path: root/httpserver/
diff options
authorConstantin Jucovschi <cj@ubuntu.localdomain>2009-04-24 07:20:22 -0400
committerConstantin Jucovschi <cj@ubuntu.localdomain>2009-04-24 07:20:22 -0400
commit8f27e65bddd7d4b8515ce620fb485fdd78fcdf89 (patch)
treebd328a4dd4f92d32202241b5e3a7f36177792c5f /httpserver/
Initial commitv8.0
Diffstat (limited to 'httpserver/')
1 files changed, 1014 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/httpserver/ b/httpserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da88274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpserver/
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+#include "mymalloc/mymalloc.h"
+/* http-readmsg.c - generic HTTP-Message functions: */
+/* Reading and parsing of HTTP-Messages. */
+/* Comments: */
+/* - Status: */
+/* - Missing symbolic constant BUFFBLOCK_SIZE. */
+/* - To check: All Buffers free()ed? Also in error cases? */
+/* - ParseReqLine()/ParseRespLine() use static buffers, but */
+/* they are protected against overwriting. */
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "protos.h"
+#include "server.h"
+#include "http-defs.h"
+#include "http.h"
+/****** http-readmsg/ReadHeader **********************************************
+* ReadHeader -- Read a HTTP message header from a socket.
+* char *ReadHeader( int SockFD, size_t *size );
+* This function reads from the socket descriptor "SockFD" until it
+* detects an empty line (two <CR><LF> sequences in a row). Every read
+* character is stored in a buffer, which is dynamically allocated.
+* If the empty line is detected, it returns a pointer to the buffer
+* and the variable "*size" contains the buffersize.
+* SockFD - The socket descriptor to read from.
+* size - A pointer to a variable which may hold the size of the buffer
+* which contains the message header.
+* A pointer a buffer with the HTTP message header.
+* The function checks for errors returned by the "read()" system call.
+* Other problems ("out-of-band" data, socket errors) are not checked.
+int ReadHeader( int SockFD, char **Buffer, size_t *BuffSize )
+ size_t BuffBlock = 1024;
+ size_t minbuff = 2;
+ size_t nread = 0;
+ size_t sumread = 0;
+ char *Ptr;
+ int check_eol = 0;
+ int error = FALSE;
+ int elapsed = 0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if( *BuffSize - sumread < minbuff )
+ {
+ *BuffSize += BuffBlock;
+ *Buffer = (char*)realloc( *Buffer, *BuffSize );
+ if( *Buffer == NULL )
+ {
+ ErrorMsg( E_SYS, ERROR, "ERROR: ReadHeader(): malloc() failed." );
+ error = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ bzero( *Buffer, *BuffSize );
+ }
+ Ptr = *Buffer + sumread;
+ nread = read( SockFD, Ptr, 1 );
+ if( nread == 1 )
+ {
+ elapsed = 0; /* Clear timeout counter */
+ sumread++;
+ if( *Ptr == '\n' ) /* Check for two consecutive "\r\n" */
+ {
+ if( check_eol == 1 )
+ break; /* if found => End-Of-Header */
+ else
+ check_eol = 1;
+ }
+ else if( *Ptr != '\r' )
+ check_eol = 0;
+ }
+ else if( nread == 0 )
+ {
+ if( elapsed >= 30 )
+ {
+ ErrorMsg( E_PRIV, ERROR, "ERROR: ReadHeader() timed out." );
+ error = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ elapsed++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( errno != EAGAIN )
+ {
+ ErrorMsg( E_SYS, ERROR, "ERROR: ReadHeader(): read() failed." );
+ error = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sleep( elapsed );
+ if( elapsed >= 30 )
+ {
+ ErrorMsg( E_PRIV, ERROR, "ERROR: ReadHeader() timed out." );
+ error = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ elapsed++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( error == TRUE )
+ {
+ if( *Buffer != NULL )
+ free( *Buffer );
+ *Buffer = NULL;
+ *BuffSize = 0;
+ return( RI_READ_ERROR );
+ }
+ else
+ return( RI_READ_OK );
+/****** http-readmsg/ReadBody ************************************************
+* ReadBody -- Read a HTTP message body from a socket.
+* char *ReadBody( int SockFD, size_t BuffSize );
+* This functions reads the HTTP message body with the size "BuffSize"
+* from the socket "SockFD". A buffer for the message body is allocated
+* within this function and a pointer to this buffer is returned.
+* SockFD - The socket descriptor to read from.
+* BuffSize - The size of the message body.
+* A pointer to the buffer which contains the message body.
+* The function checks for errors returned by the "read()" system call.
+* Other problems ("out-of-band" data, socket errors) are not checked.
+char *ReadBody( int SockFD, size_t BuffSize )
+ int nread = 0;
+ char *Buffer = NULL;
+ if( ( Buffer = (char*)mymalloc( BuffSize + 1 ) ) == NULL )
+ {
+ ErrorMsg( E_SYS, ERROR, "ERROR: malloc error for HTTP-Body buffer." );
+ return( Buffer );
+ }
+ bzero( Buffer, BuffSize + 1);
+ nread = ReadN( SockFD, Buffer, BuffSize );
+ if( nread < 0 )
+ {
+ ErrorMsg( E_SYS, ERROR, "ERROR: ReadBody(): read() failed." );
+ free( Buffer );
+ Buffer = NULL;
+ return( Buffer );
+ }
+ else if( nread < BuffSize )
+ {
+ ErrorMsg( E_PRIV, WARN, "WARN: MessageBody not of expected size." );
+ }
+ return( Buffer );
+/****** http-readmsg/ParseReqHeader ******************************************
+* ParseReqHeader - Parse the HTTP request header.
+* rc_t ParseReqHeader( struct ReqInfo *Request );
+* This is the main function for parsing the HTTP request headers.
+* It first calls "ParseReqLine()" to actually parse the "Request
+* Line" (the first line of an HTTP request) and then calls
+* subsequently "ParseMsgLine()" for every non-empty line following
+* the request-line.
+* The results of this parsing process are stored in a data structure
+* of the type "ReqInfo", which is later used for searching in and
+* reconstructing of the header informations.
+* Request - A pointer to a data structure of the type ReqInfo.
+* Returns "OK" if everything went well.
+* It doesn't check if "Request" is a NULL pointer.
+* ParseRespHeader(), ParseReqLine(), ParseMsgLine().
+rc_t ParseReqHeader( struct ReqInfo *Request )
+ char *Buffer;
+ char *Param;
+ int Key;
+ struct MsgHeader *Header;
+ Header = NULL;
+ Buffer = Request->HeadBuff;
+ if( Request->State == RI_READ_OK )
+ {
+ Buffer = ParseReqLine( Buffer, Request );
+ //LogMsg( LG_SERVER, DEBUG, "DEBUG: *** Parsed Req %s", Buffer );
+ if( Request->State == RI_PARSE_ERROR )
+ return( WARN );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Request->State = RI_PARSE_ERROR;
+ return( WARN );
+ }
+ while( Buffer != NULL && *Buffer != '\0' )
+ {
+ Key = -1;
+ Param = NULL;
+ Buffer = ParseMsgLine( Buffer, &Key, &Param );
+ //LogMsg( LG_SERVER, DEBUG, "DEBUG: *** Parsed Msg %s", Buffer );
+ if( Buffer != NULL )
+ {
+ Header = AppendMsgHeader( Request->Last, Key, Param );
+ Request->Last = Header;
+ }
+ if( Request->First == NULL )
+ Request->First = Header;
+ }
+ if( Request->First == NULL )
+ {
+ Request->State = RI_PARSE_WARN;
+ return( WARN );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Request->State = RI_PARSE_OK;
+ return( OK );
+ }
+/****** http-readmsg/ParseRespHeader *****************************************
+* ParseRespHeader - Parse the HTTP response header.
+* rc_t ParseRespHeader( struct RespInfo *Response );
+* This is the main function for parsing the HTTP response headers.
+* It first calls "ParseRespLine()" to actually parse the "Response
+* Line" (the first line of an HTTP response) and then calls
+* subsequently "ParseMsgLine()" for every non-empty line following
+* the request-line.
+* The results of this parsing process are stored in a data structure
+* of the type "RespInfo", which is later used for searching in and
+* reconstructing of the header informations.
+* Response - A pointer to a data structure of the type RespInfo.
+* Returns "OK" if everything went well.
+* Actually, it always returns an "OK" status code.
+* It doesn't check if "Response" is a NULL pointer.
+* ParseReqHeader(), ParseRespLine(), ParseMsgLine().
+rc_t ParseRespHeader( struct RespInfo *Response )
+ char *Buffer;
+ char *Keyword;
+ char *Param;
+ size_t i;
+ int Key;
+ struct MsgHeader *Header;
+ Header = NULL;
+ Buffer = Response->HeadBuff;
+ Buffer = ParseRespLine( Buffer, Response );
+ while( Buffer != NULL )
+ {
+ Key = -1;
+ Param = NULL;
+ Buffer = ParseMsgLine( Buffer, &Key, &Param );
+ if( Buffer != NULL )
+ {
+ Header = AppendMsgHeader( Response->Last, Key, Param );
+ Response->Last = Header;
+ }
+ if( Response->First == NULL )
+ Response->First = Header;
+ }
+ return( OK );
+/****** http-readmsg/ParseReqLine ********************************************
+* ParseReqLine - Parse the HTTP request line.
+* char *ParseReqLine( char *Buffer, struct ReqInfo *Request );
+* This function parses the beginning of the buffer "Buffer" for the
+* contents of a HTTP request line. Since the parsing process (as
+* implemented here) is destructive to the original string, the buffer
+* is first scanned for a <CR><LF> sequence (end-of-line mark of a
+* HTTP message) while copying any other character encountered to a
+* secondary buffer. This "Backup" of the request line is later used
+* for logging purposes, so it can be referred to in case of a problem.
+* Then the request line is parsed and broken up in its components, as
+* they are: Request method, URL, protocol-id and version. These are
+* stored in the appropriate places in a "ReqInfo" data structure.
+* Buffer - A pointer to the raw data of a HTTP request.
+* Request - A pointer to a data structure of the type ReqInfo.
+* A pointer into the buffer, pointing to the rest of the data to be
+* processed.
+* "Buffer" and "Request" are not checked for NULL pointers.
+* The "Backup" of the request line has a maximum length of
+* ParseRespLine().
+char *ParseReqLine( char *Buffer, struct ReqInfo *Request )
+ char Tmp[ MAXLINELEN ];
+ char *NewBuffer;
+ char *Ptr;
+ char *Keyword;
+ char *URL = NULL;
+ char *PVersion = NULL;
+ int Key = 0;
+ int PVmaj = -1;
+ int PVmin = -1;
+ int i;
+ int eol_found = FALSE;
+ Keyword = Buffer;
+ for( Ptr = Buffer, i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN; Ptr++, i++ )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == '\r')
+ Tmp[i] = '\0';
+ else if( *Ptr == '\n' )
+ {
+ Tmp[i] = '\0';
+ eol_found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ Tmp[i] = *Ptr;
+ }
+ Tmp[i+1] = '\0';
+ if( eol_found != TRUE )
+ {
+ Request->State = RI_PARSE_ERROR;
+ return( NULL );
+ }
+ for( Ptr = Buffer; *Ptr != '\n'; Ptr++ )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == ' ' )
+ {
+ if( URL == NULL )
+ {
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ URL = ++Ptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ ++Ptr;
+ if( strcmp( "HTTP/", Ptr ) )
+ {
+ Ptr += 5;
+ PVersion = Ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( *Ptr == '\r' )
+ {
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ NewBuffer = ++Ptr;
+ if( PVersion != NULL )
+ {
+ for( Ptr = PVersion; *Ptr != '\0'; Ptr++ )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == '.' )
+ {
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ ++Ptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PVmaj = strtol( PVersion, NULL, 10 );
+ PVmin = strtol( Ptr, NULL, 10 );
+ }
+ if( URL != NULL )
+ {
+ Request->Line.Vanilla = (char*)mymalloc( strlen( Tmp ) + 1 );
+ Request->Line.Method = HTTP_GetMKey( Keyword );
+ // SplitURL( URL, &Request->Line.URL );
+ Request->Line.URL.Path = URL;
+ Request->Line.Version.Major = PVmaj;
+ Request->Line.Version.Minor = PVmin;
+ strcpy( Request->Line.Vanilla, Tmp );
+ Request->State = RI_PARSE_OK;
+ return( NewBuffer );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Request->State = RI_PARSE_ERROR;
+ return( NULL );
+ }
+/****** http-readmsg/ParseRespLine *******************************************
+* ParseRespLine - Parse the HTTP response line.
+* char *ParseRespLine( char *Buffer, struct RespInfo *Response );
+* This function parses the beginning of the buffer "Buffer" for the
+* contents of a HTTP response line. Since the parsing process (as
+* implemented here) is destructive to the original string, the buffer
+* is first scanned for a <CR><LF> sequence (end-of-line mark of a
+* HTTP message) while copying any other character encountered to a
+* secondary buffer. This "Backup" of the response line is later used
+* for logging purposes, so it can be referred to in case of a problem.
+* Then the response line is parsed and broken up in its components, as
+* they are: Protocol-id and version, (numeric) status code and
+* "reason phrase". These are stored in the appropriate places in a
+* "RespInfo" data structure.
+* Buffer - A pointer to the raw data of a HTTP request.
+* Response - A pointer to a data structure of the type RespInfo.
+* A pointer into the buffer, pointing to the rest of the data to be
+* processed.
+* "Buffer" and "Response" are not checked for NULL pointers.
+* The "Backup" of the response line has a maximum length of
+* ParseReqLine().
+char *ParseRespLine( char *Buffer, struct RespInfo *Response )
+ char Tmp[ MAXLINELEN ];
+ char *Ptr;
+ char *Reason = NULL;
+ char *PVersion = NULL;
+ char *Status = NULL;
+ char *PVmaj = NULL;
+ char *PVmin = NULL;
+ int i;
+ for( Ptr = Buffer, i = 0; i <= MAXLINELEN - 1; Ptr++, i++ )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == '\r')
+ Tmp[i] = '\0';
+ else if( *Ptr == '\n' )
+ {
+ Tmp[i] = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ Tmp[i] = *Ptr;
+ }
+ Tmp[i+1] = '\0';
+ Response->Line.Vanilla = (char*)mymalloc( strlen( Tmp ) + 1 );
+ strcpy( Response->Line.Vanilla, Tmp );
+ if( strcmp( "HTTP/", Buffer ) )
+ {
+ PVmaj = Buffer + 5;
+ for( Ptr = PVmaj; *Ptr != ' '; Ptr++ )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == '.' )
+ {
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ PVmin = ++Ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ Response->Line.Version.Major = strtol( PVmaj, NULL, 10 );
+ Response->Line.Version.Minor = strtol( PVmin, NULL, 10 );
+ }
+ else
+ return( NULL );
+ Status = ++Ptr;
+ while( *Ptr != ' ' )
+ Ptr++;
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ Response->Line.Status = strtol( Status, NULL, 10 );
+ Ptr++;
+ Response->Line.Reason = Ptr;
+ while( *Ptr != '\n' )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == '\r' )
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ Ptr++;
+ }
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ return( ++Ptr );
+/****** http-readmsg/ParseMsgLine ********************************************
+* ParseMsgLine - Parse a HTTP message header line.
+* char *ParseMsgLine( char *Buffer, int *Key, char **Param );
+* This function parses a HTTP message header field into the
+* components field name and field content ("value" of this field).
+* The appropriate token for the field name is stored in the variable
+* where "Key" points to and "Param" points to the field content
+* string.
+* Buffer - A pointer to the raw data of a HTTP request.
+* Key - A pointer to a variable which will store the field name token.
+* Param - A pointer to a character pointer, which will refer to
+* the field content string.
+* A pointer into the buffer, pointing to the rest of the data to be
+* processed.
+* In case of unknown field names, the field content string will
+* contain not only the value of the field, instead it will contain the
+* complete header line.
+* "Buffer", "Key" and "Param" are not checked against NULL pointers.
+char *ParseMsgLine( char *Buffer, int *Key, char **Param )
+ char *Keyword;
+ char *Ptr;
+ int HaveKey = FALSE;
+ if( ( *Buffer == ' ' ) || ( *Buffer == '\t' ) )
+ {
+ *Param = Buffer;
+ for( Ptr = Buffer; *Ptr != '\n'; Ptr++ )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == '\r' )
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ else if( *Ptr == '\0' )
+ break;
+ }
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ return( ++Ptr );
+ }
+ Keyword = Buffer;
+ for( Ptr = Buffer; *Ptr != '\n'; Ptr++ )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr == ':' )
+ {
+ if( HaveKey == FALSE )
+ {
+ HaveKey = TRUE;
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ *Key = HTTP_GetHKey( Keyword );
+ if( *Key != HKEY_UNKNOWN )
+ {
+ Ptr++;
+ while( ( *Ptr == ' ' ) || ( *Ptr == '\t' ) )
+ ++Ptr;
+ *Param = Ptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *Ptr = ':';
+ *Param = Buffer;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( *Ptr == '\r' )
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ else if( *Ptr == '\0' )
+ break;
+ }
+ *Ptr = '\0';
+ if( *Key == -1 || HaveKey == FALSE )
+ return( NULL );
+ else
+ return( ++Ptr );
+/****** http-readmsg/splitURL ************************************************
+* splitURL - break up an URL string into its components.
+* void splitURL( char *Buffer, struct URLComps *URL );
+* This function searches in a linked list of "MsgHeader" elements
+* for one with a "Content_Length" token, and returns the integer
+* value of it.
+* Buffer - the URL string.
+* URL - a pointer to structure, which holds the pointers to the
+* the strings of the components.
+* If the creation of a buffer for the components fails, all components
+* of URL will have NULL pointers. If no protocol is found in Buffer,
+* URL->Path will contain the complete contents of Buffer (it is
+* assumed that Buffer conatins a relative URL). In this case
+* URL->Extra whill always be NULL.
+* URL->Servername may be NULL, if there was no Servername separator
+* ("//") found - this may be the case for URLs pointing to "this"
+* Server ("localhost").
+void SplitURL( char *Buffer, struct URLComps *URL )
+ char *NewBuffer;
+ size_t BuffSize;
+ char *Ptr1;
+ char *Ptr2;
+ char *Tmp;
+ int HaveProto = FALSE;
+ int CheckSep = FALSE;
+ int HaveServer = FALSE;
+ int HavePath = FALSE;
+ int HaveExtra = FALSE;
+ BuffSize = strlen( Buffer ) + 4;
+ NewBuffer = (char*)mymalloc( BuffSize );
+ if( NewBuffer != NULL )
+ {
+ bzero( NewBuffer, BuffSize );
+ Tmp = NewBuffer;
+ for( Ptr1 = Buffer, Ptr2 = NewBuffer; Ptr1 <= Buffer + BuffSize; Ptr1++, Ptr2++ )
+ {
+ if( HaveProto == FALSE )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr1 == ':' )
+ {
+ HaveProto = TRUE;
+ URL->Protocol = Tmp;
+ Tmp = Ptr2 + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *Ptr2 = *Ptr1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( CheckSep == FALSE )
+ {
+ CheckSep = TRUE;
+ if( *Ptr1 == '/' && *(Ptr1+1) == '/' )
+ {
+ Ptr1++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HaveServer = TRUE;
+ URL->Servername = NULL;
+ Ptr1--;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( HaveServer == FALSE )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr1 == '/' )
+ {
+ HaveServer = TRUE;
+ URL->Servername = Tmp;
+ Tmp = Ptr2 + 1;
+ Ptr1--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *Ptr2 = *Ptr1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( HavePath == FALSE )
+ {
+ if( *Ptr1 == '#' || *Ptr1 == '?' )
+ {
+ HavePath = TRUE;
+ URL->Path = Tmp;
+ Tmp = Ptr2 + 1;
+ Ptr1--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *Ptr2 = *Ptr1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( HaveExtra == FALSE )
+ {
+ HaveExtra = TRUE;
+ URL->Extra = Tmp;
+ }
+ *Ptr2 = *Ptr1;
+ }
+ }
+ if( HaveProto == FALSE )
+ {
+ URL->Path = Tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ URL->Protocol = NULL;
+ URL->Servername = NULL;
+ URL->Path = NULL;
+ URL->Extra = NULL;
+ }
+ return;
+/****** http-readmsg/GetContentLength ****************************************
+* GetContentLength - search for the "Content-Length" header in a HTTP
+* message and return the value if found.
+* size_t GetContentLength( struct MsgHeader *Ptr );
+* This function searches in a linked list of "MsgHeader" elements
+* for one with a "Content_Length" token, and returns the integer
+* value of it.
+* Ptr - A pointer to a "MsgHeader" node.
+* 0 if no "Content-Length" header is found, otherwise the value of
+* this message header converted into an integer (more precisely: the
+* return value of "strtol()").
+* The return value of "strtol()" should maybe checked for proper
+* results.
+* GetFieldContent().
+size_t GetContentLength( struct MsgHeader *Ptr )
+ while( Ptr != NULL )
+ {
+ if( Ptr->Field == HKEY_Content_Length )
+ return( strtol( Ptr->Content, NULL, 10 ) );
+ Ptr = Ptr->Next;
+ }
+ return( 0 );
+/****** http-readmsg/GetFieldContent *****************************************
+* GetFieldContent - Return the content of a specific message header.
+* char *GetFieldContent( struct MsgHeader *Ptr, int Field,
+* struct MsgHeader **Next );
+* This function searches in a linked list of "MsgHeader" elements
+* for one with the token in the argument "Field", and returns the
+* value of it.
+* Ptr - A pointer to a "MsgHeader" node.
+* Field - The token of the field to search for.
+* Next - A pointer to the next "MsgHeader" in the list.
+* NULL if the header is not found, otherwise a pointer to the content
+* string.
+* GetContentLength().
+char *GetFieldContent( struct MsgHeader *Ptr, int Field, struct MsgHeader **Next )
+ while( Ptr != NULL )
+ {
+ if( Ptr->Field == Field )
+ {
+ if( Next != NULL )
+ *Next = Ptr->Next;
+ return( Ptr->Content );
+ }
+ Ptr = Ptr->Next;
+ }
+ return( NULL );
+/****** http-readmsg/GetRealm ************************************************
+* GetRealm - Search for specific Authentication realms.
+* int GetRealm( char *String );
+* This function searches in the "WWW-Authenticate" header for specific
+* authentication realm strings. If one of them is found, the
+* appropriate code for this realm is returned.
+* String - A pointer to the contents of the "WWW-Authenticate" header
+* field.
+* A realm type code.
+* "String" is not checked against a NULL pointer.
+int GetRealm( char *String )
+ struct KeywordKey RealmKeyTable[] =
+ {
+ { "httpserver-IPClass-A", REALM_IPCLASS_A },
+ { "httpserver-IPClass-B", REALM_IPCLASS_B },
+ { "httpserver-IPClass-C", REALM_IPCLASS_C },
+ { "httpserver-IPAddress", REALM_IPADDRESS },
+ { "httpserver-Hostname", REALM_HOSTNAME },
+ { "httpserver-Domain", REALM_DOMAIN },
+ };
+#define NUM_REALMS 6
+ char *Buff;
+ char *Ptr;
+ char *Tmp;
+ int i;
+ Ptr = String;
+ if( ( strncasecmp( "realm=", Ptr, 6 ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ Ptr = Ptr + 6;
+ if( ( Buff = (char*)mymalloc( strlen( Ptr ) + 1 ) ) == NULL )
+ return( REALM_ERROR );
+ strcpy( Buff, Ptr );
+ /* Kill Quotes... */
+ if( *Ptr == '"' )
+ {
+ Ptr++;
+ Tmp = strrchr( Ptr, '"' );
+ if( Tmp != NULL )
+ *Tmp = '\0';
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < NUM_REALMS; i++ )
+ {
+ if( strcmp( RealmKeyTable[i].Keyword, Ptr ) == 0 )
+ {
+ free( Buff );
+ return( RealmKeyTable[i].Key );
+ }
+ }
+ return( REALM_UNKNOWN );
+ }
+ else
+ return( REALM_ERROR );