diff options
authorJan Pokorný <>2014-09-11 23:54:21 +0200
committerJan Pokorný <>2014-09-12 00:59:39 +0200
commit92b9cd35e7cf8ba0187fd375ab4910b6ef9f4b75 (patch)
parent81120b155d0ec705e97363422e05e3e430da51d8 (diff)
Allow for native Python package (incl. the C helper)
(by various hacks to distutils/setuptools, some of them inherited from luci) Signed-off-by: Jan Pokorný <>
4 files changed, 539 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index e54099e..11a8726 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -24,29 +24,62 @@ commands-filters-formats plugin framework.
pkg_name = globals().get('ROOT')
-_deobfuscate_mail = (lambda what: what.replace(' @at@ ', '@')
- .replace(' .dot. ', '.')
- .replace('@Red Hat.', '@redhat.'))
+_deobfuscate_email = (lambda what: what.replace(' @at@ ', '@')
+ .replace(' .dot. ', '.')
+ .replace('@Red Hat.', '@redhat.'))
def package_name():
global pkg_name
if pkg_name is None:
- from os.path import basename, dirname
- pkg_name = basename(dirname(__file__))
+ from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, realpath
+ pkg_name = basename(dirname(realpath(abspath(__file__))))
return pkg_name
+def author_text(justname=None, first=False):
+ if justname is not None or first:
+ ret = ''
+ authors = author.split(', ')
+ first = first or len(authors) == 1
+ for a in authors:
+ name, rest = a.split('<', 1)
+ email, rest = rest.split('>', 1)
+ name, email, rest = map(str.strip, (name, email, rest))
+ if justname:
+ ret += ('' if first else ', ') + ' '.join((name, rest))
+ else:
+ ret += ('' if first else ', ') + _deobfuscate_email(email)
+ if first:
+ break
+ return ret
+ return _deobfuscate_email(author).lstrip('<').rstrip('>')
+def copyright_text(justcopyright=None):
+ if justcopyright is not None:
+ c, licensed = copyright.split('\n', 1).rstrip()
+ return c if justcopyright else licensed
+ return copyright
+def description_text(width=76, justhead=None):
+ desc = description
+ if justhead is False:
+ desc = desc.split('\n', 2)[2]
+ if not width or justhead is True:
+ if justhead is True:
+ desc = desc.split('\n', 1)[0]
+ assert len(desc) <= (width or 1000)
+ else:
+ from textwrap import fill
+ desc = map(lambda p: p.replace('\n', ' '), desc.split('\n\n'))
+ desc = '\n\n'.join(map(lambda p: fill(p, width), desc)) #+ '\n'
+ return desc
def version_text(name=pkg_name, sep='\n'):
if name is None:
name = package_name()
return (name + ' '
- + _deobfuscate_mail(sep.join(metadata).replace(' \n', '\n')))
-def description_text(width=76):
- if not width:
- return description
- from textwrap import fill
- desc = map(lambda p: p.replace('\n', ' '), description.split('\n\n'))
- return '\n\n'.join(map(lambda p: fill(p, width), desc)) + '\n'
+ + _deobfuscate_email(sep.join(metadata).replace(' \n', '\n')))
diff --git a/__root__/ b/__root__/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98be9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__root__/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+include run-dev
+graft ccs-flatten
+recursive-exclude ccs-flatten ccs_flatten *.o
+recursive-include doc cib-ids.txt rgmanager-pacemaker.*
+global-exclude /.*
diff --git a/__root__/setup.cfg b/__root__/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..862b75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__root__/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# These are default values -- change it to your needs;
+# ``string interpolation'' feature of ConfigParser can be used here
+ccs_flatten = /usr/bin/ccs_flatten
+# dir to hold '*.metadata' files
+ra_metadata = /usr/share/cluster
diff --git a/__root__/ b/__root__/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730b882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__root__/
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Part of clufter project
+# Licensed under GPLv2+ (a copy included |
+"""Setup script/data"""
+__author__ = "Jan Pokorný <jpokorny @at@ Red Hat .dot. com>"
+ from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension
+except ImportError:
+ from ez_setup import use_setuptools
+ use_setuptools()
+ from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension
+from glob import glob
+from os import getenv
+from os.path import (join as path_join, basename as path_basename,
+ dirname as path_dirname,
+ isabs as path_isabs, splitext as path_splitext)
+from shutil import copy, copymode
+from distutils.cmd import Command
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
+from import build
+from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
+from distutils.command.install import install
+from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
+from collections import Callable
+# bail out if any code is not valid (
+import py_compile
+orig_py_compile = py_compile.compile
+def doraise_py_compile(file, cfile=None, dfile=None, doraise=False):
+ orig_py_compile(file, cfile=cfile, dfile=dfile, doraise=True)
+py_compile.compile = doraise_py_compile
+DBGPFX = str(__file__)
+# Custom machinery extending setuptools/distutils with mechanism
+# for parameterization (mainly paths) and even content of these files
+true_gen = lambda this: True
+# XXX copy-paste of
+bifilter = \
+ lambda fnc, seq: \
+ reduce(lambda acc, x: acc[int(not fnc(x))].append(x) or acc,
+ seq, ([], []))
+def pkgconfig(*packages, **kw):
+ from commands import getoutput
+ flag_map = {'-I': 'include_dirs', '-L': 'library_dirs', '-l': 'libraries'}
+ for token in getoutput("pkg-config --libs --cflags {0}".format(
+ ' '.join(packages))).split():
+ if token[:2] in flag_map:
+ kw.setdefault(flag_map.get(token[:2]), []).append(token[2:])
+ else: # throw others to extra_link_args
+ kw.setdefault('extra_link_args', []).append(token)
+ for k, v in kw.iteritems(): # remove duplicates
+ kw[k] = list(set(v))
+ return kw
+class Binary(Extension):
+ pass
+class build_binary(build_ext):
+ @staticmethod
+ def prereq(self):
+ #return any(isinstance(e, Binary)
+ # for e in self.distribution.ext_modules)
+ mine = self.distribution.get_option_dict(build_binary.__name__)
+ return bool(mine.get('binaries', ()))
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ build_ext.initialize_options(self)
+ self.binaries = ()
+ def finalize_options( self):
+ build_ext.finalize_options(self)
+ self.extensions = self.binaries
+ self.build_lib = path_dirname(self.build_lib)
+ #self.extensions, self.distribution.ext_modules = bifilter(
+ # lambda e: isinstance(e, Binary), self.distribution.ext_modules
+ #)
+ def build_extensions(self):
+ compiler = self.compiler
+ compiler.link_shared_object = \
+ lambda *args, **kwargs: \
+ compiler.link_executable(
+ *args, **dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()
+ if k not in ('export_symbols', 'build_temp'))
+ )
+ build_ext.build_extensions(self)
+ def check_extensions_list(self, extensions):
+ if not all(isinstance(i, Binary) for i in extensions):
+ raise DistutilsSetupError("Only Binary instances allowed")
+ def get_ext_filename(self, ext_name):
+ return path_splitext(build_ext.get_ext_filename(self, ext_name))[0]
+class install_data(install_data):
+ # Change predicate telling whether to run ``install_data''
+ # subcommand within ``install'' command to always return true
+ prereq = staticmethod(true_gen)
+def setup_pkg_prepare(pkg_name, pkg_prepare_options=()):
+ class pkg_prepare(Command):
+ DEV_SWITCH = 'develop'
+ description = ("Prepare specified files, i.e. substitute some values "
+ "(works as a subcommand for ``build'' and ``install'' "
+ "and can also mimic enhanced ``develop'' using %s)"
+ user_options = [
+ (key + "=", None, "specify " + help + " for " + pkg_name)
+ for key, help in pkg_prepare_options
+ ]
+ user_options.append((DEV_SWITCH, None, "mimics ``develop'' command "
+ "(to be used only w/ standalone ``pkg_prepare'')"))
+ boolean_options = (DEV_SWITCH, )
+ needs_any_opt = ('package_data', 'data_files',
+ 'buildonly_files', 'built_files')
+ needs_always_opts = ('pkg_params', )
+ @classmethod
+ def inject_cmdclass(cls, *new_classes, **orig_classes):
+ cmdclass = {}
+ for name, injectclass in orig_classes.iteritems():
+ cmdclass[name], new = cls._inject(name, injectclass)
+ new_classes += new
+ for c in (cls, ) + new_classes:
+ cmdclass[c.__name__] = c
+ return cmdclass
+ @classmethod
+ def _inject(cls, name, orig_cls):
+ sub_cmds = (cls, )
+ if hasattr(orig_cls, '__iter__'):
+ orig_cls, sub_cmds = (lambda c, *s: (c, sub_cmds + s))(*orig_cls)
+ sub_cmd_names = set(s.__name__ for s in sub_cmds)
+ orig_sub_commands = [s for s in orig_cls.sub_commands
+ if s[0] not in sub_cmd_names]
+ class new_cls(orig_cls):
+ sub_commands = [(sub_cmd.__name__, getattr(sub_cmd, 'prereq',
+ true_gen))
+ for sub_cmd in sub_cmds] + orig_sub_commands
+ description = (orig_cls.description + " (modified: "
+ "additionally prepare some files for %s, "
+ "i.e. substitute some values)" % pkg_name)
+ new_cls.__name__ = orig_cls.__name__
+ return new_cls, sub_cmds
+ @staticmethod
+ def prereq(self):
+ """When is reasonable to run this (sub)command"""
+ return (
+ len(set(pkg_prepare.needs_any_opt).intersection(
+ self.distribution.get_option_dict(pkg_prepare.__name__)
+ )) != 0
+ and len(set(pkg_prepare.needs_always_opts).difference(
+ self.distribution.get_option_dict(pkg_prepare.__name__)
+ )) == 0
+ )
+ def __init__(self, dist):
+ self.pkg_options = tuple(
+ key.split('=', 1)[0] for (key, _, __) in self.user_options
+ )
+ Command.__init__(self, dist)
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ # Parameters we want to obtain via setup.cfg, command-line
+ # arguments etc. must be prepared as attributes of this object
+ if DEBUG: print (DBGPFX + "\tinitialize_options")
+ for key in (self.pkg_options + self.needs_any_opt
+ + self.needs_always_opts):
+ setattr(self, key, None)
+ setattr(self, self.DEV_SWITCH, 0)
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ # Obtained parameters are all moved to ``self.pkg_params'' dict
+ if DEBUG: print (DBGPFX + "\tfinalize_options")
+ for key in self.pkg_options:
+ value = getattr(self, key)
+ if value is None:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError \
+ ("Missing `%s' value (specify it on command-line"
+ " or in setup.cfg)" % key)
+ else:
+ self.pkg_params[key] = value
+ # Evaluate all functions within pkg_params (semi-lazy evaluation)
+ for key, value in self.pkg_params.iteritems():
+ if hasattr(value, "__call__") or isinstance(value, Callable):
+ self.pkg_params[key] = value(self.pkg_params)
+ dist = self.distribution
+ dist.data_files = dist.data_files or []
+ dist.package_data = dist.package_data or {}
+ self.buildonly_files = self.buildonly_files or ()
+ self.built_files = self.built_files or ()
+ def run(self):
+ if DEBUG: print (DBGPFX + "\trun")
+ if self.distribution.get_command_obj('install', create=False):
+ # As a part of ``install'' command
+ if DEBUG: print (DBGPFX + "\trun: install")
+ self._pkg_prepare_install()
+ elif self.distribution.get_command_obj('build', create=False):
+ # As a part of ``build'' command
+ if DEBUG: print (DBGPFX + "\trun: build")
+ self._pkg_prepare_build()
+ elif getattr(self, self.DEV_SWITCH, 0):
+ # Mimic ``develop'' command over "prepared" files
+ if DEBUG: print (DBGPFX + "\trun: mimic develop")
+ self._pkg_prepare_build()
+ self._pkg_prepare_install()
+ self.run_command('install_data')
+ self.run_command('develop')
+ else:
+ from distutils import log
+"``pkg_name'' command used with no effect")
+ def _pkg_prepare_build(self):
+ for pkg_name, filedefs in (self.package_data or {}).iteritems():
+ dst_top = self.distribution.package_dir.get('', '')
+ dst_pkg = path_join(
+ dst_top,
+ self.distribution.package_dir.get(pkg_name, pkg_name)
+ )
+ if DEBUG: print (DBGPFX + "\tbuild dst_pkg %s" % dst_pkg)
+ for filedef in filedefs:
+ self._pkg_prepare_file(
+ self.pkg_params[filedef['src']],
+ path_join(dst_pkg, self.pkg_params[filedef['dst']]),
+ filedef.get('substitute', False)
+ )
+ self.distribution.package_data[pkg_name].append(
+ self.pkg_params[filedef['dst']]
+ )
+ for filedef in (self.data_files + self.buildonly_files):
+ src_basename = path_basename(self.pkg_params[filedef['src']])
+ dst_basename = path_basename(self.pkg_params[filedef['dst']])
+ substitute = filedef.get('substitute', False)
+ if all(c not in src_basename for c in '?*'):
+ if src_basename != dst_basename or substitute:
+ self._pkg_prepare_file(
+ self.pkg_params[filedef['src']],
+ path_join(
+ path_dirname(self.pkg_params[filedef['src']]),
+ dst_basename
+ ),
+ substitute
+ )
+ else:
+ assert not substitute
+ def _pkg_prepare_install(self):
+ build_lib = self.get_finalized_command('build_binary').build_lib
+ # two-staged copy in case of built_files
+ for filedef in self.built_files:
+ src = src_orig = self.pkg_params[filedef['src']]
+ src = path_basename(src_orig)
+ assert src == src_orig, "built_files contains dirs"
+ src = path_join(build_lib, src)
+ dst = self.pkg_params[filedef['dst']]
+ dst = path_join(build_lib, path_basename(dst))
+ if src != dst:
+ self._pkg_prepare_file(src, dst)
+ self.pkg_params[filedef['src']] = dst
+ for filedef in (self.data_files + self.built_files):
+ src_basename = path_basename(self.pkg_params[filedef['src']])
+ no_glob = all(c not in src_basename for c in '?*')
+ self.distribution.data_files.append((
+ path_dirname(self.pkg_params[filedef['dst']]), [
+ path_join(
+ path_dirname(self.pkg_params[filedef['src']]),
+ path_basename(self.pkg_params[filedef['dst']])
+ ),
+ ]
+ ) if no_glob else (
+ self.pkg_params[filedef['dst']],
+ glob(self.pkg_params[filedef['src']])
+ ))
+ if DEBUG:
+ print (DBGPFX + "\tinstall data_files: %s"
+ % self.distribution.data_files)
+ def _pkg_prepare_file(self, src, dst, substitution=False):
+ if path_isabs(dst):
+ # This function should not attempt doing dangerous things
+ # and absolute file destination path is not expected anyway
+ # (copying to destination paths is handled by ``install'')
+ raise DistutilsSetupError \
+ ("Unexpected attempt to copy file %s to absolute"
+ " location %s" % (src, dst))
+ if substitution:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print (DBGPFX + "\tSubstituting strings while copying %s -> %s"
+ % (src, dst))
+ if self.dry_run:
+ return
+ try:
+ with open(src, "r") as fr:
+ with open(dst, "w") as fw:
+ for key in filter(
+ lambda k: not k.startswith("_")
+ and k not in self.boolean_options,
+ self.pkg_params.iterkeys()
+ ):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print (DBGPFX + "\tReplace %s -> %s"
+ % ('@' + key.upper() + '@', self.pkg_params[key]))
+ content = content.replace(
+ '@' + key.upper() + '@',
+ self.pkg_params[key]
+ )
+ fw.write(content)
+ copymode(src, dst)
+ except IOError, e:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(str(e))
+ else:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print (DBGPFX + "\tSimply copying %s -> %s" % (src, dst))
+ if self.dry_run:
+ return
+ try:
+ copy(src, dst)
+ copymode(src, dst)
+ except IOError, e:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(str(e))
+ # class pkg_prepare
+ return pkg_prepare
+# =========================================================================
+pkg = {}
+pkg = __import__('__project__', globals=pkg, level=1)
+#pkg_root = path_real('__project__')
+pkg_name = pkg.package_name()
+# Setup of ``pkg_prepare'' subcommand provided with the items to form options
+# for this command;
+# each such option requires to be specified (either via command-line or via
+# setup.cfg) for correct invocation of this subcommand and after these
+# specifications are proceeded, resulting (key, defined value) pairs are added
+# into ``pkg_params'' passed as an option to this command in ``setup()''
+# so they can be used for string substitutions as well
+pkg_prepare = setup_pkg_prepare(pkg_name, (
+ ('ccs_flatten', "location of bundled helper ccs_flatten"),
+ ('ra_metadata', "location of bundled metadata of RGManager's RAs"),
+# Contains important values that are then referred to from ``package_data'',
+# ``data_files'' etc. definitions within options for ``pkg_prepare'' subcommand
+# in ``setup()'', and also serve for strings substituations/interpolations
+# (applied to files defined within options for ``pkg_prepare'' subcommand where
+# required and except for those starting with underscore)
+# The right side can be either string or lazily evaluated function returning
+# string with this dictionary (dynamically updated with the concrete values
+# for parameters passed into ``setup_pkg_prepare'') as a parameter
+pkg_params = {
+ '__ccs_flatten' : 'ccs_flatten',
+ '__ra_metadata' : 'ccs-flatten/*.metadata'
+# =========================================================================
+ name=pkg_name,
+ version=pkg.version,
+ description=pkg.description_text(justhead=True),
+ #url='https://',
+ license=pkg.license,
+ author=pkg.author_text(justname=True),
+ author_email=pkg.author_text(justname=False),
+", ")[0],
+", ")[0],
+ #download_url='https://',
+ long_description=pkg.description_text(justhead=False),
+ classifiers=(
+ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
+ 'Operating System :: POSIX',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Topic :: System :: Clustering',
+ 'Topic :: System :: Systems Administration',
+ ),
+ keywords='cluster filter framework XML XSLT',
+ # ``find_packages'' provided by setuptools avoids the unconvenient
+ # listing each subpackage in package hierarchy
+ packages=find_packages(
+ exclude=('ez_setup', '__project__', '__project__.*', '*.tests'),
+ ),
+ # Following content is also duplicated (in a simplier/more declarative way)
+ # in which serves for `` sdist'' command and is
+ # necessary due to fixed as of Python 2.7;
+ # TODO: will be presumably dropped at some point in the future
+ # Note: See ``package_data'' under options['pkg_prepare']
+ package_data={
+ pkg_name: [
+ 'formats/*/*.rng',
+ ],
+ },
+ # Note: See ``data_files'' in options for ``pkg_prepare'' subcommand
+ #data_files=(),
+ # Override ``build'' command handler with local specialized one
+ cmdclass = pkg_prepare.inject_cmdclass(
+ build=(build, build_binary),
+ install=(install, install_data),
+ ),
+ options = {
+ # Options "passed" to ``pkg_prepare'' subcommand
+ pkg_prepare.__name__: dict(
+ pkg_params=pkg_params,
+ # In addition to standard ``data_files''
+ built_files=(
+ dict(src='__ccs_flatten', dst='ccs_flatten'),
+ ),
+ data_files=(
+ dict(src='__ra_metadata', dst='ra_metadata'),
+ )
+ ),
+ build_binary.__name__: dict(
+ binaries=(
+ Binary(pkg_params['__ccs_flatten'],
+ sources=[path_join('ccs-flatten', f) for f in
+ ('flatten.c',
+ 'reslist.c',
+ 'resrules.c',
+ 'restree.c',
+ 'xmlconf.c')],
+ **pkgconfig('libxml-2.0')
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ },
+ setup_requires=(
+ ),
+ install_requires=(
+ "lxml",
+ ),
+ # Use pure ``package_data'' value (i.e. do no use MANIFEST.ini or CVS tree);
+ # see also comment by ``package data''
+ include_package_data=False,
+ # TODO: uncomment this when ready for tests
+ #test_suite='nose.collector',
+ #tests_require=('BeautifulSoup', 'WebTest'),
+ entry_points = {
+ 'console_scripts': (
+ '{0} = {0}.main:run'.format(pkg_name),
+ ),
+ },