path: root/src/rtpsourcedata.h
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1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rtpsourcedata.h b/src/rtpsourcedata.h
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index 0000000..e2c925c
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+++ b/src/rtpsourcedata.h
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+ This file is a part of JRTPLIB
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Jori Liesenborgs
+ Contact:
+ This library was developed at the "Expertisecentrum Digitale Media"
+ (, a research center of the Hasselt University
+ ( The library is based upon work done for
+ my thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology (Belgium/The Netherlands).
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * \file rtpsourcedata.h
+ */
+#include "rtpconfig.h"
+#include "rtptimeutilities.h"
+#include "rtppacket.h"
+#include "rtcpsdesinfo.h"
+#include "rtptypes.h"
+#include "rtpsources.h"
+#include "rtpmemoryobject.h"
+#include <list>
+class RTPAddress;
+class RTCPSenderReportInfo
+ RTCPSenderReportInfo():ntptimestamp(0,0),receivetime(0,0) { hasinfo = false; rtptimestamp = 0; packetcount = 0; bytecount = 0; }
+ void Set(const RTPNTPTime &ntptime,uint32_t rtptime,uint32_t pcount,
+ uint32_t bcount,const RTPTime &rcvtime) { ntptimestamp = ntptime; rtptimestamp = rtptime; packetcount = pcount; bytecount = bcount; receivetime = rcvtime; hasinfo = true; }
+ bool HasInfo() const { return hasinfo; }
+ RTPNTPTime GetNTPTimestamp() const { return ntptimestamp; }
+ uint32_t GetRTPTimestamp() const { return rtptimestamp; }
+ uint32_t GetPacketCount() const { return packetcount; }
+ uint32_t GetByteCount() const { return bytecount; }
+ RTPTime GetReceiveTime() const { return receivetime; }
+ bool hasinfo;
+ RTPNTPTime ntptimestamp;
+ uint32_t rtptimestamp;
+ uint32_t packetcount;
+ uint32_t bytecount;
+ RTPTime receivetime;
+class RTCPReceiverReportInfo
+ RTCPReceiverReportInfo():receivetime(0,0) { hasinfo = false; fractionlost = 0; packetslost = 0; exthighseqnr = 0; jitter = 0; lsr = 0; dlsr = 0; }
+ void Set(uint8_t fraclost,int32_t plost,uint32_t exthigh,
+ uint32_t jit,uint32_t l,uint32_t dl,const RTPTime &rcvtime) { fractionlost = ((double)fraclost)/256.0; packetslost = plost; exthighseqnr = exthigh; jitter = jit; lsr = l; dlsr = dl; receivetime = rcvtime; hasinfo = true; }
+ bool HasInfo() const { return hasinfo; }
+ double GetFractionLost() const { return fractionlost; }
+ int32_t GetPacketsLost() const { return packetslost; }
+ uint32_t GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber() const { return exthighseqnr; }
+ uint32_t GetJitter() const { return jitter; }
+ uint32_t GetLastSRTimestamp() const { return lsr; }
+ uint32_t GetDelaySinceLastSR() const { return dlsr; }
+ RTPTime GetReceiveTime() const { return receivetime; }
+ bool hasinfo;
+ double fractionlost;
+ int32_t packetslost;
+ uint32_t exthighseqnr;
+ uint32_t jitter;
+ uint32_t lsr;
+ uint32_t dlsr;
+ RTPTime receivetime;
+class RTPSourceStats
+ RTPSourceStats();
+ void ProcessPacket(RTPPacket *pack,const RTPTime &receivetime,double tsunit,bool ownpacket,bool *accept,bool applyprobation,bool *onprobation);
+ bool HasSentData() const { return sentdata; }
+ uint32_t GetNumPacketsReceived() const { return packetsreceived; }
+ uint32_t GetBaseSequenceNumber() const { return baseseqnr; }
+ uint32_t GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber() const { return exthighseqnr; }
+ uint32_t GetJitter() const { return jitter; }
+ int32_t GetNumPacketsReceivedInInterval() const { return numnewpackets; }
+ uint32_t GetSavedExtendedSequenceNumber() const { return savedextseqnr; }
+ void StartNewInterval() { numnewpackets = 0; savedextseqnr = exthighseqnr; }
+ void SetLastMessageTime(const RTPTime &t) { lastmsgtime = t; }
+ RTPTime GetLastMessageTime() const { return lastmsgtime; }
+ void SetLastRTPPacketTime(const RTPTime &t) { lastrtptime = t; }
+ RTPTime GetLastRTPPacketTime() const { return lastrtptime; }
+ void SetLastNoteTime(const RTPTime &t) { lastnotetime = t; }
+ RTPTime GetLastNoteTime() const { return lastnotetime; }
+ bool sentdata;
+ uint32_t packetsreceived;
+ uint32_t numcycles; // shifted left 16 bits
+ uint32_t baseseqnr;
+ uint32_t exthighseqnr,prevexthighseqnr;
+ uint32_t jitter,prevtimestamp;
+ double djitter;
+ RTPTime prevpacktime;
+ RTPTime lastmsgtime;
+ RTPTime lastrtptime;
+ RTPTime lastnotetime;
+ uint32_t numnewpackets;
+ uint32_t savedextseqnr;
+ uint16_t prevseqnr;
+ int probation;
+ RTPSources::ProbationType probationtype;
+inline RTPSourceStats::RTPSourceStats():prevpacktime(0,0),lastmsgtime(0,0),lastrtptime(0,0),lastnotetime(0,0)
+ sentdata = false;
+ packetsreceived = 0;
+ baseseqnr = 0;
+ exthighseqnr = 0;
+ prevexthighseqnr = 0;
+ jitter = 0;
+ numcycles = 0;
+ numnewpackets = 0;
+ prevtimestamp = 0;
+ djitter = 0;
+ savedextseqnr = 0;
+ probation = 0;
+ prevseqnr = 0;
+/** Describes an entry in the RTPSources source table. */
+class RTPSourceData : public RTPMemoryObject
+ RTPSourceData(uint32_t ssrc, RTPMemoryManager *mgr = 0);
+ virtual ~RTPSourceData();
+ /** Extracts the first packet of this participants RTP packet queue. */
+ RTPPacket *GetNextPacket();
+ /** Clears the participant's RTP packet list. */
+ void FlushPackets();
+ /** Returns \c true if there are RTP packets which can be extracted. */
+ bool HasData() const { if (!validated) return false; return packetlist.empty()?false:true; }
+ /** Returns the SSRC identifier for this member. */
+ uint32_t GetSSRC() const { return ssrc; }
+ /** Returns \c true if the participant was added using the RTPSources member function CreateOwnSSRC and
+ * returns \c false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool IsOwnSSRC() const { return ownssrc; }
+ /** Returns \c true if the source identifier is actually a CSRC from an RTP packet. */
+ bool IsCSRC() const { return iscsrc; }
+ /** Returns \c true if this member is marked as a sender and \c false if not. */
+ bool IsSender() const { return issender; }
+ /** Returns \c true if the participant is validated, which is the case if a number of
+ * consecutive RTP packets have been received or if a CNAME item has been received for
+ * this participant.
+ */
+ bool IsValidated() const { return validated; }
+ /** Returns \c true if the source was validated and had not yet sent a BYE packet. */
+ bool IsActive() const { if (!validated) return false; if (receivedbye) return false; return true; }
+ /** This function is used by the RTCPPacketBuilder class to mark whether this participant's
+ * information has been processed in a report block or not.
+ */
+ void SetProcessedInRTCP(bool v) { processedinrtcp = v; }
+ /** This function is used by the RTCPPacketBuilder class and returns whether this participant
+ * has been processed in a report block or not.
+ */
+ bool IsProcessedInRTCP() const { return processedinrtcp; }
+ /** Returns \c true if the address from which this participant's RTP packets originate has
+ * already been set.
+ */
+ bool IsRTPAddressSet() const { return isrtpaddrset; }
+ /** Returns \c true if the address from which this participant's RTCP packets originate has
+ * already been set.
+ */
+ bool IsRTCPAddressSet() const { return isrtcpaddrset; }
+ /** Returns the address from which this participant's RTP packets originate.
+ * Returns the address from which this participant's RTP packets originate. If the address has
+ * been set and the returned value is NULL, this indicates that it originated from the local
+ * participant.
+ */
+ const RTPAddress *GetRTPDataAddress() const { return rtpaddr; }
+ /** Returns the address from which this participant's RTCP packets originate.
+ * Returns the address from which this participant's RTCP packets originate. If the address has
+ * been set and the returned value is NULL, this indicates that it originated from the local
+ * participant.
+ */
+ const RTPAddress *GetRTCPDataAddress() const { return rtcpaddr; }
+ /** Returns \c true if we received a BYE message for this participant and \c false otherwise. */
+ bool ReceivedBYE() const { return receivedbye; }
+ /** Returns the reason for leaving contained in the BYE packet of this participant.
+ * Returns the reason for leaving contained in the BYE packet of this participant. The length of
+ * the reason is stored in \c len.
+ */
+ uint8_t *GetBYEReason(size_t *len) const { *len = byereasonlen; return byereason; }
+ /** Returns the time at which the BYE packet was received. */
+ RTPTime GetBYETime() const { return byetime; }
+ /** Sets the value for the timestamp unit to be used in jitter calculations for data received from this participant.
+ * Sets the value for the timestamp unit to be used in jitter calculations for data received from this participant.
+ * If not set, the library uses an approximation for the timestamp unit which is calculated from two consecutive
+ * RTCP sender reports. The timestamp unit is defined as a time interval divided by the corresponding timestamp
+ * interval. For 8000 Hz audio this would be 1/8000. For video, often a timestamp unit of 1/90000 is used.
+ */
+ void SetTimestampUnit(double tsu) { timestampunit = tsu; }
+ /** Returns the timestamp unit used for this participant. */
+ double GetTimestampUnit() const { return timestampunit; }
+ /** Returns \c true if an RTCP sender report has been received from this participant. */
+ bool SR_HasInfo() const { return SRinf.HasInfo(); }
+ /** Returns the NTP timestamp contained in the last sender report. */
+ RTPNTPTime SR_GetNTPTimestamp() const { return SRinf.GetNTPTimestamp(); }
+ /** Returns the RTP timestamp contained in the last sender report. */
+ uint32_t SR_GetRTPTimestamp() const { return SRinf.GetRTPTimestamp(); }
+ /** Returns the packet count contained in the last sender report. */
+ uint32_t SR_GetPacketCount() const { return SRinf.GetPacketCount(); }
+ /** Returns the octet count contained in the last sender report. */
+ uint32_t SR_GetByteCount() const { return SRinf.GetByteCount(); }
+ /** Returns the time at which the last sender report was received. */
+ RTPTime SR_GetReceiveTime() const { return SRinf.GetReceiveTime(); }
+ /** Returns \c true if more than one RTCP sender report has been received. */
+ bool SR_Prev_HasInfo() const { return SRprevinf.HasInfo(); }
+ /** Returns the NTP timestamp contained in the second to last sender report. */
+ RTPNTPTime SR_Prev_GetNTPTimestamp() const { return SRprevinf.GetNTPTimestamp(); }
+ /** Returns the RTP timestamp contained in the second to last sender report. */
+ uint32_t SR_Prev_GetRTPTimestamp() const { return SRprevinf.GetRTPTimestamp(); }
+ /** Returns the packet count contained in the second to last sender report. */
+ uint32_t SR_Prev_GetPacketCount() const { return SRprevinf.GetPacketCount(); }
+ /** Returns the octet count contained in the second to last sender report. */
+ uint32_t SR_Prev_GetByteCount() const { return SRprevinf.GetByteCount(); }
+ /** Returns the time at which the second to last sender report was received. */
+ RTPTime SR_Prev_GetReceiveTime() const { return SRprevinf.GetReceiveTime(); }
+ /** Returns \c true if this participant sent a receiver report with information about the reception of our data. */
+ bool RR_HasInfo() const { return RRinf.HasInfo(); }
+ /** Returns the fraction lost value from the last report. */
+ double RR_GetFractionLost() const { return RRinf.GetFractionLost(); }
+ /** Returns the number of lost packets contained in the last report. */
+ int32_t RR_GetPacketsLost() const { return RRinf.GetPacketsLost(); }
+ /** Returns the extended highest sequence number contained in the last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber() const { return RRinf.GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber(); }
+ /** Returns the jitter value from the last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_GetJitter() const { return RRinf.GetJitter(); }
+ /** Returns the LSR value from the last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_GetLastSRTimestamp() const { return RRinf.GetLastSRTimestamp(); }
+ /** Returns the DLSR value from the last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_GetDelaySinceLastSR() const { return RRinf.GetDelaySinceLastSR(); }
+ /** Returns the time at which the last report was received. */
+ RTPTime RR_GetReceiveTime() const { return RRinf.GetReceiveTime(); }
+ /** Returns \c true if this participant sent more than one receiver report with information
+ * about the reception of our data.
+ */
+ bool RR_Prev_HasInfo() const { return RRprevinf.HasInfo(); }
+ /** Returns the fraction lost value from the second to last report. */
+ double RR_Prev_GetFractionLost() const { return RRprevinf.GetFractionLost(); }
+ /** Returns the number of lost packets contained in the second to last report. */
+ int32_t RR_Prev_GetPacketsLost() const { return RRprevinf.GetPacketsLost(); }
+ /** Returns the extended highest sequence number contained in the second to last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_Prev_GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber() const { return RRprevinf.GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber(); }
+ /** Returns the jitter value from the second to last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_Prev_GetJitter() const { return RRprevinf.GetJitter(); }
+ /** Returns the LSR value from the second to last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_Prev_GetLastSRTimestamp() const { return RRprevinf.GetLastSRTimestamp(); }
+ /** Returns the DLSR value from the second to last report. */
+ uint32_t RR_Prev_GetDelaySinceLastSR() const { return RRprevinf.GetDelaySinceLastSR(); }
+ /** Returns the time at which the second to last report was received. */
+ RTPTime RR_Prev_GetReceiveTime() const { return RRprevinf.GetReceiveTime(); }
+ /** Returns \c true if validated RTP packets have been received from this participant. */
+ bool INF_HasSentData() const { return stats.HasSentData(); }
+ /** Returns the total number of received packets from this participant. */
+ int32_t INF_GetNumPacketsReceived() const { return stats.GetNumPacketsReceived(); }
+ /** Returns the base sequence number of this participant. */
+ uint32_t INF_GetBaseSequenceNumber() const { return stats.GetBaseSequenceNumber(); }
+ /** Returns the extended highest sequence number received from this participant. */
+ uint32_t INF_GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber() const { return stats.GetExtendedHighestSequenceNumber(); }
+ /** Returns the current jitter value for this participant. */
+ uint32_t INF_GetJitter() const { return stats.GetJitter(); }
+ /** Returns the time at which something was last heard from this member. */
+ RTPTime INF_GetLastMessageTime() const { return stats.GetLastMessageTime(); }
+ /** Returns the time at which the last RTP packet was received. */
+ RTPTime INF_GetLastRTPPacketTime() const { return stats.GetLastRTPPacketTime(); }
+ /** Returns the estimated timestamp unit, calculated from two consecutive sender reports. */
+ double INF_GetEstimatedTimestampUnit() const;
+ /** Returns the number of packets received since a new interval was started with INF_StartNewInterval. */
+ uint32_t INF_GetNumPacketsReceivedInInterval() const { return stats.GetNumPacketsReceivedInInterval(); }
+ /** Returns the extended sequence number which was stored by the INF_StartNewInterval call. */
+ uint32_t INF_GetSavedExtendedSequenceNumber() const { return stats.GetSavedExtendedSequenceNumber(); }
+ /** Starts a new interval to count received packets in; this also stores the current extended highest sequence
+ * number to be able to calculate the packet loss during the interval.
+ */
+ void INF_StartNewInterval() { stats.StartNewInterval(); }
+ /** Estimates the round trip time by using the LSR and DLSR info from the last receiver report. */
+ RTPTime INF_GetRoundtripTime() const;
+ /** Returns the time at which the last SDES NOTE item was received. */
+ RTPTime INF_GetLastSDESNoteTime() const { return stats.GetLastNoteTime(); }
+ /** Returns a pointer to the SDES CNAME item of this participant and stores its length in \c len. */
+ uint8_t *SDES_GetCNAME(size_t *len) const { return SDESinf.GetCNAME(len); }
+ /** Returns a pointer to the SDES name item of this participant and stores its length in \c len. */
+ uint8_t *SDES_GetName(size_t *len) const { return SDESinf.GetName(len); }
+ /** Returns a pointer to the SDES e-mail item of this participant and stores its length in \c len. */
+ uint8_t *SDES_GetEMail(size_t *len) const { return SDESinf.GetEMail(len); }
+ /** Returns a pointer to the SDES phone item of this participant and stores its length in \c len. */
+ uint8_t *SDES_GetPhone(size_t *len) const { return SDESinf.GetPhone(len); }
+ /** Returns a pointer to the SDES location item of this participant and stores its length in \c len. */
+ uint8_t *SDES_GetLocation(size_t *len) const { return SDESinf.GetLocation(len); }
+ /** Returns a pointer to the SDES tool item of this participant and stores its length in \c len. */
+ uint8_t *SDES_GetTool(size_t *len) const { return SDESinf.GetTool(len); }
+ /** Returns a pointer to the SDES note item of this participant and stores its length in \c len. */
+ uint8_t *SDES_GetNote(size_t *len) const { return SDESinf.GetNote(len); }
+ /** Starts the iteration over the stored SDES private item prefixes and their associated values. */
+ void SDES_GotoFirstPrivateValue() { SDESinf.GotoFirstPrivateValue(); }
+ /** If available, returns \c true and stores the next SDES private item prefix in \c prefix and its length in
+ * \c prefixlen; the associated value and its length are then stored in \c value and \c valuelen.
+ */
+ bool SDES_GetNextPrivateValue(uint8_t **prefix,size_t *prefixlen,uint8_t **value,size_t *valuelen) { return SDESinf.GetNextPrivateValue(prefix,prefixlen,value,valuelen); }
+ /** Looks for the entry which corresponds to the SDES private item prefix \c prefix with length
+ * \c prefixlen; if found, the function returns \c true and stores the associated value and
+ * its length in \c value and \c valuelen respectively.
+ */
+ bool SDES_GetPrivateValue(uint8_t *prefix,size_t prefixlen,uint8_t **value,size_t *valuelen) const { return SDESinf.GetPrivateValue(prefix,prefixlen,value,valuelen); }
+#ifdef RTPDEBUG
+ virtual void Dump();
+#endif // RTPDEBUG
+ std::list<RTPPacket *> packetlist;
+ uint32_t ssrc;
+ bool ownssrc;
+ bool iscsrc;
+ double timestampunit;
+ bool receivedbye;
+ bool validated;
+ bool processedinrtcp;
+ bool issender;
+ RTCPSenderReportInfo SRinf,SRprevinf;
+ RTCPReceiverReportInfo RRinf,RRprevinf;
+ RTPSourceStats stats;
+ bool isrtpaddrset,isrtcpaddrset;
+ RTPAddress *rtpaddr,*rtcpaddr;
+ RTPTime byetime;
+ uint8_t *byereason;
+ size_t byereasonlen;
+inline RTPPacket *RTPSourceData::GetNextPacket()
+ if (!validated)
+ return 0;
+ RTPPacket *p;
+ if (packetlist.empty())
+ return 0;
+ p = *(packetlist.begin());
+ packetlist.pop_front();
+ return p;
+inline void RTPSourceData::FlushPackets()
+ std::list<RTPPacket *>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = packetlist.begin() ; it != packetlist.end() ; ++it)
+ RTPDelete(*it,GetMemoryManager());
+ packetlist.clear();