path: root/src/tests/intg/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tests/intg/')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/intg/ b/src/tests/intg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c58e53a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/intg/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# OpenLDAP directory server instance class
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Author: Nikolai Kondrashov <>
+# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import hashlib
+import base64
+import urllib
+import time
+import ldap
+import os
+import errno
+import signal
+import shutil
+import sys
+from util import *
+from ds import DS
+def hash_password(password):
+ """Generate userPassword value for a password."""
+ salt = os.urandom(4)
+ hash = hashlib.sha1(password)
+ hash.update(salt)
+ return "{SSHA}" + base64.standard_b64encode(hash.digest() + salt)
+class DSOpenLDAP(DS):
+ """OpenLDAP directory server instance."""
+ def __init__(self, dir, port, base_dn, admin_rdn, admin_pw):
+ """
+ Initialize the instance.
+ Arguments:
+ dir Path to the root of the filesystem hierarchy to create
+ the instance under.
+ port TCP port on localhost to bind the server to.
+ base_dn Base DN.
+ admin_rdn Administrator DN, relative to BASE_DN.
+ admin_pw Administrator password.
+ """
+ DS.__init__(self, dir, port, base_dn, admin_rdn, admin_pw)
+ self.run_dir = self.dir + "/var/run/ldap"
+ self.pid_path = self.run_dir + "/"
+ self.conf_dir = self.dir + "/etc/ldap"
+ self.conf_slapd_d_dir = self.conf_dir + "/slapd.d"
+ self.data_dir = self.dir + "/var/lib/ldap"
+ def _setup_config(self):
+ """Setup the instance initial configuration."""
+ dist_lib_dir = first_dir("/usr/lib/openldap",
+ "/usr/lib64/openldap",
+ "/usr/lib/ldap")
+ dist_conf_dir = first_dir("/etc/ldap",
+ "/etc/openldap")
+ args_file = self.run_dir + "/slapd.args"
+ admin_pw_hash = hash_password(self.admin_pw)
+ uid = os.geteuid()
+ gid = os.getegid()
+ #
+ # Add configuration
+ #
+ config = unindent("""
+ dn: cn=config
+ objectClass: olcGlobal
+ cn: config
+ olcPidFile: {self.pid_path}
+ olcArgsFile: {args_file}
+ # Read slapd.conf(5) for possible values
+ olcLogLevel: none
+ # Frontend settings
+ dn: olcDatabase={{-1}}frontend,cn=config
+ objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
+ objectClass: olcFrontendConfig
+ olcDatabase: {{-1}}frontend
+ # The maximum number of entries that is returned for
+ # a search operation
+ olcSizeLimit: 500
+ # Allow unlimited access to local connection from the local root
+ olcAccess: {{0}}to * by dn.exact=gidNumber={gid}+uidNumber={uid},
+ cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth manage by * break
+ # Allow unauthenticated read access for schema and
+ # base DN autodiscovery
+ olcAccess: {{1}}to dn.exact="" by * read
+ olcAccess: {{2}}to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read
+ # Config db settings
+ dn: olcDatabase=config,cn=config
+ objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
+ olcDatabase: config
+ # Allow unlimited access to local connection from the local root
+ olcAccess: to * by dn.exact=gidNumber={gid}+uidNumber={uid},
+ cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth manage by * break
+ olcRootDN: {self.admin_rdn},cn=config
+ olcRootPW: {admin_pw_hash}
+ # Load schemas
+ dn: cn=schema,cn=config
+ objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
+ cn: schema
+ include: file://{dist_conf_dir}/schema/core.ldif
+ include: file://{dist_conf_dir}/schema/cosine.ldif
+ include: file://{dist_conf_dir}/schema/nis.ldif
+ include: file://{dist_conf_dir}/schema/inetorgperson.ldif
+ # Load module
+ dn: cn=module{{0}},cn=config
+ objectClass: olcModuleList
+ cn: module{{0}}
+ olcModulePath: {dist_lib_dir}
+ olcModuleLoad: back_hdb
+ # Set defaults for the backend
+ dn: olcBackend=hdb,cn=config
+ objectClass: olcBackendConfig
+ olcBackend: hdb
+ # The database definition.
+ dn: olcDatabase=hdb,cn=config
+ objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
+ objectClass: olcHdbConfig
+ olcDatabase: hdb
+ olcDbCheckpoint: 512 30
+ olcLastMod: TRUE
+ olcSuffix: {self.base_dn}
+ olcDbDirectory: {self.data_dir}
+ olcRootDN: {self.admin_dn}
+ olcRootPW: {admin_pw_hash}
+ olcDbIndex: objectClass eq
+ olcDbIndex: cn,uid eq
+ olcDbIndex: uidNumber,gidNumber eq
+ olcDbIndex: member,memberUid eq
+ olcAccess: to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange
+ by self write
+ by anonymous auth
+ by * none
+ olcAccess: to dn.base="" by * read
+ olcAccess: to *
+ by * read
+ """).format(**locals())
+ slapadd = subprocess.Popen(
+ ["slapadd", "-F", self.conf_slapd_d_dir, "-b", "cn=config"],
+ stdin = subprocess.PIPE, close_fds = True
+ )
+ slapadd.communicate(config)
+ if slapadd.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception("Failed to add configuration with slapadd")
+ #
+ # Add database config (example from distribution)
+ #
+ db_config = unindent("""
+ # One 0.25 GB cache
+ set_cachesize 0 268435456 1
+ # Transaction Log settings
+ set_lg_regionmax 262144
+ set_lg_bsize 2097152
+ """)
+ db_config_file = open(self.data_dir + "/DB_CONFIG", "w")
+ db_config_file.write(db_config)
+ db_config_file.close()
+ def setup(self):
+ """Setup the instance."""
+ ldapi_socket = self.run_dir + "/ldapi"
+ ldapi_url = "ldapi://" + urllib.quote(ldapi_socket, "")
+ url_list = ldapi_url + " " + self.ldap_url
+ os.makedirs(self.conf_slapd_d_dir)
+ os.makedirs(self.run_dir)
+ os.makedirs(self.data_dir)
+ #
+ # Setup initial configuration
+ #
+ self._setup_config()
+ #
+ # Start the daemon
+ #
+ if["slapd", "-F", self.conf_slapd_d_dir,
+ "-h", url_list]) != 0:
+ raise Exception("Failed to start slapd")
+ #
+ # Wait until it is available
+ #
+ attempt = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ ldap_conn = ldap.initialize(ldapi_url)
+ ldap_conn.simple_bind_s(self.admin_rdn + ",cn=config", self.admin_pw)
+ ldap_conn.unbind_s()
+ ldap_conn = ldap.initialize(self.ldap_url)
+ ldap_conn.simple_bind_s(self.admin_dn, self.admin_pw)
+ ldap_conn.unbind_s()
+ break
+ except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
+ pass
+ if ++attempt > 30:
+ raise Exception("Failed to start slapd")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ #
+ # Relax requirement of member attribute presence in groupOfNames
+ #
+ modlist = [
+ (ldap.MOD_DELETE, "olcObjectClasses",
+ "{7}( NAME 'groupOfNames' "
+ "DESC 'RFC2256: a group of names (DNs)' SUP top "
+ "STRUCTURAL MUST ( member $ cn ) MAY ( businessCategory $ "
+ "seeAlso $ owner $ ou $ o $ description ) )"),
+ (ldap.MOD_ADD, "olcObjectClasses",
+ "{7}( NAME 'groupOfNames' "
+ "DESC 'RFC2256: a group of names (DNs)' SUP top "
+ "STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) MAY ( member $ businessCategory $ "
+ "seeAlso $ owner $ ou $ o $ description ) )"),
+ ]
+ ldap_conn = ldap.initialize(ldapi_url)
+ ldap_conn.simple_bind_s(self.admin_rdn + ",cn=config", self.admin_pw)
+ ldap_conn.modify_s("cn={0}core,cn=schema,cn=config", modlist)
+ ldap_conn.unbind_s()
+ #
+ # Add data
+ #
+ ldap_conn = ldap.initialize(self.ldap_url)
+ ldap_conn.simple_bind_s(self.admin_dn, self.admin_pw)
+ ldap_conn.add_s(self.base_dn, [
+ ("objectClass", ["dcObject", "organization"]),
+ ("o", "Example Company"),
+ ])
+ ldap_conn.add_s("cn=Manager," + self.base_dn, [
+ ("objectClass", "organizationalRole"),
+ ])
+ for ou in ("Users", "Groups", "Netgroups", "Services", "Policies"):
+ ldap_conn.add_s("ou=" + ou + "," + self.base_dn, [
+ ("objectClass", ["top", "organizationalUnit"]),
+ ])
+ ldap_conn.unbind_s()
+ def teardown(self):
+ """Teardown the instance."""
+ # Wait for slapd to stop
+ try:
+ pid_file = open(self.pid_path, "r")
+ try:
+ os.kill(int(, signal.SIGTERM)
+ finally:
+ pid_file.close()
+ attempt = 0
+ while os.path.isfile(self.pid_path):
+ if ++attempt > 30:
+ raise Exception("Failed to stop slapd")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ except IOError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ for path in (self.conf_slapd_d_dir, self.run_dir, self.data_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(path, True)