path: root/dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dtd')
5 files changed, 1038 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dtd/namespaces.ent b/dtd/namespaces.ent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddddcb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dtd/namespaces.ent
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- Dublin core metadata -->
+<!ENTITY nsMeta "">
+<!-- Links -->
+<!ENTITY nsXlink "">
+<!-- SVG vector graphics -->
+<!ENTITY nsSvg "">
+<!-- Mathematical expressions -->
+<!ENTITY nsMath "">
+<!-- Settings -->
+<!ENTITY nsSettings "&nsScribus;/settings">
+<!-- Style -->
+<!ENTITY nsStyle "&nsScribus;/style">
+<!-- JavaScript Scripts -->
+<!ENTITY nsJscript "&nsScribus;/javascript">
+<!-- Python Scripts -->
+<!ENTITY nsPython "&nsScribus;/python">
+<!-- Tables -->
+<!ENTITY nsTable "&nsScribus;/table">
+<!-- PDF Forms -->
+<!ENTITY nsForm "&nsScribus;/form">
diff --git a/dtd/notations.ent b/dtd/notations.ent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a315b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dtd/notations.ent
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!NOTATION tiff PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation//NOTATION
+Aldus/Microsoft Tagged Interchange File Format//EN">
+"+//ISBN 0-201-18127-4::Adobe//NOTATION PostScript Language Reference
diff --git a/dtd/scribus.dtd b/dtd/scribus.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a9d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dtd/scribus.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+Main Scribus DTD, Version 0.99.1
+Copyright 2005, 2006 Oleksandr Moskalenko <> and the Scribus
+Development Team.
+This DTD and its accompanying documentation are free software; you can
+redistribute and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
+St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+This is the DTD for Scribus, the Open Document Layout Software. Its primary
+use is to describe the file format of Scribus.
+All elements declared by this DTD are in the
+Documents adhering to this DTD should have the root element "scribus".
+This DTD is identified by the following PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:
+ PUBLIC "-//Scribus//DTD File Format//EN"
+A local copy identifier for the SYSTEM ID is, for example:
+ <!DOCTYPE scribus PUBLIC "-//Scribus//DTD File Format//EN" "scribus.dtd">
+For more information see
+<!-- Parsed entities that are used in many declarations -->
+<!-- Object origin, e.g. ltop="Left Top corner" and so on. -->
+<!ENTITY % origin "(ltop | rtop | lbottom | rbottom | center) 'ltop'">
+<!-- Object origin co-ordinates on the horizontal axis. Default value reflects
+the default units "pt". It is a real number of a form that depends on the
+unit. -->
+<!ENTITY % xorigin "xorigin CDATA '40'">
+<!-- Object origin co-ordinates on the vertical axis. Default value reflects
+the default units "pt". It is a real number of a form that depends on the
+unit. -->
+<!ENTITY % yorigin "yorigin CDATA '40'">
+<!-- Measurement units currently include pt (Points), px (Pixels), pica
+(Picas), in (Inches, mm (Millimeters), cm (Centimeters), c (Ciceros).
+ Point, in typography, may also refer to a dot grapheme (e.g.: full stop;
+middle dot) as in the expression, 'decimal point'. A point is a unit of
+measure in typography (Abbreviated as "pt"). There are various sorts of
+points, used in particular locations and times:
+ * Fournier point: the first definition of the printer's point, by Pierre
+Fournier. It was 0.34882 millimetres, which was 1/12 of a cicero.
+ * Didot point: the French typesetting point defined by Francois-Ambroise
+Didot in the 18th century. It equals 0.37597 mm, which are 1/72 of a French
+royal inch (pouce).
+ * Berthold point: an attempt to create a point with a metric definition.
+0.37593 mm or 1/2660 of a metre.
+ * German Didot point: defined in 1954 as 0.376065 mm. This is the standard
+Didot point now used in Europe (unless replaced by metric typographic units).
+ * American printer's point: defined as 0.013837in or 0.35145 mm by Nelson
+Hawks in 1879.
+ * PostScript point or computer point (now the universal point in
+computers): defined as 1/72 of an English inch or 0.35277 mm by Warnock and
+Geschke, the inventors of Adobe PostScript.
+ The point is the standard unit for measuring font size and leading and other
+minute items on a printed page. Twelve points make up a pica, there are 72
+points in an inch (The actual visible size of 1 Inch high text is around
+96pt), or 6 picas in an inch, a point is 1/12 of a pica. A measurement in
+picas is usually represented by placing a small p after the number of picas.
+"10 picas" is thus abbreviated 10p. Likewise, points are represented by
+placing the number of points after a small p, such as 0p5 for "5 points," 6p2
+for "6 picas and 2 points," or 1p1 for "13 points" which is converted to a
+mixed fraction of 1 pica and 1 point.
+ Pixel (pix, 1932 abbreviation of pictures, coined by Variety headline
+writers + element) is one of the many tiny dots that make up the
+representation of a picture in a computer's memory. Each such information
+element is not really a dot, nor a square, but an abstract sample. With care,
+pixels in an image can be reproduced at any size without the appearance of
+visible dots or squares; but in many contexts, they are reproduced as dots or
+squares and can be visibly distinct when not fine enough. The intensity of
+each pixel is variable; in color systems, each pixel has typically three or
+four dimensions of variability such and Red, Green and Blue, or Cyan, Magenta,
+Yellow and Black.
+ Pica is a unit of measure traditionally used in document layout. A pica
+measures 1/6 of an inch, or about 4.2333 millimeters, and is used to measure
+the size of blocks of type, margins, and other macroscopic elements of page
+layout. 1/12 of a pica is a point, which is the standard unit for measuring
+font size and leading. There are 72 points in an inch, or 6 picas in an inch.
+A measurement in picas is usually represented by placing a small letter p
+after the number of picas. "10 picas" is thus abbreviated to "10p". Likewise,
+points are represented by placing the number of points after a small p, such
+as 0p5 for "5 points," 6p2 for "6 picas and 2 points," or 1p1 for "13 points"
+which is converted to a mixed fraction of 1 pica and 1 point.
+ Inch is an Imperial and U.S. customary unit of length. Sweden also briefly
+had a "decimal inch" based on the metric system: see below for more. According
+to some sources, the inch was originally defined informally as the distance
+between the tip of the thumb and the first joint of the thumb. Another source
+says that the inch was at one time defined in terms of the yard, supposedly
+defined as the distance between Henry I of England's nose and his thumb. In
+another version, the inch was defined as the length of three barleycorns.
+There are twelve inches in a foot, and three feet in a yard. The word for
+"inch" is similar to or the same as the word for "thumb" in some languages.
+French: pouce inch, pouce thumb; Italian: pollice inch, pollice thumb;
+Spanish: pulgada inch, pulgar thumb; Portuguese: polegada inch, polegar thumb;
+Swedish: tum inch, tumme thumb; Dutch: duim inch, duim thumb; Sanskrit:
+Angulam inch, Anguli Finger.
+ Millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter in the Metric system.
+ Centimeter is 1/100 of a meter in the Metric system.
+ Cicero is a unit of measure traditionally used in document layout. The
+cicero was originally part of a point-based system developed by Francois
+Ambroise Didot around 1780, measuring 1 / 6 of a French inch, and was composed
+of 12 points. The French inch was larger than the one used to calibrate the
+pica; there are about 1.061 cicero in a pica. In 1973, the cicero was
+metrically standardized at 4.5 mm.
+<!ENTITY % unit "(pt | px | pica | in | mm | cm | c) 'pt'">
+<!-- unit is a general concept, so we use separate elements for sizeunit and
+originunit, which can be set differently by the user. -->
+<!ENTITY % sizeunit "sizeunit %unit;">
+<!-- unit is a general concept, so we use separate elements for sizeunit and
+originunit, which can be set differently by the user. -->
+<!ENTITY % originunit "originunit %unit;">
+<!-- Text styles DTD. See the file "style.ent" for more information. Here we
+include that file through a parameter entity "style". -->
+<!ENTITY % style SYSTEM "style.ent">
+<!-- Graphics notations - defines various image types we support. See the file
+"notations.ent" for more information. Here we include that file through a
+parameter entity "notations".-->
+<!ENTITY % notations SYSTEM 'notations.ent'>
+<!-- Namespaces defines various public namespaces we use. See the file
+"namespaces.ent" for more information. Here we include that file through a
+parameter entity "namespaces".-->
+<!ENTITY % namespaces SYSTEM 'namespaces.ent'>
+<!-- Consolidate the canvas and page objects -->
+<!ENTITY % pageobjectlist "imgframeobj*,textframeobj*,tableobj*,svgobject*,epsobject*">
+<!ENTITY % canvasobjectlist "imgframe*,textframe*,table*,svgobject*,epsobject*">
+<!-- Root element of a Scribus document. Contains all other elments, but only
+"canvas" on which we put EVERYTHING else can be its child. -->
+<!ELEMENT scribus (metadata,settings,colors,styles,canvas+,content*)>
+<!-- This is a soup of various metadata RDFs like Dublin Core, etc. I don't
+know how to make xmllint cope with the namespaces yet, so its contents are
+going to be commented out during the work on this DTD -->
+<!ELEMENT metadata ANY>
+<!-- Options presented in the new document dialog -->
+<!ELEMENT settings EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST settings default-page-size CDATA "A4"
+ default-page-orientation CDATA "Portrait"
+ default-page-width CDATA #IMPLIED
+ default-page-height CDATA #IMPLIED
+ default-unit %unit;
+ facing-pages (yes | no) "no"
+ left-page-first (yes | no) "no"
+ first-page-number CDATA "1"
+ automatic-text-frames (yes | no) "no"
+ margin-guide-left CDATA "40"
+ margin-guide-right CDATA "40"
+ margin-guide-top CDATA "40"
+ margin-guide-bottom CDATA "40"
+ columns CDATA "1"
+ column-gap CDATA "11"
+<!-- Colors used in the document. This is a subset of the system-wide color sets -->
+<!ELEMENT colors (color)*>
+<!-- Individual color data. Example:
+<color register="0" spot="0" rgb="#f0f8ff" cmyk="#0f070000" name="AliceBlue" />
+ -->
+<!ATTLIST color color-register CDATA "0"
+ color-spot CDATA "0"
+ color-rgb CDATA #IMPLIED
+ color-cmyk CDATA #IMPLIED
+ color-name CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!-- Paragraph and Text styles -->
+<!ELEMENT styles (par-style*,txt-style*,table-style*,table-cellstyle*)>
+<!-- This is the main canvas of a Scribus document. All pages will be placed
+onto it. We can also have crop marks and guides there. It might later include
+scratch space and other objects. At first let's leave it as a container for
+pages with some markings for positioning.-->
+<!ELEMENT canvas (canvasobjects*,scratchspace*,page*,cropmark*,guide*,%canvasobjectlist;)>
+ width CDATA "8.5"
+ height CDATA "11.0"
+ %sizeunit;
+<!-- This is the main content container. It encompasses content objects for
+text and graphics and serves as a binding link between layout and content. -->
+<!ELEMENT content (textcontent*,svgcontent*,epscontent*)>
+<!-- Scratch space on the canvas is represented as a pseudo-page with a single
+layer. So, this part of the canvas becomes equal to a page as a container. -->
+<!ELEMENT scratchspace (%pageobjectlist;)>
+<!ATTLIST scratchspace id ID #REQUIRED
+ canvasid IDREF #REQUIRED
+ visible (yes | no) "yes"
+ printable (yes | no) "no"
+<!-- <!ATTLIST canvasobjects> -->
+<!ELEMENT canvasobjects (%canvasobjectlist;)>
+<!-- Main container into which visible objects are placed on layer canvasses.
+Contains global non-layered elements such as guides, baseline grid, crop
+marks. -->
+<!ELEMENT page (guide*,cropmark*,layer+)>
+ width CDATA "8.5"
+ height CDATA "11.0"
+ %sizeunit;
+ canvasorigin %origin;
+ %xorigin;
+ %yorigin;
+ %originunit;
+ orientation (portrait | landscape) "portrait"
+<!-- Main canvas on which visible objects are placed. Use can0 type id values.-->
+<!ELEMENT layer (%pageobjectlist;)>
+ visible (yes | no) "yes"
+ printable (yes | no) "yes"
+<!-- Main container for raster images. Use fimg0 type id values.-->
+<!ELEMENT imgframe (img*)>
+<!-- Scale is in fractions: 1=100% -->
+<!ATTLIST imgframe id ID #REQUIRED
+ text-frame-id IDREF #IMPLIED
+ width CDATA "200"
+ height CDATA "200"
+ canvasorigin %origin;
+ %sizeunit;
+ %xorigin;
+ %yorigin;
+ %originunit;
+ rotation CDATA "0"
+ basepoint %origin;
+ printable (yes | no) "yes"
+ locked (yes | no) "no"
+ size-locked (yes | no) "no"
+ round-corners CDATA "0"
+ level CDATA "0"
+ text-flows-around (yes | no) "no"
+ use-bounding-box (yes | no) "no"
+ use-contour-line (yes | no) "no"
+ line-color CDATA "none"
+ fill-color CDATA "none"
+ image-scale-frame-size (yes | no) "yes"
+ image-scale-proportional (yes | no) "yes"
+ image-x-position CDATA "0"
+ image-y-position CDATA "0"
+ image-x-scale CDATA "1"
+ image-y-scale CDATA "1"
+ image-x-dpi CDATA "72"
+ image-y-dpi CDATA "72"
+<!ELEMENT imgframeobj EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST imgframeobj idref IDREF #REQUIRED>
+ type NOTATION (png | jpg | jpeg | tiff) "tiff"
+ %sizeunit;
+ vresolution CDATA #REQUIRED
+ hresolution CDATA #REQUIRED
+ colorspace (rgb | cmyk | lab | greyscale ) "rgb"
+ color-depth (1 | 8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | 48) "8"
+ icc-profile CDATA #IMPLIED
+ rendering-intent-printer (Perceptual | Relative-Colorimetric | Saturation | Absolute-Colorimetric) #IMPLIED
+<!-- Main container for text. Use ftxt0 type id values. -->
+<!ELEMENT textframe ((textcontentobj)* | (%pageobjectlist;)*)* >
+<!ATTLIST textframe id ID #REQUIRED
+ nextframeid IDREF #IMPLIED
+ width CDATA "200"
+ height CDATA "200"
+ %sizeunit;
+ canvasorigin %origin;
+ %xorigin;
+ %yorigin;
+ %originunit;
+ rotation CDATA "0"
+ basepoint %origin;
+ printable (yes | no) "yes"
+ locked (yes | no) "no"
+ size-locked (yes | no) "no"
+ round-corners CDATA "0"
+ columnnumber CDATA "1"
+ columngap CDATA "0"
+ topdistance CDATA "0"
+ bottomdistance CDATA "0"
+ leftdistance CDATA "0"
+ righttdistance CDATA "0"
+ level CDATA "0"
+ text-flows-around (yes | no) "no"
+ use-bounding-box (yes | no) "no"
+ use-contour-line (yes | no) "no"
+ line-color CDATA "none"
+ fill-color CDATA "none"
+<!-- svgobject is the object that contains an SVG graphic. It has properties
+similar to text and image frames on a page and on the canvas. -->
+<!ELEMENT svgobject (svgcontentobj)+>
+<!ATTLIST svgobject id ID #REQUIRED
+ width CDATA "200"
+ height CDATA "200"
+ %sizeunit;
+ canvasorigin %origin;
+ %xorigin;
+ %yorigin;
+ %originunit;
+ rotation CDATA "0"
+ basepoint %origin;
+ printable (yes | no) "yes"
+ level CDATA "0"
+<!-- epsobject is the object that contains encapsulated postscript. It has properties
+similar to text and image frames on a page and on the canvas. -->
+<!ELEMENT epsobject (epscontentobj)+>
+<!ATTLIST epsobject id ID #REQUIRED
+ width CDATA "200"
+ height CDATA "200"
+ %sizeunit;
+ canvasorigin %origin;
+ %xorigin;
+ %yorigin;
+ %originunit;
+ rotation CDATA "0"
+ basepoint %origin;
+ printable (yes | no) "yes"
+ level CDATA "0"
+<!ELEMENT textframeobj EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST textframeobj idref IDREF #REQUIRED>
+<!-- Abstraction layer for text blocks inside a text frame. -->
+<!ELEMENT textcontent parstyle (p)+>
+<!ATTLIST textcontent id ID #REQUIRED>
+<!-- References "textcontent". -->
+<!ELEMENT textcontentobj EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST textcontentobj idref IDREF #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT p parstyle (span)+
+<!-- Lowest level block unit of text. Add a mathexpression later when MathML dtd is
+referenced properly. Use "id" values like par0. We need an id for the
+paragraph to make it the atomic unit for change tracking and undo for example. -->
+<!ELEMENT span txtstyle (text|inlineframe|breakline|breakcolumn|breakframe|tab|pagenr)*>
+<!-- Use any printable character for tab alignment -->
+ location CDATA #REQUIRED
+ spacing CDATA "10"
+ spacing-unit %unit;
+ type (left|right|center|decimal|comma|char) "left"
+ tabchar CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ELEMENT table (table-caption?,table-row+)>
+ table-style IDREF #REQUIRED
+ canvasorigin %origin;
+ %xorigin;
+ %yorigin;
+ %originunit;
+ width CDATA "100"
+ height CDATA "150"
+ %sizeunit;
+ basepoint %origin;
+ rotation CDATA "0"
+ printable (yes | no) "yes"
+ locked (yes | no) "no"
+ size-locked (yes | no) "no"
+ round-corners CDATA "0"
+ columnnumber CDATA #IMPLIED
+ rownumber CDATA #IMPLIED
+ level CDATA "0"
+ text-flows-around (yes | no) "no"
+ use-bounding-box (yes | no) "no"
+ use-contour-line (yes | no) "no"
+ line-color CDATA "none"
+ fill-color CDATA "none"
+<!ELEMENT tableobj EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST tableobj idref IDREF #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT table-caption (textcontentobj*)>
+<!ELEMENT table-row (table-cell+)>
+<!ELEMENT table-cell (textcontentobj*)>
+<!ATTLIST table-cell table-cellstyle IDREF #REQUIRED
+ rowspan CDATA "1"
+ colspan CDATA "1"
+<!-- Glue between the layout element svgobject and the content object
+svgcontent -->
+<!ELEMENT svgcontentobj EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST svgcontentobj idref IDREF #REQUIRED>
+<!-- Glue between the layout element epsobject and the content object
+epscontent -->
+<!ELEMENT epscontentobj EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST epscontentobj idref IDREF #REQUIRED>
+<!-- Content element svgcontent, which contains at least one standard <svg>
+<!ELEMENT svgcontent (svg)+>
+<!ATTLIST svgcontent id ID #REQUIRED>
+<!-- Due to the namespace validation problem svg should currently be allowed
+to contain anything. -->
+<!-- Content element epscontent, which contains at least one standard <eps>
+<!ELEMENT epscontent (eps)+>
+<!ATTLIST epscontent id ID #REQUIRED>
+<!-- Due to the namespace validation problem eps should currently be allowed
+to contain anything. -->
diff --git a/dtd/scribus13.xml b/dtd/scribus13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edce455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dtd/scribus13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE scribus PUBLIC "-//Scribus//DTD File Format//EN" "scribus.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY img0 SYSTEM "scribuslogo.png" NDATA png>
+ <metadata>
+ <rdf:RDF
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:rdf="">
+ <Work rdf:about="About this document.">
+ <dc:title>New file format test xml document.</dc:title>
+ <dc:description>This document illustrates the use of new Scribus DTD for the 1.3.x+ file format.</dc:description>
+ <dc:subject>xml, DTD, file format, Scribus</dc:subject>
+ <dc:publisher><Agent rdf:about=""><dc:title>Scribus Project</dc:title></Agent></dc:publisher>
+ <dc:creator><Agent rdf:about=""><dc:title>Oleksandr Moskalenko</dc:title></Agent></dc:creator>
+ <dc:rights><Agent rdf:about=""><dc:title>Public Domain</dc:title></Agent></dc:rights>
+ <dc:date>2005-09-10</dc:date>
+ <dc:format>dtp/xml</dc:format>
+ <dc:type></dc:type>
+ <license rdf:resource="" />
+ </Work>
+ <License rdf:about="">
+ <permits rdf:resource="" />
+ <permits rdf:resource="" />
+ <permits rdf:resource="" />
+ </License>
+ </rdf:RDF>
+ -->
+ </metadata>
+ <settings default-page-size="Letter" default-page-orientation="Portrait"
+ default-page-width="612" default-page-height="792" default-unit="pt"
+ facing-pages="no" left-page-first="no" first-page-number="1"
+ automatic-text-frames="no" margin-guide-left="40"
+ margin-guide-right="40" margin-guide-top="40"
+ margin-guide-bottom="40" columns="1" column-gap="11"/>
+ <colors>
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#f0f8ff" color-cmyk="#0f070000" color-name="AliceBlue" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#faebd7" color-cmyk="#000f2305" color-name="AntiqueWhite" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#ffefdb" color-cmyk="#00102400" color-name="AntiqueWhite1" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#eedfcc" color-cmyk="#000f2211" color-name="AntiqueWhite2" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#cdc0b0" color-cmyk="#000d1d32" color-name="AntiqueWhite3" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#8b8378" color-cmyk="#00081374" color-name="AntiqueWhite4" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#7fffd4" color-cmyk="#80002b00" color-name="Aquamarine" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#7fffd4" color-cmyk="#80002b00" color-name="Aquamarine1" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#76eec6" color-cmyk="#78002811" color-name="Aquamarine2" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#66cdaa" color-cmyk="#67002332" color-name="Aquamarine3" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#458b74" color-cmyk="#46001774" color-name="Aquamarine4" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#f0ffff" color-cmyk="#0f000000" color-name="Azure" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#f0ffff" color-cmyk="#0f000000" color-name="Azure1" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#e0eeee" color-cmyk="#0e000011" color-name="Azure2" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#c1cdcd" color-cmyk="#0c000032" color-name="Azure3" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#838b8b" color-cmyk="#08000074" color-name="Azure4" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#f5f5dc" color-cmyk="#0000190a" color-name="Beige" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#ffe4c4" color-cmyk="#001b3b00" color-name="Bisque" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#ffe4c4" color-cmyk="#001b3b00" color-name="Bisque1" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#eed5b7" color-cmyk="#00193711" color-name="Bisque2" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#cdb79e" color-cmyk="#00162f32" color-name="Bisque3" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#8b7d6b" color-cmyk="#000e2074" color-name="Bisque4" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#000000" color-cmyk="#000000ff" color-name="Black" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#ffebcd" color-cmyk="#00143200" color-name="BlanchedAlmond" />
+ <color color-register="0" color-spot="0" color-rgb="#0000ff" color-cmyk="#ffff0000" color-name="Blue" />
+ </colors>
+ <styles>
+ <par-style id="parstyle0" shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+1"
+ font-face="Bitstream Vera Regular"
+ font-family-hint="Bitstream Vera"
+ font-weight-hint="Regular" font-slant-hint="Normal"
+ font-size="12" font-size-units="pt" font-width="1"
+ char-tracking="0" word-tracking="0" font-kerning="0"
+ font-leading-type="relative" font-leading-type-amount="1"
+ font-leading-mode="proportional" font-leading-mode-amount="1"
+ text-stroke-color="black" text-stroke-opacity="0"
+ text-fill-color="black" text-fill-opacity="0"
+ justification="left" language="en" text-direction="ltr"
+ par-indent-unit="pt" par-indent-first="20"
+ par-indent-left="0" par-indent-right="0"
+ par-indent-hanging="no" par-spacing-unit="pt"
+ par-spacing-before="14" par-spacing-after="14"
+ par-type="normal"/>
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+ This is a test document for the new Scribus file
+ format. This block is aligned to the
+ left</text><text parentpar="par0"
+ txtstyle="txtstyle1"> and this one is justified
+ but inherits all other properties of the same
+ paragraph style.
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+ text frame. Isn't it pretty?
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+ Table 1.
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+ This is a test table number 1.
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+ This is the first cell of the first row of a test table.
+ It spans two rows.
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+ <paragraph id="par4" parstyle="parstyle0">
+ <text parentpar="par4" txtstyle="txtstyle0">
+ This is the second cell of the first row of a test table.
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+ This is the third cell of the first row of a test table.
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+ <paragraph id="par6" parstyle="parstyle0">
+ <text parentpar="par6" txtstyle="txtstyle0">
+ This is the second cell of the second row of a test table
+ because the first cell spans rows 1 and 2. This cell spans
+ two columns 2 and 3.
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diff --git a/dtd/style.ent b/dtd/style.ent
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+* "font-width" is in fractions 1=100% (normal), 0.25=25% (smallest).
+* "font-leading-mode": baseline is mostly used in typography, top-of-cap is
+the word processor style, proportional is the default where text baseline is
+80% from the top of the slug.
+* Use standard ISO codes for "language".
+* "text-direction" is ltr=Left to right; rtl=Right to left -->
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+Paragraph attributes
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