path: root/src/rtpsources.h
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1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ This file is a part of JRTPLIB
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Jori Liesenborgs
+ Contact:
+ This library was developed at the "Expertisecentrum Digitale Media"
+ (, a research center of the Hasselt University
+ ( The library is based upon work done for
+ my thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology (Belgium/The Netherlands).
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * \file rtpsources.h
+ */
+#include "rtpconfig.h"
+#include "rtpkeyhashtable.h"
+#include "rtcpsdespacket.h"
+#include "rtptypes.h"
+#include "rtpmemoryobject.h"
+class RTPSources_GetHashIndex
+ static int GetIndex(const uint32_t &ssrc) { return ssrc%RTPSOURCES_HASHSIZE; }
+class RTPNTPTime;
+class RTPTransmitter;
+class RTCPAPPPacket;
+class RTPInternalSourceData;
+class RTPRawPacket;
+class RTPPacket;
+class RTPTime;
+class RTPAddress;
+class RTPSourceData;
+/** Represents a table in which information about the participating sources is kept.
+ * Represents a table in which information about the participating sources is kept. The class has member
+ * functions to process RTP and RTCP data and to iterate over the participants. Note that a NULL address
+ * is used to identify packets from our own session. The class also provides some overridable functions
+ * which can be used to catch certain events (new SSRC, SSRC collision, ...).
+ */
+class RTPSources : public RTPMemoryObject
+ /** Type of probation to use for new sources. */
+ enum ProbationType
+ {
+ NoProbation, /**< Don't use the probation algorithm; accept RTP packets immediately. */
+ ProbationDiscard, /**< Discard incoming RTP packets originating from a source that's on probation. */
+ ProbationStore /**< Store incoming RTP packet from a source that's on probation for later retrieval. */
+ };
+ /** In the constructor you can select the probation type you'd like to use and also a memory manager. */
+ RTPSources(ProbationType = ProbationStore,RTPMemoryManager *mgr = 0);
+ virtual ~RTPSources();
+ /** Clears the source table. */
+ void Clear();
+ /** Changes the current probation type. */
+ void SetProbationType(ProbationType probtype) { probationtype = probtype; }
+ /** Creates an entry for our own SSRC identifier. */
+ int CreateOwnSSRC(uint32_t ssrc);
+ /** Deletes the entry for our own SSRC identifier. */
+ int DeleteOwnSSRC();
+ /** This function should be called if our own session has sent an RTP packet.
+ * This function should be called if our own session has sent an RTP packet.
+ * For our own SSRC entry, the sender flag is updated based upon outgoing packets instead of incoming packets.
+ */
+ void SentRTPPacket();
+ /** Processes a raw packet \c rawpack.
+ * Processes a raw packet \c rawpack. The instance \c trans will be used to check if this
+ * packet is one of our own packets. The flag \c acceptownpackets indicates whether own packets should be
+ * accepted or ignored.
+ */
+ int ProcessRawPacket(RTPRawPacket *rawpack,RTPTransmitter *trans,bool acceptownpackets);
+ /** Processes a raw packet \c rawpack.
+ * Processes a raw packet \c rawpack. Every transmitter in the array \c trans of length \c numtrans
+ * is used to check if the packet is from our own session. The flag \c acceptownpackets indicates
+ * whether own packets should be accepted or ignored.
+ */
+ int ProcessRawPacket(RTPRawPacket *rawpack,RTPTransmitter *trans[],int numtrans,bool acceptownpackets);
+ /** Processes an RTPPacket instance \c rtppack which was received at time \c receivetime and
+ * which originated from \c senderaddres.
+ * Processes an RTPPacket instance \c rtppack which was received at time \c receivetime and
+ * which originated from \c senderaddres. The \c senderaddress parameter must be NULL if
+ * the packet was sent by the local participant. The flag \c stored indicates whether the packet
+ * was stored in the table or not. If so, the \c rtppack instance may not be deleted.
+ */
+ int ProcessRTPPacket(RTPPacket *rtppack,const RTPTime &receivetime,const RTPAddress *senderaddress,bool *stored);
+ /** Processes the RTCP compound packet \c rtcpcomppack which was received at time \c receivetime from \c senderaddress.
+ * Processes the RTCP compound packet \c rtcpcomppack which was received at time \c receivetime from \c senderaddress.
+ * The \c senderaddress parameter must be NULL if the packet was sent by the local participant.
+ */
+ int ProcessRTCPCompoundPacket(RTCPCompoundPacket *rtcpcomppack,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+ /** Process the sender information of SSRC \c ssrc into the source table.
+ * Process the sender information of SSRC \c ssrc into the source table. The information was received
+ * at time \c receivetime from address \c senderaddress. The \c senderaddress} parameter must be NULL
+ * if the packet was sent by the local participant.
+ */
+ int ProcessRTCPSenderInfo(uint32_t ssrc,const RTPNTPTime &ntptime,uint32_t rtptime,
+ uint32_t packetcount,uint32_t octetcount,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+ /** Processes the report block information which was sent by participant \c ssrc into the source table.
+ * Processes the report block information which was sent by participant \c ssrc into the source table.
+ * The information was received at time \c receivetime from address \c senderaddress The \c senderaddress
+ * parameter must be NULL if the packet was sent by the local participant.
+ */
+ int ProcessRTCPReportBlock(uint32_t ssrc,uint8_t fractionlost,int32_t lostpackets,
+ uint32_t exthighseqnr,uint32_t jitter,uint32_t lsr,
+ uint32_t dlsr,const RTPTime &receivetime,const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+ /** Processes the non-private SDES item from source \c ssrc into the source table.
+ * Processes the non-private SDES item from source \c ssrc into the source table. The information was
+ * received at time \c receivetime from address \c senderaddress. The \c senderaddress parameter must
+ * be NULL if the packet was sent by the local participant.
+ */
+ int ProcessSDESNormalItem(uint32_t ssrc,RTCPSDESPacket::ItemType t,size_t itemlength,
+ const void *itemdata,const RTPTime &receivetime,const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+ /** Processes the SDES private item from source \c ssrc into the source table.
+ * Processes the SDES private item from source \c ssrc into the source table. The information was
+ * received at time \c receivetime from address \c senderaddress. The \c senderaddress
+ * parameter must be NULL if the packet was sent by the local participant.
+ */
+ int ProcessSDESPrivateItem(uint32_t ssrc,size_t prefixlen,const void *prefixdata,
+ size_t valuelen,const void *valuedata,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+ /** Processes the BYE message for SSRC \c ssrc.
+ * Processes the BYE message for SSRC \c ssrc. The information was received at time \c receivetime from
+ * address \c senderaddress. The \c senderaddress parameter must be NULL if the packet was sent by the
+ * local participant.
+ */
+ int ProcessBYE(uint32_t ssrc,size_t reasonlength,const void *reasondata,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+ /** If we heard from source \c ssrc, but no actual data was added to the source table (for example, if
+ * no report block was meant for us), this function can e used to indicate that something was received from
+ * this source.
+ * If we heard from source \c ssrc, but no actual data was added to the source table (for example, if
+ * no report block was meant for us), this function can e used to indicate that something was received from
+ * this source. This will prevent a premature timeout for this participant. The message was received at time
+ * \c receivetime from address \c senderaddress. The \c senderaddress parameter must be NULL if the
+ * packet was sent by the local participant.
+ */
+ int UpdateReceiveTime(uint32_t ssrc,const RTPTime &receivetime,const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+ /** Starts the iteration over the participants by going to the first member in the table.
+ * Starts the iteration over the participants by going to the first member in the table.
+ * If a member was found, the function returns \c true, otherwise it returns \c false.
+ */
+ bool GotoFirstSource();
+ /** Sets the current source to be the next source in the table.
+ * Sets the current source to be the next source in the table. If we're already at the last source,
+ * the function returns \c false, otherwise it returns \c true.
+ */
+ bool GotoNextSource();
+ /** Sets the current source to be the previous source in the table.
+ * Sets the current source to be the previous source in the table. If we're at the first source,
+ * the function returns \c false, otherwise it returns \c true.
+ */
+ bool GotoPreviousSource();
+ /** Sets the current source to be the first source in the table which has RTPPacket instances
+ * that we haven't extracted yet.
+ * Sets the current source to be the first source in the table which has RTPPacket instances
+ * that we haven't extracted yet. If no such member was found, the function returns \c false,
+ * otherwise it returns \c true.
+ */
+ bool GotoFirstSourceWithData();
+ /** Sets the current source to be the next source in the table which has RTPPacket instances that
+ * we haven't extracted yet.
+ * Sets the current source to be the next source in the table which has RTPPacket instances that
+ * we haven't extracted yet. If no such member was found, the function returns \c false,
+ * otherwise it returns \c true.
+ */
+ bool GotoNextSourceWithData();
+ /** Sets the current source to be the previous source in the table which has RTPPacket instances
+ * that we haven't extracted yet.
+ * Sets the current source to be the previous source in the table which has RTPPacket instances
+ * that we haven't extracted yet. If no such member was found, the function returns \c false,
+ * otherwise it returns \c true.
+ */
+ bool GotoPreviousSourceWithData();
+ /** Returns the RTPSourceData instance for the currently selected participant. */
+ RTPSourceData *GetCurrentSourceInfo();
+ /** Returns the RTPSourceData instance for the participant identified by \c ssrc, or
+ * NULL if no such entry exists.
+ */
+ RTPSourceData *GetSourceInfo(uint32_t ssrc);
+ /** Extracts the next packet from the received packets queue of the current participant. */
+ RTPPacket *GetNextPacket();
+ /** Returns \c true if an entry for participant \c ssrc exists and \c false otherwise. */
+ bool GotEntry(uint32_t ssrc);
+ /** If present, it returns the RTPSourceData instance of the entry which was created by CreateOwnSSRC. */
+ RTPSourceData *GetOwnSourceInfo() { return (RTPSourceData *)owndata; }
+ /** Assuming that the current time is \c curtime, time out the members from whom we haven't heard
+ * during the previous time interval \c timeoutdelay.
+ */
+ void Timeout(const RTPTime &curtime,const RTPTime &timeoutdelay);
+ /** Assuming that the current time is \c curtime, remove the sender flag for senders from whom we haven't
+ * received any RTP packets during the previous time interval \c timeoutdelay.
+ */
+ void SenderTimeout(const RTPTime &curtime,const RTPTime &timeoutdelay);
+ /** Assuming that the current time is \c curtime, remove the members who sent a BYE packet more than
+ * the time interval \c timeoutdelay ago.
+ */
+ void BYETimeout(const RTPTime &curtime,const RTPTime &timeoutdelay);
+ /** Assuming that the current time is \c curtime, clear the SDES NOTE items which haven't been updated
+ * during the previous time interval \c timeoutdelay.
+ */
+ void NoteTimeout(const RTPTime &curtime,const RTPTime &timeoutdelay);
+ /** Combines the functions SenderTimeout, BYETimeout, Timeout and NoteTimeout.
+ * Combines the functions SenderTimeout, BYETimeout, Timeout and NoteTimeout. This is more efficient
+ * than calling all four functions since only one iteration is needed in this function.
+ */
+ void MultipleTimeouts(const RTPTime &curtime,const RTPTime &sendertimeout,
+ const RTPTime &byetimeout,const RTPTime &generaltimeout,
+ const RTPTime &notetimeout);
+ /** Returns the number of participants which are marked as a sender. */
+ int GetSenderCount() const { return sendercount; }
+ /** Returns the total number of entries in the source table. */
+ int GetTotalCount() const { return totalcount; }
+ /** Returns the number of members which have been validated and which haven't sent a BYE packet yet. */
+ int GetActiveMemberCount() const { return activecount; }
+#ifdef RTPDEBUG
+ void Dump();
+ void SafeCountTotal();
+ void SafeCountSenders();
+ void SafeCountActive();
+#endif // RTPDEBUG
+ /** Is called when an RTP packet is about to be processed. */
+ virtual void OnRTPPacket(RTPPacket *pack,const RTPTime &receivetime, const RTPAddress *senderaddress) { }
+ /** Is called when an RTCP compound packet is about to be processed. */
+ virtual void OnRTCPCompoundPacket(RTCPCompoundPacket *pack,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress) { }
+ /** Is called when an SSRC collision was detected.
+ * Is called when an SSRC collision was detected. The instance \c srcdat is the one present in
+ * the table, the address \c senderaddress is the one that collided with one of the addresses
+ * and \c isrtp indicates against which address of \c srcdat the check failed.
+ */
+ virtual void OnSSRCCollision(RTPSourceData *srcdat,const RTPAddress *senderaddress,bool isrtp) { }
+ /** Is called when another CNAME was received than the one already present for source \c srcdat. */
+ virtual void OnCNAMECollision(RTPSourceData *srcdat,const RTPAddress *senderaddress,
+ const uint8_t *cname,size_t cnamelength) { }
+ /** Is called when a new entry \c srcdat is added to the source table. */
+ virtual void OnNewSource(RTPSourceData *srcdat) { }
+ /** Is called when the entry \c srcdat is about to be deleted from the source table. */
+ virtual void OnRemoveSource(RTPSourceData *srcdat) { }
+ /** Is called when participant \c srcdat is timed out. */
+ virtual void OnTimeout(RTPSourceData *srcdat) { }
+ /** Is called when participant \c srcdat is timed after having sent a BYE packet. */
+ virtual void OnBYETimeout(RTPSourceData *srcdat) { }
+ /** Is called when a BYE packet has been processed for source \c srcdat. */
+ virtual void OnBYEPacket(RTPSourceData *srcdat) { }
+ /** Is called when an RTCP APP packet \c apppacket has been received at time \c receivetime
+ * from address \c senderaddress.
+ */
+ virtual void OnAPPPacket(RTCPAPPPacket *apppacket,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress) { }
+ /** Is called when an unknown RTCP packet type was detected. */
+ virtual void OnUnknownPacketType(RTCPPacket *rtcppack,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress) { }
+ /** Is called when an unknown packet format for a known packet type was detected. */
+ virtual void OnUnknownPacketFormat(RTCPPacket *rtcppack,const RTPTime &receivetime,
+ const RTPAddress *senderaddress) { }
+ /** Is called when the SDES NOTE item for source \c srcdat has been timed out. */
+ virtual void OnNoteTimeout(RTPSourceData *srcdat) { }
+ void ClearSourceList();
+ int ObtainSourceDataInstance(uint32_t ssrc,RTPInternalSourceData **srcdat,bool *created);
+ int GetRTCPSourceData(uint32_t ssrc,const RTPAddress *senderaddress,RTPInternalSourceData **srcdat,bool *newsource);
+ bool CheckCollision(RTPInternalSourceData *srcdat,const RTPAddress *senderaddress,bool isrtp);
+ RTPKeyHashTable<const uint32_t,RTPInternalSourceData*,RTPSources_GetHashIndex,RTPSOURCES_HASHSIZE> sourcelist;
+ int sendercount;
+ int totalcount;
+ int activecount;
+ ProbationType probationtype;
+ RTPInternalSourceData *owndata;
+#endif // RTPSOURCES_H