path: root/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb
index 53e78b880..f65945884 100644
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb
@@ -1,414 +1,4 @@
-# tkafter.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk after command
+# tkafter.rb - load tk/after.rb
-# $Id$
-require 'tk'
-class TkTimer
- include TkCore
- extend TkCore
- TkCommandNames = ['after'.freeze].freeze
- Tk_CBID = ['a'.freeze, '00000'.taint].freeze
- Tk_CBTBL = {}.taint
- TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('rb_after', 'id', <<-'EOL')
- if {[set st [catch {ruby [format "TkTimer.callback %%Q!%s!" $id]} ret]] != 0} {
- return -code $st $ret
- } {
- return $ret
- }
- ###############################
- # class methods
- ###############################
- def self.callback(obj_id)
- @after_id = nil
- ex_obj = Tk_CBTBL[obj_id]
- return "" if ex_obj == nil; # canceled
- ex_obj.cb_call
- end
- def
- tk_call('after', 'info').split(' ').collect!{|id|
- ret = Tk_CBTBL.find{|key,val| val.after_id == id}
- (ret == nil)? id: ret[1]
- }
- end
- ###############################
- # instance methods
- ###############################
- def do_callback
- @in_callback = true
- begin
- @return_value =
- rescue Exception => e
- if @cancel_on_exception
- cancel
- @return_value = e
- return e
- else
- fail e
- end
- end
- if @set_next
- set_next_callback(@current_args)
- else
- @set_next = true
- end
- @in_callback = false
- @return_value
- end
- def set_callback(sleep, args=nil)
- @after_script = "rb_after #{@id}"
- @after_id = tk_call('after', sleep, @after_script)
- @current_args = args
- @current_script = [sleep, @after_script]
- self
- end
- def set_next_callback(args)
- if @running == false || @proc_max == 0 || @do_loop == 0
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- @running = false
- @wait_var.value = 0
- return
- end
- if @current_pos >= @proc_max
- if @do_loop < 0 || (@do_loop -= 1) > 0
- @current_pos = 0
- else
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- @running = false
- @wait_var.value = 0
- return
- end
- end
- @current_args = args
- if @sleep_time.kind_of? Proc
- sleep =
- else
- sleep = @sleep_time
- end
- @current_sleep = sleep
- cmd, *cmd_args = @loop_proc[@current_pos]
- @current_pos += 1
- @current_proc = cmd
- set_callback(sleep, cmd_args)
- end
- def initialize(*args)
- @id = Tk_CBID.join
- Tk_CBID[1].succ!
- @wait_var =
- @cb_cmd = TkCore::INTERP.get_cb_entry(self.method(:do_callback))
- @set_next = true
- @init_sleep = 0
- @init_proc = nil
- @init_args = []
- @current_script = []
- @current_proc = nil
- @current_args = nil
- @return_value = nil
- @sleep_time = 0
- @current_sleep = 0
- @loop_exec = 0
- @do_loop = 0
- @loop_proc = []
- @proc_max = 0
- @current_pos = 0
- @after_id = nil
- @after_script = nil
- @cancel_on_exception = true
- set_procs(*args) if args != []
- @running = false
- @in_callback = false
- end
- attr :after_id
- attr :after_script
- attr :current_proc
- attr :current_args
- attr :current_sleep
- alias :current_interval :current_sleep
- attr :return_value
- attr_accessor :loop_exec
- def cb_call
- end
- def get_procs
- [@init_sleep, @init_proc, @init_args, @sleep_time, @loop_exec, @loop_proc]
- end
- def current_status
- [@running, @current_sleep, @current_proc, @current_args,
- @do_loop, @cancel_on_exception]
- end
- def cancel_on_exception?
- @cancel_on_exception
- end
- def cancel_on_exception=(mode)
- @cancel_on_exception = mode
- self
- end
- def running?
- @running
- end
- def loop_rest
- @do_loop
- end
- def loop_rest=(rest)
- @do_loop = rest
- self
- end
- def set_procs(interval, loop_exec, *procs)
- if !interval == 'idle' \
- && !interval.kind_of?(Integer) && !interval.kind_of?(Proc)
- fail Kernel.format("%s need to be Integer or Proc", interval.inspect)
- end
- @sleep_time = interval
- @loop_proc = []
- procs.each{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Proc
- @loop_proc.push([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.push(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- @current_pos = 0
- @do_loop = 0
- if loop_exec
- if loop_exec.kind_of?(Integer) && loop_exec < 0
- @loop_exec = -1
- elsif loop_exec == nil || loop_exec == false || loop_exec == 0
- @loop_exec = 1
- else
- if not loop_exec.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail Kernel.format("%s need to be Integer", loop_exec.inspect)
- end
- @loop_exec = loop_exec
- end
- @do_loop = @loop_exec
- end
- self
- end
- def add_procs(*procs)
- procs.each{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Proc
- @loop_proc.push([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.push(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- self
- end
- def delete_procs(*procs)
- procs.each{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Proc
- @loop_proc.delete([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.delete(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- cancel if @proc_max == 0
- self
- end
- def delete_at(n)
- @loop_proc.delete_at(n)
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- cancel if @proc_max == 0
- self
- end
- def set_start_proc(sleep, init_proc, *init_args)
- if !sleep == 'idle' && !sleep.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail Kernel.format("%s need to be Integer", sleep.inspect)
- end
- @init_sleep = sleep
- @init_proc = init_proc
- @init_args = init_args
- self
- end
- def start(*init_args)
- return nil if @running
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @do_loop = @loop_exec
- @current_pos = 0
- argc = init_args.size
- if argc > 0
- sleep = init_args.shift
- if !sleep == 'idle' && !sleep.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail Kernel.format("%s need to be Integer", sleep.inspect)
- end
- @init_sleep = sleep
- end
- @init_proc = init_args.shift if argc > 1
- @init_args = init_args if argc > 0
- @current_sleep = @init_sleep
- @running = true
- if @init_proc
- if not @init_proc.kind_of? Proc
- fail Kernel.format("%s need to be Proc", @init_proc.inspect)
- end
- @current_proc = @init_proc
- set_callback(@init_sleep, @init_args)
- @set_next = false if @in_callback
- else
- set_next_callback(@init_args)
- end
- self
- end
- def reset(*reset_args)
- restart() if @running
- if @init_proc
- @return_value =
- else
- @return_value = nil
- end
- @current_pos = 0
- @current_args = @init_args
- @set_next = false if @in_callback
- self
- end
- def restart(*restart_args)
- cancel if @running
- if restart_args == []
- start(@init_sleep, @init_proc, *@init_args)
- else
- start(*restart_args)
- end
- end
- def cancel
- @running = false
- @wait_var.value = 0
- tk_call 'after', 'cancel', @after_id if @after_id
- @after_id = nil
- Tk_CBTBL.delete(@id) ;# for GC
- self
- end
- alias stop cancel
- def continue(wait=nil)
- fail RuntimeError, "is already running" if @running
- sleep, cmd = @current_script
- fail RuntimeError, "no procedure to continue" unless cmd
- if wait
- if not wait.kind_of? Integer
- fail RuntimeError, Kernel.format("%s need to be Integer", wait.inspect)
- end
- sleep = wait
- end
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @running = true
- @after_id = tk_call('after', sleep, cmd)
- self
- end
- def skip
- fail RuntimeError, "is not running now" unless @running
- cancel
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @running = true
- set_next_callback(@current_args)
- self
- end
- def info
- if @after_id
- inf = tk_split_list(tk_call('after', 'info', @after_id))
- [Tk_CBTBL[inf[0][1]], inf[1]]
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def wait(on_thread = true, check_root = false)
- if $SAFE >= 4
- fail SecurityError, "can't wait timer at $SAFE >= 4"
- end
- unless @running
- if @return_value.kind_of?(Exception)
- fail @return_value
- else
- return @return_value
- end
- end
- @wait_var.wait(on_thread, check_root)
- if @return_value.kind_of?(Exception)
- fail @return_value
- else
- @return_value
- end
- end
- def eventloop_wait(check_root = false)
- wait(false, check_root)
- end
- def thread_wait(check_root = false)
- wait(true, check_root)
- end
- def tkwait(on_thread = true)
- wait(on_thread, true)
- end
- def eventloop_tkwait
- wait(false, true)
- end
- def thread_tkwait
- wait(true, true)
- end
-TkAfter = TkTimer
+require 'tk/timer'