path: root/ext/tk/sample
diff options
authornagai <nagai@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2003-11-20 08:53:52 +0000
committernagai <nagai@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2003-11-20 08:53:52 +0000
commitafb5bd38249dc611a645a5b2192835a5b603fa94 (patch)
tree7000673cbed3236dbd6a2af882422162b3c8603b /ext/tk/sample
parent14e8bd6b2e44c3b9a7004b6c708abc125e68103b (diff)
* ext/tk/sample/tkballoonhelp.rb: new sample script
* ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistbox.rb: ditto * ext/tk/sample/tktextframe.rb: ditto git-svn-id: b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample')
3 files changed, 854 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tkballoonhelp.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tkballoonhelp.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..312e376a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tkballoonhelp.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# tkballoonhelp.rb : simple balloon help widget
+# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
+# Add a balloon help to a widget.
+# This widget has only poor featureas. If you need more useful features,
+# please try to use the Tix extension of Tcl/Tk under Ruby/Tk.
+# The interval time to display a balloon help is defined 'interval' option
+# (default is 1000ms).
+require 'tk'
+class TkBalloonHelp<TkLabel
+ def _balloon_binding(interval)
+ @timer =, 1, proc{show})
+ def @timer.interval(val)
+ @sleep_time = val
+ end
+ @bindtag =
+ @bindtag.bind('Enter', proc{@timer.start})
+ @bindtag.bind('Motion', proc{@timer.restart; erase})
+ @bindtag.bind('Any-ButtonPress', proc{@timer.restart; erase})
+ @bindtag.bind('Leave', proc{@timer.stop; erase})
+ tags = @parent.bindtags
+ idx = tags.index(@parent)
+ tags[idx,0] = @bindtag
+ @parent.bindtags(tags)
+ end
+ private :_balloon_binding
+ def initialize(parent=nil, keys={})
+ @parent = parent
+ @frame =
+ @frame.withdraw
+ @frame.overrideredirect(true)
+ @frame.transient(TkWinfo.toplevel(@parent))
+ @epath = @frame.path
+ keys = {} unless keys
+ @interval = keys.delete('interval'){1000}
+ _balloon_binding(@interval)
+ @label =, 'background'=>'bisque').pack
+ @label.configure(_symbolkey2str(keys)) unless keys.empty?
+ @path = @label
+ end
+ def epath
+ @epath
+ end
+ def interval(val)
+ if val
+ @timer.interval(val)
+ else
+ @interval
+ end
+ end
+ def show
+ x = TkWinfo.pointerx(@parent)
+ y = TkWinfo.pointery(@parent)
+ @frame.geometry("+#{x+1}+#{y+1}")
+ @frame.deiconify
+ @frame.raise
+ @org_cursor = @parent['cursor']
+ @parent.cursor('crosshair')
+ end
+ def erase
+ @parent.cursor(@org_cursor)
+ @frame.withdraw
+ end
+ def destroy
+ @frame.destroy
+ end
+# test
+if __FILE__ == $0
+'text'=>'This button has a balloon help') {|b|
+ pack('fill'=>'x')
+, 'text'=>' Message ')
+ }
+'text'=>'This button has another balloon help') {|b|
+ pack('fill'=>'x')
+, 'text'=>'configured message',
+ 'interval'=>500, 'font'=>'courier',
+ 'background'=>'gray', 'foreground'=>'red')
+ }
+ Tk.mainloop
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistbox.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistbox.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b66d401b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistbox.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+# tkmultilistbox.rb : multiple listbox widget
+# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
+require 'tk'
+class TkMultiListbox < TkListbox
+ include TkComposite
+ # lbox_height : height of listboxes (pixel)
+ # title_info : array [ [<title_string>,<init_width>], ... ]
+ # keys : hash {<option>=><value>, ... }
+ def initialize_composite(lbox_height, title_info, keys={})
+ # argument check
+ if (! title_info.kind_of? Array) or (title_info.size < 2)
+ raise
+ end
+ # decide total width
+ @width_total = 0
+ title_info.each{|title, width| @width_total += width.to_f}
+ # virtical scrollbar
+ @v_scroll =, 'orient'=>'vertical')
+ # init arrays
+ @base_list = []
+ @rel_list = []
+ @title_list = []
+ @lbox_list = []
+ @hscr_list = []
+ # rel-table of label=>index
+ @name_index = {}
+ # create base flames
+ @f_title =, 'width'=>@width_total)
+ @f_lbox =,
+ 'width'=>@width_total, 'height'=>lbox_height)
+ @f_hscr =, 'width'=>@width_total,
+ 'height'=>@v_scroll.cget('width') +
+ 2 * @v_scroll.cget('borderwidth'))
+ # dummy label to keep the hight of title space
+, 'text'=>' ').pack
+ # create each listbox
+ sum = 0.0
+ @rel_list << sum/@width_total
+ title_info.each_with_index{|(label, width), idx|
+ # set relation between label and index
+ if @name_index.include?(label)
+ @name_index[label] << idx
+ else
+ @name_index[label] = [idx]
+ end
+ # calculate relative positioning
+ sum += width
+ @rel_list << sum/@width_total
+ # title field
+ f =, 'width'=>width)
+ base = [f]
+ @title_list <<, 'text'=>label).pack('fill'=>'x')
+'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'y'=>0, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'width'=>-6,
+ 'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
+ # listbox field
+ f =, 'width'=>width)
+ base << f
+ @lbox_list <<'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true)
+'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'y'=>0, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'width'=>-4,
+ 'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx], 'relheight'=>1.0)
+ # scrollbar field
+ f =, 'width'=>width)
+ base << f
+ @hscr_list <<, 'orient'=>'horizontal') .
+ pack('fill'=>'x', 'anchor'=>'w')
+'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'y'=>0, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'width'=>-4,
+ 'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
+ @lbox_list[idx].xscrollcommand proc{|first, last|
+ @hscr_list[idx].set first, last
+ }
+ @hscr_list[idx].command proc{|*args| @lbox_list[idx].xview *args}
+ # add new base
+ @base_list << base
+ }
+ # create tab
+ @tab_list = [nil]
+ (1..(@rel_list.size - 2)).each{|idx|
+ tab =, 'cursor'=>'sb_h_double_arrow',
+ 'width'=>6, 'borderwidth'=>2, 'relief'=>'raised')
+ @tab_list << tab
+'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'anchor'=>'ne', 'relheight'=>0.95)
+ tab.bind('Button-1',
+ proc{|x| @x = x; @frame_width = TkWinfo.width(@f_title).to_f},
+ '%X')
+ tab.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x, idx| resize(x, idx.to_i)}, "%X #{idx}")
+ }
+ # set control procedure for virtical scroll
+ @lbox_list.each{|lbox|
+ lbox.yscrollcommand proc{|first, last|
+ @v_scroll.set first, last
+ idx = lbox.nearest(0)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l| l.yview(idx)}
+ }
+ }
+ @v_scroll.command proc{|*args| @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.yview *args} }
+ # binding for listboxes
+ @mode = {}
+ @mode['browse'] = browse_mode_bindtag
+ @mode['single'] = single_mode_bindtag
+ @mode['extended'] = extended_mode_bindtag
+ @mode['multiple'] = multiple_mode_bindtag
+ @current_mode = 'browse'
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.bind('Shift-Key-Left',
+ proc{|w| focus_shift(w, -1); Tk.callback_break}, '%W')
+ l.bind('Shift-Key-Right',
+ proc{|w| focus_shift(w, 1); Tk.callback_break}, '%W')
+ l.bind('Button-2', proc{|x, y|
+ @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.scan_mark(x, y)}
+ }, '%x %y')
+ l.bind('B2-Motion', proc{|x, y|
+ @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.scan_dragto(x, y)}
+ }, '%x %y')
+ l.bindtags(l.bindtags.unshift(@mode[@current_mode]))
+ }
+ # alignment
+ TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>0)
+ TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 1, 'weight'=>1)
+ TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 2, 'weight'=>0)
+ TkGrid.columnconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>1)
+ TkGrid.columnconfigure(@frame, 1, 'weight'=>0)
+ @v_scroll.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'ns')
+ @f_title.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'news')
+ @f_lbox.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'news')
+ @f_hscr.grid('row'=>2, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'ew')
+ # binding for 'Configure' event
+ @frame.bind('Configure', proc{reconstruct})
+ # set default receiver of method calls
+ @path = @lbox_list[0].path
+ # configure options
+ keys = {} unless keys
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
+ # 'mode' option of listboxes
+ sel_mode = keys.delete('mode')
+ mode(sel_mode) if sel_mode
+ # 'scrollbarwidth' option == 'width' option of scrollbars
+ width = keys.delete('scrollbarwidth')
+ scrollbarwidth(width) if width
+ # options for listbox titles
+ title_font = keys.delete('titlefont')
+ title_fg = keys.delete('titleforeground')
+ title_bg = keys.delete('titlebackground')
+ if title_font or title_fg or title_bg
+ titleconfig(title_font, title_fg, title_bg)
+ end
+ # set receivers for configure methods
+ delegate('DELETE', *@lbox_list)
+ delegate('activebackground', @v_scroll, *@hscr_list)
+ delegate('troughcolor', @v_scroll, *@hscr_list)
+ delegate('repeatdelay', @v_scroll, *@hscr_list)
+ delegate('repeatinterval', @v_scroll, *@hscr_list)
+ delegate('borderwidth', @frame)
+ delegate('relief', @frame)
+ end
+ # set 'mode' option of listboxes
+ def mode(sel_mode)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ tags = l.bindtags
+ tags = tags - [ @mode[@current_mode] ]
+ l.bindtags(tags.unshift(@mode[sel_mode]))
+ @current_mode = sel_mode
+ }
+ end
+ # set scrollbar width
+ def scrollbarwidth(width)
+ @v_scroll['width'] = width
+ @hscr_list.each{|hscr| hscr['width'] = width}
+ @f_hscr['height'] = width + 2 * @v_scroll.cget('borderwidth')
+ end
+ # set options of titles
+ def titleconfig(font, fg, bg)
+ keys = {}
+ keys['font'] = font if font
+ keys['foreground'] = fg if fg
+ keys['background'] = bg if bg
+ @title_list.each{|label| label.configure(keys)}
+ end
+ # get label widgets of listbox titles
+ def titlelabels(*indices)
+ @title_list[*indices]
+ end
+ # get listbox widgets
+ def columns(*indices)
+ @lbox_list[*indices]
+ end
+ def activate(idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.activate(idx)}
+ end
+ def bbox(idx)
+ @lbox_list.collect{|lbox| lbox.bbox(idx)}
+ end
+ def delete(*idx)
+ @lbox_list.collect{|lbox| lbox.delete(*idx)}
+ end
+ def get(*idx)
+ if idx.size == 1
+ @lbox_list.collect{|lbox| lbox.get(*idx)}
+ else
+ list = @lbox_list.collect{|lbox| lbox.get(*idx)}
+ result = []
+ list[0].each_with_index{|line, index|
+ result << list.collect{|lines| lines[index]}
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ end
+ def _line_array_to_hash(line)
+ result = {}
+ @name_index.each_pair{|label, indices|
+ if indices.size == 1
+ result[label] = line[indices[0]]
+ else
+ result[label] = indices.collect{|index| line[index]}
+ end
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ private :_line_array_to_hash
+ def get_by_hash(*idx)
+ get_result = get(*idx)
+ if idx.size == 1
+ _line_array_to_hash(get_result)
+ else
+ get_result.collect{|line| _line_array_to_hash(line)}
+ end
+ end
+ def insert(idx, *lines)
+ lbox_ins = []
+ (0..@lbox_list.size).each{lbox_ins << []}
+ lines.each{|line|
+ if line.kind_of? Hash
+ array = []
+ @name_index.each_pair{|label, indices|
+ if indices.size == 1
+ array[indices[0]] = line[label]
+ else
+ if line[label].kind_of? Array
+ indices.each_with_index{|index, num|
+ array[index] = line[label][num]
+ }
+ else
+ array[indices[0]] = line[label]
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ line = array
+ end
+ @name_index.each_pair{|label, indices|
+ if indices.size == 1
+ lbox_ins[indices[0]] << line[indices[0]]
+ else
+ indices.each{|index| lbox_ins[index] << line[index]}
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ @lbox_list.each_with_index{|lbox, index|
+ lbox.insert(idx, *lbox_ins[index]) if lbox_ins[index]
+ }
+ end
+ def selection_anchor(index)
+ @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.selection_anchor(index)}
+ end
+ def selection_clear(first, last=None)
+ @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.selection_clear(first, last=None)}
+ end
+ def selection_set(first, last=None)
+ @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.selection_set(first, last=None)}
+ end
+ ###########################################
+ private
+ def reconstruct
+ (0..(@rel_list.size - 2)).each{|idx|
+ title, lbox, hscr = @base_list[idx]
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
+ 'relheight'=>1.0)
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
+ tab = @tab_list[idx]
+'relx'=>@rel_list[idx]) if tab
+ }
+ end
+ def resize(x, idx)
+ # adjustment of relative positioning
+ delta = (x - @x) / @frame_width
+ if delta < @rel_list[idx-1] - @rel_list[idx] + 0.02
+ delta = @rel_list[idx-1] - @rel_list[idx] + 0.02
+ elsif delta > @rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx] - 0.02
+ delta = @rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx] - 0.02
+ end
+ @rel_list[idx] += delta
+ # adjustment of leftside widget of the tab
+ title, lbox, hscr = @base_list[idx - 1]
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx] - @rel_list[idx-1])
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx] - @rel_list[idx-1], 'relheight'=>1.0)
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx] - @rel_list[idx-1])
+ # adjustment of the tab position
+ @tab_list[idx].place('relx'=>@rel_list[idx])
+ # adjustment of rightside widget of the tab
+ title, lbox, hscr = @base_list[idx]
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
+ 'relx'=>@rel_list[idx])
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
+ 'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'relheight'=>1.0)
+'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
+ 'relx'=>@rel_list[idx])
+ # update reference position
+ @x = x
+ end
+ #################################
+ def browse_mode_bindtag
+ t =
+ t.bind('Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| w.focus; select_line(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|w, y| select_line(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Shift-Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| active_line(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Key-Up', proc{|w| select_shift(w, -1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Key-Down', proc{|w| select_shift(w, 1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Home', proc{|w| select_line(w, 0)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-End', proc{|w| select_line(w, 'end')}, '%W')
+ t.bind('space', proc{|w| select_line(w, w.index('active').to_i)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Select', proc{|w| select_line(w, w.index('active').to_i)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-slash',
+ proc{|w| select_line(w, w.index('active').to_i)}, '%W')
+ t
+ end
+ ########################
+ def single_mode_bindtag
+ t =
+ t.bind('Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| w.focus; select_only(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('ButtonRelease-1',
+ proc{|w, y| active_line(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Shift-Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| active_line(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Key-Up', proc{|w| select_shift(w, -1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Key-Down', proc{|w| select_shift(w, 1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Home', proc{|w| select_line(w, 0)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-End', proc{|w| select_line(w, 'end')}, '%W')
+ t.bind('space', proc{|w| select_line(w, w.index('active').to_i)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Select', proc{|w| select_line(w, w.index('active').to_i)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-slash',
+ proc{|w| select_line(w, w.index('active').to_i)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-backslash',
+ proc{@lbox_list.each{|l| l.selection_clear(0, 'end')}})
+ t
+ end
+ ########################
+ def extended_mode_bindtag
+ t =
+ t.bind('Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| w.focus; select_only(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|w, y| select_range(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('ButtonRelease-1',
+ proc{|w, y| active_line(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Shift-Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| select_range(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Shift-B1-Motion',
+ proc{|w, y| select_range(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Control-Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| select_toggle(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Control-B1-Motion',
+ proc{|w, y| select_drag(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Key-Up', proc{|w| active_shift(w, -1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Key-Down', proc{|w| active_shift(w, 1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Shift-Up', proc{|w| select_expand(w, -1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Shift-Down', proc{|w| select_expand(w, 1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Home', proc{|w| select_line2(w, 0)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-End', proc{|w| select_line2(w, 'end')}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Shift-Home', proc{|w| select_range(w, 0)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Shift-End', proc{|w| select_range(w, 'end')}, '%W')
+ t.bind('space', proc{|w| select_active(w)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Select', proc{|w| select_active(w)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-slash', proc{|w| select_all}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-backslash', proc{|w| clear_all}, '%W')
+ t
+ end
+ ########################
+ def multiple_mode_bindtag
+ t =
+ t.bind('Button-1',
+ proc{|w, y| w.focus; select_line3(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('ButtonRelease-1',
+ proc{|w, y| active_line(w, w.nearest(y))}, '%W %y')
+ t.bind('Key-Up', proc{|w| active_shift(w, -1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Key-Down', proc{|w| active_shift(w, 1)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Home', proc{|w| select_line2(w, 0)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-End', proc{|w| select_line2(w, 'end')}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Shift-Home', proc{|w| active_line(w, 0)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-Shift-End', proc{|w| active_line(w, 'end')}, '%W')
+ t.bind('space', proc{|w| select_active(w)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Select', proc{|w| select_active(w)}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-slash', proc{|w| select_all}, '%W')
+ t.bind('Control-backslash', proc{|w| clear_all}, '%W')
+ t
+ end
+ ########################
+ def active_line(w, idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l| l.activate(idx)}
+ end
+ def select_only(w, idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_clear(0, 'end')
+ l.selection_anchor(idx)
+ l.selection_set('anchor')
+ }
+ end
+ def select_range(w, idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_clear(0, 'end')
+ l.selection_set('anchor', idx)
+ }
+ end
+ def select_toggle(w, idx)
+ st = w.selection_includes(idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_anchor(idx)
+ if st == 1
+ l.selection_clear(idx)
+ else
+ l.selection_set(idx)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def select_drag(w, idx)
+ st = w.selection_includes('anchor')
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ if st == 1
+ l.selection_set('anchor', idx)
+ else
+ l.selection_clear('anchor', idx)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def select_line(w, idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_clear(0, 'end')
+ l.activate(idx)
+ l.selection_anchor(idx)
+ l.selection_set('anchor')
+ }
+ w.selection_set('anchor')
+ end
+ def select_line2(w, idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.activate(idx)
+ l.selection_anchor(idx)
+ l.selection_set('anchor')
+ }
+ end
+ def select_line3(w, idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_set(idx)
+ }
+ end
+ def select_active(w)
+ idx = l.activate(idx)
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_set(idx)
+ }
+ end
+ def select_expand(w, dir)
+ idx = w.index('active').to_i + dir
+ if idx < 0
+ idx = 0
+ elsif idx >= w.size
+ idx = w.size - 1
+ end
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.activate(idx)
+ l.selection_set(idx)
+ }
+ end
+ def active_shift(w, dir)
+ idx = w.index('active').to_i + dir
+ if idx < 0
+ idx = 0
+ elsif idx >= w.size
+ idx = w.size - 1
+ end
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.activate(idx)
+ l.selection_anchor(idx)
+ }
+ end
+ def select_shift(w, dir)
+ idx = w.index('anchor').to_i + dir
+ if idx < 0
+ idx = 0
+ elsif idx >= w.size
+ idx = w.size - 1
+ end
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_clear(0, 'end')
+ l.activate(idx)
+ l.selection_anchor(idx)
+ l.selection_set('anchor')
+ }
+ end
+ def select_all
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_set(0, 'end')
+ }
+ end
+ def clear_all
+ @lbox_list.each{|l|
+ l.selection_clear(0, 'end')
+ }
+ end
+ def focus_shift(w, dir)
+ idx = @lbox_list.index(w) + dir
+ return if idx < 0
+ return if idx >= @lbox_list.size
+ @lbox_list[idx].focus
+ end
+ ########################
+# test
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ f =, 'width'=>300,
+ 'height'=>200).pack('fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'true')
+ #f ='fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'true')
+ l =, 150,
+ [ ['L1', 100],
+ ['L2', 200],
+ ['L3', 50] ],
+ 'titlefont'=>'courier',
+ 'titleforeground'=>'yellow',
+ 'titlebackground'=>'navy'
+ ).pack('fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true)
+ l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
+ l.insert('end', [4,5,6])
+ l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
+ l.insert('end', ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','bbbbbbbbbbbbbb','ccccccccccccccccc'])
+ l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
+ l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
+ l.insert('end', ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','bbbbbbbbbbbbbb','ccccccccccccccccc'])
+ l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
+ l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
+ l.insert('end', ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','bbbbbbbbbbbbbb','ccccccccccccccccc'])
+ l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
+ l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
+ p l.columns(1)
+ p l.columns(1..3)
+ p l.columns(1,2)
+ Tk.mainloop
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tktextframe.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tktextframe.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1076c5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tktextframe.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# tktextframe.rb : a sample of TkComposite
+# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
+require 'tk'
+class TkTextFrame < TkText
+ include TkComposite
+ def initialize_composite(keys={})
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
+ # create scrollbars
+ @v_scroll =, 'orient'=>'vertical')
+ @h_scroll =, 'orient'=>'horizontal')
+ # create a text widget
+ @text =, 'wrap'=>'none')
+ # set default receiver of method calls
+ @path = @text.path
+ # assign scrollbars
+ @text.xscrollbar(@h_scroll)
+ @text.yscrollbar(@v_scroll)
+ # allignment
+ TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
+ TkGrid.columnconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
+ @text.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'news')
+ # scrollbars ON
+ vscroll(keys.delete('vscroll'){true})
+ hscroll(keys.delete('hscroll'){true})
+ # set background of the text widget
+ color = keys.delete('textbackground')
+ textbackground(color) if color
+ # set receiver widgets for configure methods
+ delegate('DEFAULT', @text)
+ delegate('background', @frame, @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
+ delegate('activebackground', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
+ delegate('troughcolor', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
+ delegate('repeatdelay', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
+ delegate('repeatinterval', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
+ delegate('borderwidth', @frame)
+ delegate('relief', @frame)
+ # do configure
+ configure keys unless keys.empty?
+ end
+ # set background color of text widget
+ def textbackground(color = nil)
+ if color
+ @text.background(color)
+ else
+ @text.background
+ end
+ end
+ # vertical scrollbar : ON/OFF
+ def vscroll(mode)
+ st =
+ if mode && st == [] then
+ @v_scroll.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'ns')
+ elsif !mode && st != [] then
+ @v_scroll.ungrid
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # horizontal scrollbar : ON/OFF
+ def hscroll(mode, wrap_mode="char")
+ st =
+ if mode && st == [] then
+ @h_scroll.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'ew')
+ wrap 'none' # => self.wrap('none')
+ elsif !mode && st != [] then
+ @h_scroll.ungrid
+ wrap wrap_mode # => self.wrap(wrap_mode)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+# test
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ f ='fill'=>'x')
+ t =
+, 'text'=>'vscr OFF',
+ 'command'=>proc{t.vscroll(false)}).pack('side'=>'right')
+, 'text'=>'vscr ON',
+ 'command'=>proc{t.vscroll(true)}).pack('side'=>'right')
+, 'text'=>'hscr ON',
+ 'command'=>proc{t.hscroll(true)}).pack('side'=>'left')
+, 'text'=>'hscr OFF',
+ 'command'=>proc{t.hscroll(false)}).pack('side'=>'left')
+ Tk.mainloop