path: root/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js b/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4199512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+//v.1.6 build 80512
+Copyright DHTMLX LTD.
+You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms
+To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at
+function jsonPointer(data,parent){
+ this.d=data;
+ this.dp=parent;
+ text:function(){ var afff=function(n){ var p=[]; for(var i=0; i<n.length; i++) p.push("{"+sfff(n[i])+"}"); return p.join(","); }; var sfff=function(n){ var p=[]; for (var a in n) if (typeof(n[a])=="object"){ if (a.length) p.push(a+":["+afff(n[a])+"]"); else p.push(a+":{"+sfff(n[a])+"}"); }else p.push(a+':"'+n[a]+'"'); return p.join(","); }; return "{"+sfff(this.d)+"}"; },
+ get:function(name){return this.d[name]; },
+ exists:function(){return !!this.d },
+ content:function(){return this.d.content; },
+ each:function(name,f,t){ var a=this.d[name]; var c=new jsonPointer(); if (a) for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { c.d=a[i]; f.apply(t,[c,i]); } },
+ get_all:function(){ return this.d; },
+ sub:function(name){ return new jsonPointer(this.d[name],this.d) },
+ sub_exists:function(name){ return !!this.d[name]; },
+ each_x:function(name,rule,f,t,i){ var a=this.d[name]; var c=new jsonPointer(0,this.d); if (a) for (i=i||0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i][rule]) { c.d=a[i]; if(f.apply(t,[c,i])==-1) return; } },
+ up:function(name){ return new jsonPointer(this.d.parentNode,this.d); },
+ set:function(name,val){ this.d[name]=val; },
+ clone:function(name){ return new jsonPointer(this.d,this.dp); },
+ through:function(name,rule,v,f,t){ var a=this.d[name]; if (a.length) for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { if (a[i][rule]!=null && a[i][rule]!="" && (!v || a[i][rule]==v )) { var c=new jsonPointer(a[i],this.d); f.apply(t,[c,i]); } var w=this.d; this.d=a[i]; if (this.sub_exists(name)) this.through(name,rule,v,f,t); this.d=w; } }
+* @desc: load tree from js array file|stream
+* @type: public
+* @param: file - link to JSArray file
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.loadJSArrayFile=function(file,afterCall){
+ if (!this.parsCount) this.callEvent("onXLS",[this,this._ld_id]); this._ld_id=null; this.xmlstate=1;
+ var that=this;
+ this.XMLLoader=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(function(){
+ eval("var z="+arguments[4].xmlDoc.responseText);
+ that.loadJSArray(z);
+ },this,true,this.no_cashe);
+ if (afterCall) this.XMLLoader.waitCall=afterCall;
+ this.XMLLoader.loadXML(file);
+ };
+* @desc: load tree from csv file|stream
+* @type: public
+* @param: file - link to CSV file
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.loadCSV=function(file,afterCall){
+ if (!this.parsCount) this.callEvent("onXLS",[this,this._ld_id]); this._ld_id=null; this.xmlstate=1;
+ var that=this;
+ this.XMLLoader=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(function(){
+ that.loadCSVString(arguments[4].xmlDoc.responseText);
+ },this,true,this.no_cashe);
+ if (afterCall) this.XMLLoader.waitCall=afterCall;
+ this.XMLLoader.loadXML(file);
+ };
+* @desc: load tree from js array object
+* @type: public
+* @param: ar - js array
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ //array id,parentid,text
+ var z=[];
+ for (var i=0; i<ar.length; i++){
+ if (!z[ar[i][1]]) z[ar[i][1]]=[];
+ z[ar[i][1]].push({id:ar[i][0],text:ar[i][2]});
+ }
+ var top={id: this.rootId};
+ var f=function(top,f){
+ if (z[]){
+ top.item=z[];
+ for (var j=0; j<top.item.length; j++)
+ f(top.item[j],f);
+ }
+ }
+ f(top,f);
+ this.loadJSONObject(top,afterCall);
+* @desc: load tree from csv string
+* @type: public
+* @param: csv - csv string
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ //array id,parentid,text
+ var z=[];
+ var ar=csv.split("\n");
+ for (var i=0; i<ar.length; i++){
+ var t=ar[i].split(",");
+ if (!z[t[1]]) z[t[1]]=[];
+ z[t[1]].push({id:t[0],text:t[2]});
+ }
+ var top={id: this.rootId};
+ var f=function(top,f){
+ if (z[]){
+ top.item=z[];
+ for (var j=0; j<top.item.length; j++)
+ f(top.item[j],f);
+ }
+ }
+ f(top,f);
+ this.loadJSONObject(top,afterCall);
+* @desc: load tree from json object
+* @type: public
+* @param: json - json object
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.loadJSONObject=function(json,afterCall){
+ if (!this.parsCount) this.callEvent("onXLS",[this,null]);this.xmlstate=1;
+ var p=new jsonPointer(json);
+ this._parse(p);
+ this._p=p;
+ if (afterCall) afterCall();
+ };
+* @desc: load tree from json file
+* @type: public
+* @param: file - link to JSON file
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.loadJSON=function(file,afterCall){
+ if (!this.parsCount) this.callEvent("onXLS",[this,this._ld_id]); this._ld_id=null; this.xmlstate=1;
+ var that=this;
+ this.XMLLoader=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(function(){
+ eval("var t="+arguments[4].xmlDoc.responseText);
+ var p=new jsonPointer(t);
+ that._parse(p);
+ that._p=p;
+ },this,true,this.no_cashe);
+ if (afterCall) this.XMLLoader.waitCall=afterCall;
+ this.XMLLoader.loadXML(file);
+ };
+* @desc: return tree as json string
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ var out=["{id:'"+this.rootId+"', item:["];
+ var p=[];
+ for (var i=0; i<this.htmlNode.childsCount; i++)
+ p.push(this._serializeItemJSON(this.htmlNode.childNodes[i]));
+ out.push(p.join(","));
+ out.push("]}");
+ return out.join("");
+ var out=[];
+ if (itemNode.unParsed)
+ return (itemNode.unParsed.text());
+ if (this._selected.length)
+ var lid=this._selected[0].id;
+ else lid="";
+ var text=itemNode.span.innerHTML;
+ if (this._xescapeEntities)
+ for (var i=0; i<this._serEnts.length; i++)
+ text=text.replace(this._serEnts[i][2],this._serEnts[i][1]);
+ if (!this._xfullXML)
+ out.push('{ id:"''", '+(this._getOpenState(itemNode)==1?' open:"1", ':'')+(' select:"1",':'')+' text:"'+text+'"'+( ((this.XMLsource)&&(itemNode.XMLload==0))?", child:\"1\" ":""));
+ else
+ out.push('{ id:"''", '+(this._getOpenState(itemNode)==1?' open:"1", ':'')+(' select:"1",':'')+' text:"'+text+'", im0:"'+itemNode.images[0]+'", im1:"'+itemNode.images[1]+'", im2:"'+itemNode.images[2]+'" '+(itemNode.acolor?(', aCol:"'+itemNode.acolor+'" '):'')+(itemNode.scolor?(', sCol:"'+itemNode.scolor+'" '):'')+(itemNode.checkstate==1?', checked:"1" ':(itemNode.checkstate==2?', checked:"-1"':''))+(itemNode.closeable?', closeable:"1" ':''));
+ if ((this._xuserData)&&(itemNode._userdatalist))
+ {
+ out.push(", userdata:[");
+ var names=itemNode._userdatalist.split(",");
+ var p=[];
+ for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++)
+ p.push("{ name:\""+names[i]+"\" , content:\""+itemNode.userData["t_"+names[i]]+"\" }");
+ out.push(p.join(",")); out.push("]");
+ }
+ if (itemNode.childsCount){
+ out.push(", item:[");
+ var p=[];
+ for (var i=0; i<itemNode.childsCount; i++)
+ p.push(this._serializeItemJSON(itemNode.childNodes[i]));
+ out.push(p.join(","));
+ out.push("]\n");
+ }
+ out.push("}\n")
+ return out.join("");
+//(c)dhtmlx ltd. \ No newline at end of file