path: root/frontends/php/chart_sla.php
diff options
authorhugetoad <hugetoad@97f52cf1-0a1b-0410-bd0e-c28be96e8082>2003-01-26 12:42:31 +0000
committerhugetoad <hugetoad@97f52cf1-0a1b-0410-bd0e-c28be96e8082>2003-01-26 12:42:31 +0000
commitbe181cb0f782ee8770969b874bf69f4d176aca68 (patch)
tree43e339bc67029a2609772d7bb89a883157bae818 /frontends/php/chart_sla.php
parentaa8cb9dde7a3e4c5e9b74c6cc38aecd63d913de1 (diff)
- added support for SLA level in IT Services (Alexei)
- added fields services.showsla and services.goodsla (Alexei) git-svn-id: svn:// 97f52cf1-0a1b-0410-bd0e-c28be96e8082
Diffstat (limited to 'frontends/php/chart_sla.php')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/frontends/php/chart_sla.php b/frontends/php/chart_sla.php
index 8709a133..69e5e799 100644
--- a/frontends/php/chart_sla.php
+++ b/frontends/php/chart_sla.php
@@ -7,43 +7,11 @@
# period
# from
- if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["period"]))
- {
- $period=$HTTP_GET_VARS["period"];
- }
- else
- {
- $period=3600;
- }
- if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["from"]))
- {
- $from=$HTTP_GET_VARS["from"];
- }
- else
- {
- $from=0;
- }
- if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["width"])&&$HTTP_GET_VARS["width"]>0)
- {
- $sizeX=$HTTP_GET_VARS["width"];
- }
- else
- {
- $sizeX=200;
- }
+ $sizeX=200;
- $shiftX=10;
- $shiftY=17;
- $nodata=1;
- Header( "Content-type: text/html");
-// Header( "Content-type: image/png");
+// Header( "Content-type: text/html");
+ Header( "Content-type: image/png");
Header( "Expires: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:51:50 GMT");
@@ -62,216 +30,26 @@
+ ImageRectangle($im,0,0,$sizeX-1,$sizeY-1,$black);
- $period_start=$now-3600;
+ $period_start=$now-7*24*3600;
+ $service=get_service_by_serviceid($HTTP_GET_VARS["serviceid"]);
- echo $true," ",$false;
- exit;
- ImageFilledRectangle($im,$sizeX-$sizeX*$true/100,0,$sizeX,$sizeY,$darkred);
- ImageString($im, 2,1,1, "$true | $false" , $darkred);
- ImagePng($im);
- ImageDestroy($im);
- exit;
- $x=imagesx($im);
- $y=imagesy($im);
- ImageFilledRectangle($im,0,0,$sizeX+$shiftX+61,$sizeY+2*$shiftY+40,$white);
- ImageRectangle($im,0,0,$x-1,$y-1,$black);
- if(!check_right("Item","R",$HTTP_GET_VARS["itemid"]))
- {
-// show_table_header("<font color=\"AA0000\">No permissions !</font>");
-// show_footer();
- ImagePng($im);
- ImageDestroy($im);
- exit;
- }
-// for($i=0;$i<=$sizeY;$i+=$sizeY/5)
-// {
-// ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX,$i+$shiftY,$sizeX+$shiftX,$i+$shiftY,$gray);
-// }
-// for($i=0;$i<=$sizeX;$i+=$sizeX/24)
-// {
-// ImageDashedLine($im,$i+$shiftX,$shiftY,$i+$shiftX,$sizeY+$shiftY,$gray);
-// }
-// $style=array($white,$white,$white,$white,$white,$white,$black,$black,$black,$black,$black,$black,$black);
-// ImageSetStyle($im,$style);
- ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX+1,$shiftY,$shiftX+1,$sizeY+$shiftY,$black);
- ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX+1,$shiftY,$shiftX+$sizeX,$shiftY,$black);
- ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX+$sizeX,$shiftY,$shiftX+$sizeX,$sizeY+$shiftY,$black);
- ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX+1,$shiftY+$sizeY,$shiftX+$sizeX,$sizeY+$shiftY,$black);
- $item=get_item_by_itemid($HTTP_GET_VARS["itemid"]);
- $host=get_host_by_hostid($item["hostid"]);
- $str=$host["host"].":".$item["description"];
- $x=imagesx($im)/2-ImageFontWidth(4)*strlen($str)/2;
- ImageString($im, 4,$x,1, $str , $darkred);
-// ImageString($im, 4,$sizeX/2-50,1, $host["host"].":".$item["description"] , $darkred);
- $from_time = time(NULL)-$period-3600*$from;
- $to_time = time(NULL)-3600*$from;
- $result=DBselect("select count(clock),min(clock),max(clock),min(value),max(value) from history where itemid=".$HTTP_GET_VARS["itemid"]." and clock>$from_time and clock<$to_time ");
- $count=DBget_field($result,0,0);
- if($count>0)
- {
- $nodata=0;
- $minX=DBget_field($result,0,1);
- $maxX=DBget_field($result,0,2);
- $minY=DBget_field($result,0,3);
- $maxY=DBget_field($result,0,4);
- }
- else
- {
- unset($maxX);
- unset($maxY);
- unset($minX);
- unset($minY);
- ImageString($im, 2,$sizeX/2-50, $sizeY+$shiftY+3, "NO DATA FOUND FOR THIS PERIOD" , $darkred);
- ImageStringUp($im,0,imagesx($im)-10,imagesy($im)-50, "", $gray);
- ImagePng($im);
- ImageDestroy($im);
- exit;
- }
- $my_exp = floor(log10($maxY));
- $my_mant = $maxY/pow(10,$my_exp);
- if ($my_mant < 1.5 )
- {
- $my_mant = 1.5;
- $my_steps = 5;
- }
- elseif($my_mant < 2 )
- {
- $my_mant = 2;
- $my_steps = 4;
- }
- elseif($my_mant < 3 )
- {
- $my_mant = 3;
- $my_steps = 6;
- }
- elseif($my_mant < 5 )
- {
- $my_mant = 5;
- $my_steps = 5;
- }
- elseif($my_mant < 8 )
- {
- $my_mant = 8;
- $my_steps = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- $my_mant = 10;
- $my_steps = 5;
- }
- $maxY = $my_mant*pow(10,$my_exp);
- $minY = 0;
-// echo "MIN/MAX:",$minX," - ",$maxX," - ",$minY," - ",$maxY,"<Br>";
- if(isset($minX)&&($minX!=$maxX)&&($minY!=$maxY))
- {
- $result=DBselect("select clock,value from history where itemid=".$HTTP_GET_VARS["itemid"]." and clock>$from_time and clock<$to_time order by clock");
- for($i=0;$i<DBnum_rows($result)-1;$i++)
- {
- $x=DBget_field($result,$i,0);
- $x_next=DBget_field($result,$i+1,0);
- $y=DBget_field($result,$i,1);
- $y_next=DBget_field($result,$i+1,1);
- $x1=$sizeX*($x-$minX)/($maxX-$minX);
- $y1=$sizeY*($y-$minY)/($maxY-$minY);
- $x2=$sizeX*($x_next-$minX)/($maxX-$minX);
- $y2=$sizeY*($y_next-$minY)/($maxY-$minY);
- $y1=$sizeY-$y1;
- $y2=$sizeY-$y2;
- ImageLine($im,$x1+$shiftX,$y1+$shiftY,$x2+$shiftX,$y2+$shiftY,$darkgreen);
-// ImageSetPixel($im,$x2+$shiftX,$y2+$shiftY-1,$darkred);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(isset($minX))
- {
- ImageLine($im,$shiftX,$shiftY+$sizeY/2,$sizeX+$shiftX,$shiftY+$sizeY/2,$darkgreen);
- }
- }
- $startTime=$minX;
- if (($maxX-$minX) < 300)
- $precTime=10;
- elseif (($maxX-$minX) < 3600 )
- $precTime=60;
- else
- $precTime=300;
- if (($maxX-$minX) < 1200 )
- $dateForm="H:i:s";
- else
- $dateForm="H:i:s";
- $correctTime=$startTime % $precTime;
- $stepTime=ceil(ceil(($maxX-$minX)/20)/$precTime)*(1.0*$precTime);
- for($i=1;$i<$my_steps;$i++)
- {
- ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX,$i/$my_steps*$sizeY+$shiftY,$sizeX+$shiftX,$i/$my_steps*$sizeY+$shiftY,$gray);
- }
- for($j=$stepTime-$correctTime;$j<=($maxX-$minX);$j+=$stepTime)
- {
- ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX+($sizeX*$j)/($maxX-$minX),$shiftY,$shiftX+($sizeX*$j)/($maxX-$minX),$sizeY+$shiftY,$gray);
- }
- if($nodata == 0)
- {
-// for($i=0;$i<=$sizeY;$i+=$sizeY/5)
-// {
-// ImageString($im, 1, $sizeX+5+$shiftX, $sizeY-$i-4+$shiftY, $i*($maxY-$minY)/$sizeY+$minY , $darkred);
-// }
-// for($i=0;$i<=$sizeX;$i+=$sizeX/24)
-// {
-// ImageStringUp($im,0,$i+$shiftX-3,$shiftY+$sizeY+50,date("H:i:s",$i*($maxX-$minX)/$sizeX+$minX),$black);
-// }
- for($i=0;$i<=$my_steps;$i++)
- {
- ImageString($im, 1, $sizeX+5+$shiftX, $i/$my_steps*$sizeY+$shiftY-4, $maxY-$i/$my_steps*($maxY-$minY) , $darkred);
- }
- for($j=$stepTime-$correctTime;$j<=($maxX-$minX);$j+=$stepTime)
- {
- ImageStringUp($im,0,$shiftX+($sizeX*$j)/($maxX-$minX),$shiftY+$sizeY+53,date($dateForm,$startTime+$j),$black);
- }
-// ImageString($im, 1,10, $sizeY+$shiftY+3, date("dS of F Y",$minX) , $darkred);
-// ImageString($im, 1,$sizeX+$shiftX-90,$sizeY+$shiftY+3, date("dS of F Y",$maxX) , $darkred);
- ImageString($im, 1,10, $sizeY+$shiftY+5, date("dS of F Y H:i:s",$minX) , $darkred);
- ImageString($im, 1,$sizeX+$shiftX-148,$sizeY+$shiftY+5, date("dS of F Y H:i:s",$maxX) , $darkred);
- }
- else
- {
- ImageString($im, 2,$sizeX/2-50, $sizeY+$shiftY+3, "NO DATA FOUND FOR THIS PERIOD" , $darkred);
- }
+// echo $true," ",$false;
- ImageStringUp($im,0,imagesx($im)-10,imagesy($im)-50, "", $gray);
+ ImageFilledRectangle($im,$sizeX-$sizeX*$true/100-1,1,$sizeX-1,$sizeY-1,$darkred);
+ ImageLine($im,$sizeX*$service["goodsla"]/100,1,$sizeX*$service["goodsla"]/100,$sizeY-1,$yellow);
+ $s=sprintf("%2.2f%%",$false);
+ ImageString($im, 2,1,1, $s , $white);
+ $s=sprintf("%2.2f%%", $true);
+ ImageString($im, 2,$sizeX-45,1, $s , $white);