diff options
11 files changed, 19 insertions, 2025 deletions
index 7b833bd..39edec0 100644
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Phoronix Test Suite (Git)
- pts-core: Improve usability for those without the PHP preg_* functions
- pts-core: When rendering graph results, report the PTS version number from the results file, not current PTS_VERSION
- pts-core: Add support for detecting and reporting the desktop environment / version in use
+- pts-core: Add support for dynamically loading objects from sub-directories of pts-core/objects/
- tandem_XmlReader: Major performance improvements and optimizations
- pts_Graph: Various changes to the graphing object
diff --git a/pts-core/functions/pts-init.php b/pts-core/functions/pts-init.php
index d0ebcf1..4455f7d 100644
--- a/pts-core/functions/pts-init.php
+++ b/pts-core/functions/pts-init.php
@@ -226,10 +226,28 @@ function pts_extended_init()
function __autoload($to_load)
// Autoload needed objects
+ static $sub_objects = null;
+ if($sub_objects == null)
+ {
+ $sub_objects = array();
+ $sub_object_files = glob(PTS_DIR . "pts-core/objects/*/*.php");
+ foreach($sub_object_files as $file)
+ {
+ $object_name = basename($file, ".php");
+ $sub_objects[$object_name] = $file;
+ }
+ }
if(is_file(PTS_DIR . "pts-core/objects/" . $to_load . ".php"))
include_once(PTS_DIR . "pts-core/objects/" . $to_load . ".php");
+ else if(isset($sub_objects[$to_load]))
+ {
+ include_once($sub_objects[$to_load]);
+ }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/pts_BarGraph.php b/pts-core/objects/pts_BarGraph.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b928b49..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/pts_BarGraph.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Larabel
- pts_BarGraph.php: The bar graph object that extends pts_Graph.php.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class pts_BarGraph extends pts_CustomGraph
- var $identifier_width = -1;
- var $minimum_identifier_font = 7;
- public function __construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title)
- {
- parent::__construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title);
- $this->graph_type = "BAR_GRAPH";
- }
- protected function render_graph_pre_init()
- {
- // Do some common work to this object
- $identifier_count = count($this->graph_identifiers);
- $this->identifier_width = floor(($this->graph_left_end - $this->graph_left_start) / $identifier_count);
- $longest_string = $this->find_longest_string($this->graph_identifiers);
- $width = $this->identifier_width - 8;
- $this->graph_font_size_identifiers = $this->text_size_bounds($longest_string, $this->graph_font, $this->graph_font_size_identifiers, $this->minimum_identifier_font, $width);
- if($this->graph_font_size_identifiers == $this->minimum_identifier_font)
- {
- $this->update_graph_dimensions($this->graph_attr_width, $this->graph_attr_height + $this->text_string_width($longest_string, $this->graph_font, 9));
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_identifiers()
- {
- $px_from_top_start = $this->graph_top_end - 5;
- $px_from_top_end = $this->graph_top_end + 5;
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->graph_identifiers); $i++)
- {
- $px_bound_left = $this->graph_left_start + ($this->identifier_width * $i);
- $px_bound_right = $px_bound_left + $this->identifier_width;
- if($i == 0)
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $px_bound_left, $px_from_top_start, $px_bound_left, $px_from_top_end, $this->graph_color_notches);
- }
- if($i == (count($this->graph_identifiers) - 1) && $px_bound_right != $this->graph_left_end)
- {
- $px_bound_right = $this->graph_left_end;
- }
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $px_bound_right, $px_from_top_start, $px_bound_right, $px_from_top_end, $this->graph_color_notches);
- if($this->graph_font_size_identifiers == $this->minimum_identifier_font)
- {
- $this->write_text_left($this->graph_identifiers[$i], 9, $this->graph_color_headers, $px_bound_left + ceil($this->identifier_width / 2), $px_from_top_end, $px_bound_left + ceil($this->identifier_width / 2), $px_from_top_end, true);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->write_text_center($this->graph_identifiers[$i], $this->graph_font_size_identifiers, $this->graph_color_headers, $px_bound_left, $px_from_top_end - 5, $px_bound_right, $px_from_top_end - 5, false, true);
- }
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_bars()
- {
- $bar_count = count($this->graph_data);
- $bar_width = floor($this->identifier_width / $bar_count) - ($bar_count * 16);
- for($i_o = 0; $i_o < $bar_count; $i_o++)
- {
- $paint_color = $this->next_paint_color();
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->graph_data[$i_o]); $i++)
- {
- $value = $this->trim_double($this->graph_data[$i_o][$i], 2);
- $graph_size = round(($value / $this->graph_maximum_value) * ($this->graph_top_end - $this->graph_top_start));
- $value_plot_top = $this->graph_top_end + 1 - $graph_size;
- $px_bound_left = $this->graph_left_start + ($this->identifier_width * $i) + ($bar_width * $i_o) + 8;
- $px_bound_right = $px_bound_left + $bar_width;
- if($value_plot_top < 1)
- {
- $value_plot_top = 1;
- }
- $this->draw_rectangle_border($this->graph_image, $px_bound_left, $value_plot_top - 1, $px_bound_right, $this->graph_top_end - 1, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- $this->draw_rectangle($this->graph_image, $px_bound_left + 1, $value_plot_top, $px_bound_right - 1, $this->graph_top_end - 1, $paint_color);
- if($graph_size > 20)
- {
- $this->write_text_center($this->graph_data[$i_o][$i], $this->graph_font_size_bars, $this->graph_color_body_text, $px_bound_left, $value_plot_top + 3, $px_bound_right, $value_plot_top + 3);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_result()
- {
- $this->render_graph_bars();
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/pts_CustomGraph.php b/pts-core/objects/pts_CustomGraph.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 59432f2..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/pts_CustomGraph.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Larabel
- pts_CustomGraph.php: A pass-through extension extending pts_Graph that over-rides attributes with the PTS user configuration options.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class pts_CustomGraph extends pts_Graph
- function __construct($Title, $SubTitle, $YTitle)
- {
- if(is_file(PTS_USER_DIR . "graph-config.xml"))
- {
- $file = file_get_contents(PTS_USER_DIR . "graph-config.xml");
- }
- else
- {
- $file = "";
- }
- $read_config = new tandem_XmlReader($file);
- $this->graph_attr_width = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_SIZE_WIDTH, null, $read_config); // Graph width
- $this->graph_attr_height = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_SIZE_HEIGHT, null, $read_config); // Graph height
- $this->graph_attr_big_border = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_BORDER, null, $read_config) == "TRUE"; // Graph border
- // Colors
- $this->graph_color_notches = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_NOTCHES, null, $read_config); // Color for notches
- $this->graph_color_text = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_TEXT, null, $read_config); // Color for text
- $this->graph_color_border = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_BORDER, null, $read_config); // Color for border (if used)
- $this->graph_color_main_headers = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_MAINHEADERS, null, $read_config); // Color of main text headers
- $this->graph_color_headers = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_HEADERS, null, $read_config); // Color of other headers
- $this->graph_color_background = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_BACKGROUND, null, $read_config); // Color of background
- $this->graph_color_body = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_BODY, null, $read_config); // Color of graph body
- $this->graph_color_body_text = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_BODYTEXT, null, $read_config); // Color of graph body text
- $this->graph_color_body_light = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_ALTERNATE, null, $read_config); // Color of the border around graph bars (if doing a bar graph)
- $this->graph_color_paint = explode(", ", pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_COLOR_PAINT, null, $read_config)); // Colors to use for the bars / lines, one color for each key
- // Text
- $this->graph_watermark_text = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_WATERMARK, null, $read_config); // watermark
- $this->graph_font = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_FONT_TYPE, null, $read_config); // TTF file name
- $this->graph_font_size_heading = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_HEADERS, null, $read_config); // Font size of headings
- $this->graph_font_size_bars = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_TEXT, null, $read_config); // Font size for text on the bars/objects
- $this->graph_font_size_identifiers = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_IDENTIFIERS, null, $read_config); // Font size of identifiers
- $this->graph_font_size_sub_heading = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_SUBHEADERS, null, $read_config); // Font size of headers
- $this->graph_font_size_axis_heading = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_AXIS, null, $read_config); // Font size of axis headers
- $this->graph_attr_big_border = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_RENDERBORDER, null, $read_config); // Border around graph or not
- $this->graph_attr_marks = pts_read_graph_config(P_GRAPH_MARKCOUNT, null, $read_config); // Number of marks to make on vertical axis
- parent::__construct($Title, $SubTitle, $YTitle);
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/pts_Graph.php b/pts-core/objects/pts_Graph.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a280d9..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/pts_Graph.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,900 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Larabel
- pts_Graph.php: The core graph object that is used by the different graphing objects.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class pts_Graph
- // Defaults
- var $graph_attr_marks = 6; // Number of marks to make on vertical axis
- var $graph_attr_width = 580; // Graph width
- var $graph_attr_height = 300; // Graph height
- var $graph_attr_big_border = false; // Border around graph or not
- var $graph_left_start = 20; // Distance in px to start graph from left side
- var $graph_left_end_opp = 10; // Distance in px to end graph from right side
- var $graph_top_start = 60; // Distance in px to start graph from top side
- var $graph_top_end_opp = 22; // Distance in px to end graph from bottom side
- // Colors
- var $graph_color_notches = "#000000"; // Color for notches
- var $graph_color_text = "#000000"; // Color for text
- var $graph_color_border = "#000000"; // Color for border (if used)
- var $graph_color_main_headers = "#2b6b29"; // Color of main text headers
- var $graph_color_headers = "#2b6b29"; // Color of other headers
- var $graph_color_background = "#FFFFFF"; // Color of background
- var $graph_color_body = "#8b8f7c"; // Color of graph body
- var $graph_color_body_text = "#FFFFFF"; // Color of graph body text
- var $graph_color_body_light = "#B0B59E"; // Color of the border around graph bars (if doing a bar graph)
- var $graph_color_paint = array("#3B433A", "#BB2413", "#FF9933", "#006C00", "#5028CA"); // Colors to use for the bars / lines, one color for each key
- // Text
- var $graph_font = "Sans.ttf"; // TTF file name
- var $graph_font_size_tick_mark = 10; // Tick mark size
- var $graph_font_size_key = 9; // Size of height for keys
- var $graph_font_size_heading = 18; // Font size of headings
- var $graph_font_size_bars = 12; // Font size for text on the bars/objects
- var $graph_font_size_identifiers = 11; // Font size of identifiers
- var $graph_font_size_sub_heading = 12; // Font size of headers
- var $graph_font_size_axis_heading = 11; // Font size of axis headers
- var $graph_watermark_text = "PHORONIX-TEST-SUITE.COM"; // Text for watermark in upper right hand corner. If null, no watermark will display
- var $graph_version = "";
- var $graph_proportion = "";
- // Not user-friendly changes below this line
- var $graph_body_image = false;
- var $graph_hide_identifiers = false;
- var $graph_show_key = false;
- var $graph_background_lines = false;
- var $graph_type = "GRAPH";
- var $graph_value_type = "NUMERICAL";
- var $graph_image;
- var $graph_maximum_value;
- var $graph_output = null;
- var $graph_renderer = "PNG";
- var $graph_data = array();
- var $graph_data_title = array();
- var $graph_color_paint_index = -1;
- var $graph_identifiers;
- var $graph_title;
- var $graph_sub_title;
- var $graph_y_title;
- var $graph_y_title_hide = false;
- var $graph_top_end;
- var $graph_left_end;
- var $graph_internal_identifiers = array();
- public function __construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title)
- {
- $this->graph_title = $title;
- $this->graph_sub_title = $sub_title;
- $this->graph_y_title = $y_axis_title;
- $this->update_graph_dimensions(-1, -1, true);
- // Directory for TTF Fonts
- if(defined("FONT_DIR"))
- {
- putenv("GDFONTPATH=" . FONT_DIR);
- }
- else if(($font_env = getenv("FONT_DIR")) != false)
- {
- putenv("GDFONTPATH=" . $font_env);
- }
- else
- {
- putenv("GDFONTPATH=" . getcwd());
- }
- }
- public function setRenderer($renderer)
- {
- if($renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $this->graph_renderer = "SVG";
- $this->graph_left_start += 10;
- }
- else
- {
- $this->graph_renderer = "PNG";
- }
- }
- public function getRenderer()
- {
- return $this->graph_renderer;
- }
- //
- // Load Functions
- //
- public function loadGraphIdentifiers($data_array)
- {
- $this->graph_identifiers = $data_array;
- }
- public function hideGraphIdentifiers()
- {
- $this->graph_hide_identifiers = true;
- }
- public function loadGraphVersion($data)
- {
- if(!empty($data))
- {
- $this->graph_version = "Phoronix Test Suite " . $data;
- }
- }
- public function loadGraphProportion($data)
- {
- if($data == "LIB")
- {
- $this->graph_proportion = "Less Is Better";
- }
- //else if($data == "HIB")
- // $this->graph_proportion = "More Is Better";
- }
- public function loadGraphData($data_array)
- {
- loadGraphValues($data_array);
- }
- public function loadGraphValues($data_array, $data_title = null)
- {
- for($i = 0; $i < count($data_array); $i++)
- {
- if(is_float($data_array[$i]))
- {
- $data_array[$i] = $this->trim_double($data_array[$i], 2);
- }
- }
- array_push($this->graph_data, $data_array);
- if(!empty($data_title))
- {
- array_push($this->graph_data_title, $data_title);
- }
- }
- public function setGraphBackgroundPNG($file)
- {
- $img = $this->read_png_image($file);
- if($img != false)
- {
- $this->graph_body_image = $img;
- }
- }
- public function renderGraph()
- {
- $this->graph_maximum_value = $this->maximum_graph_value();
- // Make room for tick markings, left hand side
- if($this->graph_value_type == "NUMERICAL")
- {
- $this->graph_left_start += $this->text_string_width($this->graph_maximum_value, $this->graph_font, $this->graph_font_size_tick_mark) + 2;
- }
- if($this->graph_hide_identifiers == true)
- {
- $this->graph_top_end += $this->graph_top_end_opp / 2;
- }
- // Do the actual work
- $this->render_graph_pre_init();
- $this->render_graph_init();
- $this->render_graph_base();
- if(!$this->graph_hide_identifiers)
- {
- $this->render_graph_identifiers();
- }
- if($this->graph_value_type == "NUMERICAL")
- {
- $this->render_graph_value_ticks();
- }
- $this->render_graph_key();
- $this->render_graph_result();
- $this->render_graph_watermark();
- $this->return_graph_image();
- }
- public function addInternalIdentifier($identifier, $value)
- {
- $this->graph_internal_identifiers[$identifier] = $value;
- }
- public function saveGraphToFile($file)
- {
- $this->graph_output = $file;
- }
- //
- // Misc Functions
- //
- protected function next_paint_color()
- {
- if($this->graph_color_paint_index + 1 < count($this->graph_color_paint))
- {
- $this->graph_color_paint_index += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- $this->graph_color_paint_index = 0;
- }
- return $this->graph_color_paint[$this->graph_color_paint_index];
- }
- protected function reset_paint_index()
- {
- $this->graph_color_paint_index = -1;
- }
- protected function maximum_graph_value()
- {
- $maximum = $this->graph_attr_marks;
- foreach($this->graph_data as $graph_set)
- {
- foreach($graph_set as $set_item)
- {
- if((is_numeric($set_item) && $set_item > $maximum) || (!is_numeric($set_item) && strlen($set_item) > strlen($maximum)))
- {
- $maximum = $set_item;
- }
- }
- }
- if(is_numeric($maximum))
- {
- $maximum = (floor(round($maximum * 1.35) / $this->graph_attr_marks) + 1) * $this->graph_attr_marks;
- }
- return $maximum;
- }
- protected function text_string_width($string, $font, $size)
- {
- $dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($string, $font, $size);
- return $dimensions[0];
- }
- protected function text_string_height($string, $font, $size)
- {
- $dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($string, $font, $size);
- return $dimensions[1];
- }
- protected function text_size_bounds($string, $font, $font_size, $minimum_font_size, $bound_width, $bound_height = -1)
- {
- while($font_size > $minimum_font_size && ($this->text_string_width($string, $font, $font_size) > $bound_width || ($bound_height > 0 && $this->text_string_height($string, $font, $font_size) > $bound_height)))
- {
- $font_size -= 0.5;
- }
- return $font_size;
- }
- protected function find_longest_string($string_r)
- {
- $longest_string = "";
- $longest_string_length = 0;
- foreach($string_r as $one_string)
- {
- if(($new_length = strlen($one_string)) > $longest_string_length)
- {
- $longest_string = $one_string;
- $longest_string_length = $new_length;
- }
- }
- return $longest_string;
- }
- protected function update_graph_dimensions($width = -1, $height = -1, $recalculate_offsets = false)
- {
- // Allow render area to be increased, but not decreased
- if($width > $this->graph_attr_width)
- {
- $this->graph_attr_width = $width;
- }
- if($height > $this->graph_attr_height)
- {
- $this->graph_attr_height = $height;
- }
- if($recalculate_offsets)
- {
- $this->graph_top_end = $this->graph_attr_height - $this->graph_top_end_opp;
- $this->graph_left_end = $this->graph_attr_width - $this->graph_left_end_opp;
- }
- }
- //
- // Render Functions
- //
- protected function render_graph_pre_init()
- {
- return;
- }
- protected function render_graph_init()
- {
- $this->update_graph_dimensions();
- $this->graph_image = $this->init_blank_image($this->graph_attr_width, $this->graph_attr_height);
- // Initalize Colors
- $this->graph_color_notches = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_notches);
- $this->graph_color_text = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_text);
- $this->graph_color_border = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_border);
- $this->graph_color_main_headers = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_main_headers);
- $this->graph_color_headers = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_headers);
- $this->graph_color_background = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_background);
- $this->graph_color_body = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_body);
- $this->graph_color_body_text = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_body_text);
- $this->graph_color_body_light = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_body_light);
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->graph_color_paint); $i++)
- {
- $this->graph_color_paint[$i] = $this->convert_hex_to_type($this->graph_color_paint[$i]);
- }
- // Background Color
- $this->draw_rectangle($this->graph_image, 0, 0, $this->graph_attr_width, $this->graph_attr_height, $this->graph_color_background);
- if($this->graph_attr_big_border == true)
- {
- $this->draw_rectangle_border($this->graph_image, 0, 0, $this->graph_attr_width - 1, $this->graph_attr_height - 1, $this->graph_color_border);
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_base()
- {
- if(count($this->graph_data_title) > 1 || $this->graph_show_key == true)
- {
- $num_key_lines = ceil(count($this->graph_data_title) / 4);
- $this->graph_top_start = $this->graph_top_start + 8 + ($num_key_lines * 11);
- }
- $this->draw_rectangle($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_start, $this->graph_top_start, $this->graph_left_end, $this->graph_top_end, $this->graph_color_body);
- $this->draw_rectangle_border($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_start, $this->graph_top_start, $this->graph_left_end, $this->graph_top_end, $this->graph_color_notches);
- if($this->graph_body_image != false)
- {
- $this->image_copy_merge($this->graph_image, $this->graph_body_image, $this->graph_left_start + (($this->graph_left_end - $this->graph_left_start) / 2) - imagesx($this->graph_body_image) / 2, $this->graph_top_start + (($this->graph_top_end - $this->graph_top_start) / 2) - imagesy($this->graph_body_image) / 2);
- }
- // Text
- $this->write_text_right($this->graph_version, 7, $this->graph_color_body_light, $this->graph_left_end, $this->graph_top_start - 9, $this->graph_left_end, $this->graph_top_start - 9);
- $this->write_text_center($this->graph_title, $this->graph_font_size_heading, $this->graph_color_main_headers, $this->graph_left_start, 4, $this->graph_left_end, 4);
- $this->write_text_center($this->graph_sub_title, $this->graph_font_size_sub_heading, $this->graph_color_main_headers, $this->graph_left_start, 26, $this->graph_left_end, 26, false, true);
- if(!empty($this->graph_y_title) && !$this->graph_y_title_hide)
- {
- $str = $this->graph_y_title;
- if(!empty($this->graph_proportion))
- {
- if(!empty($str))
- {
- $str .= ", ";
- }
- $str .= $this->graph_proportion;
- }
- $this->write_text_left($str, 7, $this->graph_color_main_headers, $this->graph_left_start, $this->graph_top_start - 9, $this->graph_left_start, $this->graph_top_start - 9);
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_value_ticks()
- {
- $tick_width = ($this->graph_top_end - $this->graph_top_start) / $this->graph_attr_marks;
- $px_from_left_start = $this->graph_left_start - 5;
- $px_from_left_end = $this->graph_left_start + 5;
- $display_value = 0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $this->graph_attr_marks; $i++)
- {
- $px_from_top = $this->graph_top_end - ($tick_width * $i);
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $px_from_left_start, $px_from_top, $px_from_left_end, $px_from_top, $this->graph_color_notches);
- $this->write_text_right($display_value, $this->graph_font_size_tick_mark, $this->graph_color_text, $px_from_left_start - 1, $px_from_top - 2, $px_from_left_start - 1, $px_from_top - 2);
- if($i != 0 && $this->graph_background_lines == true)
- {
- $line_width = 6;
- for($y = $px_from_left_end + $line_width; $y < $this->graph_left_end; $y += ($line_width * 2))
- {
- if($y + $line_width < $this->graph_left_end)
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $y, $px_from_top, $y += $line_width, $px_from_top, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $y, $px_from_top, $y += ($this->graph_left_end - $y) - 1, $px_from_top, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- }
- }
- }
- $display_value += $this->trim_double($this->graph_maximum_value / $this->graph_attr_marks, 2);
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_identifiers()
- {
- return;
- }
- protected function render_graph_result()
- {
- return;
- }
- protected function render_graph_key()
- {
- if(count($this->graph_data_title) < 2 && $this->graph_show_key == false)
- {
- return;
- }
- $key_counter = 0;
- $component_y = $this->graph_top_start - 20;
- $this->reset_paint_index();
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->graph_data_title); $i++)
- {
- if(!empty($this->graph_data_title))
- {
- $this_color = $this->next_paint_color();
- $key_counter += 1;
- $key_offset = $key_counter % 4;
- $component_x = $this->graph_left_start + 15 + (($this->graph_left_end - $this->graph_left_start) / 4) * $key_offset;
- $this->write_text_left($this->graph_data_title[$i], $this->graph_font_size_key, $this_color, $component_x, $component_y, $component_x, $component_y);
- $this->draw_rectangle($this->graph_image, $component_x - 13, $component_y - 5, $component_x - 3, $component_y + 5, $this_color);
- $this->draw_rectangle_border($this->graph_image, $component_x - 13, $component_y - 5, $component_x - 3, $component_y + 5, $this->graph_color_notches);
- if($key_counter % 4 == 0)
- {
- $component_y -= 12;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->reset_paint_index();
- }
- protected function render_graph_watermark()
- {
- if(!empty($this->graph_watermark_text))
- {
- $this->write_text_right($this->graph_watermark_text, 10, $this->graph_color_text, $this->graph_left_end - 2, $this->graph_top_start + 8, $this->graph_left_end - 2, $this->graph_top_start + 8);
- }
- }
- protected function return_graph_image()
- {
- $this->render_image($this->graph_image, $this->graph_output, 5);
- $this->deinit_image($this->graph_image);
- }
- protected function trim_double($double, $accuracy = 2)
- {
- // Set precision for a variable's points after the decimal spot
- $return = explode(".", $double);
- if(count($return) == 1)
- {
- $return[1] = "00";
- }
- if(count($return) == 2 && $accuracy > 0)
- {
- $strlen = strlen($return[1]);
- if($strlen > $accuracy)
- {
- $return[1] = substr($return[1], 0, $accuracy);
- }
- else if($strlen < $accuracy)
- {
- for($i = $strlen; $i < $accuracy; $i++)
- {
- $return[1] .= '0';
- }
- }
- $return = $return[0] . "." . $return[1];
- }
- else
- {
- $return = $return[0];
- }
- return $return;
- }
- //
- // Renderer-specific Functions
- //
- protected function init_blank_image($width, $height)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- $img = imagecreate($width, $height);
- imageinterlace($img, true);
- if(function_exists("imageantialias"))
- {
- imageantialias($img, true);
- }
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $img = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n";
- foreach($this->graph_internal_identifiers as $key => $value)
- {
- $img .= "<!-- " . $key . ": " . $value . " -->\n";
- }
- $img .= "<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" viewbox=\"0 0 " . $width . " " . $height . "\" width=\"" . $width . "\" height=\"" . $height . "\">\n\n";
- }
- return $img;
- }
- protected function render_image(&$img_object, $output_file = null, $quality = 0)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- imagepng($img_object, $output_file, $quality);
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $img_object .= "\n\n</svg>";
- if($output_file != null)
- {
- @file_put_contents($output_file, $img_object);
- }
- }
- }
- protected function read_png_image($file)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- $img = @imagecreatefrompng($file);
- }
- else
- {
- $img = null;
- }
- return $img;
- }
- protected function deinit_image(&$img_object)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- imagedestroy($img_object);
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $img_object = null;
- }
- }
- protected function convert_hex_to_type($hex)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- $color = imagecolorallocate($this->graph_image, hexdec(substr($hex, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($hex, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($hex, 5, 2)));
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $color = $hex;
- }
- return $color;
- }
- protected function write_text_left($text_string, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate = false)
- {
- if(empty($text_string))
- {
- return;
- }
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($text_string, $this->graph_font, $font_size);
- $ttf_width = $ttf_dimensions[0];
- $ttf_height = $ttf_dimensions[1];
- if($rotate == false)
- {
- $text_x = $bound_x1;
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + round($ttf_height / 2);
- $rotation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $text_x = $bound_x1 - round($ttf_height / 4);
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + round($ttf_height / 2);
- $rotation = 270;
- }
- imagettftext($this->graph_image, $font_size, $rotation, $text_x, $text_y, $font_color, $this->graph_font, $text_string);
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($text_string, $this->graph_font, $font_size);
- $ttf_width = $ttf_dimensions[0];
- $ttf_height = $ttf_dimensions[1];
- if($rotate == false)
- {
- $text_x = $bound_x1;
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + round($ttf_height / 2);
- $rotation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $text_x = $bound_x1 - round($ttf_height / 4);
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + round($ttf_height / 2);
- $rotation = 270;
- }
- $this->write_svg_text($this->graph_image, $font_size, $rotation, $text_x, $text_y, $font_color, $this->graph_font, $text_string, "LEFT");
- }
- }
- protected function write_text_right($text_string, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text = false)
- {
- if(empty($text_string))
- {
- return;
- }
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($text_string, $this->graph_font, $font_size);
- $ttf_width = $ttf_dimensions[0];
- $ttf_height = $ttf_dimensions[1];
- if($rotate_text == false)
- {
- $rotation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $rotation = 90;
- }
- $text_x = $bound_x2 - $ttf_width;
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + round($ttf_height / 2);
- imagettftext($this->graph_image, $font_size, $rotation, $text_x, $text_y, $font_color, $this->graph_font, $text_string);
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($text_string, $this->graph_font, $font_size);
- $ttf_width = $ttf_dimensions[0];
- $ttf_height = $ttf_dimensions[1];
- $bound_x1 -= 2;
- $bound_x2 -= 2;
- if($rotate_text == false)
- {
- $rotation = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $rotation = 90;
- }
- $text_x = $bound_x2 - $ttf_width;
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + round($ttf_height / 2);
- $this->write_svg_text($this->graph_image, $font_size, $rotation, $text_x, $text_y, $font_color, $this->graph_font, $text_string, "RIGHT");
- }
- }
- protected function write_text_center($text_string, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text = false, $big_type = false)
- {
- if(empty($text_string))
- {
- return;
- }
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- if($bound_x1 != $bound_x2)
- {
- while($this->text_string_width($this->trim_double($text_string, 2), $this->graph_font, $font_size) > abs($bound_x2 - $bound_x1 - 3))
- {
- $font_size -= 0.5;
- }
- }
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions(strtoupper($text_string), $this->graph_font, $font_size, $big_type);
- $ttf_height = $ttf_dimensions[1];
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($text_string, $this->graph_font, $font_size, $big_type);
- $ttf_width = $ttf_dimensions[0];
- if($rotate_text == false)
- {
- $rotation = 0;
- $text_x = (($bound_x2 - $bound_x1) / 2) + $bound_x1 - round($ttf_width / 2);
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + $ttf_height;
- }
- else
- {
- $rotation = 90;
- $text_x = $bound_x1 + $ttf_height;
- $text_y = (($bound_y2 - $bound_y1) / 2) + $bound_y1 + round($ttf_width / 2);
- }
- imagettftext($this->graph_image, $font_size, $rotation, $text_x, $text_y, $font_color, $this->graph_font, $text_string);
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- // $font_size = $this->graph_font_size_bars;
- // while($this->text_string_width($this->trim_double($this->graph_maximum_value, 3), $this->graph_font, $font_size) > ($bar_width - 6))
- // $font_size -= 0.5;
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions(strtoupper($text_string), $this->graph_font, $font_size, $big_type);
- $ttf_height = $ttf_dimensions[1];
- $ttf_dimensions = $this->text_string_dimensions($text_string, $this->graph_font, $font_size, $big_type);
- $ttf_width = $ttf_dimensions[0];
- if($rotate_text == false)
- {
- $rotation = 0;
- $text_x = (($bound_x2 - $bound_x1) / 2) + $bound_x1 - round($ttf_width / 2);
- $text_y = $bound_y1 + $ttf_height;
- }
- else
- {
- $rotation = 90;
- $text_x = $bound_x1 + $ttf_height;
- $text_y = (($bound_y2 - $bound_y1) / 2) + $bound_y1 + round($ttf_width / 2);
- }
- $this->write_svg_text($this->graph_image, $font_size, $rotation, $text_x, $text_y, $font_color, $this->graph_font, $text_string, "CENTER");
- }
- }
- protected function write_svg_text(&$img_object, $font_size, $rotation, $text_x, $text_y, $color, $font, $string, $orientation = "LEFT")
- {
- $font_size += 1.5;
- $baseline = "middle";
- if($rotation != 0)
- {
- $text_y = (0 - ($text_y / 2));
- $text_x = $text_y + 5;
- }
- switch($orientation)
- {
- case "CENTER":
- $text_anchor = "middle";
- $baseline = "text-before-edge";
- break;
- case "RIGHT":
- $text_anchor = "end";
- break;
- case "LEFT":
- default:
- $text_anchor = "start";
- break;
- }
- // TODO: Implement $font through style="font-family: $font;"
- $img_object .= "<text x=\"" . round($text_x) . "\" y=\"" . round($text_y) . "\" fill=\"" . $color . "\" transform=\"rotate(" . (360 - $rotation) . ", " . $rotation . ", 0)\" font-size=\"" . $font_size . "\" text-anchor=\"" . $text_anchor . "\" dominant-baseline=\"" . $baseline . "\">" . $string . "</text>\n";
- }
- protected function draw_rectangle(&$img_object, $x1, $y1, $width, $height, $background_color)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- imagefilledrectangle($img_object, $x1, $y1, $width, $height, $background_color);
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $width = $width - $x1;
- $height = $height - $y1;
- if($width < 0)
- {
- $x1 += $width;
- }
- if($height < 0)
- {
- $y1 += $height;
- }
- $img_object .= "<rect x=\"" . round($x1) . "\" y=\"" . round($y1) . "\" width=\"" . abs(round($width)) . "\" height=\"" . abs(round($height)) . "\" fill=\"" . $background_color . "\" />\n";
- }
- }
- protected function draw_rectangle_border(&$img_object, $x1, $y1, $width, $height, $color)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- imagerectangle($img_object, $x1, $y1, $width, $height, $color);
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- $img_object .= "<rect x=\"" . round($x1) . "\" y=\"" . round($y1) . "\" width=\"" . round($width - $x1) . "\" height=\"" . round($height - $y1) . "\" fill=\"transparent\" stroke=\"" . $color . "\" stroke-width=\"1px\" />\n";
- }
- }
- protected function draw_line(&$img_object, $left_start, $top_start, $from_left, $from_top, $color, $line_width = 1)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- for($i = 0; $i < $line_width; $i++)
- {
- imageline($img_object, $left_start, $top_start + $i, $from_left, $from_top + $i, $color);
- }
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- for($i = 0; $i < $line_width; $i++)
- {
- $img_object .= "<line x1=\"" . round($left_start) . "\" y1=\"" . round($top_start + $i) . "\" x2=\"" . round($from_left) . "\" y2=\"" . round($from_top + $i) . "\" stroke=\"" . $color . "\" stroke-width=\"1px\" />\n";
- }
- }
- }
- protected function image_copy_merge(&$img_object, $source_img_object, $to_x, $to_y, $source_x = 0, $source_y = 0, $width = -1, $height = -1)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG")
- {
- if($width == -1)
- {
- $width = imagesx($source_img_object);
- }
- if($height == -1)
- {
- $height = imagesy($source_img_object);
- }
- imagecopy($img_object, $source_img_object, $to_x, $to_y, $source_x, $source_y, $width, $height);
- }
- }
- protected function text_string_dimensions($string, $font, $size, $Big = false)
- {
- if($this->graph_renderer == "PNG" && function_exists("imagettfbbox"))
- {
- $box_array = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $font, $string);
- $box_width = $box_array[4] - $box_array[6];
- if($Big)
- {
- $box_array = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $font, "AZ@![]()@|_");
- }
- $box_height = $box_array[1] - $box_array[7];
- }
- else if($this->graph_renderer == "SVG")
- {
- // TODO: This needs to be implemented
- $box_height = 0;
- $box_width = 0;
- }
- // Width x Height
- return array($box_width, $box_height);
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/pts_LineGraph.php b/pts-core/objects/pts_LineGraph.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 140b693..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/pts_LineGraph.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Larabel
- pts_LineGraph.php: The line graph object that extends pts_Graph.php.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class pts_LineGraph extends pts_CustomGraph
- var $identifier_width = -1;
- var $minimum_identifier_font = 7;
- public function __construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title)
- {
- parent::__construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title);
- $this->graph_type = "LINE_GRAPH";
- $this->graph_show_key = true;
- $this->graph_background_lines = true;
- }
- protected function render_graph_pre_init()
- {
- // Do some common work to this object
- $identifier_count = count($this->graph_identifiers) + 1;
- $this->identifier_width = ($this->graph_left_end - $this->graph_left_start) / $identifier_count;
- $longest_string = $this->find_longest_string($this->graph_identifiers);
- $width = $this->identifier_width - 2;
- $this->graph_font_size_identifiers = $this->text_size_bounds($longest_string, $this->graph_font, $this->graph_font_size_identifiers, $this->minimum_identifier_font, $width);
- if($this->graph_font_size_identifiers == $this->minimum_identifier_font)
- {
- $this->update_graph_dimensions($this->graph_attr_width, $this->graph_attr_height + $this->text_string_width($longest_string, $this->graph_font, 9));
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_identifiers()
- {
- $px_from_top_start = $this->graph_top_end - 5;
- $px_from_top_end = $this->graph_top_end + 5;
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->graph_identifiers); $i++)
- {
- $px_from_left = $this->graph_left_start + ($this->identifier_width * ($i + 1));
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $px_from_left, $px_from_top_start, $px_from_left, $px_from_top_end, $this->graph_color_notches);
- if($this->graph_font_size_identifiers == $this->minimum_identifier_font)
- {
- $this->write_text_left($this->graph_identifiers[$i], 9, $this->graph_color_headers, $px_from_left, $px_from_top_end + 2, $px_from_left, $px_from_top_end + 2, true);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->write_text_center($this->graph_identifiers[$i], $this->graph_font_size_identifiers, $this->graph_color_headers, $px_from_left, $px_from_top_end + 2, $px_from_left, $px_from_top_end + 2);
- }
- }
- }
- protected function renderGraphLines()
- {
- for($i_o = 0; $i_o < count($this->graph_data); $i_o++)
- {
- $previous_placement = -1;
- $previous_offset = -1;
- $paint_color = $this->next_paint_color();
- $point_counter = count($this->graph_data[$i_o]);
- for($i = 0; $i < $point_counter; $i++)
- {
- $value = $this->graph_data[$i_o][$i];
- $value_plot_top = $this->graph_top_end + 1 - round(($value / $this->graph_maximum_value) * ($this->graph_top_end - $this->graph_top_start));
- $px_from_left = $this->graph_left_start + ($this->identifier_width * ($i + 1));
- if($px_from_left > $this->graph_left_end)
- {
- $px_from_left = $this->graph_left_end - 1;
- }
- if($value_plot_top >= $this->graph_top_end)
- {
- $value_plot_top = $this->graph_top_end - 1;
- }
- if($previous_placement != -1 && $previous_offset != -1)
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $previous_offset, $previous_placement, $px_from_left, $value_plot_top, $paint_color, 2);
- }
- if($i == 0)
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_start + 1, $value_plot_top, $px_from_left, $value_plot_top, $paint_color, 2);
- }
- else if($i == ($point_counter - 1))
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $px_from_left, $value_plot_top, $this->graph_left_end - 1, $value_plot_top, $paint_color, 2);
- }
- $previous_placement = $value_plot_top;
- $previous_offset = $px_from_left;
- }
- if($point_counter < 10)
- {
- $previous_placement = -1;
- $previous_offset = -1;
- for($i = 0; $i < $point_counter; $i++)
- {
- $value = $this->graph_data[$i_o][$i];
- $value_plot_top = $this->graph_top_end + 1 - round(($value / $this->graph_maximum_value) * ($this->graph_top_end - $this->graph_top_start));
- $px_from_left = $this->graph_left_start + ($this->identifier_width * ($i + 1));
- $this->render_graph_pointer($px_from_left, $value_plot_top);
- $previous_placement = $value_plot_top;
- $previous_offset = $px_from_left;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_result()
- {
- $this->renderGraphLines();
- }
- protected function render_graph_pointer($x, $y)
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $x - 5, $y - 5, $x + 5, $y + 5, $this->graph_color_notches);
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $x + 5, $y - 5, $x - 5, $y + 5, $this->graph_color_notches);
- $this->draw_rectangle($this->graph_image, $x - 2, $y - 2, $x + 3, $y + 3, $this->graph_color_notches);
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/pts_MultiPassFailGraph.php b/pts-core/objects/pts_MultiPassFailGraph.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bc7109d..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/pts_MultiPassFailGraph.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Larabel
- pts_PassFailGraph.php: An abstract graph object extending pts_Graph for showing results in a pass/fail scenario.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class pts_MultiPassFailGraph extends pts_CustomGraph
- public function __construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title)
- {
- $this->graph_y_title_hide = true;
- parent::__construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title);
- $this->graph_type = "MULTI_PASS_FAIL";
- $this->graph_value_type = "ABSTRACT";
- $this->graph_hide_identifiers = true;
- }
- protected function render_graph_passfail()
- {
- $identifier_count = count($this->graph_identifiers);
- $vertical_border = 20;
- $horizontal_border = 14;
- $heading_height = 24;
- $graph_width = $this->graph_left_end - $this->graph_left_start - ($horizontal_border * 2);
- $graph_height = $this->graph_top_end - $this->graph_top_start - ($vertical_border * 2) - $heading_height;
- $line_height = floor($graph_height / $identifier_count);
- $pass_color = $this->next_paint_color();
- $fail_color = $this->next_paint_color();
- $main_width = floor($graph_width * .24);
- $main_font_size = $this->graph_font_size_bars;
- $main_greatest_length = $this->find_longest_string($this->graph_identifiers);
- $width = $main_width - 8;
- $height = $line_height - 4;
- $main_font_size = $this->text_size_bounds($main_greatest_length, $this->graph_font, $main_font_size, 4, $width, $height);
- if(($new_size = $this->text_string_width($main_greatest_length, $this->graph_font, $main_font_size)) < ($main_width - 12))
- {
- $main_width = $new_size + 10;
- }
- $identifiers_total_width = $graph_width - $main_width - 2;
- $headings = explode(",", $this->graph_y_title);
- $identifiers_width = floor($identifiers_total_width / count($headings));
- $headings_font_size = $this->graph_font_size_bars;
- while(($this->text_string_width($this->find_longest_string($headings), $this->graph_font, $headings_font_size) > ($identifiers_width - 2)) || $this->text_string_height($this->graph_maximum_value, $this->graph_font, $headings_font_size) > ($line_height - 4))
- {
- $headings_font_size -= 0.5;
- }
- for($j = 0; $j < count($this->graph_data[0]); $j++)
- {
- $results = array_reverse(explode(",", $this->graph_data[0][$j]));
- $line_ttf_height = $this->text_string_height("AZ@![]()@|_", $this->graph_font, $this->graph_font_size_bars);
- for($i = 0; $i < count($headings) && $i < count($results); $i++)
- {
- if($results[$i] == "PASS")
- {
- $paint_color = $pass_color;
- }
- else
- {
- $paint_color = $fail_color;
- }
- $this_bottom_end = $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + (($j + 1) * $line_height) + $heading_height + 1;
- if($this_bottom_end >= $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border)
- {
- $this_bottom_end = $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border - 1;
- }
- else if($j == (count($this->graph_data[0]) - 1) && $this_bottom_end < $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border)
- {
- $this_bottom_end = $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border - 1;
- }
- $this->draw_rectangle($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - ($i * $identifiers_width), $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($j * $line_height) + $heading_height, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - (($i + 1) * $identifiers_width), $this_bottom_end, $paint_color);
- $this->write_text_center($results[$i], $this->graph_font_size_bars, $this->graph_color_body_text, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - ($i * $identifiers_width) - $identifiers_width, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($j * $line_height) + $heading_height + ($line_height / 2) - ($line_ttf_height / 2), $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - ($i * $identifiers_width), $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($j * $line_height) + $heading_height + ($line_height / 2) - ($line_ttf_height / 2));
- }
- }
- $headings = array_reverse($headings);
- $line_ttf_height = $this->text_string_height("AZ@![]()@|_", $this->graph_font, $headings_font_size);
- for($i = 0; $i < count($headings); $i++)
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - (($i + 1) * $identifiers_width), $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - (($i + 1) * $identifiers_width), $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- $this->write_text_center($headings[$i], $headings_font_size, $this->graph_color_headers, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - ($i * $identifiers_width) - $identifiers_width, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($heading_height / 2) - ($line_ttf_height / 2), $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border - ($i * $identifiers_width), $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($heading_height / 2) - ($line_ttf_height / 2));
- }
- $line_ttf_height = $this->text_string_height("AZ@![]()@|_", $this->graph_font, $main_font_size);
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->graph_identifiers); $i++)
- {
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($i * $line_height) + $heading_height, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($i * $line_height) + $heading_height, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- $this->write_text_right($this->graph_identifiers[$i], $main_font_size, $this->graph_color_headers, $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border + $main_width, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($i * $line_height) + $heading_height + ($line_height / 2) - 2, $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border + $main_width, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($i * $line_height) + $heading_height + ($line_height / 2) - 2, false);
- }
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border, $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- $this->draw_line($this->graph_image, $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border, $this->graph_left_end - $horizontal_border, $this->graph_top_end - $vertical_border, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- }
- protected function render_graph_result()
- {
- $this->render_graph_passfail();
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/pts_PassFailGraph.php b/pts-core/objects/pts_PassFailGraph.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cb466fd..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/pts_PassFailGraph.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Larabel
- pts_PassFailGraph.php: An abstract graph object extending pts_Graph for showing results in a pass/fail scenario.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class pts_PassFailGraph extends pts_CustomGraph
- public function __construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title)
- {
- parent::__construct($title, $sub_title, $y_axis_title);
- $this->graph_type = "PASS_FAIL";
- $this->graph_value_type = "ABSTRACT";
- $this->graph_hide_identifiers = true;
- $this->graph_data_title = array("PASSED", "FAILED");
- }
- protected function render_graph_passfail()
- {
- $identifier_count = count($this->graph_identifiers);
- $vertical_border = 18;
- $horizontal_border = 10;
- $spacing = 8;
- $columns = 1;
- $graph_width = $this->graph_left_end - $this->graph_left_start - ($horizontal_border * 2);
- $graph_height = $this->graph_top_end - $this->graph_top_start - ($vertical_border * 1.5);
- $font_size = $this->graph_font_size_bars * 1.5;
- $pass_color = $this->next_paint_color();
- $fail_color = $this->next_paint_color();
- for($i = 2; $i <= sqrt($identifier_count); $i++)
- {
- if(intval($identifier_count / $i) == ($identifier_count / $i))
- {
- $columns = $i;
- }
- }
- $identifiers_per_column = $identifier_count / $columns;
- $identifier_height = floor(($graph_height - (($identifiers_per_column - 1) * $spacing)) / $identifiers_per_column);
- $identifier_width = floor(($graph_width - (($columns - 1) * $spacing)) / $columns);
- $width = $identifier_width - 8;
- $height = $line_height - 4;
- $main_font_size = $this->text_size_bounds($this->graph_maximum_value, $this->graph_font, $font_size, 4, $width, $height);
- for($c = 0; $c < $columns; $c++)
- {
- for($i = 0; $i < $identifiers_per_column; $i++)
- {
- $element_i = ($c * $identifiers_per_column) + $i;
- $this_identifier = $this->graph_identifiers[$element_i];
- $this_value = $this->graph_data[0][$element_i];
- $this_horizontal_start = $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border + ($c * ($identifier_width + $spacing));
- $this_horizontal_end = $this->graph_left_start + $horizontal_border + ($c * ($identifier_width + $spacing)) + $identifier_width;
- $this_vertical_start = $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($i * ($identifier_height + $spacing));
- $this_vertical_end = $this->graph_top_start + $vertical_border + ($i * ($identifier_height + $spacing)) + $identifier_height;
- if($this_value == "PASS")
- {
- $paint_color = $pass_color;
- }
- else
- {
- $paint_color = $fail_color;
- }
- $this->draw_rectangle_border($this->graph_image, $this_horizontal_start, $this_vertical_start, $this_horizontal_end, $this_vertical_end, $this->graph_color_body_light);
- $this->draw_rectangle($this->graph_image, $this_horizontal_start + 1, $this_vertical_start + 1, $this_horizontal_end - 1, $this_vertical_end - 1, $paint_color);
- $this->write_text_center($this_identifier, $font_size, $this->graph_color_body_text, $this_horizontal_start, $this_vertical_start + (($this_vertical_end - $this_vertical_start) / 2) - ($this->text_string_height($this_identifier, $this->graph_font, $font_size) / 2), $this_horizontal_end, $this_vertical_start + (($this_vertical_end - $this_vertical_start) / 2) - ($this->text_string_height($this_identifier, $this->graph_font, $font_size) / 2));
- }
- }
- }
- protected function render_graph_result()
- {
- $this->render_graph_passfail();
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/pts_test_tandem_XmlReader.php b/pts-core/objects/pts_test_tandem_XmlReader.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 096b356..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/pts_test_tandem_XmlReader.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2004-2008, Michael Larabel
- pts_test_tandem_XmlReader.php: The XML reading object for the Phoronix Test Suite with optimizations for handling test profiles
- Additional Notes: A very simple XML parser with a few extras... Does not currently support attributes on tags, etc.
- A work in progress. This was originally designed for just some select needs in the past. No XML validation is done with this parser, etc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class pts_test_tandem_XmlReader extends tandem_XmlReader
- function handleXmlZeroTagFallback($xml_tag)
- {
- // Cascading Test Profiles for finding a tag within an XML file being extended by another XML file
- $fallback_value = $this->tag_fallback_value;
- if(!empty($this->xml_file_name))
- {
- $test_extends = $this->getValue(P_TEST_CTPEXTENDS, null, null, true, true);
- if(!empty($test_extends) && pts_is_test($test_extends))
- {
- $test_below_parser = new pts_test_tandem_XmlReader(pts_location_test($test_extends));
- $test_below_tag = $test_below_parser->getXMLValue($xml_tag);
- if(!empty($test_below_tag))
- {
- $fallback_value = $test_below_tag;
- }
- }
- }
- return $fallback_value;
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/tandem_XmlReader.php b/pts-core/objects/tandem_XmlReader.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bc6707..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/tandem_XmlReader.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2004-2008, Michael Larabel
- tandem_XmlReader.php: The XML reading object for the Phoronix Test Suite.
- Additional Notes: A very simple XML parser with a few extras... Does not currently support attributes on tags, etc.
- A work in progress. This was originally designed for just some select needs in the past. No XML validation is done with this parser, etc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class tandem_XmlReader
- var $xml_data = ""; // XML contents
- var $xml_file_time = null; // File modification time
- var $xml_file_name = null; // File name
- var $xml_cache_file = false; // Cache the entire XML file being parsed?
- var $xml_cache_tags = true; // Cache the tags that are being called?
- var $tag_fallback_value = null; // Fallback value if tag is not present
- static $tag_cache = null; // The cache for the tag cache
- static $file_cache = null; // The cache for the file cache
- function __construct($read_xml, $cache_support = true)
- {
- if(is_readable($read_xml))
- {
- if($cache_support)
- {
- $this->xml_cache_file = false;
- $this->xml_cache_tags = false;
- }
- // If you are going to be banging XML files hard through the course of the script, you will want to flush the PHP file cache
- // clearstatcache();
- $this->xml_file_time = filemtime($read_xml);
- $this->xml_file_name = $read_xml;
- if($this->xml_cache_file && isset(self::$file_cache[$this->xml_file_name][$this->xml_file_time]))
- {
- $this->xml_data = self::$file_cache[$this->xml_file_name][$this->xml_file_time];
- }
- if(empty($this->xml_data))
- {
- $this->xml_data = file_get_contents($read_xml);
- if($this->xml_cache_file)
- {
- self::$file_cache[$this->xml_file_name][$this->xml_file_time] = $this->xml_data;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->xml_cache_file = false;
- $this->xml_cache_tags = false;
- $this->xml_data = $read_xml;
- }
- }
- function getStatement($statement)
- {
- return $this->listStatements(true, $statement);
- }
- function listStatements($perform_search = false, $search_query = "")
- {
- $return_r = array();
- $comment_statements = $this->parseLineCommentsFromFile();
- foreach($comment_statements as $statement)
- {
- $name = substr($statement, 0, strpos($statement, ":"));
- $name = trim(strstr($name, " "));
- if($perform_search && !empty($search_query))
- {
- if($name == $search_query)
- {
- $value = trim(substr(strstr($statement, ":"), 1));
- array_push($return_r, $value);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- array_push($return_r, $name);
- }
- }
- return $return_r;
- }
- function getXMLValue($xml_tag)
- {
- return $this->getValue($xml_tag);
- }
- function isDefined($xml_tag)
- {
- return $this->getValue($xml_tag) != null;
- }
- function getValue($xml_path, $xml_tag = null, $xml_match = null, $cache_tag = true, $is_fallback_call = false)
- {
- if($xml_tag == null)
- {
- $xml_tag = $xml_path;
- }
- if($xml_match == null)
- {
- $xml_match = $this->xml_data;
- }
- if($this->xml_cache_tags && $cache_tag && isset(self::$tag_cache[$this->xml_file_name][$this->xml_file_time][$xml_tag]))
- {
- $xml_match = self::$tag_cache[$this->xml_file_name][$this->xml_file_time][$xml_tag];
- }
- else
- {
- foreach(explode("/", $xml_tag) as $xml_step)
- {
- $xml_match = $this->parseXMLString($xml_step, $xml_match, false);
- if($xml_match == false)
- {
- if($is_fallback_call != true)
- {
- $xml_match = $this->handleXmlZeroTagFallback($xml_path);
- }
- else
- {
- $xml_match = $this->tag_fallback_value;
- }
- }
- }
- if($this->xml_cache_tags && $cache_tag)
- {
- self::$tag_cache[$this->xml_file_name][$this->xml_file_time][$xml_tag] = $xml_match;
- }
- }
- return $xml_match;
- }
- function parseXMLString($xml_tag, $to_parse, $multi_search = true)
- {
- $return = false;
- $temp_r = array();
- $temp = $to_parse;
- $open_tag = "<" . $xml_tag . ">";
- $close_tag = "</" . $xml_tag . ">";
- $open_tag_length = strlen($open_tag);
- $close_tag_length = strlen($close_tag);
- do
- {
- $return = null;
- if(($start = strpos($temp, $open_tag)) !== false)
- {
- $temp = substr($temp, $start + $open_tag_length);
- if(($end = strpos($temp, $close_tag)) !== false)
- {
- $return = substr($temp, 0, $end);
- $temp = substr($temp, strlen($return) + $close_tag_length);
- }
- }
- if($return != null)
- {
- array_push($temp_r, $return);
- }
- }
- while($return != null && $multi_search);
- if(count($temp_r) > 0)
- {
- $return = $temp_r;
- if($multi_search == false)
- {
- $return = $return[0];
- }
- }
- return $return;
- }
- function parseLineCommentsFromFile($read_from = null)
- {
- if(empty($read_from))
- {
- $read_from = $this->xml_data;
- }
- $return_r = array();
- $temp = $read_from;
- do
- {
- $return = null;
- if(($start = strpos($temp, "<!--")) !== false)
- {
- $temp = substr($temp, $start + 4);
- if(($end = strpos($temp, "-->")) !== false)
- {
- $return = substr($temp, 0, $end);
- $temp = substr($temp, strlen($return) + 3);
- }
- }
- if($return != null)
- {
- array_push($return_r, $return);
- }
- }
- while($return != null);
- return $return_r;
- }
- function handleXmlZeroTagFallback($xml_tag)
- {
- return $this->tag_fallback_value;
- }
- function getXMLValues($xml_tag)
- {
- return $this->getXMLArrayValues($xml_tag);
- }
- function getXMLArrayValues($xml_tag)
- {
- return $this->getArrayValues($xml_tag, $this->xml_data);
- }
- function getArrayValues($xml_tag, $xml_match)
- {
- $xml_steps = explode("/", $xml_tag);
- $xml_steps_count = count($xml_steps);
- $this_xml = $xml_match;
- for($i = 0; $i < ($xml_steps_count - 2); $i++)
- {
- $this_xml = $this->getValue($xml_tag, $xml_steps[$i], $this_xml, false);
- }
- $xml_matches = $this->parseXMLString($xml_steps[($xml_steps_count - 2)], $this_xml);
- $xml_matches_count = count($xml_matches);
- $return_r = array();
- $extraction_tags = explode(",", end($xml_steps));
- $extraction_tags_count = count($extraction_tags);
- for($i = 0; $i < $xml_matches_count; $i++)
- {
- if($extraction_tags_count == 1)
- {
- $this_item = $this->getValue($xml_tag, $extraction_tags[0], $xml_matches[$i], false);
- array_push($return_r, $this_item);
- }
- else
- {
- if($i == 0)
- {
- foreach($extraction_tags as $extract)
- {
- $return_r[$extract] = array();
- }
- }
- foreach($extraction_tags as $extract)
- {
- $this_item = $this->getValue($xml_tag, $extract, $xml_matches[$i], false);
- array_push($return_r[$extract], $this_item);
- }
- }
- }
- return $return_r;
- }
- function setFileCaching($do_cache)
- {
- $this->xml_cache_file = ($do_cache == true);
- }
- function setTagCaching($do_cache)
- {
- $this->xml_cache_tags = ($do_cache == true);
- }
- function setCaching($do_cache)
- {
- $this->setFileCaching($do_cache);
- $this->setTagCaching($do_cache);
- }
diff --git a/pts-core/objects/tandem_XmlWriter.php b/pts-core/objects/tandem_XmlWriter.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 78a8c5e..0000000
--- a/pts-core/objects/tandem_XmlWriter.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
- Phoronix Test Suite
- URLs:,
- Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
- Copyright (C) 2004-2008, Michael Larabel
- tandem_XmlReader.php: The XML writing object for the Phoronix Test Suite.
- Additional Notes: A very simple XML writer with a few extras... Does not support attributes on tags, etc.
- A work in progress. This was originally designed for just some select needs in the past. It does support linking to an XSL as
- well as whether to format the XML or not, etc. Also provides a MD5 checksum of the XML body.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-class tandem_XmlWriter
- var $xml_objects = array();
- var $xml_string_paths = array();
- var $xml_statements = array();
- var $xml_checksum = false;
- var $format_xml = true;
- var $xsl_binding = null;
- function __construct($nice_formatting = true)
- {
- $this->format_xml = ($nice_formatting == true);
- }
- function setXslBinding($url)
- {
- $this->xsl_binding = $url;
- }
- function writeXmlCheckSum()
- {
- $this->xml_checksum = true;
- }
- function addXmlObject($xml_location, $unique_identifier = 0, $xml_value = "", $std_step = null, $step_id = null)
- {
- $xml_array = array();
- $alt_step = -1;
- $steps = 0;
- if($std_step == null)
- {
- $std_step = 2;
- }
- if($step_id == null)
- {
- $step_id = $unique_identifier;
- }
- if(array_search($unique_identifier . "," . $xml_location, $this->xml_string_paths) !== false)
- {
- $alt_step = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- array_push($this->xml_string_paths, $unique_identifier . "," . $xml_location);
- }
- $xml_steps = explode('/', $xml_location);
- foreach(array_reverse($xml_steps) as $current_tag)
- {
- $steps++;
- if(empty($xml_array))
- {
- $xml_array = $xml_value;
- }
- if(!empty($current_tag))
- {
- $xml_array = array("$current_tag" => $xml_array);
- }
- if($steps == $std_step)
- {
- $xml_array = array("id_" . $unique_identifier => $xml_array);
- }
- if($steps == $alt_step)
- {
- $xml_array = array("id_" . $step_id => $xml_array);
- }
- }
- $this->xml_objects = array_merge_recursive($this->xml_objects, $xml_array);
- }
- function addStatement($name, $value)
- {
- array_push($this->xml_statements, trim($name . ": " . $value));
- }
- function getXMLStatements()
- {
- $return_string = "";
- $statements_to_print = array_reverse($this->xml_statements);
- foreach($statements_to_print as $statement)
- {
- $return_string .= "<!-- " . $statement . " -->\n";
- }
- return $return_string;
- }
- function getXML()
- {
- $formatted_xml = $this->getXMLBelow($this->xml_objects, 0);
- $this->addStatement("Generated", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
- if($this->xml_checksum)
- {
- $this->addStatement("Checksum", md5($formatted_xml));
- }
- return "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" . $this->getXSL() . $this->getXMLStatements() . $formatted_xml;
- }
- function getXSL()
- {
- $str = "";
- if($this->xsl_binding != null)
- {
- $str = "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" . $this->xsl_binding . "\" ?>\n";
- }
- return $str;
- }
- function getJustXML()
- {
- return $this->getXMLBelow($this->xml_objects, 0);
- }
- function getXMLBelow($statement_name, $times_deep)
- {
- $formatted_xml = "";
- foreach($statement_name as $key => $value)
- {
- if(!is_array($value))
- {
- $formatted_xml .= $this->getXMLTabs($times_deep) . "<" . $key . ">" . $value . "</" . $key . ">" . $this->getXMLBreaks();
- }
- else
- {
- if(substr($key, 0, 3) === "id_")
- {
- $formatted_xml .= $this->getXMLBelow($value, $times_deep);
- }
- else
- {
- $formatted_xml .= $this->getXMLTabs($times_deep) . "<" . $key . ">" . $this->getXMLBreaks();
- $formatted_xml .= $this->getXMLBelow($value, $times_deep + 1);
- $formatted_xml .= $this->getXMLTabs($times_deep) . "</" . $key . ">" . $this->getXMLBreaks();
- }
- }
- }
- return $formatted_xml;
- }
- function getXMLTabs($times_deep)
- {
- $format = "";
- if($this->format_xml)
- {
- $format = str_repeat("\t", $times_deep);
- }
- return $format;
- }
- function getXMLBreaks()
- {
- $format = "";
- if($this->format_xml)
- {
- $format = "\n";
- }
- return $format;
- }
- function debugDumpArray()
- {
- return $this->xml_objects;
- }