path: root/grammar
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'grammar')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/grammar/grammar.y b/grammar/grammar.y
index 27d0e1d5..8371f854 100644
--- a/grammar/grammar.y
+++ b/grammar/grammar.y
@@ -133,18 +133,16 @@ conf: /* empty (to end recursion) */
| conf BSD_HOST_SELECTOR { cnfDoBSDHost($2); }
obj: BEGINOBJ nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew($1, $2); }
| BEGIN_ACTION nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_ACTION, $2); }
- | BEGIN_TPL nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_TPL, $2); dbgprintf("processing template() without {}\n"); }
+ | BEGIN_TPL nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_TPL, $2); }
| BEGIN_TPL nvlst ENDOBJ '{' propconst '}'
{ $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_TPL, $2);
$$->subobjs = $5;
- dbgprintf("processing template() WITH {}, subobj=%p\n", $5); }
+ }
propconst: { $$ = NULL; }
| propconst property { $$ = objlstAdd($1, $2); }
| propconst constant { $$ = objlstAdd($1, $2); }
-property: BEGIN_PROPERTY nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_PROPERTY, $2);
- dbgprintf("processed property()\n"); }
-constant: BEGIN_CONSTANT nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_CONSTANT, $2);
- dbgprintf("processed constant()\n"); }
+property: BEGIN_PROPERTY nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_PROPERTY, $2); }
+constant: BEGIN_CONSTANT nvlst ENDOBJ { $$ = cnfobjNew(CNFOBJ_CONSTANT, $2); }
cfsysline: CFSYSLINE { $$ = $1; }
nvlst: { $$ = NULL; }
| nvlst nv { $2->next = $1; $$ = $2; }