diff options
25 files changed, 138 insertions, 3597 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index f75318620..c5c0f451d 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+Thu Oct 16 22:52:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit: removed test/unit.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: new compatibility layer using minitest.
+ * bin/testrb: use above.
+ * test/runner.rb: ditto.
Thu Oct 16 14:34:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
*, enc/depend (enc, trans): targets for sources.
diff --git a/bin/testrb b/bin/testrb
index ff49cb546..cd3837f20 100755
--- a/bin/testrb
+++ b/bin/testrb
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'test/unit'
-(r = or
- abort r.options.banner + " tests..."
diff --git a/lib/test/unit.rb b/lib/test/unit.rb
index b71f64456..329e451d4 100644
--- a/lib/test/unit.rb
+++ b/lib/test/unit.rb
@@ -1,280 +1,134 @@
-require 'test/unit/testcase'
-require 'test/unit/autorunner'
+# test/unit compatibility layer using minitest.
-module Test # :nodoc:
- #
- # = Test::Unit - Ruby Unit Testing Framework
- #
- # == Introduction
- #
- # Unit testing is making waves all over the place, largely due to the
- # fact that it is a core practice of XP. While XP is great, unit testing
- # has been around for a long time and has always been a good idea. One
- # of the keys to good unit testing, though, is not just writing tests,
- # but having tests. What's the difference? Well, if you just _write_ a
- # test and throw it away, you have no guarantee that something won't
- # change later which breaks your code. If, on the other hand, you _have_
- # tests (obviously you have to write them first), and run them as often
- # as possible, you slowly build up a wall of things that cannot break
- # without you immediately knowing about it. This is when unit testing
- # hits its peak usefulness.
- #
- # Enter Test::Unit, a framework for unit testing in Ruby, helping you to
- # design, debug and evaluate your code by making it easy to write and
- # have tests for it.
- #
- #
- # == Notes
- #
- # Test::Unit has grown out of and superceded Lapidary.
- #
- #
- # == Feedback
- #
- # I like (and do my best to practice) XP, so I value early releases,
- # user feedback, and clean, simple, expressive code. There is always
- # room for improvement in everything I do, and Test::Unit is no
- # exception. Please, let me know what you think of Test::Unit as it
- # stands, and what you'd like to see expanded/changed/improved/etc. If
- # you find a bug, let me know ASAP; one good way to let me know what the
- # bug is is to submit a new test that catches it :-) Also, I'd love to
- # hear about any successes you have with Test::Unit, and any
- # documentation you might add will be greatly appreciated. My contact
- # info is below.
- #
- #
- # == Contact Information
- #
- # A lot of discussion happens about Ruby in general on the ruby-talk
- # mailing list (, and you can ask
- # any questions you might have there. I monitor the list, as do many
- # other helpful Rubyists, and you're sure to get a quick answer. Of
- # course, you're also welcome to email me (Nathaniel Talbott) directly
- # at, and I'll do my best to help you out.
- #
- #
- # == Credits
- #
- # I'd like to thank...
- #
- # Matz, for a great language!
- #
- # Masaki Suketa, for his work on RubyUnit, which filled a vital need in
- # the Ruby world for a very long time. I'm also grateful for his help in
- # polishing Test::Unit and getting the RubyUnit compatibility layer
- # right. His graciousness in allowing Test::Unit to supercede RubyUnit
- # continues to be a challenge to me to be more willing to defer my own
- # rights.
- #
- # Ken McKinlay, for his interest and work on unit testing, and for his
- # willingness to dialog about it. He was also a great help in pointing
- # out some of the holes in the RubyUnit compatibility layer.
- #
- # Dave Thomas, for the original idea that led to the extremely simple
- # "require 'test/unit'", plus his code to improve it even more by
- # allowing the selection of tests from the command-line. Also, without
- # RDoc, the documentation for Test::Unit would stink a lot more than it
- # does now.
- #
- # Everyone who's helped out with bug reports, feature ideas,
- # encouragement to continue, etc. It's a real privilege to be a part of
- # the Ruby community.
- #
- # The guys at RoleModel Software, for putting up with me repeating, "But
- # this would be so much easier in Ruby!" whenever we're coding in Java.
- #
- # My Creator, for giving me life, and giving it more abundantly.
- #
- #
- # == License
- #
- # Test::Unit is copyright (c) 2000-2003 Nathaniel Talbott. It is free
- # software, and is distributed under the Ruby license. See the COPYING
- # file in the standard Ruby distribution for details.
- #
- #
- # == Warranty
- #
- # This software is provided "as is" and without any express or
- # implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
- # warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular
- # purpose.
- #
- #
- # == Author
- #
- # Nathaniel Talbott.
- # Copyright (c) 2000-2003, Nathaniel Talbott
- #
- # ----
- #
- # = Usage
- #
- # The general idea behind unit testing is that you write a _test_
- # _method_ that makes certain _assertions_ about your code, working
- # against a _test_ _fixture_. A bunch of these _test_ _methods_ are
- # bundled up into a _test_ _suite_ and can be run any time the
- # developer wants. The results of a run are gathered in a _test_
- # _result_ and displayed to the user through some UI. So, lets break
- # this down and see how Test::Unit provides each of these necessary
- # pieces.
- #
- #
- # == Assertions
- #
- # These are the heart of the framework. Think of an assertion as a
- # statement of expected outcome, i.e. "I assert that x should be equal
- # to y". If, when the assertion is executed, it turns out to be
- # correct, nothing happens, and life is good. If, on the other hand,
- # your assertion turns out to be false, an error is propagated with
- # pertinent information so that you can go back and make your
- # assertion succeed, and, once again, life is good. For an explanation
- # of the current assertions, see Test::Unit::Assertions.
- #
- #
- # == Test Method & Test Fixture
- #
- # Obviously, these assertions have to be called within a context that
- # knows about them and can do something meaningful with their
- # pass/fail value. Also, it's handy to collect a bunch of related
- # tests, each test represented by a method, into a common test class
- # that knows how to run them. The tests will be in a separate class
- # from the code they're testing for a couple of reasons. First of all,
- # it allows your code to stay uncluttered with test code, making it
- # easier to maintain. Second, it allows the tests to be stripped out
- # for deployment, since they're really there for you, the developer,
- # and your users don't need them. Third, and most importantly, it
- # allows you to set up a common test fixture for your tests to run
- # against.
- #
- # What's a test fixture? Well, tests do not live in a vacuum; rather,
- # they're run against the code they are testing. Often, a collection
- # of tests will run against a common set of data, also called a
- # fixture. If they're all bundled into the same test class, they can
- # all share the setting up and tearing down of that data, eliminating
- # unnecessary duplication and making it much easier to add related
- # tests.
- #
- # Test::Unit::TestCase wraps up a collection of test methods together
- # and allows you to easily set up and tear down the same test fixture
- # for each test. This is done by overriding #setup and/or #teardown,
- # which will be called before and after each test method that is
- # run. The TestCase also knows how to collect the results of your
- # assertions into a Test::Unit::TestResult, which can then be reported
- # back to you... but I'm getting ahead of myself. To write a test,
- # follow these steps:
- #
- # * Make sure Test::Unit is in your library path.
- # * require 'test/unit' in your test script.
- # * Create a class that subclasses Test::Unit::TestCase.
- # * Add a method that begins with "test" to your class.
- # * Make assertions in your test method.
- # * Optionally define #setup and/or #teardown to set up and/or tear
- # down your common test fixture.
- # * You can now run your test as you would any other Ruby
- # script... try it and see!
- #
- # A really simple test might look like this (#setup and #teardown are
- # commented out to indicate that they are completely optional):
- #
- # require 'test/unit'
- #
- # class TC_MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # # def setup
- # # end
- #
- # # def teardown
- # # end
- #
- # def test_fail
- # assert(false, 'Assertion was false.')
- # end
- # end
- #
- #
- # == Test Runners
- #
- # So, now you have this great test class, but you still need a way to
- # run it and view any failures that occur during the run. This is
- # where Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner (and others, such as
- # Test::Unit::UI::GTK::TestRunner) comes into play. The console test
- # runner is automatically invoked for you if you require 'test/unit'
- # and simply run the file. To use another runner, or to manually
- # invoke a runner, simply call its run class method and pass in an
- # object that responds to the suite message with a
- # Test::Unit::TestSuite. This can be as simple as passing in your
- # TestCase class (which has a class suite method). It might look
- # something like this:
- #
- # require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'
- #
- #
- #
- # == Test Suite
- #
- # As more and more unit tests accumulate for a given project, it
- # becomes a real drag running them one at a time, and it also
- # introduces the potential to overlook a failing test because you
- # forget to run it. Suddenly it becomes very handy that the
- # TestRunners can take any object that returns a Test::Unit::TestSuite
- # in response to a suite method. The TestSuite can, in turn, contain
- # other TestSuites or individual tests (typically created by a
- # TestCase). In other words, you can easily wrap up a group of
- # TestCases and TestSuites like this:
- #
- # require 'test/unit/testsuite'
- # require 'tc_myfirsttests'
- # require 'tc_moretestsbyme'
- # require 'ts_anothersetoftests'
- #
- # class TS_MyTests
- # def self.suite
- # suite =
- # suite << TC_MyFirstTests.suite
- # suite << TC_MoreTestsByMe.suite
- # suite << TS_AnotherSetOfTests.suite
- # return suite
- # end
- # end
- #
- #
- # Now, this is a bit cumbersome, so Test::Unit does a little bit more
- # for you, by wrapping these up automatically when you require
- # 'test/unit'. What does this mean? It means you could write the above
- # test case like this instead:
- #
- # require 'test/unit'
- # require 'tc_myfirsttests'
- # require 'tc_moretestsbyme'
- # require 'ts_anothersetoftests'
- #
- # Test::Unit is smart enough to find all the test cases existing in
- # the ObjectSpace and wrap them up into a suite for you. It then runs
- # the dynamic suite using the console TestRunner.
- #
- #
- # == Questions?
- #
- # I'd really like to get feedback from all levels of Ruby
- # practitioners about typos, grammatical errors, unclear statements,
- # missing points, etc., in this document (or any other).
- #
+require 'minitest/unit'
+require 'pp'
+module Test
module Unit
- # If set to false Test::Unit will not automatically run at exit.
- def
- @run = flag
+ TEST_UNIT_IMPLEMENTATION = 'test/unit compatibility layer using minitest'
+ def self.setup_argv(original_argv=ARGV)
+ argv = []
+ files = nil
+ reject = []
+ original_argv = original_argv.dup
+ while arg = original_argv.shift
+ case arg
+ when '-v'
+ argv << '-v'
+ when '-n', '--name'
+ argv << arg
+ argv << original_argv.shift
+ when '-x'
+ reject << original_argv.shift
+ else
+ files ||= []
+ if arg
+ files.concat Dir["#{arg}/**/test_*.rb"]
+ elsif File.file? arg
+ files << arg
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "file not found: #{arg}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if files == nil
+ files = Dir["test/**/test_*.rb"]
+ end
+ reject_pat = Regexp.union( {|r| /#{r}/ })
+ files.reject! {|f| reject_pat =~ f }
+ files.each {|f|
+ d = File.dirname(File.expand_path(f))
+ unless $:.include? d
+ $: << d
+ end
+ begin
+ require f
+ rescue LoadError
+ puts $!
+ end
+ }
+ argv.concat files
+ ARGV.replace argv
+ end
+ module Assertions
+ include MiniTest::Assertions
+ def mu_pp(obj)
+ obj.pretty_inspect.chomp
+ end
+ def assert_raise(*args, &b)
+ assert_raises(*args, &b)
+ end
+ def assert_nothing_raised(*args)
+ if Module === args.last
+ msg = nil
+ else
+ msg = args.pop
+ end
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue Exception => e
+ if ((args.empty? && !e.instance_of?(MiniTest::Assertion)) ||
+ args.any? {|a| a.instance_of?(Module) ? e.is_a?(a) : e.class == a })
+ msg = message(msg) { "Exception raised:\n<#{mu_pp(act)}>" }
+ assert(false, msg)
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def assert_equal(exp, act, msg = nil)
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected\n<#{mu_pp(exp)}> but\n<#{mu_pp(act)}>" }
+ assert(exp == act, msg)
+ end
+ def assert_not_nil(exp, msg=nil)
+ msg = message(msg) { "<#{mu_pp(exp)}> expected to not be nil" }
+ assert(!exp.nil?, msg)
+ end
+ def assert_not_equal(exp, act, msg=nil)
+ msg = message(msg) { "<#{mu_pp(exp)}> expected to be != to\n<#{mu_pp(act)}>" }
+ assert(exp != act, msg)
+ end
+ def assert_no_match(regexp, string, msg=nil)
+ assert_instance_of(Regexp, regexp, "The first argument to assert_no_match should be a Regexp.")
+ msg = message(msg) { "<#{mu_pp(regexp)}> expected to not match\n<#{mu_pp(string)}>" }
+ assert(regexp !~ string, msg)
+ end
+ def assert_not_same(expected, actual, message="")
+ msg = message(msg) { build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, expected.__id__, actual, actual.__id__) }
+with id <?> expected to not be equal\\? to
+with id <?>.
+ assert(!actual.equal?(expected), msg)
+ end
+ def build_message(head, template=nil, *arguments)
+ template &&= template.chomp
+ template.gsub(/\?/) { mu_pp(arguments.shift) }
+ end
- # Automatically run tests at exit?
- def
- @run ||= false
+ class TestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ include Assertions
-at_exit do
- unless $! ||
- exit
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/assertionfailederror.rb b/lib/test/unit/assertionfailederror.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a21e4b587..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/assertionfailederror.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-module Test
- module Unit
- # Thrown by Test::Unit::Assertions when an assertion fails.
- class AssertionFailedError < StandardError
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb b/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c9e096b..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit/assertionfailederror'
-require 'test/unit/util/backtracefilter'
-module Test # :nodoc:
- module Unit # :nodoc:
- ##
- # Test::Unit::Assertions contains the standard Test::Unit assertions.
- # Assertions is included in Test::Unit::TestCase.
- #
- # To include it in your own code and use its functionality, you simply
- # need to rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError. Additionally you may
- # override add_assertion to get notified whenever an assertion is made.
- #
- # Notes:
- # * The message to each assertion, if given, will be propagated with the
- # failure.
- # * It is easy to add your own assertions based on assert_block().
- #
- # = Example Custom Assertion
- #
- # def deny(boolean, message = nil)
- # message = build_message message, '<?> is not false or nil.', boolean
- # assert_block message do
- # not boolean
- # end
- # end
- module Assertions
- ##
- # The assertion upon which all other assertions are based. Passes if the
- # block yields true.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_block "Couldn't do the thing" do
- # do_the_thing
- # end
- public
- def assert_block(message="assert_block failed.") # :yields:
- _wrap_assertion do
- if (! yield)
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Asserts that +boolean+ is not false or nil.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert [1, 2].include?(5)
- public
- def assert(boolean, message=nil)
- _wrap_assertion do
- assert_block("assert should not be called with a block.") { !block_given? }
- assert_block(build_message(message, "<?> is not true.", boolean)) { boolean }
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +expected+ == +actual.
- #
- # Note that the ordering of arguments is important, since a helpful
- # error message is generated when this one fails that tells you the
- # values of expected and actual.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_equal 'MY STRING', 'my string'.upcase
- public
- def assert_equal(expected, actual, message=nil)
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, actual)
-<?> expected but was
- assert_block(full_message) { expected == actual }
- end
- private
- def _check_exception_class(args) # :nodoc:
- args.partition do |klass|
- next if klass.instance_of?(Module)
- assert(Exception >= klass, "Should expect a class of exception, #{klass}")
- true
- end
- end
- private
- def _expected_exception?(actual_exception, exceptions, modules) # :nodoc:
- exceptions.include?(actual_exception.class) or
- modules.any? {|mod| actual_exception.is_a?(mod)}
- end
- ##
- # Passes if the block raises one of the given exceptions.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_raise RuntimeError, LoadError do
- # raise 'Boom!!!'
- # end
- public
- def assert_raise(*args)
- _wrap_assertion do
- if Module === args.last
- message = ""
- else
- message = args.pop
- end
- exceptions, modules = _check_exception_class(args)
- expected = args.size == 1 ? args.first : args
- actual_exception = nil
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception expected but none was thrown.", expected)
- assert_block(full_message) do
- begin
- yield
- rescue Exception => actual_exception
- break
- end
- false
- end
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception expected but was\n?", expected, actual_exception)
- assert_block(full_message) {_expected_exception?(actual_exception, exceptions, modules)}
- actual_exception
- end
- end
- ##
- # Alias of assert_raise.
- #
- # Will be deprecated in 1.9, and removed in 2.0.
- public
- def assert_raises(*args, &block)
- assert_raise(*args, &block)
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +object+ .instance_of? +klass+
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_instance_of String, 'foo'
- public
- def assert_instance_of(klass, object, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- assert_equal(Class, klass.class, "assert_instance_of takes a Class as its first argument")
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object, klass, object.class)
-<?> expected to be an instance of
-<?> but was
- assert_block(full_message){object.instance_of?(klass)}
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +object+ is nil.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_nil [1, 2].uniq!
- public
- def assert_nil(object, message="")
- assert_equal(nil, object, message)
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +object+ .kind_of? +klass+
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_kind_of Object, 'foo'
- public
- def assert_kind_of(klass, object, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- assert(klass.kind_of?(Module), "The first parameter to assert_kind_of should be a kind_of Module.")
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?>\nexpected to be kind_of\\?\n<?> but was\n<?>.", object, klass, object.class)
- assert_block(full_message){object.kind_of?(klass)}
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +object+ .respond_to? +method+
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_respond_to 'bugbear', :slice
- public
- def assert_respond_to(object, method, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- full_message = build_message(nil, "<?>\ngiven as the method name argument to #assert_respond_to must be a Symbol or #respond_to\\?(:to_str).", method)
- assert_block(full_message) do
- method.kind_of?(Symbol) || method.respond_to?(:to_str)
- end
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object, object.class, method)
-of type <?>
-expected to respond_to\\?<?>.
- assert_block(full_message) { object.respond_to?(method) }
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +string+ =~ +pattern+.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_match(/\d+/, 'five, 6, seven')
- public
- def assert_match(pattern, string, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- pattern = case(pattern)
- when String
- else
- pattern
- end
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> expected to be =~\n<?>.", string, pattern)
- assert_block(full_message) { string =~ pattern }
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +actual+ .equal? +expected+ (i.e. they are the same
- # instance).
- #
- # Example:
- # o =
- # assert_same o, o
- public
- def assert_same(expected, actual, message="")
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, expected.__id__, actual, actual.__id__)
-with id <?> expected to be equal\\? to
-with id <?>.
- assert_block(full_message) { actual.equal?(expected) }
- end
- ##
- # Compares the +object1+ with +object2+ using +operator+.
- #
- # Passes if object1.__send__(operator, object2) is true.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_operator 5, :>=, 4
- public
- def assert_operator(object1, operator, object2, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- full_message = build_message(nil, "<?>\ngiven as the operator for #assert_operator must be a Symbol or #respond_to\\?(:to_str).", operator)
- assert_block(full_message){operator.kind_of?(Symbol) || operator.respond_to?(:to_str)}
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object1, AssertionMessage.literal(operator), object2)
-<?> expected to be
- assert_block(full_message) { object1.__send__(operator, object2) }
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if block does not raise an exception.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_nothing_raised do
- # [1, 2].uniq
- # end
- public
- def assert_nothing_raised(*args)
- _wrap_assertion do
- if Module === args.last
- message = ""
- else
- message = args.pop
- end
- exceptions, modules = _check_exception_class(args)
- begin
- yield
- rescue Exception => e
- if ((args.empty? && !e.instance_of?(AssertionFailedError)) ||
- _expected_exception?(e, exceptions, modules))
- assert_block(build_message(message, "Exception raised:\n?", e)){false}
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- end
- ##
- # Flunk always fails.
- #
- # Example:
- # flunk 'Not done testing yet.'
- public
- def flunk(message="Flunked")
- assert_block(build_message(message)){false}
- end
- ##
- # Passes if ! +actual+ .equal? +expected+
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_not_same,
- public
- def assert_not_same(expected, actual, message="")
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, expected.__id__, actual, actual.__id__)
-with id <?> expected to not be equal\\? to
-with id <?>.
- assert_block(full_message) { !actual.equal?(expected) }
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +expected+ != +actual+
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_not_equal 'some string', 5
- public
- def assert_not_equal(expected, actual, message="")
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> expected to be != to\n<?>.", expected, actual)
- assert_block(full_message) { expected != actual }
- end
- ##
- # Passes if ! +object+ .nil?
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_not_nil '1 two 3'.sub!(/two/, '2')
- public
- def assert_not_nil(object, message="")
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> expected to not be nil.", object)
- assert_block(full_message){!object.nil?}
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +regexp+ !~ +string+
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_no_match(/two/, 'one 2 three')
- public
- def assert_no_match(regexp, string, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- assert_instance_of(Regexp, regexp, "The first argument to assert_no_match should be a Regexp.")
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> expected to not match\n<?>.", regexp, string)
- assert_block(full_message) { regexp !~ string }
- end
- end
- UncaughtThrow = {
- ArgumentError => /^uncaught throw (.+)$/,
- } #`
- ##
- # Passes if the block throws +expected_object+
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_throws :done do
- # throw :done
- # end
- public
- def assert_throws(expected_object, message="", &proc)
- _wrap_assertion do
- assert_block("Should have passed a block to assert_throws."){block_given?}
- caught = true
- begin
- catch(expected_object) do
- caught = false
- end
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> should have been thrown.", expected_object)
- assert_block(full_message){caught}
- rescue ArgumentError => error
- if UncaughtThrow[error.class] !~ error.message
- raise error
- end
- full_message = build_message(message, "<?> expected to be thrown but\n<#$1> was thrown.", expected_object)
- flunk(full_message)
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if block does not throw anything.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_nothing_thrown do
- # [1, 2].uniq
- # end
- public
- def assert_nothing_thrown(message="", &proc)
- _wrap_assertion do
- assert(block_given?, "Should have passed a block to assert_nothing_thrown")
- begin
- rescue ArgumentError => error
- if UncaughtThrow[error.class] !~ error.message
- raise error
- end
- full_message = build_message(message, "<#$1> was thrown when nothing was expected")
- flunk(full_message)
- end
- assert(true, "Expected nothing to be thrown")
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if +expected_float+ and +actual_float+ are equal
- # within +delta+ tolerance.
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_in_delta 0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00001
- public
- def assert_in_delta(expected_float, actual_float, delta, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- {expected_float => "first float", actual_float => "second float", delta => "delta"}.each do |float, name|
- assert_respond_to(float, :to_f, "The arguments must respond to to_f; the #{name} did not")
- end
- assert_operator(delta, :>=, 0.0, "The delta should not be negative")
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected_float, actual_float, delta)
-<?> and
-<?> expected to be within
-<?> of each other.
- assert_block(full_message) { (expected_float.to_f - actual_float.to_f).abs <= delta.to_f }
- end
- end
- ##
- # Passes if the method send returns a true value.
- #
- # +send_array+ is composed of:
- # * A receiver
- # * A method
- # * Arguments to the method
- #
- # Example:
- # assert_send [[1, 2], :include?, 4]
- public
- def assert_send(send_array, message="")
- _wrap_assertion do
- assert_instance_of(Array, send_array, "assert_send requires an array of send information")
- assert(send_array.size >= 2, "assert_send requires at least a receiver and a message name")
- full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, send_array[0], AssertionMessage.literal(send_array[1].to_s), send_array[2..-1])
-<?> expected to respond to
-<?(?)> with a true value.
- assert_block(full_message) { send_array[0].__send__(send_array[1], *send_array[2..-1]) }
- end
- end
- ##
- # Builds a failure message. +head+ is added before the +template+ and
- # +arguments+ replaces the '?'s positionally in the template.
- public
- def build_message(head, template=nil, *arguments) # :nodoc:
- template &&= template.chomp
- return, template, arguments)
- end
- private
- def _wrap_assertion # :nodoc:
- @_assertion_wrapped ||= false
- unless (@_assertion_wrapped)
- @_assertion_wrapped = true
- begin
- add_assertion
- return yield
- ensure
- @_assertion_wrapped = false
- end
- else
- return yield
- end
- end
- ##
- # Called whenever an assertion is made. Define this in classes that
- # include Test::Unit::Assertions to record assertion counts.
- private
- def add_assertion
- end
- ##
- # Select whether or not to use the pretty-printer. If this option is set
- # to false before any assertions are made, pp.rb will not be required.
- public
- def self.use_pp=(value)
- AssertionMessage.use_pp = value
- end
- # :stopdoc:
- class AssertionMessage
- @use_pp = true
- class << self
- attr_accessor :use_pp
- end
- class Literal
- def initialize(value)
- @value = value
- end
- def inspect
- @value.to_s
- end
- end
- class Template
- def self.create(string)
- parts = (string ? string.scan(/(?=[^\\])\?|(?:\\\?|[^\?])+/m) : [])
- end
- attr_reader :count
- def initialize(parts)
- @parts = parts
- @count = parts.find_all{|e| e == '?'}.size
- end
- def result(parameters)
- raise "The number of parameters does not match the number of substitutions." if(parameters.size != count)
- params = parameters.dup
- @parts.collect{|e| e == '?' ? params.shift : e.gsub(/\\\?/m, '?')}.join('')
- end
- end
- def self.literal(value)
- end
- include Util::BacktraceFilter
- def initialize(head, template_string, parameters)
- @head = head
- @template_string = template_string
- @parameters = parameters
- end
- def convert(object)
- case object
- when Exception
- <<EOM.chop
-Class: <#{convert(object.class)}>
-Message: <#{convert(object.message)}>
- else
- if(self.class.use_pp)
- begin
- require 'pp'
- rescue LoadError
- self.class.use_pp = false
- return object.inspect
- end unless(defined?(PP))
- PP.pp(object, '').chomp
- else
- object.inspect
- end
- end
- end
- def template
- @template ||= Template.create(@template_string)
- end
- def add_period(string)
- (string =~ /\.\Z/ ? string : string + '.')
- end
- def to_s
- message_parts = []
- if (@head)
- head = @head.to_s
- unless(head.empty?)
- message_parts << add_period(head)
- end
- end
- tail = template.result(@parameters.collect{|e| convert(e)})
- message_parts << tail unless(tail.empty?)
- message_parts.join("\n")
- end
- end
- # :startdoc:
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb b/lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c252e2e7c..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities'
-require 'optparse'
-module Test
- module Unit
- class AutoRunner
- def, default_dir=nil, argv=ARGV, &block)
- r = new(force_standalone || standalone?, &block)
- r.base = default_dir
- r.process_args(argv)
- end
- def self.standalone?
- return false unless("-e" == $0)
- TestCase::DECENDANT_CLASSES.empty?
- end
- :console => proc do |r|
- require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'
- Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner
- end,
- :gtk => proc do |r|
- require 'test/unit/ui/gtk/testrunner'
- Test::Unit::UI::GTK::TestRunner
- end,
- :gtk2 => proc do |r|
- require 'test/unit/ui/gtk2/testrunner'
- Test::Unit::UI::GTK2::TestRunner
- end,
- :fox => proc do |r|
- require 'test/unit/ui/fox/testrunner'
- Test::Unit::UI::Fox::TestRunner
- end,
- :tk => proc do |r|
- require 'test/unit/ui/tk/testrunner'
- Test::Unit::UI::Tk::TestRunner
- end,
- }
- [:silent, UI::SILENT],
- [:progress, UI::PROGRESS_ONLY],
- [:normal, UI::NORMAL],
- [:verbose, UI::VERBOSE],
- ]
- :objectspace => proc do |r|
- require 'test/unit/collector/objectspace'
- c =
- c.filter = r.filters
- c.collect($0.sub(/\.rb\Z/, ''))
- end,
- :dir => proc do |r|
- require 'test/unit/collector/dir'
- c =
- c.filter = r.filters
- c.pattern.concat(r.pattern) if(r.pattern)
- c.exclude.concat(r.exclude) if(r.exclude)
- c.base = r.base
- $:.push(r.base) if r.base
- c.collect(*(r.to_run.empty? ? ['.'] : r.to_run))
- end,
- }
- attr_reader :suite
- attr_accessor :output_level, :filters, :to_run, :pattern, :exclude, :base, :workdir
- attr_writer :runner, :collector
- def initialize(standalone)
- = true
- @standalone = standalone
- @runner = RUNNERS[:console]
- @collector = COLLECTORS[(standalone ? :dir : :objectspace)]
- @filters = []
- @to_run = []
- @output_level = UI::NORMAL
- @workdir = false
- yield(self) if(block_given?)
- end
- def process_args(args = ARGV)
- begin
- options.order!(args) {|arg| @to_run << arg}
- rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e
- puts e
- puts options
- $! = nil
- abort
- else
- @filters << proc{false} unless(@filters.empty?)
- end
- not @to_run.empty?
- end
- def options
- @options ||= do |o|
- o.banner = "Test::Unit automatic runner."
- o.banner << "\nUsage: #{$0} [options] [-- untouched arguments]"
- o.on
- o.on('-r', '--runner=RUNNER', RUNNERS,
- "Use the given RUNNER.",
- "(" + keyword_display(RUNNERS) + ")") do |r|
- @runner = r
- end
- if(@standalone)
- o.on('-b', '--basedir=DIR', "Base directory of test suites.") do |b|
- @base = b
- end
- o.on('-w', '--workdir=DIR', "Working directory to run tests.") do |w|
- @workdir = w
- end
- o.on('-a', '--add=TORUN', Array,
- "Add TORUN to the list of things to run;",
- "can be a file or a directory.") do |a|
- @to_run.concat(a)
- end
- @pattern = []
- o.on('-p', '--pattern=PATTERN', Regexp,
- "Match files to collect against PATTERN.") do |e|
- @pattern << e
- end
- @exclude = []
- o.on('-x', '--exclude=PATTERN', Regexp,
- "Ignore files to collect against PATTERN.") do |e|
- @exclude << e
- end
- end
- o.on('-n', '--name=NAME', String,
- "Runs tests matching NAME.",
- "(patterns may be used).") do |n|
- n = (%r{\A/(.*)/\Z} =~ n ?$1) : n)
- case n
- when Regexp
- @filters << proc{|t| n =~ t.method_name ? true : nil}
- else
- @filters << proc{|t| n == t.method_name ? true : nil}
- end
- end
- o.on('-t', '--testcase=TESTCASE', String,
- "Runs tests in TestCases matching TESTCASE.",
- "(patterns may be used).") do |n|
- n = (%r{\A/(.*)/\Z} =~ n ?$1) : n)
- case n
- when Regexp
- @filters << proc{|t| n =~ ? true : nil}
- else
- @filters << proc{|t| n == ? true : nil}
- end
- end
- o.on('-I', "--load-path=DIR[#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}DIR...]",
- "Appends directory list to $LOAD_PATH.") do |dirs|
- $LOAD_PATH.concat(dirs.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR))
- end
- o.on('-v', '--verbose=[LEVEL]', OUTPUT_LEVELS,
- "Set the output level (default is verbose).",
- "(" + keyword_display(OUTPUT_LEVELS) + ")") do |l|
- @output_level = l || UI::VERBOSE
- end
- o.on('--',
- "Stop processing options so that the",
- "remaining options will be passed to the",
- "test."){o.terminate}
- o.on('-h', '--help', 'Display this help.'){puts o; exit}
- o.on_tail
- o.on_tail('Deprecated options:')
- o.on_tail('--console', 'Console runner (use --runner).') do
- warn("Deprecated option (--console).")
- @runner = RUNNERS[:console]
- end
- o.on_tail('--gtk', 'GTK runner (use --runner).') do
- warn("Deprecated option (--gtk).")
- @runner = RUNNERS[:gtk]
- end
- o.on_tail('--fox', 'Fox runner (use --runner).') do
- warn("Deprecated option (--fox).")
- @runner = RUNNERS[:fox]
- end
- o.on_tail
- end
- end
- def keyword_display(array)
- list = array.collect {|e, *| e.to_s}
- Array === array or list.sort!
- list.collect {|e| e.sub(/^(.)([A-Za-z]+)(?=\w*$)/, '\\1[\\2]')}.join(", ")
- end
- def run
- @suite = @collector[self]
- result = @runner[self] or return false
- Dir.chdir(@workdir) if @workdir
-, @output_level).passed?
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/collector.rb b/lib/test/unit/collector.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e9e65414..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/collector.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-module Test
- module Unit
- module Collector
- def initialize
- @filters = []
- end
- def filter=(filters)
- @filters = case(filters)
- when Proc
- [filters]
- when Array
- filters
- end
- end
- def add_suite(destination, suite)
- to_delete = suite.tests.find_all{|t| !include?(t)}
- to_delete.each{|t| suite.delete(t)}
- destination << suite unless(suite.size == 0)
- end
- def include?(test)
- return true if(@filters.empty?)
- @filters.each do |filter|
- result = filter[test]
- if(result.nil?)
- next
- elsif(!result)
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- true
- end
- def sort(suites)
- suites.sort_by{|s|}
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb b/lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c311b72c..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-require 'test/unit/testsuite'
-require 'test/unit/collector'
-module Test
- module Unit
- module Collector
- class Dir
- include Collector
- attr_reader :pattern, :exclude
- attr_accessor :base
- def initialize(dir=::Dir, file=::File, object_space=nil, req=nil)
- super()
- @dir = dir
- @file = file
- @object_space = object_space
- @req = req
- @pattern = [/\btest_.*\.rb\Z/m]
- @exclude = []
- end
- def collect(*from)
- basedir = @base
- $:.push(basedir) if basedir
- if(from.empty?)
- recursive_collect('.', find_test_cases)
- elsif(from.size == 1)
- recursive_collect(from.first, find_test_cases)
- else
- suites = []
- from.each do |f|
- suite = recursive_collect(f, find_test_cases)
- suites << suite unless(suite.tests.empty?)
- end
- suite ="[#{from.join(', ')}]")
- sort(suites).each{|s| suite << s}
- suite
- end
- ensure
- $:.delete_at($:.rindex(basedir)) if basedir
- end
- def find_test_cases(ignore=[])
- cases = []
- if @object_space
- @object_space.each_object(Class) do |c|
- cases << c if(c < TestCase && !ignore.include?(c))
- end
- else
- TestCase::DECENDANT_CLASSES.each do |c|
- cases << c if !ignore.include?(c)
- end
- end
- ignore.concat(cases)
- cases
- end
- def recursive_collect(name, already_gathered)
- sub_suites = []
- path = realdir(name)
- if
- dir_name = name unless name == '.'
- @dir.entries(path).each do |e|
- next if(e == '.' || e == '..')
- e_name = dir_name ? @file.join(dir_name, e) : e
- if
- next if /\A(?:CVS|\.svn)\z/ =~ e
- sub_suite = recursive_collect(e_name, already_gathered)
- sub_suites << sub_suite unless(sub_suite.empty?)
- else
- next if /~\z/ =~ e_name or /\A\.\#/ =~ e
- if @pattern and !@pattern.empty?
- next unless @pattern.any? {|pat| pat =~ e_name}
- end
- if @exclude and !@exclude.empty?
- next if @exclude.any? {|pat| pat =~ e_name}
- end
- collect_file(e_name, sub_suites, already_gathered)
- end
- end
- else
- collect_file(name, sub_suites, already_gathered)
- end
- suite =
- sort(sub_suites).each{|s| suite << s}
- suite
- end
- def collect_file(name, suites, already_gathered)
- dir = @file.dirname(@file.expand_path(name, @base))
- $:.unshift(dir)
- if(@req)
- @req.require(name)
- else
- require(name)
- end
- find_test_cases(already_gathered).each{|t| add_suite(suites, t.suite)}
- ensure
- $:.delete_at($:.index(dir)) if dir
- end
- def realdir(path)
- if @base
- @file.join(@base, path)
- else
- path
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb b/lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a768c721..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit/collector'
-module Test
- module Unit
- module Collector
- class ObjectSpace
- include Test::Unit::Collector
- NAME = 'collected from the subclasses of TestCase'
- def initialize(source=nil)
- super()
- @source = source
- end
- def collect(name=NAME)
- suite =
- sub_suites = []
- if @source
- @source.each_object(Class) do |klass|
- if(Test::Unit::TestCase > klass)
- add_suite(sub_suites, klass.suite)
- end
- end
- else
- TestCase::DECENDANT_CLASSES.each do |klass|
- add_suite(sub_suites, klass.suite)
- end
- end
- sort(sub_suites).each{|s| suite << s}
- suite
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/error.rb b/lib/test/unit/error.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a813f7d..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/error.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit/util/backtracefilter'
-module Test
- module Unit
- # Encapsulates an error in a test. Created by
- # Test::Unit::TestCase when it rescues an exception thrown
- # during the processing of a test.
- class Error
- include Util::BacktraceFilter
- attr_reader(:test_name, :exception)
- # Creates a new Error with the given test_name and
- # exception.
- def initialize(test_name, exception)
- @test_name = test_name
- @exception = exception
- end
- # Returns a single character representation of an error.
- def single_character_display
- end
- # Returns the message associated with the error.
- def message
- "#{}: #{@exception.message}"
- end
- # Returns a brief version of the error description.
- def short_display
- "#@test_name: #{message.split("\n")[0]}"
- end
- # Returns a verbose version of the error description.
- def long_display
- backtrace = filter_backtrace(@exception.backtrace).join("\n ")
- "Error:\n#@test_name:\n#{message}\n #{backtrace}"
- end
- # Overridden to return long_display.
- def to_s
- long_display
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/failure.rb b/lib/test/unit/failure.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 832c99857..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/failure.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-module Test
- module Unit
- # Encapsulates a test failure. Created by Test::Unit::TestCase
- # when an assertion fails.
- class Failure
- attr_reader :test_name, :location, :message
- # Creates a new Failure with the given location and
- # message.
- def initialize(test_name, location, message)
- @test_name = test_name
- @location = location
- @message = message
- end
- # Returns a single character representation of a failure.
- def single_character_display
- end
- # Returns a brief version of the error description.
- def short_display
- "#@test_name: #{@message.split("\n")[0]}"
- end
- # Returns a verbose version of the error description.
- def long_display
- location_display = if(location.size == 1)
- location[0].sub(/\A(.+:\d+).*/, ' [\\1]')
- else
- "\n [#{location.join("\n ")}]"
- end
- "Failure:\n#@test_name#{location_display}:\n#@message"
- end
- # Overridden to return long_display.
- def to_s
- long_display
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb b/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cf80d225..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit/assertions'
-require 'test/unit/failure'
-require 'test/unit/error'
-require 'test/unit/testsuite'
-require 'test/unit/assertionfailederror'
-require 'test/unit/util/backtracefilter'
-module Test
- module Unit
- # Ties everything together. If you subclass and add your own
- # test methods, it takes care of making them into tests and
- # wrapping those tests into a suite. It also does the
- # nitty-gritty of actually running an individual test and
- # collecting its results into a Test::Unit::TestResult object.
- class TestCase
- include Assertions
- include Util::BacktraceFilter
- attr_reader :method_name
- STARTED = name + "::STARTED"
- FINISHED = name + "::FINISHED"
- ##
- # These exceptions are not caught by #run.
- PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS = [NoMemoryError, SignalException, Interrupt,
- SystemExit]
- def self.inherited(decendant)
- DECENDANT_CLASSES << decendant
- end
- # Creates a new instance of the fixture for running the
- # test represented by test_method_name.
- def initialize(test_method_name)
- unless(respond_to?(test_method_name) && method(test_method_name).arity == 0)
- throw :invalid_test
- end
- @method_name = test_method_name
- @test_passed = true
- end
- # Rolls up all of the test* methods in the fixture into
- # one suite, creating a new instance of the fixture for
- # each method.
- def self.suite
- method_names = public_instance_methods(true).map { |m| m.to_s }
- tests = method_names.delete_if {|method_name| method_name !~ /^test./}
- suite =
- tests.sort.each do
- |test|
- catch(:invalid_test) do
- suite << new(test)
- end
- end
- if (suite.empty?)
- catch(:invalid_test) do
- suite << new(:default_test)
- end
- end
- return suite
- end
- # Runs the individual test method represented by this
- # instance of the fixture, collecting statistics, failures
- # and errors in result.
- def run(result)
- yield(STARTED, name)
- @_result = result
- begin
- setup
- __send__(@method_name)
- rescue AssertionFailedError => e
- add_failure(e.message, e.backtrace)
- rescue Exception
- raise if PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS.include? $!.class
- add_error($!)
- ensure
- begin
- teardown
- rescue AssertionFailedError => e
- add_failure(e.message, e.backtrace)
- rescue Exception
- raise if PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS.include? $!.class
- add_error($!)
- end
- end
- result.add_run
- yield(FINISHED, name)
- end
- # Called before every test method runs. Can be used
- # to set up fixture information.
- def setup
- end
- # Called after every test method runs. Can be used to tear
- # down fixture information.
- def teardown
- end
- def default_test
- flunk("No tests were specified")
- end
- # Returns whether this individual test passed or
- # not. Primarily for use in teardown so that artifacts
- # can be left behind if the test fails.
- def passed?
- return @test_passed
- end
- private :passed?
- def size # :nodoc:
- 1
- end
- def add_assertion # :nodoc:
- @_result.add_assertion
- end
- private :add_assertion
- def add_failure(message, all_locations=caller()) # :nodoc:
- @test_passed = false
- @_result.add_failure(, filter_backtrace(all_locations), message))
- end
- private :add_failure
- def add_error(exception) # :nodoc:
- @test_passed = false
- @_result.add_error(, exception))
- end
- private :add_error
- # Returns a human-readable name for the specific test that
- # this instance of TestCase represents.
- def name
- "#{@method_name}(#{})"
- end
- # Overridden to return #name.
- def to_s
- name
- end
- # It's handy to be able to compare TestCase instances.
- def ==(other)
- return false unless(other.kind_of?(self.class))
- return false unless(@method_name == other.method_name)
- self.class == other.class
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/testresult.rb b/lib/test/unit/testresult.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe9b7c57..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/testresult.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit/util/observable'
-module Test
- module Unit
- # Collects Test::Unit::Failure and Test::Unit::Error so that
- # they can be displayed to the user. To this end, observers
- # can be added to it, allowing the dynamic updating of, say, a
- # UI.
- class TestResult
- include Util::Observable
- attr_reader(:run_count, :assertion_count)
- # Constructs a new, empty TestResult.
- def initialize
- @run_count, @assertion_count = 0, 0
- @failures, @errors =,
- end
- # Records a test run.
- def add_run
- @run_count += 1
- notify_listeners(CHANGED, self)
- end
- # Records a Test::Unit::Failure.
- def add_failure(failure)
- @failures << failure
- notify_listeners(FAULT, failure)
- notify_listeners(CHANGED, self)
- end
- # Records a Test::Unit::Error.
- def add_error(error)
- @errors << error
- notify_listeners(FAULT, error)
- notify_listeners(CHANGED, self)
- end
- # Records an individual assertion.
- def add_assertion
- @assertion_count += 1
- notify_listeners(CHANGED, self)
- end
- # Returns a string contain the recorded runs, assertions,
- # failures and errors in this TestResult.
- def to_s
- "#{run_count} tests, #{assertion_count} assertions, #{failure_count} failures, #{error_count} errors"
- end
- # Returns whether or not this TestResult represents
- # successful completion.
- def passed?
- return @failures.empty? && @errors.empty?
- end
- # Returns the number of failures this TestResult has
- # recorded.
- def failure_count
- return @failures.size
- end
- # Returns the number of errors this TestResult has
- # recorded.
- def error_count
- return @errors.size
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/testsuite.rb b/lib/test/unit/testsuite.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fea976c5..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/testsuite.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-module Test
- module Unit
- # A collection of tests which can be #run.
- #
- # Note: It is easy to confuse a TestSuite instance with
- # something that has a static suite method; I know because _I_
- # have trouble keeping them straight. Think of something that
- # has a suite method as simply providing a way to get a
- # meaningful TestSuite instance.
- class TestSuite
- attr_reader :name, :tests
- STARTED = name + "::STARTED"
- FINISHED = name + "::FINISHED"
- # Creates a new TestSuite with the given name.
- def initialize(name="Unnamed TestSuite")
- @name = name
- @tests = []
- end
- # Runs the tests and/or suites contained in this
- # TestSuite.
- def run(result, &progress_block)
- yield(STARTED, name)
- @tests.each do |test|
-, &progress_block)
- end
- yield(FINISHED, name)
- end
- # Adds the test to the suite.
- def <<(test)
- @tests << test
- self
- end
- def delete(test)
- @tests.delete(test)
- end
- # Retuns the rolled up number of tests in this suite;
- # i.e. if the suite contains other suites, it counts the
- # tests within those suites, not the suites themselves.
- def size
- total_size = 0
- @tests.each { |test| total_size += test.size }
- total_size
- end
- def empty?
- tests.empty?
- end
- # Overridden to return the name given the suite at
- # creation.
- def to_s
- @name
- end
- # It's handy to be able to compare TestSuite instances.
- def ==(other)
- return false unless(other.kind_of?(self.class))
- return false unless(@name ==
- @tests == other.tests
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb b/lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b6475c003..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities'
-module Test
- module Unit
- module UI
- module Console # :nodoc:
- # Runs a Test::Unit::TestSuite on the console.
- class TestRunner
- extend TestRunnerUtilities
- # Creates a new TestRunner for running the passed
- # suite. If quiet_mode is true, the output while
- # running is limited to progress dots, errors and
- # failures, and the final result. io specifies
- # where runner output should go to; defaults to
- def initialize(suite, output_level=NORMAL, io=STDOUT)
- if (suite.respond_to?(:suite))
- @suite = suite.suite
- else
- @suite = suite
- end
- @output_level = output_level
- @io = io
- @already_outputted = false
- @faults = []
- end
- # Begins the test run.
- def start
- setup_mediator
- attach_to_mediator
- return start_mediator
- end
- private
- def setup_mediator # :nodoc:
- @mediator = create_mediator(@suite)
- suite_name = @suite.to_s
- if ( @suite.kind_of?(Module) )
- suite_name =
- end
- output("Loaded suite #{suite_name}")
- end
- def create_mediator(suite) # :nodoc:
- return
- end
- def attach_to_mediator # :nodoc:
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::FAULT, &method(:add_fault))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::STARTED, &method(:started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::FINISHED, &method(:finished))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::STARTED, &method(:test_started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::FINISHED, &method(:test_finished))
- end
- def start_mediator # :nodoc:
- return @mediator.run_suite
- end
- def add_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- @faults << fault
- output_single(fault.single_character_display, PROGRESS_ONLY)
- @already_outputted = true
- end
- def started(result)
- @result = result
- output("Started")
- end
- def finished(elapsed_time)
- nl
- output("Finished in #{elapsed_time} seconds.")
- @faults.each_with_index do |fault, index|
- nl
- output("%3d) %s" % [index + 1, fault.long_display])
- end
- nl
- output(@result)
- end
- def test_started(name)
- $program_name = $0
- alias $0 $program_name
- $PROGRAM_NAME += "\0#{name}"
- output_single(name + ": ", VERBOSE)
- end
- def test_finished(name)
- output_single(".", PROGRESS_ONLY) unless (@already_outputted)
- @already_outputted = false
- end
- def nl(level=NORMAL)
- output("", level)
- end
- def output(something, level=NORMAL)
- @io.puts(something) if (output?(level))
- @io.flush
- end
- def output_single(something, level=NORMAL)
- @io.write(something) if (output?(level))
- @io.flush
- end
- def output?(level)
- level <= @output_level
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner.start_command_line_test
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/ui/fox/testrunner.rb b/lib/test/unit/ui/fox/testrunner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a8ff128..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/ui/fox/testrunner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'fox'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities'
-include Fox
-module Test
- module Unit
- module UI
- module Fox # :nodoc:
- # Runs a Test::Unit::TestSuite in a Fox UI. Obviously,
- # this one requires you to have Fox
- # ( and the Ruby
- # Fox extension (
- # installed.
- class TestRunner
- extend TestRunnerUtilities
- RED_STYLE = FXRGBA(0xFF,0,0,0xFF) #0xFF000000
- GREEN_STYLE = FXRGBA(0,0xFF,0,0xFF) #0x00FF0000
- # Creates a new TestRunner for running the passed
- # suite.
- def initialize(suite, output_level = NORMAL)
- if (suite.respond_to?(:suite))
- @suite = suite.suite
- else
- @suite = suite
- end
- @result = nil
- @red = false
- end
- # Begins the test run.
- def start
- setup_ui
- setup_mediator
- attach_to_mediator
- start_ui
- @result
- end
- def setup_mediator # :nodoc:
- @mediator =
- suite_name = @suite.to_s
- if ( @suite.kind_of?(Module) )
- suite_name =
- end
- @suite_name_entry.text = suite_name
- end
- def attach_to_mediator # :nodoc:
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::RESET, &method(:reset_ui))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::FAULT, &method(:add_fault))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::CHANGED, &method(:result_changed))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::STARTED, &method(:started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::STARTED, &method(:test_started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::FINISHED, &method(:finished))
- end
- def start_ui # :nodoc:
- @application.create
- @application.addTimeout(1) do
- @mediator.run_suite
- end
- end
- def stop # :nodoc:
- @application.exit(0)
- end
- def reset_ui(count) # :nodoc:
- @test_progress_bar.barColor = GREEN_STYLE
- = count
- @test_progress_bar.progress = 0
- @red = false
- @test_count_label.text = "0"
- @assertion_count_label.text = "0"
- @failure_count_label.text = "0"
- @error_count_label.text = "0"
- @fault_list.clearItems
- end
- def add_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- if ( ! @red )
- @test_progress_bar.barColor = RED_STYLE
- @red = true
- end
- item =
- @fault_list.appendItem(item)
- end
- def show_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault(fault.long_display)
- end
- def raw_show_fault(string) # :nodoc:
- @detail_text.setText(string)
- end
- def clear_fault # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault("")
- end
- def result_changed(result) # :nodoc:
- @test_progress_bar.progress = result.run_count
- @test_count_label.text = result.run_count.to_s
- @assertion_count_label.text = result.assertion_count.to_s
- @failure_count_label.text = result.failure_count.to_s
- @error_count_label.text = result.error_count.to_s
- # repaint now!
- @info_panel.repaint
- @application.flush
- end
- def started(result) # :nodoc:
- @result = result
- output_status("Started...")
- end
- def test_started(test_name)
- output_status("Running #{test_name}...")
- end
- def finished(elapsed_time)
- output_status("Finished in #{elapsed_time} seconds")
- end
- def output_status(string)
- @status_entry.text = string
- @status_entry.repaint
- end
- def setup_ui # :nodoc:
- @application = create_application
- create_tooltip(@application)
- @window = create_window(@application)
- @status_entry = create_entry(@window)
- main_panel = create_main_panel(@window)
- suite_panel = create_suite_panel(main_panel)
- create_label(suite_panel, "Suite:")
- @suite_name_entry = create_entry(suite_panel)
- create_button(suite_panel, "&Run\tRun the current suite", proc { @mediator.run_suite })
- @test_progress_bar = create_progress_bar(main_panel)
- @info_panel = create_info_panel(main_panel)
- create_label(@info_panel, "Tests:")
- @test_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0")
- create_label(@info_panel, "Assertions:")
- @assertion_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0")
- create_label(@info_panel, "Failures:")
- @failure_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0")
- create_label(@info_panel, "Errors:")
- @error_count_label = create_label(@info_panel, "0")
- list_panel = create_list_panel(main_panel)
- @fault_list = create_fault_list(list_panel)
- detail_panel = create_detail_panel(main_panel)
- @detail_text = create_text(detail_panel)
- end
- def create_application # :nodoc:
- app ="TestRunner", "Test::Unit")
- app.init([])
- app
- end
- def create_window(app)
-, "Test::Unit TestRunner", nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0, 450)
- end
- def create_tooltip(app)
- end
- def create_main_panel(parent) # :nodoc:
- panel.vSpacing = 10
- panel
- end
- def create_suite_panel(parent) # :nodoc:
- end
- def create_button(parent, text, action) # :nodoc:
-, text).connect(SEL_COMMAND, &action)
- end
- def create_progress_bar(parent) # :nodoc:
- end
- def create_info_panel(parent) # :nodoc:
- end
- def create_label(parent, text)
- end
- def create_list_panel(parent) # :nodoc:
- end
- def create_fault_list(parent) # :nodoc:
- list =, 10, nil, 0, LIST_SINGLESELECT | LAYOUT_FILL_X) #, 0, 0, 0, 150)
- list.connect(SEL_COMMAND) do |sender, sel, ptr|
- if sender.retrieveItem(sender.currentItem).selected?
- show_fault(sender.retrieveItem(sender.currentItem).fault)
- else
- clear_fault
- end
- end
- list
- end
- def create_detail_panel(parent) # :nodoc:
- end
- def create_text(parent) # :nodoc:
- end
- def create_entry(parent) # :nodoc:
- entry.disable
- entry
- end
- end
- class FaultListItem < FXListItem # :nodoc: all
- attr_reader(:fault)
- def initialize(fault)
- super(fault.short_display)
- @fault = fault
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- Test::Unit::UI::Fox::TestRunner.start_command_line_test
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/ui/gtk/testrunner.rb b/lib/test/unit/ui/gtk/testrunner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c63cc6a39..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/ui/gtk/testrunner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'gtk'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities'
-module Test
- module Unit
- module UI
- module GTK # :nodoc:
- # Runs a Test::Unit::TestSuite in a Gtk UI. Obviously,
- # this one requires you to have Gtk
- # ( and the Ruby Gtk extension
- # ( installed.
- class TestRunner
- extend TestRunnerUtilities
- # Creates a new TestRunner for running the passed
- # suite.
- def initialize(suite, output_level = NORMAL)
- if (suite.respond_to?(:suite))
- @suite = suite.suite
- else
- @suite = suite
- end
- @result = nil
- @runner = Thread.current
- @restart_signal =
- @viewer = Thread.start do
- @runner.join rescue
- Gtk.main
- end
- @viewer.join rescue nil # wait deadlock to handshake
- end
- # Begins the test run.
- def start
- setup_mediator
- setup_ui
- attach_to_mediator
- start_ui
- @result
- end
- private
- def setup_mediator # :nodoc:
- @mediator =
- suite_name = @suite.to_s
- if ( @suite.kind_of?(Module) )
- suite_name =
- end
- suite_name_entry.set_text(suite_name)
- end
- def attach_to_mediator # :nodoc:
- run_button.signal_connect("clicked", nil, &method(:run_test))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::RESET, &method(:reset_ui))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::FAULT, &method(:add_fault))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::CHANGED, &method(:result_changed))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::STARTED, &method(:started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::STARTED, &method(:test_started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::FINISHED, &method(:test_finished))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::FINISHED, &method(:finished))
- end
- def run_test(*)
- @runner.raise(@restart_signal)
- end
- def start_ui # :nodoc:
- running = false
- begin
- loop do
- if (running ^= true)
- run_button.child.text = "Stop"
- @mediator.run_suite
- else
- run_button.child.text = "Run"
- @viewer.join
- break
- end
- end
- rescue @restart_signal
- retry
- rescue
- end
- end
- def stop(*) # :nodoc:
- Gtk.main_quit
- end
- def reset_ui(count) # :nodoc:
- test_progress_bar.set_style(green_style)
- test_progress_bar.configure(0, 0, count)
- @red = false
- run_count_label.set_text("0")
- assertion_count_label.set_text("0")
- failure_count_label.set_text("0")
- error_count_label.set_text("0")
- fault_list.remove_items(fault_list.children)
- end
- def add_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- if ( ! @red )
- test_progress_bar.set_style(red_style)
- @red = true
- end
- item =
- fault_list.append_items([item])
- end
- def show_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault(fault.long_display)
- end
- def raw_show_fault(string) # :nodoc:
- fault_detail_label.set_text(string)
- outer_detail_sub_panel.queue_resize
- end
- def clear_fault # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault("")
- end
- def result_changed(result) # :nodoc:
- run_count_label.set_text(result.run_count.to_s)
- assertion_count_label.set_text(result.assertion_count.to_s)
- failure_count_label.set_text(result.failure_count.to_s)
- error_count_label.set_text(result.error_count.to_s)
- end
- def started(result) # :nodoc:
- @result = result
- output_status("Started...")
- end
- def test_started(test_name)
- output_status("Running #{test_name}...")
- end
- def test_finished(test_name)
- test_progress_bar.set_value(test_progress_bar.get_value + 1)
- end
- def finished(elapsed_time)
- output_status("Finished in #{elapsed_time} seconds")
- end
- def output_status(string) # :nodoc:
- status_entry.set_text(string)
- end
- def setup_ui # :nodoc:
- main_window.signal_connect("destroy", nil, &method(:stop))
- main_window.show_all
- fault_list.signal_connect("select-child", nil) {
- | list, item, data |
- show_fault(item.fault)
- }
- fault_list.signal_connect("unselect-child", nil) {
- clear_fault
- }
- @red = false
- end
- def main_window # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:main_window) {
- @main_window =
- @main_window.set_title("Test::Unit TestRunner")
- @main_window.set_usize(800, 600)
- @main_window.set_uposition(20, 20)
- @main_window.set_policy(true, true, false)
- @main_window.add(main_panel)
- }
- end
- def main_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:main_panel) {
- @main_panel =, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(suite_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(progress_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(info_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(list_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(detail_panel, true, true, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(status_panel, false, false, 0)
- }
- end
- def suite_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:suite_panel) {
- @suite_panel =, 10)
- @suite_panel.border_width(10)
- @suite_panel.pack_start("Suite:"), false, false, 0)
- @suite_panel.pack_start(suite_name_entry, true, true, 0)
- @suite_panel.pack_start(run_button, false, false, 0)
- }
- end
- def suite_name_entry # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:suite_name_entry) {
- @suite_name_entry =
- @suite_name_entry.set_editable(false)
- }
- end
- def run_button # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:run_button) {
- @run_button ="Run")
- }
- end
- def progress_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:progress_panel) {
- @progress_panel =, 10)
- @progress_panel.border_width(10)
- @progress_panel.pack_start(test_progress_bar, true, true, 0)
- }
- end
- def test_progress_bar # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:test_progress_bar) {
- @test_progress_bar =
- @test_progress_bar.set_usize(@test_progress_bar.allocation.width,
- info_panel.size_request.height)
- @test_progress_bar.set_style(green_style)
- }
- end
- def green_style # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:green_style) {
- @green_style =
- @green_style.set_bg(Gtk::STATE_PRELIGHT, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000)
- }
- end
- def red_style # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:red_style) {
- @red_style =
- @red_style.set_bg(Gtk::STATE_PRELIGHT, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0000)
- }
- end
- def info_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:info_panel) {
- @info_panel =, 0)
- @info_panel.border_width(10)
- @info_panel.pack_start("Runs:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(run_count_label, true, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start("Assertions:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(assertion_count_label, true, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start("Failures:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(failure_count_label, true, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start("Errors:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(error_count_label, true, false, 0)
- }
- end
- def run_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:run_count_label) {
- @run_count_label ="0")
- @run_count_label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT)
- }
- end
- def assertion_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:assertion_count_label) {
- @assertion_count_label ="0")
- @assertion_count_label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT)
- }
- end
- def failure_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:failure_count_label) {
- @failure_count_label ="0")
- @failure_count_label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT)
- }
- end
- def error_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:error_count_label) {
- @error_count_label ="0")
- @error_count_label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT)
- }
- end
- def list_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:list_panel) {
- @list_panel =
- @list_panel.border_width(10)
- @list_panel.pack_start(list_scrolled_window, true, true, 0)
- }
- end
- def list_scrolled_window # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:list_scrolled_window) {
- @list_scrolled_window =
- @list_scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- @list_scrolled_window.set_usize(@list_scrolled_window.allocation.width, 150)
- @list_scrolled_window.add_with_viewport(fault_list)
- }
- end
- def fault_list # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:fault_list) {
- @fault_list =
- }
- end
- def detail_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:detail_panel) {
- @detail_panel =
- @detail_panel.border_width(10)
- @detail_panel.pack_start(detail_scrolled_window, true, true, 0)
- }
- end
- def detail_scrolled_window # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:detail_scrolled_window) {
- @detail_scrolled_window =
- @detail_scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- @detail_scrolled_window.set_usize(400, @detail_scrolled_window.allocation.height)
- @detail_scrolled_window.add_with_viewport(outer_detail_sub_panel)
- }
- end
- def outer_detail_sub_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:outer_detail_sub_panel) {
- @outer_detail_sub_panel =
- @outer_detail_sub_panel.pack_start(inner_detail_sub_panel, false, false, 0)
- }
- end
- def inner_detail_sub_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:inner_detail_sub_panel) {
- @inner_detail_sub_panel =
- @inner_detail_sub_panel.pack_start(fault_detail_label, false, false, 0)
- }
- end
- def fault_detail_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:fault_detail_label) {
- @fault_detail_label ="")
- style =
- font = Gdk::Font.font_load("-*-Courier New-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")
- begin
- style.set_font(font)
- rescue ArgumentError; end
- @fault_detail_label.set_style(style)
- @fault_detail_label.set_justify(Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT)
- @fault_detail_label.set_line_wrap(false)
- }
- end
- def status_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:status_panel) {
- @status_panel =
- @status_panel.border_width(10)
- @status_panel.pack_start(status_entry, true, true, 0)
- }
- end
- def status_entry # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:status_entry) {
- @status_entry =
- @status_entry.set_editable(false)
- }
- end
- def lazy_initialize(symbol) # :nodoc:
- if (!instance_eval("defined?(@#{symbol.to_s})"))
- yield
- end
- return instance_eval("@" + symbol.to_s)
- end
- end
- class EnhancedProgressBar < Gtk::ProgressBar # :nodoc: all
- def set_style(style)
- super
- hide
- show
- end
- end
- class EnhancedLabel < Gtk::Label # :nodoc: all
- def set_text(text)
- super(text.gsub(/\n\t/, "\n" + (" " * 4)))
- end
- end
- class FaultListItem < Gtk::ListItem # :nodoc: all
- attr_reader(:fault)
- def initialize(fault)
- super(fault.short_display)
- @fault = fault
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- Test::Unit::UI::GTK::TestRunner.start_command_line_test
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/ui/gtk2/testrunner.rb b/lib/test/unit/ui/gtk2/testrunner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 128424cf3..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/ui/gtk2/testrunner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Kenta MURATA.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Kenta MURATA. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require "gtk2"
-require "test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator"
-require "test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities"
-module Test
- module Unit
- module UI
- module GTK2 # :nodoc: all
- Gtk.init
- class EnhancedLabel < Gtk::Label # :nodoc: all
- def set_text(text)
- super(text.gsub(/\n\t/, "\n "))
- end
- end
- class FaultList < Gtk::TreeView # :nodoc: all
- def initialize
- @faults = []
- @model =, String)
- super(@model)
- column =
- column.visible = false
- append_column(column)
- renderer =
- column ="Failures", renderer, {:text => 1})
- append_column(column)
- selection.mode = Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE
- set_rules_hint(true)
- set_headers_visible(false)
- end # def initialize
- def add_fault(fault)
- @faults.push(fault)
- iter = @model.append
- iter.set_value(0, (@faults.length - 1).to_s)
- iter.set_value(1, fault.short_display)
- end # def add_fault(fault)
- def get_fault(iter)
- @faults[iter.get_value(0).to_i]
- end # def get_fault
- def clear
- model.clear
- end # def clear
- end
- class TestRunner
- extend TestRunnerUtilities
- def lazy_initialize(symbol) # :nodoc:
- if !instance_eval("defined?(@#{symbol})") then
- yield
- end
- return instance_eval("@#{symbol}")
- end
- private :lazy_initialize
- def status_entry # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:status_entry) do
- @status_entry =
- @status_entry.editable = false
- end
- end
- private :status_entry
- def status_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:status_panel) do
- @status_panel =
- @status_panel.border_width = 10
- @status_panel.pack_start(status_entry, true, true, 0)
- end
- end
- private :status_panel
- def fault_detail_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:fault_detail_label) do
- @fault_detail_label ="")
-# style =
-# font = Gdk::Font.
-# font_load("-*-Courier 10 Pitch-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")
-# style.set_font(font)
-# = style
- @fault_detail_label.justify = Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT
- @fault_detail_label.wrap = false
- end
- end
- private :fault_detail_label
- def inner_detail_sub_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:inner_detail_sub_panel) do
- @inner_detail_sub_panel =
- @inner_detail_sub_panel.pack_start(fault_detail_label, false, false, 0)
- end
- end
- private :inner_detail_sub_panel
- def outer_detail_sub_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:outer_detail_sub_panel) do
- @outer_detail_sub_panel =
- @outer_detail_sub_panel.pack_start(inner_detail_sub_panel, false, false, 0)
- end
- end
- private :outer_detail_sub_panel
- def detail_scrolled_window # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:detail_scrolled_window) do
- @detail_scrolled_window =
- @detail_scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- @detail_scrolled_window.
- set_size_request(400, @detail_scrolled_window.allocation.height)
- @detail_scrolled_window.add_with_viewport(outer_detail_sub_panel)
- end
- end
- private :detail_scrolled_window
- def detail_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:detail_panel) do
- @detail_panel =
- @detail_panel.border_width = 10
- @detail_panel.pack_start(detail_scrolled_window, true, true, 0)
- end
- end
- private :detail_panel
- def fault_list # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:fault_list) do
- @fault_list =
- end
- end
- private :fault_list
- def list_scrolled_window # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:list_scrolled_window) do
- @list_scrolled_window =
- @list_scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- @list_scrolled_window.
- set_size_request(@list_scrolled_window.allocation.width, 150)
- @list_scrolled_window.add_with_viewport(fault_list)
- end
- end
- private :list_scrolled_window
- def list_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:list_panel) do
- @list_panel =
- @list_panel.border_width = 10
- @list_panel.pack_start(list_scrolled_window, true, true, 0)
- end
- end
- private :list_panel
- def error_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:error_count_label) do
- @error_count_label ="0")
- @error_count_label.justify = Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT
- end
- end
- private :error_count_label
- def failure_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:failure_count_label) do
- @failure_count_label ="0")
- @failure_count_label.justify = Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT
- end
- end
- private :failure_count_label
- def assertion_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:assertion_count_label) do
- @assertion_count_label ="0")
- @assertion_count_label.justify = Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT
- end
- end
- private :assertion_count_label
- def run_count_label # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:run_count_label) do
- @run_count_label ="0")
- @run_count_label.justify = Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT
- end
- end
- private :run_count_label
- def info_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:info_panel) do
- @info_panel =, 0)
- @info_panel.border_width = 10
- @info_panel.pack_start("Runs:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(run_count_label, true, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start("Assertions:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(assertion_count_label, true, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start("Failures:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(failure_count_label, true, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start("Errors:"), false, false, 0)
- @info_panel.pack_start(error_count_label, true, false, 0)
- end
- end # def info_panel
- private :info_panel
- def green_style # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:green_style) do
- @green_style =
- @green_style.set_bg(Gtk::STATE_PRELIGHT, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000)
- end
- end # def green_style
- private :green_style
- def red_style # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:red_style) do
- @red_style =
- @red_style.set_bg(Gtk::STATE_PRELIGHT, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0000)
- end
- end # def red_style
- private :red_style
- def test_progress_bar # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:test_progress_bar) {
- @test_progress_bar =
- @test_progress_bar.fraction = 0.0
- @test_progress_bar.
- set_size_request(@test_progress_bar.allocation.width,
- info_panel.size_request[1])
- = green_style
- }
- end # def test_progress_bar
- private :test_progress_bar
- def progress_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:progress_panel) do
- @progress_panel =, 10)
- @progress_panel.border_width = 10
- @progress_panel.pack_start(test_progress_bar, true, true, 0)
- end
- end # def progress_panel
- def run_button # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:run_button) do
- @run_button ="Run")
- end
- end # def run_button
- def suite_name_entry # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:suite_name_entry) do
- @suite_name_entry =
- @suite_name_entry.editable = false
- end
- end # def suite_name_entry
- private :suite_name_entry
- def suite_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:suite_panel) do
- @suite_panel =, 10)
- @suite_panel.border_width = 10
- @suite_panel.pack_start("Suite:"), false, false, 0)
- @suite_panel.pack_start(suite_name_entry, true, true, 0)
- @suite_panel.pack_start(run_button, false, false, 0)
- end
- end # def suite_panel
- private :suite_panel
- def main_panel # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:main_panel) do
- @main_panel =, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(suite_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(progress_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(info_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(list_panel, false, false, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(detail_panel, true, true, 0)
- @main_panel.pack_start(status_panel, false, false, 0)
- end
- end # def main_panel
- private :main_panel
- def main_window # :nodoc:
- lazy_initialize(:main_window) do
- @main_window =
- @main_window.set_title("Test::Unit TestRunner")
- @main_window.set_default_size(800, 600)
- @main_window.set_resizable(true)
- @main_window.add(main_panel)
- end
- end # def main_window
- private :main_window
- def setup_ui # :nodoc:
- main_window.signal_connect("destroy", nil) { stop }
- main_window.show_all
- fault_list.selection.signal_connect("changed", nil) do
- |selection, data|
- if selection.selected then
- show_fault(fault_list.get_fault(selection.selected))
- else
- clear_fault
- end
- end
- end # def setup_ui
- private :setup_ui
- def output_status(string) # :nodoc:
- status_entry.set_text(string)
- end # def output_status(string)
- private :output_status
- def finished(elapsed_time) # :nodoc:
- test_progress_bar.fraction = 1.0
- output_status("Finished in #{elapsed_time} seconds")
- end # def finished(elapsed_time)
- private :finished
- def test_started(test_name) # :nodoc:
- output_status("Running #{test_name}...")
- end # def test_started(test_name)
- private :test_started
- def started(result) # :nodoc:
- @result = result
- output_status("Started...")
- end # def started(result)
- private :started
- def test_finished(result) # :nodoc:
- test_progress_bar.fraction += 1.0 / @count
- end # def test_finished(result)
- def result_changed(result) # :nodoc:
- run_count_label.label = result.run_count.to_s
- assertion_count_label.label = result.assertion_count.to_s
- failure_count_label.label = result.failure_count.to_s
- error_count_label.label = result.error_count.to_s
- end # def result_changed(result)
- private :result_changed
- def clear_fault # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault("")
- end # def clear_fault
- private :clear_fault
- def raw_show_fault(string) # :nodoc:
- fault_detail_label.set_text(string)
- outer_detail_sub_panel.queue_resize
- end # def raw_show_fault(string)
- private :raw_show_fault
- def show_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault(fault.long_display)
- end # def show_fault(fault)
- private :show_fault
- def add_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- if not @red then
- = red_style
- @red = true
- end
- fault_list.add_fault(fault)
- end # def add_fault(fault)
- private :add_fault
- def reset_ui(count) # :nodoc:
- = green_style
- test_progress_bar.fraction = 0.0
- @count = count + 1
- @red = false
- run_count_label.set_text("0")
- assertion_count_label.set_text("0")
- failure_count_label.set_text("0")
- error_count_label.set_text("0")
- fault_list.clear
- end # def reset_ui(count)
- private :reset_ui
- def stop # :nodoc:
- Gtk.main_quit
- end # def stop
- private :stop
- def run_test
- @runner.raise(@restart_signal)
- end
- private :run_test
- def start_ui # :nodoc
- running = false
- begin
- loop do
- if (running ^= true)
- run_button.child.text = "Stop"
- @mediator.run_suite
- else
- run_button.child.text = "Run"
- @viewer.join
- break
- end
- end
- rescue @restart_signal
- retry
- rescue
- end
- end # def start_ui
- private :start_ui
- def attach_to_mediator
- run_button.signal_connect("clicked", nil) { run_test }
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::RESET, &method(:reset_ui))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::STARTED, &method(:started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::FINISHED, &method(:finished))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::FAULT, &method(:add_fault))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::CHANGED, &method(:result_changed))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::STARTED, &method(:test_started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::FINISHED, &method(:test_finished))
- end # def attach_to_mediator
- private :attach_to_mediator
- def setup_mediator
- @mediator =
- suite_name = @suite.to_s
- if @suite.kind_of?(Module) then
- suite_name =
- end
- suite_name_entry.set_text(suite_name)
- end # def setup_mediator
- private :setup_mediator
- def start
- setup_mediator
- setup_ui
- attach_to_mediator
- start_ui
- @result
- end # def start
- def initialize(suite, output_level = NORMAL)
- if suite.respond_to?(:suite) then
- @suite = suite.suite
- else
- @suite = suite
- end
- @result = nil
- @runner = Thread.current
- @restart_signal =
- @viewer = Thread.start do
- @runner.join rescue
- Gtk.main
- end
- @viewer.join rescue nil # wait deadlock to handshake
- end # def initialize(suite)
- end # class TestRunner
- end # module GTK2
- end # module UI
- end # module Unit
-end # module Test
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator.rb b/lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 07bb462cc..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'test/unit/util/observable'
-require 'test/unit/testresult'
-module Test
- module Unit
- module UI # :nodoc:
- # Provides an interface to write any given UI against,
- # hopefully making it easy to write new UIs.
- class TestRunnerMediator
- RESET = name + "::RESET"
- STARTED = name + "::STARTED"
- FINISHED = name + "::FINISHED"
- include Util::Observable
- # Creates a new TestRunnerMediator initialized to run
- # the passed suite.
- def initialize(suite)
- @suite = suite
- end
- # Runs the suite the TestRunnerMediator was created
- # with.
- def run_suite
- = true
- begin_time =
- notify_listeners(RESET, @suite.size)
- result = create_result
- notify_listeners(STARTED, result)
- result_listener = result.add_listener(TestResult::CHANGED) do |updated_result|
- notify_listeners(TestResult::CHANGED, updated_result)
- end
- fault_listener = result.add_listener(TestResult::FAULT) do |fault|
- notify_listeners(TestResult::FAULT, fault)
- end
- do |channel, value|
- notify_listeners(channel, value)
- end
- result.remove_listener(TestResult::FAULT, fault_listener)
- result.remove_listener(TestResult::CHANGED, result_listener)
- end_time =
- elapsed_time = end_time - begin_time
- notify_listeners(FINISHED, elapsed_time) #"Finished in #{elapsed_time} seconds.")
- return result
- end
- private
- # A factory method to create the result the mediator
- # should run with. Can be overridden by subclasses if
- # one wants to use a different result.
- def create_result
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities.rb b/lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b885bd6..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-module Test
- module Unit
- module UI
- SILENT = 0
- NORMAL = 2
- # Provides some utilities common to most, if not all,
- # TestRunners.
- #
- #--
- #
- # Perhaps there ought to be a TestRunner superclass? There
- # seems to be a decent amount of shared code between test
- # runners.
- module TestRunnerUtilities
- # Creates a new TestRunner and runs the suite.
- def run(suite, output_level=NORMAL)
- return new(suite, output_level).start
- end
- # Takes care of the ARGV parsing and suite
- # determination necessary for running one of the
- # TestRunners from the command line.
- def start_command_line_test
- if ARGV.empty?
- puts "You should supply the name of a test suite file to the runner"
- exit
- end
- require ARGV[0].gsub(/.+::/, '')
- new(eval(ARGV[0])).start
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/ui/tk/testrunner.rb b/lib/test/unit/ui/tk/testrunner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4521b8e25..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/ui/tk/testrunner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-# Original Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Author:: Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2003 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'tk'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator'
-require 'test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities'
-module Test
- module Unit
- module UI
- module Tk # :nodoc:
- # Runs a Test::Unit::TestSuite in a Tk UI. Obviously,
- # this one requires you to have Tk
- # and the Ruby Tk extension installed.
- class TestRunner
- extend TestRunnerUtilities
- # Creates a new TestRunner for running the passed
- # suite.
- def initialize(suite, output_level = NORMAL)
- if (suite.respond_to?(:suite))
- @suite = suite.suite
- else
- @suite = suite
- end
- @result = nil
- @red = false
- @fault_detail_list = []
- @runner = Thread.current
- @restart_signal =
- @viewer = Thread.start do
- @runner.join rescue
- ::Tk.mainloop
- end
- @viewer.join rescue nil # wait deadlock to handshake
- end
- # Begins the test run.
- def start
- setup_ui
- setup_mediator
- attach_to_mediator
- start_ui
- @result
- end
- private
- def setup_mediator # :nodoc:
- @mediator =
- suite_name = @suite.to_s
- if ( @suite.kind_of?(Module) )
- suite_name =
- end
- @suite_name_entry.value = suite_name
- end
- def attach_to_mediator # :nodoc:
- @run_button.command(method(:run_test))
- @fault_list.bind('ButtonPress-1', proc{|y|
- fault = @fault_detail_list[@fault_list.nearest(y)]
- if fault
- show_fault(fault)
- end
- }, '%y')
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::RESET, &method(:reset_ui))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::FAULT, &method(:add_fault))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestResult::CHANGED, &method(:result_changed))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::STARTED, &method(:started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestCase::STARTED, &method(:test_started))
- @mediator.add_listener(TestRunnerMediator::FINISHED, &method(:finished))
- end
- def run_test
- @runner.raise(@restart_signal)
- end
- def start_ui # :nodoc:
- running = false
- begin
- loop do
- if (running ^= true)
- @run_button.configure('text'=>'Stop')
- @mediator.run_suite
- else
- @run_button.configure('text'=>'Run')
- @viewer.join
- break
- end
- end
- rescue @restart_signal
- retry
- rescue
- end
- end
- def stop # :nodoc:
- ::Tk.exit
- end
- def reset_ui(count) # :nodoc:
- @test_total_count = count.to_f
- @test_progress_bar.configure('background'=>'green')
-'relwidth'=>( ? 0 : 0/count))
- @red = false
- @test_count_label.value = 0
- @assertion_count_label.value = 0
- @failure_count_label.value = 0
- @error_count_label.value = 0
- @fault_list.delete(0, 'end')
- @fault_detail_list = []
- clear_fault
- end
- def add_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- if ( ! @red )
- @test_progress_bar.configure('background'=>'red')
- @red = true
- end
- @fault_detail_list.push fault
- @fault_list.insert('end', fault.short_display)
- end
- def show_fault(fault) # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault(fault.long_display)
- end
- def raw_show_fault(string) # :nodoc:
- @detail_text.value = string
- end
- def clear_fault # :nodoc:
- raw_show_fault("")
- end
- def result_changed(result) # :nodoc:
- @test_count_label.value = result.run_count
- @assertion_count_label.value = result.assertion_count
- @failure_count_label.value = result.failure_count
- @error_count_label.value = result.error_count
- end
- def started(result) # :nodoc:
- @result = result
- output_status("Started...")
- end
- def test_started(test_name)
- output_status("Running #{test_name}...")
- end
- def finished(elapsed_time)
- output_status("Finished in #{elapsed_time} seconds")
- end
- def output_status(string) # :nodoc:
- @status_entry.value = string
- end
- def setup_ui # :nodoc:
- @status_entry =
- l =, 'textvariable'=>@status_entry, 'relief'=>'sunken')
- l.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- suite_frame ='fill'=>'x')
- @run_button =, 'text'=>'Run')
- @run_button.pack('side'=>'right')
-, 'text'=>'Suite:').pack('side'=>'left')
- @suite_name_entry =
- l =, 'textvariable'=>@suite_name_entry, 'relief'=>'sunken')
- l.pack('side'=>'left', 'fill'=>'x', 'expand'=>true)
- f =, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'borderwidth'=>3, 'height'=>20).pack('fill'=>'x', 'padx'=>1)
- @test_progress_bar =, 'background'=>'green').place('anchor'=>'nw', 'relwidth'=>0.0, 'relheight'=>1.0)
- info_frame ='fill'=>'x')
- @test_count_label = create_count_label(info_frame, 'Tests:')
- @assertion_count_label = create_count_label(info_frame, 'Assertions:')
- @failure_count_label = create_count_label(info_frame, 'Failures:')
- @error_count_label = create_count_label(info_frame, 'Errors:')
- if ('command', TkPanedWindow::TkCommandNames[0]) != "")
- # use panedwindow
- paned_frame ="orient"=>"vertical").pack('fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true)
- fault_list_frame =
- detail_frame =
- paned_frame.add(fault_list_frame, detail_frame)
- else
- # no panedwindow
- paned_frame = nil
- fault_list_frame ='fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true)
- detail_frame ='fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true)
- end
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(fault_list_frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(fault_list_frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- fault_scrollbar_y =
- fault_scrollbar_x =
- @fault_list =
- @fault_list.yscrollbar(fault_scrollbar_y)
- @fault_list.xscrollbar(fault_scrollbar_x)
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(detail_frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(detail_frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- ::Tk.grid(@fault_list, fault_scrollbar_y, 'sticky'=>'news')
- ::Tk.grid(fault_scrollbar_x, 'sticky'=>'news')
- detail_scrollbar_y =
- detail_scrollbar_x =
- @detail_text =, 'height'=>10, 'wrap'=>'none') {
- bindtags(bindtags - [TkText])
- }
- @detail_text.yscrollbar(detail_scrollbar_y)
- @detail_text.xscrollbar(detail_scrollbar_x)
- ::Tk.grid(@detail_text, detail_scrollbar_y, 'sticky'=>'news')
- ::Tk.grid(detail_scrollbar_x, 'sticky'=>'news')
- # rubber-style pane
- if paned_frame
- ::Tk.update
- @height = paned_frame.winfo_height
- paned_frame.bind('Configure', proc{|h|
- paned_frame.sash_place(0, 0, paned_frame.sash_coord(0)[1] * h / @height)
- @height = h
- }, '%h')
- end
- end
- def create_count_label(parent, label) # :nodoc:
-, 'text'=>label).pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>true)
- v =
-, 'textvariable'=>v).pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>true)
- v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- Test::Unit::UI::Tk::TestRunner.start_command_line_test
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/util/backtracefilter.rb b/lib/test/unit/util/backtracefilter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ebec2dfe..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/util/backtracefilter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module Test
- module Unit
- module Util
- module BacktraceFilter
- def filter_backtrace(backtrace, prefix=nil)
- return ["No backtrace"] unless(backtrace)
- split_p = if(prefix)
- else
- end
- match = proc do |e|
- split_e = e.split(TESTUNIT_FILE_SEPARATORS)[0, split_p.size]
- next false unless(split_e[0..-2] == split_p[0..-2])
- split_e[-1].sub(TESTUNIT_RB_FILE, '') == split_p[-1]
- end
- return backtrace unless(backtrace.detect(&match))
- found_prefix = false
- new_backtrace = backtrace.reverse.reject do |e|
- if(match[e])
- found_prefix = true
- true
- elsif(found_prefix)
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end.reverse
- new_backtrace = (new_backtrace.empty? ? backtrace : new_backtrace)
- new_backtrace = new_backtrace.reject(&match)
- new_backtrace.empty? ? backtrace : new_backtrace
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/util/observable.rb b/lib/test/unit/util/observable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 924c10f24..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/util/observable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-require 'test/unit/util/procwrapper'
-module Test
- module Unit
- module Util # :nodoc:
- # This is a utility class that allows anything mixing
- # it in to notify a set of listeners about interesting
- # events.
- module Observable
- # We use this for defaults since nil might mean something
- NOTHING = "NOTHING/#{__id__}"
- # Adds the passed proc as a listener on the
- # channel indicated by channel_name. listener_key
- # is used to remove the listener later; if none is
- # specified, the proc itself is used.
- #
- # Whatever is used as the listener_key is
- # returned, making it very easy to use the proc
- # itself as the listener_key:
- #
- # listener = add_listener("Channel") { ... }
- # remove_listener("Channel", listener)
- def add_listener(channel_name, listener_key=NOTHING, &listener) # :yields: value
- unless(block_given?)
- raise"No callback was passed as a listener")
- end
- key = listener_key
- if (listener_key == NOTHING)
- listener_key = listener
- key =
- end
- channels[channel_name] ||= {}
- channels[channel_name][key] = listener
- return listener_key
- end
- # Removes the listener indicated by listener_key
- # from the channel indicated by
- # channel_name. Returns the registered proc, or
- # nil if none was found.
- def remove_listener(channel_name, listener_key)
- channel = channels[channel_name]
- return nil unless (channel)
- key = listener_key
- if (listener_key.instance_of?(Proc))
- key =
- end
- if (channel.has_key?(key))
- return channel.delete(key)
- end
- return nil
- end
- # Calls all the procs registered on the channel
- # indicated by channel_name. If value is
- # specified, it is passed in to the procs,
- # otherwise they are called with no arguments.
- #
- #--
- #
- # Perhaps this should be private? Would it ever
- # make sense for an external class to call this
- # method directly?
- def notify_listeners(channel_name, *arguments)
- channel = channels[channel_name]
- return 0 unless (channel)
- listeners = channel.values
- listeners.each { |listener|*arguments) }
- return listeners.size
- end
- private
- def channels # :nodoc:
- @channels ||= {}
- return @channels
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/util/procwrapper.rb b/lib/test/unit/util/procwrapper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad3b4d8a6..000000000
--- a/lib/test/unit/util/procwrapper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
-# License:: Ruby license.
-module Test
- module Unit
- module Util
- # Allows the storage of a Proc passed through '&' in a
- # hash.
- #
- # Note: this may be inefficient, since the hash being
- # used is not necessarily very good. In Observable,
- # efficiency is not too important, since the hash is
- # only accessed when adding and removing listeners,
- # not when notifying.
- class ProcWrapper
- # Creates a new wrapper for a_proc.
- def initialize(a_proc)
- @a_proc = a_proc
- @hash = a_proc.inspect.sub(/^(#<#{a_proc.class}:)/, '').sub(/(>)$/, '').hex
- end
- def hash # :nodoc:
- return @hash
- end
- def ==(other) # :nodoc:
- case(other)
- when ProcWrapper
- return @a_proc == other.to_proc
- else
- return super
- end
- end
- alias :eql? :==
- def to_proc # :nodoc:
- return @a_proc
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/runner.rb b/test/runner.rb
index aa78c4ead..c8a06e1dd 100644
--- a/test/runner.rb
+++ b/test/runner.rb
@@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
require 'rbconfig'
-require 'test/unit'
-rcsid = %w$Id$
-Version = rcsid[2].scan(/\d+/).collect!(&method(:Integer)).freeze
-Release = rcsid[3].freeze
-# this allows minitest and test/unit to run side by side. test/unit
-# tests with fork/signal were triggering minitest multiple times.
-require 'minitest/unit'
-args = ARGV.dup
-result =, File.dirname($0))
-result &&=
-exit result
+require 'test/unit'