path: root/apol/file_contexts_tab.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apol/file_contexts_tab.tcl')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apol/file_contexts_tab.tcl b/apol/file_contexts_tab.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55b9d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apol/file_contexts_tab.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Tresys Technology, LLC
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+namespace eval Apol_File_Contexts {
+ variable opts
+ variable widgets
+ variable info_button_text \
+ "This tab allows the user to create and open a file context index.
+The file context index is an on-disk database which contains the
+labeling information for an entire filesystem. Once an index has been
+created it can then be queried by user, type, MLS range (if it
+contains MLS information), object class, and/or path.\n
+The result of the context query is a list of matching files, ordered
+by path. The first field is the full SELinux context, assuming that
+'Show SELinux file context' is enabled. If 'Show object class' is
+enabled, then the next field is the type of file that matched; this
+will be one of 'file', 'dir', and so forth. The remaining field is
+the full path to the file."
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::create {tab_name nb} {
+ variable opts
+ variable widgets
+ _initializeVars
+ set frame [$nb insert end $tab_name -text "File Contexts"]
+ set status [TitleFrame $frame.status -text "File Context Index"]
+ set options [TitleFrame $frame.opts -text "Search Options"]
+ set results [TitleFrame $frame.results -text "Matching Files"]
+ pack $status $options -expand 0 -fill x -pady 2
+ pack $results -expand 1 -fill both -pady 2
+ # File Context Index frame
+ set status_frame [$status getframe]
+ set status_buttons [ButtonBox $ -homogeneous 1 -padx 2]
+ $status_buttons add -text "Create and Open" -command {Apol_File_Contexts::_create_dialog}
+ $status_buttons add -text "Open" -command {Apol_File_Contexts::_open_database}
+ pack $status_buttons -side left -anchor nw -padx 2 -pady 4
+ set status_text [frame $status_frame.t]
+ pack $status_text -side left -anchor nw -padx 6 -pady 4
+ label $status_text.l -text "Opened Index:"
+ set status1 [label $status_text.t -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(statusText)]
+ set status2 [label $status_text.t2 -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(statusText2) -fg red]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(indexFilename) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_changeStatusLabel $status1 $status2]
+ grid $status_text.l $status1 -sticky w
+ grid x $status2 -sticky w -pady 2
+ pack $status -side top -expand 0 -fill x -pady 2 -padx 2
+ # invoke trace to set initial label text
+ set opts(indexFilename) $opts(indexFilename)
+ # Search options subframes
+ set options_frame [$options getframe]
+ set show_frame [frame $]
+ set user_frame [frame $options_frame.user]
+ set role_frame [frame $options_frame.role]
+ set type_frame [frame $options_frame.type]
+ set range_frame [frame $options_frame.range]
+ set objclass_frame [frame $options_frame.objclass]
+ set path_frame [frame $options_frame.path]
+ grid $show_frame $user_frame $role_frame $type_frame $range_frame $objclass_frame $path_frame \
+ -padx 2 -sticky news
+ foreach idx {1 2 3 4 5} {
+ grid columnconfigure $options_frame $idx -uniform 1 -weight 0
+ }
+ grid columnconfigure $options_frame 0 -weight 0 -pad 8
+ grid columnconfigure $options_frame 6 -weight 0
+ set use_regexp [checkbutton $show_frame.regexp \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useRegexp) \
+ -text "Search using regular expression"]
+ set show_context [checkbutton $show_frame.context \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(showContext) \
+ -text "Show SELinux file context"]
+ set show_objclass [checkbutton $show_frame.objclass \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(showObjclass) \
+ -text "Show object class"]
+ pack $use_regexp $show_context $show_objclass -side top -anchor nw
+ checkbutton $user_frame.enable -text "User" \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useUser)
+ set widgets(user) [entry $user_frame.e -width 12 \
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(user)]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useUser) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleEnable $widgets(user)]
+ pack $user_frame.enable -side top -anchor nw
+ pack $widgets(user) -side top -anchor nw -padx 4 -expand 0 -fill x
+ checkbutton $role_frame.enable -text "Role" \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useRole)
+ set widgets(role) [entry $role_frame.e -width 12 \
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(role)]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useRole) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleEnable $widgets(role)]
+ pack $role_frame.enable -side top -anchor nw
+ pack $widgets(role) -side top -anchor nw -padx 4 -expand 0 -fill x
+ checkbutton $type_frame.enable -text "Type" \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useType)
+ set widgets(type) [entry $type_frame.e -width 12 \
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(type)]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useType) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleEnable $widgets(type)]
+ pack $type_frame.enable -side top -anchor nw
+ pack $widgets(type) -side top -anchor nw -padx 4 -expand 0 -fill x
+ checkbutton $objclass_frame.enable -text "Object class" \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useObjclass)
+ set widgets(objclass) [entry $objclass_frame.e -width 12 \
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(objclass)]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useObjclass) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleEnable $widgets(objclass)]
+ pack $objclass_frame.enable -side top -anchor nw
+ pack $widgets(objclass) -side top -anchor nw -padx 4 -expand 0 -fill x
+ set range_cb [checkbutton $range_frame.enable \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useRange) -text "MLS range"]
+ set range_entry [entry $range_frame.e -width 12 \
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(range)]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(useRange) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleEnable $range_entry]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(fc_is_mls) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleRange $range_cb $range_entry]
+ pack $range_cb -side top -anchor nw
+ pack $range_entry -side top -anchor nw -padx 4 -expand 0 -fill x
+ checkbutton $path_frame.enable \
+ -variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(usePath) -text "File path"
+ set path_entry [entry $path_frame.path -width 24 \
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(path)]
+ trace add variable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(usePath) write \
+ [list Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleEnable $path_entry]
+ pack $path_frame.enable -side top -anchor nw
+ pack $path_entry -side top -anchor nw -padx 4 -expand 0 -fill x
+ set bb [ButtonBox $ -orient vertical -homogeneous 1 -pady 2]
+ $bb add -text OK -width 6 -command {Apol_File_Contexts::_search}
+ $bb add -text Info -width 6 -command {Apol_File_Contexts::_show_info}
+ grid $bb -row 0 -column 7 -padx 5 -pady 5 -sticky ne
+ grid columnconfigure $options_frame 7 -weight 1
+ set widgets(results) [Apol_Widget::makeSearchResults [$results getframe].results]
+ pack $widgets(results) -expand yes -fill both
+ return $frame
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::open {ppath} {
+ if {[is_db_loaded]} {
+ variable opts
+ $opts(db) associatePolicy $::ApolTop::policy
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::close {} {
+ _close_database
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::getTextWidget {} {
+ variable widgets
+ return $widgets(results).tb
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::is_db_loaded {} {
+ variable opts
+ if {$opts(db) != {}} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::get_fc_files_for_ta {which ta} {
+ set q [new_sefs_query]
+ if {$which == "type"} {
+ $q type $ta 0
+ } else {
+ $q type $ta 1
+ }
+ variable opts
+ if {[catch {Apol_Progress_Dialog::wait "File Contexts" "Searching database for $ta" \
+ {
+ $opts(db) runQuery $q
+ }} results]} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message $results
+ delete_sefs_query $q
+ return {}
+ }
+ delete_sefs_query $q
+ return $results
+#### private functions below ####
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_initializeVars {} {
+ variable opts
+ variable widgets
+ array set opts {
+ useUser 0 user {}
+ useRole 0 role {}
+ useType 0 type {}
+ useObjclass 0 objclass {}
+ useRange 0 range {}
+ usePath 0 path {}
+ useRegexp 0 showContext 1 showObjclass 1
+ db {}
+ fc_is_mls 1
+ indexFilename {}
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_show_info {} {
+ configure -state disabled
+ Apol_Widget::showPopupParagraph "File Contexts Information" $Apol_File_Contexts::info_button_text
+ configure -state normal
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_changeStatusLabel {label1 label2 name1 name2 opt} {
+ variable opts
+ if {$opts(db) == {}} {
+ set opts(statusText) "No Index File Opened"
+ $label1 configure -fg red
+ set opts(statusText2) {}
+ } else {
+ set opts(statusText) $opts(indexFilename)
+ $label1 configure -fg black
+ if {$opts(fc_is_mls)} {
+ set opts(statusText2) "Database contexts include MLS ranges."
+ $label2 configure -fg black
+ } else {
+ set opts(statusText2) "Database contexts do not include MLS ranges."
+ $label2 configure -fg red
+ }
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleEnable {entry name1 name2 op} {
+ variable opts
+ if {$opts($name2)} {
+ $entry configure -state normal -bg white
+ } else {
+ $entry configure -state disabled -bg $ApolTop::default_bg_color
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_toggleRange {cb entry name1 name2 op} {
+ variable opts
+ if {$opts(fc_is_mls)} {
+ $cb configure -state normal
+ if {$opts(useRange)} {
+ $entry configure -state normal -bg white
+ }
+ } else {
+ $cb configure -state disabled
+ $entry configure -state disabled -bg $ApolTop::default_bg_color
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_create_dialog {} {
+ variable opts
+ set opts(new_filename) $opts(indexFilename)
+ set opts(new_rootdir) "/"
+ set d [Dialog .filecontexts_create -title "Create Index File" \
+ -default 0 -cancel 1 -modal local -parent . -separator 1]
+ $d add -text "OK" -command [list Apol_File_Contexts::_create_database $d] \
+ -state disabled
+ $d add -text "Cancel"
+ set f [$d getframe]
+ set file_l [label $f.file_l -justify left -anchor w -text "Save index to:"]
+ set file_entry [entry $f.file_e -width 30 -bg white -takefocus 1\
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(new_filename) \
+ -validate key \
+ -vcmd [list Apol_File_Contexts::_validateEntryKey %P $d new_rootdir]]
+ focus $file_entry
+ set file_browse [button $f.file_b -text "Browse" -width 8 -takefocus 1 \
+ -command [list Apol_File_Contexts::_browse_save]]
+ set root_l [label $f.root_l -justify left -anchor w -text "Directory to index:"]
+ set root_entry [entry $f.root_e -width 30 -bg white -takefocus 1 \
+ -textvariable Apol_File_Contexts::opts(new_rootdir) \
+ -validate key \
+ -vcmd [list Apol_File_Contexts::_validateEntryKey %P $d new_filename]]
+ set root_browse [button $f.root_b -text "Browse" -width 8 -takefocus 1 \
+ -command [list Apol_File_Contexts::_browse_root]]
+ grid $file_l $file_entry $file_browse -padx 4 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid $root_l $root_entry $root_browse -padx 4 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 0
+ grid columnconfigure $f 1 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $f 2 -weight 0
+ $d draw
+ destroy $d
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_browse_save {} {
+ variable opts
+ set f [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile $opts(new_filename) \
+ -parent .filecontexts_create -title "Save Index"]
+ if {$f != {}} {
+ set opts(new_filename) $f
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_browse_root {} {
+ variable opts
+ set f [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $opts(new_rootdir) \
+ -parent .filecontexts_create -title "Directory to Index"]
+ if {$f != {}} {
+ set opts(new_rootdir) $f
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_validateEntryKey {newvalue dialog othervar} {
+ variable opts
+ if {$newvalue == {} || $opts($othervar) == {}} {
+ $dialog itemconfigure 0 -state disabled
+ } else {
+ $dialog itemconfigure 0 -state normal
+ }
+ return 1
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_create_database {dialog} {
+ variable opts
+ if {[catch {Apol_Progress_Dialog::wait "Create Database" "Scanning $opts(new_rootdir)" \
+ {
+ set db [apol_tcl_open_database_from_dir $opts(new_rootdir)]
+ $db save $opts(new_filename)
+ set db
+ } \
+ } db] || $db == "NULL"} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Create Database" \
+ -message [apol_tcl_get_info_string]
+ return
+ }
+ if {$opts(db) != {}} {
+ delete_sefs_fclist $opts(db)
+ }
+ _initializeVars
+ set opts(db) $db
+ set opts(fc_is_mls) [$db isMLS]
+ set opts(indexFilename) $opts(new_filename)
+ if {[ApolTop::is_policy_open]} {
+ $opts(db) associatePolicy $::ApolTop::policy
+ }
+ $dialog enddialog {}
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_open_database {} {
+ variable opts
+ set f [tk_getOpenFile -initialfile $opts(indexFilename) -parent . \
+ -title "Open Database"]
+ if {$f == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {Apol_Progress_Dialog::wait "Open Database" "Opening $f" \
+ {apol_tcl_open_database $f} \
+ } db] || $db == "NULL"} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Open Database" \
+ -message [apol_tcl_get_info_string]
+ return
+ }
+ if {$opts(db) != {}} {
+ delete_sefs_fclist $opts(db)
+ }
+ _initializeVars
+ set opts(db) $db
+ set opts(fc_is_mls) [$db isMLS]
+ set opts(indexFilename) $f
+ if {[ApolTop::is_policy_open]} {
+ $opts(db) associatePolicy $::ApolTop::policy
+ }
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_search {} {
+ variable opts
+ variable widgets
+ if {$opts(db) == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message "No database opened."
+ return
+ }
+ Apol_Widget::clearSearchResults $widgets(results)
+ if {$opts(useUser)} {
+ if {[set user $opts(user)] == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message "No user selected."
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set user {}
+ }
+ if {$opts(useRole)} {
+ if {[set role $opts(role)] == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message "No user selected."
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set role {}
+ }
+ if {$opts(useType)} {
+ if {[set type $opts(type)] == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message "No type selected."
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set type {}
+ }
+ if {$opts(fc_is_mls) && $opts(useRange)} {
+ if {[set range $opts(range)] == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message "No MLS range selected."
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set range {}
+ }
+ if {$opts(useObjclass)} {
+ if {[set objclass $opts(objclass)] == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message "No object class selected."
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set objclass {}
+ }
+ if {$opts(usePath)} {
+ if {[set path $opts(path)] == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message "No path selected."
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set path {}
+ }
+ set q [new_sefs_query]
+ $q user $user
+ $q role $role
+ $q type $type 0
+ $q range $range 0
+ $q objectClass $objclass
+ $q path $path
+ $q regex $opts(useRegexp)
+ if {[catch {Apol_Progress_Dialog::wait "File Contexts" "Searching database" \
+ {
+ set num_results [apol_tcl_query_database $opts(db) $q]
+ if {$num_results == 0} {
+ Apol_Widget::appendSearchResultText $widgets(results) "Search returned no results."
+ } else {
+ Apol_Widget::appendSearchResultHeader $widgets(results) "FILES FOUND ($num_results):\n\n"
+ }
+ }} err]} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "File Contexts" -message $err
+ }
+ delete_sefs_query $q
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_search_callback {entry} {
+ variable opts
+ variable widgets
+ set text {}
+ if {$opts(showContext)} {
+ set context [[$entry context] render NULL]
+ append text [format "%-40s" $context]
+ }
+ if {$opts(showObjclass)} {
+ set class [apol_objclass_to_str [$entry objectClass]]
+ append text [format " %-12s" $class]
+ }
+ append text " [$entry path]\n"
+ Apol_Widget::appendSearchResultText $widgets(results) $text
+proc Apol_File_Contexts::_close_database {} {
+ variable opts
+ variable widgets
+ if {$opts(db) != {}} {
+ delete_sefs_fclist $opts(db)
+ }
+ _initializeVars
+ Apol_Widget::clearSearchResults $widgets(results)