path: root/indexmgr/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indexmgr/test/')
1 files changed, 853 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indexmgr/test/ b/indexmgr/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c5323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexmgr/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ * MODULE: test for RasDaMan tiles indexes
+ *
+ * Compares RPTreeIx's to DirIx's
+ *
+ * none
+ *
+#include "mymalloc/mymalloc.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include <vector.h>
+#include "o2lib_CC.hxx" // declaration of O2-collection-classes
+#include <o2.h> // O2 Engine
+#include <o2_error.h> // O2 error from O2 Engine
+#include "dbmddobjix.hh"
+#include "basetype.hh"
+#include "chartype.hh"
+#include "raslib/minterval.hh"
+#include "raslib/sinterval.hh"
+#include "cachetamgr/perstile.hh"
+#include "tools/timer.hh"
+#include "indexmgr/persdirix.hh"
+#include "indexmgr/pershierix.hh"
+#include "indexmgr/rptreeix.hh"
+#include "indexmgr/dirix.hh"
+#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh"
+#include <math.h>
+// This test program must use a different base because it
+// doesn't use catalogif and adminif. It is not a complete RasDaBase.
+static char O2BenchDBName[] = "TestIxBase";
+static char O2BenchSchemaName[] = "TestSMSchema";
+extern char* myExecArgv0 = "";
+unsigned maximumFill = 10;
+#include "raslib/rminit.hh"
+static void ClearDB( d_Database &DB );
+// indexType 1 : R+ tree, 2: DirIx
+static void testPopulateIx( int indexType,
+ const vector< r_Minterval >& tilesDoms );
+// static void createTilesArr( Tile** tiles, float alignFactor, int numberTiles );
+void testCompareIxs( );
+void calculateGrid( const r_Minterval& baseTile,
+ const r_Minterval& gridDesc,
+ long& numberParts,
+ vector<r_Minterval>*& grid ); //r_Minterval*& grid );
+static void testCompareIxs( char* index, char* index1,
+ MultiDimIx<Tile>* ix, MultiDimIx<Tile>* ix1,
+ r_Minterval* searchInts, int numInts);
+float calculateAlignFactor( const vector<r_Minterval>& partition);
+int isDisjunctive( const vector<r_Minterval>& parts );
+void createTilesDomains( ofstream& outPopFile,
+ ofstream& outBMFile,
+ float alignFactor,
+ vector< r_Minterval >*& tgIntsVec,
+ int numberTiles,
+ unsigned dim );
+int randomInsertion;
+ * Function name.: int main( int argc, char** argv)
+ *
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * argc: number of arguments given to program
+ * argv: array of char* with arguments
+ * Return value..: exit status
+ * Description...: none
+ ************************************************************/
+main( int argc, char** argv)
+ // variables representing O2 database, ta and session
+ d_Session session;
+ d_Database database;
+ d_Transaction ta;
+ if( argc < 4 ) {
+ cout << "Usage: test_ix <dim> <numberTiles> <alignFactor> [-r]" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ unsigned dim;
+ unsigned numberTiles;
+ float af;
+ dim = atoi( argv[1]);
+ numberTiles = atoi( argv[2]);
+ af = atof( argv[3] );
+ if ( dim < 2 || dim > 8 )
+ {
+ cout << " Error : dimensionality outside supported limits !" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ( numberTiles > 100000 || numberTiles < 50 )
+ {
+ cout << " Error : number of tiles outside supported limits !" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ( af < 0.05 || af > 1 )
+ {
+ cout << " Error : alignment fator outside supported limits !" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ( argc == 5 && strcmp(argv[4], "-r") == 0 )
+ randomInsertion = 1;
+ else
+ randomInsertion = 0;
+ cout << "Dimensionality " << dim << endl;
+ cout << "Number of Tiles " << numberTiles << endl;
+ cout << "Alignment factor " << af << endl;
+ cout << "RandomInsertion ";
+ if ( randomInsertion )
+ cout << " yes " << endl;
+ else
+ cout << " no " << endl;
+ /*
+ // initialize the O2 session
+ cout << "Initializing O2 session..." << endl;
+ session.set_default_env();
+ if (session.begin(argc, argv)){
+ cerr << "Something wrong to start o2" << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // connect to the database
+ cout << "Connecting to database " << O2BenchDBName
+ << "..." << endl;
+ try{
+ O2BenchDBName ); // doesn't work with O2 V.5
+ }
+ catch( ...)
+ {
+ cout << "Could not open database. Exiting "<< endl;
+ session.end();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // create root collection
+ cout << "Checking root collection..." << endl;
+ ta.begin();
+ Handle collHandle = 0;
+ collHandle = o2_get_root((char*)"HierIndexContainer");
+ if (!collHandle)
+ {
+ cout << "Collection doesn't exist yet, creating collection ... "<< endl;
+ // if root name isn't used yet, create new root name for MDD collection
+ // I don't know if this is needed. It works without it.
+ o2_unref_handle( collHandle );
+ database.create_persistent_root( "HierIndexContainer",
+ "d_List<d_Ref<DBMDDObjIx>>",
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "Collection exists already, does nothing. "<< endl;
+ // if it exists already, doesn't do anything
+ // I don't know if this is needed. It works without it.
+ o2_unref_handle(collHandle);
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ int exists = 1;
+ try{
+ d_List< DBMDDObjIxId > indexList("HierIndexContainer");
+ }
+ catch( ...)
+ {
+ cout << "Persistent root does't exist" << endl;
+ exists =0;
+ }
+ if ( !exists )
+ database.create_persistent_root( "HierIndexContainer",
+ "d_List<d_Ref<DBMDDObjIx>>",
+ */
+ // ta.commit();
+ vector< r_Minterval >* tgIntsVec;
+ char namePopFile[100];
+ char nameBMFile[100];
+ int afint = af*100;
+ if ( randomInsertion )
+ {
+ sprintf( namePopFile, "ix%dd%dn%dafrndpop.txt", dim, numberTiles, afint);
+ sprintf( nameBMFile, "", dim, numberTiles, afint);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf( namePopFile, "ix%dd%dn%dafpop.txt", dim, numberTiles, afint);
+ sprintf( nameBMFile, "", dim, numberTiles, afint);
+ }
+ cout << "namePopFile " << namePopFile << endl;
+ cout << "nameBMFile " << nameBMFile << endl;
+ ofstream ixStreamPopResults(namePopFile);
+ ofstream ixStreamBMResults(nameBMFile);
+ // system("/usr/bin/date
+ if ( !ixStreamPopResults || !ixStreamBMResults )
+ {
+ cout <<"Error: one file could not be openened" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cout << "Dim " << dim << endl;
+ cout << "NTiles wanted " << numberTiles << endl;
+ cout << "AlignFactor wanted " << af << endl;
+ // numberTiles = 80 * i;
+ createTilesDomains( ixStreamPopResults, ixStreamBMResults, af, tgIntsVec, numberTiles, dim );
+ numberTiles = tgIntsVec->size( ); // integer arithmetic error
+ /*
+ cout << "Populating Index 1..." << endl;
+ ta.begin( );
+ testPopulateIx( 1, *tgIntsVec );
+ ta.commit( );
+ cout << "Populating Index 2..." << endl;
+ ta.begin( );
+ testPopulateIx( 2, *tgIntsVec );
+ ta.commit( );
+ delete tgIntsVec;
+ cout <<"Testing two indexes ..."<< endl;
+ ta.begin( );
+ testCompareIxs( );
+ ta.commit( );
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Ending O2 session..." << endl;
+ database.close();
+ session.end();
+ */
+ ixStreamPopResults.close( );
+ ixStreamBMResults.close( );
+ return 0;
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+testPopulateIx( int indexType, const vector< r_Minterval >& tilesDomains )
+ CharType anyType;
+ char* anyCells;
+ const int numberTiles = tilesDomains.size( );
+ const int dim = tilesDomains[1].dimension( );
+ cout << "....testPopulateIx"<< endl;
+ d_List< DBMDDObjIxId > indexList("HierIndexContainer");
+ PersDirIx* ix = new PersDirIx( dim, &anyType );
+ MultiDimIx< Tile >* rix;
+ cout << "Ix of type ";
+ switch( indexType )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ cout << "RPlusTree ";
+ rix = new RPlusTreeIx<Tile>( ix, maximumFill );
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ cout << "DirIx ";
+ rix = new DirIx< PersDirIx, Tile >( ix );
+ break;
+ // to be extended
+ default:
+ cout <<"Error "<<endl;
+ exit( 2 );
+ }
+ cout << "just created: "<< endl;
+ rix->printStatus( );
+ Tile* tiles[100000];
+ for( int i = 0; i < tilesDomains.size( ); i++ )
+ {
+ anyCells = (char*)mymalloc(tilesDomains[i].cell_count() * anyType.getSize());
+ tiles[i] =
+ new PersTile( tilesDomains[i], (const BaseType*) &anyType, anyCells);
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ for( i = 0; i < numberTiles ; i++ )
+ {
+ cout << endl << "Insert new tile " << i << " " << tiles[i]->getDomain( )<< endl;
+ rix->insertObject( tiles[i] );
+ // rix->printStatus( );
+ // cout << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl << "Finished, index contents: " << endl;
+ rix->printStatus( );
+ cout << endl;
+ indexList.insert_element_last( ( (PersIx*) (rix->getIxDS( )) )->getDBMDDObjIxId( ) );
+ for( i = 0; i < numberTiles ; i++ )
+ delete tiles[i];
+ delete rix;
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+calculateGrid( const r_Minterval& baseTile,
+ const r_Minterval& gridDesc,
+ long& numberParts,
+ vector< r_Minterval>*& grid ) // grid r_Minterval*& grid)
+ cout << "calculateGrid( " << baseTile << ", "<< gridDesc << ") "<< endl;
+ numberParts = gridDesc.cell_count( );
+ grid = new vector<r_Minterval>(numberParts); //new r_Minterval[numberParts];
+ r_Point ix( baseTile.dimension( ));
+ r_Point ext = baseTile.get_extent( );
+ for ( int i= 0; i < numberParts ; i++ )
+ {
+ ix = gridDesc.cell_point( i )* ext;
+ (*grid)[i] = baseTile.create_translation( ix );
+ // grid[i] = r_Minterval( baseTile.create_translation( ix ) );
+ }
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+createTilesDomains( ofstream& outPopFile, // file for test_populate
+ ofstream& outBMFile, // file for benchmark
+ float alignFactor,
+ vector< r_Minterval >*& tgIntsVec,
+ int numberTiles,
+ unsigned dim )
+ if( alignFactor > 1 || alignFactor == 0 )
+ {
+ cout <<"Error: invalid alignment factor." << endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ cout << "Alignment factor wanted " << alignFactor << endl;
+ cout << "Number of tiles, dim " << numberTiles << ", "<< dim << endl;
+ // number of partitions of the total grid
+ double ntgdouble = numberTiles/alignFactor;
+ // cout <<"Number of tiles in total grid (double)== " << ntgdouble << endl;
+ long ntg = ntgdouble;
+ cout <<"Number of tiles in total grid (long)== " << ntg << endl;
+ // r_Minterval* tgInts;
+ float f = float (1/ float(dim) );
+ long n = pow( ntg, f);
+ cout <<"Number of tiles in d-1 first directions (n) == " << n << endl;
+ r_Minterval tile(dim);
+ const unsigned tileLength = 5;
+ r_Minterval totalGrid( dim );
+ for (int i = 0; i < dim -1; i++ )
+ {
+ tile[i].set_interval( r_Range( 0 ), tileLength-1 );
+ totalGrid[i].set_interval( r_Range( 0 ), n-1 );
+ }
+ long n1 = pow(n,dim-1);
+ n1 = ntg/n1;
+ cout << "Number of tiles in direction d (n1) == " << n1 << endl;
+ tile[dim-1].set_interval( r_Range( 0 ), tileLength-1 );
+ totalGrid[dim-1].set_interval( r_Range( 0 ), n1-1 );
+ long ntg1;
+ calculateGrid( tile, totalGrid, ntg1, tgIntsVec );
+ if ( ntg1 < numberTiles )
+ {
+ cout <<"Error: number of partitions in total grid less than numberTiles";
+ cout <<"Exiting the program (integer arithmetic)"<< endl;
+ // exit(0);
+ }
+ if ( ntg1 != ntg )
+ {
+ cout << "Warning: number of partitions in total grid is not as expected " << endl;
+ cout << "Alignment factor won't be as expected (integer arithmetic)"<< endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ //tgIntsVec = new vector< r_Minterval >( tgInts, tgInts+ntg1 );
+ // delete tgInts; // ????
+ cout << "Number of tiles in total grid " << ntg1 << endl;
+ /*
+ for( i =0; i < tgIntsVec->size( ); i++ )
+ cout << "Interval "<< i << (*tgIntsVec)[i] <<endl;
+ */
+ int numberMerges = ntg1-numberTiles;
+ int cont = 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < numberMerges && cont ; )
+ {
+ int found = 0;
+ int r = rand( ) % (tgIntsVec->size( ) );
+ // merge randomly
+ int notFinished = 1;
+ int contr = 1;
+ for( int ri = 0; contr && cont ; ri++)
+ {
+ notFinished = 1;
+ int init = rand( ) % tgIntsVec->size( );
+ for( int j = init; notFinished ; )
+ {
+ // cout <<"i,j"<< i <<","<< j<<endl;
+ if( (*tgIntsVec)[j].is_mergeable( (*tgIntsVec)[r]) )
+ {
+ if ( i % 100 == 0 )
+ cout << numberMerges-i << ". Merging j,r "<< j <<","<< r << " "
+ << (*tgIntsVec)[j] << ", " << (*tgIntsVec)[r] << " resulting ";
+ /*
+ cout << numberMerges-i << ". Merging j,r "<< j <<","<< r << " "
+ << (*tgIntsVec)[j] << ", " << (*tgIntsVec)[r] << " resulting ";
+ */
+ (*tgIntsVec)[j] = (*tgIntsVec)[j].closure_with( (*tgIntsVec)[r] );
+ tgIntsVec->erase( tgIntsVec->begin( ) + r );
+ if ( i % 100 == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( r < j )
+ cout << (*tgIntsVec)[j-1] <<endl;
+ else
+ cout << (*tgIntsVec)[j] <<endl;
+ }
+ i++;
+ notFinished = 0;
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ j = (j+1) % tgIntsVec->size( );
+ if ( j == init )
+ notFinished = 0;
+ }
+ // cout << " r == " << r << ", j == " << j << " , notFinished == " << notFinished << endl;
+ // cout << " ri == " << ri << " , tgIntsVec->size( ) " << tgIntsVec->size( ) << endl;
+ r = (r+1) % tgIntsVec->size( );
+ if ( found )
+ contr = 0; // already found
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ri >= tgIntsVec->size( ) )
+ cont = 0; // no more merges possible
+ else
+ r = (r+1) % tgIntsVec->size( );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "======================================================="<< endl;
+ cout << "Results : "<< endl;
+ cout << " Alignement Factor wanted :" << alignFactor << endl;
+ cout << " Number of Resulting Tiles " << tgIntsVec->size( ) << endl;
+ cout << " Resulting Tiles " << endl;
+ unsigned ntilesObta = tgIntsVec->size( );
+ cout << "NTiles obtained " << ntilesObta << endl;
+ float faObta = float ( tgIntsVec->size( ))/ntg1;
+ cout <<" Alignment factor obtained "<< faObta << endl;
+ /*
+ * Benchmark file format:
+ * Dim \t ntiles \t af \t random \t h \t occ
+ */
+ outBMFile << dim << "\t";
+ outBMFile << ntilesObta << "\t";
+ outBMFile << faObta << "\t";
+ if ( randomInsertion )
+ outBMFile <<"1\t";
+ else
+ outBMFile << "0\t";
+ // Visual_Tiling_2D visTil( dom, "TilesImage");
+ /*
+ * Pop file format:
+ * Database: BmarkIxBase
+ *
+ * MDDColl: Ix2D_1000N_5AF_Set; Char2DSet
+ *
+ * MDDObj: [ 0:*, 0:*] ; Char2D
+ *
+ * HowToStore:
+ * IndexType: R+TreeIx
+ */
+ char collName[100];
+ char collTypeName[100];
+ char mddTypeName[100];
+ int faInt = faObta*100;
+ if ( randomInsertion )
+ sprintf( collName, "Ix%dD_%dN_%dAF_RND_Set", dim, ntilesObta, faInt);
+ else
+ sprintf( collName, "Ix%dD_%dN_%dAF_Set", dim, ntilesObta, faInt);
+ r_Minterval dom( dim );
+ for ( int d = 0; d < dim; d++ )
+ dom[d].set_interval((r_Range)0,'*');
+ sprintf( collTypeName, "Char%dDSet", dim);
+ sprintf( mddTypeName, "Char%dD", dim );
+ outPopFile << "Database: BmarkIxBase " << endl << endl;
+ outPopFile << "MDDColl: " << collName << "; " << collTypeName << endl<< endl;
+ outPopFile << "MDDObj: " << dom << " ; " << mddTypeName << endl;
+ outPopFile << "HowToStore:" << endl;
+ outPopFile << "IndexType: R+TreeIx " << endl << endl;
+ if ( randomInsertion )
+ {
+ unsigned vecSz = tgIntsVec->size( );
+ vector< r_Minterval >* tgIntsVec2;
+ tgIntsVec2 = new vector<r_Minterval>(vecSz);
+ unsigned tix = i;
+ for( i = 0; i < vecSz; i++ )
+ {
+ tix = rand( ) % tgIntsVec->size( );
+ outPopFile <<"Tile : "<< " "<< (*tgIntsVec)[tix] << "; 0x0000" << endl;
+ (*tgIntsVec2)[i] = (*tgIntsVec)[tix];
+ tgIntsVec->erase( tgIntsVec->begin( ) + tix );
+ }
+ vector< r_Minterval >* tmpIntsVec;
+ tmpIntsVec = tgIntsVec;
+ tgIntsVec = tgIntsVec2;
+ delete tmpIntsVec;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < tgIntsVec->size( ); i++ )
+ {
+ outPopFile <<"Tile : "<< " "<< (*tgIntsVec)[i] << "; 0x0000" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ /* For debugging purposes:
+ if( !isDisjunctive( *tgIntsVec ))
+ {
+ cout <<"Error: Nondisjunctive partition, exiting program "<< endl;
+ exit( 0);
+ }
+ else cout <<" Disjunctive partition OK " << endl;
+ */
+ if( tgIntsVec->size( ) != numberTiles )
+ {
+ cout <<"Error: tgIntsVec->size( ) != numberTiles "<< endl;
+ // exit( 0);
+ }
+ // calculateAlignFactor( tgIntsVec );
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+createTilesArr( Tile** tiles,
+ float alignFactor,
+ vector< r_Minterval >* tgIntsVec )
+ ULongType anyType;
+ char* anyCells;
+ for( i = 0; i < tgIntsVec->size( ); i++ )
+ {
+ anyCells = (char*)malloc(tilesDomains[i].cell_count() * anyType.getSize());
+ tiles[i] =
+ new PersTile( (*tgIntsVec)[i], (const BaseType*) &anyType, anyCells);
+ }
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+calculateAlignFactor( const vector<r_Minterval>& part )
+ float fa;
+ // for ( int i = 0; i < part.size( ); i++ ) ;
+ return fa;
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+int isDisjunctive( const vector<r_Minterval>& parts )
+ for( int i = 0; i < parts.size( ); i++ )
+ {
+ r_Minterval inter = parts[i];
+ for( int j = i+1; j < parts.size( ); j++ )
+ {
+ if( inter.intersects_with( parts[j] ))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * Function name.:
+ * void
+ * testCompareIxs( char* index, char* index1, )
+ *
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * index : name of first index
+ * index1: name of second index
+ *
+ ************************************************************/
+testCompareIxs( )
+ DBMDDObjIxId accessedIndex;
+ CharType anyType;
+ // char anyCell[4];
+ cout << "....testCompareIxs"<<endl;
+ // read root object
+ d_List< DBMDDObjIxId > indexList("HierIndexContainer");
+ // used for iterating
+ d_Iterator< DBMDDObjIxId > indexIt = indexList.create_iterator();
+ MultiDimIx< Tile >* ix = 0;
+ MultiDimIx< Tile >* ix1 = 0;
+ PersIx* dix;
+ PersIx* dix1;
+ for( int i = 1 ; indexIt.not_done(); i++, indexIt.advance())
+ {
+ accessedIndex = indexIt.get_element();
+ cout << " --"<<i<<". index object in list:" << endl;
+ accessedIndex->printStatus();
+ if (accessedIndex->isRoot( ) && accessedIndex->isLeaf( ) )
+ {
+ // to avoid mem leaks in repeated executions of this test program
+ if ( ix1 ) delete ix1;
+ cout << endl << "Creating DirIx ... ";
+ dix1 = new PersDirIx( accessedIndex, (const BaseType*) &anyType );
+ ix1 = new DirIx< PersDirIx, Tile >( (PersDirIx*)dix1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // to avoid mem leaks in repeated executions of this test program
+ if ( ix ) delete ix;
+ cout << endl << "Creating R+-tree ... ";
+ dix = new PersHierIx( accessedIndex, (const BaseType*) &anyType );
+ ix = new RPlusTreeIx<Tile>( dix,maximumFill );
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ cout <<"OK"<<endl;
+ const int numInts = 30;
+ r_Minterval searchInts[numInts];
+ for( i = 0; i < numInts ; i++ )
+ {
+ r_Range l1= rand( ) % 25; r_Range l2 = rand( ) % 30;
+ searchInts[i] = r_Minterval( 2 );
+ searchInts[i] << r_Sinterval( l1, l1+rand() % 50 );
+ searchInts[i] << r_Sinterval( l2, l2 +rand( ) % 50 );
+ /*
+ searchInts[0] = r_Minterval( "[0:100,0:100]");
+ searchInts[1] = r_Minterval( "[150:200,100:250]");
+ searchInts[2] = r_Minterval( "[100:300,250:400]");
+ searchInts[1] = r_Minterval( "[50:100,100:250]");
+ searchInts[1] = r_Minterval( "[50:73,90:94]");
+ */
+ }
+ testCompareIxs( "R+-tree ", "DirIx ", ix, ix1, searchInts, numInts);
+ delete ix; delete ix1;
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+testCompareIxs( char* index, char* index1,
+ MultiDimIx<Tile>* ix, MultiDimIx<Tile>* ix1,
+ r_Minterval* searchInts, int numInts)
+ cout << "....testCompareIxs"<< endl;
+ //ULongType anyType;
+ // char anyCell[4];
+ cout << "Comparison of Index " << index << endl;
+ cout << "with Index1 " << index1 << endl;
+ for( int i = 0; i < numInts; i++ )
+ {
+ Timer time; Timer time1;
+ RMTimer* rtime = new RMTimer( index, "intersect" );
+ RMTimer* rtime1 = new RMTimer( index1, "intersect" );
+ cout << "Intersect with "<< searchInts[i] << endl;
+ // Index
+ time.start( ); rtime->start( );
+ vector< Tile* >* rqResult = ix->intersect( searchInts[i] );
+ int num, num1;
+ rtime->stop( ); time.stop( );
+ if ( rqResult )
+ {
+ num = rqResult->size( );
+ cout << index << endl << " No. of tiles, time , time/noTiles = "
+ << rqResult->size( ) << " , "<< time << " , ";
+ if ( rqResult->size( ) ) cout << time.ellapsed_sec( )/rqResult->size( ) << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "No tiles intersected "<< endl;
+ num = 0;
+ }
+ delete rtime;
+ // Index 1
+ time1.start( ); rtime1->start( );
+ vector< Tile* >* rqResult1 = ix1->intersect( searchInts[i] );
+ rtime1->stop( ); time1.stop( );
+ if ( rqResult1 )
+ {
+ num1 = rqResult1->size( );
+ cout << index1 << endl << " No. of tiles, time1, time1/noTiles = "
+ << rqResult1->size( ) << " , "<< time1 << " , ";
+ if ( rqResult1->size( ) ) cout << time1.ellapsed_sec( )/rqResult1->size( ) << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "No tiles intersected "<< endl;
+ num1 = 0;
+ }
+ delete rtime1;
+ if ( num != num1 )
+ cout << "Error !!!!" << endl;
+ // Index
+ cout << "Result " << index << endl;
+ if ( rqResult )
+ {
+ for( int j = 0; j < rqResult->size( ); j++)
+ {
+ cout << ( *rqResult )[j]->getDomain( ) << endl;
+ delete (*rqResult)[j];
+ }
+ delete rqResult;
+ }
+ // Index1
+ cout << "Result " << index1 << endl;
+ if ( rqResult1 )
+ {
+ for( int j = 0; j < rqResult1->size( ); j++)
+ {
+ cout << ( *rqResult1 )[j]->getDomain( ) << endl;
+ delete (*rqResult1)[j];
+ }
+ delete rqResult1;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }