path: root/BitTorrent/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BitTorrent/')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BitTorrent/ b/BitTorrent/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd8ca05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BitTorrent/
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the BitTorrent Open Source License
+# Version 1.1 (the License). You may not copy or use this file, in either
+# source code or executable form, except in compliance with the License. You
+# may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS basis,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+# License.
+# Written by Matt Chisholm and Uoti Urpala
+# This module is strictly for cross platform compatibility items and
+# should not import anything from other BitTorrent modules.
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import gettext
+import locale
+if == 'nt':
+ import _winreg
+ import win32api
+ from import shellcon, shell
+ import win32com.client
+ import ctypes
+elif == 'posix' and os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
+ has_pyobjc = False
+ try:
+ from Foundation import NSBundle
+ has_pyobjc = True
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+from BitTorrent import app_name, version
+from BitTorrent.language import locale_sucks
+if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ bttime = time.clock
+ bttime = time.time
+is_frozen_exe = ( == 'nt') and hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and (sys.frozen == 'windows_exe')
+os_name =
+os_version = None
+if os_name == 'nt':
+ class OSVERSIONINFOEX(ctypes.Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("dwOSVersionInfoSize", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("dwMajorVersion", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("dwMinorVersion", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("dwBuildNumber", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("dwPlatformId", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("szCSDVersion", ctypes.c_char * 128),
+ ("wServicePackMajor", ctypes.c_ushort),
+ ("wServicePackMinor", ctypes.c_ushort),
+ ("wSuiteMask", ctypes.c_ushort),
+ ("wProductType", ctypes.c_byte),
+ ("wReserved", ctypes.c_byte),
+ ]
+ o.dwOSVersionInfoSize = 156 # sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)
+ ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetVersionExA(ctypes.byref(o))
+ wh = {(1, 4, 0): "95",
+ (1, 4, 10): "98",
+ (1, 4, 90): "ME",
+ (2, 4, 0): "NT",
+ (2, 5, 0): "2000",
+ (2, 5, 1): "XP" ,
+ (2, 5, 2): "2003",
+ }
+ win_version_num = (o.dwPlatformId, o.dwMajorVersion, o.dwMinorVersion,
+ o.wServicePackMajor, o.wServicePackMinor, o.dwBuildNumber)
+ wk = (o.dwPlatformId, o.dwMajorVersion, o.dwMinorVersion)
+ if wh.has_key(wk):
+ os_version = wh[wk]
+ else:
+ os_version = wh[max(wh.keys())]
+ sys.stderr.write("Couldn't identify windows version: %s, "
+ "assuming '%s'\n" % (str(wk), os_version))
+ del wh, wk
+elif os_name == 'posix':
+ os_version = os.uname()[0]
+def calc_unix_dirs():
+ appdir = '%s-%s'%(app_name, version)
+ ip = os.path.join('share', 'pixmaps', appdir)
+ dp = os.path.join('share', 'doc' , appdir)
+ lp = os.path.join('share', 'locale')
+ return ip, dp, lp
+if is_frozen_exe:
+ app_root = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(win32api.GetModuleFileName(0)))[0]
+ app_root = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))[0]
+doc_root = app_root
+osx = False
+if == 'posix':
+ if os.uname()[0] == "Darwin":
+ doc_root = app_root = app_root.encode('utf8')
+ if has_pyobjc:
+ doc_root = NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath()
+ osx = True
+image_root = os.path.join(app_root, 'images')
+locale_root = os.path.join(app_root, 'locale')
+if not os.access(image_root, os.F_OK) or not os.access(locale_root, os.F_OK):
+ # we guess that probably we are installed on *nix in this case
+ # (I have no idea whether this is right or not -- matt)
+ if app_root[-4:] == '/bin':
+ # yep, installed on *nix
+ installed_prefix = app_root[:-4]
+ image_root, doc_root, locale_root = map(
+ lambda p: os.path.join(installed_prefix, p), calc_unix_dirs()
+ )
+# a cross-platform way to get user's config directory
+def get_config_dir():
+ shellvars = ['${APPDATA}', '${HOME}', '${USERPROFILE}']
+ dir_root = get_dir_root(shellvars)
+ if (dir_root is None) and ( == 'nt'):
+ app_dir = get_shell_dir(shellcon.CSIDL_APPDATA)
+ if app_dir is not None:
+ dir_root = app_dir
+ if dir_root is None and == 'nt':
+ tmp_dir_root = os.path.split(sys.executable)[0]
+ if os.access(tmp_dir_root, os.R_OK|os.W_OK):
+ dir_root = tmp_dir_root
+ return dir_root
+def get_cache_dir():
+ dir = None
+ if == 'nt':
+ dir = get_shell_dir(shellcon.CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE)
+ return dir
+def get_home_dir():
+ shellvars = ['${HOME}', '${USERPROFILE}']
+ dir_root = get_dir_root(shellvars)
+ if (dir_root is None) and ( == 'nt'):
+ dir = get_shell_dir(shellcon.CSIDL_PROFILE)
+ if dir is None:
+ # there's no clear best fallback here
+ # MS discourages you from writing directly in the home dir,
+ # and sometimes (i.e. win98) there isn't one
+ dir = get_shell_dir(shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY)
+ dir_root = dir
+ return dir_root
+def get_temp_dir():
+ shellvars = ['${TMP}', '${TEMP}']
+ dir_root = get_dir_root(shellvars, default_to_home=False)
+ #this method is preferred to the envvars
+ if == 'nt':
+ try_dir_root = win32api.GetTempPath()
+ if try_dir_root is not None:
+ dir_root = try_dir_root
+ if dir_root is None:
+ try_dir_root = None
+ if == 'nt':
+ # this should basically never happen. GetTempPath always returns something
+ try_dir_root = r'C:\WINDOWS\Temp'
+ elif == 'posix':
+ try_dir_root = '/tmp'
+ if (try_dir_root is not None and
+ os.path.isdir(try_dir_root) and
+ os.access(try_dir_root, os.R_OK|os.W_OK)):
+ dir_root = try_dir_root
+ return dir_root
+def get_dir_root(shellvars, default_to_home=True):
+ def check_sysvars(x):
+ y = os.path.expandvars(x)
+ if y != x and os.path.isdir(y):
+ return y
+ return None
+ dir_root = None
+ for d in shellvars:
+ dir_root = check_sysvars(d)
+ if dir_root is not None:
+ break
+ else:
+ if default_to_home:
+ dir_root = os.path.expanduser('~')
+ if dir_root == '~' or not os.path.isdir(dir_root):
+ dir_root = None
+ return dir_root
+# this function is the preferred way to get windows' paths
+def get_shell_dir(value):
+ dir = None
+ if == 'nt':
+ try:
+ dir = shell.SHGetFolderPath(0, value, 0, 0)
+ dir = dir.encode('mbcs')
+ except:
+ pass
+ return dir
+def get_startup_dir():
+ dir = None
+ if == 'nt':
+ dir = get_shell_dir(shellcon.CSIDL_STARTUP)
+ return dir
+def create_shortcut(source, dest, *args):
+ if == 'nt':
+ shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
+ shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(dest + ".lnk")
+ shortcut.Targetpath = source
+ shortcut.Arguments = ' '.join(args)
+ path, file = os.path.split(source)
+ shortcut.WorkingDirectory = path
+ else:
+ # some other os may not support this, but throwing an error is good since
+ # the function couldn't do what was requested
+ os.symlink(source, dest)
+ # linux also can't do args... maybe we should spit out a shell script?
+ assert not args;
+def remove_shortcut(dest):
+ if == 'nt':
+ dest += ".lnk"
+ os.unlink(dest)
+def path_wrap(path):
+ return path
+if == 'nt':
+ def path_wrap(path):
+ return path.decode('mbcs').encode('utf-8')
+def btspawn(torrentqueue, cmd, *args):
+ ext = ''
+ if is_frozen_exe:
+ ext = '.exe'
+ path = os.path.join(app_root, cmd+ext)
+ if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
+ if os.access(path+'.py', os.F_OK):
+ path = path+'.py'
+ args = [path] + list(args) # $0
+ spawn(torrentqueue, *args)
+def spawn(torrentqueue, *args):
+ if == 'nt':
+ # do proper argument quoting since exec/spawn on Windows doesn't
+ bargs = args
+ args = []
+ for a in bargs:
+ if not a.startswith("/"):
+ a.replace('"', '\"')
+ a = '"%s"' % a
+ args.append(a)
+ argstr = ' '.join(args[1:])
+ # use ShellExecute instead of spawn*() because we don't want
+ # handles (like the controlsocket) to be duplicated
+ win32api.ShellExecute(0, "open", args[0], argstr, None, 1) # 1 == SW_SHOW
+ else:
+ if os.access(args[0], os.X_OK):
+ forkback = os.fork()
+ if forkback == 0:
+ if torrentqueue is not None:
+ #BUG: should we do this?
+ #torrentqueue.set_done()
+ torrentqueue.wrapped.ipc.stop()
+ os.execl(args[0], *args)
+ else:
+ #BUG: what should we do here?
+ pass
+def _gettext_install(domain, localedir=None, languages=None, unicode=False):
+ # gettext on win32 does not use locale.getdefaultlocale() by default
+ # other os's will fall through and gettext.find() will do this task
+ if os_name == 'nt':
+ # this code is straight out of gettext.find()
+ if languages is None:
+ languages = []
+ for envar in ('LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG'):
+ val = os.environ.get(envar)
+ if val:
+ languages = val.split(':')
+ break
+ # this is the important addition - since win32 does not typically
+ # have any enironment variable set, append the default locale before 'C'
+ languages.append(locale.getdefaultlocale()[0])
+ if 'C' not in languages:
+ languages.append('C')
+ # this code is straight out of gettext.install
+ t = gettext.translation(domain, localedir, languages=languages, fallback=True)
+ t.install(unicode)
+def language_path():
+ config_dir = get_config_dir()
+ lang_file_name = os.path.join(config_dir, '.bittorrent', 'data', 'language')
+ return lang_file_name
+def read_language_file():
+ lang = None
+ if == 'nt':
+ # this pulls user-preference language from the installer location
+ try:
+ regko = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\BitTorrent")
+ lang_num = _winreg.QueryValueEx(regko, "Language")[0]
+ lang_num = int(lang_num)
+ lang = locale_sucks[lang_num]
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ lang_file_name = language_path()
+ if os.access(lang_file_name, os.F_OK|os.R_OK):
+ mode = 'r'
+ if sys.version_info >= (2, 3):
+ mode = 'U'
+ lang_file = open(lang_file_name, mode)
+ lang_line = lang_file.readline()
+ lang_file.close()
+ if lang_line:
+ lang = ''
+ for i in lang_line[:5]:
+ if not i.isalpha() and i != '_':
+ break
+ lang += i
+ if lang == '':
+ lang = None
+ return lang
+def write_language_file(lang):
+ if == 'nt':
+ regko = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\BitTorrent")
+ if lang == '':
+ _winreg.DeleteValue(regko, "Language")
+ else:
+ lcid = None
+ # I want two-way dicts
+ for id, code in locale_sucks.iteritems():
+ if code.lower() == lang.lower():
+ lcid = id
+ break
+ if not lcid:
+ raise KeyError(lang)
+ _winreg.SetValueEx(regko, "Language", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, str(lcid))
+ else:
+ lang_file_name = language_path()
+ lang_file = open(lang_file_name, 'w')
+ lang_file.write(lang)
+ lang_file.close()
+def install_translation():
+ languages = None
+ try:
+ lang = read_language_file()
+ if lang is not None:
+ languages = [lang, ]
+ except:
+ #pass
+ from traceback import print_exc
+ print_exc()
+ _gettext_install('bittorrent', locale_root, languages=languages)