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* Two Python utility modules for PEM formated dataHEADmasterJohn Dennis2013-11-084-0/+1437
base64utils provides functions for manipulating base64 data. pemutils utilizes functionality in base64utils. base64utils provides functionalty to: * tests if text is valid base64 * filter formatting from base64 * convert base64 between different alphabets * Handle padding issues - test if base64 is padded - removes padding - restores padding * wraps base64 text into formatted blocks - via iterator - return formatted string pemutils provides functionality to: * parse text and find all PEM blocks contained in the text. Information on the location of the block in the text, the type of PEM block, and it's base64 and binary data contents. * Search text for only a specfic PEM type (e.g. certificate) * parse text assumed to contain PEM data and return the binary data. * test if a block of text is a PEM block * convert base64 text into a formatted PEM block * convert binary data into a formatted PEM block * access to the valid PEM types and their headers, including conversion from deprecated PEM headers to the canonical header * Format either base64 or bindary data into PEM format