diff options
2 files changed, 440 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index ba96f126..b6fb206e 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
+ - centralized definition of actions
- triggers on windows logs and file monitoring
- execution of commands on monitored hosts in case of pre-defined events
- - centralized definition of actions
- save UINT in history_uint
- document UserParameters $1,...,$9
- - make alternative to $1-$9: {1}-{9}
- - redefine constants to have prefix ZBX_* in common.h
diff --git a/frontends/php/actionconf.php b/frontends/php/actionconf.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1c19d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontends/php/actionconf.php
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SIA Zabbix
+** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+** (at your option) any later version.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** GNU General Public License for more details.
+** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ include "include/";
+ $page["title"]="S_ACTIONS";
+ $page["file"]="actions.php";
+ show_header($page["title"],0,0);
+ insert_confirm_javascript();
+ if(($_REQUEST["triggerid"]!=0)&&!check_right_on_trigger("U",$_REQUEST["triggerid"]))
+ {
+ show_table_header("<font color=\"AA0000\">".S_NO_PERMISSIONS."</font>");
+ show_footer();
+ exit;
+ }
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["register"]))
+ {
+ if($_REQUEST["register"]=="add")
+ {
+ if($_REQUEST["repeat"]==0)
+ {
+ $_REQUEST["maxrepeats"]=0;
+ $_REQUEST["repeatdelay"]=600;
+ }
+ $actionid=add_action( $_REQUEST["triggerid"], $_REQUEST["userid"], $_REQUEST["good"], $_REQUEST["delay"], $_REQUEST["subject"], $_REQUEST["message"],$_REQUEST["scope"],$_REQUEST["severity"],$_REQUEST["recipient"],$_REQUEST["usrgrpid"],$_REQUEST["maxrepeats"],$_REQUEST["repeatdelay"]);
+ add_action_to_linked_hosts($actionid);
+ show_messages($actionid,S_ACTION_ADDED,S_CANNOT_ADD_ACTION);
+ if($actionid)
+ {
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["userid"]))
+ {
+ $user=get_user_by_userid($_REQUEST["userid"]);
+ add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_ADD,AUDIT_RESOURCE_ACTION,"User [".$user["alias"]."] when [".$_REQUEST["good"]."] subject [".$_REQUEST["subject"]."]");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $group=get_group_by_groupid($_REQUEST["usrgrpid"]);
+ add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_ADD,AUDIT_RESOURCE_ACTION,"User [".$group["name"]."] when [".$_REQUEST["good"]."] subject [".$_REQUEST["subject"]."]");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($_REQUEST["register"]=="update")
+ {
+ if($_REQUEST["repeat"]==0)
+ {
+ $_REQUEST["maxrepeats"]=0;
+ $_REQUEST["repeatdelay"]=600;
+ }
+ $result=update_action( $_REQUEST["actionid"], $_REQUEST["triggerid"], $_REQUEST["userid"], $_REQUEST["good"], $_REQUEST["delay"], $_REQUEST["subject"], $_REQUEST["message"],$_REQUEST["scope"],$_REQUEST["severity"],$_REQUEST["recipient"],$_REQUEST["usrgrpid"],$_REQUEST["maxrepeats"],$_REQUEST["repeatdelay"]);
+ update_action_from_linked_hosts($_REQUEST["actionid"]);
+ if($result)
+ {
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["userid"]))
+ {
+ $user=get_user_by_userid($_REQUEST["userid"]);
+ add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE,AUDIT_RESOURCE_ACTION,"User [".$user["alias"]."] when [".$_REQUEST["good"]."] subject [".$_REQUEST["subject"]."]");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $group=get_group_by_groupid($_REQUEST["usrgrpid"]);
+ add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE,AUDIT_RESOURCE_ACTION,"User [".$group["name"]."] when [".$_REQUEST["good"]."] subject [".$_REQUEST["subject"]."]");
+ }
+ }
+ unset($_REQUEST["actionid"]);
+ }
+ if($_REQUEST["register"]=="delete")
+ {
+ delete_action_from_templates($_REQUEST["actionid"]);
+ $result=delete_action($_REQUEST["actionid"]);
+ if($result)
+ {
+ add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_DELETE,AUDIT_RESOURCE_ACTION,"When [".$_REQUEST["good"]."] subject [".$_REQUEST["subject"]."]");
+ }
+ unset($_REQUEST["actionid"]);
+ }
+ }
+ $trigger=get_trigger_by_triggerid($_REQUEST["triggerid"]);
+ $expression=explode_exp($trigger["expression"],1);
+// $description=$trigger["description"];
+// if( strstr($description,"%s"))
+// {
+ $description=expand_trigger_description($_REQUEST["triggerid"]);
+// }
+ show_table_header("$description<BR>$expression");
+/* if(isset($_REQUEST["scope"])&&($_REQUEST["scope"]==2))
+ {
+ $sql="select a.actionid,a.triggerid,a.good,a.delay,a.subject,a.message,a.userid,a.recipient,a.scope from actions a order by a.scope desc";
+ }
+ elseif(isset($_REQUEST["scope"])&&($_REQUEST["scope"]==1))
+ {
+ $sql="select a.actionid,a.triggerid,a.good,a.delay,a.subject,a.message,a.userid,a.recipient,a.scope from actions a where a.scope=2 or a.scope=1 order by a.recipient desc";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql="select a.actionid,a.triggerid,a.good,a.delay,a.subject,a.message,a.userid,a.recipient,a.scope from actions a where (a.triggerid=".$_REQUEST["triggerid"]." and a.scope=0) or (a.scope=2 or a.scope=1) order by a.recipient desc";
+ }*/
+// echo $sql;
+ $sql="select actionid,userid,delay,subject,message,scope,severity,recipient,good,triggerid,maxrepeats,repeatdelay from actions where (scope=0 and triggerid=".$_REQUEST["triggerid"].") or scope=1 or scope=2";
+ $result=DBselect($sql);
+ table_begin();
+ $col=0;
+ while($row=DBfetch($result))
+ {
+ if($row["scope"] == 1)
+ {
+ $sql="select h.hostid from triggers t,hosts h,functions f,items i where f.triggerid=t.triggerid and h.hostid=i.hostid and i.itemid=f.itemid and t.triggerid=".$_REQUEST["triggerid"];
+// echo "$sql<br>";
+ $result2=DBselect($sql);
+ $found=0;
+ while($row2=DBfetch($result2))
+ {
+// $sql="select * from actions a,triggers t,hosts h,functions f,items i where a.triggerid=t.triggerid and f.triggerid=t.triggerid and h.hostid=a.triggerid and i.hostid=h.hostid and a.actionid=".$row["actionid"]." and a.scope=1 and h.hostid=".$row2["hostid"];
+ $sql="select * from actions a where a.actionid=".$row["actionid"]." and a.scope=1 and a.triggerid=".$row2["hostid"];
+// echo "$sql<br>";
+ $result3=DBselect($sql);
+ if(DBnum_rows($result3)>0) $found=1;
+ }
+ if($found==0) continue;
+ }
+ if($row["recipient"] == RECIPIENT_TYPE_USER)
+ {
+ $user=get_user_by_userid($row["userid"]);
+ $recipient=$user["alias"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $groupd=get_usergroup_by_usrgrpid($row["userid"]);
+ $recipient=$groupd["name"];
+ }
+ if($row["good"] == 1)
+ {
+# echo "<TD><FONT COLOR=\"#AA0000\">".S_ON."</FONT></TD>";
+ $good=array("value"=>S_ON,"class"=>"on");
+ }
+ else if($row["good"] == 0)
+ {
+# echo "<TD><FONT COLOR=\"#00AA00\">".S_OFF."</FONT></TD>";
+ $good=array("value"=>S_OFF,"class"=>"off");
+ }
+ else if($row["good"] == 2)
+ {
+# echo "<TD><FONT COLOR=\"#AA0000\">".S_ON."</FONT>/<FONT COLOR=\"#00AA00\">OFF</FONT></TD>";
+ $good=array("value"=>S_ON."/".S_OFF,"class"=>"on");
+ }
+ if($row["maxrepeats"] == 0)
+ {
+ $maxrepeats=S_NO_REPEATS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $maxrepeats=$row["maxrepeats"];
+ }
+ $actions="<A HREF=\"actions.php?register=edit&actionid=".$row["actionid"]."&triggerid=".$_REQUEST["triggerid"]."#form\">Change</A>";
+ table_row(array(
+ get_scope_description($row["scope"]),
+ $recipient,
+ $good,
+ htmlspecialchars($row["delay"]),
+ htmlspecialchars($row["subject"]),
+ $maxrepeats,
+ $actions
+ ),$col++);
+ }
+ if(DBnum_rows($result)==0)
+ {
+ echo "<TR BGCOLOR=#EEEEEE>";
+ echo "<TR>";
+ }
+ table_end();
+ echo "<a name=\"form\"></a>";
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["actionid"]))
+ {
+ $action=get_action_by_actionid($_REQUEST["actionid"]);
+ $actionid=$action["actionid"];
+ $triggerid=$action["triggerid"];
+ $good=$action["good"];
+ $delay=$action["delay"];
+ // Otherwise symbols like ",' will not be shown
+ $subject=htmlspecialchars($action["subject"]);
+ $message=$action["message"];
+ $uid=$action["userid"];
+ $scope=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["scope"]),$_REQUEST["scope"],$action["scope"]);
+ $severity=$action["severity"];
+ $recipient=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["recipient"]),$_REQUEST["recipient"],$action["recipient"]);
+ $maxrepeats=$action["maxrepeats"];
+ $repeatdelay=$action["repeatdelay"];
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["repeat"]))
+ {
+ $repeat=$_REQUEST["repeat"];
+ }
+ else if($maxrepeats==0)
+ {
+ $repeat=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $repeat=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $trigger=get_trigger_by_triggerid($_REQUEST["triggerid"]);
+ $description=htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($trigger["description"]));
+// $delay=30;
+ $delay=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["delay"]),$_REQUEST["delay"],30);
+// $subject=$description;
+ $subject=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["subject"]),$_REQUEST["subject"],$description);
+ $scope=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["scope"]),$_REQUEST["scope"],0);
+ $good=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["good"]),$_REQUEST["good"],1);
+ $recipient=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["recipient"]),$_REQUEST["recipient"],RECIPIENT_TYPE_GROUP);
+// $severity=0;
+ $severity=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["severity"]),$_REQUEST["severity"],0);
+ $maxrepeats=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["maxrepeats"]),$_REQUEST["maxrepeats"],0);
+ $repeatdelay=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["repeatdelay"]),$_REQUEST["repeatdelay"],600);
+ $repeat=@iif(isset($_REQUEST["repeat"]),$_REQUEST["repeat"],0);
+ $sql="select i.description,, i.key_ from hosts h, items i,functions f where f.triggerid=".$_REQUEST["triggerid"]." and h.hostid=i.hostid and f.itemid=i.itemid order by i.description";
+ $result=DBselect($sql);
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["message"]))
+ {
+ $message=$_REQUEST["message"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $message="INSERT YOUR MESSAGE HERE\n\n------Latest data------\n\n";
+ while($row=DBfetch($result))
+ {
+ $message=$message.$row["description"].": {".$row["host"].":".$row["key_"].".last(0)} (latest value)\n";
+ $message=$message.$row["description"].": {".$row["host"].":".$row["key_"].".max(300)} (maximum value for last 5 min)\n";
+ $message=$message.$row["description"].": {".$row["host"].":".$row["key_"].".min(300)} (minimum value for last 5 min)\n\n";
+ }
+ $message=$message."---------End--------\n";
+ }
+ }
+ show_form_begin("actions.action");
+ echo nbsp(S_NEW_ACTION);
+ $col=0;
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ echo "<form method=\"get\" action=\"actions.php\">";
+ echo "<input name=\"triggerid\" type=\"hidden\" value=".$_REQUEST["triggerid"].">";
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["actionid"]))
+ {
+ echo "<input name=\"actionid\" type=\"hidden\" value=".$_REQUEST["actionid"].">";
+ }
+ echo nbsp(S_SEND_MESSAGE_TO);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<select class=\"biginput\" name=\"recipient\" size=\"1\" onChange=\"submit()\">";
+ echo "<option value=\"0\""; if($recipient==RECIPIENT_TYPE_USER) echo " selected"; echo ">".S_SINGLE_USER;
+ echo "<option value=\"1\""; if($recipient==RECIPIENT_TYPE_GROUP) echo " selected"; echo ">".S_USER_GROUP;
+ echo "</select>";
+ if($recipient==RECIPIENT_TYPE_GROUP)
+ {
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ echo nbsp(S_GROUP);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<select class=\"biginput\" name=\"usrgrpid\" size=\"1\">";
+ $sql="select usrgrpid,name from usrgrp order by name";
+ $result=DBselect($sql);
+ while($row=DBfetch($result))
+ {
+// if(isset($usrgrpid) && ($row["usrgrpid"] == $usrgrpid))
+ if(isset($uid) && ($row["usrgrpid"] == $uid))
+ {
+ echo "<option value=\"".$row["usrgrpid"]."\" selected>".$row["name"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo "<option value=\"".$row["usrgrpid"]."\">".$row["name"];
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</select>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ echo nbsp(S_USER);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<select class=\"biginput\" name=\"userid\" size=\"1\">";
+ $sql="select userid,alias from users order by alias";
+ $result=DBselect($sql);
+ while($row=DBfetch($result))
+ {
+ if(isset($uid) && ($row["userid"] == $uid))
+ {
+ echo "<option value=\"".$row["userid"]."\" selected>".$row["alias"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo "<option value=\"".$row["userid"]."\">".$row["alias"];
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</select>";
+ }
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<select class=\"biginput\" name=\"good\" size=1>";
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"1\""; if($good==1) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_ON;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"0\""; if($good==0) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_OFF;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"2\""; if($good==2) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_ON_OR_OFF;
+ echo "</SELECT>";
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<input class=\"biginput\" name=\"delay\" value=\"$delay\" size=5>";
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ echo S_SUBJECT;
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<input class=\"biginput\" name=\"subject\" value=\"$subject\" size=70>";
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ echo S_MESSAGE;
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<textarea class=\"biginput\" name=\"message\" cols=70 ROWS=\"7\" wrap=\"soft\">$message</TEXTAREA>";
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ echo S_SCOPE;
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<select class=\"biginput\" name=\"scope\" size=1 onChange=\"submit()\">";
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"0\""; if($scope==0) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_THIS_TRIGGER_ONLY;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"1\""; if($scope==1) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_ALL_TRIGGERS_OF_THIS_HOST;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"2\""; if($scope==2) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_ALL_TRIGGERS;
+ echo "</SELECT>";
+ if($scope>0)
+ {
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<select class=\"biginput\" name=\"severity\" size=1>";
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"0\" "; if($severity==0) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_NOT_CLASSIFIED;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" "; if($severity==1) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_INFORMATION;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"2\" "; if($severity==2) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_WARNING;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"3\" "; if($severity==3) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_AVERAGE;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"4\" "; if($severity==4) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_HIGH;
+ echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"5\" "; if($severity==5) echo "SELECTED"; echo ">".S_DISASTER;
+ echo "</SELECT>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo "<input name=\"severity\" type=\"hidden\" value=$severity>";
+ }
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ echo nbsp(S_REPEAT);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<select class=\"biginput\" name=\"repeat\" size=\"1\" onChange=\"submit()\">";
+ echo "<option value=\"0\""; if($repeat==0) echo " selected"; echo ">".S_NO_REPEATS;
+ echo "<option value=\"1\""; if($repeat==1) echo " selected"; echo ">".S_REPEAT;
+ echo "</select>";
+ if($repeat>0)
+ {
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<input class=\"biginput\" name=\"maxrepeats\" value=\"$maxrepeats\" size=2>";
+ show_table2_v_delimiter($col++);
+ show_table2_h_delimiter();
+ echo "<input class=\"biginput\" name=\"repeatdelay\" value=\"$repeatdelay\" size=2>";
+ }
+ show_table2_v_delimiter2();
+ echo "<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"register\" value=\"add\">";
+ if(isset($actionid))
+ {
+ echo "<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"register\" value=\"update\">";
+ echo "<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"register\" value=\"delete\" onClick=\"return Confirm('Delete selected action?');\">";
+ }
+ show_table2_header_end();
+ show_footer();