path: root/src/rtperrors.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rtperrors.cpp')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rtperrors.cpp b/src/rtperrors.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a16c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rtperrors.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ This file is a part of JRTPLIB
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Jori Liesenborgs
+ Contact:
+ This library was developed at the "Expertisecentrum Digitale Media"
+ (, a research center of the Hasselt University
+ ( The library is based upon work done for
+ my thesis at the School for Knowledge Technology (Belgium/The Netherlands).
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include "rtperrors.h"
+#include "rtpdefines.h"
+#include "rtpdebug.h"
+struct RTPErrorInfo
+ int code;
+ char *description;
+static RTPErrorInfo ErrorDescriptions[]=
+ { ERR_RTP_OUTOFMEM,"Out of memory" },
+ { ERR_RTP_NOTHREADSUPPORT, "No JThread support was compiled in"},
+ { ERR_RTP_COLLISIONLIST_BADADDRESS, "Passed invalid address (null) to collision list"},
+ { ERR_RTP_HASHTABLE_ELEMENTALREADYEXISTS, "Element already exists in hash table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_HASHTABLE_ELEMENTNOTFOUND, "Element not found in hash table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_HASHTABLE_FUNCTIONRETURNEDINVALIDHASHINDEX, "Function returned an illegal hash index"},
+ { ERR_RTP_HASHTABLE_NOCURRENTELEMENT, "No current element selected in hash table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_KEYHASHTABLE_FUNCTIONRETURNEDINVALIDHASHINDEX, "Function returned an illegal hash index"},
+ { ERR_RTP_KEYHASHTABLE_KEYALREADYEXISTS, "Key value already exists in key hash table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_KEYHASHTABLE_KEYNOTFOUND, "Key value not found in key hash table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_KEYHASHTABLE_NOCURRENTELEMENT, "No current element selected in key hash table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_ALREADYINIT, "RTP packet builder is already initialized"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_CSRCALREADYINLIST, "The specified CSRC is already in the RTP packet builder's CSRC list"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_CSRCLISTFULL, "The RTP packet builder's CSRC list already contains 15 entries"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_CSRCNOTINLIST, "The specified CSRC was not found in the RTP packet builder's CSRC list"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_DEFAULTMARKNOTSET, "The RTP packet builder's default mark flag is not set"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_DEFAULTPAYLOADTYPENOTSET, "The RTP packet builder's default payload type is not set"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_DEFAULTTSINCNOTSET, "The RTP packet builder's default timestamp increment is not set"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_INVALIDMAXPACKETSIZE, "The specified maximum packet size for the RTP packet builder is invalid"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKBUILD_NOTINIT, "The RTP packet builder is not initialized"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKET_BADPAYLOADTYPE, "Invalid payload type"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKET_DATAEXCEEDSMAXSIZE, "Tried to create an RTP packet which whould exceed the specified maximum packet size"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKET_EXTERNALBUFFERNULL, "Illegal value (null) passed as external buffer for the RTP packet"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKET_ILLEGALBUFFERSIZE, "Illegal buffer size specified for the RTP packet"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKET_INVALIDPACKET, "Invalid RTP packet format"},
+ { ERR_RTP_PACKET_TOOMANYCSRCS, "More than 15 CSRCs specified for the RTP packet"},
+ { ERR_RTP_POLLTHREAD_ALREADYRUNNING, "Poll thread is already running"},
+ { ERR_RTP_POLLTHREAD_CANTINITMUTEX, "Can't initialize a mutex for the poll thread"},
+ { ERR_RTP_POLLTHREAD_CANTSTARTTHREAD, "Can't start the poll thread"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPOUND_INVALIDPACKET, "Invalid RTCP compound packet format"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_ALREADYBUILDING, "Already building this RTCP compound packet"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_ALREADYBUILT, "This RTCP compound packet is already built"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_ALREADYGOTREPORT, "There's already a SR or RR in this RTCP compound packet"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_APPDATALENTOOBIG, "The specified APP data length for the RTCP compound packet is too big"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_BUFFERSIZETOOSMALL, "The specified buffer size for the RTCP comound packet is too small"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_ILLEGALAPPDATALENGTH, "The APP data length must be a multiple of four"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_ILLEGALSUBTYPE, "The APP packet subtype must be smaller than 32"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_INVALIDITEMTYPE, "Invalid SDES item type specified for the RTCP compound packet"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_MAXPACKETSIZETOOSMALL, "The specified maximum packet size for the RTCP compound packet is too small"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_NOCURRENTSOURCE, "Tried to add an SDES item to the RTCP compound packet when no SSRC was present"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_NOREPORTPRESENT, "An RTCP compound packet must contain a SR or RR"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_NOTBUILDING, "The RTCP compound packet builder is not initialized"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_NOTENOUGHBYTESLEFT, "Adding this data would exceed the specified maximum RTCP compound packet size"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_REPORTNOTSTARTED, "Tried to add a report block to the RTCP compound packet when no SR or RR was started"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_TOOMANYSSRCS, "Only 31 SSRCs will fit into a BYE packet for the RTCP compound packet"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPCOMPPACKBUILDER_TOTALITEMLENGTHTOOBIG, "The total data for the SDES PRIV item exceeds the maximum size (255 bytes) of an SDES item"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPPACKETBUILDER_ALREADYINIT, "The RTCP packet builder is already initialized"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPPACKETBUILDER_ILLEGALMAXPACKSIZE, "The specified maximum packet size for the RTCP packet builder is too small"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPPACKETBUILDER_ILLEGALTIMESTAMPUNIT, "Speficied an illegal timestamp unit for the the RTCP packet builder"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPPACKETBUILDER_NOTINIT, "The RTCP packet builder was not initialized"},
+ { ERR_RTP_RTCPPACKETBUILDER_PACKETFILLEDTOOSOON, "The RTCP compound packet filled sooner than expected"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SCHEDPARAMS_BADFRACTION, "Illegal sender bandwidth fraction specified"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SCHEDPARAMS_BADMINIMUMINTERVAL, "The minimum RTCP interval specified for the scheduler is too small"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SCHEDPARAMS_INVALIDBANDWIDTH, "Invalid RTCP bandwidth specified for the RTCP scheduler"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SDES_LENGTHTOOBIG, "Specified size for the SDES item exceeds 255 bytes"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SDES_PREFIXNOTFOUND, "The specified SDES PRIV prefix was not found"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_ALREADYCREATED, "The session is already created"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_CANTGETLOGINNAME, "Can't retrieve login name"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_CANTINITMUTEX, "A mutex for the RTP session couldn't be initialized"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_MAXPACKETSIZETOOSMALL, "The maximum packet size specified for the RTP session is too small"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_NOTCREATED, "The RTP session was not created"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_UNSUPPORTEDTRANSMISSIONPROTOCOL, "The requested transmission protocol for the RTP session is not supported"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_USINGPOLLTHREAD, "This function is not available when using the RTP poll thread feature"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SESSION_USERDEFINEDTRANSMITTERNULL, "A user-defined transmitter was requested but the supplied transmitter component is NULL"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SOURCES_ALREADYHAVEOWNSSRC, "Only one source can be marked as own SSRC in the source table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SOURCES_DONTHAVEOWNSSRC, "No source was marked as own SSRC in the source table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SOURCES_ILLEGALSDESTYPE, "Illegal SDES type specified for processing into the source table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SOURCES_SSRCEXISTS, "Can't create own SSRC because this SSRC identifier is already in the source table"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_ALREADYCREATED, "The transmitter was already created"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_ALREADYINIT, "The transmitter was already initialize"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_ALREADYWAITING, "The transmitter is already waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTBINDRTCPSOCKET, "The 'bind' call for the RTCP socket failed"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTBINDRTPSOCKET, "The 'bind' call for the RTP socket failed"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTCALCULATELOCALIP, "The local IP addresses could not be determined"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTCREATEABORTDESCRIPTORS, "Couldn't create the sockets used to abort waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTCREATEPIPE, "Couldn't create the pipe used to abort waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTCREATESOCKET, "Couldn't create the RTP or RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTINITMUTEX, "Failed to initialize a mutex used by the transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTSETRTCPRECEIVEBUF, "Couldn't set the receive buffer size for the RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTSETRTCPTRANSMITBUF, "Couldn't set the transmission buffer size for the RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTSETRTPRECEIVEBUF, "Couldn't set the receive buffer size for the RTP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_CANTSETRTPTRANSMITBUF, "Couldn't set the transmission buffer size for the RTP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_COULDNTJOINMULTICASTGROUP, "Unable to join the specified multicast group"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_DIFFERENTRECEIVEMODE, "The function called doens't match the current receive mode"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_ERRORINSELECT, "Error in the transmitter's 'select' call"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_ILLEGALPARAMETERS, "Illegal parameters type passed to the transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_INVALIDADDRESSTYPE, "Specified address type isn't compatible with this transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_NOLOCALIPS, "Couldn't determine the local host name since the local IP list is empty"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_NOMULTICASTSUPPORT, "Multicast support is not available"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_NOSUCHENTRY, "Specified entry could not be found"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_NOTAMULTICASTADDRESS, "The specified address is not a multicast address"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_NOTCREATED, "The 'Create' call for this transmitter has not been called"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_NOTINIT, "The 'Init' call for this transmitter has not been called"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_NOTWAITING, "The transmitter is not waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_PORTBASENOTEVEN, "The specified port base is not an even number"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV4TRANS_SPECIFIEDSIZETOOBIG, "The maximum packet size is too big for this transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_ALREADYCREATED, "The transmitter was already created"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_ALREADYINIT, "The transmitter was already initialize"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_ALREADYWAITING, "The transmitter is already waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTBINDRTCPSOCKET, "The 'bind' call for the RTCP socket failed"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTBINDRTPSOCKET, "The 'bind' call for the RTP socket failed"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTCALCULATELOCALIP, "The local IP addresses could not be determined"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTCREATEABORTDESCRIPTORS, "Couldn't create the sockets used to abort waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTCREATEPIPE, "Couldn't create the pipe used to abort waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTCREATESOCKET, "Couldn't create the RTP or RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTINITMUTEX, "Failed to initialize a mutex used by the transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTSETRTCPRECEIVEBUF, "Couldn't set the receive buffer size for the RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTSETRTCPTRANSMITBUF, "Couldn't set the transmission buffer size for the RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTSETRTPRECEIVEBUF, "Couldn't set the receive buffer size for the RTP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_CANTSETRTPTRANSMITBUF, "Couldn't set the transmission buffer size for the RTP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_COULDNTJOINMULTICASTGROUP, "Unable to join the specified multicast group"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_DIFFERENTRECEIVEMODE, "The function called doens't match the current receive mode"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_ERRORINSELECT, "Error in the transmitter's 'select' call"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_ILLEGALPARAMETERS, "Illegal parameters type passed to the transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_INVALIDADDRESSTYPE, "Specified address type isn't compatible with this transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_NOLOCALIPS, "Couldn't determine the local host name since the local IP list is empty"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_NOMULTICASTSUPPORT, "Multicast support is not available"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_NOSUCHENTRY, "Specified entry could not be found"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_NOTAMULTICASTADDRESS, "The specified address is not a multicast address"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_NOTCREATED, "The 'Create' call for this transmitter has not been called"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_NOTINIT, "The 'Init' call for this transmitter has not been called"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_NOTWAITING, "The transmitter is not waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_PORTBASENOTEVEN, "The specified port base is not an even number"},
+ { ERR_RTP_UDPV6TRANS_SPECIFIEDSIZETOOBIG, "The maximum packet size is too big for this transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_TRANS_BUFFERLENGTHTOOSMALL,"The hostname is larger than the specified buffer size"},
+ { ERR_RTP_SDES_MAXPRIVITEMS,"The maximum number of SDES private item prefixes was reached"},
+ { ERR_RTP_INTERNALSOURCEDATA_INVALIDPROBATIONTYPE,"An invalid probation type was specified"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_ALREADYCREATED, "The transmitter was already created"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_ALREADYINIT, "The transmitter was already initialize"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_ALREADYWAITING, "The transmitter is already waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTBINDRTCPSOCKET, "The 'bind' call for the RTCP socket failed"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTBINDRTPSOCKET, "The 'bind' call for the RTP socket failed"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTCALCULATELOCALIP, "The local IP addresses could not be determined"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTCREATEABORTDESCRIPTORS, "Couldn't create the sockets used to abort waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTCREATEPIPE, "Couldn't create the pipe used to abort waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTCREATESOCKET, "Couldn't create the RTP or RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTINITMUTEX, "Failed to initialize a mutex used by the transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTSETRTCPRECEIVEBUF, "Couldn't set the receive buffer size for the RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTSETRTCPTRANSMITBUF, "Couldn't set the transmission buffer size for the RTCP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTSETRTPRECEIVEBUF, "Couldn't set the receive buffer size for the RTP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_CANTSETRTPTRANSMITBUF, "Couldn't set the transmission buffer size for the RTP socket"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_COULDNTJOINMULTICASTGROUP, "Unable to join the specified multicast group"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_DIFFERENTRECEIVEMODE, "The function called doens't match the current receive mode"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_ERRORINSELECT, "Error in the transmitter's 'select' call"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_ILLEGALPARAMETERS, "Illegal parameters type passed to the transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_INVALIDADDRESSTYPE, "Specified address type isn't compatible with this transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOLOCALIPS, "Couldn't determine the local host name since the local IP list is empty"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOMULTICASTSUPPORT, "Multicast support is not available"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOSUCHENTRY, "Specified entry could not be found"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOTAMULTICASTADDRESS, "The specified address is not a multicast address"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOTCREATED, "The 'Create' call for this transmitter has not been called"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOTINIT, "The 'Init' call for this transmitter has not been called"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOTWAITING, "The transmitter is not waiting for incoming data"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_PORTBASENOTEVEN, "The specified port base is not an even number"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_SPECIFIEDSIZETOOBIG, "The maximum packet size is too big for this transmitter"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_INVALIDEVENT, "Expecting UNKNOWN_EVENT to set source address but got another type of event"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_SRCADDRNOTSET, "Got packet but src address information was not set, returning"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_NOTNETBUFFER, "Received buffer is not a GstNetBuffer"},
+ { ERR_RTP_FAKETRANS_WAITNOTIMPLEMENTED, "The WaitForIncomingData is not implemented in the Gst transmitter"},
+ { 0,0 }
+std::string RTPGetErrorString(int errcode)
+ int i;
+ if (errcode >= 0)
+ return std::string("No error");
+ i = 0;
+ while (ErrorDescriptions[i].code != 0)
+ {
+ if (ErrorDescriptions[i].code == errcode)
+ return std::string(ErrorDescriptions[i].description);
+ i++;
+ }
+ char str[16];
+ RTP_SNPRINTF(str,16,"(%d)",errcode);
+ return std::string("Unknown error code") + std::string(str);