path: root/apol/directflow_module.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apol/directflow_module.tcl')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apol/directflow_module.tcl b/apol/directflow_module.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61055ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apol/directflow_module.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Tresys Technology, LLC
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+namespace eval Apol_Analysis_directflow {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ Apol_Analysis::registerAnalysis "Apol_Analysis_directflow" "Direct Information Flow"
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::create {options_frame} {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ _reinitializeVals
+ set dir_tf [TitleFrame $options_frame.mode -text "Direction"]
+ pack $dir_tf -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -expand 0 -fill y
+ set dir_in [radiobutton [$dir_tf getframe].in -text In \
+ -value $::APOL_INFOFLOW_IN \
+ -variable Apol_Analysis_directflow::vals(dir)]
+ set dir_out [radiobutton [$dir_tf getframe].out -text Out \
+ -value $::APOL_INFOFLOW_OUT \
+ -variable Apol_Analysis_directflow::vals(dir)]
+ set dir_either [radiobutton [$dir_tf getframe].either -text Either \
+ -variable Apol_Analysis_directflow::vals(dir)]
+ set dir_both [radiobutton [$dir_tf getframe].both -text Both \
+ -value $::APOL_INFOFLOW_BOTH \
+ -variable Apol_Analysis_directflow::vals(dir)]
+ pack $dir_in $dir_out $dir_either $dir_both -anchor w
+ set req_tf [TitleFrame $options_frame.req -text "Required Parameters"]
+ pack $req_tf -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -expand 0 -fill y
+ set l [label [$req_tf getframe].l -text "Starting type"]
+ pack $l -anchor w
+ set widgets(type) [Apol_Widget::makeTypeCombobox [$req_tf getframe].type]
+ pack $widgets(type)
+ set filter_tf [TitleFrame $options_frame.filter -text "Optional Result Filters"]
+ pack $filter_tf -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -expand 1 -fill both
+ set class_f [frame [$filter_tf getframe].class]
+ pack $class_f -side left -anchor nw
+ set class_enable [checkbutton $class_f.enable -text "Filter by object class" \
+ -variable Apol_Analysis_directflow::vals(classes:enable)]
+ pack $class_enable -anchor w
+ set widgets(classes) [Apol_Widget::makeScrolledListbox $class_f.classes \
+ -height 6 -width 24 \
+ -listvar Apol_Analysis_directflow::vals(classes:all_classes) \
+ -selectmode multiple -exportselection 0]
+ set classes_lb [Apol_Widget::getScrolledListbox $widgets(classes)]
+ bind $classes_lb <<ListboxSelect>> \
+ [list Apol_Analysis_directflow::_selectClassesListbox $classes_lb]
+ pack $widgets(classes) -padx 4 -expand 0 -fill both
+ trace add variable Apol_Analysis_directflow::vals(classes:enable) write \
+ Apol_Analysis_directflow::_toggleClasses
+ Apol_Widget::setScrolledListboxState $widgets(classes) disabled
+ set classes_bb [ButtonBox $ -homogeneous 1 -spacing 4]
+ $classes_bb add -text "Include All" \
+ -command [list Apol_Analysis_directflow::_includeAll $classes_lb]
+ $classes_bb add -text "Exclude All" \
+ -command [list Apol_Analysis_directflow::_excludeAll $classes_lb]
+ pack $classes_bb -pady 4
+ set widgets(regexp) [Apol_Widget::makeRegexpEntry [$filter_tf getframe].end]
+ $widgets(regexp).cb configure -text "Filter result types using regular expression"
+ pack $widgets(regexp) -side left -anchor nw -padx 8
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::open {} {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ Apol_Widget::resetTypeComboboxToPolicy $widgets(type)
+ set vals(classes:all_classes) [Apol_Class_Perms::getClasses]
+ set vals(classes:selected) $vals(classes:all_classes)
+ Apol_Widget::setScrolledListboxState $widgets(classes) normal
+ set classes_lb [Apol_Widget::getScrolledListbox $widgets(classes)]
+ $classes_lb selection set 0 end
+ _toggleClasses {} {} {}
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::close {} {
+ variable widgets
+ _reinitializeVals
+ _reinitializeWidgets
+ Apol_Widget::clearTypeCombobox $widgets(type)
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::getInfo {} {
+ return "This analysis generates the results of a Direct Information Flow
+analysis beginning from the starting type selected. The results of
+the analysis are presented in tree form with the root of the tree
+being the start point for the analysis.
+\nEach child node in the tree represents a type in the current policy
+for which there is a direct information flow to or from its parent
+node. If 'in' was selected then the information flow is from the
+child to the parent. If 'out' was selected then information flows
+from the parent to the child.
+\nThe results of the analysis may be optionally filtered by object class
+selection or an end type regular expression.
+\nNOTE: For any given generation, if the parent and the child are the
+same, the child cannot be opened. This avoids cyclic analyses.
+\nFor additional help on this topic select \"Information Flow Analysis\"
+from the help menu."
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::newAnalysis {} {
+ if {[set rt [_checkParams]] != {}} {
+ return $rt
+ }
+ set results [_analyze]
+ set f [_createResultsDisplay]
+ _renderResults $f $results
+ $results -acquire
+ $results -delete
+ return {}
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::updateAnalysis {f} {
+ if {[set rt [_checkParams]] != {}} {
+ return $rt
+ }
+ set results [_analyze]
+ _clearResultsDisplay $f
+ _renderResults $f $results
+ $results -acquire
+ $results -delete
+ return {}
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::reset {} {
+ _reinitializeVals
+ _reinitializeWidgets
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::switchTab {query_options} {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ array set vals $query_options
+ _reinitializeWidgets
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::saveQuery {channel} {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ foreach {key value} [array get vals] {
+ puts $channel "$key $value"
+ }
+ set type [Apol_Widget::getTypeComboboxValueAndAttrib $widgets(type)]
+ puts $channel "type [lindex $type 0]"
+ puts $channel "type:attrib [lindex $type 1]"
+ set use_regexp [Apol_Widget::getRegexpEntryState $widgets(regexp)]
+ set regexp [Apol_Widget::getRegexpEntryValue $widgets(regexp)]
+ puts $channel "regexp:enable $use_regexp"
+ puts $channel "regexp $regexp"
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::loadQuery {channel} {
+ variable vals
+ set classes {}
+ while {[gets $channel line] >= 0} {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ # Skip empty lines and comments
+ if {$line == {} || [string index $line 0] == "#"} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set key {}
+ set value {}
+ regexp -line -- {^(\S+)( (.+))?} $line -> key --> value
+ switch -- $key {
+ classes:selected {
+ set classes $value
+ }
+ default {
+ set vals($key) $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # fill in only classes found within the current policy
+ open
+ set vals(classes:selected) {}
+ foreach c $classes {
+ set i [lsearch [Apol_Class_Perms::getClasses] $c]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ lappend vals(classes:selected) $c
+ }
+ }
+ set vals(classes:selected) [lsort $vals(classes:selected)]
+ _reinitializeWidgets
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::getTextWidget {tab} {
+ return [$tab.right getframe].res.tb
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::appendResultsNodes {tree parent_node results} {
+ _createResultsNodes $tree $parent_node $results 0
+#################### private functions below ####################
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_reinitializeVals {} {
+ variable vals
+ set vals(dir) $::APOL_INFOFLOW_IN
+ array set vals {
+ type {} type:attrib {}
+ classes:enable 0
+ classes:selected {}
+ regexp:enable 0
+ regexp {}
+ }
+ set vals(classes:all_classes) [Apol_Class_Perms::getClasses]
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_reinitializeWidgets {} {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ if {$vals(type:attrib) != {}} {
+ Apol_Widget::setTypeComboboxValue $widgets(type) [list $vals(type) $vals(type:attrib)]
+ } else {
+ Apol_Widget::setTypeComboboxValue $widgets(type) $vals(type)
+ }
+ Apol_Widget::setRegexpEntryValue $widgets(regexp) $vals(regexp:enable) $vals(regexp)
+ Apol_Widget::setScrolledListboxState $widgets(classes) enabled
+ set classes_lb [Apol_Widget::getScrolledListbox $widgets(classes)]
+ $classes_lb selection clear 0 end
+ foreach c $vals(classes:selected) {
+ set i [lsearch $vals(classes:all_classes) $c]
+ $classes_lb selection set $i $i
+ }
+ _toggleClasses {} {} {}
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_toggleClasses {name1 name2 op} {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ if {$vals(classes:enable)} {
+ Apol_Widget::setScrolledListboxState $widgets(classes) enabled
+ } else {
+ Apol_Widget::setScrolledListboxState $widgets(classes) disabled
+ }
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_selectClassesListbox {lb} {
+ variable vals
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [$lb index end]} {incr i} {
+ set t [$lb get $i]
+ if {[$lb selection includes $i]} {
+ lappend vals(classes:selected) $t
+ } else {
+ if {[set j [lsearch $vals(classes:selected) $t]] >= 0} {
+ set vals(classes:selected) [lreplace $vals(classes:selected) $j $j]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set vals(classes:selected) [lsort -uniq $vals(classes:selected)]
+ focus $lb
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_includeAll {lb} {
+ variable vals
+ $lb selection set 0 end
+ set vals(classes:selected) $vals(classes:all_classes)
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_excludeAll {lb} {
+ variable vals
+ $lb selection clear 0 end
+ set vals(classes:selected) {}
+#################### functions that do analyses ####################
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_checkParams {} {
+ variable vals
+ variable widgets
+ if {![ApolTop::is_policy_open]} {
+ return "No current policy file is opened."
+ }
+ set type [Apol_Widget::getTypeComboboxValueAndAttrib $widgets(type)]
+ if {[lindex $type 0] == {}} {
+ return "No type was selected."
+ }
+ if {![Apol_Types::isTypeInPolicy [lindex $type 0]]} {
+ return "[lindex $type 0] is not a type within the policy."
+ }
+ set vals(type) [lindex $type 0]
+ set vals(type:attrib) [lindex $type 1]
+ set use_regexp [Apol_Widget::getRegexpEntryState $widgets(regexp)]
+ set regexp [Apol_Widget::getRegexpEntryValue $widgets(regexp)]
+ if {$use_regexp && $regexp == {}} {
+ return "No regular expression provided."
+ }
+ set vals(regexp:enable) $use_regexp
+ set vals(regexp) $regexp
+ if {$vals(classes:enable) && $vals(classes:selected) == {}} {
+ return "At least one object class must be included."
+ }
+ # if a permap is not loaded then load the default permap
+ if {![Apol_Perms_Map::is_pmap_loaded]} {
+ if {![ApolTop::openDefaultPermMap]} {
+ return "This analysis requires that a permission map is loaded."
+ }
+ apol_tcl_clear_info_string
+ }
+ return {} ;# all parameters passed, now ready to do search
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_analyze {} {
+ variable vals
+ set classes {}
+ if {$vals(classes:enable)} {
+ foreach c $vals(classes:selected) {
+ foreach p [Apol_Class_Perms::getPermsForClass $c] {
+ lappend classes $c $p
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$vals(regexp:enable)} {
+ set regexp $vals(regexp)
+ } else {
+ set regexp {}
+ }
+ set q [new_apol_infoflow_analysis_t]
+ $q set_mode $::ApolTop::policy $::APOL_INFOFLOW_MODE_DIRECT
+ $q set_dir $::ApolTop::policy $vals(dir)
+ $q set_type $::ApolTop::policy $vals(type)
+ foreach {c p} $classes {
+ $q append_class_perm $::ApolTop::policy $c $p
+ }
+ $q set_result_regex $::ApolTop::policy $regexp
+ set results [$q run $::ApolTop::policy]
+ $q -acquire
+ $q -delete
+ return $results
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_analyzeMore {tree node} {
+ # disallow more analysis if this node is the same as its parent
+ set new_start [$tree itemcget $node -text]
+ if {[$tree itemcget [$tree parent $node] -text] == $new_start} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set g [lindex [$tree itemcget top -data] 0]
+ $g do_more $::ApolTop::policy $new_start
+################# functions that control analysis output #################
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_createResultsDisplay {} {
+ variable vals
+ set f [Apol_Analysis::createResultTab "Direct Flow" [array get vals]]
+ set tree_tf [TitleFrame $f.left -text "Direct Information Flow Tree"]
+ pack $tree_tf -side left -expand 0 -fill y -padx 2 -pady 2
+ set sw [ScrolledWindow [$tree_tf getframe].sw -auto both]
+ set tree [Tree [$sw getframe].tree -width 24 -redraw 1 -borderwidth 0 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 -showlines 1 -padx 0 -bg white]
+ $sw setwidget $tree
+ pack $sw -expand 1 -fill both
+ set res_tf [TitleFrame $f.right -text "Direct Information Flow Results"]
+ pack $res_tf -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2
+ set res [Apol_Widget::makeSearchResults [$res_tf getframe].res]
+ $res.tb tag configure title -font {Helvetica 14 bold}
+ $res.tb tag configure title_type -foreground blue -font {Helvetica 14 bold}
+ $res.tb tag configure subtitle -font {Helvetica 10 bold}
+ $res.tb tag configure subtitle_dir -foreground blue -font {Helvetica 10 bold}
+ pack $res -expand 1 -fill both
+ $tree configure -selectcommand [list Apol_Analysis_directflow::_treeSelect $res]
+ $tree configure -opencmd [list Apol_Analysis_directflow::_treeOpen $tree]
+ return $f
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_treeSelect {res tree node} {
+ if {$node != {}} {
+ $res.tb configure -state normal
+ $res.tb delete 0.0 end
+ set data [$tree itemcget $node -data]
+ if {[string index $node 0] == "x"} {
+ _renderResultsDirectFlow $res $tree $node [lindex $data 1]
+ } else {
+ # an informational node, whose data has already been rendered
+ eval $res.tb insert end [lindex $data 1]
+ }
+ $res.tb configure -state disabled
+ }
+# perform additional direct infoflows if this node has not been
+# analyzed yet
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_treeOpen {tree node} {
+ foreach {is_expanded results} [$tree itemcget $node -data] {break}
+ if {[string index $node 0] == "x" && !$is_expanded} {
+ Apol_Progress_Dialog::wait "Direct Information Flow Analysis" \
+ "Performing Direct Information Flow Analysis..." \
+ {
+ set new_results [_analyzeMore $tree $node]
+ # mark this node as having been expanded
+ $tree itemconfigure $node -data [list 1 $results]
+ if {$new_results != {}} {
+ _createResultsNodes $tree $node $new_results 1
+ $new_results -acquire
+ $new_results -delete
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_clearResultsDisplay {f} {
+ variable vals
+ set tree [[$f.left getframe].sw getframe].tree
+ set res [$f.right getframe].res
+ $tree delete [$tree nodes root]
+ Apol_Widget::clearSearchResults $res
+ Apol_Analysis::setResultTabCriteria [array get vals]
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_renderResults {f results} {
+ variable vals
+ set graph_handler [$results extract_graph]
+ $graph_handler -acquire ;# let Tcl's GC destroy graph when this tab closes
+ set results_list [$results extract_result_vector]
+ set tree [[$f.left getframe].sw getframe].tree
+ set res [$f.right getframe].res
+ $tree insert end root top -text $vals(type) -open 1 -drawcross auto
+ set top_text [_renderTopText]
+ $tree itemconfigure top -data [list $graph_handler $top_text]
+ _createResultsNodes $tree top $results_list 1
+ $tree selection set top
+ $tree opentree top 0
+ $tree see top
+ $results_list -acquire
+ $results_list -delete
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_renderTopText {} {
+ variable vals
+ set top_text [list "Direct Information Flow Analysis: Starting type: " title]
+ lappend top_text $vals(type) title_type \
+ "\n\n" title \
+ "This tab provides the results of a Direct Information Flow analysis
+beginning from the starting type selected above. The results of the
+analysis are presented in tree form with the root of the tree (this
+node) being the start point for the analysis.
+\nEach child node in the tree represents a type in the current policy
+for which there is a direct information flow to or from (depending on
+your selection above) its parent node.
+\nNOTE: For any given generation, if the parent and the child are the
+same, you cannot open the child. This avoids cyclic analyses."
+# If do_expand is zero, then generate result nodes for only the first
+# target type of $results. This is needed by two types relationship
+# analysis.
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_createResultsNodes {tree parent_node results do_expand} {
+ set all_targets {}
+ set info_list [infoflow_result_vector_to_list $results]
+ set results_processed 0
+ foreach r $info_list {
+ apol_tcl_set_info_string $::ApolTop::policy "Processing result $results_processed of [llength $info_list]"
+ if {$do_expand} {
+ set target [[$r get_end_type] get_name $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+ } else {
+ set target [[[lindex $info_list 0] get_end_type] get_name $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+ }
+ set flow_dir [$r get_dir]
+ set step0 [apol_infoflow_step_from_void [[$r get_steps] get_element 0]]
+ set rules [$step0 get_rules]
+ lappend all_targets $target
+ foreach r [avrule_vector_to_list $rules] {
+ set class [[$r get_object_class $::ApolTop::qpolicy] get_name $::ApolTop::qpolicy]
+ lappend classes($target) $class
+ lappend classes($target:$class) $r
+ }
+ set dir($target:$flow_dir) 1
+ incr results_processed
+ }
+ set all_targets [lsort -uniq $all_targets]
+ apol_tcl_set_info_string $::ApolTop::policy "Displaying [llength $all_targets] result(s)"
+ update idle
+ foreach t $all_targets {
+ if {[info exists dir(${t}:${::APOL_INFOFLOW_BOTH})] ||
+ ([info exists dir(${t}:${::APOL_INFOFLOW_IN})] &&
+ [info exists dir(${t}:${::APOL_INFOFLOW_OUT})])} {
+ set flow_dir "both"
+ } elseif {[info exists dir(${t}:${::APOL_INFOFLOW_IN})]} {
+ set flow_dir "in"
+ } else {
+ set flow_dir "out"
+ }
+ set rules {}
+ foreach c [lsort -uniq $classes($t)] {
+ lappend rules [list $c [lsort -uniq $classes($t:$c)]]
+ }
+ set data [list $flow_dir $rules]
+ $tree insert end $parent_node x\#auto -text $t -drawcross allways \
+ -data [list 0 $data]
+ }
+proc Apol_Analysis_directflow::_renderResultsDirectFlow {res tree node data} {
+ set parent_name [$tree itemcget [$tree parent $node] -text]
+ set name [$tree itemcget $node -text]
+ foreach {flow_dir classes} $data {break}
+ switch -- $flow_dir {
+ both {
+ $res.tb insert end "Information flows both into and out of " title \
+ $parent_name title_type \
+ " from/to " title \
+ $name title_type
+ }
+ in {
+ $res.tb insert end "Information flows into " title \
+ $parent_name title_type \
+ " from " title \
+ $name title_type
+ }
+ out {
+ $res.tb insert end "Information flows out of " title \
+ $parent_name title_type \
+ " to " title \
+ $name title_type
+ }
+ }
+ $res.tb insert end "\n\n" title_type \
+ "Objects classes for " subtitle \
+ [string toupper $flow_dir] subtitle_dir \
+ " flows:\n" subtitle
+ foreach c $classes {
+ foreach {class_name rules} $c {break}
+ $res.tb insert end " " {} \
+ $class_name\n subtitle
+ set v [new_apol_vector_t]
+ foreach r $rules {
+ $v append $r
+ }
+ apol_tcl_avrule_sort $::ApolTop::policy $v
+ Apol_Widget::appendSearchResultRules $res 12 $v qpol_avrule_from_void
+ $v -acquire
+ $v -delete
+ }