path: root/apol/context_selector.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'apol/context_selector.tcl')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apol/context_selector.tcl b/apol/context_selector.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b7e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apol/context_selector.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Tresys Technology, LLC
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+namespace eval Apol_Widget {
+ variable vars
+# Creates a widget that lets the user select a context (user + role +
+# type + MLS range) and a range search type (exact, subset, superset).
+# If the second argument is not "" then add a checkbutton that
+# enables/disables the entire widget.
+proc Apol_Widget::makeContextSelector {path rangeMatchText {enableText "Context"} args} {
+ variable vars
+ array unset vars $path:*
+ set vars($path:context) {}
+ set vars($path:attribute) {}
+ set vars($path:context_rendered) {}
+ set vars($path:search_type) $::APOL_QUERY_EXACT
+ set f [frame $path]
+ set context_frame [frame $f.context]
+ set context2_frame [frame $f.context2]
+ pack $context_frame $context2_frame -side left -expand 0 -anchor nw
+ if {$enableText != {}} {
+ set vars($path:enable) 0
+ set context_cb [checkbutton $context_frame.enable -text $enableText \
+ -variable Apol_Widget::vars($path:enable)]
+ pack $context_cb -side top -expand 0 -anchor nw
+ trace add variable Apol_Widget::vars($path:enable) write [list Apol_Widget::_toggle_context_selector $path $context_cb]
+ }
+ set context_display [eval Entry $context_frame.display -textvariable Apol_Widget::vars($path:context_rendered) -width 26 -editable 0 $args]
+ set context_button [button $context_frame.button -text "Select Context..." -state disabled -command [list Apol_Widget::_show_context_dialog $path]]
+ trace add variable Apol_Widget::vars($path:context) write [list Apol_Widget::_update_context_display $path]
+ set vars($path:context) {} ;# this will invoke the display function
+ pack $context_display -side top -expand 1 -fill x -anchor nw
+ pack $context_button -side top -expand 0 -anchor ne
+ if {$enableText != {}} {
+ pack configure $context_display -padx 4
+ pack configure $context_button -padx 4
+ }
+ # range search type
+ set range_label [label $context2_frame.label -text "MLS range matching:" \
+ -state disabled]
+ set range_exact [radiobutton $context2_frame.exact -text "Exact matches" \
+ -state disabled -value $::APOL_QUERY_EXACT \
+ -variable Apol_Widget::vars($path:search_type)]
+ set range_subset [radiobutton $context2_frame.subset -text "$rangeMatchText containing range" \
+ -state disabled -value $::APOL_QUERY_SUB \
+ -variable Apol_Widget::vars($path:search_type)]
+ set range_superset [radiobutton $context2_frame.superset -text "$rangeMatchText within range" \
+ -state disabled -value $::APOL_QUERY_SUPER \
+ -variable Apol_Widget::vars($path:search_type)]
+ pack $range_label $range_exact $range_subset $range_superset \
+ -side top -expand 0 -anchor nw
+ return $f
+proc Apol_Widget::setContextSelectorState {path newState} {
+ if {$newState == 0 || $newState == "disabled"} {
+ set new_state disabled
+ } else {
+ set new_state normal
+ }
+ foreach w {display button} {
+ $path.context.$w configure -state $new_state
+ }
+ if {![ApolTop::is_capable "mls"]} {
+ set new_state disabled
+ }
+ foreach w {label exact subset superset} {
+ $path.context2.$w configure -state $new_state
+ }
+proc Apol_Widget::clearContextSelector {path} {
+ set Apol_Widget::vars($path:context) {}
+ set Apol_Widget::vars($path:attribute) {}
+ set Apol_Widget::vars($path:search_type) $::APOL_QUERY_EXACT
+ catch {set Apol_Widget::vars($path:enable) 0}
+proc Apol_Widget::getContextSelectorState {path} {
+ return $Apol_Widget::vars($path:enable)
+# Return the currently selected context and other stuff. This will be
+# a 3-ple list of:
+# <ol>
+# <li>The (possibly partial) context, an apol_context_t. The caller
+# must delete this afterwards.
+# <li>The MLS range search type, one of $::APOL_QUERY_EXACT or its like.
+# <li>If not an empty string, the attribute used to filter types.
+# </ol>
+proc Apol_Widget::getContextSelectorValue {path} {
+ variable vars
+ list $vars($path:context) $vars($path:search_type) $vars($path:attribute)
+########## private functions below ##########
+proc Apol_Widget::_toggle_context_selector {path cb name1 name2 op} {
+ if {$Apol_Widget::vars($path:enable)} {
+ Apol_Widget::setContextSelectorState $path normal
+ } else {
+ Apol_Widget::setContextSelectorState $path disabled
+ }
+proc Apol_Widget::_show_context_dialog {path} {
+ variable vars
+ $path.context.button configure -state disabled
+ set new_context [Apol_Context_Dialog::getContext $vars($path:context) $vars($path:attribute)]
+ if {$new_context != {}} {
+ set vars($path:context) [lindex $new_context 0]
+ set vars($path:attribute) [lindex $new_context 1]
+ }
+ $path.context.button configure -state normal
+ # the trace on this variable will trigger [_update_context_display] to execute
+proc Apol_Widget::_update_context_display {path name1 name2 op} {
+ variable vars
+ set display $path.context.display
+ if {$vars($path:context) == {}} {
+ set context_str "*:*:*"
+ if {[ApolTop::is_policy_open] && [ApolTop::is_capable "mls"]} {
+ append context_str ":*"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set context_str [$vars($path:context) render $::ApolTop::policy]
+ }
+ set vars($path:context_rendered) $context_str
+ $display configure -helptext $vars($path:context_rendered)