path: root/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/dhtmlxtree.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/dhtmlxtree.js')
1 files changed, 3742 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/dhtmlxtree.js b/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/dhtmlxtree.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b0310e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/funcweb/funcweb/static/javascript/dhtmlxtree.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3742 @@
+//v.1.6 build 80512
+Copyright DHTMLX LTD.
+You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms
+To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at
+@1:Selection control
+@4:Node/level control
+@5:Checkboxes/user data manipulation
+@6:Appearence control
+@7: Handlers
+function xmlPointer(data){
+ this.d=data;
+ text:function(){ if (!_isFF) return this.d.xml; var x = new XMLSerializer(); return x.serializeToString(this.d); },
+ get:function(name){return this.d.getAttribute(name); },
+ exists:function(){return !!this.d },
+ content:function(){return this.d.firstChild?""; }, // <4k in FF
+ each:function(name,f,t,i){ var a=this.d.childNodes; var c=new xmlPointer(); if (a.length) for (i=i||0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].tagName==name) { c.d=a[i]; if(f.apply(t,[c,i])==-1) return; } },
+ get_all:function(){ var a={}; var b=this.d.attributes; for (var i=0; i<b.length; i++) a[b[i].name]=b[i].value; return a; },
+ sub:function(name){ var a=this.d.childNodes; var c=new xmlPointer(); if (a.length) for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].tagName==name) { c.d=a[i]; return c; } },
+ up:function(name){ return new xmlPointer(this.d.parentNode); },
+ set:function(name,val){ this.d.setAttribute(name,val); },
+ clone:function(name){ return new xmlPointer(this.d); },
+ sub_exists:function(name){ var a=this.d.childNodes; if (a.length) for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].tagName==name) return true; return false; },
+ through:function(name,rule,v,f,t){ var a=this.d.childNodes; if (a.length) for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { if (a[i].tagName==name && a[i].getAttribute(rule)!=null && a[i].getAttribute(rule)!="" && (!v || a[i].getAttribute(rule)==v )) { var c=new xmlPointer(a[i]); f.apply(t,[c,i]); } var w=this.d; this.d=a[i]; this.through(name,rule,v,f,t); this.d=w; } }
+* @desc: tree constructor
+* @param: htmlObject - parent html object or id of parent html object
+* @param: width - tree width
+* @param: height - tree height
+* @param: rootId - id of virtual root node (same as tree node id attribute in xml)
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+function dhtmlXTreeObject(htmlObject, width, height, rootId){
+ if (_isIE) try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } catch (e){}
+ if (typeof(htmlObject)!="object")
+ this.parentObject=document.getElementById(htmlObject);
+ else
+ this.parentObject=htmlObject;
+ this._itim_dg=true;
+ this.dlmtr=",";
+ this.dropLower=false;
+ this.enableIEImageFix();
+ this.xmlstate=0;
+ this.mytype="tree";
+ this.smcheck=true; //smart checkboxes
+ this.width=width;
+ this.height=height;
+ this.rootId=rootId;
+ this.childCalc=null;
+ this.def_img_x="18px";
+ this.def_img_y="18px";
+ this.def_line_img_x="18px";
+ this.def_line_img_y="18px";
+ this._dragged=new Array();
+ this._selected=new Array();
+ this.style_pointer="pointer";
+ if (_isIE) this.style_pointer="hand";
+ this._aimgs=true;
+ this.htmlcA=" [";
+ this.htmlcB="]";
+ this.lWin=window;
+ this.cMenu=0;
+ this.mlitems=0;
+ this.dadmode=0;
+ this.slowParse=false;
+ this.autoScroll=true;
+ this.hfMode=0;
+ this.nodeCut=new Array();
+ this.XMLsource=0;
+ this.XMLloadingWarning=0;
+ this._idpull={};
+ this._pullSize=0;
+ this.treeLinesOn=true;
+ this.tscheck=false;
+ this.timgen=true;
+ this.dpcpy=false;
+ this._ld_id=null;
+ this._oie_onXLE=[];
+ this.imPath="treeGfx/";
+ this.checkArray=new Array("iconUncheckAll.gif","iconCheckAll.gif","iconCheckGray.gif","iconUncheckDis.gif","iconCheckDis.gif","iconCheckDis.gif");
+ this.radioArray=new Array("radio_off.gif","radio_on.gif","radio_on.gif","radio_off.gif","radio_on.gif","radio_on.gif");
+ this.lineArray=new Array("line2.gif","line3.gif","line4.gif","blank.gif","blank.gif","line1.gif");
+ this.minusArray=new Array("minus2.gif","minus3.gif","minus4.gif","minus.gif","minus5.gif");
+ this.plusArray=new Array("plus2.gif","plus3.gif","plus4.gif","plus.gif","plus5.gif");
+ this.imageArray=new Array("leaf.gif","folderOpen.gif","folderClosed.gif");
+ this.cutImg= new Array(0,0,0);
+ this.cutImage="but_cut.gif";
+ this.dragger= new dhtmlDragAndDropObject();
+//create root
+ this.htmlNode=new dhtmlXTreeItemObject(this.rootId,"",0,this);
+ this.htmlNode.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].style.display="none";
+ this.htmlNode.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].className="hiddenRow";
+//init tree structures
+ this.allTree=this._createSelf();
+ this.allTree.appendChild(this.htmlNode.htmlNode);
+ if(_isFF) this.allTree.childNodes[0].width="100%";
+ var self=this;
+ this.allTree.onselectstart=new Function("return false;");
+ if (_isMacOS)
+ this.allTree.oncontextmenu = function(e){ return self._doContClick(e||window.event); };
+ this.allTree.onmousedown = function(e){ return self._doContClick(e||window.event); };
+ this.XMLLoader=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(this._parseXMLTree,this,true,this.no_cashe);
+ if (_isIE) this.preventIECashing(true);
+ if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("unload",function(){try{ self.destructor(); } catch(e){}},false);
+ if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onunload",function(){ try{ self.destructor(); } catch(e){}});
+ this.dhx_Event();
+ this._onEventSet={onMouseIn:function(){this.ehlt=true;},onMouseOut:function(){this.ehlt=true;},onSelect:function(){this._onSSCF=true;}}
+ return this;
+* @desc: set default data transfer mode
+* @param: mode - data mode (json,xml,csv)
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ this._datamode=mode;
+ if (ev.button!=2) {
+ if(this._acMenu) this.cMenu._contextEnd();
+ return true;
+ }
+ var el=(_isIE?;
+ while ((el)&&(el.tagName!="BODY")) {
+ if (el.parentObject) break;
+ el=el.parentNode;
+ }
+ if ((!el)||(!el.parentObject)) return true;
+ var obj=el.parentObject;
+ this._acMenu=(obj.cMenu||this.cMenu);
+ if (this._acMenu){
+ el.contextMenu=this._acMenu;
+ el.a=this._acMenu._contextStart;
+ if (_isIE)
+ ev.srcElement.oncontextmenu = function(){ event.cancelBubble=true; return false; };
+ el.a(el,ev); el.a=null;
+ ev.cancelBubble=true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+* @desc: replace IMG tag with background images - solve problem with IE image caching , not works for IE6 SP1
+* @param: mode - true/false - enable/disable fix
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ if (!mode){
+ this._getImg=function(id){ return document.createElement((id==this.rootId)?"div":"img"); }
+ this._setSrc=function(a,b){ a.src=b; }
+ this._getSrc=function(a){ return a.src; }
+ } else {
+ this._getImg=function(){ var z=document.createElement("DIV"); z.innerHTML="&nbsp;"; z.className="dhx_bg_img_fix"; return z; }
+ this._setSrc=function(a,b){"url("+b+")"; }
+ this._getSrc=function(a){ var; return z.substr(4,z.length-5); }
+ }
+* @desc: deletes tree and clears memory
+* @type: public
+ for (var a in this._idpull){
+ var z=this._idpull[a];
+ if (!z) continue;
+ z.parentObject=null;z.treeNod=null;z.childNodes=null;z.span=null;;;z.htmlNode.objBelong=null;z.htmlNode=null;
+ this._idpull[a]=null;
+ }
+ this.allTree.innerHTML="";
+ this.XMLLoader.destructor();
+ for(var a in this){
+ this[a]=null;
+ }
+function cObject(){
+ return this;
+cObject.prototype= new Object;
+cObject.prototype.clone = function () {
+ function _dummy(){};
+ _dummy.prototype=this;
+ return new _dummy();
+ }
+* @desc: tree node constructor
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @param: itemText - node label
+* @param: parentObject - parent item object
+* @param: treeObject - tree object
+* @param: actionHandler - onclick event handler(optional)
+* @param: mode - do not show images
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+function dhtmlXTreeItemObject(itemId,itemText,parentObject,treeObject,actionHandler,mode){
+ this.htmlNode="";
+ this.acolor="";
+ this.scolor="";
+ this.childsCount=0;
+ this.tempDOMM=0;
+ this.tempDOMU=0;
+ this.dragSpan=0;
+ this.dragMove=0;
+ this.span=0;
+ this.closeble=1;
+ this.childNodes=new Array();
+ this.userData=new cObject();
+ this.checkstate=0;
+ this.treeNod=treeObject;
+ this.label=itemText;
+ this.parentObject=parentObject;
+ this.actionHandler=actionHandler;
+ this.images=new Array(treeObject.imageArray[0],treeObject.imageArray[1],treeObject.imageArray[2]);
+ if (this.treeNod.checkBoxOff ) this.htmlNode=this.treeNod._createItem(1,this,mode);
+ else this.htmlNode=this.treeNod._createItem(0,this,mode);
+ this.htmlNode.objBelong=this;
+ return this;
+ };
+* @desc: register node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @param: itemObject - node object
+* @topic: 3
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._globalIdStorageAdd=function(itemId,itemObject){
+ if (this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,1,1)) { itemId=itemId +"_"+(new Date()).valueOf(); return this._globalIdStorageAdd(itemId,itemObject); }
+ this._idpull[itemId]=itemObject;
+ this._pullSize++;
+ return itemId;
+ };
+* @desc: unregister node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @topic: 3
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._globalIdStorageSub=function(itemId){
+ if (this._idpull[itemId]){
+ this._unselectItem(this._idpull[itemId]);
+ this._idpull[itemId]=null;
+ this._pullSize--;
+ }
+ if ((this._locker)&&(this._locker[itemId])) this._locker[itemId]=false;
+ };
+* @desc: return node object
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 3
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._globalIdStorageFind=function(itemId,skipXMLSearch,skipParsing,isreparse){
+ var z=this._idpull[itemId]
+ if (z){
+ return z;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+* @desc: escape string
+* @param: itemId - item ID
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 3
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._escape=function(str){
+ switch(this.utfesc){
+ case "none":
+ return str;
+ break;
+ case "utf8":
+ return encodeURI(str);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return escape(str);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+* @desc: create and return new line in tree
+* @type: private
+* @param: htmlObject - parent Node object
+* @param: node - item object
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._drawNewTr=function(htmlObject,node)
+ {
+ var tr =document.createElement('tr');
+ var td1=document.createElement('td');
+ var td2=document.createElement('td');
+ td1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
+ td2.colSpan=3;
+ td2.appendChild(htmlObject);
+ tr.appendChild(td1); tr.appendChild(td2);
+ return tr;
+ };
+* @desc: load tree from xml string
+* @type: public
+* @param: xmlString - XML string
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.loadXMLString=function(xmlString,afterCall){
+ var that=this;
+ if (!this.parsCount) this.callEvent("onXLS",[that,null]);
+ this.xmlstate=1;
+ if (afterCall) this.XMLLoader.waitCall=afterCall;
+ this.XMLLoader.loadXMLString(xmlString); };
+* @desc: load tree from xml file
+* @type: public
+* @param: file - link to XML file
+* @param: afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.loadXML=function(file,afterCall){
+ if (this._datamode && this._datamode!="xml") return this["load"+this._datamode.toUpperCase()](file,afterCall);
+ var that=this;
+ if (!this.parsCount) this.callEvent("onXLS",[that,this._ld_id]);
+ this._ld_id=null;
+ this.xmlstate=1;
+ this.XMLLoader=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(this._parseXMLTree,this,true,this.no_cashe);
+ if (afterCall) this.XMLLoader.waitCall=afterCall;
+ this.XMLLoader.loadXML(file);
+ };
+* @desc: create new child node
+* @type: private
+* @param: parentObject - parent node object
+* @param: itemId - new node id
+* @param: itemText - new node text
+* @param: itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event
+* @param: image1 - image for node without children;
+* @param: image2 - image for closed node;
+* @param: image3 - image for opened node
+* @param: optionStr - string of otions
+* @param: childs - node childs flag (for dynamical trees) (optional)
+* @param: beforeNode - node, after which new node will be inserted (optional)
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._attachChildNode=function(parentObject,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,childs,beforeNode,afterNode){
+ if (beforeNode && beforeNode.parentObject) parentObject=beforeNode.parentObject;
+ if (((parentObject.XMLload==0)&&(this.XMLsource))&&(!this.XMLloadingWarning))
+ {
+ parentObject.XMLload=1;
+ this._loadDynXML(;
+ }
+ var Count=parentObject.childsCount;
+ var Nodes=parentObject.childNodes;
+ if (afterNode){
+ if ({
+ }
+ else
+ optionStr=optionStr.replace("TOP","")+",TOP";
+ }
+ if (beforeNode)
+ {
+ var ik,jk;
+ for (ik=0; ik<Count; ik++)
+ if (Nodes[ik]==beforeNode)
+ {
+ for (jk=Count; jk!=ik; jk--)
+ Nodes[1+jk]=Nodes[jk];
+ break;
+ }
+ ik++;
+ Count=ik;
+ }
+ if (optionStr) {
+ var tempStr=optionStr.split(",");
+ for (var i=0; i<tempStr.length; i++)
+ {
+ switch(tempStr[i])
+ {
+ case "TOP": if (parentObject.childsCount>0) { beforeNode=new Object;[0].tr.previousSibling; }
+ parentObject._has_top=true;
+ for (ik=Count; ik>0; ik--)
+ Nodes[ik]=Nodes[ik-1];
+ Count=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ var n;
+ if (!(n=this._idpull[itemId]) || n.span!=-1){
+ n=Nodes[Count]=new dhtmlXTreeItemObject(itemId,itemText,parentObject,this,itemActionHandler,1);
+ itemId = Nodes[Count].id;
+ parentObject.childsCount++;
+ }
+ if(!n.htmlNode) {
+ n.label=itemText;
+ n.htmlNode=this._createItem((this.checkBoxOff?1:0),n);
+ n.htmlNode.objBelong=n;
+ }
+ if(image1) n.images[0]=image1;
+ if(image2) n.images[1]=image2;
+ if(image3) n.images[2]=image3;
+ var tr=this._drawNewTr(n.htmlNode);
+ if ((this.XMLloadingWarning)||(this._hAdI))
+ if ((beforeNode)&&(
+ parentObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].insertBefore(tr,;
+ else
+ if ({
+ this.parsedArray[this.parsedArray.length]=tr;
+ }
+ else
+ parentObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].appendChild(tr);
+ if ((beforeNode)&&(!beforeNode.span)) beforeNode=null;
+ if (this.XMLsource) if ((childs)&&(childs!=0)) n.XMLload=0; else n.XMLload=1;
+ tr.nodem=n;
+ if (parentObject.itemId==0)
+ tr.childNodes[0].className="hiddenRow";
+ if ((parentObject._r_logic)||(this._frbtr))
+ this._setSrc(n.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0],this.imPath+this.radioArray[0]);
+ if (optionStr) {
+ var tempStr=optionStr.split(",");
+ for (var i=0; i<tempStr.length; i++)
+ {
+ switch(tempStr[i])
+ {
+ case "SELECT": this.selectItem(itemId,false); break;
+ case "CALL": this.selectItem(itemId,true); break;
+ case "CHILD": n.XMLload=0; break;
+ case "CHECKED":
+ if (this.XMLloadingWarning)
+ this.setCheckList+=this.dlmtr+itemId;
+ else
+ this.setCheck(itemId,1);
+ break;
+ case "HCHECKED":
+ this._setCheck(n,"unsure");
+ break;
+ case "OPEN": n.openMe=1; break;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ if (!this.XMLloadingWarning)
+ {
+ if ((this._getOpenState(parentObject)<0)&&(!this._hAdI)) this.openItem(;
+ if (beforeNode)
+ {
+ this._correctPlus(beforeNode);
+ this._correctLine(beforeNode);
+ }
+ this._correctPlus(parentObject);
+ this._correctLine(parentObject);
+ this._correctPlus(n);
+ if (parentObject.childsCount>=2)
+ {
+ this._correctPlus(Nodes[parentObject.childsCount-2]);
+ this._correctLine(Nodes[parentObject.childsCount-2]);
+ }
+ if (parentObject.childsCount!=2) this._correctPlus(Nodes[0]);
+ if (this.tscheck) this._correctCheckStates(parentObject);
+ if (this._onradh) {
+ if (this.xmlstate==1){
+ var old=this.onXLE;
+ this.onXLE=function(id){ this._onradh(itemId); if (old) old(id); }
+ }
+ else
+ this._onradh(itemId);
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+* @desc: create new node as a child to specified with parentId
+* @type: deprecated
+* @param: parentId - parent node id
+* @param: itemId - new node id
+* @param: itemText - new node text
+* @param: itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event (optional)
+* @param: image1 - image for node without children; (optional)
+* @param: image2 - image for closed node; (optional)
+* @param: image3 - image for opened node (optional)
+* @param: optionStr - options string (optional)
+* @param: children - node children flag (for dynamical trees) (optional)
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.insertNewItem=function(parentId,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children){
+ var parentObject=this._globalIdStorageFind(parentId);
+ if (!parentObject) return (-1);
+ var nodez=this._attachChildNode(parentObject,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children);
+ return nodez;
+ };
+* @desc: create new node as a child to specified with parentId
+* @type: public
+* @param: parentId - parent node id
+* @param: itemId - new node id
+* @param: itemText - new node label
+* @param: itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event (optional)
+* @param: image1 - image for node without children; (optional)
+* @param: image2 - image for closed node; (optional)
+* @param: image3 - image for opened node (optional)
+* @param: optionStr - options string (optional)
+* @param: children - node children flag (for dynamical trees) (optional)
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.insertNewChild=function(parentId,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children){
+ return this.insertNewItem(parentId,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children);
+ }
+* @desc: parse xml
+* @type: private
+* @param: dhtmlObject - jsTree object
+* @param: node - top XML node
+* @param: parentId - parent node id
+* @param: level - level of tree
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._parseXMLTree=function(a,b,c,d,xml){
+ var p=new xmlPointer(xml.getXMLTopNode("tree"));
+ a._parse(p);
+ a._p=p;
+ }
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._parseItem=function(c,temp,preNode,befNode){
+ var id;
+ if (this._srnd && (!this._idpull[id=c.get("id")] || !this._idpull[id].span))
+ {
+ this._addItemSRND(,id,c);
+ return;
+ }
+ var a=c.get_all();
+ if ((typeof(this.waitUpdateXML)=="object")&&(!this.waitUpdateXML[])){
+ this._parse(c,,1);
+ return;
+ }
+ var zST=[];
+ if ( zST.push("SELECT");
+ if ( zST.push("TOP");
+ if (;
+ if (a.checked==-1) zST.push("HCHECKED");
+ else if (a.checked) zST.push("CHECKED");
+ if ( zST.push("OPEN");
+ if (this.waitUpdateXML){
+ if (this._globalIdStorageFind(
+ var newNode=this.updateItem(,a.text,a.im0,a.im1,a.im2,a.checked);
+ else{
+ if (this.npl==0) zST.push("TOP");
+ else preNode=temp.childNodes[this.npl];
+ var newNode=this._attachChildNode(temp,,a.text,0,a.im0,a.im1,a.im2,zST.join(","),a.child,0,preNode);
+ preNode=null;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ var newNode=this._attachChildNode(temp,,a.text,0,a.im0,a.im1,a.im2,zST.join(","),a.child,(befNode||0),preNode);
+ if (a.tooltip)
+ newNode.span.parentNode.parentNode.title=a.tooltip;
+ if (
+ if (
+ else
+ newNode.span.setAttribute("style",newNode.span.getAttribute("style")+"; ";
+ if ( newNode._r_logic=true;
+ if (a.nocheckbox){
+ newNode.span.parentNode.previousSibling.previousSibling.childNodes[0].style.display='none';
+ newNode.nocheckbox=true;
+ }
+ if (a.disabled){
+ if (a.checked!=null) this._setCheck(newNode,convertStringToBoolean(a.checked));
+ this.disableCheckbox(newNode,1);
+ }
+ newNode._acc=a.child||0;
+ if (this.parserExtension),c,a,(temp?;
+ this.setItemColor(newNode,a.aCol,a.sCol);
+ if (a.locked=="1") this.lockItem(,true,true);
+ if ((a.imwidth)||(a.imheight)) this.setIconSize(a.imwidth,a.imheight,newNode);
+ if ((a.closeable=="0")||(a.closeable=="1")) this.setItemCloseable(newNode,a.closeable);
+ var zcall="";
+ if (a.topoffset) this.setItemTopOffset(newNode,a.topoffset);
+ if ((!this.slowParse)||(typeof(this.waitUpdateXML)=="object")){
+ if (c.sub_exists("item"))
+ zcall=this._parse(c,,1);
+ }
+ if (zcall!="") this.nodeAskingCall=zcall;
+ c.each("userdata",function(u){
+ this.setUserData(c.get("id"),u.get("name"),u.content());
+ },this)
+ }
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._parse=function(p,parentId,level,start){
+ if (this._srnd && !this.parentObject.offsetHeight) {
+ var self=this;
+ return window.setTimeout(function(){
+ self._parse(p,parentId,level,start);
+ },100);
+ }
+ if (!p.exists()) return;
+ this.skipLock=true; //disable item locking
+ //loading flags
+ this.parsCount=this.parsCount?(this.parsCount+1):1;
+ this.XMLloadingWarning=1;
+ if (!parentId) { //top level
+ parentId=p.get("id");
+ if (p.get("radio"))
+ this.htmlNode._r_logic=true;
+ this.parsingOn=parentId;
+ this.parsedArray=new Array();
+ this.setCheckList="";
+ this.nodeAskingCall="";
+ }
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(parentId);
+ if (!temp) return dhtmlxError.throwError("DataStructure","XML reffers to not existing parent");
+ if ((temp.childsCount)&&(!start)&&(!this._edsbps)&&(!temp._has_top))
+ var preNode=temp.childNodes[temp.childsCount-1];
+ else
+ var preNode=0;
+ this.npl=0;
+ p.each("item",function(c,i){
+ temp.XMLload=1;
+ if ((this._epgps)&&(this._epgpsC==this.npl)){
+ this._setNextPageSign(temp,this.npl+1*(start||0),level,node);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ this._parseItem(c,temp,preNode);
+ this.npl++;
+ },this,start);
+ if (!level) {
+ p.each("userdata",function(u){
+ this.setUserData(p.get("id"),u.get("name"),u.content());
+ },this);
+ temp.XMLload=1;
+ if (this.waitUpdateXML){
+ this.waitUpdateXML=false;
+ for (var i=temp.childsCount-1; i>=0; i--)
+ if (temp.childNodes[i]._dmark)
+ this.deleteItem(temp.childNodes[i].id);
+ }
+ var parsedNodeTop=this._globalIdStorageFind(this.parsingOn);
+ for (var i=0; i<this.parsedArray.length; i++)
+ temp.htmlNode.childNodes[0].appendChild(this.parsedArray[i]);
+ this.lastLoadedXMLId=parentId;
+ this.XMLloadingWarning=0;
+ var chArr=this.setCheckList.split(this.dlmtr);
+ for (var n=0; n<chArr.length; n++)
+ if (chArr[n]) this.setCheck(chArr[n],1);
+ if ((this.XMLsource)&&(this.tscheck)&&(this.smcheck)&&(!=this.rootId)){
+ if (temp.checkstate===0)
+ this._setSubChecked(0,temp);
+ else if (temp.checkstate===1)
+ this._setSubChecked(1,temp);
+ }
+ if (this.onXLE) this.onXLE(this,parentId);
+ this._redrawFrom(this,null,start)
+ if (p.get("order") && p.get("order")!="none")
+ this._reorderBranch(temp,p.get("order"),true);
+ if (this.nodeAskingCall!="") this.selectItem(this.nodeAskingCall,true);
+ if (this._branchUpdate) this._branchUpdateNext(p);
+ }
+ if (this.parsCount==1) {
+ this.parsingOn=null;
+ if ((!this._edsbps)||(!this._edsbpsA.length)){
+ var that=this;
+ window.setTimeout( function(){ that.callEvent("onXLE",[that,parentId]); },1);
+ this.xmlstate=0;
+ }
+ this.skipLock=false;
+ }
+ this.parsCount--;
+ if ((this._epgps)&&(start))
+ this._setPrevPageSign(temp,(start||0),level,node);
+ return this.nodeAskingCall;
+ };
+ p.each("item",function(c){
+ var nid=c.get("id");
+ if (this._idpull[nid] && (!this._idpull[nid].XMLload)) return;
+ this._branchUpdate++;
+ this.smartRefreshItem(c.get("id"),c);
+ },this)
+ this._branchUpdate--;
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.checkUserData=function(node,parentId){
+ if ((node.nodeType==1)&&(node.tagName == "userdata"))
+ {
+ var name=node.getAttribute("name");
+ if ((name)&&(node.childNodes[0]))
+ this.setUserData(parentId,name,node.childNodes[0].data);
+ }
+ }
+* @desc: reset tree images from selected level
+* @type: private
+* @param: dhtmlObject - tree
+* @param: itemObject - current item
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._redrawFrom=function(dhtmlObject,itemObject,start,visMode){
+ if (!itemObject) {
+ var tempx=dhtmlObject._globalIdStorageFind(dhtmlObject.lastLoadedXMLId);
+ dhtmlObject.lastLoadedXMLId=-1;
+ if (!tempx) return 0;
+ }
+ else tempx=itemObject;
+ var acc=0;
+ for (var i=(start?start-1:0); i<tempx.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((!this._branchUpdate)||(this._getOpenState(tempx)==1))
+ if ((!itemObject)||(visMode==1)) tempx.childNodes[i]"";
+ if (tempx.childNodes[i].openMe==1)
+ {
+ this._openItem(tempx.childNodes[i]);
+ tempx.childNodes[i].openMe=0;
+ }
+ dhtmlObject._redrawFrom(dhtmlObject,tempx.childNodes[i]);
+ };
+ if ((!tempx.unParsed)&&((tempx.XMLload)||(!this.XMLsource)))
+ tempx._acc=acc;
+ dhtmlObject._correctLine(tempx);
+ dhtmlObject._correctPlus(tempx);
+ };
+* @desc: create and return main html element of tree
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._createSelf=function(){
+ var div=document.createElement('div');
+ div.className="containerTableStyle";
+ this.parentObject.appendChild(div);
+ return div;
+ };
+* @desc: collapse target node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - item object
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._xcloseAll=function(itemObject)
+ {
+ if (itemObject.unParsed) return;
+ if (this.rootId! {
+ var Nodes=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes;
+ var Count=Nodes.length;
+ for (var i=1; i<Count; i++)
+ Nodes[i].style.display="none";
+ this._correctPlus(itemObject);
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i<itemObject.childsCount; i++)
+ if (itemObject.childNodes[i].childsCount)
+ this._xcloseAll(itemObject.childNodes[i]);
+ };
+* @desc: expand target node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - item object
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._xopenAll=function(itemObject)
+ {
+ this._HideShow(itemObject,2);
+ for (var i=0; i<itemObject.childsCount; i++)
+ this._xopenAll(itemObject.childNodes[i]);
+ };
+* @desc: set correct tree-line and node images
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - item object
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._correctPlus=function(itemObject){
+ if (!itemObject.htmlNode) return;
+ var imsrc=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].lastChild;
+ var imsrc2=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[2].childNodes[0];
+ var workArray=this.lineArray;
+ if ((this.XMLsource)&&(!itemObject.XMLload))
+ {
+ var workArray=this.plusArray;
+ this._setSrc(imsrc2,this.imPath+itemObject.images[2]);
+ if (this._txtimg) return (imsrc.innerHTML="[+]");
+ }
+ else
+ if ((itemObject.childsCount)||(itemObject.unParsed))
+ {
+ if ((itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[1])&&( itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].style.display!="none" ))
+ {
+ if (!itemObject.wsign) var workArray=this.minusArray;
+ this._setSrc(imsrc2,this.imPath+itemObject.images[1]);
+ if (this._txtimg) return (imsrc.innerHTML="[-]");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!itemObject.wsign) var workArray=this.plusArray;
+ this._setSrc(imsrc2,this.imPath+itemObject.images[2]);
+ if (this._txtimg) return (imsrc.innerHTML="[+]");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this._setSrc(imsrc2,this.imPath+itemObject.images[0]);
+ }
+ var tempNum=2;
+ if (!itemObject.treeNod.treeLinesOn) this._setSrc(imsrc,this.imPath+workArray[3]);
+ else {
+ if (itemObject.parentObject) tempNum=this._getCountStatus(,itemObject.parentObject);
+ this._setSrc(imsrc,this.imPath+workArray[tempNum]);
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: set correct tree-line images
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - item object
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._correctLine=function(itemObject){
+ if (!itemObject.htmlNode) return;
+ var sNode=itemObject.parentObject;
+ if (sNode)
+ if ((this._getLineStatus(,sNode)==0)||(!this.treeLinesOn))
+ for(var i=1; i<=itemObject.childsCount; i++){
+ if (!itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]) break;
+ itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes[0].style.backgroundImage="";
+ itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes[0].style.backgroundRepeat="";
+ }
+ else
+ for(var i=1; i<=itemObject.childsCount; i++){
+ if (!itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]) break;
+ itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes[0].style.backgroundImage="url("+this.imPath+this.lineArray[5]+")";
+ itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes[0].style.backgroundRepeat="repeat-y";
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: return type of node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemId - item id
+* @param: itemObject - parent node object
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getCountStatus=function(itemId,itemObject){
+ if (itemObject.childsCount<=1) { if ( return 4; else return 0; }
+ if (itemObject.childNodes[0].id==itemId) if (! return 2; else return 1;
+ if (itemObject.childNodes[itemObject.childsCount-1].id==itemId) return 0;
+ return 1;
+ };
+* @desc: return type of node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @param: itemObject - parent node object
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getLineStatus =function(itemId,itemObject){
+ if (itemObject.childNodes[itemObject.childsCount-1].id==itemId) return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+* @desc: open/close node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - node object
+* @param: mode - open/close mode [1-close 2-open](optional)
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._HideShow=function(itemObject,mode){
+ if ((this.XMLsource)&&(!itemObject.XMLload)) {
+ if (mode==1) return; //close for not loaded node - ignore it
+ itemObject.XMLload=1;
+ this._loadDynXML(;
+ return; };
+ var Nodes=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes; var Count=Nodes.length;
+ if (Count>1){
+ if ( ( (Nodes[1].style.display!="none") || (mode==1) ) && (mode!=2) ) {
+//nb:solves standard doctype prb in IE
+ this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "1";
+ this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "0";
+ nodestyle="none";
+ }
+ else nodestyle="";
+ for (var i=1; i<Count; i++)
+ Nodes[i].style.display=nodestyle;
+ }
+ this._correctPlus(itemObject);
+ }
+* @desc: return node state
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - node object
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getOpenState=function(itemObject){
+ var z=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes;
+ if (z.length<=1) return 0;
+ if (z[1].style.display!="none") return 1;
+ else return -1;
+ }
+* @desc: ondblclick item event handler
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.onRowClick2=function(){
+ var that=this.parentObject.treeNod;
+ if (!that.callEvent("onDblClick",[,that])) return 0;
+ if ((this.parentObject.closeble)&&(this.parentObject.closeble!="0"))
+ that._HideShow(this.parentObject);
+ else
+ that._HideShow(this.parentObject,2);
+ if (that.checkEvent("onOpenEnd"))
+ if (!that.xmlstate)
+ that.callEvent("onOpenEnd",[,that._getOpenState(this.parentObject)]);
+ else{
+ that._oie_onXLE.push(that.onXLE);
+ that.onXLE=that._epnFHe;
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: onclick item event handler
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.onRowClick=function(){
+ var that=this.parentObject.treeNod;
+ if (!that.callEvent("onOpenStart",[,that._getOpenState(this.parentObject)])) return 0;
+ if ((this.parentObject.closeble)&&(this.parentObject.closeble!="0"))
+ that._HideShow(this.parentObject);
+ else
+ that._HideShow(this.parentObject,2);
+ if (that.checkEvent("onOpenEnd"))
+ if (!that.xmlstate)
+ that.callEvent("onOpenEnd",[,that._getOpenState(this.parentObject)]);
+ else{
+ that._oie_onXLE.push(that.onXLE);
+ that.onXLE=that._epnFHe;
+ }
+ };
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._epnFHe=function(that,id,flag){
+ if (id!=this.rootId)
+ this.callEvent("onOpenEnd",[id,that.getOpenState(id)]);
+ that.onXLE=that._oie_onXLE.pop();
+ if (!flag && !that._oie_onXLE.length)
+ if (that.onXLE) that.onXLE(that,id);
+ }
+* @desc: onclick item image event handler
+* @type: private
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.onRowClickDown=function(e){
+ e=e||window.event;
+ var that=this.parentObject.treeNod;
+ that._selectItem(this.parentObject,e);
+ };
+* @desc: retun selected item id
+* @type: public
+* @return: id of selected item
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getSelectedItemId=function()
+ {
+ var str=new Array();
+ for (var i=0; i<this._selected.length; i++) str[i]=this._selected[i].id;
+ return (str.join(this.dlmtr));
+ };
+* @desc: visual select item in tree
+* @type: private
+* @param: node - tree item object
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._selectItem=function(node,e){
+ if (this._onSSCF) this._onSSCFold=this.getSelectedItemId();
+ this._unselectItems();
+ this._markItem(node);
+ if (this._onSSCF) {
+ var z=this.getSelectedItemId();
+ if (z!=this._onSSCFold)
+ this.callEvent("onSelect",[z]);
+ }
+ }
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._markItem=function(node){
+ if (node.scolor);
+ node.span.className="selectedTreeRow";
+ node.i_sel=true;
+ this._selected[this._selected.length]=node;
+ }
+* @desc: retun node index in children collection by Id
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @return: node index
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getIndexById=function(itemId){
+ var z=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!z) return null;
+ return this._getIndex(z);
+ };
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getIndex=function(w){
+ var z=w.parentObject;
+ for (var i=0; i<z.childsCount; i++)
+ if (z.childNodes[i]==w) return i;
+ };
+* @desc: visual unselect item in tree
+* @type: private
+* @param: node - tree item object
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._unselectItem=function(node){
+ if ((node)&&(node.i_sel))
+ {
+ node.span.className="standartTreeRow";
+ if (node.acolor);
+ node.i_sel=false;
+ for (var i=0; i<this._selected.length; i++)
+ if (!this._selected[i].i_sel) {
+ this._selected.splice(i,1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* @desc: visual unselect items in tree
+* @type: private
+* @param: node - tree item object
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._unselectItems=function(){
+ for (var i=0; i<this._selected.length; i++){
+ var node=this._selected[i];
+ node.span.className="standartTreeRow";
+ if (node.acolor);
+ node.i_sel=false;
+ }
+ this._selected=new Array();
+ }
+* @desc: select node text event handler
+* @type: private
+* @param: e - event object
+* @param: htmlObject - node object
+* @param: mode - if false - call onSelect event
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.onRowSelect=function(e,htmlObject,mode){
+ e=e||window.event;
+ var obj=this.parentObject;
+ if (htmlObject) obj=htmlObject.parentObject;
+ var that=obj.treeNod;
+ var lastId=that.getSelectedItemId();
+ if ((!e)||(!e.skipUnSel))
+ that._selectItem(obj,e);
+ if (!mode) {
+ if ((e)&&(e.button==2))
+ that.callEvent("onRightClick",[,e]);
+ if (obj.actionHandler) obj.actionHandler(,lastId);
+ else that.callEvent("onClick",[,lastId]);
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: fix checkbox state
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ if (!this.tscheck) return;
+ if (!dhtmlObject) return;
+ if ( return;
+ //calculate state
+ var act=dhtmlObject.childNodes;
+ var flag1=0; var flag2=0;
+ if (dhtmlObject.childsCount==0) return;
+ for (var i=0; i<dhtmlObject.childsCount; i++){
+ if (act[i].dscheck) continue;
+ if (act[i].checkstate==0) flag1=1;
+ else if (act[i].checkstate==1) flag2=1;
+ else { flag1=1; flag2=1; break; }
+ }
+ if ((flag1)&&(flag2)) this._setCheck(dhtmlObject,"unsure");
+ else if (flag1) this._setCheck(dhtmlObject,false);
+ else this._setCheck(dhtmlObject,true);
+ this._correctCheckStates(dhtmlObject.parentObject);
+* @desc: checbox select action
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.onCheckBoxClick=function(e){
+ if (!this.treeNod.callEvent("onBeforeCheck",[,this.parentObject.checkstate]))
+ return;
+ if (this.parentObject.dscheck) return true;
+ if (this.treeNod.tscheck)
+ if (this.parentObject.checkstate==1) this.treeNod._setSubChecked(false,this.parentObject);
+ else this.treeNod._setSubChecked(true,this.parentObject);
+ else
+ if (this.parentObject.checkstate==1) this.treeNod._setCheck(this.parentObject,false);
+ else this.treeNod._setCheck(this.parentObject,true);
+ this.treeNod._correctCheckStates(this.parentObject.parentObject);
+ return this.treeNod.callEvent("onCheck",[,this.parentObject.checkstate]);
+ };
+* @desc: create HTML elements for tree node
+* @type: private
+* @param: acheck - enable/disable checkbox
+* @param: itemObject - item object
+* @param: mode - mode
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._createItem=function(acheck,itemObject,mode){
+ var table=document.createElement('table');
+ table.cellSpacing=0;table.cellPadding=0;
+ table.border=0;
+ if(this.hfMode)"fixed";
+ var tbody=document.createElement('tbody');
+ var tr=document.createElement('tr');
+ var td1=document.createElement('td');
+ td1.className="standartTreeImage";
+ if(this._txtimg){
+ var img0=document.createElement("div");
+ td1.appendChild(img0);
+ img0.className="dhx_tree_textSign";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var img0=this._getImg(;
+ img0.border="0";
+ if (img0.tagName=="IMG") img0.align="absmiddle";
+ td1.appendChild(img0);;;
+ }
+ var td11=document.createElement('td');
+// var inp=document.createElement("input"); inp.type="checkbox";"12px";"12px";
+ var inp=this._getImg(this.cBROf?;
+ inp.checked=0; this._setSrc(inp,this.imPath+this.checkArray[0]);"16px";"16px";
+ //can cause problems with hide/show check
+ if (!acheck) ((!_isIE)?td11:inp).style.display="none";
+ // td11.className="standartTreeImage";
+ //if (acheck)
+ td11.appendChild(inp);
+ if ((!this.cBROf)&&(inp.tagName=="IMG")) inp.align="absmiddle";
+ inp.onclick=this.onCheckBoxClick;
+ inp.treeNod=this;
+ inp.parentObject=itemObject;
+ td11.width="20px";
+ var td12=document.createElement('td');
+ td12.className="standartTreeImage";
+ var img=this._getImg(this.timgen?;
+ img.onmousedown=this._preventNsDrag; img.ondragstart=this._preventNsDrag;
+ img.border="0";
+ if (this._aimgs){
+ img.parentObject=itemObject;
+ if (img.tagName=="IMG") img.align="absmiddle";
+ img.onclick=this.onRowSelect; }
+ if (!mode) this._setSrc(img,this.imPath+this.imageArray[0]);
+ td12.appendChild(img);;;
+ if (this.timgen)
+ {
+;; }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_isOpera)"none";
+ }
+ var td2=document.createElement('td');
+ td2.className="standartTreeRow";
+ itemObject.span=document.createElement('span');
+ itemObject.span.className="standartTreeRow";
+ if (this.mlitems) {
+ // if (!_isIE)
+ }
+ else td2.noWrap=true;
+ if (!_isKHTML)"100%";
+// itemObject.span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(itemObject.label));
+ itemObject.span.innerHTML=itemObject.label;
+ td2.appendChild(itemObject.span);
+ td2.parentObject=itemObject; td1.parentObject=itemObject;
+ td2.onclick=this.onRowSelect; td1.onclick=this.onRowClick; td2.ondblclick=this.onRowClick2;
+ if (this.ettip)
+ tr.title=itemObject.label;
+ if (this.dragAndDropOff) {
+ if (this._aimgs) { this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td12,this); td12.parentObject=itemObject; }
+ this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td2,this);
+ }
+ tr.appendChild(td1); tr.appendChild(td11); tr.appendChild(td12);
+ tr.appendChild(td2);
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ table.appendChild(tbody);
+ if (this.ehlt){//highlighting
+ tr.onmousemove=this._itemMouseIn;
+ tr[(_isIE)?"onmouseleave":"onmouseout"]=this._itemMouseOut;
+ }
+ if(this.checkEvent && this.checkEvent("onRightClick"))
+ tr.oncontextmenu=Function("e","this.childNodes[0].parentObject.treeNod.callEvent('onRightClick',[this.childNodes[0],(e||window.event)]); return false;");
+ return table;
+ };
+* @desc: set path to images directory
+* @param: newPath - path to images directory (related to the page with tree or absolute http url)
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setImagePath=function( newPath ){ this.imPath=newPath; };
+* @desc: set function called when tree node selected
+* @param: (function) func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onRightClick
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onRightClick",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event occurs after right mouse button was clicked.
+ Assigning this handler can disable default context menu, and incompattible with dhtmlXMenu integration.
+* @eventparam: (string) ID of clicked item
+* @eventparam: (object) event object
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnRightClickHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onRightClick",func); };
+* @desc: set function called when tree node clicked, also can be forced to call from API
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onClick
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onClick",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after text part of item in tree was clicked, but after default onClick functionality was processed.
+ Richt mouse button click can be catched by onRightClick event handler.
+* @eventparam: ID of clicked item
+* @eventparam: ID of previously selected item
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnClickHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onClick",func); };
+* @desc: set function called when tree node selected or unselected, include any select change caused by any functionality
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onSelect
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onSelect",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after selection in tree was changed
+* @eventparam: selected item ID ( list of IDs in case of multiselection)
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnSelectStateChange=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onSelect",func); this._onSSCF=true; };
+* @desc: enables dynamic loading from XML
+* @type: public
+* @param: filePath - name of script returning XML; in case of virtual loading - user defined function
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setXMLAutoLoading=function(filePath){ this.XMLsource=filePath; };
+ /**
+* @desc: set function called before checkbox checked/unchecked
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onCheck
+* @depricated: use tree.attachEvent("onCheck",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raises right before item in tree was checked/unchecked. can be canceled (return false from event handler)
+* @eventparam: ID of item which will be checked/unchecked
+* @eventparam: Current checkbox state. 1 - item checked, 0 - item unchecked.
+* @eventreturn: true - confirm changing checked state; false - deny chaning checked state;
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnCheckHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onCheck",func); };
+* @desc: set function called before tree node opened/closed
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onOpen
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after item in tree got command to open/close , and before item was opened//closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored.
+ Event does not occur if node was opened by dhtmlXtree API.
+* @eventparam: ID of node which will be opened/closed
+* @eventparam: Current open state of tree item. 0 - item has not children, -1 - item closed, 1 - item opened.
+* @eventreturn: true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing;
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnOpenHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); };
+* @desc: set function called before tree node opened/closed
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onOpenStart
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after item in tree got command to open/close , and before item was opened//closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored.
+ Event not raised if node opened by dhtmlXtree API.
+* @eventparam: ID of node which will be opened/closed
+* @eventparam: Current open state of tree item. 0 - item has not children, -1 - item closed, 1 - item opened.
+* @eventreturn: true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing;
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnOpenStartHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); };
+* @desc: set function called after tree node opened/closed
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onOpenEnd
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onOpenEnd",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after item in tree was opened//closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored.
+ Event not raised if node opened by dhtmlXtree API.
+* @eventparam: ID of node which will be opened/closed
+* @eventparam: Current open state of tree item. 0 - item has not children, -1 - item closed, 1 - item opened.
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnOpenEndHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onOpenEnd",func); };
+ /**
+* @desc: set function called when tree node double clicked
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onDblClick
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onDblClick",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raised immideatly after item in tree was doubleclicked, before default onDblClick functionality was processed.
+ Beware using both onClick and onDblClick events, because component can generate onClick event before onDblClick event while doubleclicking item in tree.
+ ( that behavior depend on used browser )
+* @eventparam: ID of item which was doubleclicked
+* @eventreturn: true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing;
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnDblClickHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onDblClick",func); };
+ /**
+* @desc: expand target node and all sub nodes
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.openAllItems=function(itemId)
+ {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ this._xopenAll(temp);
+ };
+* @desc: return open/close state
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @return: -1 - close, 1 - opened, 0 - node doesn't have children
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getOpenState=function(itemId){
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return "";
+ return this._getOpenState(temp);
+ };
+* @desc: collapse target node and all sub nodes
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.closeAllItems=function(itemId)
+ {
+ if (itemId===window.undefined) itemId=this.rootId;
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ this._xcloseAll(temp);
+//nb:solves standard doctype prb in IE
+ this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "1";
+ this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "0";
+ };
+* @desc: set user data for target node
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - target node id
+* @param: name - key for user data
+* @param: value - user data value
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setUserData=function(itemId,name,value){
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,0,true);
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ if(name=="hint")
+ sNode.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].title=value;
+ if (typeof(sNode.userData["t_"+name])=="undefined"){
+ if (!sNode._userdatalist) sNode._userdatalist=name;
+ else sNode._userdatalist+=","+name;
+ }
+ sNode.userData["t_"+name]=value;
+ };
+* @desc: get user data from target node
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - target node id
+* @param: name - key for user data
+* @return: value of user data
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getUserData=function(itemId,name){
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,0,true);
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ return sNode.userData["t_"+name];
+ };
+* @desc: get node color (text color)
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @return: color of node (empty string for default color);
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getItemColor=function(itemId)
+ {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ var res= new Object();
+ if (temp.acolor) res.acolor=temp.acolor;
+ if (temp.acolor) res.scolor=temp.scolor;
+ return res;
+ };
+* @desc: set node text color
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @param: defaultColor - node color
+* @param: selectedColor - selected node color
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setItemColor=function(itemId,defaultColor,selectedColor)
+ {
+ if ((itemId)&&(itemId.span))
+ var temp=itemId;
+ else
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ else {
+ if (temp.i_sel)
+ { if (selectedColor); }
+ else
+ { if (defaultColor); }
+ if (selectedColor) temp.scolor=selectedColor;
+ if (defaultColor) temp.acolor=defaultColor;
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: return node text
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @return: text of item (with HTML formatting, if any)
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getItemText=function(itemId)
+ {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ return(temp.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[3].childNodes[0].innerHTML);
+ };
+* @desc: return parent item id
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @return: id of parent item
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getParentId=function(itemId)
+ {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if ((!temp)||(!temp.parentObject)) return "";
+ return;
+ };
+* @desc: change item id
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - old node id
+* @param: newItemId - new node id
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.changeItemId=function(itemId,newItemId)
+ {
+ if (itemId==newItemId) return;
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ temp.span.contextMenuId=newItemId;
+ this._idpull[newItemId]=this._idpull[itemId];
+ delete this._idpull[itemId];
+ };
+* @desc: mark selected item as cut
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.doCut=function(){
+ if (this.nodeCut) this.clearCut();
+ this.nodeCut=(new Array()).concat(this._selected);
+ for (var i=0; i<this.nodeCut.length; i++){
+ var tempa=this.nodeCut[i];
+ tempa._cimgs=new Array();
+ tempa._cimgs[0]=tempa.images[0];
+ tempa._cimgs[1]=tempa.images[1];
+ tempa._cimgs[2]=tempa.images[2];
+ tempa.images[0]=tempa.images[1]=tempa.images[2]=this.cutImage;
+ this._correctPlus(tempa);
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: insert previously cut branch
+* @param: itemId - id of new parent node
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.doPaste=function(itemId){
+ var tobj=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!tobj) return 0;
+ for (var i=0; i<this.nodeCut.length; i++){
+ if (this._checkPNodes(tobj,this.nodeCut[i])) continue;
+ this._moveNode(this.nodeCut[i],tobj);
+ }
+ this.clearCut();
+ };
+* @desc: clear cut
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.clearCut=function(){
+ for (var i=0; i<this.nodeCut.length; i++)
+ {
+ var tempa=this.nodeCut[i];
+ tempa.images[0]=tempa._cimgs[0];
+ tempa.images[1]=tempa._cimgs[1];
+ tempa.images[2]=tempa._cimgs[2];
+ this._correctPlus(tempa);
+ }
+ this.nodeCut=new Array();
+ };
+ /**
+* @desc: move node with subnodes
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - moved node object
+* @param: targetObject - new parent node
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._moveNode=function(itemObject,targetObject){
+ return this._moveNodeTo(itemObject,targetObject);
+ }
+ /**
+* @desc: fix order of nodes in collection
+* @type: private
+* @param: target - parent item node
+* @param: zParent - before node
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 2
+ var flag=0; var icount=0;
+ var Nodes=target.childNodes;
+ var Count=target.childsCount-1;
+ if (zParent==Nodes[Count]) return;
+ for (var i=0; i<Count; i++)
+ if (Nodes[i]==Nodes[Count]) { Nodes[i]=Nodes[i+1]; Nodes[i+1]=Nodes[Count]; }
+// Count=target.childsCount;
+ for (var i=0; i<Count+1; i++)
+ {
+ if (flag) {
+ var temp=Nodes[i];
+ Nodes[i]=flag;
+ flag=temp;
+ }
+ else
+ if (Nodes[i]==zParent) { flag=Nodes[i]; Nodes[i]=Nodes[Count]; }
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: recreate branch
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - moved node object
+* @param: targetObject - new parent node
+* @param: level - top level flag
+* @param: beforeNode - node for sibling mode
+* @mode: mode - DragAndDrop mode (0 - as child, 1 as sibling)
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 2
+ var i; var st="";
+ if (beforeNode){
+ for (i=0; i<targetObject.childsCount; i++)
+ if (targetObject.childNodes[i]==beforeNode) break;
+ if (i!=0)
+ beforeNode=targetObject.childNodes[i-1];
+ else{
+ st="TOP";
+ beforeNode="";
+ }
+ }
+ var t2=this._onradh; this._onradh=null;
+ var newNode=this._attachChildNode(targetObject,,itemObject.label,0,itemObject.images[0],itemObject.images[1],itemObject.images[2],st,0,beforeNode);
+ //copy user data
+ newNode._userdatalist=itemObject._userdatalist;
+ newNode.userData=itemObject.userData.clone();
+ newNode.XMLload=itemObject.XMLload;
+ if (t2){
+ this._onradh=t2; this._onradh(; }
+ for (var i=0; i<itemObject.childsCount; i++)
+ this._recreateBranch(itemObject.childNodes[i],newNode,0,1);
+ return newNode;
+* @desc: move single node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - moved node object
+* @param: targetObject - new parent node
+* @mode: mode - DragAndDrop mode (0 - as child, 1 as sibling)
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._moveNodeTo=function(itemObject,targetObject,beforeNode){
+ //return;
+ if (itemObject.treeNod._nonTrivialNode)
+ return itemObject.treeNod._nonTrivialNode(this,targetObject,beforeNode,itemObject);
+ if (targetObject.mytype)
+ var framesMove=(itemObject.treeNod.lWin!=targetObject.lWin);
+ else
+ var framesMove=(itemObject.treeNod.lWin!=targetObject.treeNod.lWin);
+ if (!this.callEvent("onDrag",[,,(beforeNode?,itemObject.treeNod,targetObject.treeNod])) return false;
+ if ((targetObject.XMLload==0)&&(this.XMLsource))
+ {
+ targetObject.XMLload=1;
+ this._loadDynXML(;
+ }
+ this.openItem(;
+ var oldTree=itemObject.treeNod;
+ var c=itemObject.parentObject.childsCount;
+ var z=itemObject.parentObject;
+ if ((framesMove)||(oldTree.dpcpy)) {//interframe drag flag
+ var;
+ itemObject=this._recreateBranch(itemObject,targetObject,beforeNode);
+ if (!oldTree.dpcpy) oldTree.deleteItem(_otiid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var Count=targetObject.childsCount; var Nodes=targetObject.childNodes;
+ if (Count==0) targetObject._open=true;
+ oldTree._unselectItem(itemObject);
+ Nodes[Count]=itemObject;
+ itemObject.treeNod=targetObject.treeNod;
+ targetObject.childsCount++;
+ var tr=this._drawNewTr(Nodes[Count].htmlNode);
+ if (!beforeNode)
+ {
+ targetObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].appendChild(tr);
+ if (this.dadmode==1) this._fixNodesCollection(targetObject,beforeNode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ targetObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].insertBefore(tr,;
+ this._fixNodesCollection(targetObject,beforeNode);
+ Nodes=targetObject.childNodes;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!oldTree.dpcpy)&&(!framesMove)) {
+ var;
+ if ((document.all)&&(\ 5\.0/gi)!=-1))
+ {
+ window.setTimeout(function() { zir.parentNode.removeChild(zir); } , 250 );
+ }
+ else //if (zir.parentNode) zir.parentNode.removeChild(zir,true);
+ itemObject.parentObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].removeChild(;
+ //;
+ if ((!beforeNode)||(targetObject!=itemObject.parentObject)){
+ for (var i=0; i<z.childsCount; i++){
+ if (z.childNodes[i] {
+ z.childNodes[i]=0;
+ break; }}}
+ else z.childNodes[z.childsCount-1]=0;
+ oldTree._compressChildList(z.childsCount,z.childNodes);
+ z.childsCount--;
+ }
+ if ((!framesMove)&&(!oldTree.dpcpy)) {
+ tr.nodem=itemObject;
+ itemObject.parentObject=targetObject;
+ if (oldTree!=targetObject.treeNod) { if(itemObject.treeNod._registerBranch(itemObject,oldTree)) return; this._clearStyles(itemObject); this._redrawFrom(this,itemObject.parentObject); };
+ this._correctPlus(targetObject);
+ this._correctLine(targetObject);
+ this._correctLine(itemObject);
+ this._correctPlus(itemObject);
+ //fix target siblings
+ if (beforeNode)
+ {
+ this._correctPlus(beforeNode);
+ //this._correctLine(beforeNode);
+ }
+ else
+ if (targetObject.childsCount>=2)
+ {
+ this._correctPlus(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-2]);
+ this._correctLine(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-2]);
+ }
+ this._correctPlus(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-1]);
+ //this._correctLine(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-1]);
+ if (this.tscheck) this._correctCheckStates(targetObject);
+ if (oldTree.tscheck) oldTree._correctCheckStates(z);
+ }
+ //fix source parent
+ if (c>1) { oldTree._correctPlus(z.childNodes[c-2]);
+ oldTree._correctLine(z.childNodes[c-2]);
+ }
+// if (z.childsCount==0)
+ oldTree._correctPlus(z);
+ oldTree._correctLine(z);
+ this.callEvent("onDrop",[,,(beforeNode?,oldTree,targetObject.treeNod]);
+ return;
+ };
+* @desc: recursive set default styles for node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - target node object
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._clearStyles=function(itemObject){
+ if (!itemObject.htmlNode) return; //some weird case in SRND mode
+ var td1=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1];
+ var td3=td1.nextSibling.nextSibling;
+ itemObject.span.innerHTML=itemObject.label;
+ itemObject.i_sel=false;
+ if (itemObject._aimgs)
+ this.dragger.removeDraggableItem(td1.nextSibling);
+ if (this.checkBoxOff) {
+ td1.childNodes[0].style.display="";
+ td1.childNodes[0].onclick=this.onCheckBoxClick;
+ this._setSrc(td1.childNodes[0],this.imPath+this.checkArray[itemObject.checkstate]);
+ }
+ else td1.childNodes[0].style.display="none";
+ td1.childNodes[0].treeNod=this;
+ this.dragger.removeDraggableItem(td3);
+ if (this.dragAndDropOff) this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td3,this);
+ if (this._aimgs) this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td1.nextSibling,this);
+ td3.childNodes[0].className="standartTreeRow";
+ td3.onclick=this.onRowSelect; td3.ondblclick=this.onRowClick2;
+ td1.previousSibling.onclick=this.onRowClick;
+ this._correctLine(itemObject);
+ this._correctPlus(itemObject);
+ for (var i=0; i<itemObject.childsCount; i++) this._clearStyles(itemObject.childNodes[i]);
+ };
+* @desc: register node and all children nodes
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - node object
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._registerBranch=function(itemObject,oldTree){
+ if (oldTree) oldTree._globalIdStorageSub(;
+ itemObject.treeNod=this;
+ for (var i=0; i<itemObject.childsCount; i++)
+ this._registerBranch(itemObject.childNodes[i],oldTree);
+ return 0;
+ };
+* @desc: enable three state checkboxes
+* @beforeInit: 1
+* @param: mode - 1 - on, 0 - off;
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableThreeStateCheckboxes=function(mode) { this.tscheck=convertStringToBoolean(mode); };
+* @desc: set function called when mouse is over tree node
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onMouseIn
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onMouseIn",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raised immideatly after mouse started moving over item
+* @eventparam: ID of item
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnMouseInHandler=function(func){
+ this.ehlt=true;
+ this.attachEvent("onMouseIn",func);
+ };
+* @desc: set function called when mouse is out of tree node
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onMouseOut
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onMouseOut",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raised immideatly after mouse moved out of item
+* @eventparam: ID of clicked item
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnMouseOutHandler=function(func){
+ this.ehlt=true;
+ this.attachEvent("onMouseOut",func);
+ };
+* @desc: enable tree images
+* @beforeInit: 1
+* @param: mode - 1 - on, 0 - off;
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableTreeImages=function(mode) { this.timgen=convertStringToBoolean(mode); };
+* @desc: enable mode with fixed tables (looks better, but has no horisontal scrollbar)
+* @beforeInit: 1
+* @param: mode - 1 - on, 0 - off;
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableFixedMode=function(mode) { this.hfMode=convertStringToBoolean(mode); };
+* @desc: show/hide checkboxes (all checkboxes in tree)
+* @type: public
+* @param: mode - true/false
+* @param: hidden - if set to true, checkboxes not rendered but can be shown by showItemCheckbox
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableCheckBoxes=function(mode, hidden){ this.checkBoxOff=convertStringToBoolean(mode); this.cBROf=(!(this.checkBoxOff||convertStringToBoolean(hidden)));
+ };
+* @desc: set default images for nodes (must be called before XML loading)
+* @type: public
+* @param: a0 - image for node without children;
+* @param: a1 - image for closed node;
+* @param: a2 - image for opened node
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setStdImages=function(image1,image2,image3){
+ this.imageArray[0]=image1; this.imageArray[1]=image2; this.imageArray[2]=image3;};
+* @desc: enable/disable tree lines (parent-child threads)
+* @type: public
+* @param: mode - enable/disable tree lines
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableTreeLines=function(mode){
+ this.treeLinesOn=convertStringToBoolean(mode);
+ }
+* @desc: set images used for parent-child threads drawing (lines, plus, minus)
+* @type: public
+* @param: arrayName - name of array: plus, minus
+* @param: image1 - line crossed image
+* @param: image2 - image with top line
+* @param: image3 - image with bottom line
+* @param: image4 - image without line
+* @param: image5 - single root image
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setImageArrays=function(arrayName,image1,image2,image3,image4,image5){
+ switch(arrayName){
+ case "plus": this.plusArray[0]=image1; this.plusArray[1]=image2; this.plusArray[2]=image3; this.plusArray[3]=image4; this.plusArray[4]=image5; break;
+ case "minus": this.minusArray[0]=image1; this.minusArray[1]=image2; this.minusArray[2]=image3; this.minusArray[3]=image4; this.minusArray[4]=image5; break;
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: expand node
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.openItem=function(itemId){
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ else return this._openItem(temp);
+ };
+* @desc: expand node
+* @param: item - tree node object
+* @type: private
+* @editing: pro
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._openItem=function(item){
+ var state=this._getOpenState(item);
+ if ((state<0)||(((this.XMLsource)&&(!item.XMLload)))){
+ if (!this.callEvent("onOpenStart",[,state])) return 0;
+ this._HideShow(item,2);
+ //#on_open_end_event:11052006{
+ if (this.checkEvent("onOpenEnd")){
+ if (this.onXLE==this._epnFHe) this._epnFHe(this,,true);
+ if (!this.xmlstate || !this.XMLsource)
+ this.callEvent("onOpenEnd",[,this._getOpenState(item)]);
+ else{
+ this._oie_onXLE.push(this.onXLE);
+ this.onXLE=this._epnFHe;
+ }
+ }
+ //#}
+ } else if (this._srnd) this._HideShow(item,2);
+ if (item.parentObject) this._openItem(item.parentObject);
+ };
+* @desc: collapse node
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.closeItem=function(itemId){
+ if (this.rootId==itemId) return 0;
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ if (temp.closeble)
+ this._HideShow(temp,1);
+ };
+* @desc: get node level (position in hierarchy)
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @return: node level (0 if no such item in hierarchy - probably super root)
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getLevel=function(itemId){
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ return this._getNodeLevel(temp,0);
+ };
+* @desc: prevent node from closing
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @param: flag - if 0 - node can't be closed, else node can be closed
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setItemCloseable=function(itemId,flag)
+ {
+ flag=convertStringToBoolean(flag);
+ if ((itemId)&&(itemId.span))
+ var temp=itemId;
+ else
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ temp.closeble=flag;
+ };
+ /**
+* @desc: recursive function used for node level calculation
+* @param: itemObject - pointer to node object
+* @param: count - counter of levels
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getNodeLevel=function(itemObject,count){
+ if (itemObject.parentObject) return this._getNodeLevel(itemObject.parentObject,count+1);
+ return(count);
+ };
+ /**
+* @desc: return number of children
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @return: number of child items for loaded branches; true - for not loaded branches
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.hasChildren=function(itemId){
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ else
+ {
+ if ( (this.XMLsource)&&(!temp.XMLload) ) return true;
+ else
+ return temp.childsCount;
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+* @desc: get number of leafs (nodes without children)
+* @param: itemNode - node object
+* @type: private
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getLeafCount=function(itemNode){
+ var a=0;
+ for (var b=0; b<itemNode.childsCount; b++)
+ if (itemNode.childNodes[b].childsCount==0) a++;
+ return a;
+ }
+* @desc: set new node text (HTML allowed)
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @param: newLabel - node text
+* @param: newTooltip - (optional)tooltip for the node
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setItemText=function(itemId,newLabel,newTooltip)
+ {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ temp.label=newLabel;
+ temp.span.innerHTML=newLabel;
+ temp.span.parentNode.parentNode.title=newTooltip||"";
+ };
+* @desc: get item's tooltip
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getItemTooltip=function(itemId){
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return "";
+ return (temp.span.parentNode.parentNode._dhx_title||temp.span.parentNode.parentNode.title||"");
+ };
+* @desc: refresh tree branch from xml (XML with child nodes rerequested from server)
+* @param: itemId - id of node, if not defined tree super root used.
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.refreshItem=function(itemId){
+ if (!itemId) itemId=this.rootId;
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ this.deleteChildItems(itemId);
+ this._loadDynXML(itemId);
+ };
+ /**
+* @desc: set item images
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @param: image1 - node without children icon
+* @param: image2 - closed node icon
+* @param: image3 - open node icon
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setItemImage2=function(itemId, image1,image2,image3){
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ temp.images[1]=image2;
+ temp.images[2]=image3;
+ temp.images[0]=image1;
+ this._correctPlus(temp);
+ };
+* @desc: set item icons (mostly usefull for childless nodes)
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @param: image1 - node without children icon or closed node icon (if image2 specified)
+* @param: image2 - open node icon (optional)
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setItemImage=function(itemId,image1,image2)
+ {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ if (image2)
+ {
+ temp.images[1]=image1;
+ temp.images[2]=image2;
+ }
+ else temp.images[0]=image1;
+ this._correctPlus(temp);
+ };
+* @desc: Returns the list of all subitems Ids from the next level of tree, separated by commas.
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of all subitems from the next level of tree, separated by commas.
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getSubItems =function(itemId)
+ {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,0,1);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ var z="";
+ for (i=0; i<temp.childsCount; i++){
+ if (!z) z=temp.childNodes[i].id;
+ else z+=this.dlmtr+temp.childNodes[i].id;
+ }
+ return z;
+ };
+* @desc: Returns the list of all sub items from all next levels of tree, separated by commas.
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @edition: Professional
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getAllScraggyItems =function(node)
+ {
+ var z="";
+ for (var i=0; i<node.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((node.childNodes[i].unParsed)||(node.childNodes[i].childsCount>0))
+ {
+ if (node.childNodes[i].unParsed)
+ var zb=this._getAllScraggyItemsXML(node.childNodes[i].unParsed,1);
+ else
+ var zb=this._getAllScraggyItems(node.childNodes[i])
+ if (zb)
+ if (z) z+=this.dlmtr+zb;
+ else z=zb;
+ }
+ else
+ if (!z) z=node.childNodes[i].id;
+ else z+=this.dlmtr+node.childNodes[i].id;
+ }
+ return z;
+ };
+* @desc: Returns the list of all children items from all next levels of tree, separated by commas.
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: private
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getAllFatItems =function(node)
+ {
+ var z="";
+ for (var i=0; i<node.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((node.childNodes[i].unParsed)||(node.childNodes[i].childsCount>0))
+ {
+ if (!z) z=node.childNodes[i].id;
+ else z+=this.dlmtr+node.childNodes[i].id;
+ if (node.childNodes[i].unParsed)
+ var zb=this._getAllFatItemsXML(node.childNodes[i].unParsed,1);
+ else
+ var zb=this._getAllFatItems(node.childNodes[i])
+ if (zb) z+=this.dlmtr+zb;
+ }
+ }
+ return z;
+ };
+* @desc: Returns the list of all children items from all next levels of tree, separated by commas.
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getAllSubItems =function(itemId,z,node)
+ {
+ if (node) temp=node;
+ else {
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ };
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ z="";
+ for (var i=0; i<temp.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (!z) z=temp.childNodes[i].id;
+ else z+=this.dlmtr+temp.childNodes[i].id;
+ var zb=this._getAllSubItems(0,z,temp.childNodes[i])
+ if (zb) z+=this.dlmtr+zb;
+ }
+ return z;
+ };
+* @desc: select node ( and optionaly fire onselect event)
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @param: mode - If true, script function for selected node will be called.
+* @param: preserve - preserve earlier selected nodes
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.selectItem=function(itemId,mode,preserve){
+ mode=convertStringToBoolean(mode);
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if ((!temp)||(!temp.parentObject)) return 0;
+ if (this.XMLloadingWarning)
+ temp.parentObject.openMe=1;
+ else
+ this._openItem(temp.parentObject);
+ //temp.onRowSelect(0,temp.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[3],mode);
+ var ze=null;
+ if (preserve) {
+ ze=new Object; ze.ctrlKey=true;
+ if (temp.i_sel) ze.skipUnSel=true;
+ }
+ if (mode)
+ this.onRowSelect(ze,temp.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[3],false);
+ else
+ this.onRowSelect(ze,temp.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[3],true);
+ };
+* @desc: retun selected node text
+* @type: public
+* @return: text of selected node (or list of all selected nodes text if more than one selected)
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getSelectedItemText=function()
+ {
+ var str=new Array();
+ for (var i=0; i<this._selected.length; i++) str[i]=this._selected[i].span.innerHTML;
+ return (str.join(this.dlmtr));
+ };
+* @desc: correct childNode list after node deleting
+* @type: private
+* @param: Count - childNodes collection length
+* @param: Nodes - childNodes collection
+* @topic: 4
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._compressChildList=function(Count,Nodes)
+ {
+ Count--;
+ for (var i=0; i<Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (Nodes[i]==0) { Nodes[i]=Nodes[i+1]; Nodes[i+1]=0;}
+ };
+ };
+* @desc: delete node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemId - target node id
+* @param: htmlObject - target node object
+* @param: skip - node unregistration mode (optional, used by private methods)
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._deleteNode=function(itemId,htmlObject,skip){
+ if ((!htmlObject)||(!htmlObject.parentObject)) return 0;
+ var tempos=0; var tempos2=0;
+ if (;
+ if (;
+ var sN=htmlObject.parentObject;
+ var Count=sN.childsCount;
+ var Nodes=sN.childNodes;
+ for (var i=0; i<Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (Nodes[i].id==itemId) {
+ if (!skip) sN.htmlNode.childNodes[0].removeChild(Nodes[i].tr);
+ Nodes[i]=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this._compressChildList(Count,Nodes);
+ if (!skip) {
+ sN.childsCount--;
+ }
+ if (tempos) {
+ this._correctPlus(tempos);
+ this._correctLine(tempos);
+ }
+ if (tempos2) {
+ this._correctPlus(tempos2);
+ this._correctLine(tempos2);
+ }
+ if (this.tscheck) this._correctCheckStates(sN);
+ if (!skip) {
+ this._globalIdStorageRecSub(htmlObject);
+ }
+ };
+* @desc: set state of node's checkbox
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - target node id
+* @param: state - checkbox state (0/1/"unsure")
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setCheck=function(itemId,state){
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,0,1);
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ if (state==="unsure")
+ this._setCheck(sNode,state);
+ else
+ {
+ state=convertStringToBoolean(state);
+ if ((this.tscheck)&&(this.smcheck)) this._setSubChecked(state,sNode);
+ else this._setCheck(sNode,state);
+ }
+ if (this.smcheck)
+ this._correctCheckStates(sNode.parentObject);
+ };
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._setCheck=function(sNode,state){
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ if (((sNode.parentObject._r_logic)||(this._frbtr))&&(state))
+ if (this._frbtrs){
+ if (this._frbtrL) this._setCheck(this._frbtrL,0);
+ this._frbtrL=sNode;
+ } else
+ for (var i=0; i<sNode.parentObject.childsCount; i++)
+ this._setCheck(sNode.parentObject.childNodes[i],0);
+ var z=sNode.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
+ if (state=="unsure") sNode.checkstate=2;
+ else if (state) sNode.checkstate=1; else sNode.checkstate=0;
+ if (sNode.dscheck) sNode.checkstate=sNode.dscheck;
+ this._setSrc(z,this.imPath+((sNode.parentObject._r_logic||this._frbtr)?this.radioArray:this.checkArray)[sNode.checkstate]);
+ };
+* @desc: change state of node's checkbox and all children checkboxes
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - target node id
+* @param: state - checkbox state
+* @topic: 5
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ this._setSubChecked(state,sNode);
+ this._correctCheckStates(sNode.parentObject);
+* @desc: change state of node's checkbox and all childnodes checkboxes
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemId - target node id
+* @param: state - checkbox state
+* @param: sNode - target node object (optional, used by private methods)
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._setSubChecked=function(state,sNode){
+ state=convertStringToBoolean(state);
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ if (((sNode.parentObject._r_logic)||(this._frbtr))&&(state))
+ for (var i=0; i<sNode.parentObject.childsCount; i++)
+ this._setSubChecked(0,sNode.parentObject.childNodes[i]);
+ if (sNode._r_logic||this._frbtr)
+ this._setSubChecked(state,sNode.childNodes[0]);
+ else
+ for (var i=0; i<sNode.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ this._setSubChecked(state,sNode.childNodes[i]);
+ };
+ var z=sNode.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
+ if (state) sNode.checkstate=1;
+ else sNode.checkstate=0;
+ if (sNode.dscheck) sNode.checkstate=sNode.dscheck;
+ this._setSrc(z,this.imPath+((sNode.parentObject._r_logic||this._frbtr)?this.radioArray:this.checkArray)[sNode.checkstate]);
+ };
+* @desc: get state of nodes's checkbox
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - target node id
+* @return: node state (0 - unchecked,1 - checked, 2 - third state)
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.isItemChecked=function(itemId){
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ return sNode.checkstate;
+ };
+* @desc: delete all children of node
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.deleteChildItems=function(itemId)
+ {
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ var j=sNode.childsCount;
+ for (var i=0; i<j; i++)
+ {
+ this._deleteNode(sNode.childNodes[0].id,sNode.childNodes[0]);
+ };
+ };
+* @desc: delete node
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @param: selectParent - If true parent of deleted item get selection, else no selected items leaving in tree.
+* @topic: 2
+ if ((!this._onrdlh)||(this._onrdlh(itemId))){
+ var z=this._deleteItem(itemId,selectParent);
+ }
+ //nb:solves standard doctype prb in IE
+ this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "1";
+ this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "0";
+* @desc: delete node
+* @type: private
+* @param: id - node id
+* @param: selectParent - If true parent of deleted item get selection, else no selected items leaving in tree.
+* @param: skip - unregistering mode (optional, used by private methods)
+* @topic: 2
+ selectParent=convertStringToBoolean(selectParent);
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ var pid=this.getParentId(itemId);
+ var zTemp=sNode.parentObject;
+ this._deleteNode(itemId,sNode,skip);
+ this._correctPlus(zTemp);
+ this._correctLine(zTemp);
+ if ((selectParent)&&(pid!=this.rootId)) this.selectItem(pid,1);
+ return zTemp;
+ };
+* @desc: uregister all child nodes of target node
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemObject - node object
+* @topic: 3
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._globalIdStorageRecSub=function(itemObject){
+ for(var i=0; i<itemObject.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ this._globalIdStorageRecSub(itemObject.childNodes[i]);
+ this._globalIdStorageSub(itemObject.childNodes[i].id);
+ };
+ this._globalIdStorageSub(;
+ /*anti memory leaking*/
+ var z=itemObject;
+// var par=z.span.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes;
+// par[0].parentObject=null;
+// par[1].childNodes[0].parentObject=null;
+// par[2].childNodes[0].parentObject=null;
+// par[2].childNodes[0].treeNod=null;
+// par[2].parentObject=null;
+// par[3].parentObject=null;
+ z.span=null;
+ z.htmlNode=null;
+ };
+* @desc: create new node next to specified
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @param: newItemId - new node id
+* @param: itemText - new node text
+* @param: itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event (optional)
+* @param: image1 - image for node without children; (optional)
+* @param: image2 - image for closed node; (optional)
+* @param: image3 - image for opened node (optional)
+* @param: optionStr - options string (optional)
+* @param: children - node children flag (for dynamical trees) (optional)
+* @topic: 2
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.insertNewNext=function(itemId,newItemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children){
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if ((!sNode)||(!sNode.parentObject)) return (0);
+ var nodez=this._attachChildNode(0,newItemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children,sNode);
+ return nodez;
+ };
+* @desc: retun node id by index
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - parent node id
+* @param: index - index of node, 0 based
+* @return: node id
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getItemIdByIndex=function(itemId,index){
+ var z=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if ((!z)||(index>z.childsCount)) return null;
+ return z.childNodes[index].id;
+ };
+* @desc: retun child node id by index
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - parent node id
+* @param: index - index of child node
+* @return: node id
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getChildItemIdByIndex=function(itemId,index){
+ var z=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if ((!z)||(index>=z.childsCount)) return null;
+ return z.childNodes[index].id;
+ };
+* @desc: set function called when drag-and-drop event occured
+* @param: aFunc - event handling function
+* @type: deprecated
+* @topic: 0,7
+* @event: onDrag
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onDrag",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event occured after item was dragged and droped on another item, but before item moving processed.
+ Event also raised while programmatic moving nodes.
+* @eventparam: ID of source item
+* @eventparam: ID of target item
+* @eventparam: if node droped as sibling then contain id of item before whitch source node will be inserted
+* @eventparam: source Tree object
+* @eventparam: target Tree object
+* @eventreturn: true - confirm drag-and-drop; false - deny drag-and-drop;
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setDragHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onDrag",func); };
+ /**
+* @desc: clear selection from node
+* @param: htmlNode - pointer to node object
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._clearMove=function(){
+ if (this._lastMark){
+ this._lastMark.className=this._lastMark.className.replace(/dragAndDropRow/g,"");
+ this._lastMark=null;
+ }
+ this.allTree.className=this.allTree.className.replace(" selectionBox","");
+ };
+ /**
+* @desc: enable/disable drag-and-drop
+* @type: public
+* @param: mode - enabled/disabled [ can be true/false/temporary_disabled - last value mean that tree can be D-n-D can be switched to true later ]
+* @param: rmode - enabled/disabled drag and drop on super root
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableDragAndDrop=function(mode,rmode){
+ if (mode=="temporary_disabled"){
+ this.dADTempOff=false;
+ mode=true; }
+ else
+ this.dADTempOff=true;
+ this.dragAndDropOff=convertStringToBoolean(mode);
+ if (this.dragAndDropOff) this.dragger.addDragLanding(this.allTree,this);
+ if (arguments.length>1)
+ this._ddronr=(!convertStringToBoolean(rmode));
+ };
+* @desc: set selection on node
+* @param: node - pointer to node object
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._setMove=function(htmlNode,x,y){
+ if (htmlNode.parentObject.span) {
+ //window.status=x;
+ var a1=getAbsoluteTop(htmlNode);
+ var a2=getAbsoluteTop(this.allTree);
+ this.dadmodec=this.dadmode;//this.dadmode;
+ this.dadmodefix=0;
+ var zN=htmlNode.parentObject.span;
+ zN.className+=" dragAndDropRow";
+ this._lastMark=zN;
+ this._autoScroll(null,a1,a2);
+ }
+ };
+ if (this.autoScroll)
+ {
+ if (node){
+ a1=getAbsoluteTop(node);
+ a2=getAbsoluteTop(this.allTree);
+ }
+ //scroll down
+ if ( (a1-a2-parseInt(this.allTree.scrollTop))>(parseInt(this.allTree.offsetHeight)-50) )
+ this.allTree.scrollTop=parseInt(this.allTree.scrollTop)+20;
+ //scroll top
+ if ( (a1-a2)<(parseInt(this.allTree.scrollTop)+30) )
+ this.allTree.scrollTop=parseInt(this.allTree.scrollTop)-20;
+ }
+* @desc: create html element for dragging
+* @type: private
+* @param: htmlObject - html node object
+* @topic: 1
+ if (!this.dADTempOff) return null;
+ var obj=htmlObject.parentObject;
+ if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeDrag",[])) return null;
+ if (!obj.i_sel)
+ this._selectItem(obj,e);
+ var dragSpan=document.createElement('div');
+ var text=new Array();
+ if (this._itim_dg)
+ for (var i=0; i<this._selected.length; i++)
+ text[i]="<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><img width='18px' height='18px' src='"+this._getSrc(this._selected[i].span.parentNode.previousSibling.childNodes[0])+"'></td><td>"+this._selected[i].span.innerHTML+"</td></tr><table>";
+ else
+ text=this.getSelectedItemText().split(this.dlmtr);
+ dragSpan.innerHTML=text.join("");
+ dragSpan.className="dragSpanDiv";
+ this._dragged=(new Array()).concat(this._selected);
+ return dragSpan;
+* @desc: focus item in tree
+* @type: private
+* @param: item - node object
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 0
+ var z=getAbsoluteTop(item.htmlNode)-getAbsoluteTop(this.allTree);
+ if ((z>(this.allTree.scrollTop+this.allTree.offsetHeight-30))||(z<this.allTree.scrollTop))
+ this.allTree.scrollTop=z;
+ };
+ if ((e)&&(e.preventDefault)) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }
+ return false;
+ if (this._autoOpenTimer) clearTimeout(this._autoOpenTimer);
+ if (!targetHtmlObject.parentObject){
+ targetHtmlObject=this.htmlNode.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
+ this.dadmodec=0;
+ }
+ this._clearMove();
+ var z=sourceHtmlObject.parentObject.treeNod;
+ if ((z)&&(z._clearMove)) z._clearMove("");
+ if ((!this.dragMove)||(this.dragMove()))
+ {
+ if ((!z)||(!z._clearMove)||(!z._dragged)) var col=new Array(sourceHtmlObject.parentObject);
+ else var col=z._dragged;
+ var trg=targetHtmlObject.parentObject;
+ for (var i=0; i<col.length; i++){
+ var newID=this._moveNode(col[i],trg);
+ if ((this.dadmodec)&&(newID!==false)) trg=this._globalIdStorageFind(newID,true,true);
+ if ((newID)&&(!this._sADnD)) this.selectItem(newID,0,1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (z) z._dragged=new Array();
+ if (!this.dADTempOff) return 0;
+ var fobj=shtmlObject.parentObject;
+ var tobj=htmlObject.parentObject;
+ if ((!tobj)&&(this._ddronr)) return;
+ if (!this.callEvent("onDragIn",[,tobj?,fobj.treeNod,this]))
+ return 0;
+ if (!tobj)
+ this.allTree.className+=" selectionBox";
+ else
+ {
+ if (fobj.childNodes==null){
+ this._setMove(htmlObject,x,y);
+ return htmlObject;
+ }
+ var stree=fobj.treeNod;
+ for (var i=0; i<stree._dragged.length; i++)
+ if (this._checkPNodes(tobj,stree._dragged[i])){
+ this._autoScroll(htmlObject);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ this._setMove(htmlObject,x,y);
+ if (this._getOpenState(tobj)<=0){
+ this._autoOpenTimer=window.setTimeout(new callerFunction(this._autoOpenItem,this),1000);
+ }
+ }
+ return htmlObject;
+ treeObject.openItem(treeObject._autoOpenId);
+if (this._autoOpenTimer) clearTimeout(this._autoOpenTimer);
+ }
+* @desc: move item (inside of tree)
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - item Id
+* @param: mode - moving mode (left,up,down,item_child,item_sibling,item_sibling_next,up_strict,down_strict)
+* @param: targetId - target Node in item_child and item_sibling mode
+* @param: targetTree - used for moving between trees (optional)
+* @return: node id
+* @topic: 2
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!sNode) return (0);
+ switch(mode){
+ case "right": alert('Not supported yet');
+ break;
+ case "item_child":
+ var tNode=(targetTree||this)._globalIdStorageFind(targetId);
+ if (!tNode) return (0);
+ (targetTree||this)._moveNodeTo(sNode,tNode,0);
+ break;
+ case "item_sibling":
+ var tNode=(targetTree||this)._globalIdStorageFind(targetId);
+ if (!tNode) return (0);
+ (targetTree||this)._moveNodeTo(sNode,tNode.parentObject,tNode);
+ break;
+ case "item_sibling_next":
+ var tNode=(targetTree||this)._globalIdStorageFind(targetId);
+ if (!tNode) return (0);
+ if ((
+ (targetTree||this)._moveNodeTo(sNode,tNode.parentObject,;
+ else
+ (targetTree||this)._moveNodeTo(sNode,tNode.parentObject);
+ break;
+ case "left": if (sNode.parentObject.parentObject)
+ this._moveNodeTo(sNode,sNode.parentObject.parentObject,sNode.parentObject);
+ break;
+ case "up": var z=this._getPrevNode(sNode);
+ if ((z==-1)||(!z.parentObject)) return;
+ this._moveNodeTo(sNode,z.parentObject,z);
+ break;
+ case "up_strict": var z=this._getIndex(sNode);
+ if (z!=0)
+ this._moveNodeTo(sNode,sNode.parentObject,sNode.parentObject.childNodes[z-1]);
+ break;
+ case "down_strict": var z=this._getIndex(sNode);
+ var count=sNode.parentObject.childsCount-2;
+ if (z==count)
+ this._moveNodeTo(sNode,sNode.parentObject);
+ else if (z<count)
+ this._moveNodeTo(sNode,sNode.parentObject,sNode.parentObject.childNodes[z+2]);
+ break;
+ case "down": var z=this._getNextNode(this._lastChild(sNode));
+ if ((z==-1)||(!z.parentObject)) return;
+ if (z.parentObject==sNode.parentObject)
+ var z=this._getNextNode(z);
+ if (z==-1){
+ this._moveNodeTo(sNode,sNode.parentObject);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((z==-1)||(!z.parentObject)) return;
+ this._moveNodeTo(sNode,z.parentObject,z);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+* @desc: load xml for tree branch
+* @param: id - id of parent node
+* @param: src - path to xml, optional
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 1
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._loadDynXML=function(id,src) {
+ src=src||this.XMLsource;
+ var sn=(new Date()).valueOf();
+ this._ld_id=id;
+ this.loadXML(src+getUrlSymbol(src)+"uid="+sn+"&id="+this._escape(id));
+ };
+* @desc: check possibility of drag-and-drop
+* @type: private
+* @param: itemId - draged node id
+* @param: htmlObject - droped node object
+* @param: shtmlObject - sourse node object
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._checkPNodes=function(item1,item2){
+ if (item2==item1) return 1
+ if (item1.parentObject) return this._checkPNodes(item1.parentObject,item2); else return 0;
+ };
+* @desc: prevent caching in IE by adding random value to URL string
+* @param: mode - enable/disable random value ( disabled by default )
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ this.no_cashe = convertStringToBoolean(mode);
+ this.XMLLoader.rSeed=this.no_cashe;
+* @desc: disable checkbox
+* @param: itemId - Id of tree item
+* @param: mode - 1 - on, 0 - off;
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.disableCheckbox=function(itemId,mode) {
+ if (typeof(itemId)!="object")
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,0,1);
+ else
+ var sNode=itemId;
+ if (!sNode) return;
+ sNode.dscheck=convertStringToBoolean(mode)?(((sNode.checkstate||0)%3)+3):((sNode.checkstate>2)?(sNode.checkstate-3):sNode.checkstate);
+ this._setCheck(sNode);
+ if (sNode.dscheck<3) sNode.dscheck=false;
+ };
+* @desc: set escaping mode (used for escaping ID in requests)
+* @param: mode - escaping mode ("utf8" for UTF escaping)
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setEscapingMode=function(mode){
+ this.utfesc=mode;
+ }
+* @desc: enable item highlighting (item text highlited on mouseover)
+* @beforeInit: 1
+* @param: mode - 1 - on, 0 - off;
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableHighlighting=function(mode) { this.ehlt=true; this.ehlta=convertStringToBoolean(mode); };
+* @desc: called on mouse out
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._itemMouseOut=function(){
+ var that=this.childNodes[3].parentObject;
+ var tree=that.treeNod;
+ tree.callEvent("onMouseOut",[]);
+ if ( tree._l_onMSI=null;
+ if (!tree.ehlta) return;
+ that.span.className=that.span.className.replace("_lor","");
+ }
+* @desc: called on mouse in
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._itemMouseIn=function(){
+ var that=this.childNodes[3].parentObject;
+ var tree=that.treeNod;
+ if (tree._l_onMSI! tree.callEvent("onMouseIn",[]);
+ if (!tree.ehlta) return;
+ that.span.className=that.span.className.replace("_lor","");
+ that.span.className=that.span.className.replace(/((standart|selected)TreeRow)/,"$1_lor");
+ }
+* @desc: enable active images (clickable and dragable). By default only text part of the node is active
+* @beforeInit: 1
+* @param: mode - 1 - on, 0 - off;
+* @type: public
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableActiveImages=function(mode){this._aimgs=convertStringToBoolean(mode); };
+* @desc: focus item in tree (scroll to it if necessary)
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - item Id
+* @topic: 0
+ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!sNode) return (0);
+ this._focusNode(sNode);
+ };
+* @desc: Returns the list of all children from all next levels of tree, separated by default delimiter.
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of all children items from all next levels of tree, separated by default delimiter
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllSubItems =function(itemId){
+ return this._getAllSubItems(itemId);
+ }
+* @desc: Returns the list of all items which doesn't have child nodes.
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of all items which doesn't have child nodes.
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllChildless =function(){
+ return this._getAllScraggyItems(this.htmlNode);
+ }
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllLeafs=dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllChildless;
+* @desc: Returns the list of all children from all next levels of tree, separated by default delimiter.
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @edition: Professional
+* @type: private
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getAllScraggyItems =function(node)
+ {
+ var z="";
+ for (var i=0; i<node.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((node.childNodes[i].unParsed)||(node.childNodes[i].childsCount>0))
+ {
+ if (node.childNodes[i].unParsed)
+ var zb=this._getAllScraggyItemsXML(node.childNodes[i].unParsed,1);
+ else
+ var zb=this._getAllScraggyItems(node.childNodes[i])
+ if (zb)
+ if (z) z+=this.dlmtr+zb;
+ else z=zb;
+ }
+ else
+ if (!z) z=node.childNodes[i].id;
+ else z+=this.dlmtr+node.childNodes[i].id;
+ }
+ return z;
+ };
+* @desc: Returns the list of all children from all next levels of tree, separated by default delimiter.
+* @param: itemId - id of node
+* @type: private
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getAllFatItems =function(node)
+ {
+ var z="";
+ for (var i=0; i<node.childsCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((node.childNodes[i].unParsed)||(node.childNodes[i].childsCount>0))
+ {
+ if (!z) z=node.childNodes[i].id;
+ else z+=this.dlmtr+node.childNodes[i].id;
+ if (node.childNodes[i].unParsed)
+ var zb=this._getAllFatItemsXML(node.childNodes[i].unParsed,1);
+ else
+ var zb=this._getAllFatItems(node.childNodes[i])
+ if (zb) z+=this.dlmtr+zb;
+ }
+ }
+ return z;
+ };
+* @desc: Returns the list of all items which have child nodes, separated by default delimiter.
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of all items which has child nodes, separated by default delimiter.
+* @topic: 6
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllItemsWithKids =function(){
+ return this._getAllFatItems(this.htmlNode);
+ }
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllFatItems=dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllItemsWithKids;
+* @desc: return list of identificators of nodes with checked checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of ID of items with checked checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllChecked=function(){
+ return this._getAllChecked("","",1);
+ }
+* @desc: return list of identificators of nodes with unchecked checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of ID of items with unchecked checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllUnchecked=function(itemId){
+ if (itemId)
+ itemId=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ return this._getAllChecked(itemId,"",0);
+ }
+* @desc: return list of identificators of nodes with third state checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of ID of items with third state checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllPartiallyChecked=function(){
+ return this._getAllChecked("","",2);
+ }
+* @desc: return list of identificators of nodes with checked and third state checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @type: public
+* @return: list of ID of items with checked and third state checkboxes, separated by default delimiter
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllCheckedBranches=function(){
+ var temp= this._getAllChecked("","",1);
+ if (temp!="") temp+=this.dlmtr;
+ return temp+this._getAllChecked("","",2);
+ }
+* @desc: return list of identificators of nodes with checked checkboxes
+* @type: private
+* @param: node - node object (optional, used by private methods)
+* @param: list - initial identificators list (optional, used by private methods)
+* @topic: 5
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getAllChecked=function(htmlNode,list,mode){
+ if (!htmlNode) htmlNode=this.htmlNode;
+ if (htmlNode.checkstate==mode)
+ if (!htmlNode.nocheckbox) { if (list); else; }
+ var j=htmlNode.childsCount;
+ for (var i=0; i<j; i++)
+ {
+ list=this._getAllChecked(htmlNode.childNodes[i],list,mode);
+ };
+ if (list) return list; else return "";
+ };
+* @desc: set individual item style
+* @type: public
+* @param: itemId - node id
+* @param: style_string - valid CSS string
+* @topic: 2
+ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ if (!
+ temp.span.setAttribute("style",temp.span.getAttribute("style")+"; "+style_string);
+ else
+* @desc: enable draging item image with item text
+* @type: public
+* @param: mode - true/false
+* @topic: 1
+ this._itim_dg=convertStringToBoolean(mode);
+* @desc: set function called when tree item draged over another item
+* @param: func - event handling function
+* @type: depricated
+* @edition: Professional
+* @topic: 4
+* @event: onDragIn
+* @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onDragIn",func); instead
+* @eventdesc: Event raised when item draged other other dropable target
+* @eventparam: ID draged item
+* @eventparam: ID potencial drop landing
+* @eventparam: source object
+* @eventparam: target object
+* @eventreturn: true - allow drop; false - deny drop;
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnDragIn=function(func){
+ this.attachEvent("onDragIn",func);
+ };
+* @desc: enable/disable auto scrolling while drag-and-drop
+* @type: public
+* @param: mode - enabled/disabled
+* @topic: 0
+ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.enableDragAndDropScrolling=function(mode){ this.autoScroll=convertStringToBoolean(mode); };
+ this.dhx_SeverCatcherPath="";
+ this.attachEvent = function(original, catcher, CallObj)
+ {
+ if (this._onEventSet && this._onEventSet[original])
+ this._onEventSet[original].apply(this,[]);
+ CallObj = CallObj||this;
+ original = 'ev_'+original;
+ if ( ( !this[original] ) || ( !this[original].addEvent ) ) {
+ var z = new this.eventCatcher(CallObj);
+ z.addEvent( this[original] );
+ this[original] = z;
+ }
+ return ( original + ':' + this[original].addEvent(catcher) ); //return ID (event name & event ID)
+ }
+ this.callEvent=function(name,a){
+ if (this["ev_"+name]) return this["ev_"+name].apply(this,a);
+ return true;
+ }
+ this.checkEvent=function(name){
+ if (this["ev_"+name]) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.eventCatcher = function(obj)
+ {
+ var dhx_catch = new Array();
+ var m_obj = obj;
+ var func_server = function(catcher,rpc)
+ {
+ catcher = catcher.split(":");
+ var postVar="";
+ var postVar2="";
+ var target=catcher[1];
+ if (catcher[1]=="rpc"){
+ postVar='<?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>'+catcher[2]+'</methodName><params>';
+ postVar2="</params></methodCall>";
+ target=rpc;
+ }
+ var z = function() {
+ var loader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject( null, window, false );
+ var request=postVar;
+ if (postVar2){
+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
+ request += "<param><value><string>"+(arguments[i]?arguments[i].toString():"")+"</string></value></param>";
+ request+=postVar2;
+ }
+ else
+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
+ request += ( '&arg'+i+'='+escape(arguments[i]));
+ loader.loadXML( target, true, request,postVar2?true:false);
+ try{
+ if (postVar2){
+ var dt=loader.doXPath("//methodResponse/params/param/value/string");
+ return convertStringToBoolean(dt[0];
+ }
+ else return convertStringToBoolean(loader.xmlDoc.responseText);
+ }
+ catch(e){
+ dhtmlxError.throwError("rpcError",loader.xmlDoc.responseText);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return z;
+ }
+ var z = function()
+ {
+ if (dhx_catch)
+ var res=true;
+ for (var i=0; i<dhx_catch.length; i++) {
+ if (dhx_catch[i] != null) {
+ var zr = dhx_catch[i].apply( m_obj, arguments );
+ res = res && zr;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ z.addEvent = function(ev)
+ {
+ if ( typeof(ev) != "function" )
+ if (ev && ev.indexOf && ev.indexOf("server:") === 0)
+ ev = new func_server(ev,m_obj.rpcServer);
+ else
+ ev = eval(ev);
+ if (ev)
+ return dhx_catch.push( ev ) - 1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ z.removeEvent = function(id)
+ {
+ dhx_catch[id] = null;
+ }
+ return z;
+ }
+ this.detachEvent = function(id)
+ {
+ if (id != false) {
+ var list = id.split(':'); //get EventName and ID
+ this[ list[0] ].removeEvent( list[1] ); //remove event
+ }
+ }
+//(c)dhtmlx ltd. \ No newline at end of file