path: root/rasdl/
diff options
authorConstantin Jucovschi <cj@ubuntu.localdomain>2009-04-24 07:20:22 -0400
committerConstantin Jucovschi <cj@ubuntu.localdomain>2009-04-24 07:20:22 -0400
commit8f27e65bddd7d4b8515ce620fb485fdd78fcdf89 (patch)
treebd328a4dd4f92d32202241b5e3a7f36177792c5f /rasdl/
Initial commitv8.0
Diffstat (limited to 'rasdl/')
1 files changed, 996 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rasdl/ b/rasdl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..127b821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rasdl/
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+#include "rasdl/parse.hh"
+#include "symbtbl.hh"
+#include "yparse.hh"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "debug/debug.hh"
+#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh"
+#include "catalogmgr/typefactory.hh"
+#include "relcatalogif/alltypes.hh"
+extern void output_scope(FILE*out,const YSymbolTable::Scope*scope);
+ : line(0), column(0), file(NULL), token(NULL)
+Parse_info::Parse_info( long lineNo, int columnNo, const char* fileName, const char* tokenName )
+ : line( lineNo ), column( columnNo ), file(NULL), token(NULL)
+ if( fileName )
+ file = strdup( fileName );
+ if( tokenName )
+ token = strdup( tokenName );
+Parse_info::Parse_info( YWhere &where, const char* tokenName )
+ : line( where.line ), column( where.column ), file(NULL), token(NULL)
+ if( where.file )
+ file = strdup( where.file );
+ if( tokenName )
+ token = strdup( tokenName );
+Parse_info::Parse_info( const Parse_info& obj )
+ line = obj.line;
+ column = obj.column;
+ file = obj.file ? strdup( obj.file ) : NULL;
+ token = obj.token ? strdup( obj.token ) : NULL;
+ if( file ) { free( file ); file = NULL; }
+ if( token ) { free( token ); token = NULL; }
+const Parse_info&
+Parse_info::operator=( const Parse_info& obj )
+ if( this != &obj )
+ {
+ line = obj.line;
+ column = obj.column;
+ file = obj.file ? strdup( obj.file ) : NULL;
+ token = obj.token ? strdup( obj.token ) : NULL;
+ }
+ return *this;
+/* THE ATOM */
+ kind =Atom;
+ name =NULL;
+ symbol =NULL;
+void Parse_atom::insertData() const throw( r_Equery_execution_failed )
+ RMDBGONCE(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_atom", "printData() kind " << kind << ", name " << name << ", symbol " << symbol)
+ TALK( "Parse_atom::insertData: doing nothing with name=" << name << ", symbol=" << symbol)
+void Parse_atom::setParseInfo( const Parse_info &token )
+ parseInfo = token;
+const Parse_info& Parse_atom::getParseInfo()
+ return parseInfo;
+/* THE TYPE */
+ kind =Type;
+ forward =false;
+const Type*
+Parse_type::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ std::cerr << "Internal error: getType() for a subclass of Parse_type not implemented." << std::endl;
+ return NULL;
+ kind =Typereference;
+ type =NULL;
+void Parse_typereference::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"%s",type->name);
+const Type*
+Parse_typereference::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ const BaseType* catBaseType = TypeFactory::mapType( (char*)type->name );
+ if( !catBaseType )
+ // Error: Type reference not found..
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 902, symbol->where.line, symbol->where.column, symbol->get_name() ) );
+ return catBaseType;
+/* composite */
+ kind =Composite;
+ elements =NULL;
+ readonly =false;
+ type =NULL;
+ name =NULL;
+ access =Private;
+ next =NULL;
+void Parse_composite::Element::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream," ");
+ type->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream," %s;",name);
+ if(readonly)
+ fprintf(stream,"// ___readonly___\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(stream,"\n");
+/* struct */
+ kind =Struct;
+void Parse_struct::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"/* STRUCT -------------------------- %s */\n",name);
+ fprintf(stream,"struct %s {\n",name);
+ for(Element*scan=elements;scan!=NULL;scan=scan->next)
+ scan->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream,"};\n");
+void Parse_struct::insertData() const throw( r_Equery_execution_failed )
+ ENTER( "Parse_struct::insertData" );
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_struct", "insertData()")
+ // get catalog type structure
+ StructType* catType = (StructType*)getType();
+ TALK( "got type " << (char*)catType->getTypeName() );
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_struct", "inserting type " << catType->getTypeName())
+ if( TypeFactory::mapType( (char*)catType->getTypeName() ) )
+ // Error: Struct type name exists already.
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 905, symbol->where.line, symbol->where.column, symbol->get_name() ) );
+ TALK( "adding to the database as cell struct type" );
+ TypeFactory::addStructType( catType );
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_struct", "insertData()")
+ LEAVE( "Parse_struct::insertData" );
+const Type*
+Parse_struct::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ unsigned int noElements=0;
+ StructType* structType=NULL;
+ Element* scan=NULL;
+RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_struct", "getType()")
+ for( scan=elements; scan!=NULL; scan=scan->next, noElements++ );
+RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_struct", "Struct " << name << " has " << noElements << " elements.")
+ structType = new StructType( (char*)name, noElements );
+ for( scan=elements; scan!=NULL; scan=scan->next)
+ if( !scan->type )
+ std::cerr << "Internal error: struct element doesn't deliver a catalog type" << std::endl;
+ else
+ {
+RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_struct", "Scan->name " << scan->name)
+ structType->addElement( (char*)(scan->name), (BaseType*)(scan->type->getType()) );
+ }
+RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_struct", "getType()" )
+ return structType;
+/* union */
+ kind =Union;
+void Parse_union::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"/* UNION --------------------------- %s */\n",name);
+ fprintf(stream,"struct %s {\n",name);
+ for(Element*scan=elements;scan!=NULL;scan=scan->next)
+ scan->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream,"};\n");
+/* interface */
+ kind =Interface;
+ base_classes =NULL;
+ lifetime =undefined;
+ methods =NULL;
+ relationships =NULL;
+void print_access_mode(FILE*stream,Parse_composite::Access_mode access)
+ switch(access)
+ {
+ case Parse_composite::Private:
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"private:\n");
+ break;
+ };
+ case Parse_composite::Public:
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"public:\n");
+ break;
+ };
+ case Parse_composite::Protected:
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"protected:\n");
+ break;
+ };
+ };
+void Parse_interface::output(FILE*stream)const
+ if(forward)
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"class %s;/*<forward definition>*/\n",name);
+ return;
+ };
+ fprintf(stream,"/* CLASS --------------------------- %s */\n",name);
+ if(base_classes!=NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"class %s : ",name);
+ for(Base_class *scan=base_classes;scan!=NULL;scan=scan->next)
+ {
+ scan->output(stream);
+ if(scan->next!=NULL)
+ fprintf(stream,",");
+ };
+ fprintf(stream,"\n{\n");
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(stream,"class %s {\n",name);
+// output all symbols
+ symbol->defines->output(stream);
+ Access_mode current_access=Private;
+ if(methods!=NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"// operations\n");
+ methods->output(stream);
+ };
+ if(elements!=NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"// attributes\n");
+ for(Element *scan=elements;scan!=NULL;scan=scan->next)
+ {
+ if(scan->access!=current_access)
+ {
+ current_access=scan->access;
+ print_access_mode(stream,current_access);
+ };
+ scan->output(stream);
+ };
+ };
+ if(relationships!=NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"//relationships\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(stream,"};\n");
+ base_class =NULL;
+ access =Private;
+ next =NULL;
+void Parse_interface::Base_class::output(FILE*stream)const
+ if(base_class==NULL)
+ fprintf(stream,"<none>");
+ else
+ switch(access)
+ {
+ case Private:
+ fprintf(stream,"private %s",base_class->name);
+ break;
+ case Public:
+ fprintf(stream,"public %s",base_class->name);
+ break;
+ case Protected:
+ fprintf(stream,"protected %s",base_class->name);
+ break;
+ };
+ function =NULL;
+ access =Private;
+ next =NULL;
+void Parse_interface::Method::output(FILE*stream)const
+ function->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream,";\n");
+/* function */
+ kind =Function;
+ parameters =NULL;
+ return_type =NULL;
+void Parse_function::output(FILE*stream)const
+ return_type->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream," %s(",name);
+ if(parameters!=NULL)
+ {
+ parameters->output(stream);
+ };
+ fprintf(stream,")");
+ type =NULL;
+ state =Unknown;
+ name =NULL;
+ next =NULL;
+void Parse_function::Parameter::output(FILE*stream)const
+ if(state==In)
+ fprintf(stream,"const ");
+ type->output(stream);
+ if(state==Out)
+ fprintf(stream,"&");
+ else
+ fprintf(stream," ");
+ fprintf(stream,"%s",name);
+/* operation */
+ kind =Operation;
+ scope_class =NULL;
+/* pointer */
+ kind =Pointer;
+ type =NULL;
+void Parse_pointer::output(FILE*stream)const
+ type->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream,"*");
+/* array */
+ kind =Array;
+ size =0;
+void Parse_array::output(FILE*stream)const
+ type->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream,"[%i]",size);
+/* alias */
+ kind =Alias;
+ type =NULL;
+ name =NULL;
+void Parse_alias::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"/* TYPEDEF ------------------------- %s */\n",name);
+ fprintf(stream,"typedef ");
+ type->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream," %s",name);
+ fprintf(stream,";\n\n");
+void Parse_alias::insertData() const throw( r_Equery_execution_failed )
+ ENTER( "Parse_alias::insertData" );
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_alias", "insertData()")
+ // get catalog type structure
+ const CType* catType = type->getType( name );
+ if( !catType )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Internal error: no type in alias definition." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ TALK( "got type " << name );
+RMDBGIF(5, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_alias", \
+ { \
+ char* typeStructure = catType->getTypeStructure(); \
+ RMInit::dbgOut << "Name " << catType->getTypeName() << ", structure " << typeStructure << std::endl; \
+ free( typeStructure ); typeStructure = NULL; \
+ } )
+ switch( catType->getType() )
+ {
+ case MDDTYPE:
+ if( TypeFactory::mapMDDType( (char*)catType->getTypeName() ) )
+ {
+ delete catType;
+ // Error: MDD type name exists already.
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 906, symbol->where.line, symbol->where.column, symbol->get_name() ) );
+ }
+ TALK( "adding to the database as MDD type" );
+ TypeFactory::addMDDType( (MDDType*)catType );
+ break;
+ case SETTYPE:
+ if( TypeFactory::mapType( (char*)catType->getTypeName() ) )
+ {
+ delete catType;
+ // Error: Set type name exists already.
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 907, symbol->where.line, symbol->where.column, symbol->get_name() ) );
+ }
+ TALK( "adding to the database as set type" );
+ TypeFactory::addSetType( (SetType*)catType );
+ break;
+ default:
+ delete catType;
+ // Error: Type in typedef definition not supported
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 900, symbol->where.line, symbol->where.column, symbol->get_name() ) );
+ }
+ delete catType;
+ RMDBGEXIT( 4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_alias", "insertData()")
+ LEAVE( "Parse_alias::insertData" );
+/* enumerator */
+ kind =Enum;
+ enumerators =NULL;
+void Parse_enum::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"/* ENUMERATION --------------------- %s */\n",name);
+ fprintf(stream,"enum %s {",name);
+ const Enumerator *scan=enumerators;
+ while(scan!=NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"%s=%i",scan->name,scan->value);
+ scan=scan->next;
+ if(scan!=NULL)
+ fprintf(stream,",");
+ };
+ fprintf(stream,"};\n");
+void Parse_enum::Enumerator::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"// %s = %6i\n",name,value);
+/* atomic types&classes */
+void Parse_atomic::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"%s",name);
+/* any */
+ kind =Any;
+ name ="r_Any";
+/* void */
+ kind =Void;
+ name ="void";
+/* string */
+ kind =String;
+ name ="r_String";
+ length =0;
+/* boolean */
+ kind =Boolean;
+ name ="r_Boolean";
+const Type*
+Parse_boolean::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ return TypeFactory::mapType("Bool" );
+/* float */
+ kind =Float;
+ name ="float";
+ accurance =Single;
+void Parse_float::output(FILE*stream)const
+ switch(accurance)
+ {
+ case Single:
+ fprintf(stream,"r_Float");
+ break;
+ case Double:
+ fprintf(stream,"r_Double");
+ break;
+ }
+const Type*
+Parse_float::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ const BaseType* type;
+ if( accurance == Single )
+ type = TypeFactory::mapType("Float");
+ else
+ type = TypeFactory::mapType("Double");
+ return type;
+/* int */
+ kind =Integer;
+ name ="int";
+ width =Short;
+ sign =Signed;
+void Parse_int::output(FILE*stream)const
+ switch(sign)
+ {
+ case Signed:
+ switch(width)
+ {
+ case Long:
+ fprintf(stream,"r_Long ");
+ break;
+ case Short:
+ fprintf(stream,"r_Short ");
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Unsigned:
+ switch(width)
+ {
+ case Long:
+ fprintf(stream,"r_ULong ");
+ break;
+ case Short:
+ fprintf(stream,"r_UShort ");
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+const Type*
+Parse_int::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ const BaseType* type;
+ if( sign == Signed )
+ {
+ switch(width)
+ {
+ case Long:
+ type = TypeFactory::mapType("Long" );
+ break;
+ case Short:
+ type = TypeFactory::mapType("Short");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch(width)
+ {
+ case Long:
+ type = TypeFactory::mapType("ULong" );
+ break;
+ case Short:
+ type = TypeFactory::mapType("UShort");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return type;
+/* octet */
+ kind =Octet;
+ name ="r_Octet";
+const Type*
+Parse_octet::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ return TypeFactory::mapType("Octet");
+/* complex1 */
+ kind = Complex1;
+ name = "r_Complex1";
+const Type*
+Parse_complex1::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ return TypeFactory::mapType("Complex1");
+/* complex2 */
+ kind = Complex2;
+ name = "r_Complex2";
+const Type*
+Parse_complex2::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ return TypeFactory::mapType("Complex2");
+/* char */
+ kind =Char;
+ name ="r_Char";
+const Type*
+Parse_char::getType( const char* /*typeName*/ ) const
+ return TypeFactory::mapType("Char");
+// forwiss atomics
+ kind =Atomic_template;
+ base_type =NULL;
+ kind =MDD;
+ domain =NULL;
+void Parse_MDD::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"r_Marray<");
+ if(base_type!=NULL)
+ base_type->output(stream);
+ else
+ fprintf(stream,"no_type");
+ if(domain!=NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stream,"/*");
+ char* stringDomain = domain->get_string_representation();
+ fprintf(stream,"%s",stringDomain);
+ free(stringDomain);
+ fprintf(stream,"*/");
+ };
+ fprintf(stream,"> ");
+const Type*
+Parse_MDD::getType( const char* typeName ) const
+ RMDBGENTER( 4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_MDD", "getType()" )
+ if( !base_type ||
+ ( base_type->kind != Typereference && base_type->kind != Boolean &&
+ base_type->kind != Float && base_type->kind != Integer &&
+ base_type->kind != Char && base_type->kind != Octet &&
+ base_type->kind != Complex1 && base_type->kind != Complex2
+ )
+ )
+ // Error: MDD base type has to be a type reference or an atomic type.
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 903, parseInfo.line, parseInfo.column, parseInfo.token ) );
+ // if( !domain )
+ // // Error: MDD type must have a domain specification.
+ // throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 904, parseInfo.line, parseInfo.column, parseInfo.token ) );
+ if( !typeName )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Internal error: mdd type needs a type name" << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const BaseType* catBaseType = (BaseType*)base_type->getType();
+RMDBGIF(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_MDD", \
+ { \
+ char* typeStructure = catBaseType->getTypeStructure(); \
+ RMInit::dbgOut << " Base type name " << catBaseType->getTypeName() << ", structure " << typeStructure << std::endl; \
+ free( typeStructure ); typeStructure = NULL; \
+ } )
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_MDD", "type name " << typeName << ", base typIe name " << catBaseType->getTypeName() )
+ const MDDType* mddType;
+ if( domain )
+ mddType = new MDDDomainType( (char*)typeName, catBaseType, *domain );
+ else if( dimensionality )
+ mddType = new MDDDimensionType( (char*)typeName, catBaseType, (r_Dimension)dimensionality );
+ else
+ mddType = new MDDBaseType( (char*)typeName, catBaseType );
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_MDD", "getType()")
+ return mddType;
+ kind =Set;
+void Parse_set::output(FILE*stream)const
+ fprintf(stream,"r_Set<r_Ref<");
+ base_type->output(stream);
+ fprintf(stream,"> >");
+const Type*
+Parse_set::getType( const char* typeName ) const
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_set", "getType()")
+ if( !base_type || base_type->kind != Typereference )
+ // Error: Set template type has to be a type reference.
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 901, parseInfo.line, parseInfo.column, parseInfo.token ) );
+ if( !typeName )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Internal error: mdd type needs a type name" << std::endl;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ const char* baseTypeName = ((Parse_typereference*)base_type)->type->name;
+ if( !baseTypeName )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Internal error: set type needs a base type name" << std::endl;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_set", "Base type name " << baseTypeName)
+ const MDDType* catBaseType = TypeFactory::mapMDDType( (char*)baseTypeName );
+ if( !catBaseType )
+ // Error: Type reference not found..
+ throw( r_Equery_execution_failed( 902, base_type->symbol->where.line, base_type->symbol->where.column, base_type->name ) );
+RMDBGIF(5, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_set", \
+ { \
+ char* typeStructure = catBaseType->getTypeStructure(); \
+ RMInit::dbgOut << " Name " << catBaseType->getTypeName() << ", structure " << typeStructure << std::endl; \
+ free( typeStructure ); typeStructure = NULL; \
+ })
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_set", "type name " << typeName << ", base type name " << baseTypeName )
+ const SetType* setType = new SetType( (char*)typeName, catBaseType );
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_rasdl, "Parse_set", "getType()")
+ return setType;