality - 1
+ if(point.item(i) < intervals[i].low() || point.item(i) > intervals[i].high())
+ throw new RasIndexOutOfBoundsException(intervals[i].low(), intervals[i].high(), point.item(i) );
+ offset += point.item(i) - intervals[i].low();
+ return offset;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method calculates the spatial domain
+ * coordinates as a point from the offset
+ * specified. Lower dimensions are higher
+ * valued which means that the highest dimension
+ * is stored in a sequence.
+ **/
+ RasPoint cellPoint(long offset) throws RasResultIsNoCellException
+ {
+ int i;
+ long factor=1;
+ RasPoint pt = new RasPoint(dimensionality);
+ try {
+ if(offset >= cellCount())
+ throw new RasResultIsNoCellException();
+ for(i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ factor *= intervals[i].high() - intervals[i].low() + 1;
+ for(i=0; i<dimensionality; i++)
+ {
+ factor /= intervals[i].high() - intervals[i].low() + 1;
+[i].low() + (offset - (offset%factor))/factor);
+ offset %= factor;
+ }
+ return pt;
+ }
+ catch( RasStreamInputOverflowException e ) {
+ // this cannot occur (theoretically)
+ System.err.println("Error in method RasMInterval.cellPoint().");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // delete the specified dimension
+ void deleteDimension(int dim) throws RasException
+ {
+ if(dim < 0 || dim >= dimensionality)
+ throw new RasIndexOutOfBoundsException(0, dimensionality-1, dim);
+ dimensionality -= 1;
+ streamInitCnt = dimensionality;
+ RasSInterval[] newIntervals = new RasSInterval[ dimensionality ];
+ for(int i=0, j=0; i<dimensionality; i++, j++)
+ {
+ if(i==dim) j++;
+ newIntervals[i] = intervals[j];
+ }
+ intervals = newIntervals;
+ }
+ // calculate the size of the storage space occupied
+ long getStorageSize()
+ {
+ long sz = 26; //18 + 2 * 4
+ if (dimensionality > 0)
+ sz += dimensionality * 18;
+ return sz;
+ }
+ /** gives back the string representation */
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ String retString = "";
+ if(dimensionality > 0)
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<dimensionality-1; i++)
+ {
+ retString = retString + intervals[i].toString() + ",";
+ }
+ retString = retString + intervals[dimensionality-1].toString();
+ }
+ return "[" + retString + "]";
+ }