path: root/lib/rss/0.9.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rss/0.9.rb')
1 files changed, 438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rss/0.9.rb b/lib/rss/0.9.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..467d57ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rss/0.9.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+require "rss/rss"
+module RSS
+ module RSS09
+ NSPOOL = {}
+ end
+ class Rss < Element
+ include RSS09
+ [
+ ["channel", nil],
+ ].each do |tag, occurs|
+ install_model(tag, occurs)
+ end
+ %w(channel).each do |x|
+ install_have_child_element(x)
+ end
+ attr_accessor :rss_version, :version, :encoding, :standalone
+ def initialize(rss_version, version=nil, encoding=nil, standalone=nil)
+ super()
+ @rss_version = rss_version
+ @version = version || '1.0'
+ @encoding = encoding
+ @standalone = standalone
+ end
+ def output_encoding=(enc)
+ @output_encoding = enc
+ self.converter =, @encoding)
+ end
+ def items
+ if @channel
+ @channel.items
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ def image
+ if @channel
+ @channel.image
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ rv = <<-EOR
+<rss version="#{@rss_version}"#{ns_declaration}>
+#{other_element(false, "\t")}
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ end
+ private
+ def xmldecl
+ rv = "<?xml version='#{@version}'"
+ if @output_encoding or @encoding
+ rv << " encoding='#{@output_encoding or @encoding}'"
+ end
+ rv << " standalone='#{@standalone}'" if @standalone
+ rv << '?>'
+ rv
+ end
+ def ns_declaration
+ rv = ''
+ NSPOOL.each do |prefix, uri|
+ prefix = ":#{prefix}" unless prefix.empty?
+ rv << %Q|\n\txmlns#{prefix}="#{uri}"|
+ end
+ rv
+ end
+ def children
+ [@channel]
+ end
+ class Channel < Element
+ include RSS09
+ [
+ ["title", nil],
+ ["link", nil],
+ ["description", nil],
+ ["language", nil],
+ ["copyright", "?"],
+ ["managingEditor", "?"],
+ ["webMaster", "?"],
+ ["rating", "?"],
+ ["docs", "?"],
+ ["skipDays", "?"],
+ ["skipHours", "?"],
+ ].each do |x, occurs|
+ install_text_element(x)
+ install_model(x, occurs)
+ end
+ [
+ ["pubDate", "?"],
+ ["lastBuildDate", "?"],
+ ].each do |x, occurs|
+ install_date_element(x, 'rfc822')
+ install_model(x, occurs)
+ end
+ [
+ ["image", nil],
+ ["textInput", "?"],
+ ["cloud", "?"]
+ ].each do |x, occurs|
+ install_have_child_element(x)
+ install_model(x, occurs)
+ end
+ [
+ ["item", "*"]
+ ].each do |x, occurs|
+ install_have_children_element(x)
+ install_model(x, occurs)
+ end
+ def initialize()
+ super()
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ rv = <<-EOT
+ <channel>
+ #{title_element(false)}
+ #{link_element(false)}
+ #{description_element(false)}
+ #{language_element(false)}
+ #{copyright_element(false)}
+ #{managingEditor_element(false)}
+ #{webMaster_element(false)}
+ #{rating_element(false)}
+ #{pubDate_element(false)}
+ #{lastBuildDate_element(false)}
+ #{docs_element(false)}
+ #{skipDays_element(false)}
+ #{skipHours_element(false)}
+ #{image_element(false)}
+ #{textInput_element(false)}
+#{other_element(false, "\t\t")}
+ </channel>
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ end
+ private
+ def children
+ [@image, @textInput, @cloud, *@item]
+ end
+ class Image < Element
+ include RSS09
+ %w(url title link width height description).each do |x|
+ install_text_element(x)
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ rv = <<-EOT
+ <image>
+ #{url_element(false)}
+ #{title_element(false)}
+ #{link_element(false)}
+ #{width_element(false)}
+ #{height_element(false)}
+ #{description_element(false)}
+#{other_element(false, "\t\t\t\t")}
+ </image>
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ end
+ end
+ class Cloud < Element
+ include RSS09
+ [
+ ["domain", nil, false],
+ ["port", nil, false],
+ ["path", nil, false],
+ ["registerProcedure", nil, false],
+ ["protocol", nil ,false],
+ ].each do |name, uri, required|
+ install_get_attribute(name, uri, required)
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ rv = <<-EOT
+ <cloud
+ domain="#{h @domain}"
+ port="#{h @port}"
+ path="#{h @path}"
+ registerProcedure="#{h @registerProcedure}"
+ protocol="#{h @protocol}"/>
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ end
+ end
+ class Item < Element
+ include RSS09
+ %w(title link description author comments).each do |x|
+ install_text_element(x)
+ end
+ %w(category source enclosure).each do |x|
+ install_have_child_element(x)
+ end
+ [
+ ["title", '?'],
+ ["link", '?'],
+ ["description", '?'],
+ ["author", '?'],
+ ["comments", '?'],
+ ["category", '?'],
+ ["source", '?'],
+ ["enclosure", '?'],
+ ].each do |tag, occurs|
+ install_model(tag, occurs)
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ rv = <<-EOT
+ <item>
+ #{title_element(false)}
+ #{link_element(false)}
+ #{description_element(false)}
+ #{author_element(false)}
+ #{category_element(false)}
+ #{comments_element(false)}
+ #{enclosure_element(false)}
+ #{source_element(false)}
+#{other_element(false, "\t\t\t\t")}
+ </item>
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ end
+ class Source < Element
+ include RSS09
+ [
+ ["url", nil, true]
+ ].each do |name, uri, required|
+ install_get_attribute(name, uri, required)
+ end
+ content_setup
+ def initialize(url=nil, content=nil)
+ super()
+ @url = url
+ @content = content
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ if @url
+ rv = %Q! <source url="#{@url}">!
+ rv << %Q!#{@content}</source>!
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def _attrs
+ [
+ ["url", true]
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ class Enclosure < Element
+ include RSS09
+ [
+ ["url", nil, true],
+ ["length", nil, true],
+ ["type", nil, true],
+ ].each do |name, uri, required|
+ install_get_attribute(name, uri, required)
+ end
+ def initialize(url=nil, length=nil, type=nil)
+ super()
+ @url = url
+ @length = length
+ @type = type
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ if @url and @length and @type
+ rv = %Q!<enclosure url="#{h @url}" !
+ rv << %Q!length="#{h @length}" type="#{h @type}"/>!
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def _attrs
+ [
+ ["url", true],
+ ["length", true],
+ ["type", true],
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ class Category < Element
+ include RSS09
+ [
+ ["domain", nil, true]
+ ].each do |name, uri, required|
+ install_get_attribute(name, uri, required)
+ end
+ content_setup
+ def initialize(domain=nil, content=nil)
+ super()
+ @domain = domain
+ @content = content
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ if @domain
+ rv = %Q!<category domain="#{h @domain}">!
+ rv << %Q!#{h @content}</category>!
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def _attrs
+ [
+ ["domain", true]
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class TextInput < Element
+ include RSS09
+ %w(title description name link).each do |x|
+ install_text_element(x)
+ end
+ def to_s(convert=true)
+ rv = <<-EOT
+ <textInput>
+ #{title_element(false)}
+ #{description_element(false)}
+ #{name_element(false)}
+ #{link_element(false)}
+#{other_element(false, "\t\t\t\t")}
+ </textInput>
+ rv = @converter.convert(rv) if convert and @converter
+ rv
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if const_defined?(:BaseListener)
+ RSS09::ELEMENTS.each do |x|
+ BaseListener.install_get_text_element(x, nil, "#{x}=")
+ end
+ end
+ if const_defined?(:ListenerMixin)
+ module ListenerMixin
+ private
+ def start_rss(tag_name, prefix, attrs, ns)
+ check_ns(tag_name, prefix, ns, nil)
+ @rss =['version'], @version, @encoding, @standalone)
+ @last_element = @rss
+ @proc_stack.push { |text, tags|
+ @rss.validate_for_stream(tags) if @do_validate
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end