path: root/frontends/php/chart4.php
diff options
authorhugetoad <hugetoad@97f52cf1-0a1b-0410-bd0e-c28be96e8082>2002-07-31 17:26:36 +0000
committerhugetoad <hugetoad@97f52cf1-0a1b-0410-bd0e-c28be96e8082>2002-07-31 17:26:36 +0000
commit89d810024288866e72586c1774dec254db9aa884 (patch)
treea637245a8a326baf888919dbd52e7f279327d731 /frontends/php/chart4.php
parenta92a8524d8ed82855ea113e50e6894684e87ae9d (diff)
- changed grid size for all graphs (Alexei)
- added frontends/php/chart4.php (Alexei) - added frontends/php/compare.php (Alexei) - redesigned all graphs (changed colors, etc) (Alexei) git-svn-id: svn:// 97f52cf1-0a1b-0410-bd0e-c28be96e8082
Diffstat (limited to 'frontends/php/chart4.php')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontends/php/chart4.php b/frontends/php/chart4.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e4fba33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontends/php/chart4.php
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ include "include/";
+# itemid
+# type
+# trendavg
+ if(!isset($type))
+ {
+ $type="week";
+ }
+ if($type == "month")
+ {
+ $period=24*30*2400;
+ }
+ else if($type == "week")
+ {
+ $period=7*24*3600;
+ }
+ else if($type == "year")
+ {
+ $period=12*30*24*3600;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $type="week";
+ $period=7*24*3600;
+ }
+ $sizeX=900;
+ $sizeY=200;
+ $shiftX=12;
+ $shiftY=15;
+ $nodata=1;
+// Header( "Content-type: text/html");
+ Header( "Content-type: image/png");
+ Header( "Expires: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:51:50 GMT");
+ $im = imagecreate($sizeX+$shiftX+61,$sizeY+2*$shiftY+10);
+ $red=ImageColorAllocate($im,255,0,0);
+ $darkred=ImageColorAllocate($im,150,0,0);
+ $green=ImageColorAllocate($im,0,255,0);
+ $darkgreen=ImageColorAllocate($im,0,150,0);
+ $blue=ImageColorAllocate($im,0,0,255);
+ $darkblue=ImageColorAllocate($im,0,0,150);
+ $yellow=ImageColorAllocate($im,255,255,0);
+ $darkyellow=ImageColorAllocate($im,150,150,0);
+ $cyan=ImageColorAllocate($im,0,255,255);
+ $black=ImageColorAllocate($im,0,0,0);
+ $gray=ImageColorAllocate($im,150,150,150);
+ $white=ImageColorAllocate($im,255,255,255);
+ $x=imagesx($im);
+ $y=imagesy($im);
+ ImageFilledRectangle($im,0,0,$sizeX+$shiftX+61,$sizeY+2*$shiftY+10,$white);
+ ImageRectangle($im,0,0,$x-1,$y-1,$black);
+ $now = time(NULL);
+ $to_time=$now;
+ $from_time=$to_time-$period*24*3600;
+ $count=array();
+ $min=array();
+ $max=array();
+ $avg=array();
+// $result=DBselect("select clock,value from history where itemid=$itemid and clock>$from_time and clock<$to_time");
+ $result=DBselect("select round(900*((clock+3*3600)%(24*3600))/(24*3600)) as i,count(*) as count,avg(value) as avg,min(value) as min,max(value) as max from history where itemid=$itemid and clock>$from_time and clock<$to_time group by round(900*((clock+3*3600)%(24*3600))/(24*3600))");
+ while($row=DBfetch($result))
+ {
+ $i=$row["i"];
+ $max[$i]=$row["max"];
+ $min[$i]=$row["min"];
+ $avg[$i]=$row["avg"];
+ $count[$i]=$row["count"];
+ $nodata=0;
+// echo $i," ",$avg[$i],"<br>";
+ }
+ $count_now=array();
+ $avg_now=array();
+ $to_time=$now;
+ $from_time=$to_time-$period;
+// $result=DBselect("select clock,value from history where itemid=$itemid and clock>$from_time and clock<$to_time");
+ $result=DBselect("select round(900*((clock+3*3600)%(24*3600))/(24*3600)) as i,count(*) as count,avg(value) as avg,min(value) as min,max(value) as max from history where itemid=$itemid and clock>$from_time and clock<$to_time group by round(900*((clock+3*3600)%(24*3600))/(24*3600))");
+ while($row=DBfetch($result))
+ {
+ $i=$row["i"];
+ $avg_now[$i]=$row["avg"];
+ $count_now[$i]=$row["count"];
+ }
+ for($i=0;$i<=$sizeY;$i+=50)
+ {
+ ImageDashedLine($im,$shiftX,$i+$shiftY,$sizeX+$shiftX,$i+$shiftY,$gray);
+ }
+ for($i=0;$i<=$sizeX;$i+=50)
+ {
+ ImageDashedLine($im,$i+$shiftX,$shiftY,$i+$shiftX,$sizeY+$shiftY,$gray);
+ if($nodata == 0)
+ {
+ ImageString($im, 1,$i+$shiftX-11, $sizeY+$shiftY+5, date($label_format,-3*3600+24*3600*$i/900) , $black);
+ }
+ }
+ unset($maxY);
+ unset($minY);
+ if($nodata == 0)
+ {
+ if(isset($trendavg))
+ {
+ $maxY=max($avg);
+ $minY=min($avg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $maxY=max($max);
+ $minY=min($min);
+ }
+ }
+ $maxX=900;
+ $minX=0;
+ if(isset($minY)&&($maxY)&&($minX!=$maxX)&&($minY!=$maxY))
+ {
+ for($i=0;$i<900;$i++)
+ {
+ if($count[$i]>0)
+ {
+ if(!isset($trendavg))
+ {
+ $x1=$sizeX*($i-$minX)/($maxX-$minX);
+ $y1=$sizeY*($max[$i]-$minY)/($maxY-$minY);
+ $x2=$x1;
+ $y2=0;
+ $y1=$sizeY-$y1;
+ $y2=$sizeY-$y2;
+// ImageLine($im,$x1+$shiftX,$y1+$shiftY,$x2+$shiftX,$y2+$shiftY,$darkred);
+ }
+ $x1=$sizeX*($i-$minX)/($maxX-$minX);
+ $y1=$sizeY*($avg[$i]-$minY)/($maxY-$minY);
+ $x2=$x1;
+ $y2=0;
+ $y1=$sizeY-$y1;
+ $y2=$sizeY-$y2;
+ ImageLine($im,$x1+$shiftX,$y1+$shiftY,$x2+$shiftX,$y2+$shiftY,$darkgreen);
+ if(!isset($trendavg))
+ {
+ $x1=$sizeX*($i-$minX)/($maxX-$minX);
+ $y1=$sizeY*($min[$i]-$minY)/($maxY-$minY);
+ $x2=$x1;
+ $y2=0;
+ $y1=$sizeY-$y1;
+ $y2=$sizeY-$y2;
+// ImageLine($im,$x1+$shiftX,$y1+$shiftY,$x2+$shiftX,$y2+$shiftY,$darkgreen);
+ }
+ }
+ if(($count_now[$i]>0)&&($count_now[$i-1]>0))
+ {
+ if(!isset($trendavg)&&($i>0))
+ {
+ $x1=$sizeX*($i-$minX)/($maxX-$minX);
+ $y1=$sizeY*($avg_now[$i]-$minY)/($maxY-$minY);
+ $x2=$sizeX*($i-$minX-1)/($maxX-$minX);
+ $y2=$sizeY*($avg_now[$i-1]-$minY)/($maxY-$minY);
+// $x2=$x1;
+// $y2=0;
+ $y1=$sizeY-$y1;
+ $y2=$sizeY-$y2;
+ ImageLine($im,$x1+$shiftX,$y1+$shiftY,$x2+$shiftX,$y2+$shiftY,$darkred);
+ }
+ }
+# ImageStringUp($im, 1, $x1+10, $sizeY+$shiftY+15, $i , $red);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// ImageLine($im,$shiftX,$shiftY+$sizeY/2,$sizeX+$shiftX,$shiftY+$sizeY/2,$green);
+ }
+ if($nodata == 0)
+ {
+ for($i=0;$i<=$sizeY;$i+=50)
+ {
+ ImageString($im, 1, $sizeX+5+$shiftX, $sizeY-$i-4+$shiftY, $i*($maxY-$minY)/$sizeY+$minY , $darkred);
+ }
+// date("dS of F Y h:i:s A",DBget_field($result,0,0));
+// ImageString($im, 1,10, $sizeY+$shiftY+5, date("dS of F Y h:i:s A",$minX) , $red);
+// ImageString($im, 1,$sizeX+$shiftX-168,$sizeY+$shiftY+5, date("dS of F Y h:i:s A",$maxX) , $red);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ImageString($im, 2,$sizeX/2 -50, $sizeY+$shiftY+3, "NO DATA FOR THIS PERIOD" , $red);
+ }
+ ImageString($im, 1,$shiftX, $sizeY+$shiftY+15, "AVG (LAST $type)" , $darkgreen);
+ ImageString($im, 1,$shiftX+80, $sizeY+$shiftY+15, "AVG (TODAY)" , $darkred);
+ ImageStringUp($im,0,2*$shiftX+$sizeX+40,$sizeY+2*$shiftY, "", $gray);
+ ImagePng($im);
+ ImageDestroy($im);