diff options
authorJames Laska <>2011-06-07 10:03:37 -0400
committerJames Laska <>2011-06-07 10:03:37 -0400
commitdb95dfce58f3ca27df7fae564f9448be3fbb7a18 (patch)
parentca59d12f120ddd6eedf6425e08c3378de8507614 (diff)
Remove duplicate tracking code and present helpful links next to each bug for builds, updates, bugs etc...
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/update-blocker-wiki b/update-blocker-wiki
index c367c3a..68d14f5 100755
--- a/update-blocker-wiki
+++ b/update-blocker-wiki
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def wikitable_bugs(bugs_by_component, bugs_by_id):
components = sorted(bugs_by_component.keys())
if len(components) > 0:
buf = '''{| class="wikitable sortable"
-! Bug !! Component !! Status !! Description
+! Bug !! Component !! Status !! Description !! Links
|- \n'''
for component in components:
@@ -73,8 +73,13 @@ def wikitable_bugs(bugs_by_component, bugs_by_id):
bugs = sorted(bugs_by_component.get(component,[]))
for b in bugs:
b = bugs_by_id[b]
- buf += '| [ %s] || %s || %s || %s\n' % (b.bug_id, b.bug_id, component, b.bug_status, b.short_desc)
- buf += '|-\n'
+ buf += '| [ %s] || %s ' % (b.bug_id, b.bug_id, component)
+ buf += '|| %s || %s || ' % (b.bug_status, b.short_desc,)
+ buf += '[[Image:Infra-icon_koji.png|link=|alt=Build Status]] ' % (component)
+ buf += '[[Image:Infra-icon_bodhi.png|link=|alt=Update Status]] ' % (component)
+ buf += '[[Image:Infra-icon_cvssource.png|link=|alt=Package Source]] ' % (component)
+ buf += '[[Image:Infra-icon_bugzilla.png|link=|alt=Bug Reports]] ' % (component)
+ buf += '\n|-\n' # End table row
buf += '|}\n'
return buf
@@ -187,6 +192,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if not opts.nth.isdigit():
opts.nth = bz.getbug(opts.nth).id
+ # Track all bug lists in a single dictionary
+ bugs_by_tracker = dict()
# Get a list of accepted blocker bugs
if opts.verbose: print 'Querying accepted blocker bugs ...'
q = {'bug_status': BUG_STATUS,
@@ -194,7 +202,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'type0-0-0': 'anywords',
'field0-0-0': 'blocked'}
- accepted_blockers = flatten_bug_list(q)
+ bugs_by_tracker['accepted_blockers'] = flatten_bug_list(q)
# Get a list of proposed blocker bugs
if opts.verbose: print 'Querying proposed blocker bugs ...'
@@ -203,7 +211,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'type0-0-0': 'anywords',
'field0-0-0': 'blocked'}
- proposed_blockers = flatten_bug_list(q)
+ bugs_by_tracker['proposed_blockers'] = flatten_bug_list(q)
# Get a list of accepted NTH bugs
if opts.verbose: print 'Querying accepted nice-to-have bugs ...'
@@ -212,7 +220,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'type0-0-0': 'anywords',
'field0-0-0': 'blocked'}
- accepted_nths = flatten_bug_list(q)
+ bugs_by_tracker['accepted_nths'] = flatten_bug_list(q)
# Get a list of proposed NTH bugs
if opts.verbose: print 'Querying proposed nice-to-have bugs ...'
@@ -221,55 +229,28 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'type0-0-0': 'anywords',
'field0-0-0': 'blocked'}
- proposed_nths = flatten_bug_list(q)
+ bugs_by_tracker['proposed_nths'] = flatten_bug_list(q)
# Organize bugs for later reference
if opts.verbose: print 'Organizing bugs ...'
bugs_by_id = dict()
- # walk accepted blockers
- accepted_blocker_by_component = dict()
- for b in accepted_blockers:
- # Skip Tracking bugs
- if 'Tracking' in b.keywords:
- continue
- if not accepted_blocker_by_component.has_key(b.component):
- accepted_blocker_by_component[b.component] = list()
- accepted_blocker_by_component[b.component].append(b.bug_id)
- bugs_by_id[b.bug_id] = b
- # walk proposed blockers
- proposed_blocker_by_component = dict()
- for b in proposed_blockers:
- # Skip Tracking bugs
- if 'Tracking' in b.keywords:
- continue
- if not proposed_blocker_by_component.has_key(b.component):
- proposed_blocker_by_component[b.component] = list()
- proposed_blocker_by_component[b.component].append(b.bug_id)
- bugs_by_id[b.bug_id] = b
- # walk accepted nths
- accepted_nth_by_component = dict()
- for b in accepted_nths:
- # Skip Tracking bugs
- if 'Tracking' in b.keywords:
- continue
- if not accepted_nth_by_component.has_key(b.component):
- accepted_nth_by_component[b.component] = list()
- accepted_nth_by_component[b.component].append(b.bug_id)
- bugs_by_id[b.bug_id] = b
- # walk proposed nths
- proposed_nth_by_component = dict()
- for b in proposed_nths:
- # Skip Tracking bugs
- if 'Tracking' in b.keywords:
- continue
- if not proposed_nth_by_component.has_key(b.component):
- proposed_nth_by_component[b.component] = list()
- proposed_nth_by_component[b.component].append(b.bug_id)
- bugs_by_id[b.bug_id] = b
+ bugs_by_component = dict()
+ for tracker, blocker_bugs in bugs_by_tracker.items():
+ bugs_by_component[tracker] = dict()
+ for b in blocker_bugs:
+ # Skip Tracking bugs
+ if 'Tracking' in b.keywords:
+ continue
+ # Convert component(s) from list to string
+ if isinstance(b.component, list):
+ b.component = ','.join(b.component)
+ # Organize by component
+ if not bugs_by_component[tracker].has_key(b.component):
+ bugs_by_component[tracker][b.component] = list()
+ bugs_by_component[tracker][b.component].append(b.bug_id)
+ # Remember this bug id in the master list of bugs
+ bugs_by_id[b.bug_id] = b
# Generate page content
page_content = '''
@@ -280,7 +261,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Display hotdog if requested, or if no blockers (approved or proposed) exist
if opts.hotdog or \
- (not accepted_blocker_by_component and not proposed_blocker_by_component):
+ (not bugs_by_component['accepted_blockers'] and not bugs_by_component['proposed_blockers']):
page_content += '[[File:Hotdog.gif|right]]'
# Otherwise, display release logo
@@ -300,10 +281,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
The following list of bugs are approved blockers that must be resolved. There
{{plural:%(bug_count)s|is|are}} %(bug_count)s bug{{plural:%(bug_count)s||s}}
affecting %(component_count)s component{{plural:%(component_count)s||s}}.
-''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(accepted_blocker_by_component.values())),
- component_count=len(accepted_blocker_by_component))
+''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(bugs_by_component['accepted_blockers'].values())),
+ component_count=len(bugs_by_component['accepted_blockers']))
# Sorted list of approved bugs
- page_content += wikitable_bugs(accepted_blocker_by_component, bugs_by_id)
+ page_content += wikitable_bugs(bugs_by_component['accepted_blockers'], bugs_by_id)
# Display proposed blockers
page_content += '''
@@ -313,10 +294,10 @@ The following list of bugs are not yet approved to block the release. There
affecting %(component_count)s component{{plural:%(component_count)s||s}}. For
guidance on reviewing the following bugs, refer to
-''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(proposed_blocker_by_component.values())),
- component_count=len(proposed_blocker_by_component))
+''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(bugs_by_component['proposed_blockers'].values())),
+ component_count=len(bugs_by_component['proposed_blockers']))
# Sorted list of proposed bugs
- page_content += wikitable_bugs(proposed_blocker_by_component, bugs_by_id)
+ page_content += wikitable_bugs(bugs_by_component['proposed_blockers'], bugs_by_id)
# Display approved nths
page_content += '''
@@ -325,11 +306,11 @@ The following list of of bugs are approved nice-to-have. Fixes for
nice-to-have bugs will be accepted during the freeze. There
{{plural:%(bug_count)s|is|are}} %(bug_count)s bug{{plural:%(bug_count)s||s}}
affecting %(component_count)s component{{plural:%(component_count)s||s}}.
-''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(accepted_nth_by_component.values())),
- component_count=len(accepted_nth_by_component))
+''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(bugs_by_component['accepted_nths'].values())),
+ component_count=len(bugs_by_component['accepted_nths']))
# Sorted list of approved bugs
- page_content += wikitable_bugs(accepted_nth_by_component, bugs_by_id)
+ page_content += wikitable_bugs(bugs_by_component['accepted_nths'], bugs_by_id)
# Display proposed nths
page_content += '''
@@ -339,11 +320,11 @@ fixes for approved nice-to-have bugs will be accepted during the freeze. There
{{plural:%(bug_count)s|is|are}} %(bug_count)s bug{{plural:%(bug_count)s||s}}
affecting %(component_count)s component{{plural:%(component_count)s||s}}. For
guidance on reviewing the following bugs, refer to [[QA:SOP_nth_bug_process]].
-''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(proposed_nth_by_component.values())),
- component_count=len(proposed_nth_by_component))
+''' % dict (bug_count=len(join_lists(bugs_by_component['proposed_nths'].values())),
+ component_count=len(bugs_by_component['proposed_nths']))
# Sorted list of proposed bugs
- page_content += wikitable_bugs(proposed_nth_by_component, bugs_by_id)
+ page_content += wikitable_bugs(bugs_by_component['proposed_nths'], bugs_by_id)
# Create mediawiki handle
if opts.verbose: print 'Connecting to mediawiki ...'