path: root/src/retrace
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/retrace')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/src/retrace/ b/src/retrace/
deleted file mode 100755
index db75da16..00000000
--- a/src/retrace/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import socket
-import ssl
-import sys
-import tempfile
-from subprocess import *
-REQUIRED_FILES = ["analyzer", "architecture", "coredump", "executable", "package", "release", "uid"]
-CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-xz-compressed-tar"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- argc = len(sys.argv)
- if argc < 2 or argc > 3:
- print "ABRT Retrace Uploader"
- print "For test purposes only"
- print "Usage: '" + sys.argv[0] + " crash_directory server_address'"
- print " Crash directory is the directory created by ABRT (default /var/spool/abrt/crash_directory/)."
- print " Crash directory must contain analyzer, architecture, coredump, executable, package, release and uid files."
- print " If no server address is specified, default testing machine is used."
- print " Only binary crashes (caught by CCpp) need retrace."
- print " The script shows raw HTTP output including X-Task-Id and X-Task-Password headers."
- print " The tester is supposed to know what he's uploading and should handle task id and password on his own."
- sys.exit(1)
- crashdir = sys.argv[1]
- if argc == 2:
- server_addr = ""
- else:
- server_addr = sys.argv[2]
- print "Checking crash directory...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- for required_file in REQUIRED_FILES:
- if not os.path.isfile(crashdir + "/" + required_file):
- print "Error"
- sys.exit(3)
- print "OK"
- print "Checking analyzer...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- try:
- anfile = open(crashdir + "/analyzer", "r")
- an =
- anfile.close()
- if an != "CCpp":
- raise
- except:
- print "Error"
- sys.exit(4)
- print "OK"
- print "Checking architecture...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print "OK"
- print "Compressing crash into .tar.xz archive...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- archive = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False, suffix = ".tar.xz")
- archive.close()
- os.chdir(crashdir)
- compress = Popen(["tar", "cJf",] + REQUIRED_FILES)
- compress.wait()
- if compress.returncode != 0:
- print "Error"
- sys.exit(7)
- print "OK"
- print "Building request...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- try:
- f = open(, "rb")
- data =
- f.close()
- request = "POST /create HTTP/1.1\r\n" \
- + "Host: " + server_addr + "\r\n" \
- + "Content-Type: " + CONTENT_TYPE + "\r\n" \
- + "Content-Length: " + str(len(data)) + "\r\n" \
- + "Connection: close\r\n" \
- + "\r\n"
- print "OK"
- print "---------"
- print request + "[raw data]"
- print "---------"
- except:
- print "Error"
- sys.exit(8)
- print "Connecting to retrace server @ ssl://" + server_addr + ":443...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock)
- try:
- sslsock.connect((server_addr, 443))
- print "OK"
- print "Sending request...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sslsock.write(request + data)
- print "OK"
- print "Receiving response...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- response = ""
- block =
- while (block):
- response += block
- block =
- sslsock.close()
- print "OK"
- print "----------"
- print response,
- print "----------"
- except:
- print "Error"
- sys.exit(9)
- print "Cleanup...",
- sys.stdout.flush()
- try:
- os.unlink(
- except:
- print "Error"
- sys.exit(10)
- print "OK"