path: root/
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diff --git a/ b/
index 69db890..3c2f97f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ class Bugzilla(object):
# Only fetch the data if we don't already have it, or are forced to
if force_refresh or not (self._querydata and self._querydefaults):
(self._querydata, self._querydefaults) = self._getqueryinfo()
+ # TODO: map _querydata to a dict, as with _components_details?
return (self._querydata, self._querydefaults)
# Set querydata and querydefaults as properties so they auto-create
# themselves when touched by a user. This bit was lifted from YumBase,
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ class Bugzilla(object):
for the given product. The keys of the dict are component names. For
each component, the value is a dict with the following keys:
description, initialowner, initialqacontact, initialcclist'''
+ # XXX inconsistent: we don't do this list->dict mapping with querydata
if force_refresh or product not in self._components_details:
clist = self._getcomponentsdetails(product)
cdict = dict()
@@ -457,10 +459,92 @@ class Bugzilla(object):
#---- createbug - big complicated call to create a new bug
- def createbug(self,**kwargs):
- '''Create a bug with the given info. Returns the bug ID.'''
- raise NotImplementedError
+ def _createbug(self,**data):
+ '''Raw xmlrpc call for createBug() Doesn't bother guessing defaults
+ or checking argument validity. Use with care.'''
+ return self._proxy.bugzilla.createBug(data,self.username,self.password)
+ def createbug(self,check_args=False,**data):
+ '''Create a bug with the given info. Returns the bug ID.
+ data should be given as keyword args - remember that you can also
+ populate a dict and call createbug(**dict) to fill in keyword args.
+ The arguments are as follows. Note that some are optional and some
+ are required.
+ "product" => "<Product Name>",
+ # REQUIRED Name of Bugzilla product.
+ # Ex: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
+ "component" => "<Component Name>",
+ # REQUIRED Name of component in Bugzilla product.
+ # Ex: anaconda
+ "version" => "<Version of Product>",
+ # REQUIRED Version in the list for the Bugzilla product.
+ # Ex: 4.5
+ # versions are listed in querydata['product'][<product>]['versions']
+ "rep_platform" => "<Platform>",
+ # REQUIRED Valid architecture from the rep_platform list.
+ # Ex: i386
+ # See querydefaults['rep_platform_list'] for accepted values.
+ "bug_severity" => "medium",
+ # REQUIRED Valid severity from the list of severities.
+ # See querydefaults['bug_severity_list'] for accepted values.
+ "op_sys" => "Linux",
+ # REQUIRED Operating system bug occurs on.
+ # See querydefaults['op_sys_list'] for accepted values.
+ "bug_file_loc" => "http://",
+ # REQUIRED URL to additional information for bug report.
+ # Ex:
+ "short_desc" => "<Brief text about bug>",
+ # REQUIRED One line summary describing the bug report.
+ "comment" => "<More Detailed Description>",
+ # REQUIRED A detail descript about the bug report.
+ "alias" => "<Bug Alias>",
+ # OPTIONAL Will give the bug an alias name.
+ # Alias can't be merely numerical.
+ # Alias can't contain spaces or commas.
+ # Alias can't be more than 20 chars long.
+ # Alias has to be unique.
+ "assigned_to" => "<Bugzilla Account>",
+ # OPTIONAL Will be determined by component owner otherwise.
+ "reporter" => "<Bugzilla Account>",
+ # OPTIONAL Will use current login if blank.
+ "qa_contact" => "<Bugzilla Account>",
+ # OPTIONAL Will be determined by component qa_contact otherwise.
+ "cc" => "<Comma/Space separated list>",
+ # OPTIONAL Space or Comma separated list of Bugzilla accounts.
+ "priority" => "urgent",
+ # OPTIONAL Valid priority from the list of priorities.
+ # Ex: medium
+ # See querydefaults['priority_list'] for accepted values.
+ "bug_status" => 'NEW',
+ # OPTIONAL Status to place the new bug in.
+ # Default: NEW
+ "blocked" => '',
+ # OPTIONAL Comma or space separate list of bug id's
+ # this report blocks.
+ "dependson" => '',
+ # OPTIONAL Comma or space separate list of bug id's
+ # this report depends on.
+ '''
+ required = ('product','component','version','short_desc','comment',
+ 'rep_platform','bug_severity','op_sys','bug_file_loc')
+ # The xmlrpc will raise an error if one of these is missing, but
+ # let's try to save a network roundtrip here if possible..
+ for i in required:
+ if i not in data or not data[i]:
+ raise TypeError, "required field missing or empty: '%s'" % i
+ # Sort of a chicken-and-egg problem here - check_args will save you a
+ # network roundtrip if your op_sys or rep_platform is bad, but at the
+ # expense of getting querydefaults, which is.. an added network
+ # roundtrip. Basically it's only useful if you're mucking around with
+ # createbug() in ipython.
+ if check_args:
+ if data['op_sys'] not in self.querydefaults['op_sys_list']:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid value for op_sys: %s" % data['op_sys']
+ if data['rep_platform'] not in self.querydefaults['rep_platform_list']:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid value for rep_platform: %s" % data['rep_platform']
+ return self._createbug(**data)
class CookieTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport):
'''A subclass of xmlrpclib.Transport that supports cookies.'''