path: root/indexmgr/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indexmgr/')
1 files changed, 1147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indexmgr/ b/indexmgr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ddc26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indexmgr/
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+#include "indexmgr/srptindexlogic.hh"
+#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh"
+#include "tilemgr/tile.hh"
+#include "raslib/point.hh"
+#include "indexmgr/sdirindexlogic.hh"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "indexmgr/keyobject.hh"
+#include "relindexif/hierindex.hh"
+#include "reladminif/dbref.hh"
+#include "relindexif/indexid.hh"
+const float ff = 0.5;
+//removes all entries from a index and inserts them into a vector
+clear(KeyObjectVector& keyvec, HierIndexDS* node)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(7, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "clear(keyvec, " << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ")");
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ unsigned int nodeSize = node->getSize();
+ keyvec.reserve(nodeSize);
+ while (!keyvec.empty())
+ {
+ keyvec.erase(keyvec.begin());
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < nodeSize; i++)
+ {
+ keyvec.push_back(node->getObject(0));
+ node->removeObject((unsigned int)0);
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(7, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "clear(keyvec, " << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ")");
+ }
+/*this may be usefull when getting rid of the extendFaces method
+unsigned int
+findNearestNode(IndexDS* whereToLook, const r_Minterval& theEntryDomain)
+ {
+ r_Minterval sum(theEntryDomain.dimension());
+//this code is not used -> no pror
+ r_Area smallestArea = (r_Area)0xFFFFFFFF;
+ unsigned int smallestAreaAt = 0;
+ unsigned long currentArea = 0;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ unsigned int numElems = whereToLook->getSize();
+ for (i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
+ {
+ currentArea = sum.closure_of(whereToLook->getObjectDomain(i), theEntryDomain).cell_count();
+ if (currentArea <= smallestArea)
+ {
+ smallestArea = currentArea;
+ smallestAreaAt = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return smallestAreaAt;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::insertObject2(IndexDS* ixDS, const KeyObject& newKeyObject, const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "insertObject2(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << ", " << newKeyObject << ")")
+ IndexPVector leafNodes2Split;
+ r_Minterval newKeyObjectDom;
+ r_Minterval cd;
+ bool extend = false;
+ bool* facesToExtendLo = NULL;
+ bool* facesToExtendHi = NULL;
+ r_Dimension i = 0;
+ r_Dimension dim = 0;
+ unsigned int overflowed = 0;
+ if (ixDS->getSize() == 0)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "Index is empty. only set domain");
+ ixDS->setAssignedDomain(newKeyObject.getDomain());
+ }
+ else {
+ // initialize facesToExtend
+ newKeyObjectDom = newKeyObject.getDomain();
+ cd = ixDS->getCoveredDomain();
+ dim = cd.dimension();
+ extend = false;
+ facesToExtendLo = new bool[dim];
+ facesToExtendHi = new bool[dim];
+ for(i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+ {
+ if (newKeyObjectDom[i].low() < cd[i].low())
+ {
+ facesToExtendLo[i] = true;
+ extend = true;
+ }
+ else
+ facesToExtendLo[i] = false;
+ if (newKeyObjectDom[i].high() > cd[i].high())
+ {
+ facesToExtendHi[i] = true;
+ extend = true;
+ }
+ else
+ facesToExtendHi[i] = false;
+ }
+ // Implementation note:
+ // the extension of faces could be integrated with the insertObject()
+ // function and result in a more efficient but more complex implementation
+ // (a nonrecursive extendFaces() woul be needed and insertObject()
+ // changed to have additional parameters oldCurrDom, facesToExtendLo,
+ // facesToExtendHi).
+ // The simple solution was chosen, where the whole tree is first updated
+ // for the new borders and then the insertion is made.
+ // Another solution would be the implementation of the external borders as
+ // infinite. Each node would have to have both a current domain and a domain.
+ if (extend)
+ {
+ SRPTIndexLogic::extendFaces((HierIndexDS*)ixDS, newKeyObjectDom, cd, facesToExtendLo, facesToExtendHi);
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "no need to extend faces");
+ }
+ delete[] facesToExtendLo;
+ facesToExtendLo = NULL;
+ delete[] facesToExtendHi;
+ facesToExtendHi = NULL;
+ }
+ // call recursive insertObject()
+ overflowed = SRPTIndexLogic::insertObject(newKeyObject, (HierIndexDS*)ixDS, leafNodes2Split, sl);
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "number of leaf overflows " << leafNodes2Split.size())
+ if (!leafNodes2Split.empty())
+ SRPTIndexLogic::splitNodes((HierIndexDS*)ixDS, leafNodes2Split, sl);
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "insertObject2(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << ", " << newKeyObject << ")")
+ //there should be a check here : )
+ return true;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::intersect2(const IndexDS* ixDS, const r_Minterval& searchInter, KeyObjectVector& intersectedObjs, const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersect2(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << ", " << searchInter << ")")
+ r_Minterval dom = ixDS->getCoveredDomain();
+ r_Area area = 0;
+ // avoid exceptions from r_Minterval
+ if (searchInter.intersects_with(dom))
+ {
+ //this is neccessary because intersectNoDuplicats would think there were other index nodes that cover this area.
+ r_Minterval searchDom = searchInter.create_intersection(dom);
+ //needed this parent domain, or else indexes with one level only don't work
+ area = searchDom.cell_count();
+ SRPTIndexLogic::intersect(searchDom, dom, intersectedObjs, (const HierIndexDS*)ixDS, area);
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersect2(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << "*, " << searchInter << ") found #" << intersectedObjs.size() << " matches");
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersect2(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << "* dom " << dom << ", " << searchInter << ") don't intersect");
+ }
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::containPointQuery2(const IndexDS* ixDS, const r_Point& searchPoint, KeyObject& result, const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ SRPTIndexLogic::containPointQuery(searchPoint, (const HierIndexDS*)ixDS, result, sl);
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::getObjects(const IndexDS* ixDS, KeyObjectVector& objs, const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ // can be optimized !!!
+ intersect2((const HierIndexDS*)ixDS, ixDS->getCoveredDomain(), objs, sl);
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::insertObject( const KeyObject& newKeyObject,
+ HierIndexDS* ix,
+ IndexPVector& leafNodes2Split,
+ const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "insertObject(" << newKeyObject << ", " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << ", leafNodes2Split.size " << leafNodes2Split.size() << ")")
+ int overflowed = 0;
+ if (ix->isLeaf())
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "ix is Leaf")
+ //this is new
+ r_Minterval oldDom = ix->getCoveredDomain();
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(ix, newKeyObject, sl);
+ ix->setAssignedDomain(oldDom);
+ // no node overflow, simply insert newEntry
+ if (ix->isOverFull())
+ {// node overflow: add node to list of nodes to split
+ overflowed = 1;
+ leafNodes2Split.push_back(ix);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!ix->isRoot())
+ {
+ ix->destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "ix is Node")
+ KeyObjectVector intersectedNodes;
+ KeyObjectVector::iterator nodeIt;
+ SDirIndexLogic::intersect(ix, newKeyObject.getDomain(), intersectedNodes, sl);
+ while (!intersectedNodes.empty())
+ {
+ overflowed = overflowed + insertObject(newKeyObject, DBHierIndexId((*(intersectedNodes.begin())).getObject()).ptr(), leafNodes2Split, sl);
+ intersectedNodes.erase(intersectedNodes.begin());
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "insertObject(" << newKeyObject << ", ix, leafNodes2Split.size " << leafNodes2Split.size() << ") " << overflowed)
+ return overflowed;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::extendFaces( HierIndexDS* ix,
+ const r_Minterval& newKeyObjectDom,
+ const r_Minterval& oldCurrDom,
+ const bool* facesToExtendLo,
+ const bool* facesToExtendHi)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "extendFaces(" << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << ", " << newKeyObjectDom << ", " << oldCurrDom << ", facesToExtendLo, facesToExtendHi)");
+ bool extendEntries = false;
+ unsigned int numberElems = 0;
+ r_Dimension dim = 0;
+ r_Dimension i = 0;
+ r_Dimension d = 0;
+ r_Minterval entryDom;
+ bool follow = false;
+ r_Minterval ixDom = oldCurrDom;//ix->getCoveredDomain();
+ if (ix->isLeaf())
+ {
+ if (!(ix->isRoot())) // nothing to do!!!
+ {//this entry's domain was set in the previous call of extendFaces
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << " is Leaf and not Root - already updated");
+ ix->destroy();
+ ix = 0;
+ }
+ else {// ix is both leaf and root, one node only!! must update domain
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << " is Leaf and Root - update domain");
+ ixDom.closure_with(newKeyObjectDom);
+ ix->setAssignedDomain(ixDom);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << " is Node");
+ dim = newKeyObjectDom.dimension();
+ for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+ {
+ if (facesToExtendLo[i] && (ixDom[i].low() == oldCurrDom[i].low()))
+ {
+ ixDom[i].set_low(newKeyObjectDom[i].low());
+ extendEntries = true;
+ }
+ if (facesToExtendHi[i] && (ixDom[i].high() == oldCurrDom[i].high()))
+ {
+ ixDom[i].set_high(newKeyObjectDom[i].high());
+ extendEntries = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (extendEntries)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "must extend entries");
+ numberElems = ix->getSize();
+ for (i = 0; i < numberElems; i++)
+ {
+ follow = false;
+ entryDom = ix->getObjectDomain(i);
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "Entry #" << i << " has domain " << entryDom);
+ for(d = 0; d < dim; d++)
+ {
+ if (facesToExtendLo[d] && (entryDom[d].low() == oldCurrDom[d].low()))
+ {
+ entryDom[d].set_low(newKeyObjectDom[d].low());
+ follow = true;
+ }
+ if (facesToExtendHi[d] && (entryDom[d].high() == oldCurrDom[d].high()))
+ {
+ entryDom[d].set_high(newKeyObjectDom[d].high());
+ follow = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (follow)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "Entry #" << i << " must be extended to " << entryDom);
+ HierIndexDS* child = convert(ix->getObject(i));
+ extendFaces(child, newKeyObjectDom, oldCurrDom, facesToExtendLo, facesToExtendHi);
+ ix->setObjectDomain(entryDom, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "new Domain of " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << " is " << ix->getCoveredDomain());
+ if (!ix->isRoot())
+ {
+ ix->destroy();
+ ix =0;
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "extendFaces(ixMayBeNull, " << newKeyObjectDom << ", " << oldCurrDom << ", facesToExtendLo, facesToExtendHi)");
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::splitNodes(HierIndexDS* ixDS, IndexPVector& leafNodes2Split, const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "splitNodes(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << ", leafNodes2Split)")
+ HierIndexDS* parentIxDS = NULL;
+ HierIndexDS* leafNodeIxDS = NULL;
+ HierIndexDS* n1 = NULL;
+ HierIndexDS* n2 = NULL;
+ HierIndexDS* nln1 = NULL; // non leaf nodes
+ HierIndexDS* nln2 = NULL; // non leaf nodes
+ HierIndexDS* tempPar = NULL;
+ r_Dimension axis = 0;
+ r_Range value = 0;
+ int parentOverflowed = 0;
+ KeyObjectVector keyvec;
+ KeyObject nodekey1;
+ KeyObject nodekey2;
+ r_Minterval domain;
+ bool wasroot = false;
+ bool found = false;
+ r_Dimension dim = ixDS->getDimension();
+ unsigned int numElem = 0;
+ unsigned int cur = 0;
+ while (!leafNodes2Split.empty())
+ {
+ leafNodeIxDS = (HierIndexDS*)leafNodes2Split[0];
+ leafNodes2Split.erase(leafNodes2Split.begin());
+ wasroot = leafNodeIxDS->isRoot();
+ if (wasroot)
+ domain = leafNodeIxDS->getCoveredDomain();
+ else {
+ tempPar = leafNodeIxDS->getParent();
+ KeyObject tkey;
+ numElem = tempPar->getSize();
+ for (cur = 0; cur < numElem; cur++)
+ {
+ tkey = tempPar->getObject(cur);
+ if (((OId::OIdPrimitive)tkey.getObject().getOId()) == leafNodeIxDS->getIdentifier())
+ {
+ domain = tkey.getDomain();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ RMInit::logOut << "SRPTIndexLogic::splitNodes() the leaf node to split was not found in its parent" << endl;
+ }
+ tempPar->destroy();
+ tempPar = NULL;
+ }
+ calculatePartition(axis, value, leafNodeIxDS);
+ clear(keyvec, leafNodeIxDS);
+ n1 = (HierIndexDS*)leafNodeIxDS->getNewInstance();
+ if (wasroot)
+ {
+ parentIxDS = leafNodeIxDS;
+ n2 = (HierIndexDS*)leafNodeIxDS->getNewInstance();
+ leafNodeIxDS->setIsNode(true);
+ leafNodeIxDS = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ parentIxDS = leafNodeIxDS->getParent();
+ n2 = leafNodeIxDS;
+ leafNodeIxDS = NULL;
+ }
+ splitLeaf(n1, n2, keyvec, axis, value, domain, sl);
+ nodekey1 = convert(n1);
+ nodekey2 = convert(n2);
+ if (!wasroot)
+ parentIxDS->removeObject(nodekey2);
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(parentIxDS, nodekey1, sl);
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(parentIxDS, nodekey2, sl);
+ parentOverflowed = parentIxDS->isOverFull();
+ n1->destroy();
+ n1 = NULL;
+ n2->destroy();
+ n2 = NULL;
+ while (parentOverflowed) // split up
+ {
+ wasroot = parentIxDS->isRoot();
+ domain = parentIxDS->getAssignedDomain();
+ calculatePartition(axis, value, parentIxDS);
+ clear(keyvec, parentIxDS);
+ nln1 = (HierIndexDS*)parentIxDS->getNewInstance();
+ if (wasroot)
+ {
+ nln2 = (HierIndexDS*)parentIxDS->getNewInstance();
+ }
+ else {
+ nln2 = parentIxDS;
+ parentIxDS = parentIxDS->getParent();
+ }
+ splitNonLeaf(nln1, nln2, keyvec, leafNodes2Split, axis, value, domain, sl);
+ nodekey1 = convert(nln1);
+ nodekey2 = convert(nln2);
+ if (!wasroot)
+ parentIxDS->removeObject(nodekey2);
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(parentIxDS, nodekey1, sl);
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(parentIxDS, nodekey2, sl);
+ parentOverflowed = parentIxDS->isOverFull();
+ nln1->destroy();
+ nln1 = NULL;
+ nln2->destroy();
+ nln2 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (parentIxDS && (parentIxDS != ixDS))
+ {
+ parentIxDS->destroy();
+ parentIxDS = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "splitNodes(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << ", leafNodes2Split)")
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::splitLeaf( HierIndexDS* pd1,
+ HierIndexDS* pd2,
+ KeyObjectVector& keyvec,
+ r_Dimension axis,
+ r_Range value,
+ r_Minterval& domain,
+ const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "splitLeaf(" << OId(pd1->getIdentifier()) << ", " << OId(pd2->getIdentifier()) << ", keyvec, " << axis << ", " << value << ", " << domain << ")")
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ unsigned int leafSize = keyvec.size();
+ r_Minterval cd(domain);
+ r_Minterval nd1 = cd;
+ r_Minterval nd2 = cd;
+ KeyObject obj;
+ nd1[axis].set_high(value - 1);
+ nd2[axis].set_low(value);
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(6, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "old leaf domain " << cd << " partition 1 " << nd1 << " partition 2 " << nd2);
+ //populate two nodes
+ for(i = 0; i < leafSize; i++)
+ {
+ cd = keyvec[i].getDomain();
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "ObjectDomain of Object #" << i << " is " << cd);
+ obj = keyvec[i];
+ if (nd1.intersects_with(cd))
+ {
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(pd1, obj, sl);
+ }
+ if (nd2.intersects_with(cd))
+ {
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(pd2, obj, sl);
+ }
+//sanity check
+RMDBGIF(0, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", \
+ if (!nd1.intersects_with(cd) && !nd2.intersects_with(cd)) \
+ { \
+ RMInit::logOut << "SRPTIndexLogic::splitLeaf() the entry does not intersect with any node: node 1 " << nd1 << " node 2 " << nd2 << " entry " << cd << endl; \
+ } )
+ }
+ pd1->setAssignedDomain(nd1);
+ pd2->setAssignedDomain(nd2);
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "splitLeaf(" << OId(pd1->getIdentifier()) << ", " << OId(pd2->getIdentifier()) << ", keyvec, " << axis << ", " << value << ", " << domain << ")")
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::splitNonLeaf( HierIndexDS* pd1,
+ HierIndexDS* pd2,
+ KeyObjectVector& keyvec,
+ IndexPVector& leafNodes2Split,
+ r_Dimension axis,
+ r_Range value,
+ const r_Minterval& domain,
+ const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "splitNonLeaf(" << OId(pd1->getIdentifier()) << ", " << OId(pd2->getIdentifier()) << ", keyvec, leafNodes2Split, " << axis << ", " << value << ", " << domain << ")");
+ r_Dimension dim = domain.dimension();
+ r_Minterval cd(domain);
+ r_Minterval nd1(cd);
+ r_Minterval nd2(cd);
+ r_Minterval leafDomain(dim);
+ r_Minterval nodeDomain(dim);
+ KeyObjectVector listMinKO1;
+ KeyObjectVector listMinKO2;
+ KeyObjectVector keyvec2;
+ IndexPVector newLeafsToSplit;
+ HierIndexDS* entry = NULL;
+ HierIndexDS* n11 = NULL;
+ HierIndexDS* parentIxDS = NULL;
+ KeyObject tempKey;
+ KeyObject k11;
+ KeyObject k22;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ unsigned int a = 0;
+ unsigned int nodeSize = keyvec.size();
+ unsigned int leafSize = 0;
+ nd1[axis].set_high(value - 1);
+ nd2[axis].set_low(value);
+ //repopulate node and pd1
+ for(i = 0; i < nodeSize; i++)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "repopulating node (entry " << i << " of " << nodeSize << ")");
+ tempKey = keyvec[i];
+ entry = convert(tempKey);
+ // entry's domain
+ cd = keyvec[i].getDomain();
+ if (nd1.covers(cd))
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "entry #" << i << " " << cd << " covers node 1 " << nd1);
+ // updates parent automatically
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(pd1, tempKey, sl);
+ entry->destroy();
+ entry = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (nd2.covers(cd))
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "entry #" << i << " " << cd << " covers node 2 " << nd2);
+ // updates parent automatically
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(pd2, tempKey, sl);
+ entry->destroy();
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ else {// intersects both -> split down
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "entry #" << i << " " << cd << " intersects both " << nd1 << " " << nd2);
+ n11 = NULL;
+ //k11 is not a pointer! it is an object
+ // k11 = 0;
+ if (entry->isLeaf())
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "entry is leaf ")
+ n11 = (HierIndexDS*)entry->getNewInstance();
+ n11->setIsNode(false);
+ leafDomain = cd;
+ clear(keyvec2, entry);
+ splitLeaf(n11, entry, keyvec2, axis, value, leafDomain, sl);
+ //if this was one of the leaf nodes to split, remove it from the list
+ leafSize = leafNodes2Split.size();
+ newLeafsToSplit = vector< IndexDS* >();
+ for (a = 0; a < leafSize; a++)
+ {
+ if (leafNodes2Split[a]->isSameAs(entry))
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "will not add entry " << a << " to leafNodes2Split.size " << leafSize)
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "will add entry " << a << " to leafNodes2Split.size " << leafSize)
+ newLeafsToSplit.push_back(leafNodes2Split[a]);
+ }
+ }
+ leafNodes2Split = newLeafsToSplit;
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "new LeafsToSplit size:" << leafNodes2Split.size())
+ }
+ else {// nonleaf node to be split
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "entry is nonleaf ")
+ n11 = (HierIndexDS*)entry->getNewInstance();
+ n11->setIsNode(true);
+ nodeDomain = cd;
+ parentIxDS = entry->getParent();
+ clear(keyvec2, entry);
+ splitNonLeaf(n11, entry, keyvec2, leafNodes2Split, axis, value, nodeDomain, sl);
+ k22 = convert(entry);
+ parentIxDS->removeObject(k22);
+ parentIxDS->destroy();
+ parentIxDS = NULL;
+ }
+ //n11 and entry are allocated
+ //n11 and entry are not inserted in a parent!
+ k11 = convert(n11);
+ if (n11->isUnderFull() || n11->isLeaf())
+ {//leaf or node with more than minfill entries
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(pd1, k11, sl);
+ if (n11->isLeaf() && n11->isOverFull())
+ {//very improbable that this happens
+ //leaf with more than maxfill entries
+ leafNodes2Split.push_back(n11);
+ }
+ else {//node or leaf with ok entries
+ n11->destroy();
+ n11 = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {//node with less than minfill entries
+ listMinKO1.push_back(k11);
+ //k11 is deleted in redistribute
+ n11->destroy();
+ n11 = NULL;
+ }
+ k22 = convert(entry);
+ if (entry->isUnderFull() || entry->isLeaf())
+ {
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(pd2, k22, sl);
+ if (entry->isLeaf() && entry->isOverFull())
+ {// very improbable that this happens
+ leafNodes2Split.push_back(entry);
+ }
+ else {
+ entry->destroy();
+ entry = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ listMinKO2.push_back(k22);
+ entry->destroy();
+ entry = 0;
+ //k22 is deleted in redistribute
+ //where is entry deleted
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "ended repopulating node (entry " << i << " of " << nodeSize << ")");
+ }
+ redistributeEntries(pd1, listMinKO1, sl);
+ redistributeEntries(pd2, listMinKO2, sl);
+ pd1->setAssignedDomain(nd1);
+ pd2->setAssignedDomain(nd2);
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "splitNonLeaf(" << OId(pd1->getIdentifier()) << ", " << OId(pd2->getIdentifier()) << ", keyvec, leafNodes2Split, " << axis << ", " << value << ", " << domain << ")");
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::redistributeEntries(IndexDS* node, KeyObjectVector& listMinKO, const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "redistributeEntries(" << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ", redistList.size " << listMinKO.size() << ")")
+ // not implemented. It could redistribute objects in case of too low fill factor
+ unsigned int size = listMinKO.size();
+ for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ SDirIndexLogic::insertObject(node, listMinKO[i], sl);
+ }
+ listMinKO.clear();
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "redistributeEntries(" << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ", redistList.size " << listMinKO.size() << ")")
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::removeObject(IndexDS* ixDS, const KeyObject& objToRemove, const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "removeObject(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << ", " << objToRemove << ")")
+ bool found = false;
+ if (ixDS->getAssignedDomain().intersects_with(objToRemove.getDomain()))
+ {
+ if (((HierIndexDS*)ixDS)->isLeaf())
+ if (ixDS->removeObject(objToRemove))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(0, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "removeObject(" << ixDS->getAssignedDomain() << ", " << objToRemove.getDomain() << ") object was not found")
+ }
+ else {
+ KeyObjectVector candidates;
+ SDirIndexLogic::intersectUnOpt(ixDS, objToRemove.getDomain(), candidates);
+ for (KeyObjectVector::iterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); it++)
+ {
+ if (SRPTIndexLogic::removeObject((HierIndexDS*)DBHierIndexId((*it).getObject()), objToRemove, sl))
+ found = true;
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(0, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "removeObject(" << ixDS->getAssignedDomain() << ", " << objToRemove.getDomain() << ") did not remove an entry in a node")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(0, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "removeObject(" << ixDS->getAssignedDomain() << ", " << objToRemove.getDomain() << ") did not intersect")
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "removeObject(" << OId(ixDS->getIdentifier()) << ", const KeyObject*)")
+ return found;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::calculatePartition(r_Dimension& axis, r_Range& value, const HierIndexDS* node)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "calculatePartition(" << axis << ", " << value << ", " << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ")");
+ float bestDist1 = 1;
+ float bestDist2 = 1;
+ double bestDistBal = 1;
+ r_Dimension dim = node->getDimension();
+ r_Dimension first = 0;//rand()%dim;
+ r_Dimension a = first;
+ unsigned int elemCount = node->getSize();
+ r_Range v = -1;
+ float dist1 = 0;
+ float dist2 = 0;
+ double distBal = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < elemCount; i++)
+ {
+ v = node->getObjectDomain(i)[a].low();
+ calculateDistribution(a, v, dist1, dist2, node);
+ // balanced property of this split distribution: how close it
+ // is to 50%, 50% distribution. Worst case: 1.
+ distBal = fabs(dist1 - 0.5) + fabs(dist2 - 0.5);
+ if (distBal < bestDistBal)// less overlapping in number of entries;add other conditions !!!
+ {
+ bestDist1 = dist1;
+ bestDist2 = dist2;
+ bestDistBal = fabs(bestDist1 - 0.5) + fabs(bestDist2 - 0.5);
+ axis = a;
+ value = v;
+ }
+ }
+ a = (a+1) % dim;
+ if (a == first)
+ break;
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "calculatePartition(" << axis << ", " << value <<", " << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ")")
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::calculateDistribution( r_Dimension axis,
+ r_Range value,
+ float& dist1,
+ float& dist2,
+ const HierIndexDS* node)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "calculateDistribution(" << axis <<", " << value << ", Dist1, Dist2, " << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ")")
+ dist1 = 0;
+ dist2 = 0;
+ unsigned int n = node->getSize();
+ r_Minterval dom;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ dom = node->getObjectDomain(i);
+ if (dom[axis].high() < value)
+ {// entry will fall in first part only
+ dist1 +=1;
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(7, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "Entry goes into the first");
+ }
+ else {// entry will fall in first part only
+ if (dom[axis].low() >= value)
+ {
+ dist2 +=1;
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(7, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "Entry goes into the second");
+ }
+ else {// entry will fall in both parts
+ dist1 +=1;
+ dist2 +=1;
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(7, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "Entry goes into the first and second");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dist1 = dist1/n;
+ dist2 = dist2/n;
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "calculateDistribution(" << axis <<", " << value << ", " << dist1 << ", " << dist2 << ", " << OId(node->getIdentifier()) << ")")
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::intersect( const r_Minterval& searchInter,
+ const r_Minterval& parentEntryDomain,
+ KeyObjectVector& intersectedObjs,
+ const HierIndexDS* ix,
+ r_Area& area)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersect(SearchDom:" << searchInter << ", ParentDom:" << parentEntryDomain << ", intersectedObjects.size " << intersectedObjs.size() << ", " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << ", Area " << area << ") ")
+ r_Minterval intersectArea;
+ r_Minterval dom = ix->getCoveredDomain();
+ KeyObjectVector intersectedNodes;
+ HierIndexDS* tempIx = NULL;
+ r_Area nodeArea = 0;
+ r_Area oldArea = area;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ unsigned int nodeSize = ix->getSize();
+ if (ix->isLeaf())
+ {
+ //are there cells which belong into the result?
+ if (searchInter.intersects_with(dom))
+ {
+ intersectArea = searchInter.create_intersection(dom);
+ //may this leaf put cells into the result?
+ if (intersectArea.intersects_with(parentEntryDomain))
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "searchDom " << searchInter << " indexDom " << dom << " intersection " << intersectArea << " area " << area);
+ binaryRegionSearch(ix, searchInter, area, intersectedObjs, 0, nodeSize - 1, dom);//parentEntryDomain);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {// node is not a Leaf
+ if (searchInter.intersects_with(dom))
+ {
+ nodeArea = area;
+ binaryRegionSearch(ix, searchInter, nodeArea, intersectedNodes, 0, nodeSize - 1, dom);
+ for (i = 0; i < intersectedNodes.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (area == 0)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(0, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersect AREA IS ALREADY FOUND")
+ }
+ if (nodeArea > oldArea)
+ {
+ RMInit::logOut << "SRPTIndexLogic::intersect() the index found more cells than allowed" << endl;
+ }
+ r_Minterval objDom(intersectedNodes[i].getDomain());
+ tempIx = convert(intersectedNodes[i]);
+ intersect(searchInter, objDom, intersectedObjs, tempIx, area);
+ tempIx->destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersect(SearchDom:" << searchInter << ", ParentDom:" << parentEntryDomain << ", intersectedObjects.size " << intersectedObjs.size() << ", " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << ", Area " << area << ")")
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::intersectNoDuplicates( const r_Minterval& searchInter,
+ const r_Minterval& entryDomain,
+ const r_Minterval& parentEntryDomain)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersectNoDuplicates(SearchDom:" << searchInter << ", EntryDom:" << entryDomain << ", ParentDom:" << parentEntryDomain << ")");
+ bool retval = true;
+ int testcase = 0;
+ r_Dimension i = 0;
+ r_Dimension dim = entryDomain.dimension();
+ // This condition allows an early detection of duplicates in the
+ // index structure for intersection operations.
+ // An entry of a leaf node is only added to the list of entries
+ // intersected by that node having it internally with respect to the
+ // parent (since no other node may have it then) or if it crosses
+ // the upper bounds of the parent node (it will be also crossed by
+ // another parent at the upper bounds and it is added to the list then).
+ // don't add the entry if it doesn't intersect the search area
+ // or if it intersects a lower bound of the parent's
+ // domain and that lower bound of the parent is higher than
+ // that of the search region
+ r_Range searchLo = 0;
+ r_Range entryLo = 0;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < dim; i++)
+ {
+ searchLo = searchInter[i].low();
+ entryLo = entryDomain[i].low();
+ // entry doesn't intersect search region
+ if (entryLo > searchInter[i].high())
+ {
+ retval = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // entry doesn't intersect search region
+ if (entryDomain[i].high() < searchLo)
+ {
+ retval = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // entry is also in another node where it intersects the higher bounds,
+ // it should be included then, not here
+ if (entryLo < parentEntryDomain[i].low() && searchLo < parentEntryDomain[i].low())
+ {
+ retval = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersectNoDuplicates(SearchDom:" << searchInter << ", EntryDom:" << entryDomain << ", ParentDom:" << parentEntryDomain << ")" << retval << " testcase " << testcase << " at dim " << i);
+ return retval;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::regionSearch( const HierIndexDS* ixNode,
+ const r_Minterval& mint,
+ r_Area& area,
+ KeyObjectVector& intersectedObjects,
+ const r_Minterval& parentEntryDomain)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "regionSearch(" << OId(ixNode->getIdentifier()) << ", SearchDom " << mint << ", Area " << area << ", intersectedObjects.size " << intersectedObjects.size() << ", ParentDom " << parentEntryDomain << ")");
+ r_Minterval intersectedRegion;
+ unsigned int endAt = ixNode->getSize();
+ int retval = endAt;
+ KeyObject newObj;
+ r_Minterval objDomain;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ r_Area oldArea = area;
+/*there must be something like or the map version
+ DomainMap t;
+ DomainMap::iterator it;
+ for (i = 0; i < intersectedObjects->size(); i++)
+ {
+ DomainPair p((*intersectedObjects)[i]->getObject().getOId(), (*intersectedObjects)[i]->getDomain());
+ t.insert(p);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < endAt ; i++)
+ {
+ objDomain = ixNode->getObjectDomain(i);
+ // object intersects region
+ // problem with calculation of complete area when the entry is not added.
+/*there must be something like or the map version
+ if (objDomain.intersects_with(mint))
+ {
+ objDomain.intersection_with(mint);
+ area = area - objDomain.cell_count();
+ if (area <= 0)
+ {
+ retval = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ //insert intersectNoDuplicates here
+ }
+ if (intersectNoDuplicates(mint, objDomain, parentEntryDomain))
+ {
+/*there must be something like or the map version
+ if ((it = t.find(ixNode->getObject(i)->getObject().getOId())) == t.end())
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "adding " << ixNode->getObject(i)->getObject().getOId() << " intersected region " << intersectedRegion << " area " << area);
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "not adding " << ixNode->getObject(i)->getObject().getOId() << " area " << area);
+ RMInit::logOut << "should never happen" << endl;
+ RMInit::logOut << "want to add " << ixNode->getObject(i)->getObject().getOId() << " at " << objDomain << endl;
+ for (it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); it++)
+ RMInit::logOut << OId((*it).first) << " at " << (*it).second << endl;
+ throw r_Error(TESTERROR);
+ }
+ objDomain.intersection_with(mint);
+ area = area - objDomain.cell_count();
+ newObj = ixNode->getObject(i);
+ intersectedObjects.push_back(newObj);
+ if (oldArea < area)
+ {
+ retval = i;
+ RMInit::logOut << "SRPTIndexLogic::regionSearch() the area was completely exhausted" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (area == 0)
+ {
+ retval = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "not adding " << ixNode->getObject(i).getObject().getOId() << " dom " << objDomain << " does not intersect")
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "regionSearch(" << OId(ixNode->getIdentifier()) << ", SearchDom " << mint << ", Area " << area << ", intersectedObjects.size " << intersectedObjects.size() << ", ParentDom " << parentEntryDomain << ")" << retval);
+ return retval;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::binaryRegionSearch( const HierIndexDS* ixNode,
+ const r_Minterval& mint,
+ r_Area& area,
+ KeyObjectVector& intersectedObjects,
+ int first,
+ int last,
+ const r_Minterval& parentEntryDomain)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "binaryRegionSearch(" << OId(ixNode->getIdentifier()) << ", SearchDom " << mint << ", Area " << area << ", intersectedObjs.size " << intersectedObjects.size() << ", From " << first << ", To " << last << ", ParentDom " << parentEntryDomain << ")");
+ // code copied from DirIx::binaryRegionSearch (11.11.98)
+ // and further adapted
+ // assumes order according to the lowest corner of the objects
+ int retval = 0;
+ int middle = 0;
+ int inc = 0;
+ int ix = 0;
+ int compResult = 0;
+ r_Minterval t;
+ r_Minterval objDomain;
+ r_Minterval intersectedRegion;
+ KeyObject newObj;
+ r_Area oldArea = area;
+ if (area == 0)
+ retval = -1;
+ else
+ if (first > last)
+ retval = -1;
+ else {
+ middle = (last + first)/2;
+ t = ixNode->getObjectDomain(middle);
+ if(mint.get_high().compare_with(t.get_origin()) < 0)
+ { // R.hi < tile.lo no tiles after this one
+ retval = binaryRegionSearch(ixNode, mint, area, intersectedObjects, first, middle - 1, parentEntryDomain);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(t.get_high().compare_with(mint.get_origin()) < 0)
+ {
+ retval = binaryRegionSearch(ixNode, mint, area, intersectedObjects, middle + 1, last, parentEntryDomain);
+ if (area > 0)
+ {
+ retval = binaryRegionSearch(ixNode, mint, area, intersectedObjects, first, middle - 1, parentEntryDomain);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ inc = 1;
+ for (ix = middle; ; ix += inc)
+ {
+ objDomain = ixNode->getObjectDomain(ix);
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "cycle " << ix << " " << objDomain);
+ compResult = mint.get_high().compare_with(objDomain.get_origin());
+ // object intersects region
+ if (intersectNoDuplicates(mint, objDomain, parentEntryDomain))
+ {
+ intersectedRegion = objDomain;
+ intersectedRegion.intersection_with(mint).intersection_with(parentEntryDomain);
+ oldArea = area;
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "interesected region " << intersectedRegion << " intersection area " << intersectedRegion.cell_count() << " area before " << area)
+ area = area - intersectedRegion.cell_count();
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "area after " << area)
+ if (area > oldArea)
+ {
+ RMInit::logOut << "SRPTIndexLogic::binaryRegionSearch() index found more cells than allowed" << endl;
+ }
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "intersectedRegion " << intersectedRegion << " area " << area)
+ newObj = ixNode->getObject(ix);
+ intersectedObjects.push_back(newObj);
+ if (area == 0)
+ {
+ retval = ix;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inc != -1 && (ix == last || compResult < 0))
+ {
+ ix = middle;
+ inc = -1;
+ }
+ if (ix == first && inc == -1)
+ {
+ retval = ix;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "binaryRegionSearch(" << OId(ixNode->getIdentifier()) << ", SearchDom " << mint << ", Area " << area << ", intersectedObjs.size " << intersectedObjects.size() << ", From " << first << ", To " << last << ", ParentDom " << parentEntryDomain << ")" << retval);
+ return retval;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::containPointQuery( const r_Point& searchPoint,
+ const HierIndexDS* ix,
+ KeyObject& result,
+ const StorageLayout& sl)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "containPointQuery(" << searchPoint << ", Node " << ix << ", result)");
+ HierIndexDS* intersectedNode = NULL;
+ if (!ix)
+ {
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "containPointQuery(" << searchPoint << ", Node, result) node is NULL");
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ix->isLeaf())
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "index " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << " is leaf");
+ SDirIndexLogic::containPointQuery(ix, searchPoint, result, sl);
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "index " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << " is node");
+ KeyObject lowerNode;
+ SDirIndexLogic::containPointQuery(ix, searchPoint, lowerNode, sl);
+ containPointQuery(searchPoint, convert(lowerNode), result, sl);
+ }
+ if (result.isInitialised())
+ {
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "containPointQuery(" << searchPoint << ", " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << ")" << result);
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexmgr, "SRPTIndexLogic", "containPointQuery(" << searchPoint << ", " << OId(ix->getIdentifier()) << ") nothing found");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::convert(const KeyObject& toConvert)
+ {
+ HierIndexDS* retval = NULL;
+ if (toConvert.isInitialised())
+ retval = (HierIndexDS*)DBHierIndexId(toConvert.getObject());
+ return retval;
+ }
+SRPTIndexLogic::convert(HierIndexDS* toConvert)
+ {
+ if (toConvert)
+ return KeyObject(DBObjectId(toConvert->getIdentifier()), toConvert->getAssignedDomain());
+ KeyObject retval;
+ return retval;
+ }