path: root/doc/rainerscript.html
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authorRainer Gerhards <>2008-02-26 09:05:07 +0000
committerRainer Gerhards <>2008-02-26 09:05:07 +0000
commitf22d142a538deaec341317464626c4dece41be7a (patch)
tree14db648482cb3c6cc3f951dc2dc90a1b275d5e16 /doc/rainerscript.html
parentb33a62b92c57d6c613dfc6e427bbe1eed3af0e1c (diff)
added some user doc on RainerScript
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1 files changed, 49 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/doc/rainerscript.html b/doc/rainerscript.html
index 6ffd4c37..ef0e41cb 100644
--- a/doc/rainerscript.html
+++ b/doc/rainerscript.html
@@ -1,37 +1,57 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"><title>RainerScript ABNF</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"><title>RainerScript</title>
-<h1>RainerScript ABNF</h1>
-<p>This is the formal definition of RainerScript, as supported by
-rsyslog configuration. Please note that this currently is working
-document and the actual implementation may be quite different.</p>
-first glimpse of RainerScript will be available as part of rsyslog
-3.12.0 expression support. However, the 3.12. series of rsyslog will
-have a partial script implementaiton, which will not necessariy be
-compatible with the later full implementation. So if you use it, be
-prepared for some config file changes as RainerScript evolves.</p>
-<p>C-like comments (/* some comment */) are supported in all pure
-RainerScript lines. However, legacy-mapped lines do not support them.
-All lines support the hash mark "#" as a comment initiator. Everything
-between the hash and the end of line is a comment (just like // in C++
-and many other languages).</p>
-<h2>Formal Definition</h2>
-<p>Below is the formal language definitionin ABNF (RFC 2234)
-format: <br>
-<pre>; <span style="font-weight: bold;">all of this is a working document and may change!</span> -- rgerhards, 2008-02-24<br><br>script := *stmt<br>stmt := (if_stmt / block / vardef / run_s / load_s)<br>vardef := "var" ["scope" = ("global" / "event")] <br>block := "begin" stmt "end"<br>load_s := "load" constraint ("module") modpath params ; load mod only if expr is true<br>run_s := "run" constraint ("input") name<br>constraint:= "if" expr ; constrains some one-time commands<br>modpath := expr<br>params := ["params" *1param *("," param) "endparams"]<br>param := paramname) "=" expr<br>paramname := [*(obqualifier ".") name]<br>modpath:= ; path to module<br>?line? := cfsysline / cfli<br>cfsysline:= BOL "$" *char EOL ; how to handle the first line? (no EOL in front!)<br>BOL := ; Begin of Line - implicitely set on file beginning and after each EOL<br>EOL := 0x0a ;LF<br>if_stmt := "if" expr "then"<br>old_filter:= BOL facility "." severity ; no whitespace allowed between BOL and facility!<br>facility := "*" / "auth" / "authpriv" / "cron" / "daemon" / "kern" / "lpr" / <br> "mail" / "mark" / "news" / "security" / "syslog" / "user" / "uucp" / <br> "local0" .. "local7" / "mark"<br> ; The keyword security should not be used anymore<br> ; mark is just internal<br>severity := TBD ; not really relevant in this context<br><br>; and now the actual expression<br>expr := e_and *("or" e_and)<br>e_and := e_cmp *("and" e_cmp)<br>e_cmp := val 0*1(cmp_op val)<br>val := term *(("+" / "-" / "&amp;") term)<br>term := factor *(("*" / "/" / "%") factor)<br>factor := ["not"] ["-"] terminal<br>terminal := var / constant / function / ( "(" expr ")" )<br>function := name "(" *("," expr) ")"<br>var := "$" varname<br>varname := msgvar / sysvar<br>msgvar := name<br>sysvar := "$" name<br>name := alpha *(alnum)<br>constant := string / number<br>string := simpstr / tplstr ; tplstr will be implemented in next phase<br>simpstr := "'" *char "'" ; use your imagination for char ;)<br>tplstr := '"' template '"' ; not initially implemented<br>number := ["-"] 1*digit ; 0nn = octal, 0xnn = hex, nn = decimal<br>cmp_op := "==" / "!=" / "&lt;&gt;" / "&lt;" / "&gt;" / "&lt;=" / "&gt;=" / "contains" / "startswith"<br>digit := %x30-39<br>alpha := "a" ... "z" # all letters<br>alnum :* alpha / digit / "_"<br></pre>
-<p>Some samples of RainerScript:</p><p>define function IsLinux<br>begin<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; if $environ contains "linux" then return true else return false<br>end</p><p>load if IsLinux() '' params name='klog' endparams /* load klog under linux only */<br>run if IsLinux() input 'klog'<br>load ''</p><p>if $message contains "error" then<br>&nbsp; action<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; type='', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',<br>&nbsp;
-&nbsp; [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into
-table... values('&amp;$facility&amp;','&amp;$severity&amp;...?]<br>&nbsp; endaction<br><br>... or ...</p><p>define action writeMySQL<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; type='', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into table... values('<span style="font-family: monospace;"> &amp;</span> $facility &amp; ',' &nbsp;&amp; $severity &amp;...?]<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;endaction</p><p>if $message contains "error" then action writeMySQL</p><p>ALTERNATE APPROACH</p><p>define function IsLinux(<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; if $environ contains "linux" then return true else return false<br>)</p><p>load if IsLinux() '' params name='klog' endparams /* load klog under linux only */<br>run if IsLinux() input 'klog'<br>load ''</p><p>if $message contains "error" then<br>&nbsp; action(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; type='', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',<br>&nbsp;
-&nbsp; [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into
-table... values('&amp;$facility&amp;','&amp;$severity&amp;...?]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;)<br><br>... or ...</p><p>define action writeMySQL(<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; type='', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',<br>&nbsp;
-&nbsp; [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into
-table... values('&amp;$facility&amp;','&amp;$severity&amp;...?]<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;)</p><p>if $message contains "error" then action writeMySQL(action.dbname='differentDB')</p><p></p><p>[<a href="rsyslog_conf.html">rsyslog.conf overview</a>]
+<p><b>RainerScript is a scripting language specifically
+designed and well-suited
+for processing network events and configuring event processors</b>
+(with the most prominent sample being syslog). While RainerScript is
+theoritically usable with various softwares, it currently is being
+used, and developed for, rsyslog. Please note that RainerScript may not
+be abreviated as rscript, because that's somebody elses trademark.</p>
+<p>RainerScript is currently under development. It has its first
+appearance in rsyslog 3.12.0, where it provides complex expression
+support. However, this is only a very partial implementatio of the
+scripting language. Due to technical restrictions, the final
+implementation will have a slightly different syntax. So while you are
+invited to use the full power of expresssions, you unfortunatley need
+to be prepared to change your configuration files at some later points.
+Maintaining backwards-compatibility at this point would cause us to
+make too much compromise. Defering the release until everything is
+perfect is also not a good option. So use your own judgement.</p>
+<p>A formal definition of the language can be found in <a href="rscript_abnf.html">RainerScript ABNF</a>. The
+rest of this document describes the language from the user's point of
+view. Please note that this doc is also currently under development and
+can (and will) probably improve as time progresses. If you have
+questions, use the rsyslog forum. Feedback is also always welcome.</p>
+<h2>Data Types</h2>
+RainerScript is a typeless language. That doesn't imply you don't need
+to care about types. Of course, expressions like "A" + "B" will not
+return a valid result, as you can't really add two letters (to
+concatenate them, use the concatenation operator &amp;).
+&nbsp;However, all type conversions are automatically done by the
+script interpreter when there is need to do so.<br>
+The language supports arbitrary complex expressions. All usual
+operators are supported. The precedence of operations is as follows
+(with operations being higher in the list being carried out before
+those lower in the list, e.g. multiplications are done before additions.<br>
+<li>expressions in parenthesis</li><li>not, unary minus</li><li>*, /, % (modulus, as in C)</li><li>+, -, &amp; (string concatenation)</li><li>==, !=, &lt;&gt;, &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=, contains (strings!), startswith (strings!)</li><li>and</li><li>or</li>
+</ul>For example, "not a == b" probably returns not what you intended.
+The script processor will first evaluate "not a" and then compare the
+resulting boolean to the value of b. What you probably intended to do
+is "not (a == b)". And if you just want to test for inequality, we
+highly suggest to use "!=" or "&lt;&gt;". Both are exactly the same and
+are provided so that you can pick whichever you like best. So inquality
+of a and b should be tested as "a &lt;&gt; b". The "not" operator
+should be reserved to cases where it actually is needed to form a
+complex boolean expression. In those cases, parenthesis are highly
+<p>[<a href="rsyslog_conf.html">rsyslog.conf overview</a>]
[<a href="manual.html">manual index</a>] [<a href="">rsyslog site</a>]</p>
<p><font size="2">This documentation is part of the
<a href="">rsyslog</a>