path: root/pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php
diff options
authorMichael Larabel <michael@phx-laptop.(none)>2008-10-02 09:51:54 -0400
committerMichael Larabel <michael@phx-laptop.(none)>2008-10-02 09:51:54 -0400
commit29ce4d74394a0646a4edfbe7b33d97f37fd6e952 (patch)
treedb3d6a1c6e1bcf2aa8e21d6d11dd1b04474af8a1 /pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php
parente183e7477d45c29032e320f9fd4284d4e8562e96 (diff)
pts-core: Cleanup pts-functions_system.php and move most of it to
pts-functions_system_hardware.php and pts-functions_system_software.php
Diffstat (limited to 'pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php b/pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php
index 2df6417..892e169 100644
--- a/pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php
+++ b/pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Copyright (C) 2008, Phoronix Media
Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Larabel
- pts-functions_system.php: System-level (Linux) functions, includes the parsing of the installed system hardware/software.
+ pts-functions_system.php: Include system functions.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -21,445 +21,13 @@
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-function pts_process_running_string($process_arr)
- // Format a nice string that shows processes running
- $p = array();
- $p_string = "";
- if(!is_array($process_arr))
- $process_arr = array($process_arr);
- foreach($process_arr as $p_name => $p_process)
- {
- if(!is_array($p_process))
- $p_process = array($p_process);
- foreach($p_process as $process)
- if(pts_process_running_bool($process))
- array_push($p, $p_name);
- }
- $p = array_keys(array_flip($p));
- if(($p_count = count($p)) > 0)
- {
- for($i = 0; $i < $p_count; $i++)
- {
- $p_string .= $p[$i];
- if($i != ($p_count - 1) && $p_count > 2)
- $p_string .= ",";
- $p_string .= " ";
- if($i == ($p_count - 2))
- $p_string .= "and ";
- }
- if($p_count == 1)
- $p_string .= "was";
- else
- $p_string .= "were";
- $p_string .= " running on this system. ";
- }
- return $p_string;
-function pts_process_running_bool($process)
- // Checks if process is running on the system
- $running = shell_exec("ps -C " . strtolower($process) . " 2>&1");
- $running = trim(str_replace(array("PID", "TTY", "TIME", "CMD"), "", $running));
- if(!empty($running))
- $running = true;
- else
- $running = false;
- return $running;
-function pts_user_name()
- // Gets the system user's name
- if(function_exists("posix_getpwuid") && function_exists("posix_getuid"))
- {
- $userinfo = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
- $username = $userinfo["name"];
- }
- else
- {
- $username = trim(getenv("USERNAME"));
- }
- return $username;
-function pts_disk_total()
- // Returns amoung of disk space
- return ceil(disk_total_space("/") / 1073741824);
-function memory_mb_capacity()
- // Returns physical memory capacity
- if(is_file("/proc/meminfo"))
- {
- $info = file_get_contents("/proc/meminfo");
- $info = substr($info, strpos($info, "MemTotal:") + 9);
- $info = intval(trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "kB"))));
- $info = floor($info / 1024);
- }
- else if(IS_SOLARIS)
- {
- $info = shell_exec("prtconf | grep Memory");
- $info = substr($info, strpos($info, ":") + 2);
- $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "Megabytes"));
- }
- else if(IS_BSD)
- {
- $info = floor(read_sysctl("hw.realmem") / 1048576);
- }
- else
- $info = "Unknown";
- return $info;
-function os_vendor()
- // Returns OS vendor
- return read_lsb("Distributor ID");
-function os_version()
- // Returns OS version
- return read_lsb("Release");
-function kernel_string()
- // Returns kernel
- return trim(shell_exec("uname -r 2>&1"));
-function kernel_arch()
- // Find out the kernel archiecture
- $kernel_arch = trim(shell_exec("uname -m 2>&1"));
- if($kernel_arch == "X86-64")
- $kernel_arch = "x86_64";
- else if($kernel_arch == "i86pc")
- $kernel_arch = "i686";
- return $kernel_arch;
-function motherboard_chipset_string()
- // Returns motherboard chipset
- $info = read_pci("Host bridge");
- if(count(explode(" ", $info)) == 1)
- {
- $bridge = read_pci(array("Bridge", "PCI bridge"));
- if($bridge != "Unknown")
- {
- $match = false;
- $break_words = array("Ethernet", "PCI", "High", "USB");
- for($i = 0; $i < count($break_words) && !$match; $i++)
- {
- if(($pos = strpos($bridge, $break_words[$i])) > 0)
- {
- $bridge = trim(substr($bridge, 0, $pos));
- $info = $bridge;
- $match = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(isset($bridge) && $bridge != "Unknown")
- {
- // Attempt to detect Southbridge (if applicable)
- $southbridge = read_pci(array("ISA bridge", "SATA controller"), FALSE);
- if(($start_cut = strpos($southbridge, "(")) > 0 && ($end_cut = strpos($southbridge, ")", $start_cut + 1)) > 0)
- {
- $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge, $start_cut + 1, $end_cut - $start_cut - 1);
- if(strpos($southbridge_extract, "rev") === FALSE)
- {
- $southbridge_extract = explode(" ", $southbridge_extract);
- $southbridge_clean = $southbridge_extract[0];
- $info .= " + " . $southbridge_clean;
- }
- }
- else if(($start_cut = strpos($southbridge, "SB")) > 0)
- {
- $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge, $start_cut);
- $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge_extract, 0, strpos($southbridge_extract, " "));
- $info .= " + " . $southbridge_extract;
- }
- }
- return $info;
-function compiler_version()
- // Returns version of the compiler (if present)
- $info = shell_exec("gcc -dumpversion 2>&1");
- $gcc_info = "N/A";
- if(strpos($info, '.') !== FALSE)
- $gcc_info = "GCC " . trim($info);
- return $gcc_info;
-function operating_system_release()
- // Determine the operating system release
- $vendor = os_vendor();
- $version = os_version();
- if($vendor == "Unknown" && $version == "Unknown")
- {
- $os = "Unknown";
- // Try to detect distro for those not supplying lsb_release
- $files = glob("/etc/*-version");
- if(count($files) > 0)
- {
- $file = file_get_contents($files[0]);
- $os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "\n"));
- }
- if($os == "Unknown")
- {
- $files = glob("/etc/*-release");
- if(count($files) > 0)
- {
- $file = file_get_contents($files[0]);
- $os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- if(is_file("/etc/release"))
- {
- $file = file_get_contents("/etc/release");
- $os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "\n"));
- }
- }
- }
- if($os == "Unknown")
- $os = shell_exec("uname -s 2>&1");
- }
- else
- $os = $vendor . " " . $version;
- if(($break_point = strpos($os, ":")) > 0)
- $os = substr($os, $break_point + 1);
- $os = trim($os);
- return $os;
-function pts_vendor_identifier()
- // Returns the vendor identifier used with the External Dependencies and other distro-specific features
- $vendor = os_vendor();
- if($vendor == "Unknown")
- {
- $vendor = operating_system_release();
- if(($spos = strpos($vendor, " ")) > 1)
- $vendor = substr($vendor, 0, $spos);
- }
- return strtolower($vendor);
-function system_temperature()
- // Reads the system's temperature
- $temp_c = read_sensors(array("Sys Temp", "Board Temp"));
- if(empty($temp_c))
- {
- $temp_c = read_acpi("/thermal_zone/THM1/temperature", "temperature"); // if it is THM1 that is for the system, in most cases it should be
- if(($end = strpos($temp_c, ' ')) > 0)
- $temp_c = substr($temp_c, 0, $end);
- }
- if(empty($temp_c))
- $temp_c = -1;
- return $temp_c;
-function system_line_voltage($type)
- // Reads the system's line voltages
- if($type == "CPU")
- $voltage = read_sensors("VCore");
- else if($type == "V3")
- $voltage = read_sensors(array("V3.3", "+3.3V"));
- else if($type == "V5")
- $voltage = read_sensors(array("V5", "+5V"));
- else if($type == "V12")
- $voltage = read_sensors(array("V12", "+12V"));
- else
- $voltage = "";
- if(empty($voltage))
- $voltage = -1;
- return $voltage;
-function main_system_hardware_string()
- // Returns the motherboard
- $vendor = read_system_hal(array("system.hardware.vendor", "system.board.vendor", "pci.subsys_vendor"));
- $product = read_system_hal(array("system.hardware.product", "system.board.product"));
- $version = read_system_hal("system.hardware.version");
- if($vendor != "Unknown")
- $info = $vendor;
- else
- $info = "";
- if($product == "Unknown" || empty($product) || (strpos($version, ".") === FALSE && $version != "Unknown"))
- {
- $product = $version;
- }
- if(!empty($product) && $product != "Unknown")
- {
- $info .= " " . $product;
- }
- if(empty($info))
- {
- $fw_version = explode(" ", read_system_hal("system.firmware.version"));
- if(count($fw_version) > 1)
- $info = $fw_version[0] . " " . $fw_version[1];
- }
- if(empty($info))
- {
- $info = read_hal("pci.subsys_vendor");
- }
- return pts_clean_information_string($info);
-function pts_report_power_mode()
- // Returns the power mode
- $power_state = read_acpi("/ac_adapter/AC/state", "state");
- $return_status = "";
- if($power_state == "off-line")
- $return_status = "This computer was running on battery power.";
- return $return_status;
-function pts_report_virtualized_mode()
- // Reports if system is running virtualized
- $virtualized = "";
- $gpu = graphics_processor_string();
- if(strpos(processor_string(), "QEMU") !== FALSE)
- $virtualized = "QEMU";
- else if(strpos($gpu, "VMware") !== FALSE)
- $virtualized = "VMware";
- else if(strpos($gpu, "VirtualBox") !== FALSE || strpos(main_system_hardware_string(), "VirtualBox") !== FALSE)
- $virtualized = "VirtualBox";
- if(!empty($virtualized))
- $virtualized = "This system was using " . $virtualized . " virtualization.";
- return $virtualized;
-function filesystem_type()
- // Determine file-system type
- $fs = shell_exec("stat " . TEST_ENV_DIR . " -L -f -c %T 2> /dev/null");
- if(empty($fs) || IS_BSD)
- return "Unknown";
- return $fs;
-function read_physical_memory_usage()
- // Amount of physical memory being used
- return read_system_memory_usage("MEMORY");
-function read_total_memory_usage()
- // Amount of total (physical + SWAP) memory being used
- return read_system_memory_usage("TOTAL");
-function read_swap_usage()
- // Amount of SWAP memory being used
- return read_system_memory_usage("SWAP");
-function read_system_memory_usage($TYPE = "TOTAL", $READ = "USED")
- // Reads system memory usage
- $mem = explode("\n", shell_exec("free -t -m 2>&1"));
- $grab_line = null;
- $mem_usage = -1;
- for($i = 0; $i < count($mem) && empty($grab_line); $i++)
- {
- $line_parts = explode(":", $mem[$i]);
- if(count($line_parts) == 2)
- {
- $line_type = trim($line_parts[0]);
- if($TYPE == "MEMORY" && $line_type == "Mem")
- $grab_line = $line_parts[1];
- else if($TYPE == "SWAP" && $line_type == "Swap")
- $grab_line = $line_parts[1];
- else if($TYPE == "TOTAL" && $line_type == "Total")
- $grab_line = $line_parts[1];
- }
- }
- if(!empty($grab_line))
- {
- $grab_line = trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $grab_line));
- $mem_parts = explode(" ", $grab_line);
- if($READ == "USED")
- {
- if(count($mem_parts) >= 2 && is_numeric($mem_parts[1]))
- $mem_usage = $mem_parts[1];
- }
- else if($READ == "TOTAL")
- {
- if(count($mem_parts) >= 1 && is_numeric($mem_parts[0]))
- $mem_usage = $mem_parts[0];
- }
- else if($READ == "FREE")
- {
- if(count($mem_parts) >= 3 && is_numeric($mem_parts[2]))
- $mem_usage = $mem_parts[2];
- }
- }
- return $mem_usage;
function pts_hw_string()
// Returns string of hardware information
@@ -485,4 +53,5 @@ function pts_sw_string()
return $sw_string;