path: root/cli/runtime-source.cxx
diff options
authorBoris Kolpackov <>2018-03-21 15:29:02 +0200
committerBoris Kolpackov <>2018-03-21 15:29:02 +0200
commitdd817b37a1139f0bbc1414c8b542734662c5da88 (patch)
tree4abd8a892e4751334a78ff90fde41061dc54b50c /cli/runtime-source.cxx
parent6520b63cb25580420e477cba2c776b2639cbf21b (diff)
Implement group_scanner
Diffstat (limited to 'cli/runtime-source.cxx')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cli/runtime-source.cxx b/cli/runtime-source.cxx
index e3be19e..7d50f24 100644
--- a/cli/runtime-source.cxx
+++ b/cli/runtime-source.cxx
@@ -180,6 +180,72 @@ generate_runtime_source (context& ctx, bool complete)
<< "}";
+ if (ctx.options.generate_group_scanner ())
+ {
+ // unexpected_group
+ //
+ os << "// unexpected_group" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "unexpected_group::" << endl
+ << "~unexpected_group () throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}"
+ << "void unexpected_group::" << endl
+ << "print (" << os_type << "& os) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "os << \"unexpected grouped argument '\" << group_ << \"' \"" << endl
+ << " << \"for argument '\" << argument_ << \"'\";"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* unexpected_group::" << endl
+ << "what () const throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return \"unexpected grouped argument\";"
+ << "}";
+ // group_separator
+ //
+ os << "// group_separator" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "group_separator::" << endl
+ << "~group_separator () throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}"
+ << "void group_separator::" << endl
+ << "print (" << os_type << "& os) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "bool ex (!expected_.empty ());"
+ << "bool en (!encountered_.empty ());"
+ << endl
+ << "if (ex)"
+ << "{"
+ << "os << \"expected group separator '\" << expected_ << \"'\";"
+ << "if (en)" << endl
+ << "os << \" instead of '\" << encountered_ << \"'\";"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "os << \"unexpected group separator '\" << encountered_ << \"'\";"
+ << endl
+ << "if (en)" << endl
+ << "os << \", use '\\\\\" << encountered_ << \"' to escape\";"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* group_separator::" << endl
+ << "what () const throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "bool ex (!expected_.empty ());"
+ << "bool en (!encountered_.empty ());"
+ << endl
+ << "return en" << endl
+ << " ? ex ? \"wrong group separator\" : \"unexpected group separator\"" << endl
+ << " : ex ? \"expected group separator\" : \"\";"
+ << "}";
+ }
// scanner
os << "// scanner" << endl
@@ -494,6 +560,146 @@ generate_runtime_source (context& ctx, bool complete)
<< "}";
+ // group_scanner
+ //
+ if (ctx.options.generate_group_scanner ())
+ {
+ os << "// group_scanner" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "bool group_scanner::" << endl
+ << "more ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "// We don't want to call scan_group() here since that" << endl
+ << "// would invalidate references to previous arguments." << endl
+ << "// But we do need to check that the previous group was" << endl
+ << "// handled." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (state_ == scanned)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (group_scan_.end () != group_.size ())" << endl
+ << "throw unexpected_group (arg_[i_], ());"
+ << "}"
+ << "return scan_.more ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* group_scanner::" << endl
+ << "peek ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (state_ != peeked)" << endl
+ << "scan_group (peeked);"
+ << "scan_.peek ();"
+ << "// Return unescaped." << endl
+ << "return arg_[i_].c_str ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* group_scanner::" << endl
+ << "next ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (state_ != peeked)" << endl
+ << "scan_group (peeked);"
+ << " ();"
+ << "scan_group (scanned);"
+ << "// Return unescaped." << endl
+ << "return arg_[i_].c_str ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "void group_scanner::" << endl
+ << "skip ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (state_ != peeked)" << endl
+ << "scan_group (peeked);"
+ << "scan_.skip ();"
+ << "scan_group (skipped);"
+ << "}"
+ << "void group_scanner::" << endl
+ << "scan_group (state st)"
+ << "{"
+ << "// If the previous argument has been scanned, then make" << endl
+ << "// sure the group has been scanned (handled) as well." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (state_ == scanned)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (group_scan_.end () != group_.size ())" << endl
+ << "throw unexpected_group (arg_[i_], ());"
+ << "}"
+ << "if (state_ != peeked)"
+ << "{"
+ << "arg_[i_ == 0 ? ++i_ : --i_].clear ();"
+ << "group_.clear ();"
+ << "group_scan_.reset ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "// We recognize all group sequences both before and " << endl
+ << "// after the argument and diagnose any misuse. We may" << endl
+ << "// also have multiple groups:" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "// { -x }+ { -y }+ arg" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "// Using group_ won't cover empty groups." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "bool g (false);"
+ << endl
+ << "while (scan_.more ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "const char* a (scan_.peek ());"
+ << "size_t i (*a == '\\\\' ? 1 : 0);"
+ << "separator s (sense (a + i));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (s == none || i != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (state_ != peeked)" << endl
+ << "arg_[i_] = a + (s != none ? i : 0);"
+ << "break;"
+ << "}"
+ << "// Start of a leading group for the next argument." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (s == open && state_ == peeked)" << endl
+ << "break;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (s != (state_ == peeked ? open_plus : open))" << endl
+ << "throw group_separator (a, \"\");"
+ << endl
+ << "g = true;"
+ << endl
+ << "// Scan the group until the closing separator." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << " ();"
+ << "s = none;"
+ << "while (s == none && scan_.more ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "a = ();"
+ << "i = (*a == '\\\\' ? 1 : 0);"
+ << "s = sense (a + i);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (s == none || i != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "group_.push_back (a + (s != none ? i : 0));"
+ << "s = none;"
+ << "}"
+ << "}"
+ << "if (s != (state_ == peeked ? close : close_plus))"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw group_separator ((s != none ? a : \"\")," << endl
+ << "(state_ == peeked ? \"}\" : \"}+\"));"
+ << "}"
+ << "}"
+ << "// Handle the case where we have seen the leading group" << endl
+ << "// but there are no more arguments." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (g && state_ != peeked && !scan_.more ())" << endl
+ << "throw group_separator (\"{\", \"\");"
+ << endl
+ << "state_ = st;"
+ << "}";
+ }
// Option description.
if (ctx.options.generate_description ())