path: root/clientcomm/rpcif.x
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clientcomm/rpcif.x')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clientcomm/rpcif.x b/clientcomm/rpcif.x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf9efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clientcomm/rpcif.x
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+typedef opaque confarray<>;
+struct RPCMarray
+ string domain<>;
+ unsigned long cellTypeLength;
+ unsigned short currentFormat;
+ unsigned short storageFormat;
+ confarray data;
+struct RPCClientEntry
+ unsigned long clientId;
+ string clientIdText<>;
+ string userName<>;
+ string baseName<>;
+ unsigned long creationTime;
+ unsigned long lastActionTime;
+ unsigned long transferColl;
+ unsigned long transferIter;
+ unsigned long assembleMDD;
+ unsigned long transferMDD;
+ unsigned long transTiles;
+ unsigned long tileIter;
+ unsigned long bytesToTransfer;
+struct RPCOIdEntry
+ string oid<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcOpenDB */
+struct OpenDBParams
+ string dbName<>;
+ string userName<>;
+ string capability<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+struct OpenDBRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ unsigned long clientID;
+/* special definitions for rpcBeginTA */
+struct BeginTAParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ unsigned short readOnly;
+ string capability<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcExecuteQuery */
+struct ExecuteQueryParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string query<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+struct ExecuteQueryRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ unsigned long errorNo;
+ unsigned long lineNo;
+ unsigned long columnNo;
+ string token<>;
+ string typeName<>;
+ string typeStructure<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+struct ExecuteUpdateRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ unsigned long errorNo;
+ unsigned long lineNo;
+ unsigned long columnNo;
+ string token<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcInsertColl */
+struct InsertCollParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string collName<>;
+ string typeName<>;
+ string oid<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcGetCollByName, rpcDeleteCollByName */
+struct NameSpecParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string name<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcGetCollByOId, rpcDeleteCollByOId */
+struct OIdSpecParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string oid<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcRemoveObjFromColl */
+struct RemoveObjFromCollParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string collName<>;
+ string oid<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetCollByName, rpcGetCollByOId */
+struct GetCollRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ string typeName<>;
+ string typeStructure<>;
+ string oid<>;
+ string collName<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetCollOIdsByName, rpcGetCollOIdsByOId */
+struct GetCollOIdsRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ string typeName<>;
+ string typeStructure<>;
+ string oid<>;
+ string collName<>;
+ RPCOIdEntry oidTable<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetNextMDD */
+struct GetMDDRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ string domain<>;
+ string typeName<>;
+ string typeStructure<>;
+ string oid<>;
+ unsigned short currentFormat;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetNextTile */
+struct GetTileRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ RPCMarray* marray;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetNewOid */
+struct OIdRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ string oid<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetObjectType */
+struct ObjectTypeRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ unsigned short objType;
+/* special definitions for rpcInsertMDD */
+struct InsertMDDParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string collName<>;
+ string typeName<>;
+ string oid<>;
+ RPCMarray* marray;
+/* special definitions for rpcInsertTile */
+struct InsertTileParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ int isPersistent;
+ RPCMarray* marray;
+/* special definitions for rpcEndInsertMDD */
+struct EndInsertMDDParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ int isPersistent;
+/* special definitions for rpcStartInsertTransMDD */
+struct InsertTransMDDParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string collName<>;
+ string domain<>;
+ unsigned long typeLength;
+ string typeName<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcStartInsertPersMDD */
+struct InsertPersMDDParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string collName<>;
+ string domain<>;
+ unsigned long typeLength;
+ string typeName<>;
+ string oid<>;
+/* special definitions for rpcGetNewOid */
+struct NewOIdParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ unsigned short objType;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcServerStat*/
+struct ServerStatRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ unsigned long inactivityTimeout;
+ unsigned long managementInterval;
+ unsigned long transactionActive;
+ unsigned long maxTransferBufferSize;
+ unsigned long nextClientId;
+ unsigned long clientNumber;
+ unsigned long memArena;
+ unsigned long memSmblks;
+ unsigned long memOrdblks;
+ unsigned long memFordblks;
+ unsigned long memUordblks;
+ RPCClientEntry clientTable<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetServerVersion */
+struct ServerVersionRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ double serverVersionNo;
+ double rpcInterfaceVersionNo;
+/* special definitions for rpcGetTypeStructure */
+struct GetTypeStructureParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ string typeName<>;
+ unsigned short typeType;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+struct GetTypeStructureRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ string typeStructure<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* special definitions for rpcGetNextElement */
+struct GetElementRes
+ unsigned short status;
+ confarray data;
+/* for setting the transfer data format in the server */
+struct SetServerTransferParams
+ unsigned long clientID;
+ unsigned short format;
+ string formatParams<>;
+/*Every return structure has to have unsigned short (the status variable) as its first elment!*/
+/*This is due to the patching of the rpc server communication code*/
+/* for the getExtendedErrorInfo function*/
+struct GetExtendedErrorInfo
+ unsigned short status;
+ string errorText<>;
+program RPCIF
+ version RPCIFVERS
+ {
+ /* server system calls */
+ ServerVersionRes RPCGETSERVERVERSION ( int ) = 1;
+ u_short RPCSHUTDOWN ( int ) = 2;
+ ServerStatRes RPCSERVERSTAT ( int ) = 3;
+ u_short RPCKILLTABLEENTRY ( unsigned long ) = 4;
+ unsigned short RPCALIVE ( unsigned long ) = 5;
+ /* Db calls */
+ OpenDBRes RPCOPENDB ( OpenDBParams ) = 6;
+ unsigned short RPCCLOSEDB ( unsigned long ) = 7;
+ unsigned short RPCCREATEDB ( string ) = 8;
+ unsigned short RPCDESTROYDB ( string ) = 9;
+ /* TA calls */
+ unsigned short RPCBEGINTA ( BeginTAParams ) = 10;
+ unsigned short RPCCOMMITTA ( unsigned long ) = 11;
+ unsigned short RPCABORTTA ( unsigned long ) = 12;
+ /* Query */
+ ExecuteQueryRes RPCEXECUTEQUERY ( ExecuteQueryParams ) = 13;
+ /* Get MDDs of a query by OId */
+ GetMDDRes RPCGETNEXTMDD ( unsigned long ) = 14;
+ GetMDDRes RPCGETMDDBYOID ( OIdSpecParams ) = 15;
+ GetTileRes RPCGETNEXTTILE ( unsigned long ) = 16;
+ unsigned short RPCENDTRANSFER ( unsigned long ) = 17;
+ /* Update */
+ unsigned short RPCINITEXECUTEUPDATE ( unsigned long ) = 18;
+ ExecuteUpdateRes RPCEXECUTEUPDATE ( ExecuteQueryParams ) = 19;
+ /* insert a transient/persistent MDD tile by tile */
+ unsigned short RPCSTARTINSERTTRANSMDD ( InsertTransMDDParams ) = 20;
+ unsigned short RPCSTARTINSERTPERSMDD ( InsertPersMDDParams ) = 21;
+ unsigned short RPCINSERTTILE ( InsertTileParams ) = 22;
+ unsigned short RPCENDINSERTMDD ( EndInsertMDDParams ) = 23;
+ /* insert a persistent MDD at once */
+ unsigned short RPCINSERTMDD ( InsertMDDParams ) = 24;
+ /* get whole collection (updated) */
+ GetCollRes RPCGETCOLLBYNAME ( NameSpecParams ) = 25;
+ GetCollRes RPCGETCOLLBYOID ( OIdSpecParams ) = 26;
+ /* get collection references */
+ GetCollOIdsRes RPCGETCOLLOIDSBYNAME ( NameSpecParams ) = 27;
+ GetCollOIdsRes RPCGETCOLLOIDSBYOID ( OIdSpecParams ) = 28;
+ /* insert collection */
+ unsigned short RPCINSERTCOLL ( InsertCollParams ) = 29;
+ /* delete */
+ unsigned short RPCDELETECOLLBYNAME ( NameSpecParams ) = 30;
+ unsigned short RPCDELETEOBJBYOID ( OIdSpecParams ) = 31;
+ /* delete MDD from collection */
+ unsigned short RPCREMOVEOBJFROMCOLL ( RemoveObjFromCollParams ) = 32;
+ /* get new OId */
+ OIdRes RPCGETNEWOID ( NewOIdParams ) = 33;
+ /* get object type */
+ ObjectTypeRes RPCGETOBJECTTYPE ( OIdSpecParams ) = 34;
+ /* Type */
+ GetTypeStructureRes RPCGETTYPESTRUCTURE ( GetTypeStructureParams ) = 35;
+ /* Get non-MDD data */
+ GetElementRes RPCGETNEXTELEMENT ( unsigned long ) = 36;
+ /* Get the server's endianness */
+ int RPCGETSERVERENDIAN ( int ) = 37;
+ /* Make the server transfer MDD in the r_Data_Format passed as param */
+ unsigned short RPCSETSERVERTRANSFER ( SetServerTransferParams ) = 38;
+ /* Get extended error information */
+ GetExtendedErrorInfo RPCGETERRORINFO ( void ) = 39;
+ /* Make the server store MDD in the r_Data_Format passed as param */
+ unsigned short RPCSETSERVERSTORAGE ( SetServerTransferParams ) = 40;
+ } = 1;
+} = 0x29999999; /* program number ranges established by ONC */