path: root/applications/rview/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/rview/')
1 files changed, 1013 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/rview/ b/applications/rview/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11ca279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/rview/
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+# Shell-script that creates C-source code for translating the
+# pixmap translation calls used by the wxPixmap-class.
+# (C) 2003 Dr. Peter Baumann
+# If we don't build to a local file things take forever!
+# Filenames to store the source under
+# Modes to build translators to / from for
+ConvertFromModes="0 1 2 3 5 12 15 24"
+ConvertToModes="0 1 2 3 4 5 15 24"
+# Print debugging info from each function
+# Now machine-dependent setups
+type_u8="unsigned char"
+type_u16="unsigned short"
+type_u32="unsigned long"
+# Bitorder of source and destination data. 0 = lsb, 1 = msb
+# These should be identical.
+# palette_fill determines the fill order of the palette (also used as screen format):
+# bit 0: fill order, bit 1: colour order. i.e. 0 (0bgr), 1 (bgr0), 2 (0rgb), 3 (rgb0)
+# sixin16bpp determines which of the three colour-components is 6 bits long
+# For typical Unix-systems use 1, 1, 0
+# for NT/LINUX use 0, 0, 2
+# These will be variable
+# The following lines should be OK for any system.
+# $1, $2, $3 names of colour components. Should always be ordered red, green blue
+InternalComponentsToInt() {
+ InternRGBToIntL="$1 | ($2<<8) | ($3<<16)"
+ InternRGBSToIntS15="($1>>3) | ($2<<2) | ($3<<7)"
+ InternRGBLToIntS15="($1>>3) | (($2&0xf8)<<2) | (($3&0xf8)<<7)"
+# $1, $2, $3 names of colour components. Usually (red, green, blue) or (blue, green, red)
+# In case of S this means each colour component is 5 bits (top bits in 8)
+InitComponentsToInt() {
+ # Has the destination mode the same byteorder as the source (native) machine?
+ if [ $src_byteorder -eq $dest_byteorder ]; then
+ if [ $(( $palette_fill & 1 )) -eq 0 ]; then
+ RGBToIntL="$1 | ($2<<8) | ($3<<16)"
+ RGBSToIntS15="($1>>3) | ($2<<2) | ($3<<7)"
+ RGBLToIntS15="($1>>3) | (($2&0xf8)<<2) | (($3&0xf8)<<7)"
+ else
+ RGBToIntL="($1<<8) | ($2<<16) | ($3<<24)"
+ RGBSToIntS15="($1>>2) | ($2<<3) | ($3<<8)"
+ RGBLToIntS15="(($1&0xf8)>>2) | (($2&0xf8)<<3) | ($3<<8)"
+ fi
+ # 16bpp asymmetry, only depends on colour order (which is determined outside this function)
+ if [ $sixin16bpp -eq 0 ]; then
+ RGBSToIntS16="($1>>2) | ($2<<3) | ($3<<8)"
+ RGBLToIntS16="($1>>2) | (($2&0xf8)<<3) | (($3&0xf8)<<8)"
+ elif [ $sixin16bpp -eq 1 ]; then
+ RGBSToIntS16="($1>>3) | ($2<<3) | ($3<<8)"
+ RGBLToIntS16="($1>>3) | (($2&0xfc)<<3) | (($3&0xf8)<<8)"
+ else
+ RGBSToIntS16="($1>>3) | ($2<<2) | ($3<<7)"
+ RGBLToIntS16="($1>>3) | (($2&0xf8)<<2) | (($3&0xfc)<<8)"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ $(( $palette_fill & 1 )) -eq 0 ]; then
+ RGBToIntL="($1<<24) | ($2<<16) | ($3<<8)"
+ RGBSToIntS15="($1<<5) | (($2&0x38)<<10) | ($2>>6) | ($3>>1)"
+ RGBLToIntS15="(($1&0xf8)<<5) | (($2&0x38)<<10) | ($2>>6) | (($3&0xf8)>>1)"
+ else
+ RGBToIntL="($1<<16) | ($2<<8) | $3"
+ RGBSToIntS15="($1<<6) | (($2&0x18)<<11) | ($2>>5) | $3"
+ RGBLToIntS15="((1&0xf8)<<6) | (($2&0x18)<<11) | ($2>>5) | ($3&0xf8)"
+ fi
+ if [ $sixin16bpp -eq 0 ]; then
+ RGBSToIntS16="($1<<6) | (($2&0x18)<<11) | ($2>>5) | $3"
+ RGBLToIntS16="(($1&0xfc)<<6) | (($2&0x18)<<11) | ($2>>5) | ($3&0xf8)"
+ elif [ $sixin16bpp -eq 1 ]; then
+ RGBSToIntS16="($1<<5) | (($2&0x1c)<<11) | ($2>>5) | $3"
+ RGBLToIntS16="(($1&0xf8)<<5) | (($2&0x1c)<<11) | ($2>>5) | ($3&0xf8)"
+ else
+ RGBSToIntS16="($1<<5) | (($2&0x38)<<10) | ($2>>6) | $3"
+ RGBLToIntS16="(($1&0xf8)<<5) | (($2&0x38)<<10) | ($2>>6) | ($3&0xfc)"
+ fi
+ fi
+# $1, $2, $3 = component names of the three colours
+InitRGBToInt() {
+ if [ $(( $palette_fill & 2 )) -eq 0 ]; then
+ WriteRGB24="*dest_ptr++ = $1, *dest_ptr++ = $2, *dest_ptr++ = $3"
+ InitComponentsToInt $1 $2 $3
+ else
+ WriteRGB24="*dest_ptr++ = $3, *dest_ptr++ = $2, *dest_ptr++ = $1"
+ InitComponentsToInt $3 $2 $1
+ fi
+# $1 = cast, $2, $3, $4 component names, $5 aux var
+InitIntToComponents() {
+# Internal representation is constant, RGB starting from bit 0
+IntLToRGBL="$2=$1($5&0xff), $3=$1(($5>>8)&0xff), $4=$1(($5>>16)&0xff)"
+IntLToRGBS="$2=$1($5&0xf8), $3=$1(($5>>8)&0xf8), $4=$1(($5>>16)&0xf8)"
+IntSToRGB="$2=$1(($5<<3)&0xf8), $3=$1(($5>>2)&0xf8), $4=$1(($5>>7)&0xf8)"
+# $1 = cast. This could contain spaces so make sure to enclose it in quotes!
+# $2, $3, $4 = component names of the three colours, $5 = auxiliary variable
+InitIntToRGB() {
+# Same reason here
+ InitIntToComponents "$1" $2 $3 $4 $5
+# Output functions.
+# Initialise the output: $1 = filename
+InitOutput () {
+ rm -f $1
+ CurrentFile=$1
+ CurrentIndent=0
+ TabChar=$(echo \\011)
+ CurrentPrefix=""
+# Output data _formatted_. Brace checks are primitive but work OK here.
+output() {
+ if [ "$1" = '}' ] && [ $CurrentIndent -gt 0 ]; then
+ CurrentIndent=$(($CurrentIndent-1))
+ CurrentPrefix=${CurrentPrefix%$TabChar}
+ fi
+ echo "$CurrentPrefix$1" >> $CurrentFile
+ if [ "$1" = '{' ]; then
+ CurrentIndent=$(($CurrentIndent+1))
+ CurrentPrefix="$CurrentPrefix$TabChar"
+ fi
+# Writes some information in the header
+WriteHeaderComment() {
+ output "/*"
+ output " * $CurrentFile"
+ output " * $CurrentDescriptor"
+ output " * Auto-generated $(date)"
+ output " * (C) 2003, Dr. Peter Baumann"
+ output " */"
+ output ""
+# Get a pixel.
+# $1 = src-ldbpp, $2 = dest-ldbpp, $3 = pixel number
+GetPixel() {
+ if [ $1 -lt 3 ]; then
+ if [ $src_bitorder -eq 0 ]; then
+ pixel_value="$(( ($3 * (1<<$1)) & 7))"
+ else
+ pixel_value="$(( ( ($src_ppc-1-$3) * (1<<$1) ) & 7))"
+ fi
+ subidx=$(( $3 >> (3-$1) ))
+ pixel_value="((src_ptr[subidx + $subidx] >> $pixel_value ) & $(( (1<<$sbpp)-1 )) )"
+ else
+ if [ $1 -eq 12 ]; then
+ pixel_value="((*src_ptr++)>>4)"
+ elif [ $1 -eq 24 ]; then
+ pixel_value="red=*src_ptr++, green=*src_ptr++, blue=*src_ptr++"
+ else
+ pixel_value="src_ptr[i + $3]"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Get a pixel without the optimizations possible in GetPixel
+# ( ((i >> (3-$1)) << (3-$1)) == i ) and translate pixel to RGB
+# values. $1 = src-ldbpp, $2 = dest_ldbpp
+GetRGBPixel() {
+ if [ $1 -lt 3 ]; then
+ if [ $src_bitorder -eq 0 ]; then
+ pixel_value="( (i*$sbpp) & 7)"
+ else
+ pixel_value="( ($((8-$sbpp)) - i*$sbpp) & 7)"
+ fi
+ pixel_value="pixPal=pixmapPalette + ((src_ptr[i >> $(( 3-$1 ))] >> $pixel_value ) & $(( (1<<$sbpp)-1 )) ), red=pixPal->red, green=pixPal->green, blue=pixPal->blue"
+ else
+ if [ $1 -eq 24 ]; then
+ pixel_value="red=*src_ptr++, green=*src_ptr++, blue=*src_ptr++"
+ elif [ $1 -eq 12 ]; then
+ pixel_value="red=((*src_ptr++)>>4), green=red, blue=red"
+ else
+ pixel_value="src_ptr[i]"
+ if [ $1 -eq 3 ]; then
+ pixel_value="pixPal=pixmapPalette + $pixel_value, red=pixPal->red, green=pixPal->green, blue=pixPal->blue"
+ # Basically $1 can only be 15
+ elif [ $1 -eq 15 ] || [ $1 -eq 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="val=$pixel_value, $IntSToRGB"
+ else
+ pixel_value="val=$pixel_value, $IntLToRGBL"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# Get a pixel and translate it to the destination mode.
+# Arguments as for GetPixel
+GetPixelTrans() {
+ # First create the command to actually get the pixel
+ GetPixel $1 $2 $3
+ # Now Translate the pixel
+ # Source mode not true-colour
+ if [ $1 -lt 4 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -gt 3 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -eq 24 ]; then
+ pixel_value="val=ttl[$pixel_value], $IntLToRGBL"
+ else
+ pixel_value="ttl[$pixel_value]"
+ fi
+ else
+ pixel_value="tt[$pixel_value]"
+ fi
+ # Source-mode 15bpp
+ elif [ $1 -eq 15 ]; then
+ # destination mode <= 8bpp
+ if [ $2 -lt 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="tt[$pixel_value & 0x7fff]"
+ # destination mode 15bpp (==> change bitorder)
+ elif [ $2 -eq 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntSToRGB, $RGBSToIntS16)"
+ elif [ $2 -eq 5 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntSToRGB, $RGBToIntL)"
+ elif [ $2 -eq 15 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntSToRGB, $RGBSToIntS15)"
+ elif [ $2 -eq 24 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntSToRGB)"
+ fi
+ # Source-mode 12bpp
+ elif [ $1 -eq 12 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -lt 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="tt[($pixel_value)&0xff]"
+ elif [ $2 -eq 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(red=($pixel_value)&0xf8, green=red, blue=red, $RGBSToIntS16)"
+ elif [ $2 -eq 5 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(red=$pixel_value, green=red, blue=red, $RGBToIntL)"
+ elif [ $2 -eq 15 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(red=($pixel_value)&0xf8, green=red, blue=red, $RGBSToIntS15)"
+ elif [ $2 -eq 24 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(red=$pixel_value, green=red, blue=red)"
+ fi
+ # Source-mode 32bpp
+ elif [ $1 -eq 5 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -eq 24 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntLToRGBL)"
+ else
+ # Destination mode 32bpp (==> change bitorder)
+ if [ $2 -eq 5 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntLToRGBL, $RGBToIntL)"
+ else
+ if [ $2 -eq 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntLToRGBS, $RGBSToIntS16)"
+ else
+ if [ $2 -eq 15 ]; then
+ pixel_value="(val=$pixel_value, $IntLToRGBS, $RGBSToIntS15)"
+ else
+ pixel_value="tt[(val=$pixel_value, $IntLToRGBS, $InternRGBSToIntS15)]"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Source mode 24bpp
+ elif [ $1 -eq 24 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -eq 5 ]; then
+ pixel_value="($pixel_value, $RGBToIntL)"
+ elif [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -eq 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="($pixel_value, $RGBLToIntS16)"
+ else
+ if [ $2 -lt 4 ]; then
+ pixel_value="tt[($pixel_value, $InternRGBLToIntS15)]"
+ else
+ pixel_value="($pixel_value, $RGBLToIntS15)"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # And finally shift the pixel for non-24bpp destination modes
+ if [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -eq 15 ]; then
+ usedld=4
+ else
+ usedld=$2
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -lt 3 ]; then
+ if [ $dest_bitorder -eq 0 ]; then
+ pixel_value="($pixel_value << $(( ( $3*(1<<$usedld) ) & 7 )) )"
+ else
+ pixel_value="($pixel_value << $(( ( ($dest_ppw-1-$3)*(1<<$usedld) ) & 7 )) )"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ $src_byteorder -eq 0 ]; then
+ pixel_value="($pixel_value << $(( ( $3*(1<<$usedld) ) & 31 )) )"
+ else
+ pixel_value="($pixel_value << $(( ( ($dest_ppw-1-$3)*(1<<$usedld) ) & 31 )) )"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# Sets the sbpp and dbpp values according to $1 and $2
+SetModeBpp() {
+ if [ $1 -lt 6 ]; then
+ sbpp=$((1<<$1))
+ else
+ sbpp=$1
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -lt 6 ]; then
+ dbpp=$((1<<$2))
+ else
+ dbpp=$2
+ fi
+# Outputs a function prototype signature if the function signature is not empty
+OutputFuncSig() {
+ if [ "$func_sig" != "" ]; then
+ output "$func_sig;"
+ output
+ fi
+# Sets the variable func_sig to the signature of the translator function with
+# $1 = src-ldbpp, $2 = dest_ldbpp
+# if either is larger than 5 it's interpreted as bpp rather than ldbpp
+TranslatorSignature() {
+ SetModeBpp $1 $2
+ if [ $sbpp -le 8 ] && [ $dbpp -eq 15 ]; then
+ func_sig=""
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ $src_bitorder -eq $dest_bitorder ] && [ $src_byteorder -eq $dest_byteorder ]; then
+ sig_post=""
+ else
+ sig_post="i"
+ fi
+ if [ $dbpp -gt 8 ]; then
+ if [ $(( palette_fill & 2 )) -eq 0 ]; then
+ sig_post=${sig_post}rgb
+ else
+ sig_post=${sig_post}bgr
+ fi
+ fi
+ func_sig="void wx_pixmap_translate_${sbpp}_to_${dbpp}${sig_post} (const $type_u8 *src, $type_u8 *dest, int width, int height, int srcPitch, int destPitch, const $type_u8 *tt)"
+# Arguments: $1 = src-ldbpp, $2 = dest-ldbpp
+MakeTranslationFunction() {
+ TranslatorSignature $1 $2
+ if [ "$func_sig" = "" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ output "$func_sig"
+ output \{
+ # Produce translation code for ALL modes because the order of the colour components
+ # and the endianness might differ.
+ if [ $1 -ne 24 ] || [ $(( $palette_fill & 2 )) -ne 0 ]; then
+ need_translator=1
+ else
+ need_translator=0
+ fi
+ if [ $1 -ne $2 ]; then
+ need_translator=1
+ if [ $1 -lt 4 ] && [ $2 -eq 15 ]; then
+ need_translator=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Is a translator function necessary?
+ if [ $need_translator -ne 0 ]; then
+ # Determines what special variables are needed
+ needs_val=0
+ needs_rgb=0
+ # setup variable block
+ output "const $type_u8 *src_line = (const $type_u8 *)src;"
+ output "$type_u8 *dest_line = dest;"
+ case $sbpp in
+ 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 24) type_srcptr=$type_u8 ;;
+ 12 | 15 | 16) type_srcptr=$type_u16 ;;
+ 32) type_srcptr=$type_u32 ;;
+ esac
+ output "register const $type_srcptr *src_ptr;"
+ if [ $dbpp -ge 8 ] && [ $dbpp -ne 24 ]; then
+ type_destptr=$type_u32;
+ else
+ type_destptr=$type_u8;
+ fi
+ output "register $type_destptr *dest_ptr;"
+ if [ $1 -gt 3 ] && [ ! $1 -eq 12 ] && [ $2 -gt 3 ]; then
+ needs_rgb=1; needs_val=1
+ elif [ $sbpp -eq 24 ] || [ $sbpp -eq 32 ] || [ $dbpp -eq 24 ] || [ $dbpp -eq 15 ]; then
+ needs_rgb=1; needs_val=1
+ fi
+ if [ $1 -eq 24 ] && [ $2 -gt 3 ]; then
+ needs_val=0
+ fi
+ if [ $1 -eq 12 ] && [ $dbpp -ge 15 ]; then
+ needs_rgb=1;
+ fi
+ # Cast translation table if ldsrc < 4 and lddest > 3
+ if [ $1 -lt 4 ] && [ $2 -gt 3 ]; then
+ output "const $type_u32 *ttl = (const $type_u32 *)tt;"
+ fi
+ output "register int i;"
+ output "int j, i_high;"
+ if [ $1 -lt 3 ]; then
+ output "register int subidx;"
+ fi
+ # Evaluate pixels per char in source- and pixels per word in dest mode
+ src_ppc=$((8/$sbpp))
+ if [ $dbpp -eq 15 ] || [ $dbpp -eq 12 ]; then
+ dest_ppw=2
+ elif [ $dbpp -ge 8 ]; then
+ dest_ppw=$((32/$dbpp))
+ else
+ dest_ppw=$((8/$dbpp))
+ fi
+ if [ $src_ppc -gt $dest_ppw ]; then
+ passes=$(($src_ppc/$dest_ppw)); upper_modulo=$(($src_ppc-1));
+ else
+ passes=1; upper_modulo=$(($dest_ppw-1));
+ fi
+ if [ $(($passes*$dest_ppw)) -gt 2 ]; then
+ needs_val=1
+ fi
+ # Trap some very special cases (not important, just kill ``unused variable'' warnings)
+ if [ $sbpp -eq 12 ]; then
+ if [ $dbpp -eq 15 ] || [ $dbpp -eq 24 ]; then
+ needs_val=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $sbpp -eq 24 ] && [ $dbpp -eq 4 ]; then
+ needs_val=0
+ fi
+ if [ $needs_val -eq 1 ]; then
+ if [ $dbpp -lt 8 ] && [ $sbpp -ne 32 ]; then
+ output "$type_u8 val;"
+ else
+ output "$type_u32 val;"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $needs_rgb -eq 1 ]; then
+ output "$type_u8 red, green, blue;"
+ fi
+ output ""
+ if [ $OutputDebugInfo -ne 0 ]; then
+ output 'printf("Plot '"$sbpp - $dbpp:"' width = %d, height = %d, pitch(src) = %d, pitch(dest) = %d\\n", width, height, srcPitch, destPitch); fflush(stdout);'
+ fi
+ output "i_high = (width & ~$upper_modulo );"
+ # now for the main loop
+ output "for (j=0; j<height; j++, src_line += srcPitch, dest_line += destPitch)"
+ output \{
+ output "src_ptr = (const $type_srcptr *)src_line; dest_ptr = ($type_destptr *)dest_line;"
+ output "for (i=0; i<i_high; i+=$(($passes*$dest_ppw)) )"
+ output \{
+ if [ $1 -lt 3 ]; then
+ output "subidx = (i >> $((3-$1)) );"
+ fi
+ pass=$passes
+ while [ $pass -gt 0 ]; do
+ if [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ output "*dest_ptr ="
+ fi
+ loop=0
+ while [ $loop -lt $dest_ppw ]; do
+ GetPixelTrans $1 $2 $(( ($passes - $pass)*$dest_ppw + $loop ))
+ if [ $dbpp -eq 24 ]; then
+ output "$pixel_value, $WriteRGB24;"
+ else
+ output "$pixel_value;"
+ if [ $loop -ne $((dest_ppw - 1)) ]; then
+ output "*dest_ptr |= "
+ fi
+ fi
+ loop=$(($loop+1))
+ done
+ if [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ output "dest_ptr++;"
+ fi
+ pass=$(($pass-1))
+ done;
+ output \}
+ # Now pad the remaining bytes for modes with less than 32bpp
+ if [ $(($passes*$dest_ppw)) -gt 1 ]; then
+ output "if (i < width)"
+ output \{
+ GetPixelTrans $1 $2 0
+ if [ $1 -lt 3 ]; then
+ output "subidx = (i >> $((3-$1)) );"
+ fi
+ if [ $(($passes*$dest_ppw)) -eq 2 ]; then
+ if [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ output "*dest_ptr++ = $pixel_value;"
+ else
+ output "$pixel_value, $WriteRGB24;"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ output "val = $pixel_value;"
+ else
+ output "$pixel_value, $WriteRGB24;"
+ fi
+ loop=1
+ while [ $loop -lt $(($passes*$dest_ppw - 1)) ]; do
+ GetPixelTrans $1 $2 $loop
+ output "if (i+$loop < width)"
+ output \{
+ if [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ if [ $(($loop & ($dest_ppw - 1) )) -eq 0 ]; then
+ output "*dest_ptr++ = val; val = $pixel_value;"
+ else
+ output "val |= $pixel_value;"
+ fi
+ else
+ output "$pixel_value, $WriteRGB24;"
+ fi
+ output \}
+ loop=$(($loop+1))
+ done
+ if [ $2 -ne 24 ]; then
+ output "*dest_ptr++ = ($type_destptr)val;"
+ fi
+ fi
+ output \}
+ fi
+ output \}
+ if [ $OutputDebugInfo -ne 0 ]; then
+ output 'printf("OK.\\n"); fflush(stdout);'
+ fi
+ # from 15->15 / 24->24 / 32->32 trap
+ fi
+ output \}
+# Signature of a dithering function
+# This is realised as wxPixmap member-functions
+DithererSignature() {
+ SetModeBpp $1 $2
+ if [ $src_bitorder -eq $dest_bitorder ] && [ $src_byteorder -eq $dest_byteorder ]; then
+ sig_post=""
+ else
+ sig_post="i"
+ fi
+ func_sig="void wxPixmap::dither_${sbpp}_to_${dbpp}${sig_post} ($type_u8 *dest, int destPad)"
+# Ditherer from mode $1 to mode $2
+MakeDitheringFunction() {
+ # Only make ditherers for displays with <= 8bpp
+ if [ $2 -lt 4 ]; then
+ DithererSignature $1 $2
+ output "$func_sig"
+ output \{
+ need_idx=0
+ output "$type_s16 *errors, *err_ptr;"
+ output "$type_s16 red, green, blue, err_red_r, err_green_r, err_blue_r, err_red_d, err_green_d, err_blue_d;"
+ output "const $type_u8 *src_line = (const $type_u8 *)data;"
+ output "$type_u8 *dest_line = ($type_u8 *)dest;"
+ case $1 in
+ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 24) type_srcptr=$type_u8 ;;
+ 4 | 12 | 15) type_srcptr=$type_u16 ;;
+ 5) type_srcptr=$type_u32 ;;
+ esac
+ output "register const $type_srcptr *src_ptr;"
+ output "$type_u8 *dest_ptr;"
+ output "$type_u8 r, g, b;"
+ output "int i, j, destPitch;"
+ output "register wx_permute_cmap *pixPal;"
+ if [ $1 -eq 4 ] || [ $1 -eq 15 ]; then
+ output "$type_u16 val;"
+ elif [ $1 -eq 5 ]; then
+ output "$type_u32 val;"
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -lt 3 ]; then
+ output "$type_u8 pixels;"
+ output "int shift;"
+ fi
+ if [ $OutputDebugInfo -ne 0 ]; then
+ output "*errorstr << \"Dither $1 to $2\" << endl;"
+ fi
+ output ""
+ output "if ((errors = ($type_s16 *)malloc(3*width*sizeof($type_s16))) == NULL) return;"
+ output "memset((void*)errors, 0, 3*width*sizeof($type_s16));"
+ # Pixels per char in src / dest mode
+ src_ppc=$(( 8 >> $1 ))
+ dest_ppc=$(( 8 >> $2 ))
+ if [ $dest_bitorder -eq 0 ]; then
+ shift_start=0; shift_step=$dbpp; shift_end=8;
+ else
+ shift_start=$((8-$dbpp)); shift_step=$((-$dbpp)); shift_end=$((0-$dbpp))
+ fi
+ output "destPitch = ((width*$dbpp + destPad-1) & ~(destPad-1)) >> 3;"
+ output "for (j=0; j<height; j++, src_line += pitch, dest_line += destPitch)"
+ output \{
+ output "src_ptr = (const $type_srcptr *)src_line; dest_ptr = ($type_u8 *)dest_line;"
+ output "err_red_r = 0; err_green_r = 0; err_blue_r = 0;"
+ output "err_red_d = 0; err_green_d = 0; err_blue_d = 0;"
+ if [ $2 -lt 3 ]; then
+ output "pixels = 0; shift = $shift_start;"
+ fi
+ output "for (i=0, err_ptr=errors; i<width; i++, err_ptr += 3)"
+ output \{
+ GetRGBPixel $1 $2
+ output "$pixel_value;"
+ output "red += err_red_r + err_ptr[0]; green += err_green_r + err_ptr[1]; blue += err_blue_r + err_ptr[2];"
+ output "if (red < 0) r=0; else if (red > 255) r=255; else r=red;"
+ output "if (green < 0) g=0; else if (green > 255) g=255; else g=green;"
+ output "if (blue < 0) b=0; else if (blue > 255) b=255; else b=blue;"
+ output "pixPal = parentPalette + (this->*colour_matcher)(r, g, b);"
+ output "red = ($type_s16)r - ($type_s16)(pixPal->red); green = ($type_s16)g - ($type_s16)(pixPal->green); blue = ($type_s16)b - ($type_s16)(pixPal->blue);"
+ output "err_red_r = (3*red)/8; err_green_r = (3*green)/8; err_blue_r = (3*blue)/8;"
+ output "err_ptr[0] = err_red_r + err_red_d; err_ptr[1] = err_green_r + err_green_d; err_ptr[2] = err_blue_r + err_blue_d;"
+ output "err_red_d = red/4; err_green_d = green/4; err_blue_d = blue/4;"
+ output "err_red_r = red - err_red_d - err_red_r; err_green_r = green - err_green_d - err_green_r; err_blue_r = blue - err_blue_d - err_blue_r;"
+ if [ $2 -eq 3 ]; then
+ output "*dest_ptr++ = pixPal->number;"
+ else
+ output "pixels |= (pixPal->number << shift);"
+ output "shift += $shift_step;"
+ output "if (shift == $shift_end)"
+ output \{
+ output "*dest_ptr++ = pixels; pixels = 0; shift = $shift_start;"
+ output \}
+ fi
+ output \}
+ if [ $2 -ne 3 ]; then
+ output "if (shift != $shift_start) *dest_ptr++ = pixels;"
+ fi
+ output \}
+ output "free(errors);"
+ output \}
+ # ($2 < 4)
+ fi
+# Customizations
+if [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "1" ]; then
+ src_bitorder=$1
+if [ "$2" = "0" ] || [ "$2" = "1" ]; then
+ src_byteorder=$2
+if [ "$3" = "0" ] || [ "$3" = "1" ] || [ "$3" = "2" ] || [ "$3" = "3" ]; then
+ palette_fill=$3
+if [ "$4" = "-local" ]; then
+ localdisplay=1
+echo "Using src_bitorder=$src_bitorder, src_byteorder=$src_byteorder, palette_fill=$palette_fill"
+if [ $localdisplay -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Create translators for different endianness"
+ echo "Local displays only, one setting."
+echo "Creating ditherers for modes $ConvertFromModes --> $ConvertToModes:"
+CurrentDescriptor="Dithering functions from/to various depths."
+echo "Creating source file $DitherSourceFile ..."
+InitOutput $TempSourceFile
+output "// This file must be included from wx_pixmap.cpp"
+output ""
+# Make translation functions
+InternalComponentsToInt red green blue
+# We have to init these macros for native and inverted byteorder
+dest_bitorder=$src_bitorder; dest_byteorder=$src_byteorder
+InitRGBToInt red green blue
+InitIntToRGB "($type_s16)" red green blue val
+for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ MakeDitheringFunction $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output ""
+ done
+# Create additional plotters for network displays?
+if [ $localdisplay -eq 0 ]; then
+ dest_bitorder=$(( $src_bitorder ^ 1 )); dest_byteorder=$(( $src_byteorder ^ 1))
+ InitRGBToInt red green blue
+ InitIntToRGB "($type_s16)" red green blue val
+ for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ MakeDitheringFunction $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output ""
+ done
+ done
+fi # localdisplay
+mv $TempSourceFile $DitherSourceFile
+echo "Creating header file $DitherHeaderFile ..."
+InitOutput $TempSourceFile
+for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ if [ $dest_mode -lt 4 ]; then
+ dest_bitorder=$src_bitorder; dest_byteorder=$src_byteorder
+ DithererSignature $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output "$func_sig;"
+ if [ $localdisplay -eq 0 ]; then
+ dest_bitorder=$(( $src_bitorder ^ 1 )); dest_byteorder=$(( $src_byteorder ^ 1))
+ DithererSignature $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output "$func_sig;"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+mv $TempSourceFile $DitherHeaderFile
+# Now down to business: create all translation functions as
+# C code.
+echo "Creating converters for modes $ConvertFromModes --> $ConvertToModes:"
+CurrentDescriptor="Translator functions for bitmaps from/to various depths."
+echo "Creating source file $TransSourceFile ..."
+InitOutput $TempSourceFile
+if [ $OutputDebugInfo -ne 0 ]; then
+ output "#include <stdio.h>"
+output "#include \"$TransHeaderFile\""
+output ""
+dest_bitorder=$src_bitorder; dest_byteorder=$src_byteorder
+InitRGBToInt red green blue
+InitIntToRGB "($type_u8)" red green blue val
+for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ MakeTranslationFunction $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output ""
+ done
+palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+InitRGBToInt red green blue
+InitIntToRGB "($type_u8)" red green blue val
+for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ if [ $dest_mode -gt 3 ]; then
+ MakeTranslationFunction $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output ""
+ fi
+ done
+palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+if [ $localdisplay -eq 0 ]; then
+ dest_bitorder=$(( $src_bitorder ^ 1 )); dest_byteorder=$(( $src_byteorder ^ 1 ))
+ InitRGBToInt red green blue
+ InitIntToRGB "($type_u8)" red green blue val
+ for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ MakeTranslationFunction $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output ""
+ done
+ done
+ palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+ InitRGBToInt red green blue
+ InitIntToRGB "($type_u8)" red green blue val
+ for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ if [ $dest_mode -gt 3 ]; then
+ MakeTranslationFunction $source_mode $dest_mode
+ output ""
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+fi # localdisplay
+InitRGBToInt red green blue
+InitIntToRGB "($type_u8)" red green blue
+mv $TempSourceFile $TransSourceFile
+# Then write the header file
+echo "Creating header file $TransHeaderFile ..."
+InitOutput $TempSourceFile
+output "#ifndef _WX_PIXMAP_TRANSLATE_H_"
+output "#define _WX_PIXMAP_TRANSLATE_H_"
+output ""
+output "#ifdef __cplusplus"
+output 'extern "C" {'
+output "#endif"
+output ""
+output "#define WX_PIXMAP_SRC_BITORDER $src_bitorder"
+output "#define WX_PIXMAP_SRC_BYTEORDER $src_byteorder"
+output "#define WX_PIXMAP_PALETTE_FILL $palette_fill"
+output ""
+dest_bitorder=$src_bitorder; dest_byteorder=$src_byteorder;
+InitRGBToInt "(red)" "(green)" "(blue)"
+InitIntToRGB "" "(red)" "(green)" "(blue)" "(val)"
+output "/* The following macros are for internal use only */"
+output "#define _RGB_TO_PALETTE_LONG(red,green,blue) ($RGBToIntL)"
+output "#define _RGBS_TO_PALETTE_SHORT15(red,green,blue) ($RGBSToIntS15)"
+output "#define _RGBL_TO_PALETTE_SHORT15(red,green,blue) ($RGBLToIntS15)"
+output "#define _RGBS_TO_PALETTE_SHORT16(red,green,blue) ($RGBSToIntS16)"
+output "#define _RGBL_TO_PALETTE_SHORT16(red,green,blue) ($RGBLToIntS16)"
+if [ $dest_bitorder -eq 0 ]; then dest_bitorder=1; else dest_bitorder=0; fi
+if [ $dest_byteorder -eq 0 ]; then dest_byteorder=1; else dest_byteorder=0; fi
+InitRGBToInt "(red)" "(green)" "(blue)"
+InitIntToRGB "" "(red)" "(green)" "(blue)" "(val)"
+output "#define _RGB_TO_PALETTE_LONGi(red,green,blue) ($RGBToIntL)"
+output "#define _RGBS_TO_PALETTE_SHORT15i(red,green,blue) ($RGBSToIntS15)"
+output "#define _RGBL_TO_PALETTE_SHORT15i(red,green,blue) ($RGBLToIntS15)"
+output "#define _RGBS_TO_PALETTE_SHORT16i(red,green,blue) ($RGBSToIntS16)"
+output "#define _RGBL_TO_PALETTE_SHORT16i(red,green,blue) ($RGBLToIntS16)"
+output ""
+output "/* Use these macros if you use wxPixmap class with translations turned on */"
+output "#define PALETTE_LONG_TO_RGB(val,red,green,blue) ($IntLToRGBL)"
+output "#define PALETTE_SHORT_TO_RGB(val,red,green,blue) ($IntSToRGB)"
+output "#define RGBS_TO_PALETTE_SHORT(red,green,blue) (((red)>>3) | ((green)<<2) | ((blue)<<7))"
+output "#define RGBL_TO_PALETTE_SHORT(red,green,blue) (((red)>>3) | (((green)&0xf8)<<2) | (((blue)&0xf8)<<7))"
+output "#define RGB_TO_PALETTE_LONG(red,green,blue) ((red) | ((green)<<8) | ((blue)<<16))"
+output ""
+for source_mode in $ConvertFromModes; do
+ for dest_mode in $ConvertToModes; do
+ dest_bitorder=$src_bitorder; dest_byteorder=$src_byteorder
+ TranslatorSignature $source_mode $dest_mode
+ OutputFuncSig
+ if [ $dest_mode -gt 3 ]; then
+ palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+ TranslatorSignature $source_mode $dest_mode
+ OutputFuncSig
+ palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+ fi
+ if [ $localdisplay -eq 0 ]; then
+ dest_bitorder=$(( src_bitorder ^ 1 )); dest_byteorder=$(( src_byteorder ^ 1 ))
+ TranslatorSignature $source_mode $dest_mode
+ OutputFuncSig
+ if [ $dest_mode -gt 3 ]; then
+ palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+ TranslatorSignature $source_mode $dest_mode
+ OutputFuncSig
+ palette_fill=$(( $palette_fill ^ 2 ))
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ output ""
+output "#ifdef __cplusplus"
+output "}"
+output "#endif"
+output ""
+output "#endif"
+mv $TempSourceFile $TransHeaderFile